National Parks Magazine

©National Parks Conservation Association
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Below is an archive of back issues. To view, simply click on the magazine cover. All issue covers for a given year can be viewed by clicking on the year banner.

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Cover: Pictographs of hands made circa 1000-1200 at Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Arizona George H.H. Huey
Special Report: Alaska at a Crossroads William J. Chandler
Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA Park News Elizabeth G. Daerr
Regional Report on NPCA's Work in the Parks Elizabeth G. Daerr
The Cultural Challenge Todd Wilkinson
Combating the Aliens Chris Fordney
Defending the Desert Wendy Mitman Clarke
Excursions: Vacations for Kids Jim Paterson
Historic Highlights: The Pig War William A. Updike
Rare & Endangered: Imperiled Island Fox Elizabeth G. Daerr
Forum: Green Energy Bill Richardson
NPCA Notes William A. Updike
Travel Planner
Index — Volume 73 (1999)
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Cover: A sea otter wrapped in kelp in Monterey Bay, California Jeff Foott
Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA Park News Elizabeth G. Daerr
Regional Report on NPCA's Work in the Parks Elizabeth G. Daerr
Marie Mystery Todd Wilkinson
Completing Canyonlands Robert B. Keiter
Uncovering America's Past Chris Fordney
Reflections: Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument Willard Clay
Excursions: Blossoming Interests Connie Toops
Travel Planner
Historic Highlights: Bridge to the Americas William A. Updike
Rare & Endangered: The Not-So-Showy Orchid Elizabeth G. Daerr
Forum: Committed to Conservation Cecil D. Andrus
NPCA Notes William A. Updike
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Cover: Snow rests on cliffs above Forest Canyon in Rocky Mountain National Park Scott T. Smith
Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA Park News Elizabeth G. Daerr
Regional Report on NPCA's Work in the Parks Elizabeth G. Daerr
Reflections: Death Valley National Park David Muench
Special Report: Ten Most Endangered
Guardians of the Parks Bess Zarafonitis Stroh
A Land Apart Elizabeth G. Daerr
The Beef with Livestock Todd Wilkinson
Excursions: A San Francisco Treat William A. Updike
Travel Planner
Historic Highlights: Petrified Pilfering William A. Updike
Rare & Endangered: A Fish Running Out of Water Elizabeth G. Daerr
Outdoor Adventure Guide
NPCA Notes William A. Updike
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Cover: Because of its climate, Great Smoky Mountains National Park has many funti, which will be cataloged by the All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory Chuck Summers
Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA Park News Elizabeth G. Daerr
Regional Report on NPCA's Work in the Parks Elizabeth G. Daerr
Counting on Life Chris Fordney
Keeping History Intact Phyllis McIntosh
Running Out of Range Connie Toops
Excursions: Lighting the Way David L. Robinson
Travel Planner
Historic Highlights: Angel of the Battlefield William A. Updike
Rare & Endangered: A Dog's Life Elizabeth G. Daerr
Forum: Access or Excess? Kevin Collins
Outdoor Adventure Guide
NPCA Notes William A. Updike
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Cover: The Washington Monument stands above the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, which bear the names of 58,219 Americans who died in the war Tom Till
Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA Park News Elizabeth G. Daerr
Regional Report on NPCA's Work in the Parks Elizabeth G. Daerr
War and Remembrance William A. Updike
The National Parks: The Next Generation Todd Wilkinson
Too Close for Comfort Bill Sherwonit
Reflections: Big Bend National Park—My Place in the World Bill Wright
Excursions: Riding the Wild, White Water Katurah Mackay
Outdoor Adventure Guide
Travel Planner
Historic Highlights: Place of Refuge William A. Updike
Rare & Endangered: Springs with Life Elizabeth G. Daerr
Forum: Taking Your Best Shot Kennan and Karen Ward
NPCA Notes William A. Updike
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Cover: Because of successful reintroduction, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service may alter the endangered species status of the gray wolf Jim Brandenburg/Minden Pictures
Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA Park News Elizabeth G. Daerr
Regional Report on NPCA's Work in the Parks Elizabeth G. Daerr
A Howling Success Elizabeth G. Daerr
Keying in to History Chris Fordney
Coming out of Cold Storage Phyllis McIntosh
National Parks' First Annual Photo Contest Winners
Excursions: New York Holiday Wendy Mitman Clarke
Outdoor Adventure Guide
Historic Highlights: Poet of the People William A. Updike
Travel Planner
Rare & Endangered: Return of a Reptile Elizabeth G. Daerr
Forum: Wilands as Gardens Daniel Janzen
NPCA Notes William A. Updike
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Cover: Bats, like the lesser long-nosed, are one of the least-loved animals, but they play crucial roles such as pollinating the saguaro cactus Merlin D. Tuttle
Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Travel Planner
NPCA Park News Elizabeth G. Daerr
Regional Report on NPCA's Work in the Parks Elizabeth G. Daerr
Going to Bat for Bats Connie Toops
The Core of the Matter George Wuerthner
In the Spirit of the Law Sally-Jo Keala-O-Anuenue Bowman
Excursions: The Caribbean National Parks Natalie de Cuba Romero
Outdoor Adventure Guide
Historic Highlights: Borderlands William A. Updike
Rare & Endangered: A Prickly Problem Elizabeth G. Daerr
Forum: Riders on the Rise U.S. Senator Richard J. Durbin
NPCA Notes William A. Updike
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Cover: In 1933, archaeologist John Seidel recorded hull timbers of the HMS Fowey for a site map of the ship, which rests in Biscayne National Park NPS/John Brooks
Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA Park News Elizabeth G. Daerr
Regional Report on NPCA's Work in the Parks Elizabeth G. Daerr
Reflections: Grand Canyon National Park Jack Dykinga
Shipwrecks: Salvage or Sanctity? Chris Fordney
Special Report: Congressional Park Friends Announced
Rest Stops on the Migration Highway Peter Dunne
On the Beaten Path Todd Wilkinson
Excursions: All That Jazz! Elizabeth G. Daerr
Outdoor Adventure Guide
Historic Highlights: Here We May Rest William A. Updike
Rare & Endangered: Returning Roseates Elizabeth G. Daerr
Forum: Reaching Capacity Dr. Glenn E. Hass
NPCA Notes William A. Updike
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Cover: A malachite, a butterfly found in Florida's tropical hardwood hammocks and shrubby disturbed sites, rests on a green shrimp plant Rick Poley
Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA Park News Elizabeth G. Daerr
Regional Report on NPCA's Work in the Parks Elizabeth G. Daerr
Historic Highlights: American Renaissance Man William A. Updike
Rare & Endangered: Dune Dweller William A. Updike
Special Report: Ten Most Endangered Kate Himot
Wings of Change Roland Wauer
Bad Air Days Chris Fordney
On the Front Lines Kim A. O'Connell
Excursions: Superior Parks William A. Updike
Outdoor Adventure Guide
NPCA Notes William A. Updike
Travel Planner
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Cover: Following the battle at Stones River, Tennessee, Lincoln thanked the Union general in charge and said: "had there been a defeat instead, the nation wold scarcely have lived..." Tom Till
Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Travel Planner
NPCA Park News Elizabeth G. Daerr
Regional Report on NPCA's Work in the Parks Elizabeth G. Daerr
Historic Highlights: Great Emancipator William A. Updike
Rare & Endangered: Desert Denizen Elizabeth G. Daerr
The Long Campaign Kim A. O'Connell
Going Native George Wuerthner
The National Park or Parking System? Wendy Mitman Clarke
Excursions: Alaska: A Peak Experience Bill Sherwonit
Outdoor Adventure Guide
Forum: Presidential Powers Bill Lowry
NPCA Notes William A. Updike
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Cover: One scientific document predicts that, if present conditions continue, 70 percent of the world's coral reefs will disappear by the year 2050 Steve Simonsen
Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA Park News Elizabeth G. Daerr
Regional Report on NPCA's Work in the Parks Elizabeth G. Daerr
Bringing Up Coral Steve Hymon
The Corps of Conservation Phyllis McIntosh
Nanuuq of the North Bill Sherwonit
Excursions: Mountains of Color Russ Manning
Forum: Reaching Out Nina S. Roberts & Donal A. Rodriguez
Outdoor Guide
Rare & Endangered: Fishing for Answers Elizabeth G. Daerr
