Fort Union
Administrative History
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1. Fort Union National Monument Resource Management Plan, Fort Union National Monument, 1987.

2. Sandra Schackel, Historic Vegetation At Fort Union National Monument: 1851-1983 (Report, National Park Service Southwest Regional Office, Santa Fe, 1983), pp.13-14.

3. Statement for Management, Fort Union National Monument, 1990.

4. Arthur Woodward, Fort Union, New Mexico--Guardian of the Santa Fe Trail, (Report, National Park Service, Region Three Office, 1958-1959), p. 19.

5. William H. Goetzmann, Army Exploration in the American West: 1803-1863 (University of Nebraska Press, 1979), pp. 36-39.

6. David J. Weber, The Mexican Frontier, 1821-1846: The American Southwest Under Mexico (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1982), p. 125.

7. Ibid., P. 128.

8. Ibid.

9. Fray Angelico Chavez, "Early Settlements in the Mora Valley," El Placio 62 No. 11 (November 1955): 318-23.

10. The Mora Grant of New Mexico (Denver: The Clark Quick Printing Co., nd.), p. 17.

11. Stanley Vestal, Wagons Southwest, Story of Old Trail to Santa Fe (New York: American Pioneer Trail Association, 1946), p. 36.

12. Robert M. Utley, Fort Union National Monument (Washington, D.C.: National Park Service, 1962), P. 8.

13. Ibid.

14. George P. Hammond, The Adventures of Alexander Barclay, Mountain Man, From London Corsetier to Pioneer Farmer in Canada, Bookkeeper in St. Louis, Superintendent of Bent's Fort, Fur Trader and Mountain man in Colorado and New Mexico, Builder of Barclay's Fort on the Santa Fe Trail, New Mexico in 1848: A Narrative of His Career, 1818 to 1855, His Memorandum Diary, 1845 to 1850 (Denver: Fred A. Rosenstock Old West Publishing Company, 1976), p. 91.

15. Ibid., P. 92.

16. Utley, Fort Union National Monument, P. 9.

17. Ibid.

18. Woodward, Fort Union, New Mexico--Guardian of the Santa Fe Trail, p. 94.

19. Edward Steere, "Fort Union, New Mexico: Its Economic and Military History," National Park Service, 1938. (Typewritten.)

20. Henry Woods, "Fort Union, New Mexico: The History of New Mexico's Most Famous Military Post," National Park Service, nd. (Typewritten.)

21. U.S., Congress, Senate, Committee on Military Affairs, Title to Certain Military and Timber Reservations. S. Rept. 621, 45th Cong., 3d sess., 1879, p. 3.

22. Robert M. Utley, Frontiersmen in Blue: The United States Army and the Indian, 1848-1865 (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1981), pp. 143-46.

23. Ibid., pp. 147-52.

24. Chris Emmett, Fort Union and the Winning of the Southwest (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1965), P. 247.

25. Darlis A. Miller, Soldiers and Settlers: Military Supply in the Southwest, 1861-1885 (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1989), pp. 221-23.

26. Woods, "Fort Union, New Mexico: The History of New Mexico's Most Famous Military Post," National Park Service, n.d. (Typewritten.)

27. Utley, Fort Union National Monument, 39-44.

28. Ibid., pp. 44-46.

29. Ibid., pp. 46-49.

30. U.S. Congress, Senate, Committee on Military Affairs, Title to certain Military and Timber Reservations. S. Rept. 621, 45th Cong., 3d sess., 1879, p. 3.

31. Ibid., p. 4.

32. Emmett, Fort Union and the Winning of the Southwest, pp. 393-409.

33. Utley, Fort Union National Monument, p. 1.


1. Lynn B. Mitchell, "Old Fort Union," The New Mexico Freemason 17, No. 7 (July 1952): 7.

2. Donald D. Mawson, "Fort Union National Monument: Its Origin, Development, and Administration" Fort Union, 1961. (Typewritten.)

3. Interview with Isidro Montoya by Dale Giese and Ramon Gurduno, 311 South Pacific, Las Vegas, New Mexico, March 25, 1963.

