The scene that unfolded as darkness enveloped the Brawner farm
inspired eloquent descriptions by those who witnessed it. "Men standing
at arm's length ... giving and taking, life for life, each resolute and
determined, ceasing action only from sheer exhaustion, which was
complete upon one side as upon the other," remembered one Unionist.
Another Federal recalled that "the affair seemed to us like a mixture of
earthquake, volcano, thunder storm and cyclone. Even now we can hear
the . . . howls, growls, moans, screeches, screams and explosions. . . .
It might have been a tune for demons to dance to." A Confederate said
that "out in the sunlight, in the dying daylight, and under the stars,
they stood, and although they could not advance, they would not retire.
There was some discipline in this, but there was much more of true

(click on image for a PDF version)
After destroying Manassas Junction Jackson fell back to the old
battlefield of Manassas. Reuniting his troops along Stony Ridge, north
of the Warrenton Turnpike, they settled in to await the arrival of Lee
and Longstreet. But before they arrived, Jackson touched off the battle
on the afternoon of August 28, when the four brigades of King's Federal
division moved east along the turnpike to reunite with Pope in
Centreville. Jackson ordered his artillery to open fire on the enemy
column. John Gibbon sent his men to capture the guns, but after
advancing up the slope, they realized that they were facing several
brigades of Confederate infantry. As the two sides traded volleys 75
yards apart, Abner Doubleday, whose brigade had been following Gibbon's,
rushed up to help.
Trimble's appearance threatened to tilt the balance of power, so
Gibbon turned to Doubleday for assistance, That officer (who is often
incorrectly credited with inventing baseball) had anticipated Gibbon's
imperilment and advanced the Fifty-sixth Pennsylvania and the
Seventy-sixth New York to plug the gap between the Sixth and Seventh
Wisconsins. These men arrived after dark and aimed at their invisible
opponents by watching the muzzle flashes from Confederates muskets. Both
Trimble and Lawton launched uncoordinated attacks against the reinforced
Union battle line, receiving deadly repulses that cost one of Lawton's
regiments 72 percent casualties.
Darkness and confusion prevented Stonewall from employing the
additional brigades which had finally moved forward from Stony Ridge.
Confederate command incapacity increased when Ewell fell with a serious
wound while trying to lead an assault around the Union right flank.
Three Northern bullets found Taliaferro disabling him as well. But
Taliaferro's uncle, Alexander G. Taliaferro managed to advance three
regiments of his brigade from west of the Brawner house astride the
Nineteenth Indiana's axis of fire. Stuart's young cannoneer, John
Pelham, assisted Taliafero, pouring artillery projectiles into the
Hoosiers from less than 100 yards uprange.
At 9:00 P.M. Gibbon and Doubleday broke off the engagement and
withdrew to the turnpike in an orderly fashion, the Confederates too
exhausted to pursue. The Battle of Brawner Farm had ended in a hideous
tactical stalemate.
The butcher's bill told a grim tale rarely duplicated during the
Civil War. Nearly one out of three battle participants fell killed or
wounded at the Brawner farm, a total of 1,150 Federals and 1,250
Confederates. "In this fight there was no maneuvering and very little
tactics," wrote William Taliaferro, "it was a question of endurance, and
both endured." Few honors belonged to the generals directing this
battle. Gibbon and Doubleday performed gallantly, but their invalided
division commander played no role and neither Hatch nor Patrick lent the
weight of their brigades to the equation. Jackson enjoyed a potentially
decisive numerical advantage but failed to employ all his troops,
because of in part the wounding of both Ewell and Taliaferro.
But if the tactical outcome at Brawner's farm left something to be
desired, Jackson could not have better achieved his strategic objective.
His attack on the evening of August 28 was the military equivalent of
waving a red flag under John Pope's noseand the bullish Pope
reacted just as Stonewall had hoped. Rather than safely removing his
army to the far side of Bull Run, the Union commander called for a
concentration against Jackson at Groveton. He wrongly concluded that
Gibbon's fight at the Brawner farm had arrested Jackson's retreat from
Centreville and thus imagined another opportunity to demolish the Valley
magician. Pope issued a spate of orders on the night of the
twenty-eighth aimed at surrounding Jackson and attacking him in the
morning. Unfortunately, Pope predicated his strategy on several
erroneous premises.