Historic Highlights: On A Mission William A. Updike
NPCA Notes Ryan Dougherty
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Cover: The USS Arizona Memorial marks the site where 60 years ago on December 7, the ship came to rest after the attack on Pearl Harbor Douglas Peebles
Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA Park News Elizabeth G. Daerr
Regional Report on NPCA's Work in the Parks Elizabeth G. Daerr
The Ship That Bleeds Kim A. O'Connell
Balancing Act Todd Wilkinson
Desperately Seeking Silence Benjamin Long
National Parks 2001 Photo Contest Winners
Excursions: St. Augustine's Live Action Forts Natalia de Cuba Romero
Travel Planner
Forum: Walking With A Ghost James H. Cahalan
Outdoor Guide
Rare & Endangered: Splendor Is a Grass Elizabeth G. Daerr
Historic Highlights: A Final Harbor Ryan Dougherty
NPCA Notes Ryan Dougherty
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Cover: A multi-billion dollar restoration effort is under way in the Everglades, where 68 plant and animal species are considered threatened or endangered Stan Osolinski
Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Travel Planner
NPCA Park News Elizabeth G. Daerr
Regional Report on NPCA's Work in the Parks Elizabeth G. Daerr
Reviving the Everglades Phyllis McIntosh
Climate Change Todd Wilkinson
Looking Homeward Kim A. O'Connell
Excursions: Gems of the Pacific Katuran Mackay
Historic Highlights: A State of Green Ryan Dougherty
Rare & Endangered: On the Rebound Elizabeth G. Daerr
Forum: The Power of Place David McCullough
NPCA Notes Ryan Dougherty
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Cover: A smoke obscured Manhattan skyline provides a compelling backdrop for the Statue of Liberty, torch held high following the terrorist attacks Daniel Hulshizer/Associated Press
Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes Ryan Dougherty
Historic Highlights: And Justice for All Ryan Dougherty
Rare & Endangered: A Pelican's Progress Elizabeth G. Daerr
Special Report: Ten Most Endangered Kate Himot
On the Homefront Todd Wilkinson
Conspicuous Consumption David Williams
Travel Planner
The Forgotten Colony Chris Fordney
Excursions: Celestial Tour Patricia A. Kurtz
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Cover: Though still endangered, the desert bighorn population has risen considerably in certain parts of the Southwest Michael H. Francis
Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes Ryan Dougherty
Travel Planner
Historic Highlights: An American Statesman Ryan Dougherty
Counting on Sheep Jeffrey Cohn
A Finger on the Pulse Kim A. O'Connell
Preserving Peace and Quiet Brian Lavendel
Excursions: A Tour Through Time William A. Updike
Rare & Endangered: A Tree's Tribulations Jenell Talley
Forum: A Vision Sustained Bob R. O'Brien
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Cover: Public lands advocates recognize both the danger and the restorative power of fire Edwin & Peggy Bauer
Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes Ryan Dougherty
Excursions: Touring the Northern Border Dan Gifford
Out of the Ashes George Wuerthner
A Grizzly Future Todd Wilkinson
Meeting in L.A.'s Backyard Kim A. O'Connell
Historic Highlights: By the Dawn's Early Light Ryan Doughtery
Rare & Endangered: This Bat Is All Ears Jenell Talley
Forum: Unlocking Secrets in Time David D. Gillette
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Cover: Immature whitebark pine cones atop a log of a fallen whitebark tree in Yellowstone Gallatin Mountain Range Jeff Henry
Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes Ryan Dougherty
Forum: The Clean Air Challenge Hon. Sen. James M. Jeffords
Losing the Forests and the Trees Todd Wilkinson
Parks Under Siege Tim Vanderpool
History For Sale Phyllis McIntosh
Excursions: A Holiday Tour With a Latin Flair Patricia Caperton Parent
Historic Highlights: Antiquity of Man Ryan Dougherty
Rare & Endangered: Karner's Got the Blues Jenell Talley
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Cover: A domed beaver lodge with Mt. Moran in background at Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming Les Blacklock/Larry Ulrich Stock Photography
Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Travel Planner
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes Ryan Dougherty
Forum: Political Outlook Craig Obey
The Benefits of Beavers Todd Wilkinson
