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Explore Olympic Waves boom along wilderness beaches and mix with snow-fed rivers. Ancient trees shelter wildlife. Rugged peaks embrace glaciers and subalpine meadows. Coast, forest, and mountain ecosystems combine to create this spectacular wilderness park. The Olympic Peninsula is home to eight American Indian tribes that developed complex hunter-gatherer societies and continue to keep their traditions alive. European explorers who ventured here in the late 1700s heralded the way for homesteaders. The Olympics were set aside as a national monument in 1909 and further protected as Olympic National Park in 1938. Today the park is internationally recognized as a Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site, testimony to its rich resources. Explore Olympica gift to the future. Coast Tides control the rhythm of life along this biologically diverse coastline. Twice-daily intertidal animals face pounding surf and drying winds. Coastal rivers serve as highways for migrating fish, and downed trees along riverbanks protect young salmon journeying from mountains to sea. When the adults return and swim upstream to spawn, their flesh carries a special form of nitrogen gathered during their years at sea. Most salmon die after spawning, but their death brings life. Bears, eagles, insects, and other animals feed on salmon carcasses, then deposit nutrients in rivers and forests. Marine nitrogen nourishes forest soilsa gift from the salmon. Forests Olympic National Park protects the largest old-growth forest in the Pacific Northwest. Its unique character begins with ancient trees that took root 200 to 1,000 years ago. In these forests multi-layered canopies, standing snags, and fallen trunks provide habitat for myriad animals. Differences in moisture (from 40 to 240 inches annually), and changes in elevation (from sea-level to 7,980 feet) create a mosaic of forests in the park. Temperate rain forests grow along the coast and in ocean-facing valleys. Lowland, montane, and subalpine forests cloak other park areas. Olympic supports complex forest communitiesa gift from the past. Mountains A world of landscapes unfolds here: glaciers chisel U-shaped valleys, and brilliantly colored wildflowers blanket subalpine meadowy Geologists still debate the origins of the Olympics. Some 50 million years ago lava gushed from underwater rips in the edge of the continent, hardening into miles-thick layers of basalt. Later an immense submerged delta of sandstone and shale formed farther out in the ocean. These layered rocks slowly rode back to the continent and jammed beneath the basalts, forcing the Olympics to rise from the sea 10 to 20 million years ago. Ice-age glaciers helped carve the Strait of Juan de Fuca and Puget Sound, separating the Olympics from nearby lands. Years of isolation nurtured the rich biodiversity of the Peninsula, where over 20 plants and animals are found nowhere else on Earth. The rugged Olympic Mountainsa gift from the sea. Planning Your Visit to Olympic National Park
Are you here for a day? A week? Maybe you've come to this wilderness park to stroll the rain forest with its massive trees, lush vegetation, and Roosevelt elk. Maybe you plan to hike in the mountains amid Olympic marmots and magenta paintbrush. Perhaps you are headed for the ocean to see tidepools with intriguing creatures, marvel at arches and sea stacks, and explore the beaches. Even if you have plans already, stop at a visitor center or ranger station. You will find information that can help make your day or your week at Olympic National Park even better. Visitor Centers Here you can find information, exhibits, publications, movies, and maps. Olympic National Park, Hurricane Ridge, and Hoh Rain Forest visitor centers are open in summer; hours and staffing are limited in other seasons. Ranger and information station hours vary seasonally. The free park newspaper Bugler has articles on safety, research, and activities. Service animals are welcome. Wilderness Information Center (WIC) Contact WIC for wilderness trip planning, trail and weather reports, safety and Leave No Trace tips, reservations, permits, maps, and approved bear canisters: Wilderness Information Center Fees Entrance, camping, overnight wilderness use, and other fees are collected in the national park. Additional fees may apply on surrounding public and tribal lands. Lodging, Supplies, Services Inside the park most lodging, supplies, and services are available seasonally. Outside they are available year-round. Camping Most campsites are available first-come, first-served. Fees vary. Some campgrounds are open year-round. Sites at Kalaloch Campground can be reserved in summer at www.recreation.gov. Accessibility We strive to make our facilities, services, and programs accessible to all. For information go to a visit or center, ask a ranger, call, or check our website. Keep Wildlife Wild! Animals here are wild and can be dangerousremain at least 150 feet away and never try to feed them. Cougars are rarely seen; if you meet one pick up small children, wave your arms, and shout. Give bears a wide berth and let them move away. Report all bear or cougar sightings. Keep a clean camp. Store food, garbage, and toiletries properly. Obtain approved bear canisters at the WIC or some ranger stations. Safety and Regulations Check park bulletin boards, newspapers, and handouts or ask a ranger about safety and regulations. • Be prepared for rain and sudden weather changes; roads may close. • Stay on trails; shortcuts cause erosion. • Put out campfires completely. • Pets must be leashed and are restricted to designated areas. • Vehicles are not allowed off park roads. • Use caution on the beaches. Boardwalks and rocks can be slippery. Logs in the surf can be deadly. • Walk gently in the rocky intertidal areas where plants and animals live. • Stay back from cliff edges; they may be undercuta fall could be fatal. • Do not disturb or remove plants, tree bark, driftwood, artifacts, or animals, including those in tide pools. Federal law protects natural and cultural features. • For firearms regulations check the park website. Emergencies call 911 Getting Around the Park No roads go through the park so allow plenty of travel time between these popular sites. Coastal Ozette offers hikes to wilderness beaches and views of the third largest lake in Washington. Mora has beach hikes to arches and sea stacks. Kalaloch features sandy beaches, tide pools, and coastal forests. Forests and Big Trees Experience the park's forests at Elwha, Sol Duc, Dosewallips, and Staircase and rain forests of Hoh and Quinault. Several park trees hold records for their size. Mountains and Glaciers Hurricane Ridge (5,242 feet/1,599 meters) offers views of Mount Olympus, glaciers, and the wilderness. Look for black-tailed deer in subalpine meadows. Approximate Travel Times and Miles