Pope assumed that McDowell and Sigel were west of Jackson blocking
his retreat route toward the Bull Run Mountains, but Reynolds's
division of McDowell's corps and Sigel's men were southeast of Stonewall
along the Manassas-Sudley Road. The rest of McDowell's command, King and
Ricketts, had already withdrawn from the turnpike before Pope's new
orders could reach them, convinced by captured Confederates that Jackson
had 60,000 troops ready to pounce on any nearby Federals at dawn. King
headed for Manassas and Ricketts for Bristoe Station after midnight.
McDowell could not bring order out of this strategic chaos because he
spent the night of August 28-29 wandering lost around Prince
William County in search of Pope and out of touch with his own division
commanders. Worst of all, Pope's presumption that Jackson was attempting
to retreat could not have been further from the truth. Stonewall was in
fact anxiously anticipating the new day when Longstreet would appear
and the Confederates would at last be reunited for battle. Incredibly,
Pope ignored the imminent arrival of this half of his opponent's
Those soldiers, Longstreet's 25,000 men, began their march from
Thoroughfare Gap at 6:00 A.M. August 29. John Bell Hood, a sad-eyed
Kentuckian who had earned a brilliant combat reputation at the head of
Lee's only Texas troops, led the procession. Jackson dispatched Stuart a
couple of hours later to contact Hood and direct him and the rest of
Longstreet's wing into positions Stonewall had carefully
In the meantime, Jackson shuffled his depleted divisions so that they
might withstand an attack should Pope became aggressive before Old Pete
could arrive. Jackson noticed a large number of Federals (Sigel's corps)
along the Manassas-Sudley Road in a position to threaten his left flank,
so he ordered Hill's brigades to file in behind the unfinished railroad
near Sudley Church with their left anchored on a rocky knoll. From here
Hill could guard the emergency escape route to Aldie Gap and protect
against a Federal turning movement. The thick green forest lapped
against the abandoned right-of-way in this vicinity, leaving the
Southern defenders particularly vulnerable to a surprise assault. Hill
compensated for this unavoidable weakness by arraying his brigades in
two lines, Maxcy Gregg's South Carolinians and Edward L. Thomas's
Georgians at the posts of honor in the front.
Ewell's wound at the Brawner farm required that his left leg be
amputated. Jackson's protégé would not return to active command until
the following spring, so Stonewall named Alexander Lawton to lead
Ewell's division. Lawton graduated from West Point in 1839 but resigned
his commission to attend Harvard Law School. The adopted Georgian
pursued a successful legal, business, and political career before his
state's secession induced him to rejoin the military. Jackson placed two
of Lawton's brigades in the center of his line and ordered the other
two, Jubal A. Early's and Henry Forno's, to move to the far right and
act as liaisons for Longstreet's units.
Porter, supported by King's division now under the command of John
Hatch, left Manassas on the road for Gainnesville to perform what Pope
anticipated would be the critical movement in the ruination of Stonewall
William E. Starke replaced the disabled Taliaferro in command of
Jackson's old division. Starke had been a cotton broker in New Orleans
at the outbreak of the war and had risen through the ranks to command a
Louisiana brigade. His eighteen regiments held Jackson's right where
expansive fields of fire and the ready-made shelter of the railroad
embankment made his position relatively strong. The most vulnerable
point along Starke's battle line lay on the extreme left, where his
division and Lawton's intersected. Here a 75-yard low point known as
"The Dump" offered little protection against attacking troops. Jackson
coldly ordered the skulkers and stragglers from several commands to
occupy this position as a practical object lesson in the virtue of
discipline. Stuart's cavalry patrolled both of Jackson's flanks, and
Stonewall unlimbered as much of his artillery as could obtain a field of
fire. The Confederate line stretched some 3,000 yards defended by about
20,000 graycoats.
