National Parks Magazine

©National Parks Conservation Association
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Below is an archive of back issues. To view, simply click on the magazine cover. All issue covers for a given year can be viewed by clicking on the year banner.

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Cover: Nancy Davis and Eliza Ridgely (l), circa 1863. Davis, who was born into slavery, was freed about five years before this photo was taken Hampton National Historic Site/NPS
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Of Cats and Men Katherine McKinney Degroff
Trail Mix: Mussel Power Rona Kobell
Trail Mix: Branching Out Nicolas Brulliard
Trail Mix: On the Trail Again Rona Marech
Trail Mix: If a Cactus Falls ... Nicolas Brulliard
Denizens: Long Live the King Nicolas Brulliard
Findings: Harlequin Hardships Nick Lund
Hush .. Dorian Fox
'An Honest Reckoning' Julie Scharper
Capturing Acadia Jennifer Lawson
Backstory: Accidental Hero Nicolas Brulliard
That Was Then
Cover: HOPLITIS FULGIDA, a bee found in Yosemite National Park, California Anders Croft / USGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: A National Park Is Born Nicolas Brulliard
Trail Mix: A New View Laura Allen
Trail Mix: In Other Words Todd Christopher
Trail Mix: Nature's Landscapers
Denizens: The Otter Explosion Ben Goldfarb
Findings: A Liking for Lichens Nicolas Brulliard
Homecoming Daniel Howe
Seeing the Light Melanie D.G. Kaplan
Say Bees! Nicolas Brulliard
Backstory: In the Heart of Darkness Julie Scharper
That Was Then
Cover: LAKE CRESCENT, Olympic National Park, Oct. 13, 1968 Josef Scaylea/The Seattle Times
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: The Voice of Glacier Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Early Birds and Night Owls Nick Lund
Trail Mix: The Retirement Cure Katherine McKinney Degroff
Denizens: The Old Man of the Lake Kevin Grange
Sketching the Smokies Walt Taylor
Reflections of a Man in His Wilderness Rona Marech, Stu Coleman, Glen Alsworth Sr., Chris Degernes, Tom Betts, Patty Brown
The View From Below Kate Siber
Reflections: The Space Between Things Kate Siber
Backstory: Renaissance Man Scott Kirkwood
That Was Then
Cover: A BLACK LIVES MATTER protester at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington, D.C. Stephen Voss
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Parks in Peril Angeline Bandong
Trail Mix: A Big Boon for Parks Editors
Trail Mix: Call of Duty Karuna Eberl
Trail Mix: Wild Run Rona Marech
Trail Mix: Free Flowing Melanie D.G. Kaplan
Denizens: A Speedy Comeback? Ben Goldfarb
Final Words Kate Siber
The DIY Desert Julia Busiek and Ian Shive
Lands of Protest
Reflections: Constancy Amid Chaos David Brill
Backstory: Promised Land Jacob Baynham
That Was Then
Cover: The view from Mount Tamalpais in Marin County, California Philip Pacheco
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: 'I Do' With a View Julie Scharper
Trail Mix: Wranglers of the West Brianna Randall
Trail Mix: Welcome to the Family! Katherine DeGroff
Trail Mix: The Long Way Melanie D.G. Kaplan
Findings: As the Robin Flies Nicolas Brulliard
Circling the Mountain Michael P. Branch
Park Palette Heather Heckel
The Farthest Edge Dorian Fox
Backstory: Hidden Names, Hidden Stories Michael Ray Taylor
That Was Then
Cover: The petroglyph in Basin and Range National Monument is known as the electric deer. Stephen Alvarez
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
The Big Park Picture
Trail Mix: Man of Letters Dorian Fox
Trail Mix: Fossil Tails Katherine DeGroff
Trail Mix: Landing the Moonshot Katherine DeGroff
Trail Mix: Musical Mountaineering Kevin Grange
Denizens: Like Clockwork Todd Christopher
Findings: Pines in Peril Ben Goldfarb
A Change of Scenery Melanie D.G. Kaplan
Lest We Forget Katherine DeGroff w/Leonardo Santamaria
The Writing on the Wall Kate Siber w/Stephen Alvarez
Backstory: A Chance for Freedom Mike Bezemek
That Was Then
Cover: A kite flier soaks up the last rays of sun at San Francisco's Ocean Beach, part of Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Philip Pacheco
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Safe Passages Katherine DeGroff
Trail Mix: A (Driverless) Drive in the Park Nicolas Brulliard
Trail Mix: Getting Some Distance Dorian Fox
Trail Mix: Overrated Katherine DeGroff
Trail Mix: Tune In, Bliss Out Rona Marech
Denizens: Mossing Around Jacob Baynham
Findings: A Chilly Refuge Ben Goldfarb
Call in the Wild Kevin Grange
Heading for the Hills Julia Busiek w/Philip Pacheco
Tourist Time Capsule Katherine DeGroff
Backstory: Miners' Angel Nicolas Brulliard
