National Parks Magazine

©National Parks Conservation Association
(All rights reserved)

Below is an archive of back issues. To view, simply click on the magazine cover. All issue covers for a given year can be viewed by clicking on the year banner.

 COVERS 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s 2020s
 CONTENTS 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s 2020s

The Cover. Rain Forest Department of Interior by George A. Grant
The National Parks in Wartime—Editorial William P. Wharton
Half A Century and the National Parks Newton B. Drury
Rain Forest
Act Now, Louisiana Devereux Butcher
The World's First Picture Galleries Ethel W. Musgrave
Guard the Forests
Excerpts From the Minutes of Our Annual Meeting
The Editor's Bookshelf
In Memory Of
Contributors to This Issue
News From the Conservation Battle Fronts
The Parks and Congress
National Parks Association
Why the National Parks Association

The Cover Ben Tarnutzer
Wildlife Dividend—Editorial
Big Bend National Park Soon a Reality Miner R. Tillotson
Living Gems of the Everglades Dr. Paul Bartsch
Soldier Takes A Hike Ralph H. Anderson
The Country Beyond—Pictorial
Picturing Wildlife in the National Parks William L. Finley
Emergency Forest Fire Control
Afield With the Association's Secretary
The Editor's Bookshelf
Contributors To This Issue
News From the Conservation Battlefronts
The Parks and Congress
National Parks Association
Why the National Parks Association
The Cover. Mount Rainier National Park Ranapar Studio
Our Rich and Landed Estate Edwin C. Hill
Army Paradise David C. Winslow
National Parks Magazine Goes To Army
Tropic Wilderness Alexander Sprunt, Jr.
Louisiana's Vanishing Forest Primeval
New England, Guard Your Wilderness
The Country Beyond—Part II—Pictorial
Riding the Yampa Frank M. Setzler
Contributors To This Issue
The Editor's Bookshelf
News From the Conservation Battlefronts
The National Parks Association
Why the National Parks Association

The Cover: Banner Peak, California Onas Ward
From a Former Park Ranger To His Superintendent—A Letter Beverly Blanks
Banner Rock Climb Ruth Dyar Mendenhall
Lest We Forget
New England Guards its Wilderness
The Capital's Little "Wilderness". Rock Creek Park Devereux Butcher
One More Threat—Grazing
Sitka Spruce and the War
Jackson Hole Now a National Monument
In Memory of Charles Riborg Mann
Through the Eyes of a Ranger Natt N. Dodge
National Parks Magazine and the Armed Forces
Association Poster Stamp
Contributors to This Issue
News From the Conservation Battlefronts
The Editor's Bookshelf
The Parks and Congress
Why the National Parks Association

The Cover: Lupins in Paradise Valley, Mt. Rainier Ranapar Studio
Editorial 3 Flowers For Cattle John R. White
Welcome to New Members
Going, Going, —, The Forest of the Porcupines Raymond Dick
Hawk Slaughter Charles Tracy
Midwesterners, Your Border Lakeland is at Stake Wallace G. Schwass
National Parks Magazine And The U. S. Army
Time is Running Out on the Everglades John H. Baker
Jackson Hole National Monument
A Letter From Boston
Contributors to This Issue
Our Annual Meeting
The Parks and Congress
National Parks Association, Board of Trustees
Why the National Parks Association

The Cover: Mt. Cannon and Lake Mcdonald. Glacier National Park Hileman
The Jackson Hole National Monument Olaus J. Murie
Michigan's Porcupine Mountains
Bird Life of the Everglades Hugo H. Schroder
The Country Beyond, Part III
When Winter Comes Frances Judge
National Parks Magazine and the U. S. Army
Wings Over the Wilderness Edwin A. Mason
The 1943 Forest Fire Season
Contributors to This Issue
The Editor's Bookshelf
News From the Conservation Battlefronts
The Parks and Congress
Association Issues News Service Release No. 50
National Parks Association, Board of Trustees
Why the National Parks Association
The Cover: Ski Troops Training, Mount Rainier National Park Signal Corps
Editorial—The Big Eighteen
The Everglades' Coral Fringe Paul Bartsch
National Parks Bulletin Index
Louisiana's Tensas Swamp
New Attack on Rock Creek Park
Visitors in Uniform Isabella F. Story
Alarming News on the Everglades Project
Good News on Sitka Spruce
A Threat to Living Pueblos
Jackson Hole National Monument, The Geologic Story Fritiof M. Fryxell
The Porcupine Mountains May Be Saved
Naturalizing the Lamar Bison Herd
News From the Conservation Battlefronts
The Parks and Congress
The Editor's Bookshelf
Contributors to This Issue
National Parks Association, Board of Trustees
Why" The National Parks Association