Pope had every intention of testing Jackson's preparedness.
Disappointed to learn that King and Ricketts had abandoned the
Confederate front, Pope sent word to Fitz John Porter at Manassas to
attack King (Ricketts was temporarily out of the picture at Bristoe) and
move north toward Gainesville to regain a blocking position beyond
Jackson's right. Porter received these orders after daylight while lying
on his headquarters cot elegantly draped by an imitation leopard-skin
blanket. By 10:00 A.M. Porter, supported by King's division now under
the command of John Hatch, left Manassas on the road for Gainesville to
perform what Pope anticipated would be the critical movement in the
ruination of Stonewall Jackson.
In the meantime, Sigel and Reynolds responded to Pope's directives to
attack Jackson at daybreak. These Federals, less than 12,000 strong, had
only the vaguest notion of how Jackson had deployed. Sigel therefore
opted to approach the Confederates along a broad front. Robert C.
"Fighting Bob" Schenck's division supported by Reynolds would move west
on the turnpike and form Sigel's left. Robert H. Milroy's Independent
Brigade assumed responsibility for the center, and Carl Schurz's
division advanced north on the Manassas-Sudley Road on Sigel's right.
Schurz's men found Jackson first about 7:00 A.M.

(click on image for a PDF version)
After the fight at Brawner farm, Jackson aligned his troops behind
the unfinished railroad on a front 3,000 yards long. On the morning of
August 29, Federal forces began massing along Jackson's front. With
orders to attack the enemy vigorously at daylight, Franz Sigel's corps
advanced against the Confederate line only to be repulsed with heavy
A Union officer described Schurz as "a pale, wide-foreheaded,
red-mustached, spectacled, effeminate-looking German. He had sharp,
hazel eyes, was thin and tall, the very pattern of a visionary, itching
philanthropist and philosopher such as disturb society everywhere with
their restless conceits and babblings." This unflattering portrait
failed to do justice to one of America's leading orators and
abolitionists. Like Sigel, Schurz owed his high military stature to his
ethnicity and political influence, but unlike his superior, Schurz
possessed some martial ability.
Schurz's two brigades skirmished heavily with Gregg and Thomas, each
side committing its regiments piecemeal in the matted woods south of the
unfinished railroad. "The rattling fire of skirmishers changes into
crashes of musketry, regular volleys, rapidly following each other,"
remembered Schurz. Hill's troops blunted the Federal advance, although
the Confederates were unable to exploit their advantage in the trackless
Milroy heard the sharp report of combat to his right and blindly
ordered two of his regiments to move to Schurz's assistance. These
troops ran into Lawton's division along the Groveton-Sudley Road and
received a costly repulse, although a part of the Eighty-second Ohio
briefly breached the Confederate line near The Dump. Farther to the
southwest, Schenck and Reynolds fell under an intense artillery barrage
and deployed in the woods around Groveton replying with counterbattery
fire but choosing not to commit their infantry.
Sigel's offensive lasted until 10:00 A.M. without altering the
strategic equation. Phil Kearny's division promised to terminate this
impasse when it moved up opposite the left end of Hill's combat-weary
line. In anticipation of receiving support from Kearny, Schurz once
again lunged toward Hill's waiting brigades. The usually reliable New
Jerseyian, however, failed to advance, possibly indulging a bitter
grudge he nurtured against Sigel. Kearny's inaction squandered the
temporary toehold won by Schurz along the unfinished railroad, and once
again a Confederate counterattack drove the Yankees back through the
woods. "The men still in the ranks . . . well-nigh reached the point of
utter exhaustion," confessed Schurz, and by midday his battle had
Sigel's efforts that morning had not been entirely in vain. He had
located Jackson and "brought [him] to a stand," thought Pope, while
Porter and Hatch marched toward what the Union commander considered the
key point on the map. In addition to Kearny, Hooker's division and Isaac
I. Stevens's brigades of Reno's corps arrived to reinforce Sigel. At
1:00 P.M. Pope appeared on the battlefield expecting that the afternoon
would witness his long-deferred victory.