4. James W. Arrott, Arrott's Brief History of Fort Union (Las Vegas, New Mexico, 1962), p. 18.

5. Genevieve LaTourrette, "Fort Union Memories," New Mexico Historical Review 26, No. 4 (October 1951): 283.

6. George L. Machen, "Brief History of Union Lodge No. 4, Wagon Mound, New Mexico," The New Mexico Freemason 2, No. 9, (September 1937): 3-8.

7. William Stapp, "Chapman Lodge No. 2, A. F. and A. M., Las Vegas, New Mexico," Paper presented at the Masonic Lodge meeting, Las Vegas, New Mexico, 1946.

8. New Mexico, Joint Resolution Petitioning the Congress of the United States and the President of the United States to Set Aside Old Fort Union Located in Mora County, State of New Mexico as a National Monument. Law of 1929 (Santa Fe, New Mexico), p. 430.

9. U.S., Congress, House, Albert Simms's bill to provide for the study, investigation, and survey, for commemorative purposes, of the Glorieta Pass, Pigeon Ranch, Apache Canyon battle fields, and of Old Fort Union in the State of New Mexico, H.R. 11146, 71st Cong., 2nd sess., Congressional Record 72:6139.

10. The Superintendent of the Rocky Mountain National Park to the Director of the National Park Service, March 24, 1936, Fort Union National Monument Library, Fort Union National Monument, Watrous, New Mexico.

11. Edward Steere, "Fort Union, Its Economic and Military History," Report for the National Park Service, 1938, National Park Service Southwest Regional Office Library, Santa Fe, New Mexico. (Duplicate.)

12. Charles A. Richey, "Field Report of May 9-10, 1939," in an untitled paper, 1964, Fort Union National Monument Library. (Typewritten.)

13. Charles A. Richey, "Field Report of May 9-10, 1939," in Mawson's "Fort Union National Monument," p. 11.

14. Hillory A. Tolson to Edward B. Wheeler, May 20, 1939, Fort Union Files, National Park Service Southwest Regional Office, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

15. Superintendent of the Rocky Mountain National Park to Director of the National Park Service, March 24, 1936.

16. Hillory Tolson to Edward Wheeler, May 20, 1939.

17. Ibid.

18. Hillory A. Tolson to John E. Miles, June 6, 1939, Fort Union Files, Southwest Regional Office.

19. Arthur E. Demaray, Memorandum for Regional Director, Region Three, June 8, 1939, Fort Union Files, Southwest Regional Office.

20. Mawson, "Fort Union National Monument."

21. Charles A. Richey, Field Report, June 8, 27, 1939, Fort Union Files, Southwest Regional Office.

22. Hillory A. Tolson and Aubrey Neasham, "Special Report the Proposed Fort Union National Monument," June 1939, Southwest Regional Office File L-58.

23. Mawson, "Fort Union National Monument."

24. Ibid.

25. Ibid.

26. E. K. Burlew to John M. Carmody, January 15, 1940, File L-58, Fort Union National Monument.

27. Hillory Tolson, Memorandum for the Acting Regional Director, Region Three, January 22, 1940, Fort Union Files, Southwest Regional Office.

28. Franklin D. Roosevelt to Harold L. Ickes, July 6, 1940, in an untitled paper, 1964, Fort Union National Monument Library.

29. Mawson, "Fort Union National Monument."

30. Hillory A. Tolson, Memorandum for Chief Counsel Moskey, November 9, 1940, Fort Union File L-58, Southwest Regional Office.

31. Ibid.

32. Mawson, "Fort Union National Monument."

33. William Stapp, "Chapman Lodge No. 2, A.F. & A.M.," Paper presented at the Masonic Lodge Meeting in Las Vegas, New Mexico, 1946.

34. Boaz Long, Memorandum for the records, June 20, 1949, File Q-85, Fort Union National Monument.

35. Interview with Louis Timm by Patricio Quintana, Fort Union National Monument, June 8, 1959, in an untitled paper, 1964, Fort Union National Monument Library.

