National Parks Magazine

©National Parks Conservation Association
(All rights reserved)

Below is an archive of back issues. To view, simply click on the magazine cover. All issue covers for a given year can be viewed by clicking on the year banner.

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Cover: Mission San José in San Antonio at sunset ©Bob Mowen
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Through the Lens Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: A New Moon Rising Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Investing in Waterfront Property Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Overkill Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: There's an App for That Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: Sizing Them Up
Trail Mix: Chewed Out Laurie J. Schmidt
Park Mysteries: Stories in Stone Jeff Rennicke
Rare & Endangered: Desert Prophets Seth Shteir
It's Brightest Jewel Jeff Rennicke
The Missions Mike Thomas
P.O. Box 1142 Heidi Ridgley
Reflections: Among the Glaciers Erin McKittrick
Travel Planner
Historic Highlights: From the Ashes John Grossmann
Cover: Yosemite Valley at night ©Tyler Nordgren
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Lost and Found Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: At Long Last Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: The Voice of Glacier — Q & A with Doug Follett
Trail Mix: California Desert Protection Act: The Sequel Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: Minty Fresh Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: On the Wing Kelly Bastone
Trail Mix: The Big One Mark Arsenault
Park Mysteries: On the Prowl Amy Leinbach Marquis
Rare & Endangered: Trouble Waters Michael Engelhard
The Running Country Jeff Rennicke
Fading Fast Anne Minard
Call of the Wild Mike Thomas
Travel Planner
Historic Highlights: An Early Exit Scott Kirkwood
Aperture Chris Peterson
Cover: Spectators watch a lava explosion on the island of Hawai'i ©Photo Resource Hawaii/Alamy
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: The High Road Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Getting Their Due Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Candid Camera — Q & A with Joe Riis
Trail Mix: Crossing Wires Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: Buried Treasures Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Back to School Kevin Grange
Trail Mix: It's Only Natural Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: A Snake in the Grass Amy Leinbach Marquis
Park Mysteries: Ancient Melodies Amy Leinbach Marquis
Rare & Endangered: A Stone's Throw from Extinction Jennifer Bogo
Expanding the Palette John Grossmann
Hawai'i: Life in the Extreme Ian Shive
Wading into Wilderness Amy Leinbach Marquis
Travel Planner Historic Highlights: House of Worship Ethan Gilsdorf
Cover: Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1966 ©Charles Moore/Black Star
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Running on Fumes Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Number 34 Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: The Aftermath Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: Waterfront Views Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: Continental Divide Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Clearing Skies? Scott Kirkwood
Park Mysteries: Ringe of Fire John Dvorak
Rare & Endangered: Beetle Mania Susan J. Tweit
A Golden Opportunity Kelly Bastone
In the Footsteps of a Dream Jeanine Barone
Freedom's Fortress Jeff Rennicke
Reflections: Ansel Adams in the National Parks
Historic Highlights: Battling for Sitka Carolyn Servid
Cover: A woman climbs out of a deep moulin in the Root Glacier during a trip led by St. Elias Alpine Guides ©Ethan Welty
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: The New-Age Naturalist Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Beyond the Great House Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Water and Sand