Not a Drive through Park No roads pass through the heart of the Olympics. US 101 provides the main access, with numerous spur roads leading into the park. Hiking the Wilderness Permits required for all overnight wilderness stays. Obtain permits at the Wilderness Information Center (WIC). Visit the WIC to get Wilderness Trip Planner and more information. Wilderness users should inquire about river and creek ford locations and difficulty in crossing. Wilderness on the Olympic Peninsula Nearly one million acres on the Olympic Peninsula are protected as wilderness95 percent of Olympic National Park, five areas in Olympic National Forest, and over 600 islands in national wildlife refuges. Learn more at www.nps.gov/olym. Wilderness forever protects the land's natural conditions, opportunities for solitude and primitive recreation, and scientific, educational, and historical values. Learn more about the National Wilderness Preservation System at www.wilderness.net. Visiting the Coast Caution: Don't get trapped by high tides; get current tide chart at a ranger station. When hiking, watch for targets marking overland trails. Sudden high waves can pick up beach logs and turn them into weapons; they kill. Most reefs, rocks, islets, and islands (except the James Island group) are designated wilderness and national wildlife refuges, CLOSED to visitors to protect wildlife. Boats must remain 200 yards from the islands. Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary covers 3,310 square miles of marine waters. The sanctuary provides habitat for one of the most diverse populations of marine mammals in North America. It is a link in the Pacific flyway and provides critical habitat for nesting and migrating birds. To learn more, visit www.olympiccoast.noaa.gov. Source: NPS Brochure (2016) Documents 45th Meeting Advisory Board on National Parks, Historic Sites, Buildings and Monuments (Olympic National Park, Washington, September 15-19, 1961) A Botanical Survey of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington University of Washington Publications in Biology Vol. 5 (George Neville Jones, June 1936) A Case Study for Species Reintroduction: The Wolf in Olympic National Park, Washington (Peter Dratch, Brenda Johnson, Linda Leigh, Diane Levkoy, Dave Milne, Rick Read, Rennie Selkirk and Cindy Swanberg, 1975) A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park: Prototype for the Coniferous Forest Biome USGS Information and Technology Report USGS/BRD//ITR-2003-0006 (Kurt Jenkins, Andrea Woodward and Ed Schreiner, 2003) A Park Interpreter's Guide to the Climate of Hurricane Ridge, Olympic National Park Climate Summary for Water Years 2000 to 2017 NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NCCN/NRR-2018/1714 (William D. Baccus, September 2018) Accessibility Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan (SETP), Olympic National Park, Washington (August 2024) Acoustic Monitoring Winter 2010: Olympic National Park NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NRSS/NSNSD/NRR-2016/1310 (Cynthia Lee and John MacDonald, November 2016) Acoustic Monitoring 2021: Olympic National Park NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NRSS/NSNSD/NRR-2021/2313 (Ashley R. Pipkin, October 2021) Adapting to Climate Change at Olympic National Forest and Olympic National Park U.S. Forest Service General Technical Report PNW-GTR-844 (Jessica E. Holofsky, David L. Peterson, Kathy A. O'Halloran and Catherine Hawkins Hoffman, eds., August 2011) Air Quality Overview: Olympic National Park NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/PWRO/NRR-2013/696 (Tonnie Cummings, July 2013) American Eden: An Administrative History of Olympic National Park Final Draft (Hal K. Rothman, July 2006) An Administrative History, Olympic National Park (1992) Angler Demographics and Fishing Catch and Effort in Olympic National Park Rivers and Lake Crescent from 2009 to 2012 NPS Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/OLYM/NRTR—2013/830 (Lauren H. Kerr, Samuel J. Brenkman and Josh Geffre, December 2013) Assessment of Coastal Water Resources and Watershed Conditions at Olympic National Park, Washington NPS Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/NRPC/WRD/NRTR-2008/068 (Terrie Klinger, Rachel M. Gregg, Kathleen Hermann, Katrina Hoffman, Jessi Kershner, Jill Coyle and David Fluharty, April 2008) Assessment of Returns of Coho Salmon and Survey of Fish-Related Databases for Olympic National Park NPS Technical Report NPS/CCSOSU/NRTR-96/08 (Ruth Jacobs and Jeff Jackson, December 1996) Autecology, Reproductive Ecology, and Demography of Astragalus australis var. olympicus (Fabaceae) (©Thomas N. Kaye, December 19, 1989) Backcountry Historic Structure Report, Olympic National Park (Frederick L. Walters, 2008) Backcountry Management Plan, Olympic National Park (January 1976) Bat Inventory in Olympic National Park (Stephen D. West, Patrick Adam, Elizabeth M. Bickford and Michelle L. Noe, January 26, 2004) Black Bear Distribution Patterns in a Temperate Forest Environment, Olympic National Park (©Kimberly Ann Sager, Master's Thesis University of Idaho, March 2005) Botanical Surveys in Parks of the North Coast and Cascades Network 2006-2011 (David Giblin and Ben Legler, Date Unknown) CCS Botanical Surveys 1993 (Denise Roush and Margie Weissbach, c1993) Changes in Blue Glacier, Mount Olympus, Washington Institute of Polar Studies Report No. 1 (Ann Davey, February 1962) Coastal Hazards & Sea-Level Asset Vulnerability Assessment, Olympic National Park (Katie Peek, Blair Tormey, Holli Thompson, Robert Young, Shawn Norton, Julie McNamee and Ryan Scavo, August 2017) Coastal Vulnerability Assessment of Olympic National Park to Sea-Level Rise USGS Open-File Report 2004-1021 (Elizabeth A. Pendleton, Erika S. Hammar-Klose, E. Robert Thieler, and S. Jeffress Williams, 2004) Colonization, succession and exotic species invasion on sediment deposits associated with dam removal, Olympic National Park (Rebecca L. Brown, James M. Helfield and Patrick B. Shafroth, February 25, 2010) Cordage from the Ozette Village Archaeological Site: A Technological, Functional, and Comparative Study Washington State University Laboratory of Archaeology and History Project Reports No. 9 (Dale Ross Croes, 1980) Demography and ecology of a declining endemic: The Olympic marmot (©Suzanne Cox Griffin, University of Montana Thesis, Autumn 2007) Density and Velocity Relationships for Digital Sonic and Density Logs from Coastal Washington and Laboratory Measurements of Olympic Peninsula Mafic Rocks and Greywackes USGS Open-File Report 2001-264 (Thomas M. Brocher and Nikolas I. Christensen, 2001) Development Concept Plan: Kalaloch, Olympic National Park, Washington (September 1988) Development Concept Plan: Ozette, Olympic National Park, Washington (September 1988) Development Concept Plan: Quinault, Olympic National Park, Washington (September 1988) Development Concept Plan: Soleduck, Olympic National Park, Washington (September 1988) Disproportionate importance of nearshore habitat for the food web of a deep oligotrophic lake (Stephanie E. Hampton, Steven C. Fradkin, Peter R. Leavitt and Elizabeth E. Rosenbert, extract from Marine and Freshwater Research, Vol. 62, 2011) Draft General Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement, Olympic National Park (2006) Ecological Relationships Between Cervid Herbivory and Understory Vegetation in Old-Growth Sitka Spruce-Western Hemlock Forests in Olympic National Park (E.E. Starkey and P.J. Happe, March 1995) Economic Impacts of Visitors to Olympic National Park, 2000 (Daniel J. Stynes, Dennis Propst and Ya-Yen Sun, December 2001) Effects of Shoreline Development on the Nearshore Environment of a Large Deep Nutrient-Poor Lake (Lake Crescent, USA) (©Elizabeth Seminet-Reneau, Master's Thesis University of Idaho, June 2007) Effects of shoreline development on the nearshore environment in large deep oligotrophic lakes (Elizabeth E. Rosenberger, Stephanie E. Hampton, Steven C. Fradkin and Brian P. Kennedy, extract from Freshwater Biology, Vol. 53, 2008) Elk: Lewis and Clark, Mount Rainier, Olympic I & M Resource Brief (extract from Vital Signs, 2012) Elk Monitoring Program (Mount Rainier National Park and Olympic National Park) Elk Monitoring Protocol for Mount Rainier National Park and Olympic National Park: January 11, 2012 NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NCCN/NRR—2012/485 (Paul C. Griffin, Kurt J. Jenkins, Mason Reid, Barbara J. Moeller, Michelle Tirhi, Jim Schaberl, Patricia Happe, David Vales, Scott McCorquodale, John Boetsch and Katherine Beirne, January 2012) Elk Monitoring Program Annual Report 2010: Mount Rainier National Park and Olympic National Park NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS—2011/289 (Paul Griffin, Patricia Happe, Kurt Jenkins, Mason Reid, David Vales, Barbara J. Moeller, Michelle Tirhi, Scott McCorquodale and Pat Miller, September 2011) Elk Monitoring Program Annual Report 2011: Mount Rainier National Park and Olympic National Park NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS—2013/437 (Patricia J. Happe, Mason Reid, Paul C. Griffin, Kurt J. Jenkins, David J. Vales, Barbara J. Moeller, Michelle Tirhi and Scott McCorquodale, January 2013) Elk Monitoring Program Annual Report 2012: Mount Rainier National Park and Olympic National Park NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS—2013/456 (Patricia J. Happe, Mason Reid, David J. Vales, Barbara J. Moeller, Michelle Tirhi and Scott McCorquodale, March 2013) Elk Monitoring Program Annual Report 2013: Mount Rainier National Park and Olympic National Park NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS—2014/642 (Patricia J. Happe, Mason Reid, David J. Vales, Barbara J. Moeller, Michelle Tirhi and Scott McCorquodale, April 2014) Elk Monitoring in Mount Rainier and Olympic National Parks: 2008–2011 Synthesis Report NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NCCN/NRR—2015/904 (K. J. Jenkins, P. C. Griffin, P. J. Happe, M. Reid, D. J. Vales, B. J. Moeller, M. Tirhi, S. McCorquodale, K. Beirne, J. Boetsch, W. Baccus and B. Lubow, January 2015) Elk Monitoring Program Annual Report 2014: Mount Rainier National Park and Olympic National Park NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS—2015/779 (Patricia J. Happe, David J. Vales, Barbara J. Moeller, Michelle Tirhi, Eric Holman and Katherine Beirne, April 2015) Elk Monitoring Program Annual Report 2015: Mount Rainier National Park and Olympic National Park NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS—2016/1041 (Patricia J. Happe , David J. Vales, Barbara J. Moeller, Michelle Tirhi, Eric Holman, Katherine Beirne, William T. Baccus and Tara Chestnut, August 2016) Elk Monitoring in Mount Rainier and Olympic National Parks: 2008-2017 Synthesis Report NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NCCN/NRR-2021/2284 (K.J. Jenkins, B.C. Lubow, P.J. Happe, K. Braun, J. Boetsch, W. Baccus, T. Chestnut, D.J. Vales, B.J. Moeller, M. Tirhi, E. Holman and P.C. Griffin, July 2021) Elwha River 2010 Survey Report for Lake Mills and Lake Aldwell on the Elwha River, Washington Bureau of Reclamation Technical Report No. SRH-2010-23 (Jennifer Bountry, Ron Ferrari, Kurt Wille and Tim J. 