36. Las Vegas Daily Optic, June 21, 1949.

37. Lewis F. Schiele to Clinton P. Anderson, June 21, 1949, in an untitled paper, 1964, Fort Union National Monument Library.

38. E. N. Thwaites to Andrew Marshall, June 22, 1949, File Q-85, Fort Union National Monument.

39. Mawson, "Fort Union National Monument."

40. Ibid.

41. Ibid.

42. Ibid.

43. P. P. Patraw to A. E. Demaray, Memorandum, September 13, 1951, File L-58, Fort Union National Monument.

44. Boaz Long to Joseph A. Bursey, Director of the New Mexico State Tourist Bureau, September 23, 1949, File Q-85, Fort Union National Monument.

45. U.S. Congress, House, John J. Dempsey's bill to authorize the establishment of the Fort Union National Monument, in the state of New Mexico, and for other purpose; to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, H.R. 5139, 82nd Cong. 1st sess., Congressional Record 97:9913.

46. John J. Dempsey, "Statement in Support of H.R. 1005 Before the Public Lands Sub-Committee in the House Interior and Insular Affairs Committee," February 19, 1954, Fort Union, Inc., Files, Fort Union National Monument Library.

47. Fort Union National Monument File Q-85.

48. P. P. Patraw, Memorandum to A. E. Demaray, October 12, 1953, in an untitled paper, 1964, Fort Union National Monument Library.

49. Ibid.

50. New Mexico, An Act Authorizing the State of New Mexico through the State Park Commission or Its Successor to Acquire by Purchase, Gift or Condemnation for State Park Purposes the Old Fort Union Military Reservation Including the Cemetery and Rights of Way Used and to be Used in Connection therewith, Located within the Mora Grant, County of Mora, New Mexico; Authorizing the Reconstruction and Beautification of Such Area; Providing for the Administration of the Same; and Authorizing Agreement or Conveyances with or to the United States of Such Area. Law of 1953 (Santa Fe, New Mexico), p. 607-9.

51. Hugh M. Miller, Memorandum to M. R. Tillotson, May 8, 1953, in Mawson's "Fort Union National Monument.

52. Andrew Marshall to Hugh M. Miller, August 16, 1953, Fort Union File L-58, Southwest Regional Office.

53. Mawson, "Fort Union National Monument."

54. U.S., Congress, House, A Bill to Authorize the Establishment of the Fort Union National Monument in the State of New Mexico, H.R. 1005, 83rd Cong., 2nd sess., 1953, pt. 1266.

55. Edmund B. Rogers, History of Legislation Relating to the National Park Service System through the 82nd Congress (Washington D.C.: National Park Service, 1958).

56. Clinton P. Anderson to Henry C. Dworhsak, April 2, 1954, Clinton P. Anderson Papers, the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

57. Clinton P. Anderson to Walter T. Vivian, Editor and Publisher of the Las Vegas Daily Optic, June 11, 1954, Clinton P. Anderson Papers.

58. Act to Authorize the Establishment of the Fort Union National Monument, in the State of New Mexico, and for Other Purposes, Statutes at Large vol. 68, pt. 1, 298 (1954).

59. Fort Union, Inc. Files, Fort Union National Monument Library.

60. Ibid.

61. Albuquerque Journal, June 30, 1954.

62. Fort Union, Inc. Files, Fort Union National Monument File Q-85.

63. Fort Union, Inc. Files, Fort Union National Monument Library.

64. U.S., Department of the Interior, "Order Establishing Fort Union National Monument," April 4, 1956, Federal Register, vol. 21 (1956), No. 66, p. 2208.


1. Kittridge A. Wing, "Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Report for December 1955," January 7, 1956, Fort Union National Monument File A2823.