Trail Mix: The Point of No Return? Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Raisin' Expectations Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: New & Improved Kelly Bastone
Trail Mix: Arching Forward Scott Kirkwood
Park Mysteries: The Hermit of Hermit Island Jeff Rennicke
Rare & Endangered: The Spice of Life Kelly Bastone
In Good Conscience Kevin Grange
The Wolverine Way Douglas W. Chadwick
Excursions: Mountain Kingdom Craig Medred
Historic Highlights: Chasing the Dream Amy Leinbach Marquis
Cover: Write Aimee Lyn Brown walks atop a fallen redwood in Northern California ©Justin Bailie
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Securing the Fort Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Safe Passage Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: The War That Shaped America — Q & A with Bill Gwaltney
Trail Mix: Tree Huggers Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: Gasping for Air Nathan Rice
Trail Mix: Wilderness Preserved Scott Kirkwood
Park Mysteries: Fourth Rock from the Sun Jeff Rennicke
Rare & Endangered: A Leap of Faith Kelly Bastone
A Classroom with a View Michael Engelhard
On the Road Aimee Lyn Brown
Objects of Affection Scott Kirkwood
Reflections: Lessons in the Tallgrass Anne Heyse
Travel Planner
Historic Highlights: When Cotton Was King Scott Kirkwood
Cover: Former Park Service George Hartzog stands in a grove of Sequoias ©Dale Stephands
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Victory at Gettysburg Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Taking out the Trash Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Breathe It In Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: The Face of Freedom Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: What's in a Name? Rachel Belkin & Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: Completing the Tetons Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: Crossing Guards Ethan Gilsdorf
Park Mysteries: In the Dark John Grossmann
Rare & Endangered: The Grouse Efect Kelly Bastone
The Guardian Mike Thomas
Home of the Brave Ethan Gilsdorf
At the Water's Edge David Herasimtschuk
Travel Planner
Historic Highlights: Swept Away Aimee Lyn Brown
Cover: Wooden bird pins carved by Sadao Oka, Poston, Arizona ©Terry Haffernan
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: A Vote of Confidence Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: A Bigger Vision Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: A Road Less Traveled Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Out of Sync Seth Shteir
Trail Mix: Home at Last >JoAnn Greco
Trail Mix: On the Right Path Scott Kirkwood
Park Mysteries: The Old Man of the Lake Kevin Grange
Rare & Endangered: Unusual Suspects Amy Leinbach Marquis
The Visionaries Kate Siber
A Grand Teton Winter Scott Kirkwood
The Art of Gaman Delphine Hirasuna
Reflections: The Movement Stephen Lias
Travel Planner
Historic Highlights: The Lay of the Land Scott Kirkwood
Cover: Portrait of Matthew Brady >©National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution/Art Resource, NY
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Flowing Again
Trail Mix: Let's Take This Outside Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: In Harm's Way JoAnn Greco
Trail Mix: Jazzed John Grossmann
Findings: Maiden Voyage Julie Leibach
Denizens: A Shoreline Rescue Aimee Lyn Brown
Something in the Water Heather Lukacs and Scott Kirkwood
The War Correspondent Mike Thomas
Sketching the Natchez Trace Walt Taylor
Reflections: Hunkered at the Gateway Christine Byl
Backstory: The Wright Stuff Kate Siber
That Was Then
Cover: An Airstream trailer, parked just beyond the border of Yosemite National Park, California ©Ian Shive/Tandem
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Far Out
Trail Mix: A Raw Deal Aimee Lyn Brown