The Cover: The White House, Canyon de Chelly National Monument Park Service
Wilderness Preservation Carl P. Russell
Canyon De Chelly Charles D. Wyatt
Potomac Dams Again
Shall Grandfather Mountain Be Saved? Harlan P. Kelsey
Editorial—Those Important Standards
Conference on Postwar Planning
Conservation Crosses Frontiers William Vogt
Porcupine Mountains Preserved
Woodland Fantasies Devereux Butcher
The Tensas and the Everglades
Rock Creek Wood-Cutting Stopped
Contributors To This Issue
News From the Conservation Battlefronts
The Parks and Congress
National Parks Association, Board of Trustees
Why the National Parks Association

The Cover: Lassen Peak H. S. Lawton
Volcanoes—Old and New Lewis E. Bronson
Big Bend National Park Becomes A Reality
Paradise Lost
Jackson Hole National Monument and H. R. 2241
Attention, Please, For Quetico-Superior Ernest C. Oberholtzer
National Park Service Grazing Policy Newton B. Drury
What Will Happen to the Everglades? Ira N. Gabrielson
Mexico Looks Ahead Juan Zinser
"Ducks Unlimited And Quail Preferred"
New Yorkers, Guard Your Wilderness
Would Open National Parks to Gunning
Trustees Annual Meeting—1944
Two Indexes Now Available
News From the Conservation Battlefronts
The Editor's Bookshelf
Contributors to this Issue
The Parks and Congress
National Parks Association, Board of Trustees
Why the National Parks Association

The Cover: Santa Elena Canyon, Big Bend National Park Glenn Burgess
Editorial: Tasks of War And Peace
An Army Man Speaks Out
Our Newest National Park—Big Bend Miner R. Tillotson
Prince William Sound William S. Cooper
Watch the Stockmen
New Hope For the Everglades
Mount Rainier Forests Threatened
Toward A Coast Redwoods Master Plan Aubrey Drury
The 1944 Forest Fire Season
Relics of Defense Devereux Butcher
In Memory of George B. Dorr
The Jackson Hole Case
The Parks qnd Congress
News From the Conservation Battlefronts
Contributors to this Issue
National Parks Association, Board of Trustees
Index To National Parks Magazine, Numbers 70 through 79
Why the National Parks Association
The Cover: South Florida National Parks Association
Are the Everglades Worth Saving? David Fairchild
Everglades Protection
Association Approves Pan American Conservation
Congress Opposes Jackson Hole Monument
What Does Wyoming Want?—Editorial
Mount Rainier and the Northern Pacific Railroad
Modern Inhabitants of Prehistoric Casa Grande Natt N. Dodge
Maine, Guard Your Wilderness
The Quetico-Superior Program H. H. Chapman
News From the Conservation Battlefronts
The Editor's Bookshelf
Contributors to this Issue
The Parks and Congress
The National Parks Association, Board of Trustees
Why the National Parks Association

The Cover: Green River Canyon George A. Grant for Interior Department
Jackson Hole, A Court Decision and H. R. 1292
Dams For the Potomac
People of the Everglades Devereux Butcher
A Visit to Dinosaur Quarry Daniel B. Beard
Progress Toward Everglades Protection
Birth of A National Park
Over-Development and Land-Grabbing—Editorial
New Yorkers, Guard Your Adirondacks
A Reply to Professor Chapman Ernest C. Oberholtzer
Mount Rainier Logging Danger Ended
Threats to Wilderness Areas Jay H. Price
Help Needed
Contributors to this Issue
The Parks and Congress
The National Parks Association, Board of Trustees
Why the National Parks Association