Wilderness Homeland Bill Sherwonit
A Natural Challenge David Willims
Excursions: Take a Bath on Vacation? Jim Taylor
Historic Highlights: A Quest for Freedom Ryan Dougherty
Rare & Endangered: A Raptor on the Rise Jenell Talley
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Cover: A Kemp's ridley sea turtle rests on Padre Island's sandy shore Anne Heimann
Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes Ryan Dougherty
Special Report: Congressional Park Friends Announced
Special Report: Ten Most Endangered Kate Himot
The Riddle of Ridleys Todd Wilkinson
Remembering Rosies David Weinstein
Keeping Transportation on Track Kim A. O'Connell
Excursions: Texas: A Birder's Paradise Connie Toops
Travel Planner
Historic Highlights: First Lady of the World Ryan Dougherty
Rare & Endangered: A Tortoise's Tentative Future Jenell Talley
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Cover: At 14.411 feet, Mount Rainier's peak dwarfs any mountain in the lower 48 states Art Wolfe
Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes Ryan Dougherty
A Mountain's Majesty David Williams
Desert Protection: Reality or Mirage? Helen Wagenword
The Keepers of the Keys Kim A. O'Connell
Forum: Materialism and Parks Ken Olson
Excursions: Experience History Firsthand Chris Fordney
Travel Planner
Historic Highlights: Hard Corps Ryan Dougherty
Rare & Endangered: A Sticky Situation Jenell Talley
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Cover: A mountain goat near Hidden Lake at Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park Art Wolfe
Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes Ryan Dougherty
Reflections: A View on Privatization Carlton Stoiber
A Tribute: Robin W. Winks Linda Rancourt
Beyond Boundaries Benjamin Long
When the Ships Come In Jeffrey R. Richardson
Celebrating Flight Douglas Gantenbein
Excursions: Hello Sunshine! Jenell Talley
Historic Highlights: East Meets West Ryan Dougherty
Rare & Endangered: A Whale of a Tale Jenell Talley
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Cover: Wild, unpenned wolves can be spotted roaming Denali National Park and Preserve Leo Keeler
Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes Ryan Dougherty
Rare & Endangered: A Salamander's Sanctuary Jenell Talley
Protecting the Wolves of Denali Bill Sherwonit
Water Woes Chris Fordney
Thinning the Ranks Todd Wilkinson
Forum: Heroism and Villainy Edward T. Linenthal
Excursions: Haunting History Ryan Dougherty
Travel Planner
Historic Highlights: Once Upon Midnight Dreary Ryan Dougherty
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Cover: The California sheephead shares Channel Islands' waters with a mix of marine life Mark Conlin/Larry Ulrich Stock
Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes Ryan Dougherty
Travel Planner
In the Zone Gerard Wright
The Long and Winding Road Kim A. O'Connell
A Home for the Braves Phyllis McIntosh
Historic Highlights: A World Unto Itself Ryan Dougherty
Rare & Endangered: A Precarious Predicament Jenell Talley
Forum: Philosophical Divide Jim Dipeso
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Cover: An adult swift fox surveys its surroundings from a badger hole in a northern Montana prairie Jeff Henry
Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes Ryan Dougherty
Historic Highlights: Turning Nickels into Dollars Ryan Dougherty
Return of the Swift Fox Todd Wilkinson
The Forecasts? Hazy Skies Continue Rob Schultheis
Labor of Love Phyllis McIntosh
Rare & Endangered: Getting the Picture Jenell Talley
A Trip to Tucson Country Bill Updike
Travel Planner
Forum: Parks for Sale Bruce Craig
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Cover: Bluebird with oriental bittersweet Connie Toops
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes Ryan Dougherty
Park Mysteries: This Little Light of Mine Jenell Talley
Special Report: America's Ten Most Endangered National Parks Kate Himot
The Green Menace Connie Toops
Reflections: A Tale of Two Parks Ryan Dougherty
Where the Wild Things Remain Bill Sherwonit
America's 'Main Street' Ryan Dougherty
Excursions: Seattle: Much More than a Cup of Coffee David Williams
Rare & Endangered: Little Orchid on the Prairie Jenell Talley
Historic Highlights: Forward March Ryan Dougherty
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Cover: White Thunder Ridge at Glacier Bay N.P., Alaska Fred Hirschmann