Trail Mix: The End of a Radioactive Proposal Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: A Rising Star Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: Friends in High Places Aimee Lyn Brown
Findings: Secrets of the Tombs Kelly Bastone
Denizens: Nesting Instincts Kate Siber
Hidden Yosemite Kallie Markle
Wheels of Change Amy Leinbach Marquis
Sacred Water Kevin Grange
Travel Planner
Backstory: An American Poet Kate Siber
That Was Then
Cover: Plastic collected on Point Reyes National Seashore ©Richard Lang and Judith Selby Lang
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: On the Right Track
Trail Mix: One More Casualty at Little Bighorn? Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: A Breath of Fresh Air Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: A Thousand Miles in a Hundred Days Amy Leinbach Marquis
Findings: The Mosses at Our Feet Jesse Fox Mayshark
Denizens: Slip Sliding Away? John Grossmann
The Aftermath Mark Schrope
Prairie Solitaire Morgan Heim
Found Objects Amy Leinbach Marquis
Reflections: The Distant Rumble of White Thunder Michael Lanza
Travel Planner
Backstory: Exiled to Paradise Kevin Grange
That Was Then
Cover: Susan Mareno (left) and Meggan Haller roast marshmallows while backcountry camping at Perdido Key in Gulf Islands National Seashore, Florida ©Jeff Haller/Keyhole Photo
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: A Promise Broken
Trail Mix: Rebuilding the Past Kate Siber
Trail Mix: A Mountain to Climb Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: Saving the Smokies' Bears JoAnn Greco
Findings: Sea Change Kevin Grange
Denizens: The Secret Lives of Hummingbirds Kelly Bastone
Standing Guard Kate Siber
Back to the Land Melanie D.G. Kaplan
Coast to Coast Mark Schrope
Travel Planner
Backstory: Angel of the Battlefield Heidi Ridgley
That Was Then
Cover: Joanna Letz, Garden Manager at Slide Ranch Farm, which delivers fresh produce to the Muir Woods Café ©Michelle McCarron
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Setting the Table
Trail Mix: On the Right Track? Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: Buried in the Sand Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Labor of Love Kate Siber
Trail Mix: Digging In Native Soil Brian Kevin
Trail Mix: Picture This Scott Kirkwood
Findings: Hot on the Trail Eric Wagner
Denizens: Native Waters Amy Leinbach Marquis
The Sustainable Spread Kallie Markle
The Anniversary Gift Melanie D.G. Kaplan
Over/Under Michael Jamison
Travel Planner
Backstory: Symphony in Bronze Kevin Grange
That Was Then
Cover: Pronghorn antelope in eastern Montana ©Donald M. Jones/Minden Pictures
President's Outlook Thomas C. Kiernan
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Through the Looking Glass, Q & A with Michael Falco
Trail Mix: Fish Out of Water Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Wolf Hunt Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Getting the Lead Out Kelly Bastone
Findings: One of a Kind Moran Heim
Denizens: Higher on the Mountain Drew Pogge
The Value of Species Edward L. McCord
Sand & Castles Scott Kirkwood
Dog Years Christine Byl
Travel Planner
Backstory: Renaissance Man Scott Kirkwood
That Was Then
Cover: Roadrunners have plenty in common with that animated icon known for outwitting a coyote according to Big Bend park ranger David Eikowitz ©David Welling
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Where the Wild Things Are
Trail Mix: Mission Outdoors Karen Nozik
Trail Mix: Dangerous Territory Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: On the Map Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Dress Rehearsal Brian Mockenhaupt
Findings: Frozen in Time Kevin Grange
Denizens: Shifting Tides Kate Siber
Wood Blocks & Water Colors Kate Siber
Elwha: A River Reborn Lynda V. Mapes
A Bird's Eye View Melanie D.G. Kaplan
Backstory: Desert Storm Amy Leinbach Marquis
That Was Then
