The Army of the Potomac's Logisticians during the Gettysburg Campaign
Mark A. Snell

"Few appreciate the difficulties of supplying an
army. If you will calculate that every man eats, or is entitled to eat,
nearly two pounds a day, you can easily estimate what a large army
consumes. But besides what men eat, there are horses and mules for
artillery, cavalry, and transportation in vast numbers, all which must
be fed or the army is dissolved or made inefficient. There is another
all-important matter of ammunition, a large supply of which for infantry
and artillery must be carried, besides what is carried on the person and
in the ammunition chests of guns and caissons. Our men carry forty
rounds in boxes, and when approaching a possible engagement take twenty
more on the person. Of this latter, from perspiration, rain, and many
causes there is great necessary waste. It is an article that cannot be
dispensed with, of course, and the supply on the person must be kept up.
The guns cannot be kept loaded, therefore the diminution is constant
from this necessary waste. My division, at present numbers, will require
forty to fifty wagons to carry the extra infantry ammunition. You should
see the long train of wagons of the reserve artillery, passing as I
write, to feel what an item this single want is."
Alpheus Williams to his daughters
July 6, 1863
Nineteenth-century military theorist Baron Antoine
Henri Jomini defined logistics as "the practical art of moving
armies." He submitted that logistics also included "providing for
the successive arrival of convoys of supplies ... [and] establishing and
organizing ... lines of supplies." In other words, logistics was
defined as the "practical art of moving armies and keeping them
supplied." [1]
As important as logistical operations are to a
successful military campaign, there have been very few studies that
focus on this aspect of military history. Even in the field of Civil War
scholarship, where almost everything has been studied several times
over, little has been written. The few inquiries into this subject are
concerned with strategic logistics, or the movement of troops and
supplies within a given theater of war or between theaters. Only a
handful of Civil War studies focus on tactical logistics, which can be
defined as the movement and supply of troops in a given campaign or
battle. [2]
An examination of logistical operations during the
Gettysburg Campaign could fill an entire lengthy volume when one
considers the magnitude of moving and supplying the 163,000 soldiers who
comprised the two armies that participated. This essay, therefore,
merely will serve as a primer to familiarize students of the war with
the missions and staff functions of logisticians serving the field
armies, using the Army of the Potomac's logisticians as a case
The three staff functions examined are the roles of
the Quartermaster General, the Commissary of Subsistence, and the Chief
Ordnance Officer.
Before jumping ahead to the summer of 1863, however,
it first is necessary to understand the historical background of the
United States Army's supply departments. When the Rebellion began in the
spring of 1861, the three army departments responsible for arming,
supplying, moving, and feeding U. S. soldiers found themselves in a
terrible predicament. Not only were the Quartermaster, Subsistence, and
Ordnance departments ill-prepared for a large-scale conflict, these
organizations also suffered the loss of many key officers who resigned
to join the Confederacy.
The Quartermaster Department, which was formed
in 1812, was responsible for land and water transportation, billeting,
clothing, providing some categories of personal equipment, and procuring
horses and forage. In 1861 the Department had an authorized strength of
37 officers and seven military storekeepers. Almost one-fourth of the
Department's officers, including the Quartermaster General, Brigadier
General Joseph E. Johnston, resigned to cast their lot with the South.
The Subsistence Department had similar
difficulties. Organized in 1818 and charged with feeding the troops, the
Department had an authorized strength of only twelve officers when the
war began. Secession brought the immediate resignation of four officers,
a loss of one-third of the Department. Congress remedied the situation
by passing legislation in August 1861 that added twelve more officer
positions, for a total of twenty-four. This was still too small an
officer corps to oversee the procurement and issue of food for hundreds
of thousands of men, so a year and a half later the department again was
modestly enlarged to twenty-nine officers. [4]
The Ordnance Department probably had the most
difficult assignment of the three supply departments in 1861: it was
responsible for the manufacture and procurement of small arms, edged
weapons, artillery, ammunition, and accouterments used by the land
forces. In addition, the Department was responsible for storage and
accountability of ordnance supplies at all Federal arsenals, for
maintaining those weapons once they were with the field armies, and for
issuing and transporting the ammunition.
Complicating matters was the fact that the United
States Government owned only two weapons manufacturing facilities when
the war began. The United States Armory at Harpers Ferry was captured
immediately by Confederate forces and its machinery dismantled and
transported south. This left the Springfield Armory as the lone
government-owned weapons-producing facility in the Union, thus making it
necessary for the Ordnance Department to contract with private gun
makers both at home and abroad. The end result was that many different
makes and calibers of small arms saw service in the Union army for the
first two years of the conflict. The Ordnance Corps originally had been
part of the Corps of Artillery, but in 1832 Congress passed legislation
to make it an autonomous department. Still, the Department had only
forty-one officers when the conflict began. [5] Some,
like Benjamin Huger, would resign to join the Confederate army, while
many other ordnance officers, such as Oliver Otis Howard and Jesse Reno,
would take field commands in the Union army.