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes Ryan Dougherty
Park Mysteries: Blowing Off Some Steam Ryan Dougherty
Forum: Stopping the Slaughter U.S. Rep. Nick J. Rahall II
Alaskan Meltdown: On the Frontline of Climate Change Bill Sherwonit
Swimming Upstream Douglas Gantenbein
Repairing Democracy's Birthplace Phyllis McIntosh
Reflections: Going to the Chapel
Excursions: All Aboard with Lewis and Clark Kim A. O'Connell
Rare & Endangered: Going, Going, Gone? Jenell Talley
Historic Highlights: Culture Shock Ryan Dougherty
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Cover: Moonrise over Joshua Tree National Park Laurence Parent
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes Kim A. O'Connell
From the River Bottom Up Kim A. O'Connell
Revealing the Secrets of Time David Williams
A Hail to Cesar Chavez Alan Spears
Rare & Endangered: Scary Future for Bats Amy M. Leinbach
Reflections: Celebrating the Desert Sen. Dianne Feinstein
Excursions: Desert Destinations Bruce Leonard
Travel Planner
Park Mysteries: Nature's Rolling Stones Ryan Dougherty
Historic Highlights: Disappearing Act Ryan Dougherty
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Cover: Snow-dusted sequoias along Congress Trail in Sequoia National Park Fred Hirschmann
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes Scott Kirkwood
Special Report: Congressional Park Friends Announced
Returning the Land to the Giants Bruce Leonard
Raiders of the Last Parks Connie Toops
A Warming Trend After a Chilly Reception Bill Sherwonit
Rare & Endangered: More Than Meets the Eye Amy M. Leinbach
Park Mysteries: Inside the Cauldron Scott Kirkwood
Reflections: A Forgotten Generation Shelton Johnson
Excursions: A Change of Scenery Amy Grisak
Travel Planner
Historic Highlights: Capturing Memories Scott Kirkwood
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Cover: Jeffrey pine at the Sentinel Dome of Yosemite National Park, California, in 1940 Ansel Adams Publishing Rights Trust/Corbis
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes Ryan Dougherty
Park Mysteries: Deep Blue Scott Kirkwood
Rare & Endangered: Sanctuary iin the Sea Amy M. Leinbach
Historic Highlights: Under A Spreading Chestnut Tree Scott Kirkwood
Reflections: Campfire Tales
Pictures Worth a Thousand Acres Phyllis McIntosh
Special Report: Faded Glory Kate Himot
The Future of Transit: A Road Less Traveled Kim A. O'Connell
Turning the Tide Veronica D. Gerald
Time to Preserve Eroding Gullah/Geechee Cultural Treasures U.S. Rep. James E. Clyburn
Excursions: Another World Jeanine Barone
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Cover: Hikers overlooking Bagley Icefield in Wrangell-St. Elias National Park Marc Muench
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes Scott Kirkwood
Forum: A Third Century Mall Judy Scott Feldman
Rare & Endangered: Hiding in Plain Sight Amy M. Leinbach
Historic Highlights: Students of History Scott Kirkwood
Park Mysteries: A Burning Question Scott Kirkwood
End of the Line Bill Sherwonit
Just Skimming the Surface Brian Lavendel
A Labor of Love Connie Toops
Excursions: Philadelphia Freedom Ryan Dougherty
Travel Planner
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Cover: The sun rises over Eagle Lake, part of the Allagash Wilderness Waterway in Maine's North Woods Paul Rezendes
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes Scott Kirkwood
Park Mysteries: The Great Migration Amy Leinbach Marquis
Reflections: Continental Divide Audrey Peterman
Maine Woods Heidi Ridgley
The Second Battle for Petersburg Phyllis McIntosh
Point of Contention Bruce Leonard
Historic Highlights: A Step Back in Time Scott Kirkwood
Rare & Endangered: A Fish Out of Water Scott Kirkwood
Excursions: Winging It Connie Toops
Travel Planner
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Cover: A ceremonial kiva with ladder and reconstructed ceiling in Mesa Verde National Park George H.H. Huey
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes Scott Kirkwood
Historic Highlights: The City That Lit the World Amy Leinbach Marquis
Rare & Endangered: A Fighting Chance Scott Kirkwood
Park Mysteries: Building a Mystery Scott Kirkwood
Reflections: Wilderness Reflected Ruth Rudner and David Muench
Wolf & Consequence Scott Kirkwood
The Legacy of Virginia McClurg Krista Schlyer
A River Runs Through Them Michel Tennesen