Cover: California sea lions swimming off the coast of Anacapa Island, Channel Islands National Park ©Ian Shive
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: National Parks Need Help
Trail Mix: On a Ledge Kate Siber
Trail Mix: Night and Day Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: A Tale of Two Rivers Scott Kirkwood
Findings: Swimming with Dinosaurs Amy Leinbach Marquis
Denizens: Gentle Giants Kate Siber
California Dreaming Ian Shive
The Life Aquatic Jennifer Bogo
Hidden Valley Melanie D.G. Kaplan
Travel Planner
Backstory: First Impressions Stephen Jermanok
That Was Then
Cover: Backpacking near Pinnacle Peak, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington ©Justin Bailie
President's Outlook Clark Bunting
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Open & Shut? National Parks Funding 2014
Trail Mix: The Last Wolf Laurie McClellan
Trail Mix: A Winter Wonderland Once Again
Trail Mix: Déjà View Scott Kirkwood
Findings: Beween a Bog and a Hard Place Eric Wagner
Denizens: Tiny Dancer Kevin Grange
Whatever You Do, Don't Look Up Edward Readicker-Henderson
The Alaska Experiment Tom Kizzia
The Center Scott Kirkwood
Travel Planner
Backstory: Divine Providence Kate Siber
That Was Then
Cover: Dusk at Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument in Arizona ©Brixton Doyle
President's Outlook Clark Bunting
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Seeing the Forest for the Trees Melanie D.G. Kaplan
Trail Mix: Catching a Ride Rona Marech
Trail Mix: Hire Education Christine Byl
Trail Mix: 401 and Done Rona Marech
Findings: Gone But Not Forgotten Kate Siber
Denizens: Seeing Green Rona Marech
Geting Her Goat Julia Busiek
Stewards & Storytellers Kevin Grange
Pipe Dreams Kallie Markle
Reflections: A Prescription For Nature Daphne Miller
Travel Planner
Backstory: Merrily Go 'Round Rona Marech
That Was Then
Cover: Little Missouri River Overlook, on the north unit of Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota ©Matthew Turley
President's Outlook Clark Bunting
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Raising the Bar Rona Marech
Trail Mix: The View from Everywhere Rona Marech
Trail Mix: National Anthem, Q & A with Doreen Taylor
Trail Mix: Good News with Spelunkers Scott Kirkwood
Findings: Flight Tracking Eric Wagner
Denizens: A Wing and a Prayer Nicholas Lund
Sketching the Smokies Walt Taylor
Drilling Down Melanie D.G. Kaplan
Untold Stories Rona Marech
Travel Planner Backstory: A Way With Words Rona Marech
That Was Then
Cover: Climbing slickrock along Big Spring Trail, Canyonlands ©Morgan Heim
President's Outlook Clark Bunting
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Flight Plan Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: The Soundtrack Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: Rallying Cry Amy Leinbach Marquis
Trail Mix: Fighting Fluff Rona Marech
Findings: Sea Change Kate Siber
Denizens: A Slippery Subject Scott Kirkwood
Red Rocks Heidi Ridgley
A Billion-Dollar Driveway Seth Kantner
In the Crosshairs Heidi Ridgley
Travel Planner
Backstory: Tracking Down History Julia Busiek
That Was Then
Cover: A hiker pauses on Disappointment Clever after a night-long snowstorm on Mount Rainier ©François-Xavier De Ruydts
President's Outlook Clark Bunting
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Fired Up Rona Marech
Trail Mix: Art on the Rock Julia Busiek
Trail Mix: Like a Good Neighbor Scott Kirkwood
Findings: What the Streams Say David Brown
Denizens: A Tiny Discovery Kate Siber
Under the Ice, Above the Clouds Sandi Doughton
At Rest in Yellowstone Gary Ferguson
Astronauts on Planet Earth Craig Wolfrom
Trip Planner
Backstory: A First Lady Rona Marech
That Was Then
Cover: Salt Formations, Badwater Basin, Death Valley National Park ©Tom Schwabel/Tandem Stills + Motion
President's Outlook Clark Bunting