Although the supply departments of the United States
Army were ill-prepared and undermanned before the outbreak of
hostilities, the men in charge of them would have to quickly overcome
any obstacles and adapt to the pressing needs of the service once the
shooting began. Most of the logistical officers of the Regular Army were
West Point graduates and had several years, if not decades, of
experience in their respective specialties. The rapid expansion of the
Union Army in 1861, however, would mean that untried and inexperienced
volunteers would fill the ranks of the Quartermaster, Ordnance, and
Subsistence departments for the war's duration.
By the time that the Army of Northern Virginia
embarked on its second invasion of the North, the logistical officers of
the Army of the Potomac had gained a wealth of experience since the
opening shots two years earlier. During the time since the first battle
of Bull Run, the officers and enlisted men of the three supply
departments had moved the entire Army of the Potomac to the Virginia
Peninsula and back again, they had armed the soldiers with adequate
small arms and artilleryalbeit of many different types and
calibersand they had supplied the troops by water, rail, and
overland transportation. (Rail transport was the responsibility of the
Director of Military Railroads, initially a civilian-run operation, but
the Quartermaster Department was responsible for all procurement
activities of that organization.) [6]
The Army of the Potomac's logisticians had learned
valuable lessons about locating forward supply depots too close to the
front lines, such as at Savage's Station, just east of Richmond. There,
on the Richmond and York River Railroad during the Seven Days' battles
the year before, hundreds of thousands of dollars in army supplies had
to be set to the torch lest they be captured by the advancing
Confederates. [7] During that same campaign, the
logisticians learned the hard way about the proper organization and
coordination of wagon train movements, for when Maj. Gen. George B.
McClellan ordered the change of his army's supply base from the York to
the James River, confusion reigned, and it was every wagon-train master
for himself. The result of the haphazard movement from the supply base
at White House on the York River, to Harrison's Landing on the James,
was the loss of almost half of the Army of the Potomac's 5000 wagons.
By the third summer of the war, the men responsible
for supplying, arming, and moving the Army of the Potomac had become
seasoned veterans. Army regulations had streamlined to some extent the
troops baggage trains, which now were organized, moved by schedule, and
left far to the rear when a battle was imminent. In addition, the
standardization of ammunition calibers finally was coming about, and the
soldiers were well-clothed and fed. The men in Washington charged with
overseeing these functions also had come a long way since 1861. The most
prominent was Quartermaster General Montgomery C. Meigs. Meigs had not
been a quartermaster before the war, but had served his entire career in
the Corps of Engineers. For much of the previous decade he had been
assigned with the rank of captain as the chief engineer in charge of the
construction of the new Capitol dome in Washington. He was relieved from
this position in 1859 by the unscrupulous secretary of war, John B.
Floyd. Meigs was appointed Quartermaster General after Abraham Lincoln
took office. Meigs was a brilliant engineer and very detail-oriented.
His aggressive management of the Quartermaster Department's operations,
coupled with his strong belief in the Union cause, were the driving
factors behind his success. [9]
When the war began the head of the Subsistence
Department was Colonel George Gibson, an old man who had been an invalid
for many years. Running the day-to-day operations of the Department was
Lieutenant Colonel Joseph P. Taylor, who became the Commissary General
of Subsistence when Gibson died in September 1861. The Commissary
General's mission was as daunting as the tasks charged to Montgomery
Meigs. Unlike armies in European wars where the troops generally were
expected to live off the land, most food for the Union forces was
purchased in the major metropolitan areas of the North and then packed
and shipped to field depots. From there the foodstuffs were issued to
the commissary officers of the field armies and then transported to the
troops. The exception to this procedure was the procurement of flour and
beef, both commodities usually being purchased in the areas were the
armies were operating. Much of the fresh beef was transported with the
armies in herds and then slaughtered as needed. [10]
The Chief of Ordnance when the war began was another
old man, Colonel Henry Knox Craig, then seventy years of age. Deemed not
suitable to manage the wartime demands that would be placed on the
Department, he was replaced in April 1861 by Lieutenant Colonel James W.