Excursions: Brave New World Jon Rust
Travel Planner
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Cover: Bighorn sheep graze on the lush eastern slopes of Glacier National Park Florian Schulz
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes: Out of Bounds Scott Kirkwood
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes: Telling the Rest of the Story Scott Kirkwood
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes: A Sound Resolution Amy Leinbach Marquis
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes: Winds of Change Scott Kirkwood
Historic Highlights: Drawing on Experience Scott Kirkwood
Park Mysteries: Higher Learning Amy Leinbach Marquis
Reflections: The Thin Places Peter Illyn
Blazing a Path Karsten Heuer
Harlequin Romance Kirsta Schlyer and Amy Grisak
What Lies Beneath Heidi Ridgley
Excursions: A Capital Idea Elise Hartman Ford
Travel Planner
Rare & Endangered: Lost at Sea Scott Kirkwood
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Cover: A hiker explores a canyon off the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park Fred Hirschmann
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes: Star Struck Scott Kirkwood
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes: History Unearthed Scott Kirkwood
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes: The Trail of Tears — Q & A with U.S. Rep. Zach Wano
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes: Pushing Tin Scott Kirkwood
Park Mysteries: Rhythms of the Desert Scott Kirkwood
Rare & Endangered: Out of Sight, Out of Mind Amy Leinbach Marquis
Reflections: Grateful in Glacier Bay Kim Heacox
Vertical Horizons Bruce Leonard and Anne Minard
Resurfacing Brenda Peterson
Forging an Identity Phyllis McIntosh
Excursions: Below the Rim Anne Minard
Tours & Accommodations Guide
National Parks Lodging Directory
Historic Highlights: And Justice for All Scott Kirkwood
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Cover: Kayakers paddle the waters surrounding Apostle Islands National Lakeshore Layne Kennedy
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes: Too Much of a Good Thing? Scott Kirkwood
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes: Waiting to Inhale Scott Kirkwood
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes: Walking in Their Footsteps Amy Leinbach Marquis
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes Scott Kirkwood
NPCA ParkScope: News and Notes Scott Kirkwood
Park Mysteries: Getting Into Hot Water Amy Leinbach Marquis
Rare & Endangered: Slip Sliding Away Scott Kirkwood
Forum: Accidents Waiting to Happen Roger Kennedy
The Fourth Coast Brian Lavendel
A Preservation Instinct Krista Schlyer
The Changing of the Guard Anne Minard
Excursions: A Blue Ridge State of Mind Amy Leinbach Marquis
Travel Planner
Historic Highlights: Rock of Ages Scott Kirkwood
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Cover: Elk in Yellowstone ©Art Wolfe/Getty Images
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: A Dream Nearly Realized Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: Change is in the Cards Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: The Gatekeepers — Q & A with Amy Meyer
Trail Mix: Spreading the Wealth Amy Leinbach Marquis
Park Mysteries: Instant Life: Just Add Water Anne Minard
Rare & Endangered: On Thin Ice Scott Kirkwood
The Refuge Susan J. Tweit
War Below the Canopy Connie Toops
Open to Interpretation Seth Shteir
Excursions: Winter Wonderland Jeanine Barone
Reflections: The Lost Arch Jeff Rennicke
Travel Planner
Historic Highlights: Below the Surface Amy Leinbach Marquis
Cover: A young Inuit boy ice fishing in Northern Alaska, 1911-1920 ©Dr. Daniel S. Neumann Photography/Alaska State Library/P307-109 Collection
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: No Dice at Gettysburg Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: A House of a Different Color Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: In the Director's Chair — Q & A with NPS Director Mary Bomar
Trail Mix: The Other Prisoners of War Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Another Step Forward Scott Kirkwood
Park Mysteries: Land of the Blue Smoke Amy Leinbach Marquis
Rare & Endangered: Prairie Home Companions Seth Shteir
Frozen in Time Dan O'Neill
Excursions: A Higher Calling Heidi Ridgley
Keepers of the Light Jeff Rennicke