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Keeping It Green Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: Bearing Witness Kate Siber
Trail Mix: Cracking the Nut Nick Lund
Trail Mix: Mammoths & Mountains Rona Marech
Findings: A Swallow's Tale Kate Siber
Denizens: Resurfacing Rona Marech
Big Wheels: Touring the Rugged Coastline of Alaska's Kenai Fjords Mollie Foster
'The Loneliest Land' Lisa Selin Davis
Generating Controversy Peter Friederici
Travel Planner
Backstory: A Pool for the People Julia Busiek
That Was Then
Cover: A kayaker paddles on Tomales Bay in Point Reyes National Seashore ©Drew Kelly
President's Outlook Clark Bunting
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Room to Roam Matt Brass
Trail Mix: Find Your Voice Rona Marech
Trail Mix: Starry, Starry Nights Rona Marech
Trail Mix: A Whale's Last Song Kate Siber
Trail Mix: Pedaling for the Planet Scott Kirkwood
Trail Mix: A Stitch in Time? Scott Kirkwood
Findings: A High-Flying Recovery Kate Siber
Denizens: A Lion's Den Kevin Grange
A Front-Row Seat Elizabeth Bradfield
The Land of Fog and Sea Rona Marech
The Price of a Feather Laura Allen
Travel Planner
Backstory: John Brown's Soul Heidi Ridgley
That Was Then
Cover: A 1934 George Grant photograph of Manzanita Lake in Lassen Volcanic National Park NPS HFC
President's Outlook Clark Bunting
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: A Marine Reserve for Biscayne Mariela Milner
Trail Mix: Living History Vanessa Hua
Trail Mix: Early Birds & Night Owls Nicholas Lund
Trail Mix: A Mammoth Discovery Jennifer Errick
Findings: If a Tree Falls, They'll Hear It Kate Siber
Denizens: Counting Sheep Laura Allen
Gift of the Glaciers Laurie McClellan
The National Park Next Door Rona Kobell
Landscapes for the People Ren and Helen Davis
Travel Planner
Backstory: Where They Cried Julia Busiek
That Was Then
Cover: ©Walt Taylor
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: 100 Years at a Glance Christine Engel
Trail Mix: The Mysteries of the Panama Hotel Melanie D.G Kaplan
Trail Mix: Striking Desert Gold Todd Christopher
Trail Mix: The Space Between Things Kate Siber
Findings: Warm With A Chance of Crowds Katherine McKinney
Denizens: The Beaver That Didn't Give a Dam Nicholas Lund
A Quest to Remember Julie Scharper
Shindigs, Jamborees, & Jubilees Melanie D.G. Kaplan
A Complicated Past Kate Siber
Travel Planner
Backstory: Standing Tall Julie Busiek
That Was Then
Cover: The Milky Way and a starry sky over Lassen Peak ©Rachid Dahnoun for Tandem Stills + Motion
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Snowed In Jacob Baynham
Trail Mix: In Black and White Nicolas Brulliard
Trail Mix: Landscape Poetry Cameron Walker
Findings: A Penny For Your Thoughts Cameron Walker
Denizens: Saving Goliath Nicolas Brulliard
The Lassen Effect Kallie Markle
The Trouble With Bats Dorian Fox
Travel Planner
Then & Now Kate Siber
Backstory: An Audacious Fight Nicolas Brulliard
That Was Then
Cover: Dusk at Rialto Beach in Olympic ©Justin Bailie
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: What Lies Beneath Kate Siber
Trail Mix: Remembering Birmingham's Fight For Equality ©Ruth Rowland
Trail Mix: Words and Stones Dorian Fox
Trail Mix: A Park-Loving Justice? Nicolas Brulliard
Trail Mix: Surround Sound Nicolas Brulliard
Findings: What's in a Howl? Nicolas Brulliard
Denizens: Founding Mother Nick Lund
Your Park Stories
Cosmic Vibes Abound Melanie D.G. Kaplan
Travel Planner
Sunny Days Rona Marech
Backstory: Claiming the Rock Nicolas Brulliard
That Was Then
Cover: A great egret in New York City's Jamaica Bay ©Michael Falco
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Great American Road Trip Kate Siber
Trail Mix: Songs of the Wild Melanie D.G. Kaplan
Trail Mix: Have Phone, Will Travel Rona Marech
Trail Mix: Remembering Stonewall Editors
Findings: Coyotes and the City Kate Siber
Denizens: Forest Lights Gina Vercesi
Fire on the Mountain Terry Tempest Williams
A Campsite Grows In Brooklyn Rona Kobell
Travel Planner