2. Rufus McDonald, state highway engineer, supervised the construction. Donald D. Mawson, "Fort Union National Monument: Its Origin, Development, and Administration," Fort Union, 1961. (typewritten)

3. Wing, "Superintendent's Monthly Narrative Report for March 1956," April 5, 1956, Fort Union File A2823.

4. Wing, "Monthly Report for May 1956," June 11, 1956, Fort Union File A2823.

5. Albuquerque Journal, June 9, 1956.

6. Mawson, "Its Origin, Development, and Administration."

7. Wing, "Monthly Report for June 1956," July 8, 1956, Fort Union File A2823.

8. Wing, "Monthly Report for July 1956," August 7, 1956, Fort Union File A2823.

9. National Park Service, Facts About Mission 66, (Washington, D.C.: Department of the Interior, nd.), pp. 1-7.

10. Douglas Croy, "Fort Union National Monument, New Mexico: the First Twenty-five Years" (M.A. Thesis, New Mexico Highlands University, 1984), pp.31-33.

11. Ibid., p.31.

12. Ibid., p.33.

13. Mawson, "Its Origin, Development, and Administration."

14. Fort Union, "News Release," July 31, 1967, Fort Union File A8215.

15. Croy, "The First Twenty-Five Years," p.34.

16. Ibid., p.33.

17. Homer Hastings to Regional Director, June 1, 1958, Fort Union File A2823.

18. Croy, "The First Twenty-Five Years," pp.31-32.

19. Wing, "Monthly Report for December 1955."

20. Wing, "Monthly Report for October 1956," November 7, 1956, Fort Union File A2823.

221. Wing, "Monthly Report for October 1956," November 7, 1956, Fort Union File A2823.

22. Kittridge Wing to Regional Director, April 14, 1957, Fort Union File A2823.

23. Mawson, "Its Origin, Development, and Administration," pp.47-52.

24. Rex L. Wilson, "Fort Union National Monument, New Mexico: Rehabilitation of Historic Structures," 3 vols. (Fort Union, Watrous, New Mexico, 1961), 1:6.

25. Albert H. Schroeder to Regional Chief of Division of Interpretation, June 2, 1960, Fort Union File Q5.

26. Frances Levine and William Westbury, A History of Archeological Investigations at Fort Union National Monument (National Park Service Southwest Regional Office, Santa Fe, 1990), pp.3-4.

27. Mawson, "Its Origin," pp.54-55.

28. Hastings, "Monthly Report for May 1958," June 1, 1958; Nicholas J. Bleser, "Interpretive Prospectus," (Fort Union, 1967), p.42.

29. Homer Hastings to Regional Director, July 2, 1959, Southwest Regional Office File A2815.

30. Las Vegas Daily Optic, June 16, 1959.

31. Croy, "The First Twenty-Five Years," p.33.

32. Ibid., p.44; Hastings, "Monthly Report for September 1965," October 4, 1965, Fort Union File A2823.

33. National Park Service, Western Military Forts: Report of Committee to Review Western Forts' Interpretive Development Programs, by Roy E. Appleman, Chairman (1965), p.7.

34. Ibid., p.1; The seven western forts were Fort Laramie (Wyoming), Fort Larned (Kansas), Bent's Fort (Colorado), Fort Union (New Mexico), Fort Bowie (Arizona), Fort Davis (Texas), and Fort Smith (Arkansas).

35. Ibid., p.7.

36. Bleser, Interpretive Prospectus, p.42.

37. Fort Union, "News Release," May 3, 1968, Fort Union File.

38. Croy, "The First Twenty-Five Years," pp.46-47; Ross Hopkins, "Annual Report for 1975," February 26, 1976, Fort Union File A2621.

39. Hopkins, "Annual Report for 1974," January 9, 1975, Fort Union File A2615.

40. Ross Hopkins, telephone interview with the author, January 30, 1992.

41. Gary Matlock, "The 1972 Management Appraisal of Fort Union National Monument," (1972), Southwest Regional Office Library.

42. Hopkins, "Annual Report for 1973," January 23, 1974, Fort Union File A2621.

43. Croy, "The First Twenty-Five Years," pp.47-48.

44. Ibid., pp.49-50.

45. Clark Crane, "Annual Report for 1980," March 13, 1981, Fort Union File A2621.

46. Ibid.

47. Crane, "Annual Report for 1981," April 8, 1982, Fort Union File A2621.

48. Ibid.

49. Ibid.

50. Crane, "Annual Report for 1982"; "Annual Report for 1983"; "Annual Report for 1984"; "Annual Report for 1985."

51. Dwight Pitcaithley and Jerome A. Greene, "Historic Structure Report, Historic Data Section: the Third Fort Union, 1863-1891," (National Park Service Denver Service Center, Denver, 1982).