A Promised Unfulfilled Tim Vanderpool
Forum: A Rangers' Return President Gerald R. Ford
Travel Planner
Historic Highlights: An Iron Will Scott Kirkwood
Cover: A brown ber in pursuit of salmon, Katmai National Park & Preserve, Alaska ©Thomas D. Mangelsen
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: A Ranger in Your Back Pocket
Trail Mix: You Oughtta Be in Pictures
Trail Mix: A Bird's-Eye View Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: A New Vision for New York Scott Kirkwood
Park Mysteries: Playing Around Jeff Rennicke
Rare & Endangered: Cutthroat Competition Seth Shteir
Reflections: Natural Healing Shannon Estenoz
The Sound of Water Susan J. Tweit
Paddling Through Time Melissa Hendricks
At Home on the Prairie Krista Schlyer
Travel Planner
Historic Highlights: All That Glitters Scott Kirkwood
Cover: A volcano erupts in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park ©Frans Lanting
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Cruising Altitude Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Stopped in Their Tracks Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: A Shifting Landscape Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: End of the Road Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Blazing a Trail Scott Kirkwood
Rare & Endangered: In the Clutch Scott Kirkwood
Park Mysteries: A Lost Art Seth Shteir
Forum: A Powerline Runs Through It Rep. Maurice Hinchey
A Climate of Change Jeff Rennicke
Excursions: A Northwest Passage Karen Sykes
And Then There Was Life Frans Lanting
A Moving Target Melissa Hendricks
Travel Planner
Historic Highlights: A Mountain Calling Amy Leinbach Marquis
Cover: A gray whale at the southern end of its migration route in Baja, California ©Todd Pusser/Nature Picture Library
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: A Modern Interpretation Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Flying High Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: A Bear of a Problem Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: Looking Back — Q & A with Frank Kitamoto
Trail Mix: A Silent Explosion Amy Leinbach Marquis
Park Mysteries: Fire in the Sky Scott Kirkwood
Rare & Endangered: Recovery, at a Turtle's Pace Amy Leinbach Marquis
Reflections: The Big Green Bus Nate Raines
Going Nowhere Fast Tom Arrandale
Threatened Vistas Tim Vanderpool
Excursions: The Swirl of Species Jeff Rennicke
Ghosts of Steamtown Ian Shive
Travel Planner
Historic Highlights: Wings of Glory Doug Donaldson
Cover: A hiker explores a glacial ice cave in Glacier Bay National Park ©Tom Bean
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: A Battlefield Reborn Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: An Idea Takes Flight Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: Fenced In Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Grand Canyon: Bigger Than Life — Q & A with Greg MacGillivray
Trail Mix: When Nature and History Collide Scott Kirkwood
Park Mysteries: While They Were Sleeping Tom Clynes
Rare & Endangered: A Homecoming of Sorts Amy Leinbach Marquis
Reflections: That Elderly Schoolma'am Nature Freeman Tilden and Paul Schullery
Mary Jane Colter, Architect Jeff Rennicke
Excursions: Alaska On The Rocks Kim Heacox
Out of Ammunition Kim Fernandez
A Turnaround at Grand Portage Melissa Hendricks
Travel Planner
Historic Highlights: Copper Rush Scott Kirkwood
Cover: The Rio Grande marks the international border between Big Bend National Park, Texas and Mexico's Sierra del Carmen ©Ian Shive/Aurora
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: After the Storm Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: Moving Stories Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Off The List Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: Dark Horizon Amy Marquis
Trail Mix: A New Promise Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: The Eyes of a Visionary — Q & A with E.O. Wilson
Park Mysteries: Stories in Stone Jeff Rennicke
Rare & Endangered: Code Pink Amy Leinbach Marquis
Pushing Boundaries Amy Leinbach Marquis
Moving Mountains Steve Thompson
Excursions: Water Meets Wonder Ethan Gilsdorf
Of Time and Rivers Flowing Jeff Rennicke
Forum: Beyond the Battlefields John Hennessy
Travel Planner
Historic Highlights: Where Black History Began Ethan Gilsdorf
Cover: Theodore Roosevelt pose on Glacier Point in Yosemite National Park ©Johanna Goodman
