National Park Service
Navajo National Monument Betatakin


Letter of Transmittal


Routes to the Navaho National Monument

Route from Flagstaff to Marsh pass

Major antiquities

Ruin A
Cliff-house B
Swallows Nest
Kitsiel (Keet Seel)
Scaffold House
Cradle House
Ladder House
Forest-glen House
Pine-tree House
Trickling-spring House
Characteristic features of ruins

Minor antiquities

Cliff-dwellers cradle
Miscellaneous objects

Summary and conclusions




1. Kitsiel
2. Inscription House
3a, 3b. Wukoki ruin at Black Falls
4a, 4b. Ruin A, southwest of Marsh pass
5. Ruin B, at Marsh pass
6. View into Laguna canyon from Marsh pass
7. Swallows Nest
8. Betatakin—general view
9. Betatakin—western end
10. Ground plan of Betatakin
11. Betatakin—central part
12. Pictographs at Betatakin
13. Ground plan of Kitsiel (Keet Seel) ruin
14. Diagrams showing kiva roof construction
15. Pottery from Navaho National Monument
16a, 16b. Pottery from Navaho National Monument
17a, 17b, 17c. Pottery and stone implements from Navaho National Monument
18a, 18b. Pottery from Navaho National Monument
19. Cliff-dwellers cradle—front
20. Cliff-dwellers cradle—rear
21. Cliff-dwellers cradle—side
22. Sketch map of the Navaho National Monument


1. Scaffold of Scaffold House
2. Ground plan of Trickling-spring House
3. Design on cliff-dwellers cradle
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