The Cover: Mount Rainier in the Clouds National Park Association
Conservationists, Unite!—Editorial
Refine the Outboard Devereux Butcher
Missouri Valley Authority
Why Fishing in National Parks? Edward A. Preble
Prevent Forest Fires
I Lived Last Summer Aubrey Swift Bradshaw
In Memory of Robert Sterling Yard
Adirondack Forests in Peril Paul Schaefer
Let's Save Mount Monadnock
Trustees' Annual Meeting—1945
News from the Conservation Battlefronts
Contributions to This Issue
The Parks and Congress
The National Parks Association, Board of Trustees
Why the National Parks Association

The Cover: The Elk of Jackson Hole Olaus J. Murie
Know The Standards—Editorial
Amazing Crater—Ubeheee Edwin C. Alberts
National Primeval Park Standards
Wilderness Society Gets New Head
The 1945 Forest Fire Season
Jackson Hole National Monument and the Elk Olaus J. Murie
New Attitude Toward Jackson Hole Monument
Your Executive Secretary Visits Acadia
The National Tribute Grove John C. Merriam
Selected Literature
Contributors to This Issue
The Parks and Congress
The National Parks Association, Board Of Trustees
Why the National Parks Association
The Cover: Olympic National Primeval Park Asahel Curtis
The Continental Job Wallace G. Schwass
Fenced Wildlife for Jackson Hole Olaus J. Murie
Mount Monadnock Saved
Association Issues Release No. 53
The First Ascent of Mount Rainier Howard R. Stagner
Refining the Outboard
We Need Wilderness Sigurd Olson
The Everglades Project
In Memory of Dr. John C. Merriam
In Memory of Dr. Henry Baldwin Ward
News From the Conservation Battlefronts
The Editor's Bookshelf
House Appropriations Committee
Contributors to This Issue
The Parks and Congress
The National Parks Association, Board of Trustees
Why the National Parks Association

The Cover: Montezuma's Castle, Arizona National Park Service
Flora of Grandfather Mountain Harlan P. Kelsey
Rehabilitating Everglades Wildlife
Are We To Lose Joshua Tree National Monument?
Let's Save Our Indian Ruins Louis R. Caywood
Mexico's National Parks William Vogt
American Republics Recommend Conservation Congress
Watch the Killers
Land of the Deer Paul Schaefer
Association Opposes Adirondack Structures
A Change of Interior Secretary
There's Hope for the Quetico-Superior
News From the Conservation Battlefronts
Contributors to This Issue
National System of Foot Trails
The Parks and Congress
The National Parks Association, Board of Trustees
Why the National Parks Association

The Cover: Mount Gould in Glacier (From an Oil Painting) Devereux Butcher
Going to Glacier? Robert Sterling Yard
National Parks
AcadiaMammoth Cave
Big BendMesa Verde
Bryce CanyonMount McKinley
Carlsbad CavernsMount Rainier
Crater LakeOlympic
The National Park ServiceRocky Mountain
GlacierSequoia-Kings Canyon
Grand CanyonShenandoah
Grand Teton Wind Cave
Great Smoky MountainsYellowstone
Isle RoyaleZion
LassenEverglades (Proposed)
Purpose of the Jackson Hole Wildlife Park Fairfield Osborn
Annual Board Meeting—1946
The Parks and Congress
National Parks Association, Board of Trustees
Why the National Parks Association

The Cover: White Sands National Monument, New Mexico National Park Service
Two Parks Dedicated
White Sands Natt N. Dodge
National Nature Monuments
ArchesJewel Cave
The Antiquities ActJoshua Tree
BadlandsMap Showing Area Locations
Black Canyon of the GunnisonKatmai
Capitol ReefLava Beds
Capulin MountainLehman Caves
Cedar BreaksMuir Woods
Channel IslandsNatural Bridges
ChiricahuaOregon Caves
ColoradoOrgan Pipe Cactus
Craters of the MoonPetrified Forest
Death ValleyPinnacles
Devil PostpileRainbow Bridge
Devils TowerSaguaro
DinosaurShoshone Cavern
Fossil CycadSunset Crater
Glacier BayTimpanogos Cave
Grand CanyonWheeler
Great Sand DunesWhite Sands
Jackson HoleZion
Thirty Years of Service Newton B. Drury
Roosevelt Park Bill Vetoed
Afield With the Association's Secretary
National Parks Association, Board of Trustees
Index to National Parks Magazine, Numbers 80 Through 87
Why the National Parks Association
The Cover: Yosemite Valley Ralph H. Anderson
Guest Editorial: Concessions Advisory Group Newton B. Drury
Yosemite's Fatal Beauty William E. Colby
Protecting Mount Rainier Entrance
In Memory Of A. Robert Thompson
American Forest Congress
Saving the South Calaveras Grove Fred M. Packard
In the Beginning Daniel B. Beard
Okefinokee Impressions Delos E. Culver
The 1946 Forest Fire Season
News From the Conservation Battlefronts
The Editor's Bookshelf
Contributors to this Issue
The Parks and Congress
National Parks Association, Board of Trustees
Why the National Parks Association