Return to Manzanar Nicolas Brulliard
Backstory: Against All Odds Kevin Grange
That Was Then
Cover: A humpback whale in Hawaii ©Flip Nicklin / Minden Pictures
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: The Retirement Cure Katherine McKinney
Trail Mix: High Country Rescue Cameron Walker
Trail Mix: The Long Haul Rona Marech
Trail Mix: Killer Commodes Nick Lund
Findings: Seeing the Light Rona Kobell
Denizens: A Rare Tuft Kate Siber
The Burro Quandary Nicolas Brulliard
Deep Listening Dorian Fox
Prairie Portal Laura Allen
Travel Planner
Backstory: Wild West Josie Nicolas Brulliard
That Was Then
Cover: Gazing out over Great Sand Dunes National Park ©Morgan Heim
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: These Lands Are Now Your Lands Matt Brass
Trail Mix: My Maine Nick Lund
Trail Mix: A Mission to Grow Sarah C.P. Williams
Trail Mix: Reappearing Act Kate Siber
Findings: Mercury Rising? Nicolas Brulliard
Denizens: Silversword Fight Emily Mount
The Long Way Home Kate Siber
Sandbox in the Sky Melanie D.G. Kaplan
Reflections of a Man in His Wilderness: Remembering Richard Proenneke Editors
Backstory: Unearthing a Lost City Nicolas Brulliard
That Was Then
Cover: A grizzly bear in Yellowstone National Park ©Jeff Vanuga / Minden Pictures
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: A People's Historian Julie Scharper
Trail Mix: Soaking It All In Nicolas Brulliard
Trail Mix: The Great Escape Kate Siber
Trail Mix: Finding Home Michael Branch
Findings: True Colors Cameron Walker
Denizens: Bouncing Back in Yosemite Nick Lund
Ghosts of the Gorge Dorian Fox
Lost Bears Kate Siber
Where the Wild Things Were Kate Siber
Backstory: Desert Gator Nicolas Brulliard
That Was Then
Cover: Valerie Ardelia Ross Manokey, Harriet Tubman's great-great niece, at the new Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Visitor Center in Maryland ©Dave Harp
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Revolutionary Roles Dorian Fox
Trail Mix: Nature Fix Julie Scharper
Trail Mix: For Love and Trains Katherine McKinney
Findings: Garbage In, Garbage Out Sarah C.P. Williams
Denizens: Vulture Vandals Nicolas Brulliard
Remembering Aunt Harriet Rona Kobell
Travel Planner
An Uncertain Future Kate Siber
The Wild Congaree Greg M. Peters
Backstory: Esther of the Rockies Nicolas Brulliard
That Was Then
Cover: Double Arch in Arches National Park ©John Burcham
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Total Eclipse of the Parks Todd Christopher
Trail Mix: Below Biscayne Karuna Eberl
Trail Mix: The Octogenarian and the Monolith Rona Marech
Trail Mix: A Very Good Dog Nicolas Brulliard
Findings: Seabird's Secrets Nick Lund
Denizens: Denali Newbie Nicolas Brulliard
In the Balance Todd Christopher
Waiting For a Baby Boom Sarah C.P. Williams
In Their Footsteps Melanie D.G. Kaplan
Backstory: The Lost Village Nicolas Brulliard
That Was Then
Cover: Sunset at Mica Island on Namakan Lake in Voyageurs National Park ©Alex Messenger / Trandem Stock
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: A Land Divided Matt Bass
Trail Mix: The Appalachian Trail Blazer ©Jennifer Pharr Davis
Trail Mix: Between a (Kindness) Rock and a Hard Place Nicolas Brulliard
Trail Mix: Reporting for Duty Rona Marech
Findings: The Case of the Shrinking Moose Kate Siber
Denizens: Nature's Night Lights Julia Busiek
500 Islands, 2 Paddlers, 1 Scrabble Board Nicolas Brulliard
Some Like It Very Hot Kate Siber
The Lion Catcher Emily Mount
Backstory: The Indian Chief and the President Nicolas Brulliard
That Was Then
Cover: Andrew, Cara and Rachel Curren, pictured in Moab, Utah, have so far amassed 125 junior ranger badges on their roadschool adventure ©Jess Curren
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Death Valley Angst Michael P. and Hannah V. Branch
Trail Mix: The Meaning of the Chug Karuna Eberl
Trail Mix: Small Plastic, Big Problem Jacob Baynham
Trail Mix: The Flower Shot Emily Mount