Ripley, who at sixty-seven years of age was no young man himself. Yet
Ripley was equal to the assignment, and he certainly had the experience
to run the Department, having previously served in several important
ordnance positions including stints as commander of Watertown Arsenal
and Springfield Armory. His most important duty would be to properly arm
the hundreds of thousands of men entering the Union army. Although the
Ordnance Department has been greatly criticized by some historians for
failing to arm the troops with the most modern weapons then available, a
close examination of the facts reveals that Ripley and his officers
accomplished a monumental task just ensuring that most of the front line
troops were armed with rifled-muskets, regardless of their make,
caliber, or from which end of the barrel they were loaded. By 1863,
domestic production of first-quality rifled-muskets had made it possible
to begin replacement of all but the best European-made arms, such as the
Enfield, then in the hands of the troops. [11]
Still, the Army of the Potomac's soldiers carried a
variety of different long arms onto the field of battle at Gettysburg,
including .54, .577, .58, and .69 caliber muskets, and a few units
carried breech-loading Sharps rifles. (The .577 and .58 caliber were
interchangeable, and most of the .69 caliber weapons were smoothbores.)
Cavalry troopers were armed primarily with .52 caliber Sharps carbines,
although a few other makes and calibers could be found. Troopers also
were armed with .44 or .36 caliber single-action pistols. Union
artillery primarily employed "twelve-pounder" smooth-bore cannon that
fired spherical ammunition, and "ten-pounder" Parrott rifles and
three-inch ordnance rifles that fired elongated concoidal ammunition.
Only one Union battery in the Army of the Potomac employed a larger
cannon, the twenty-pound Parrott rifle. [12]
It is important to recognize that the greater the
variety of ammunition required, the more wagons were required to haul it
(only one type of ammunition was authorized per wagon), and the greater
the chance that the wrong caliber of ammunition would be issued during
the heat of battle.
All three supply departments had experienced problems
with crooked contractors early in the war, part of which was exacerbated
by a lack of qualified officers who could check the corruption and
fraud. Legislation expanding the departments remedied the situation
somewhat, but the small number of Regular Army officers filling critical
positions would hamper the efficiency of the logistical departments for
the rest of the war. Since ordnance, quartermaster, and subsistence
officers also were authorized on army, corps, division, and sometimes
brigade and regimental staffs, there obviously would not be enough
qualified officers to go around. Thus, these staff positions usually
were filled by line officers, who normally were volunteers themselves.
When officers were placed in logistical staff positions but were not
assigned to the respective supply departments, they were designated as
"acting-," such as "acting assistant quartermaster" or "acting
commissary of subsistence." The majority of the logistical officers in
the Army of the Potomac fit this bill.
In the summer of 1863, however, the three chief
logisticians of the Army of the Potomac were Regular Army officers
holding commissions in their respective departments, and they all had a
good deal of field experience in their areas of expertise.
Key among the Army of the Potomac's logisticians was
its quartermaster general, Brigadier General Rufus Ingalls, an 1843
graduate of West Point and a classmate of U. S. Grant. A Maine native,
Ingalls originally was commissioned a dragoon officer and saw service
during the Mexican War. He became a quartermaster in 1848, so by the
time of the Civil War he had thirteen years' experience under his belt.
[13] Ingalls became the Quartermaster General of the
Army of the Potomac at the close of the Peninsula Campaign in the summer
of 1862. He was a little more than a month away from his 44th birthday
when the Battle of Gettysburg was fought. [14]
The Chief Commissary of Subsistence was Colonel Henry
F. Clarke of Pennsylvania. Like Ingalls, Clarke also was a 1843 graduate
of West Point. He finished 12th in the class of 1843, ahead of both
Ingalls and U. S. Grant. His friends gave him the nickname "Ruddy,"
apparently because of his rugged complexion. He was commissioned in the
artillery and served in the 2nd U. S. Artillery in Mexico where he was
wounded in action and breveted for gallantry. [15]
After the Mexican War, he was assigned as a mathematics professor at
West Point where he formed close friendships with future Union generals
George McClellan, William Franklin, and Fitz John Porter, as well as
future Confederate General Dabney Maury. [16] Clarke
transferred from the artillery to the Subsistence Department in 1857 and
served as the Chief Commissary of Subsistence for the Mormon Expedition
that same year. In 1861, he married the daughter of Joseph Taylor, the
Commissary General of Subsistence of the U. S. Army. Clarke became the
Chief Commissary of Subsistence for the Army of the Potomac when his
friend McClellan took command in the summer of 1861. [17] Ruddy Clarke was forty-two years of age in the summer
of 1863.