The Cover: Concessioner Employees Picnicking Ralph H. Anderson
Private Lands in National Parks Newton B. Drury
Olympic Again Attacked By Local Loggers
Joshua Tree Progress
National Park People Ralph H. Anderson
Superior Wilderness Gets Congressional Attention
The Proposed Roosevelt Redwood Forest Helen Gahagan Douglas
Bill to Prevent Adirondack Dams Killed
The San Gorgonio Fight
A Program of American Forestry
Closed Season on Ducks
12th North American Wildlife Conference Aldo Leopold
News From the Conservation Battlefronts
Contributors to this Issue
The Parks and Congress
National Parks Association, Board of Trustees
Why the National Parks Association

The Cover: Houses Of Betatakin Neil Merton Judd
Hold the Olympic Park Intact—Editorial
The Olympic Attack Olaus J. Murie
Your Heritage Kenneth A. Reid
National Archeological Monuments
Aztec RuinsGila Cliff Dwellings
Canyon de ChellyMontezuma Castle
Casa GrandeMound City Group
Chaco CanyonNavajo
Annual Board Meeting—1947
San Gorgonio Saved
Defenders of Furbearers
Contributors to this Issue
The Parks and Congress
National Parks Association, Board of Trustees
Why the National Parks Association

The Cover: The Everglades at Sunrise National Parks Association
The Olympic Struggle Progresses—Editorial
Jackson Hole and the Landgrab
A Donation For Glacier
Everglades National Park Gilbert D. Leach
Museums of the Outdoors Carl P. Russell
National Archeological Monuments
Old KasaanTuzigoot
OcmulgeeWalnut Canyon
Yucca House
Our Members View Yosemite
A Word For Wildlife
Furbearers Cry For Mercy Minnie Maddem Fiske
Your Secretary Visits Arizona Areas
The Editor's Bookshelf
Contributors to this Issue
National Parks Association, Board of Trustees
Why the National Parks Association
The Cover: Sunset on Lake Eloise, Florida National Parks Association
Krug Stimulates Cooperation—Editorial
The South Florida Situation Today Delos E. Culver
Let's Save the Short-Leaved Joshua Tree Philip A. Munz
Wyoming's Ex-Governor Speaks Out For Jackson Hole Monument
Interior Joins in Defense Of Olympic Rain Forest
Your Field Secretary Visits Western Parks
Liquor Sold in National Parks
Everglades National Park Dedicated Gilbert D. Leach
The 1947 Forest Fire Record L. F. Cook
Water Recreation in the Desert Isabelle F. Story
News From The Conservation Battlefronts
The Editor's Bookshelf
Contributors to this Issue
The Parks and Congress
National Parks Association, Board of Trustees
Why the National Parks Association

The Cover: General Sherman Tree, Sequoia Padilla Studios
Going, Going, —, Florida's Royal Palm-Big Cypress Forest Devereux Butcher
Lake Solitude
Parks and People Victor H. Cahalane
Massachusetts, Guard Mount Greylock
Wild Flower Preservation P. L. Richer
Progress On The South Calaveras Grove Fred M. Packard
South Africa's Park Problems Like Ours Newton B. Drury
Meteor Crater and Travertine Bridge Proposed as National Monuments
Your Secretary Visits The Everglades
Adirondacks' Panther Mountain Dam
Annual Wildlife Conference
Wildlife Trouble
The Parks and Congress
National Parks Association, Board of Trustees
Why the National Parks Association