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Lewis and Keith B. Aubry, June 2015) Evaluation of Fisher (Pekania pennanti) Restoration in Olympic National Park and the Olympic Recovery Area: 2015 Annual Progress Report NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/OLYM/NRR-2016/1274 (Patricia J. Happe, Kurt J. Jenkins, Thomas J. Kay, Kristy Pilgrim, Michael K. Schwartz, Jeffrey C. Lewis and Keith B. Aubry, August 2016) Evaluation of Fisher (Pekania pennanti) Restoration in Olympic National Park and the Olympic Recovery Area: 2016 Annual Progress Report NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/OLYM/NRR-2017/1531 (Patricia J. Happe, Kurt J. Jenkins, Thomas J. Kay, Kristy Pilgrim, Michael K. Schwartz, Jeffrey C. Lewis and Keith B. 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Agee, Michael Gracz and Mark Finney, Summer 1989) Geologic Guide to the Deer Park Area, Olympic National Park (Ronald W. Tabor, 1965) Geology of Olympic National Park (Wilbert R. Danner, 1955; ©University of Washington Press) Geology of Olympic National Park (Rowland A. Tabor, 1987; ©Pacific Northwest National Parks and Forest Association) Geology of the Washington Coast Between Point Grenville and the Hoh River (HTML edition) Washington Department of Natural Resources Bulletin No. 66 (Weldon W. Rau, 1973) Geology of the Washington Coast Between the Hoh and Quillayute Rivers (HTML edition) Washington Department of Natural Resources Bulletin 72 (Weldon W. Rau, 1980) Geomorphology of Coastal Olympic National Park NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NCCN/NRR-2021/2260 (Jon Riedel, Sharon Sarrantonio and Stephen Dorsch, June 2021) Glaciers of the Olympic Mountains, WashingtonThe Past and Future 100 Years (Andrew G. Fountain, Christina Gray,, Bryce Glenn, Brian Menounos, Justin Pflug and Jon L. Riedel, extract from Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, March 8, 2022) Going Full Circle: A Century of Economic and Ecological Trade-offs on the Elwha (Lisa Meoli, extract from Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History, Vol. 31 No. 2, Summer 2017; ©Washington State Historical Society) Hearings before the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, United States Senate, Eighty-ninth Congress, second session, on the study team report of the recreational opportunities in the State of Washington, February 11 and 12, 1966 (Senate Hearing, 89th Congress - North Cascades, Olympic National Park, 1966) Heritage plants at former homesteads in the Queets Valley, Olympic National Park NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/OLYM/NRDS-2-15/968 (Steven A. Acker, Michael D. Tetreau and David W. Allen, August 2015) Historic American Buildings Survey Enchanted Valley Chalet HABS WA-273 (Charlotte Helmer, September 2014; Ellen Gage, January 2017) Historic American Engineering Record Olympic National Park Road System HAER WA-166 (Gina Ottoboni, March 2004) Historic Resource Study: Olympic National Park, Washington (Gail H.E. Evans, 1983) Historic Structures Report, Part I: Humes Ranch Buildings #699-A and #699-B, Class CC, Elwha River Trail, Olympic National Park, Washington (A. Lewis Koue, January 1969) Historic Structures Report, Part II: Humes Ranch Buildings #699-A and #699-B, Class CC, Elwha River Trail, Olympic National Park, Washington (A. Lewis Koue, April 1969) Historic Structures Report, Part II: Historical Data Section, Humes Ranch Cabin, Olympic National Park (Benjamin Levy, January 31, 1968) Historic Structures Report: Lake Crescent Lodge, Olympic National Park, Washington (Hank O. Florence and Gail E.H. 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Allen, August 2014) Inventory of Coastal Engineering Projects in Olympic National Park NPS Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/NRSS/GRD/NRTR—2013/705 (Kate Dallas, Michael Berry and Peter Ruggiero, March 2013) Inventory of Fish Species in the Bogachiel, Dosewallips, and Quinault River Basins, Olympic National Park, Washington NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NCCN/NRR—2015/955 (Samuel J. Brenkman, Stephen C. Corbett and Scott H. Sebring, April 2015) Inventory of the Mosses, Liverworts, Hornworts, and Lichens of Olympic National Park, Washington: Species List U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5240 (Martin Hutten, Andrea Woodward and Karen Hutten, 2005) Junior Ranger Program Ocean Stewards, Olympic National Park (Date Unknown; for reference purposes only) Lady of the Lake: A Macabre Tale of Murder on the Olympic Peninsula (Harriet U. Fish, extract from Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History, Vol. 6 No. 2, Summer 1992; ©Washington State Historical Society) Lake Crescent Lodge: Development Standards and Guidelines (November 1983) Landbird Inventory for Olympic National Park (2002-2003): Final Report NPS Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/NCCN/NRTR—2009/159 (Rodney B. Siegel, Robert L. Wilkerson and Shelley Hall, January 2009) Landsat-based Monitoring of Landscape Dynamics in Olympic National Park: 1985-2010 NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS—2016/1053 (Catharine Copass, Natalya Antonova and Shelby Clary, August 2016) Late Quaternary Sediment Source and Deposition History of Lake Ozette (Andy Ritchie and Joanne Bourgeois, July 29, 2010) Life history diversity emerges in salmonids repopulating tributaries of the undammed Elwha River (Stuart H. Munsch, extract from The Osprey, Issue No. 109, Fall 2024; ©Wild Salmon Rivers) Listening with the Trees: The Subterranean Bioacoustics of Old Growth Forest Groves in the Hoh River Valley (©Tuck Yates Tyrrell, Masters thesis, 2019) Long-Range Interpretive Plan, Olympic National Park (November 2010) Long-term Ecological Monitoring Research and Development, Olympic National Park: 1997 Annual Report (1997) Management of Exotic Plants in Olympic National Park (Richard W. Olson, Jr., Edward G. Schreiner and Lance Parker, March 1991 rev. September 1991) Managing the Wilderness Experience at Olympic National Park: A Study of Day and Overnight Visitors (©Warren Vinson Pierce, III, Master's Thesis, University of Vermont, January 2015) Marymere Falls Nature Trail, Olympic National Park, Washington (©Olympic Natural History Association, 1962) Master Plan: Olympic National Park (September 1974) Modeling Distribution of High-Priority Exotic Plant Species on the Olympic Peninsula (Chad C. Jones and Charles B. Halpern, August 2007) Monitoring of Olympic National Park