BLOODY BEACHES: The Marines at Peleliu
by Brigadier General Gordon D. Gayle, USMC (Ret)
The basic source work for this pamphlet is the Marine
Corps' official monograph, The Assault on Peleliu, by Maj Frank
O. Hough, published by the Government Printing Office in 1950, while
LtCol Gordon D. Gayle was serving as deputy director of Marine Corps
history, and editor of the monograph series. Other books used in this
narrative were: George W. Garand and Truman R. Strobridge, Western
Pacific Operations, vol IV, History of U.S. Marine Corps
Operations in World War II (Washington: Historical Division, HQMC,
1971); George P. Hunt, Coral Comes High (New York: Harper &
Brothers, 1946); E. B. Sledge, With the Old Breed at Peleliu and
Okinawa (Presidio Press, 1981); Edward S. Miller, War Plan
Orange: The U.S. Strategy to Defeat Japan (Annapolis: Naval
Institute Press, 1991); Edward Behr, Hirohito: Behind the Myth
(New York: Vantage Books & Random House, 1989); Bill D. Ross,
Peleliu: Tragic Triumph, The Untold Story of the Pacific War's
Forgotten Battle (New York: Random House, 1992); James H. Hallas,
The Devil's Anvil: The Assault on Peleliu (Westport, Connecticut:
Praeger, 1944); Harry A. Gailey, Peleliu 1944 (Annapolis,
Maryland: Nautical & Aviation Publishing Inc., 1983); Masataka
Chihaya, Fading Victory: The Diary of Admiral Matome Ugaki,
1941-45 (University of Pittsburg Press, 1962); Larry L. Woodward,
Before the First Wave: The 3rd Armored Amphibian Tractor Battalion
Peleliu and Okinawa (Manhattan, Kansas: Sunflower Univ.
Press, 1944); Burke Davis Marine: The Life of Lieutenant General
Lewis B. (Chesty) Puller, USMC (Ret) (Boston: Little, Brown Company,
The Oral History and Personal Papers Collections in
the Marine Corps Historical Center, Washington Navy Yard, Washington,
D.C. , hold a number of interviews and diaries of participants in the
Peleliu operation. These documents from the following were particularly
useful: LtGen Oliver P. Smith; BGen Harold D. Harris; BGen Harold O.
Deakin; and LtGen Lewis J. Fields, along with numerous personal
interviews with campaign veterans officers and enlisted men.
The author wishes to thank the Army Center of
Military History for the loan of the photographs of Tom Lea's artwork
appearing in this pamphlet. He also wishes to thank Phillip D. Orr for
permitting use of the interesting photographs of Peleliu as it appeared
in 1994.
About the Author
Brigadier General Gordon D. Gayle, USMC (Ret),
graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in June 1939 and was commissioned
a Marine second lieutenant. After completing Basic School in
Philadelphia in 1940, he was assigned to the 5th Marines, 1st Marine
Division with which he served in three Pacific campaigns: Guadalcanal,
Cape Gloucester, and Peleliu. For his extraordinary heroism while
commanding the 2d Battalion, 5th Marines, on Peleliu, he was awarded the
Navy Cross.
He returned to 1st Marine Division in the Korean war
to serve first as the executive officer of the 7th Marines, then as G-3
on the division staff. He is a graduate of the Army's Command and
General Staff College. In 1963-65, he chaired the Long Range Study Panel
at Quantico, developing concepts for the Corps' operational,
organizational, logistical and R&D needs for the 1985 period. He was
promoted to brigadier general in 1964. Retiring in 1968, he joined
Georgetown University's Center for Strategic and International

THIS PAMPHLET HISTORY, one in a series devoted
to U.S. Marines in the World War II era, is published for the education
and training of Marines by the History and Museums Division,
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, D.C., as a part of the U.S.
Department of Defense observance of the 50th anniversary of victory in
that war.
Editorial costs of preparing this pamphlet have been
defrayed in part by a grant from the Marine Corps Historical Foundation
and a bequest from the estate of Emilie H. Watts, in memory of her late
husband, Thomas M. Watts, who served as a Marine and was the recipient
of a Purple Heart.
Brigadier General Edwin H. Simmons, USMC (Ret)
Benis M. Frank
George C. MacGillivray
Robert E. Struder, Senior Editor; W. Stephen Hill, Visual
Information Specialist; Catherine A. Kerns, Composition Services
Technician, R.D. Payne, VolunteerWeb Edition
Marine Corps Historical Center
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Washington, D.C. 20374-5040
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