52. Crane, "Annual Report for 1982."

53. Crane, "Annual Report for 1984."

54. Crane, "Annual Report for 1982," and "Annual Report for 1983."

55. "Annual Report for 1983."

56. Ibid.

57. "Annual Report for 1984."

58. Crane, "Annual Report for 1986," March 12, 1987, Fort Union File A2621.

59. Interview with John E. Cook, National Park Service Southwest Regional Office, Santa Fe, New Mexico, October 25, 1991.

60. Ibid.

61. Interview with James E. Ivey, National Park Service Southwest Regional Office, Santa Fe, New Mexico, October 23, 1991.

62. Douglas McChristian, "Annual Report for 1987," March 7, 1988, Fort Union File A2621.

63. Anthony Crosby and Laura Harrison, "Task Directive Historic Structures Report of Fort Union National Monument," August 11, 1988, Southwest Regional Office File H30.

64. Anthony Crosby to Chief of the Division of Conservation, June 16, 1987, Southwest Regional Office File.

65. McChristian, "Annual Report for 1987."

66. Interview with Teddy Garcia, Fort Union, New Mexico, May 15, 1991.

67. Harry Myers, "Annual Report for 1988," February 10, 1989; "Annual Report for 1989," March 23, 1990.


1. Kittridge A. Wing, "Monthly Report for December 1955," Fort Union File A2823.

2. Wing, "Monthly Report for February 1956," March 2, 1956; "Monthly Report for March 1956," April 5, 1956, Fort Union File A2823.

3. Wing, "Monthly Report for May 1956," June 11, 1956, Fort Union File A2823.

4. Wing, "Monthly Report for June 1956," July 8, 1956, Fort Union File A2823.

5. Ibid.

6. Wing, "Monthly Report for July 1956," August 7, 1956, Fort Union File A2823.

7. Wing, "Monthly Report for September 1956," October 7, 1956; "Monthly Report for October 1956," November 7, 1956, Fort Union File A2823.

8. Museum Accession Book in Donald Mawson's "Fort Union National Monument."

9. Douglas Croy, "Fort Union National Monument, New Mexico: The First Twenty-five Years" (M.A. Thesis, New Mexico Highlands University, 1984), pp. 52-53.

10. Ibid.; Homer Hastings, "Monthly Report for October 1959," November 3, 1959, Fort Union File A2823.

11. Wing, "Monthly Report for March 1957," April 1, 1957, Fort Union File A2823.

12. Mawson, "Fort Union National Monument," p. 56.

13. Ibid., p. 40.

14. "Monthly Report for March 1957."

15. Wing, "Monthly Report for October 1956."

16. Hastings, "Monthly Report for October 1959."

17. "Monthly Report for October 1956."