Beaches to Determine Fate and Effects of Spilled Bunker C Fuel Oil Final Report (J.A. Strand, V.I. Cullinan, E.A. Crecelius, T.J.Fortman, R.J. Citerman and M.L. Fleischmann, October 1990) Monitoring Program and Assessment of Coyote Predation for Olympic Marmots (©Julia Judyta Witczuk, University of Montana Thesis, Summer 2007) Mountain Goat Management A Review of the Ethnographic and Archaeological Evidence Relating to Mountain Goats in the Olympic Mountains (Randall F. Schalk, March 15, 1993) A Review of the Historic and Prehistoric Status of Mountain Goats in the Olympic Mountains, Washington (Letter (incomplete) from Thomas R. Cox to Supt. Maureen Finnerty, June 15, 1993) A Review of the Historical Evidence Relating to Mountain Goats in the Olympic Mountains Prior to 1925 (Susan Schultz, May 1993) A Review of Literature Relating to Mountain Goats in the Olympic Mountains (Letter from Paul Lawrence Farber to Supt. Maureen Finnerty, July 6, 1993) A Review of the Evidence Bearing on the Presence (or Absence) of the Mountain Goat (Oreamnos americanus) as Part of the Fauna of the Olympic Mountains in Historic, Prehistoric, and Late Quaternary Time (Letter Mott T. Greene to Supt. Maureen Finnerty, June 25, 1993) A Review of the Evidence Regarding the Historic and Prehistoric Status of Mountain Goats in the Olympic Mountains (Letter from Gay Frederick to Supt. Maureen Finnerty, August 12, 1993) A Social Risk Analysis of the Olympic National Park Mountain Goat Removal Project (Gary E. Machlis, Seth Tuler and Roger Kasperson, June 1990) Comments on Reports by Randall F. Schalk and Susan Schultz (Letters from R. Lee Lyman, June 21, 1993 and June 25, 1993) Document Reviews (Letter from Harold K. Steen to Supt. Maureen Finnerty, June 18, 1993) Effects of Mountain Goats on Soils, Plant Communities, and Select Species in Olympic National Park (W. Pfitsch, R.S. Ried, J. Harter, D.K. Pike and L.C. Bliss, July 1983) Evaluation of Mountain Goat Use on Three Plant Species Unique to the Olympic Peninsula: 1980 Annual Report (Chas. H. Driver and Doug Pike, 1980) Goats in Olympic National Park: Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Mountain Goat Management (February 1995) Historic and Prehistoric Status of Mountain Goats in the Olympic Mountains: Scientific Review (Letter from H. Duane Smith to Supt. Maureen Finnerty, August 17, 1993) Mountain Goat Abundance and Population Trends in the Olympic Mountains, Washington, 2011 USGS Open-File Report 2011-1313 (Kurt Jenkins, Patricia Happe, Paul Griffin, Katherine Beirne, Roger Hoffman and William Baccus, 2011) Mountain Goat Action Plan (Patti Happe, June 2011) Mountain Goat Census in the Olympic Mountain Range, July 1994 (D.B. Houston, R.W. Olson, R.A. Hoffman and B.B. Moorhead, August 1, 1994) Mountain Goat Management in Olympic National Park (1987) Mountain Goat Management in Olympic National Park: A Progress Report (Douglas B. Houston, Edward G. Schreiner, Bruce B. Moorehead and Richard W. Olson, extract from Natural Areas Journal, Vol. 11 No. 2, 1991) Mountain Goat Management Plan / Environmental Impact Statement, Olympic National Park Draft (2017) Mountain Goat Management Plan / Environmental Impact Statement, Olympic National Park Final (April 2018) Mountain Goat (Oreamnos americanus) Habitat Utilization in Olympic National Park (©Victoria Stevens, 1979) Mountain Goats in Olympic National Park: Biology and Management of an Introduced Species Scientific Monograph NPS/NROLYM/NRSM-94/25 (Douglas B. Houston, Edward G. Schreiner, Bruce B. Moorehead, 1994) Mountain Goats in Olympic National Park: Fair Game or Reasonable Doubt? (©Helen Carolyn Wagenvoord, 1995) Public Hearing: Mountain Goat Management in Olympic National Park Port Angeles (May 4, 1995) Public Hearing: Mountain Goat Management in Olympic National Park Seattle (May 3, 1995) Recent Population Trends of Mountain Goats in the Olympic Mountains, Washington (Kurt J. Jenkins, Patricia J. Happe, Katherine F. Beirne, Roger A. Hoffman, Paul C. Griffin, William T. Baccus and John Fieberg, extract from Northwest Science, Vol. 86 No. 4, 2012) Review of evidence regarding mountain goats in Olympic National Park prior to 1920s (Letter from Madonna L. Moss to Supt. Maureen Finnerty, July 6, 1993) Review of Scientific Material Relevant to the Occurrence, Ecosystem Role, and Tested Management Options for Mountain Goats in Olympic National Park (Reed F. Noss, Russell Graham, Dale R. McCullough, Fred L. Ramsey, Jennifer Seavey, Cathy Whitlock and Michael P. Williams, May 30, 2000) Seasonal Distribution and Aerial Surveys of Mountain Goats in Mount Rainier, North Cascades, and Olympic National Parks, Washington USGS Open-File Report 2011-1107 (Kurt Jenkins, Katherine Beirne, Patricia Happe, Roger Hoffman, Cliff Rice and Jim Schaberl, 2011) Significance for Wildlife Management of the Late Quaternary Biogeography of Mountain Goats (Oreamnos americanus) in the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A. (R. Lee Lyman, extract from Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 20 No. 1, 1988) The Applicability of Contraceptives in the Elimination or Control of Exotic Mountain Goats from Olympic National Park: Scientific Panel Review Final Report (Richard A. Fayrer-Hosken, David A. Jessup, Robert A. Garrott, Jay F. Kirkpatrick and Robert J. Warren, January 1992) The IUCN Position Statement on Translocation of Living Organisms, Introductions, Re-Introductions and Re-Stocking (Letter from Jim Thorsell to Supt. Robert Chandler, July 8, 1987) Vegetation in Relation to Introduced Mountain Goats in Olympic National Park: A Technical Report (E. Schreiner, A. Woodward and M. Gracz, March 1993) Western Washington Indian Knowledge of Mountain Goat in the Nineteenth Century: Historic, Ethnographic, and Linguistic Data (Letter from Barbara Lane to Paul Gleeson, September 27, 1993) Museum Management Plan, Olympic National Park (Jonathan Bayless, Mary Benterou, Kent Bush, Gay Hunter and Brigid Sullivan, October 2002) National Register of Historic Places Nomination Forms Altair Campground Community Kitchen (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) Beaumont Cabin (Sang Bae, December 19, 