Captain Daniel Webster Flagler was the Army of the
Potomac's Chief Ordnance Officer. A native of New York State, he
graduated from the United States Military Academy in June 1861 and was
commissioned directly into the Ordnance Corps. He served as an acting
aide-de-camp to Colonel David Hunter at the first battle of Bull Run and
subsequently became an aide to Brig. Gen. Irvin McDowell from the end of
July until December 1861. During Ambrose Burnside's expedition to the
North Carolina coast Flagler was assigned as the chief ordnance officer
for the entire expedition. When Burnside's command joined the Army of
the Potomac in the late summer of 1862, he served as an assistant
ordnance officer and aide-de-camp on Maj. Gen. Burnside's staff. Flagler
became the Army of the Potomac's chief ordnance officer on November 21,
1862 when Burnside was elevated to its command. [18]
At age twenty-eight, Captain Flagler was the youngest of that army's
three supply chiefs.
Ingalls, Clarke, and Flagler were the primary staff
officers of their respective logistical functions in the Army of the
Potomac, but they could not possibly supply and move the army by
themselves. The staff officers in the echelons below army
levelnormally "acting commissaries," "acting quartermasters," and
"acting ordnance officers"consolidated requests from their
subordinate units, ensured the paperwork was filled out properly, and
forwarded the requests to the next higher command. When the requests
were filled, these men ensured that the correct number and type of
supplies were picked up, transported, and issued to their subordinate
commands. For example, the chief commissary of subsistence for the First
Division of V Corps would have provided staff supervision for the
requisitioning, transportation, and issue of food for the three brigades
assigned to his division. The brigade chief commissaries had similar
responsibilities and provided staff supervision of the regimental
quartermasters (commissary officers were not authorized in regiments).
This setup was similar for the chief quartermasters, but ordnance
officers were not authorized any lower than division level staffs.
Since the regiment was the basic building block of
the army's organizations, most of the hands-on logistical work occurred
at the regimental level. In the majority of instances, the lieutenants
serving in these logistical functions were line officers of their
respective branches (ie.; cavalry, infantry, or artillery) At the
regimental level of organization, the quartermaster also served as the
commissary officer, but he was assisted by a quartermaster sergeant and
a commissary sergeant. Ordnance officers were not authorized at the
brigade and regimental level, but most regiments were authorized an
ordnance sergeant who issued ammunition and made minor repairs on his
unit's weapons. Still, many brigade and regimental commanders chose to
have an officer oversee their units' ordnance supply and transportation,
so they appointed a line officer to this position as an extra duty. At
the company level of organization, infantry units were authorized a
wagoner, and cavalry companies were authorized two farriers, one
saddler, one quartermaster sergeant, one commissary sergeant, and two
teamsters. Artillery batteries were authorized a quartermaster sergeant,
two to six artificers (repairmen), and a wagoner. [19]
During the Chancellorsville campaign in the spring of
1863, the main supply base of the Army of the Potomac was at Aquia
Creek, a tributary of the Potomac River about 25 miles southwest of
Washington. On June 14 the depot there was ordered abandoned, but
Quartermaster General Meigs was adamant that as much government property
as possible should be saved. During the next three days, over 10,000
wounded and sick soldiers were moved, as was 500 car loads of army and
railroad property. With its base of supply closed down, the Army of the
Potomac marched westward to the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, which
became its main line of supply. [20]
Once it had been determined that Robert E. Lee's
intention was to strike across the Potomac River into Maryland and
Pennsylvania, General Ingalls decided to make Baltimore the Army of the
Potomac's main supply base. [21] While the Union force
groped northward in search of Lee's army, Ingalls, Clarke, and Flagler
saw to it that the vast supplies of the army were stockpiled at
strategic locations and several days supply of food, ammunition, forage,
and other essentials accompanied the troops. To do this, long wagon
trains followed in the rear of the forces or traveled on alternate
roads. As the supplies were consumed, empty wagons were sent back to the
forward supply depots for replenishment and returned with full loads.
Ingalls later reported that "our transportation was perfect, and our
source of supply same as in...[the Maryland] campaign. The officers in
our department were thoroughly trained in their duties. It was almost as
easy to maneuver the trains as the troops." [22]
The forward depots of the Army of the Potomac during
the Gettysburg Campaign were adjacent to rail stations, since the
railroad was the main means of transportation for the bulk supplies.
Once the cargo had been off-loaded from the cars by enlisted men and
civilian laborers, supply officers would set up storage areas with the
different supplies organized by type or category. A careful inventory
was maintained by the supply officers so that they would know how many
days of supply, by item, that they had on hand. Issues were made from
these stocks to the supply officers assigned to the various corps of the
Army. As supplies began to dwindle, telegrams were sent to the
respective supply bureaus in Washington where orders were issued to
release stocks from the main depots, such as Washington Arsenal.