Findings: Welcome Home? Nicolas Brulliard
Denizens: Birds on the Battlefield Nick Lund
Lessons in Motion Kate Siber
Snow, Steam, Bison, Sky Greg M. Peters
'Harsh is Truth' Melanie D.G. Kaplan
Backstory: A Ladder to the Top Julie Scharper
That Was Then
Cover: Laysan albatross on Midway Atoll, a part of Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument in the North Pacific Ocean ©Ian Shive /
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Drilling in National Parks? Mike Wirth
Trail Mix: Front-Lawn Fishing? Nicolas Brulliard
Trail Mix: A Space For All Voices Dorian Fox
Trail Mix: Wasting Away Kate Siber
Denizens: Muskrats to the Rescue Nicolas Brulliard
Findings: Rolling Stones Emily Mount
The Forgotten March Nicolas Brulliard
Living Monuments Kate Siber
On The Rocks Melanie D.G. Kaplan
Backstory: Battling History Jacob Baynham That Was Then
Cover: Emmett Till in an undated photo ©Associated Press
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: A Whaling Tale Melanie D.G. Kaplan
Trail Mix: Goats Go Home Jonathan Shipley
Trail Mix: Valley of Memories Dorian Fox
Trail Mix: No English? No Problem. Melanie D.G. Kaplan
Denizens: Saving the Panther Nicolas Brulliard
Findings: The Census Taker Jacob Baynham
The Ranger Project Daniel Howe
Mississippi Reckoning Kate Siber
When Your Toddler Meets a Crocodile Brianna Randall
Backstory: Sultan of Sweat Nicolas Brulliard
That Was Then
Cover: Annie Riker
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
100 Years of Advocacy: NPCA's History at a Glance Ruth Rowland
Down Memory Lane: Fearless and Outspoken Todd Christopher
From the Archives Editors
Reflections: Growing Up With Gettysburg Alan Spears
Fighting For the Grizzly Nicolas Brulliard
The Path Ahead: What is going to happen too national parks in the next century?
That Was Then
Cover: The Milky Way traces an arc over Devils Tower in Wyoming ©David Lane
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Restoring Wolves at Isle Royale Julie Kostic
Trail Mix: Golden Spike Redux Vanessa Hua
Trail Mix: Our New Parks Rona Marech
Trail Mix: An Ethereal Watchamacallit Rona Marech
Denizens: Home on the Range? Nicolas Brulliard
Findings: Hunt and Gather Jacob Baynham
Naming Matters Nicolas Brulliard
Water, Smoke, Spirit, Forest, Ghost, Land, Sky Matt Brass
Open Roads & Endless Skies Todd Christopher
Backstory: Walking the Walk Todd Christopher
Yesterday on the C&O Canal Bob Keiter
That Was Then
Cover: A Bison in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming ©Jake Davis/
President's Outlook Theresa Pierno
Editor's Note
Trail Mix: Subterranean Secrets of Carlsbad Caverns Amy Berenbeim
Trail Mix: An American Journey Glenn Nelson
Trail Mix: Exposed Laura Allen
From the Archives: Yellowstone Park John Finley
Denizens: The Last Wild One Nicolas Brulliard
Findings: Etched in Stone Jacob Baynham
A Momentous Arrival Nicolas Brulliard
Candid Cameras Kristin Henderson
After the Fire Kate Siber
Backstory: A Mystery in Death Valley Julia Busiek
That Was Then

National Parks magazine is copyrighted by the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA). NPCA owns the exclusive rights to these magazine issues and their contents including the trademarks and copyrights but has graciously granted us permission to post these back issues; please respect this copyright-holder by not re-posting this content. Use of these Web pages is under license from NPCA — you may only view the National Parks magazine covers and contents for your personal use and at your own risk; neither nor NPCA are responsible for any loss or damage arising from information or links contained within these pages. is not an official partner of the National Parks Conservation Association, but we are greatly appreciative of their 100+ year efforts to protect our national parks and for allowing us to share their history.
©1942-2025, National Parks Conservation Association
Date: 27-Nov-2021