2023) Botten Cabin (Wilder Patrol Cabin) (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) Canyon Creek Shelter (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) Dodger Point Fire Lookout (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) Eagle Ranger Station (Sol Duc Ranger Station) (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) Elk Lick Lodge (Remann's Cabin) (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) Elkhorn Guard Station (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) Elwha Campground Community Kitchen (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) Elwha Ranger Station (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) Enchanted Valley Chalet (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) Fifteen Mile Shelter (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) Graves Creek Ranger Station (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) Happy Four Shelter (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) Hayes River Fire Cache (Gail E.H. Evans, Kirstie Haertel and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) Humes Ranch Cabin #699 (David H. Huntzinger and Laurin Huffman II, March 7, 1974) Humes Ranch Cabin (Additional Documentation and Boundary Increase) (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 1999, 2005) Hurricane Ridge Road: Determination of Eligibility (Christy Avery, January 15, 2025) Hyak Shelter (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) Kestner Homestead (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg, Kirstie L. Haertel and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) Michael's Cabin (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) North Fork Quinault Ranger Station (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) North Fork Sol Duc Shelter (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) Olympic National Park Headquarters Historic District (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg, Kirstie L. Haertel and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 1999, 2005) Olympic National Park Historic Trails District (Date Unknown) Olympus Guard Station (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) Ozette Indian Village Archeological Site (Jerry Fairchild, c1974) Pelton Creek Shelter (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) Peter Roose Homestead (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg, Kirstie L. Haertel and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) Pyramid Peak Aircraft Warning Service Lookout (Gail E.H. Evans, Kirstie L. Haertel and Jacilee Wray, 1998, 2005) Rosemary Inn (Pete Neal, December 21, 1978) Singer's Lake Crescent Tavern (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) Storm King Ranger Station (Morgenroth Cabin) (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) Three Forks Shelter (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) Wedding Rock Petroglyphs (Charles F. Bohannon, July 6, 1973) Wendel Property (Gail E.H. Evans, Stephanie Toothman, Gretchen Luxenberg and Jacilee Wray, 1986, 1998, 2005) Natural History of the Ahlstrom's and Roose's Prairies, Olympic National Park (Andrew Bach and Dave Conca, Date Unknown) Natural Resource Condition Assessment, Olympic National Park NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/OLYM/NRR-2018/1826 (Rebecca McCaffery and Kurt Jenkins, eds., November 2018) North Coast and Cascades Network Climate Monitoring Reports North Coast and Cascades Network Climate Monitoring Report: Olympic National Park; Water Year 2010 NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS-2012/262 (William Baccus, Mike Larrabee, Rebecca Lofgren and Mark Huff, March 2012) North Coast and Cascades Network Climate Monitoring Report: Olympic National Park; Water Year 2011 NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS-2013/568 (William Baccus, Mike Larrabee, Rebecca Lofgren and Mark Huff, October 2013) North Coast and Cascades Network Climate Monitoring Report: Olympic National Park; Water Year 2012 NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS-2016/1002 (William Baccus, Mike Larrabee and Rebecca Lofgren, January 2016) North Coast and Cascades Network Climate Monitoring Report: Olympic National Park; Water Year 2016 NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS-2017/1139 (William D. Baccus, December 2017) North Coast and Cascades Network Landbird Monitoring Reports North Coast and Cascades Network Landbird Monitoring: Report for the 2013 field season NPS Natural Resource Data Series. NPS/NCCN/NRDS-2014/691 (Amanda L. Holmgren, Robert L. Wilkerson, Rodney B. Siegel and Patricia J. Happe, August 2014) North Coast and Cascades Network Landbird Monitoring: Report for the 2015 field season NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NCCN/NRR-2016/1128 (Amanda L. Holmgren, Robert L. Wilkerson, Rodney B. Siegel and Jason I. Ransom, June 2016) North Coast and Cascades Network Landbird Monitoring: Report for the 2019 field season NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NCCN/NRR-2020/1284 (Amanda L. Holmgren, Robert L. Wilkerson, Rodney B. Siegel and Jason I. Ransom, July 2020) North Coast and Cascades Network Landbird Monitoring: Report for the 2020 field season NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NCCN/NRR-2021/1337 (Amanda L. Holmgren, Robert L. Wilkerson, Rodney B. Siegel and Jason I. Ransom, November 2021) North Coast and Cascades Network Landbird Monitoring: Report for the 2021 field season NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NCCN/NRR-2022/1371 (Amanda L. Holmgren, Robert L. Wilkerson, Rodney B. Siegel and Jason I. Ransom, October 2022) North Coast and Cascades Network Landbird Monitoring: Report for the 2022 field season NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS-2023/1401 (Amanda L. Holmgren, Robert L. Wilkerson, Rodney B. Siegel and Jason I. Ransom, December 2023) North Coast and Cascades Network Landbird Monitoring: Report for the 2023 field season NPS Science Report NPS/SR-2024/206 (Amanda L. Holmgren, Robert L. Wilkerson, Rodney B. Siegel and Jason I. Ransom, October 2024) Oil and Gas in the Western