USGS Logo Geological Survey Bulletin 1327
The Geologic Story of Canyonlands National Park



A new park is born

Major Powell's river expeditions

Early history
   Prehistoric people
   Late arrivals

Geographic setting

Rocks and landforms

How to see the park

The high mesas
   Island in the Sky
      Dead Horse Point State Park
      North entrance
      Shafer and White Rim Trails
      Grand View Point
      Green River Overlook
      Upheaval Dome
   Hatch Point
      Needles Overlook
      Canyonlands Overlook
      U-3 Loop
      Anticline Overlook
   Orange Cliffs

The benchlands
   The Maze and Land of Standing Rocks
   The Needles district
      Salt, Davis, and Lavender Canyons
      The Needles and The Grabens

Canyons of the Green and Colorado Rivers
   Entrenched and cutoff meanders
   Green River
   Colorado River

Summary of geologic history

Additional reading


Selected references

Index (omitted from the online edition)

FRONTISPIECE. Looking north from Devils Lane near Silver Stairs
1. Map of Canyonlands National Park
2. Pictographs on wall of Horseshoe Canyon
3. The All American Man
4. Tower Ruin
5. Newspaper Rock
6. Cave Spring Line Camp
7. Canyonlands National Park and vicinity
8. Shallow inland sea
9. Rock column of Canyonlands National Park
10. Section across Canyonlands National Park
11. Aerial view of The Neck and Shafer Trail
12. Merrimac and Monitor Buttes
13. Cane Creek anticline (viewed from Dead Horse Point)
14. Cutaway view of anticline
15. Looking southwest from Dead Horse Point
16. Shafer Trail
17. Natural tanks
18. Canyon Viewpoint Arch
19. Index map showing photograph localities
20. The White Rim
21. Monument Basin from Grand View Point
22. Monument Basin from the air
23. Stillwater Canyon and Green River
24. Turks Head
25. Upheaval Dome
26. Cutaway view of syncline
27. Junction Butte and Grand View Point
28. Syncline in core of Lockhart Basin
29. View westward from U-3 loop
30. Looking north from Anticline Overlook
31. Cane Creek anticline (viewed from Anticline Overlook)
32. View southeastward from The Spur
33. Looking north down Millard Canyon
34. Elaterite seeping from White Rim Sandstone
35. White Rim Sandstone
36. The Doll House
37. Church Rock
38. North and south Six-Shooter Peaks
39. Squaw Flat Campground
40. Aerial view eastward across Salt Canyon
41. Wooden Shoe
42. Paul Bunyans Potty
43. Angel Arch
44. Fisheye Arch
45. Wedding Ring Arch
46. Hand Holt Arch
47. Cleft Arch
48. Arch
49. The Needles
50. Chesler Park in The Needles
51. The Needles and The Grabens
52. Trail to Druid Arch
53. Upper Elephant Canyon
54. Druid Arch
55. A simple graben
56. Cutaway view of normal fault
57. West wall of Cyclone Canyon Graben
58. Lower Elephant Canyon
59. The confluence from the air
60. The confluence from Confluence Overlook
61. Cataract Canyon
62. Bowknot Bend
63. Inscription by Julien
64. Buttes of the Cross
65. Anderson Bottom Rincon
66. Drainage changes at Anderson Bottom Rincon
67. Stillwater Canyon
68. The Portal
69. The Canyon King
70. Potash mine of Texas Gulf, Inc
71. Evaporation ponds
72. Petrified log
73. Relatively recent rincons along Indian Creek
74. The Loop
75. Reverse fault
76. Cutaway view of reverse fault
77. Salt Creek Canyon
78. The Slide
79. Gypsum plug
80. Geologic time spiral
81. Late Cretaceous sea

ROGERS C. B. MORTON, Secretary

V. E. McKelvey, Director

Library of Congress catalog-card No. 74—600043

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Last Updated: 28-Dec-2006