Complicating matters was the fact that the Army of
Northern Virginia destroyed railroad bridges, rolling stock, and
sections of track as it moved through enemy territory. To the rescue
came Herman Haupt, a brilliant engineer who always seemed at his best
during crisis situations. A native of Pennsylvania, Haupt graduated from
West Point in 1835 along with George Meade, who had taken over command
of the Army of the Potomac on June 28, 1863. Haupt resigned his
commission shortly after graduation from the academy and went to work
for the railroads. He taught for a while at Pennsylvania College in
Gettysburg, and in 1851 published a book titled The General Theory of
Bridge Construction, which was considered a significant contribution
to the engineering profession at the time. Haupt had several other
important positions during the antebellum period, including general
superintendent and later chief engineer of the Pennsylvania Railroad,
and chief engineer in charge of construction of the Hoosac Tunnel in
Massachusetts. He had served the War Department since the spring of
1862, and his accomplishments under very adverse conditions had enabled
him to acquire almost dictatorial authority over the military operations
of the railroads in the Eastern Theater. One historian of Civil War
railroads has said that Haupt took pleasure in surmounting difficulties,
and was delighted to find a badly tangled situation which he could clear
up with his magic touch. ...this humorless man was responsible for
developing not only the general principles of railroad supply operation,
but also detailed methods of construction and destruction of railroad
equipment. To this capable engineer and brilliant organizer is due most
of the credit for the successful supply of the Army of the
Potomac.... [23]
Haupt took control of the situation on June 27 when,
in Special Orders No. 286, General-in-Chief Henry Halleck authorized and
directed him "to do whatever he may deem expedient to facilitate the
transportation of troops and supplies to aid the armies in the field in
Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania." [24]
Even if Haupt could repair the tracks and keep the
trains moving, it took wagons, mules, horses, and teamsters to transport
the supplies from the forward depots to the army, and the Army of the
Potomac had an abundance of wagons during the Gettysburg
Campaign3,652, not counting ambulances. Four horses or mules were
required to pull an army wagon, sometimes six animals if the wagon was
overloaded, so a minimum of 14,608 animals were required just to
move the supplies and baggage of the Army of the Potomac. [25] Transportation and supply reforms earlier in the year
were supposed to decrease the number of wagons accompanying the army on
campaign. General Ingalls estimated that "one wagon to every 50 men
ought to carry 7 days' subsistence, forage, ammunition, baggage,
hospital stores and everything else." This was a standard of twenty
wagons to every thousand men. During the Gettysburg Campaign, there was
one wagon for every 25.6 men, which translates to roughly 39 wagons per
1,000 men. If the transportation reforms had been adhered to, the Army
of the Potomac would have required only 1,870 wagons, 1,782 less than
what was actually employed. [26]
The total number of horses and mules employed by the
Army of the Potomac at the Battle of Gettysburg has been estimated at
43,303. Ingalls not only was accountable for the horses used by his own
trains, he also was responsible for the replacement of horseflesh for
the artillery and cavalry as well. [27] For example,
General Alfred Pleasanton's Cavalry Corps had been very active the month
of June, and the wear and tear on the horses was beginning to tell.
Ingalls telegraphed Pleasonton on June 26 to inform him that 700 horses
were being shod at Alexandria and were ready for issue. [28]
The supply of forage for the horses and mules was
Ingalls' responsibility, too. In the same telegram that he sent
Pleasanton on the June 26, Ingalls asked him if "fifty wagons, laden
with forage" had yet reported to his command. [29]
Since these animals normally required twelve pounds of grain and
fourteen pounds of hay per day, almost 520,000 pounds of feed and
606,000 pounds of hay had to be supplied to the Army of the Potomac
every day of the campaign if the horses were going to remain healthy.
Grazing would reduce the amount of feed and forage required to keep the
horses fit, but the great number of Union and Confederate horses (over
72,000 combined) quickly devoured the grasses and other edible
vegetation in the Gettysburg area. Comments by the soldiers of the
cavalry and artillery about their worn-out horses indicate that the poor
brutes were not eating very well, and it is no wonder that forage
probably constituted the largest single commodity of supply during the
Battle of Gettysburg. [30]
Those men not lucky enough to ride a horse had to
walk, and the wet weather and macadamized roads of Maryland and
Pennsylvania were taking their toll on the footwear of the Union
soldiers. On June 28 Ingalls wired Meigs that at least 10,000 pairs of
shoes and socks were needed at Frederick to issue to soldiers as the
various corps of the Army of the Potomac passed through the town.
Ingalls telegraphed back the same day that the "bootees and socks
have been ordered, and will be sent as soon as a safe route and escort
can be found." Then Meigs followed with a terse message:
Last fall I gave orders to prevent the sending of
wagon trains from this place to Frederick without escort. The situation
repeats itself, and gross carelessness and inattention to military rule
has this morning cost us 150 wagons and 900 mules, captured by cavalry
between this and Rockville.