Part of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington USGS Bulletin 581-B (Charles T. Lupton, 1914) Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Accomplishments: 2010 • 2011 • 2012 • 2013 • 2014 • 2016 • 2017 • 2018 • 2019 Condition Report 2008-2019, Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (2022) Condition Report 2008, Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (September 2008) Olympic Coast Intergovernmental Policy Council Addendum to the Condition Report, Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (Date Unknown) Final Environmental Impact Statement/Management Plan: Volume 1, Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (November 1993) Final Environmental Impact Statement/Management Plan: Volume 2: Appendices, Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (November 1993) Final Management Plan, Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (1994) Final Management Plan and Environmental Assessment, Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (September 2011) Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary: Proceedings of the 1998 Research Workshop, Seattle, Washington (November 2001) Olympic National Park Forest Carnivore Inventory conducted during the winters of 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 NPS Report Series NPS/PWR-NCCN/INV-2005-001 (Patti J. Happe, Kathy F. Beirne, Chris E. Cantway, Dave J. Manson and Don W. Smith, February 2005) Olympic National Park, Washington: Natural History Handbook No. 1 (HTML edition) (Gunnar O. Fagerlund, 1954) Olympic National Park, Washington: Natural History Handbook No. 1 (Gunnar O. Fagerlund, 1957) Olympic National Park, Washington: Natural History Handbook No. 1 (Gunnar O. Fagerlund, 1961) Olympic National Park, Washington: Natural History Handbook No. 1 (HTML edition) (Gunnar O. Fagerlund, 1954, revised 1965) "Only The Squeal Is Left: Conflict Over Establishing Olympic National Park" (Michael G. Schene, extract from The Pacific Historian, Vol. 27 No. 3, Fall 1983; ©University of the Pacific for the Holt-Atherton Pacific Center for Western Studies) Optimising methods for monitoring programs: Olympic marmots as a case study (Julia Witczuk, Stanislaw and L. Scott Mills, extract from Wildlife Research, Vol. 35, 2008) Ozette Archaeological Project Research Reports, Volume I: House Structure and Floor Midden WSU Department of Anthropology Reports of Investigations 63 (Stephen R. Samuels, ed., 1991) Ozette Woodworking Technology Washington State University Laboratory of Archaeology and History Project Reports No. 3 (Paul F. Gleeson, 1980) Paleoenvironmental Change on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington: Forests and Climate from the Last Glaciation to the Present (Daniel G. Gavin, David M. Fisher, Erin M. Herring, Ariana White and Linda B. Brubaker, March 13, 2013) Park Issues: 1998, Olympic National Park (1998) Park Newspaper (Bugler) 1986: Schedule of Naturalist Activities: July 1-Aug. 31 1989: Summer 1990: Summer 1995: Summer 1998: Summer 1989: Summer 1989: Summer 1999: Winter 2002: Summer 2008: Summer 2009: Winter 2018: Summer Patterns and processes of wood debris accumulation in the Queets river basin, Washington (Tim B. Abbe and David R. Montgomery, extract from Geomorphology, Vol. 51, 2003) Playing Nice in the Sandbox: Making Room for Historic Structures in Olympic National Park (Christopher Chellis, extract from ©Washington Journal of Environmental Law & Policy, 2017) Predicting seed germination in the sediments of Lake Mills after removal of the Glines Canyon Dam on the Elwha River NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/MWR/HTLN/NRR-2007/001 (Joshua Chenoweth, July 2008) Qui Si Sana: Finding Health on Lake Crescent (Richard H. Engeman, extract from Pacific Northwest Quarterly, Vol. 79 No. 1, January 1988; all rights reserved) Quileute Reservation Northern Boundary Study: A Survey of the Mouth of the Quillayute River, Clallam County, State of Washington (Geometrix Surveying, Inc., Date Unknown; incomplete) Report on Preliminary Investigation for Staircase - Grave Creek Road in Olympic National Park, Jefferson and Mason Counties, Washington (W.C. Struble, September 1949) Report on Reconnaissance for a Road Route through Olympic National Park from Lake Quinault to the Hood Canal (Thomas E. Carpenter and Harold G. Fowler, April 1950) Report on Sullys Hill Park, Casa Grande Ruin; the Muir Woods, Petrified Forest, and Other National Monuments, Including List of Bird Reserves: 1915 (HTML edition) (Secretary of the Interior, 1914) Report on Wind Cave National Park, Sullys Hill Park, Casa Grande Ruin, Muir Woods, Petrified Forest, and Other National Monuments, Including List of Bird Reserves: 1913 (HTML edition) (Secretary of the Interior, 1914) Research Catalog: A comprehensive manual of natural and cultural study opportunities within Mount Rainier, North Cascades, and Olympic National Parks (September 2000) Research to Support Wilderness Stewardship Planning at Olympic National Park (University of Vermont, Date Unknown) Revised Vegetation Classification for Mount Rainier, North Cascades, and Olympic National Parks Project Summary Report NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NCCN/NRR-2021/2225 (Tynan Ramm-Granberg, F. Joseph Rocchio, Catharine Copass, Rachel Brunner and Eric Nielson, February 2021) River Delta's Rebirth: Free of dams, the Elwha River is reshaping the shore (Tristan Baurick, Kitsap Sun, 2016) Roosevelt Elk of the Hoh Valley, Olympic National Park Oregon Cooperative Park Studies Unit Report 80-3 (Kurt Jenkins and Edward Starkey, 1980) Seasonal Distribution and Aerial Surveys of Mountain Goats in Mount Rainier, North Cascades, and Olympic National Parks, Washington USGS Open-File Report 2011-1107 (Kurt Jenkins, Katherine Beirne, Patricia Happe, Roger Hoffman, Cliff Rice and Jim Schaberl, 2011) Shaded Relief Map: Olympic National Park & Vicinity, WA Scale: 1:100,000 (USGS, 1989) Social Indicators for Olympic National Park Biosphere Reserve Cooperative Studies Unit, University of Idaho CPSU/UI S 81-2 (Gary E. Machlis and Donna K. Chickering, 1981) Sources and Sinks