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: A Sweet Deal Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Turning on the Faucet Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: A Radioactive Proposition Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: A Return to Wilderness — Q & A with Charles Sheldon
Trail Mix: Off-Road to Recovery Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Diving With a Purpose Amy Leinbach Marquis
Park Mysteries: How to Build an Ocean Amy Leinbach Marquis
Rare & Endangered: Reweaving a Tangled Web Jeff Rennicke
Reflections: Along Asphalt Trails Laura Hershey
Beneath the Surface Ian Shive
Misty's Legacy Susan J. Tweit
Excursions: Beyond the Gates Camden Seymour
To Dare Mighty Things Seth Shteir
Travel Planner
Historic Highlights: Everything is Illuminated Mike Thomas
Cover: Park Ranger John Leonard, Denali's lead climber and one of the world's top search-and-rescue experts pauses at "Windy Corner," 13,500 feet above sea level ©Ian Shive
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: A Mountain of Controversy Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: A Hazy Shade of Winter Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Exit Strategy Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: Life Imitates Art Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: Fighting Gravity Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Solar Rush Amy Leinbach Marquis
Park Mysteries: Forged in Flames Jeff Rennicke
Rare & Endangered: Running Out of Room Mike Thomas
Reflections: Wolves, Moose, Researchers, and Me Nevada Barr
Rescue Under a Midnight Sun Ian Shive
Excursions: And Heaven in a Wild Flower Jeff Rennicke
Healing Waters Amy Leinbach Marquis
Just Add Water Scott Kirkwood
Travel Planner
Historic Highlights: An American Home Amy Leinbach Marquis
Cover: Rental boats float at a dock on Lake McDonald ©Ian Shive
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: After Midnight Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: A River Restored Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Sand Traps Setj Sjteor
Trail Mix: Beetle Battle Kelly Bastone
Trail Mix: National Parks: The Film — Q & A with Ken Burns and Dayton Duncan
Trail Mix: Setting the Stage Scott Kirkwood
Park Mysteries: Building a Mystery Amy Leinbach Marquis
Rare & Endangered: Fighting the Current Jennifer Bogo
A Pebble in the Water Rosanne Pagano
Excursions: Going to the Sun Ian Shive
From the Ashes Carol Wissmann
Travel Planner
Reflections: American Woman Coline Jenkins
Historic Highlights: An Industrial Revolution Camden Seymour
Cover: Mesa Verde's Cliff Palace at dusk ©George H.H. Huey
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: A Mighty Flood Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: As They Were Meant To Be Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: On the Horizon — Q & A with Mark Wenzler
Trail Mix: Remains of the Day Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: Protecting the Past Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: In Cold Blood Amy Leinbach Marquis
Park Mysteries: Desert Secrets Amy Leinbach Marquis
Rare & Endangered: A Chorus of Controversy Jeff Rennicke
The View From Above Mike Thomas
The Listener's Yosemite Gordon Hempton
Excursions: Cities of Stone Anne Minard
Reflections: Good Morning, Mr. Adams Eugene Sims
Travel Planner
Historic Highlights: The Standoff Shane Farnor
Cover: Fire Lookout iin North Cascades ©Paula A. Landquist
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: A Revolutionary Home Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Interpretive Dance Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: Light & Shadows — Q & A with John Grabowska
Trail Mix: Troubled Waters Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: The Lesson Plan Scott Kirkwood
Park Mysteries: Etched in Stone Michael Engelhard
Rare & Endangered: Nene Crossing Jennifer Bogo
The Art of Mountain Watching Kevin Grange
Excursions: Beyond the Bluegrass Amy Leinbach Marquis
Six Feet Under Ethan Gilsdorf
Travel Planner
Forum: The Next Century Sens. Howard H. Baker, Jr. and J. Bennett Johnston, Jr.
Historic Highlights: Castle in the Sand Jeff Rennicke

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©1942-2025, National Parks Conservation Association
Date: 18-Nov-2021