Yesterday morning a detachment of over 400 cavalry
moved from this place to join the army. This morning 150 wagon were sent
without escort. Had the cavalry been delayed or the wagons hastened,
they could have been protected and saved.
All the cavalry of the Defenses of Washington was
swept off by the army, and we are now insulted by burning wagons 3 miles
outside of Tennallytown.
Meigs ended his missive with the sarcastic conclusion
that "[y]our communications are now in the hands of General Fitzhugh
Lee's brigade." [31]
The wagon train in question had been captured by the
troopers of J.E.B. Stuart's cavalry as it was making its circuitous ride
around the Army of the Potomac. Ingalls shot a telegram back, stating
that it was unfortunate that the train was captured, but he did not even
know about the Union cavalry force leaving earlier in the day, nor did
he feel any ordinary guard force could have prevented the train's
capture. [32] Shortly after sending this message,
Ingalls received another telegram, this one from his assistant, Lieut.
Col. Charles G. Sawtelle, who said he had just seen Gen. Meigs, who in
turn told him there was to be an investigation concerning the loss of
the wagon train. [33]
Now Ingalls was very upset. He telegraphed Meigs that
he did not understand how the Quartermaster General could hold
him responsible, since he had nothing to do with the escort. [34] Meigs apparently settled down and became more
rational. In a follow-up message to Ingalls he mentions that 25 teams of
mules sent later in the day to Edwards Ferry, Maryland, also had been
captured, yet Meigs did not lay fault this time. In fact, he told
Ingalls that he was sending 20,000 pairs of shoes and socks instead of
the 10,000 pairs ordered, and that 600,000 pounds of grain had been
loaded on a train, ready for him if he needed it. [35]
Ingalls obviously had better things to do than engage
in a war of words with the Quartermaster General. The Army of Northern
Virginia was somewhere in Pennsylvania, and the Union army was
desperately trying to ascertain its whereabouts. To prevent the clogging
of roads by the Army of the Potomac's supply trains as the forces
approached Gettysburg, Ingalls made sure that the combat units always
had the right-of-way. He later wrote that "[o]n this campaign, ...our
trains, large as they were necessarily, never delayed the march of a
column, and, excepting small ammunition trains, were never seen by our
troops. The main trains were conducted on roads to our rear and left
without the loss of a wagon." [36]
Once the battle was opened on July 1, Westminster,
Maryland, was selected as the forward supply base of the Army of the
Potomac. In his official report written months after the battle, Ingalls
described the logistical scenario as the battle unfolded:
The wagon trains and all impedimenta had been
assembled at Westminster, on the pike and railroad leading from
Baltimore, at a distance of about 25 miles in the rear of the army. No
baggage was allowed in front. Officers and men went forward without
tents and with only a short supply of food. A portion only of the
ammunition wagons and ambulances was brought up to the immediate rear of
our lines. This arrangement, which is always made in this army on the
eve of battle and marches in the presence of the enemy, enables
experienced officers to supply their commands without risking the loss
of trains or obstructing roads over which the columns march. Empty
wagons can be sent to the rear, and loaded ones, or pack trains, brought
up during the night, or at such times and places as will not interfere
with the movement of troops. [37]
General Ingalls was not the only supply chief who was
busy on the eve of the battle. From his tent at Headquarters, Army of
the Potomac, then located in Taneytown, Maryland, Col. Ruddy Clarke
scribbled a hurried report at 10 p.m., June 30, to his father-in-law,
Commissary General Joseph Taylor. He informed General Taylor that the
army had seven days' rations on hand except for the cavalry, which
apparently had out-distanced its supply wagons. (On June 30, Brig. Gen.