of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in a Deep Oligotrophic Lake, Lake Crescent, Olympic National Park, Washington U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2012-5107 (P.W. Moran, S.E. Cox, S.S. Embrey, R.L. Huffman, T.D. Olsen and S.C. Fradkin, 2013) Space and Habitat Use by Black Bears in the Elwha Valley Prior to Dam Removal (Kimberly A. Sager-Fradkin, Kurt J. Jenkins, Patricia J. Happe, John J. Beecham, R. Gerald Wright and Roger A. Hoffman, extract from Northwest Science, Vol. 82 Special Issue, 2008) Spotted Owl Monitoring in Olympic National Park: 1992-2016 NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/OLYM/NRR— 2017/1530 (Scott Gremel, October 2017) Steel Points: The Olympics (William Gladstone Steel, Vol. 1 No. 4, July 1907) Summary Prehistory and Ethnography of Olympic National Park, Washington (HTML edition) (Eric O. Bergland, September 1983) Temporal Extension of the Lake Level Record at Lake Ozette, WA and its Relationship to Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) Population Declines (Kasey B. Ignac and Andrew J. Bach, Date Unknown) Temporary Off-road Access for Geotechnical Investigation Environmental Assessment (July 2018) The Elwha Dam: Economic Gain Wins Out Over Saving Salmon Runs (Jeff Crane, extract from Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History, Vol. 17 No. 3, Fall 2003; ©Washington State Historical Society) The Evolution and Diversification of Native Land Use Systems on the Olympic Peninsula: A Research Design (Randall Schalk, 1988) The history of Coast Salish "woolly dogs" revealed by ancient genomics and Indigenous Knowledge (Audrey T. Lin, Liz Hammond-Kaarremaa1, Hsiao-Lei Liu, Chris Stantis, Iain McKechnie, Michael Pavel, Susan sa'hLa mitSa Pavel, Senaqwila Sen’ ákw Wyss, Debra qwasen Sparrow, Karen Carr, Sabhrina Gita Aninta, Angela Perri, Jonathan Hartt, Anders Bergström, Alberto Carmagnini, Sophy Charlton, Love Dalén, Tatiana R. Feuerborn, Christine A. M. France, Shyam Gopalakrishnan, Vaughan Grimes, Alex Harris, Gwénaëlle Kavich, Benjamin N. Sacks, Mikkel-Holger S. Sinding, Pontus Skoglund, David W. G. Stanton, Elaine A. Ostrander, Greger Larson, Chelsey G. Armstrong, Laurent A. F. Frantz, Melissa T. R. Hawkins, Logan Kistler, extract from Science, Vol. 382 Issue 6676, December 15, 2023) The Hoh Formation of Washington (R.H. Palmer, extract from The Journal of Geology, Vol. 35 No. 3, April-May 1927) The King of the Olympics (E.B. Webster, 1920) The Mount Olympus National Monument (Clifford Edwin Roloff, extract from The Washington Historical Quarterly, Vol. 25 No. 3, July 1934) The New Olympic National Park (extract from Colliers, Vol. 42, April 1909) The Olympic National Park Resource Database: Its Structure and Contents (Gay Edelbrock, John Parker, Janet Parker and Gerald Wright, April 1991) The O'Neil Expeditions (Robert L. Wood, extract from Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History, Vol. 4 No. 2, Summer 1990; ©Washington State Historical Society) The Ozette Archaeological Expedition (Richard D. Daugherty, undated) The Ozette Prairies of Olympic National Park: Their Former Indigenous Uses and Management (M. Kat Anderson, Winter 2009) The Proposed Olympic National Park (Emergency Conservation Committee, May 1934) The Sockeye Salmon Oncorhynchus nerka Population in Lake Ozette, Washington, USA Technical Report NPS/CCSOSU/NRTR-96/04 (Ruth Jacobs, Gary Larson, John Meyer, Ned Currence, Joe Hinton, Milo Adkison, Robert Burgner, Harold Geiger and Lawrence Lestelle, August 1996) The Spruce Production Division (Gerald W. Williams, extract from Forest History Today, Spring 1999) The Story of Three Olympic Peaks (Edmond S. Meany, extract from The Washington Historical Quarterly, Vol. 4 No. 3, July 1913) The Structure of the Olympic Mountains, WashingtonAnalysis of a Subduction Zone (HTML edition) U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1033 (R.W. Tabor and W.M. Cady, 1978) Topographic Map: Olympic National Park & Vicinity, WA Scale: 1:100,000 (USGS, 1989) Trophic Status & Assessment of Non-Point Nutrient Enrichment of Lake Crescent, Olympic National Park NPS Technical Report NPS/PNRWR/NRTR-91/02 (Terence P. Boyle and David R. Beeson, December 1991) Understanding Trends of Sport Fishing on Critical Fishery Resources in Olympic National Park Rivers and Lake Crescent NPS Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/OLYM/NRTR—2012/587 (Samuel J. Brenkman, Lauren Kerr and Josh Geffre, June 2012) Variations of Blue, Hoh, and White Glaciers During Recent Centuries (Calvin J. Heusser, extract from Arctic, Vol. 10 No. 3, January 1957) Vascular Plant Inventory of Coastal Bogs, Wetlands, and Lakeshores, Olympic National Park (2005) NPS Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/NCCN/NRTR—2009/174 (Steven A. Acker and Richard W. Olson, Jr., February 2009) Vegetation Classification and Mapping Project Report: Olympic National Park NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NCCN/NRR—2021/2255 (Eric M. Nielsen, Catharine Copass, Rachel L. Brunner and Lindsey K. Wise, May 2021) Vegetation Classification of Mount Rainier, North Cascades, and Olympic National Parks: Plant Association Descriptions and Identification Keys NPS Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/NCCN/NRTR—2009/211 (Rex C. Crawford, Christopher B. Chappell, Catharine C. Thompson and F. Joseph Rocchio, April 2009) Vegetation Patterns, Hydrology, and Water Chemistry In Small Watersheds in the Hoh River Valley, Olympic National Park NPS Scientific Monograph NPSD/NRUSGS/NRSM-98/02 (Robert L. Edmonds, Rober D. Blew, James L. Marra, Judy Blew, Amy K. Barg, Georgia Murray and Ted B. Thomas, 1998) Visitor Study, Olympic National Park, Summer 2000 Visitor Services Project Report 121 (Chad Van Ormer, Margaret Littlejohn and James H. Gramann, May 2001) Visual Themes Manual, Olympic National Park (1989) Water supplies for selected sites in Olympic National Park, Washington USGS Open-File Report 70-358 (K.L. Walters, 1970) Wilderness Recommendation, Olympic National Park, Washington (April 1974) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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