But as usual, John Pope forgot about Longstreet. Old Pete, in the
company of General Lee, met with Jackson in mid-morning near the Brawner
farm while Hill's brigades engaged their Federal opponents to the east.
Stonewall outlined the location of his wing and, with apparent approval,
the positions he recommended for Longstreet's divisions. Shortly
thereafter Hood's veterans swung into view and deployed astride the
turnpike facing east, loosely linking with Jackson's right flank.
James L. Kemper, a Virginia political general, filed in on Hood's
right south of the turnpike. David R. "Neighbor" Jones, a
thirty-seven-year-old South Carolinian, placed his division on
Longstreet's right, unknowingly blocking Porter's approaching column.
Cadmus Marcellus Wilcox arrived last and served as Longstreet's reserve
along Pageland Lane south of the turnpike. Nineteen guns dropped trail
on a ridge northeast of the Brawner farm, strengthening Longstreet's
connection with Jackson. By noon the Confederates completed their
arrangements. The gray line extended three miles facing east and
southeasta huge pincers aimed at Pope's left flank. Lee, Jackson,
and Longstreet had completed an improbable maneuver begun more than four
days earlier. Now they sought to exploit the opportunity earned by their
risk-filled march.
Well before Longstreet had emplaced his divisions, a handful of
Stuart's cavalry blundered into Porter, Hatch, and McDowell, who were,
in accordance with their morning orders, moving north on the
Gainesville-Manassas Road. The scattered shots exchanged between a
Pennsylvania regiment and the Confederate horsemen succeeded in halting
the Union column. Porter now turned to receive a mounted courier bearing
a message from Pope that would prove to be one of the most controversial
documents of the campaign.
This communique became known as the "Joint Order," and Pope had
written it from Centreville about 10:00 A.M. Directed to both McDowell
and Porter, it reassigned Hatch's division to McDowell and attempted to
clarify the goal of the movement toward Gainesville. But Pope employed
such cautious and qualifying language in his directive that the Joint
Order resulted in precisely the opposite of what he later professed to
Apparently, Pope envisioned the scattered elements of his army
converging simultaneously to challenge Jackson in his front and isolate
him from Thoroughfare Gap. Sigel, Heintzelman, Reno, and Reynolds would
maneuver west along the turnpike and develop Jackson's location, an
operation that had already resulted in Sigel's morning combat. McDowell
and Porter would reach the turnpike near Gainesville, connect with the
rest of the army to the east, and strike Jackson on his supposedly
vulnerable right flank.
Unfortunately for the Federals, the Joint Order as written did not
convey this conception. Instead it instructed McDowell
and Porter to move toward (not to) Gainesville and "as soon as
communication is established [with the other divisions] the whole
command shall halt. It may be necessary to fall back behind Bull Run to
Centreville tonight." After reiterating the possible need to retreat,
Pope concluded by telling his two subordinates that "if any considerable
advantages are to be gained from departing from this order it will not
be strictly carried out." Nowhere did the Joint Order explicitly direct
Porter and McDowell to attack.
While the two Federal generals digested the import and meaning of
Pope's instructions, they noticed clouds of dust along the horizon on
Porter's front. Jeb Stuart had decided to delay the oncoming Union
column with clever theatrics until Longstreet could complete his
deployment. He told one of his officers to collect a supply of branches
and assign a regiment to drag the limbs across the road, creating the
appearance of an approaching multitude. This stratagem worked perfectly,
especially when McDowell received a report from his cavalry commander,
John Buford, who had counted "seventeen regiments of infantry, one
battery, and five hundred cavalry" moving through Gainesville at 8:15
that morning. Buford, of course, had discovered Longstreet's wing moving
from Thoroughfare Gap, and, combined with Stuart's dusty disturbance,
Buford's warning convinced Porter and McDowell that trouble loomed
ahead. Mindful of Pope's requirement that they be prepared to retreat
that night and the Joint Order's clause permitting discretion, McDowell
and Porter made decisions completely at odds with Pope's actual, if
unarticulated, thinking.