That Was Then
Cover: Brown bear walking along the shore of Crescent Lake in Lake Clark National Park and Preserve in Alaska. Nate Luebbe
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Protecting the Homeland Melanie D.G. Kaplan
Trail Mix: Coral Calamity Katherine DeGroff
Trail Mix: Whales of the Deep Tod McLeish
Findings: The Wild Road Nicolas Brulliard
Over the River and Through the Woods Nick Lund and Jerry Monkman
Parks, Interrupted Katherine DeGroff
Out of the Wild Ken Ilgunas
NPCA at Work on Alaska's Bear Coast Katherine DeGroff
Backstory: Cabin Revival Nicolas Brulliard
That Was Then
Cover: An open page in a national park passport book contains a haphazard assortment of stamps. Chandler O'Leary
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Creative Access Dorian Fox
Trail Mix: Angling for Cash Katherine DeGroff
Trail Mix: Whole Again Editors
Trail Mix: A New Leader On the Horizon
Trail Mix: Revolution Revisited Julia Busiek
Findings: Finders, Weepers Jacob Baynham
Denizens: Isle of Cats Ben Goldfarb
A Fruitful Mission Katherine DeGroff
The Land of the Giants Evan Turk
Park Ink Katherine DeGroff and Rebecca Drobis
Backstory: Out with the Old, In with the New Julia Busiek
That Was Then
Cover: Members of Ancestral Lands Conservation Corps’ Crew 642. Steve Alberts
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Charley Harper's World Katherine DeGroff
Trail Mix: On Thin Ice Stephanie Pearson
Trail Mix: A River Spectacle Katherine DeGroff
Denizens: Turtle Troubles Julia Busiek
Findings: Park Protein Jacob Baynham
Lofty Heights Ernie Atencio
Full Circle Karuna Eberl
Obed Refuge David Brill
Reflections: Loss & Legacy Katherine DeGroff
That Was Then
Cover: The Four Spirits memorial in Birmingham’s Kelly Ingram Park preserves the memory of the four young girls killed in the 1963 bombing at the nearby 16th Street Baptist Church: Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, Carole Robertson and Cynthia Wesley. Rory Doyle
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: A Retirement for the Ages Michelle Fitzhugh-Craig
Trail Mix: Glass Half Full Kate Siber
Trail Mix: Censored No More Katherine DeGroff
Trail Mix: Recognition for Amache
Denizens: The Enemy Within Todd Christopher
Findings: Are You Talking to Me? Julia Busiek
Trailing Justice Kathryn Miles
An Alabama Album Rory Doyle
Troubled Waters Ben Goldfarb
Backstory: Unburying the Past Rachel Monroe
That Was Then
Cover: A Linocut print of Blue Basin in John Day Fossil Beds Amy Berenbeim
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Ditching Disposables Katherine DeGroff
Trail Mix: Naming Right Nicolas Brulliard
Trail Mix: Following the Flood Katherine DeGroff
Trail Mix: A Hoof Too Far Katherine DeGroff
Trail Mix: Breaking Ground Rona Marech
Denizens: Lizards on the Lam Jacob Baynham
Findings: To Collect or Not to Collect Julia Busiek
Your Park Stories
Time Travel: Journey Through John Day Fossil Beds Amy Berenbeim
'First, Tell The Truth' Janisse Ray and Rory Doyle
Backstory: Paradise Found? Nicolas Brulliard
That Was Then
Cover: "Beauty in Purple," oil on canvas, 2020 Del Curfman
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: California to Colorado Matthew Kirby
Trail Mix: Case Reopened Nicolas Brulliard
Trail Mix: Victory Lap Katherine DeGroff
Trail Mix: Desert Deluge
Trail Mix: Tunnel Top Triumph Julia Busiek
Denizens: A Thorny Question Nicolas Brulliard
From Peak to Sea Craig Wolfrom
We're Still Here Katherine DeGroff
Land of Steam Shane Doyle/Del Curfman
Reflections: Electrifying Parks Elizabeth Kwak-Hefferan
Backstory: Blazes and Colors Greg M. Peters
That Was Then
Cover: The Northern Lights in Denali National Park and Preserve Jacob W. Frank
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Flavors of Acadia Casey Barber
Trail Mix: An Unexpected Find Katherine DeGroff
Trail Mix: Coprolite Happens Melanie D.G. Kaplan
Denizens: Comeback Bears Nicolas Brulliard
Yellowstone Family Nicolas Brulliard
Reaching for the Sky Rona Marech/Jacob W. Frank
Into the Wind Ben Goldfarb/Kenny Braun
Reflections: Reservations Required? Katherine DeGroff
Backstory: Home, Home on the 'Āina Julie Busiek
That Was Then
Cover: Students posing in front of the Jefferson Jacob School in Prospect, Kentucky, circa 1920. Carridder Jones Photograph Collection/Filson Historical Society
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: A Rodent Reappearance Katherine DeGroff
Trail Mix: 'A Very, Very Long and Vast Rabbit Hole' Katherine DeGroff
Trail Mix: Righting a Wrong Katherine DeGroff
Trail Mix: A Greenway for the People Rona Marech