John Buford, commanding the 1st Division, Cavalry Corps, telegraphed to
his wing commander, Maj. Gen. John Reynolds, "I can get no forage or
rations; am out of both. The people give and sell the men something to
eat, but I can't stand that way of subsisting; it causes dreadful
Clarke forecasted his subsistence requirements and
requested that 300,000 rations of hard bread, coffee, and sugar, 100,000
rations of pork or bacon; 100,000 rations of candles; 150,000 rations of
salt; and 50,000 rations of soap be loaded on rail cars in Washington or
Baltimore and kept ready to be sent forward. Clarke stipulated that if
hard bread could not be supplied, then flour must be substituted. He
also demanded that the coffee was to be roasted and ground. Colonel
Clarke then told his chief that one of his assistants had been sent to
the main supply base at Baltimore to arrange matters for the Army's
future food supply, but that he had not yet arrived, the Army of
Northern Virginia having destroyed a section of the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad on which his assistant was traveling. After informing the
Commissary General that the Army of the Potomac "was well off for
beef cattle," which were following in herds behind the supply
trains, Clarke concluded that, "it is necessary I should be kept
informed of the arrangement made by the [Subsistence] Dept. to supply
this army in so far as I have requested and otherwise." [38] But the situation rapidly changed. Two and a half
hours later, at 12:30 a.m. on July 1, Clarke sent an urgent telegram to
Taylor which read, "...send three hundred thousand (300,000) marching
rations to Union Bridge on the Westminster Rail Road as soon as
possible." [39]
Captain Daniel Flagler, the Chief Ordnance Officer of
the Army of the Potomac, apparently sent few messages back to Washington
during this time period. Since the infantry and artillery had not been
engaged for several weeks, enough ammunition was on hand for any
imminent confrontation with the enemy. The cavalry had been in contact
with the enemy several times in June, but the status of their ammunition
supply on the eve of the Battle of Gettysburg is not known. (The
troopers apparently had enough ammunition, since none of the cavalry
brigade or division commanders mentioned any shortages in their messages
or reports.) General Orders No. 20, Headquarters Army of the Potomac,
dated March 25, 1863, dictated that infantry divisions must constantly
have on hand 140 rounds per man, and cavalry must have 100 rounds
carbine and 40 rounds pistol ammunition per man. Both of these figures
included the rounds soldiers carried in their cartridge boxes. For the
artillery, 250 rounds per gun were required to be on hand, including
that carried in the limber's ammunition chest.
These same general orders dictated that the wagons
carrying a division's reserve ammunition would be marked by a six-inch
wide horizontal stripe painted on the canvas. Artillery ammunition had a
red stripe, cavalry a yellow stripe, and infantry had light blue. To
prevent confusion in a combat situation, the wagons had to be
"distinctly marked with the number of the corps and division" to
which they belonged, as well as the type and caliber of the ammunition
they carried. [40] Captain Flagler apparently was so
unmoved by the events transpiring on July 1 that he took the time that
day to fulfill one of the Ordnance Department's bureaucratic
requirements: he sent to the Chief of Ordnance in Washington the Army of
the Potomac's quarterly "disbursement" and "accounts current" reports
for the second quarter of calender year 1863. [41]
By July 2, the flow of supplies was coming into
Westminster without much difficulty. The major supply artery between
Baltimore and Westminster was the Western Maryland Railroad. It had only
a poorly constructed single track, no telegraph line, and no adequate
sidings. Its main station was at Westminster, and the terminus was at
Union Bridge. Herman Haupt was at Westminster on July 1. He immediately
brought order to a very confusing situation, since the line was being
operated off schedule to prevent capture of the trains. After assessing
the situation, Haupt sent for construction supplies, tools, lanterns,
and 400 laborers. He also borrowed rolling stock from several other
railroads. Since there was only one track and no acceptable sidings,
Haupt sent the trains to and from Westminster three convoys a day, five
or six trains at a time, with ten cars per train. Haupt calculated that
by keeping to this plan, he could move 1,500 tons of supplies a day from
Baltimore, and return with 2,000 to 4,000 wounded soldiers. Two other
rail lines also were available for use at this time, the North Central
from Baltimore to Hanover Junction, and the B & O to Frederick. [42] Most supplies went over the Western Maryland,
however, since the route through Westminster was the most direct path to
Meanwhile, General Ingalls moved with army
headquarters and directed resupply operations from Gettysburg. He made
arrangements to issue supplies at Westminster and eventually at
Frederick, and ensured that telegraphic communications were open between
these two towns and Baltimore and Washington. He then established
communications with Westminster and Frederick by sending relays of
cavalry couriers every three hours. [43]
At 7 a.m. on July 3, Ingalls wired Meigs that
"[a]t this moment the battle is raging as fiercely as ever.... We
have supplies at Westminster that must come up to-morrow if we remain
here." He concluded by correctly predicting that "[t]he contest
will be decided today, I think." [44] Only
ammunition wagons and ambulances had been allowed to accompany the