McDowell told Porter that "you are too far out already; this is no
place to fight a battle." Exercising his regained independence from the
Fifth Corps commander, McDowell ordered Hatch and Ricketts, on the march
from Bristoe, to shift to the northeast, gain the Manassas-Sudley Road,
and then move north to the turnpike. From there McDowell would turn
westward toward the army's left and reestablish communication with
Porter. Porter simply shook out a strong line of skirmishers, readied
his artillery, and rested his men, awaiting clarification of the
situation from Pope, McDowell, or others, while maintaining a watchful
eye for Confederate activity in his front.
Porter and McDowell knew full well that Longstreet had arrived
opposite Porter's line of march and that Pope's Joint Order, confidently
advising that Longstreet was still thirty-six to forty-eight hours away,
was painfully in error. But for some inexplicable reason McDowell failed
to forward Buford's report to Pope, so the Union commander remained
aggressively unaware of Porter's dilemma. Moreover, Pope believed that
the Joint Order would initiate a decisive offensive by Porter and
McDowell. Thus he would base his afternoon strategy around these two
egregious misconceptions.
Meanwhile, Lee and Longstreet struggled with dispersing their own fog
of war. Once Longstreet's divisions reached their assigned positions,
Lee immediately sought to assume the offensive against the Federal left.
Longstreet however, demurred and suggested an investigation of the Union
deployment both along the turnpike and south of Gainesville. Lee agreed,
and in an hour Old Pete returned with worrisome news. The Federal line
(Reynolds and Schenck) extended south of the turnpike covering about
half of Longstreet's front. These Yankees would offer substantial if not
insurmountable resistance to a Confederate attack. The bluecoats on the
Gainesville-Manassas Road (Porter) must also be neutralized, thought
Longstreet, or he would risk their intervention on his right flank and
rear during any attack eastward on the turnpike. The time, Longstreet
insisted, was not right for his wing to move forward.
Lee strenuously dissented and offered other expedients to Longstreet,
who steadfastly clung to his conclusion. Marse Robert authorized his
engineers to reexamine the ground, but before they could depart Stuart
reported that the Union force on the Gainesville-Manassas Road did
indeed present a formidable threat. This ended the Lee-Longstreet
debate for the moment. There would be no attack until Lee could learn
more about those Federals. Thus Porter's mere presence undercut
Longstreet's offensive capabilities on the afternoon of August 29, but
John Pope expected more of the Fifth Corps than thatmuch more.

(click on image for a PDF version)
GROVER'S ATTACK, 3:00 P.M., AUGUST 29, 1862
With 1,500 men Cuvier Grover advanced against the Confederate line.
Quickly Grover's men stormed over the top of the railroad embankment and
proceeded to shatter the Confederate position. With no support, Grover's
attack faltered. The brigade soon fell back to where it had started,
leaving behind 487 men killed, wounded, and missing.
Pope, of course, predicated the rest of his day's battle plans on his
anticipation of Porter's pivotal assault against Stonewall Jackson's
"exposed" right flank, a delusion of the first magnitude. Pope would
authorize four separate offensives against Jackson's front for the sole
purpose of occupying Stonewall's attention until Porter delivered his
fatal blow. Despite the hollow premise of this strategy, Pope's
afternoon offensives on August 29 severely tested Jackson's hard-pressed
Shortly after midday, Pope instructed Stevens and Hooker to relieve
the exhausted Schurz on the Union right. These officers obeyed, but
Schurz's withdrawal permitted Edward Thomas to plant the Confederate
banner along the railroad cut in his front. Thomas, however, allowed a
125-yard gap to open between his regiments and Gregg's, a significant
oversight that would soon threaten the viability of the Confederate
Cuvier Grover's brigade of Hooker's division struck that gap about
3:00 P.M. in the first of Pope's afternoon attacks. This young New
Englander commanded five regiments, only 1,500 men, but expected to
receive support from Kearny's division. Wishing to avoid the open ground
in his immediate front and to form a connection with Kearny's brigades,
Grover angled his unit toward the right. Although Kearny failed to
advance once again, Grover's course brought him, purely by accident, to
the gap between Thomas and Gregg.