Denizens: Bird's Best Friend Julia Busiek
Findings: Pristine No More Nicolas Brulliard
Remembering Rosenwald Rona Kobell
Offshore Escape Dorian Fox
A Monumental Effort Kristin Henderson
Backstory: Second Take Nicolas Brulliard
That Was Then
Cover: A Tree Swallow at Manassas National Battlefield Park in Virginia. Eric Lee
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: 'How We Heal' Michael Jamison
Trail Mix: Lead Proof Katherine DeGroff
Trail Mix: A Stitch in Time Erika Zambello
Trail Mix: Watered Down>
Findings: A Clam Conundrum Ben Goldfarb
Denizens: Buzz Kill Julia Busiek
On the Brink Melanie D.G. Kaplan
'Peace, Life & Tingly Happiness' Matt Brass
Battle Lines Katherine DeGroff
Reflections: Killer on the Road Ben Goldfarb
That Was Then
Cover: Teen members of the Capital Juniors Rowing team skim across Anacostia River. Tyrone Turner
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: 'In My Country' Jacob Baynham
Trail Mix: A Mammoth Homecoming Katherine DeGroff
Trail Mix: Cause for Hope
Trail Mix: Old Timey All the Timey Kinsey Gidick
Legal Lifeline
Denizens: A Little Fish That Could Nicolas Brulliard
The Long Haul Nicolas Brulliard
From Rim to River Ben Goldfarb and Dave Showalter
The Long and Winding Recovery Rona Marech and Tyrone Turner
Reflections: A Land Liberated Michael Jamison
Backstory: A Rebellion Reappraised Rona Kobell
Photo Finish
Cover: A moss wall created by artist Kate Shooltz in honor of Akela Glacier, a rock glacier in Olympic National Park. NPS
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Weary Traveler Rona Marech
Trail Mix: A Muted Morning Katherine DeGroff
Trail Mix: A Diamond in the Desert Jacob Baynham
Denizens: One Animal’s Trash... Nicolas Brulliard
Reflections: The Swiss Model Nicolas Brulliard
Rocky Days Katherine DeGroff
Requiem For Melting Ice Kate Siber
Chasing a Troubled River Rona Marech
Backstory: The Women Behind the Brotherhood Katherine DeGroff
Photo Finish
Cover: Rafting the Colorado River, Grand Canyon National Park. ©Canyon Florey/Cavan
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Tour de Greg Jacob Baynham
Trail Mix: Code Red
Trail Mix: A Building of Trust Dorian Fox
Culture In Peril Katherine DeGroff
Findings: Vanishing Sea Meadows Jeremy Miller
Reflections: A Badge of Wonder Joe Mullich
Four Walks in the Park Nicolas Brulliard
Do or Die? Elisabeth Kwak-Hefferan
Weeding the Grand Canyon Melissa L. Sevigny
Backstory: The Dog Trainers of Cat Island Jacob Baynham
Photo Finish
Cover: Sunset over Horn Island, Gulf Islands National Seashore. ©Rory Doyle
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Songs of Freedom Vanessa Hua
Trail Mix: Justice Served? Katherine DeGroff
Trail Mix: Prometheus Found Madison Sankovitz
Trail Mix: La Bouée de Floride Nicolas Brulliard
Trail Mix: Poetry in Place Dorian Fox
Culture In Peril Katherine DeGroff
Denizens: Odd Bird Rescue Nicolas Brulliard
Findings: Strange Bedfellows Nicolas Brulliard
So Close Yet So Far Rory Doyle
Peak Parenting Julia Busiek w/Philip Pacheco
The Real Housewives of Brooks River Kevin Grange
Reflections: The Charisma Premium Ben Goldfarb
Photo Finish
Cover: Quinn Brett, who is paralyzed from the waist down, hand-cycles the Bright Angel Trail in Grand Canyon National Park with friend Stacy Dorais. ©Bob Prechel
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: The Dirt on Acadia Nick Lund
Have Dog Must Travel
Trail Mix: Stumpy’s Last Stand Katherine DeGroff
A New, Old Name
The Aftermath
Reflections: Beyond the Views Maggie Downs
Denizens: Clawing Back Nicolas Brulliard
'Free Wheeling Katherine DeGroff
Where the Birches Bend Matt Brass
If You Build It Ben Goldfarb
Backstory: The Marvelous Ms. Marguerite Jacob Baynham
Photo Finish

National Parks magazine is copyrighted by the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA). NPCA owns the exclusive rights to these magazine issues and their contents including the trademarks and copyrights but has graciously granted us permission to post these back issues; please respect this copyright-holder by not re-posting this content. Use of these Web pages is under license from NPCA — you may only view the National Parks magazine covers and contents for your personal use and at your own risk; neither nor NPCA are responsible for any loss or damage arising from information or links contained within these pages. is not an official partner of the National Parks Conservation Association, but we are greatly appreciative of their 100+ year efforts to protect our national parks and for allowing us to share their history.
©1942-2025, National Parks Conservation Association
Date: 01-Jan-2025