The Cover: Maligne Lake, Jasper Canadian National Railway
Manpower Needed—Editorial
National Parks Of Canada
BanffElk Island
Banff-Jasper HighwayGlacier
JasperMount Revelstoke
KootenayPrince Albert
YohoRiding Mountain
Cape Breton HighlandsWaterton Lakes
Annual Board Meeting—1948
Our New Summer Headquarters
Dams and More Dams
The Editor's Bookshelf
The Parks and Congress
National Parks Association, Board of Trustees
Why the National Parks Association

The Cover: Cliffs of Schoodic Peninsula National Parks Association
Glacier View Dam—Editorial
Predators and People Victor H. Cahalane
Conservation Comes of Age Fred M. Packard
UNESCO and Conservation
Canadian and U. S. Park Staffs
As the Ranger Sees You Natt N. Dodge
Report on the Estes Park Experiment
Is the Trumpeter Swan to Remain Only A Refuge Bird? George Marler
In Memory of François E. Matthes
Afield With Your Secretary
Florida's Royal Palm Forest
Adirondack Dam Project Still Pending
News From the Conservation Battlefronts
The Editor's Bookshelf
A Twelfth Commandment
National Parks Association, Board of Trustees
Why the National Parks Association
The Cover: Lake McDonald in Glacier National Park National Parks Association
The Canyons of Northwestern Colorado Reginald Gill
Preserving Mount Greylock
Glacier National Park in Danger Wallace W. Atwood
Letter to the Army Engineers
Discovery Oo Mount McKinley Harold E. Booth
Panther Mountain Dam Must Be Stopped
The Quetico-Superior Today Wallace G. Schwass
The 1948 Forest Fire Record L. F. Cook
Bylaws Revised
Here's How You Can Help
Constitution and Bylaws of the National Parks Association
News From the Conservation Battlefronts
The Editor's Bookshelf
The Parks and Congress
National Parks Association, Board of Trustees
Why the National Parks Association

The Cover: Japan's Fujiyama
Harassed Wildlife—Editorial
Mammoth Cave National Park in Danger Tom Wallace
The Blue Ridge Parkway J. Carlisle Crouch
National Parks of Japan Charles A. Richey
The Mount San Jacinto Tramway Scheme Guy L. Fleming
Keep This Wilderness Robert L. Wood
The National Park Concept Newton B. Drury
The Birth of A Union Harold J. Coolidge, Jr.
Quetico-Superior Film Now Available
The Parks and Congress
National Parks Association, Board of Trustees
Why the National Parks Association

The Cover: Clouds Over the Everglades National Parks Association
Grand Canyon National Monument in Danger Fred M. Packard
Glacier View Dam—A Victory—Editorial
Florida's Royal Palm Forest Logged
I'm a Ranger Here Myself A Ranger's Wife
Betatakin and Keet Seel—Pictorial
Exhibiting the Everglades Anthony F. Merrill
Mauna Loa Erupts V. R. Bender, Jr.
Trouble in the Geyser Basins George Marler
Thirtieth Anniversary, Annual Board Meeting
The Parks and Congress
National Parks Association, Board of Trustees
Why the National Parks Association

The Cover: The Grand Canyon from Mojave Point, south rim Interior Department
Swift As the Wild Goose Flies Sigurd Olson
In Memoriam
Grand Canyon Park and Dinosaur Monument in Danger Fred M. Packard
Alpine Hideout Wallace G. Schwass
Mountain Climbing and Mountain Guides in Our National Parks D. A. MacInnes
Seining in Florida Bay Margaret P. Meski
Alerting the United Nations
Announcing Exploring Our National Parks and Monuments, second edition
The Mammoth Cave Struggle Eugene Stuart
The Editor's Bookshelf
The Parks and Congress
National Parks Association, Board of Trustees
Why the National Parks Association

National Parks magazine is copyrighted by the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA). NPCA owns the exclusive rights to these magazine issues and their contents including the trademarks and copyrights but has graciously granted us permission to post these back issues; please respect this copyright-holder by not re-posting this content. Use of these Web pages is under license from NPCA — you may only view the National Parks magazine covers and contents for your personal use and at your own risk; neither nor NPCA are responsible for any loss or damage arising from information or links contained within these pages. is not an official partner of the National Parks Conservation Association, but we are greatly appreciative of their 100+ year efforts to protect our national parks and for allowing us to share their history.
©1942-2025, National Parks Conservation Association
Date: 19-Jul-2022