18. Wing, "Monthly Report for March 1957."

19. Wing, "Monthly Report for October 1957."

20. Croy, "The First Twenty-five Years," pp. 53-54; Fort Union File G7, Southwest Regional Office Library.

21. Roy E. Appleman to Chief, Division of Interpretation, August 31, 1961, Southwest Regional Office File A5423-IBH.

22. Hastings, "Monthly Report for June 1962," July 4, 1962, Fort Union File A2823.

23. Hastings, "Monthly Report for May 1967," June 2, 1967, Fort Union File A2823.

24. Ira B. Lykes, Chief of Park Practice, to Chief, Branch of History, November 9, 1961, Fort Union File Q5.

25. Croy, "The First Twenty-five Years," p. 56.

26. Ibid., P. 59.

27. Ibid., pp. 58-59.

28. Nicholas Bleser, "Interpretive Prospectus" (Santa Fe: National Park Service Southwest Region, 1967), p. 2.

29. Fort Union, "News Release," July 7, 1967, Fort Union File K3417.

30. Hastings, "Monthly Log for April 1968," May 2, 1968, Fort Union File A2615.

31. Fort Union, "News Release," March 3, 1971, Fort Union File K3417.

32. Claude Fernandez to Bill Brown, Regional Historian, May 3, 1973, Southwest Regional Office File H34.

33. Ibid.

34. Fort Union, "Requisition WAD-165," March 25, 1974, Fort Union File K1815

35. Ross Hopkins, "Annual Report for 1974," January 9, 1975, Fort Union File A2621.

36. Hastings, "Monthly Log for April 1968," May 2, 1968, Fort Union File A2615.

37. Fernandez, "Monthly Log for April 1972," May 1, 1972, Fort Union File A2615.

38. Fernandez, "Annual Report for 1972," January 11, 1973, Fort Union File A2621.

39. Fort Union, "News Release," August 4, 1972, Fort Union File K3417.

40. Fernandex, "Annual Report for 1972."

41. Ibid.

42. Fort Union, "News Release," November 2, 1972, Fort Union File K3417.

43. Las Vegas Daily Optic, July 11, 1969.

44. Croy, "The First Twenty-five Years," P. 59.

45. Hopkins, "Annual Report for 1973," January 23, 1974, Fort Union File A2621.

46. Dale Giese, telephone interview with the author, January 30, 1992.

47. Fort Union, "News Release," June 28, 1968, Fort Union File K3417.

48. Dale Giese, Telephone interview with the author, January 30, 1992.

49. Ross Hopkins, Telephone interview with the author, January 30, 1992.

50. Croy, "The First Twenty-five Years," pp. 56-57; Hopkins, "Annual Report for 1973."

51. Fort Union, "News Release," June 11, 1974, Fort Union File K3417.

52. Fort Union, "News Release," nd., Fort Union File K3417.

53. Denver Post, July 7, 1974.

54. Union County Leader, Clayton, New Mexico, April 23, 1975.

55. Amarillo Daily News, Texas, September 22, 1975; Denver Post, August 10, 1975.

56. Las Vegas Daily Optic, April 30, 1975.

57. John Jarrell, "Fort Union Lives Again," New Mexico Magazine, May 1975, p. 9.

58. Ibid.

59. Santa Fe New Mexican, June 12, 1975.

60. Robert Arnberger, Telephone interview with the author, February 3, 1992.

61. Albuquerque Journal, November 13, 1975.

62. Hopkins, "Annual Report for 1976," March 11, 1977; "Annual Report for 1977," March 24, 1978, Fort Union File A2621.

63. Hopkins, "Annual Report for 1976."

64. John Cook, Interview with the author, National Park Service Southwest Regional Office, Santa Fe, New Mexcio, October 25, 1991.

65. Las Vegas Daily Optic, June 1, 1978.

66. Croy, "The First Twenty-five Years," P. 58.

67. Carol Kruse, Telephone interview with the author, February 3, 1992.

68. Clark Crane, "Annual Report for 1980," March 13, 1981, Fort Union File A2621; "News Release," December 17, 1980, Fort Union File K3417.

69. Crane, "Annual Report for 1981," April 8, 1982; "Annual Report for 1982," February 14, 1983; "Annual Report for 1983," July 31, 1984, Fort Union File A2621.

70. Crane, "Annual Report for 1984," March 7, 1985, Fort Union File A2621.

71. New Mexico Economic Development and Tourist Department, "News Release," August 1985, Fort Union File A8215.

72. Fort Union, "News Release," August 8, 1986, Fort Union File A8215.

73. Crane, "Annual Report for 1986," March 12, 1987, Fort Union File A2621.

74. National Scenic and National Historic Trail Act, U.S. Code, vol. 6, secs. 1244. (1988).

75. Crane, "Annual Report for 1986."

76. Harry Myers, "Annual Report for 1988," Fort Union File A2621.

77. Harry Myers, Conversation with the author, Fort Union, New Mexico, May 15, 1991.

78. Myers, "Annual Report for 1990," Fort Union File A2621.

79. The author attended the event.


1. Sandra Schackel, Historic Vegetation At Fort Union National Monument: 1851-1983 (National Park Service Southwest Regional Office, Santa Fe, 1983), pp. 20-22.