With bayonets fixed along a battlefront one-quarter mile wide,
Grover's determined warriors charged with a yell, rapidly reaching
Thomas's startled defenders.
With bayonets fixed along a battle-front one-quarter mile wide,
Grover's determined warriors charged with a yell, rapidly reaching
Thomas's startled defenders. "I was within two rods of the enemy's line
before I was aware of it," admitted a Massachusetts volunteer. A soldier
in the Forty-fifth Georgia recalled that "I turned and saw the whole
regiment getting away, and I followed the example in tripple
[sic] quick time." In a matter of moments, Grover had overrun
Thomas and isolated Gregg. This was the time when fresh Union troops
might have effected the permanent dislocation of Jackson's left
But Pope never intended to devote his major effort to this end of the
battlefield. Grover's success represented a mere diversion, although
Kearny's nonparticipation contributed to the certainty that Grover's
gains would be temporary. Gregg responded to the crisis on his right by
committing three regiments to assail Grover's exposed flank. North
Carolinians under Dorsey Pender appeared from Hill's reserve line to
press Grover in front. "The effect was terrible," shuddered a soldier
from the First Massachusetts. "Men dropped in scores, writhing and
trying to crawl back, or lying immovable and stone-dead where they
fell." Within 30 minutes of their advance, Grover's men returned to
their jump-off points, leaving behind one-third of their comrades
killed, wounded, or captured.
Pope ordered John Reynolds to conduct the next spoiling attack south
of the turnpike. Reynolds, who had watched Longstreet's wing deploy late
in the morning, reported that a large Confederate force menaced his
front but dutifully obeyed his superior's command. Predictably, Reynolds
encountered Longstreet's extensive lines almost immediately. He promptly
canceled his demonstration, reiterating to Pope the reality of the
situation. The Union commander dismissed Reynolds's concern as a case of
mistaken identity, absurdly insisting that the Pennsylvanian had
actually seen Porter's divisions preparing for their imminent attack
against Jackson's flank.
In the meantime, Jesse Reno complied with Pope's order to occupy the
Rebels in his sector by advancing a brigade under James Nagle. Nagle's
experience mirrored that of Grover an hour earlier. His three large
regiments pierced the Confederate center near the Groveton-Sudley Road
and swept Trimble's brigade from the railroad embankment. But without
supports, Nagle fell victim to a Confederate counterattack led by a
Marylander named Bradley Johnson. Johnson landed on Nagle's left flank
and, assisted by a fresh brigade of Louisianians, drove Nagle back from
whence he came. The Confederates pursued into the open fields where
Union artillery halted their advance. During this charge a Virginian in
Johnson's brigade remembered hearing "a thud on my right, as if one had
been struck with a heavy fist. Looking around, I saw a man at my side
who was standing erect, with his head off and a stream of blood spurting
a foot or more from his neck." Three other Confederates had been killed
by this same cannon ball.
Pope now consolidated his lines, placed McDowell's newly arrived
divisions of Hatch and Ricketts on Henry Hill in support of the
justifiably nervous Reynolds, and sent positive orders to Porter to
begin his attack. "Your line of march brings you on the enemy's right
flank. I desire you to push forward into action at once on the enemy's
flank, and, if possible, on his rear, keeping your right in
communication with General Reynolds." Pope wrote this directive at 4:30
P.M. but his aide, Pope's nephew, lost his way and did not deliver the
message until two hours later. Of course, Pope's instructions were no
less impractical in the evening than they were in the afternoon and
Porter could not execute them.
It would be several more hours, however, before the sanguine Union
commander would realize this. Expecting Porter's long-anticipated
offensive at last to be imminent, Pope renewed his order to Kearny to
assail Jackson's far left, providing what Pope thought would be
simultaneous pressure against both Confederate flanks. Kearny assembled
ten regiments, some 2,700 men from three of his brigades, and prepared
to move both astride the unfinished railroad and against Jackson's
front, employing support from twenty pieces of artillery.