2. Kittridge Wing, "Monthly Report for June 1956"; "Monthly Report for July 1956," Fort Union File A2823.

3. Wing, "Monthly Report for December 1955," January 7, 1956, Fort Union File A2823.

4. Wing, "Monthly Report for February 1956," March 2, 1956, Fort Union File A2823.

5. Wing, "Monthly Report for August 1957," Fort Union File A2823.

6. Homer Hastings, "Monthly Report for October 1959," November 3, 1959, Fort Union File A2823.

7. I. J. Winograd, "Occurrence and Quality of Ground Water in the Fort Union Area, Mora County, New Mexico," 1956, Fort Union File L54.

8. Douglass Croy, "Fort Union National Monument, New Mexico: The First Twenty-five Years" (M.A. Thesis, New Mexico Highlands University, 1984), P. 42.

9. Wing, "Monthly Report for November 1957," Fort Union File A2823.

10. Croy, "Fort Union National Monument," pp. 36-37; Hastings, "Monthly Report for April 1960," May 3, 1960, Fort Union File A2823.

11. George Cattanach, "Monthly Report for March 1958," Fort Union File A2823.

12. Croy, "Fort Union National Monument," p. 93.

13. Ibid., pp. 44-45.

14. Ibid.

15. Ronald Foresta, America's National Parks and Their Keeper (Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future, 1984), pp. 93-99.

16. William Brown memo to Acting Regional Director, Southwest Region, March 20, 1969, Southwest Regional Office File A98.

17. Homer Hastings memo to William Brown, March 1, 1969, Southwest Regional Office File A98.

18. Robert Arnberger memo to John Tyers, Environmental Specialist, November 27, 1972, Southwest Regional Office File G15.

19. Ibid.

20. Edward Hummel memo to Regional Directors, November 20, 1970, Fort Union File N54.

21. Croy, "Fort Union National Monument," p. 93.

22. Ross Hopkins, "Annual Report for 1974," January 9, 1975, Fort Union File A2621.

23. "Cooperative Agreement Between the Mora-Wagon Mound Soil and Water Conservation District and Fort Union National Monument," October 28, 1975, Fort Union File N54.

24. Ibid.

25. Ross Hopkins, "Annual Report for 1975," February 26, 1976; "Annual Report for 1976," March 11, 1977, Fort Union File A2621.

26. Homer Hastings memo to Regional Director, October 30, 1970, Fort Union File L54.

27. Garland Moore memo to Ross Hopkins, April 20, 1974, Fort Union File L54.

28. Carol Kruse, "Water Resource Management Profile for Fort Union National Monument," Fort Union File L54.

29. Ibid.

30. William Werrell to Superintendent of Fort Union and Capulin Mountain National Monument, July 28, 1984, Fort Union File L54.

31. Claude S. Fernandez, "Annual Report for 1972," January 11, 1973, Fort Union File A2621.

32. Hopkins, "Annual Report for 1977," March 24, 1978, Fort Union File A2623.

33. Hopkins, "Annual Report for 1973," January 23, 1974; "Annual Report for 1974," January 9, 1975; "Annual Report for 1975," February 26, 1976, Fort Union File A2621.

34. Hopkins, "Annual Report for 1977," March 24, 1978, Fort Union File A2621.

35. "Cooperative Fire Protection and Emergency Operations Agreement Between the Union Land and Grazing Company Fort Union Ranch and Fort Union National Monument," October 26, 1975; "Cooperative Fire Protection and Emergency Operations Agreement Between the Fort Union Ranch and Fort Union National Monument," May 22, 1978; "Cooperative Fire Protection and Fire Service Emergency Operations Agreement Between Fort Union National Monument and the Watrous Volunteer Fire Department," August 16, 1978; "Joint Powers Agreement Between the State of New Mexico and the Federal Agencies of the Departments of Agriculture and Interior with Fire responsibilities," May 26, 1978, Fort Union File A44.

36. Clark Crane, "Annual Report for 1983," July 31, 1984, Fort Union File A2621.

37. Crane, "Annual Report for 1985

38. "Resource Management Plan and Environmental Assessment for Fort Union National Monument," 1981; "General Management Plan for Fort Union National Monument," 1985, Fort Union File.

39. Crane, "Annual Report for 1985"; "Resource Management Plan for Fort Union National Monument," 1987, Fort Union File.

40. Harry Myers, "Monthly Report for May and June, 1989," July 11, 1989; "Monthly Report for February and March, 1990," April 16, 1990, Fort Union File A2615.

41. Schackel, Historic Vegetation At Fort Union.

42. Crane, "Annual Report for 1983."

43. Fort Union, "General Management Plan," 1985.

44. Carl Friery, "Report of Accident," August 18, 1983, Fort Union File A7623.

45. Fort Union, "Rattlesnake Policy," May 30, 1984.

46. Ibid.

47. Fort Union, "Statement for Management," 1976; "Resource Management Plan and Environmental Assessment for Fort Union National Monument," 1981, Fort Union File.

48. Fort Union, "General Management Plan," 1985; "Resource Management Plan," 1987; "Statement for Management," 1990, Fort Union File.


1. Ronald Foresta, America's National Parks and Their Keepers (Washington: Resources For the Future, 1984), pp. 232-35.

2. John C. Freemouth, Islands Under Siege: National Parks and The Politics of External Threats (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1991), p. 2.

3. Fort Union, "News Release," August 10, 1966; "News Release," July 12, 1967; "News Release," nd., Fort Union File K3417.

4. Fort Union, "Case Incident Record," June 25, 1977, Fort Union File W2623.

5. Ross Hopkins, "Annual Report for 1973," January 23, 1974, Fort Union File A2621.

6. Hopkins, "Annual Report for 1974," January 9, 1975, Fort Union File A2621.

7. Fort Union, "Case Incident Record," March 14, 1979, Fort Union File W2623.

8. Fort Union, "Case Incident Record," July 2, 1987, Fort Union File W2623.

9. Fort Union, "Case Incident Record," July 16, 1977, Fort Union File W2623.

10. Fort Union, "Case Incident Record," April 13, 1984, Fort Union File W2623.

11. Fort Union, "Case Incident Record," July 25, 1986, Fort Union File W2623.

12. Fort Union, "Case Incident Record," November 5, 1975, Fort Union File W2623.

13. Hopkins, "Annual Report for 1973."

14. Hopkins, "Annual Report for 1974."

15. Ibid.

16. Hopkins, "Annual Report for 1975," February 26, 1976, Fort Union File A2621.

17. Clark Crane, "Annual Report for 1984," March 7, 1985, Fort Union File A2621.

18. Fort Union, "Criminal Incident Record," July 29, 1987, Fort Union File W2623.

19. Ross Hopkins memo to Regional Director, November 20, 1979, Fort Union File L24.

20. Ibid.

21. Hopkins, "Annual Report for 1977," March 24, 1978, Fort Union File A2623.

22. Ross Hopkins to Regional Director, November 20, 1979, Fort Union File L24; Chief of Air Quality Division to Regional Air Quality Coordinators, December 19, 1988, Fort Union File N3615.

23. Homer Hastings, "Monthly Narrative Report for November 1963," December 2, 1963, Fort Union File A2823.

24. Claude Fernandez, "Monthly Log for September 1971," Fort Union File A2615.

25. Homer Hastings, "Monthly Narrative Report for April 1967," April 30, 1967, Fort Union File A2823.

26. Fort Union, "Case Incident Record," November 3, 1975; "Case Incident Record," December 15, 1975, Fort Union File W2623.

27. Los Angeles Times, February 23, 1977.

28. Acting Associate Regional Director, Park Operations, to Superintendents of Southwest Region, October 5, 1987; Douglas McChristian to Regional Director, October 19, 1987, Fort Union File L34.

29. Fort Union, "Case Incident Record," May 6, 1976, Fort Union File W2623.

30. Fort Union, "Case Incident Record," October 7, 1984, Fort Union File W3415.

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