various Union corps to Gettysburg, and after three days of fighting,
Ingalls knew that the Army of the Potomac soon would have to be
resupplied. His efforts had made the situation appear to be almost
routine, but on July 3 he had a close call. While Ingalls was conversing
with Generals Meade and Butterfield during the artillery duel that
preceded Pickett's Charge, a shell from a Confederate gun exploded so
close to the trio that it knocked down and severely wounded Butterfield,
but neither Ingalls nor Meade was hurt. [45] (During
the same bombardment the ordnance officer responsible for the ammunition
of the Army of the Potomac's Artillery Reserve reported that
"[s]everal shells passed over the [ammunition] train, and three or
four fell among the teams, only one exploding. A mule in one of the
teams was stuck by a solid shot and killed, and many of the animals
became so unmanageable that there was danger of a stampede.") [46]
Back in Westminster, the rations that Colonel Clarke
had requested in the early morning hours of July 1 finally began to
arrive on July 2. Private James Terry, a teamster assigned to Company A,
7th Wisconsin Infantry, noted in his diary that "100 teams came from
Washington with rations for the troops. We are 25 miles from them [the
troops at Gettysburg]." [47] Late the next day,
July 3, orders were received in the Army's wagon parks in Westminster to
proceed to Gettysburg with fresh rations. The magnitude of this task was
daunting; in the Third Corps alone, which had only two divisions, 60,000
rations and 250 head of cattle were sent northward on the Baltimore Pike
towards Gettysburg. [48] Hundreds of wagons headed
northward on the Baltimore Pike and off-loaded their supplies, most of
which began arriving during the early morning hours of July 4. A First
Corps soldier who had been captured on July 1 and had escaped the
morning of July 4 remembered that he had just gotten back to the Union
lines in the morning when the commissary wagons began arriving. "[W]e
soon filled our haversacks with coffee, sugar, pork, and hardtack, the
standard articles of a soldiers diet," he wrote. [49]
In Washington, Quartermaster General Meigs prepared
for the battle's aftermath. He sent messages to quartermasters in
Philadelphia and Harrisburg directing them to purchase as many wagons
and horses as possible to replace expected losses in the Army of the
Potomac. On July 4 Meigs telegraphed Ingalls to buy or impress all the
serviceable horses that were within the rage of his foraging parties.
Priority for fresh mounts went to the combat arms: he directed Ingalls
to "refit the cavalry and artillery in the best possible manner."
Instructions also were sent to the quartermaster at Baltimore to
redirect all remounts to Frederick as replacements for the cavalry. As
if to underscore his priorities, Meigs sent a message to Herman Haupt at
Westminster: "Let nothing interfere with the supply of rations for
the men, and grain for the horses..." On July 6, General Meigs
telegraphed his counterpart in the Army of the Potomac that 5,000 horses
would be headed by rail for Frederick from depots across the East and
Midwest. [50]
The soldiers of the Army of the Potomac and their
horses needed sustenance, but they required ordnance supplies, too. One
historian has estimated that the Union soldiers probably expended over
5,400,000 rounds of small arms ammunition during the three days of
fighting. [51] Captain Flagler estimated that at least
25,000 artillery rounds also had been fired or lost as well. [52] (He was not far off the mark: Brig. Gen. Henry Hunt,
Chief of Artillery, later reported that 32,781 rounds were fired or lost
during the battle.) [53] The situation was serious
enough that General Meade issued a circular on July 5 urging his corps
commanders to be cautious in expending both their small arms and
artillery ammunition. "We are now drawing upon our reserve
trains," the circular stated, "and it is of the highest
importance that no ammunition be exhausted unless there is reason to
believe that its use will produce a decided effect upon the enemy."
On July 6, Captain Flagler wired General Ripley at
the Ordnance Bureau. After informing his chief that a wagon train of
ammunition was standing by at Frederick, he requested the following
ordnance supplies be sent to Gettysburg:
- 800,000 cartridges, caliber .574
- 100,000 .69-caliber rifled-musket cartridges
- 200,000 .54-caliber cartridges
- 200,000 .69-caliber smooth-bore cartridges
- 30,000 Sharps rifle cartridges
For the artillery, he initially requested
- 2500 12-pound rounds
- 2,500 rounds for 3-inch rifles
- 1,500 rounds for ten pounders. [55]
Shortly after his request was sent, Flagler found out
that the Army of Northern Virginia had begun its withdraw. Since the
Army of the Potomac soon would be in pursuit, Flagler requested that the
ammunition be sent to Frederick instead of Gettysburg. He also asked if
his earlier request for artillery ammunition could be increased to 4,000
rounds each of 3-inch and 12-pound rounds. The telegraph operator made a
mistake, however, and requested 40,000 rounds each. Upon arriving in
Frederick, Flagler discovered the error, took what he needed from the
supply train15,000 rounds each of 3-inch and 12-pound ammunition,
much more than his earlier requestand sent the rest back to the
Washington Arsenal. [56] Although he drew enough
artillery ammunition to compensate for that which had been expended, the
amount of small arms ammunition that Flagler requested appears to be
much too low.
Some ordnance officers remained in Gettysburg when
the Army of Potomac marched southward after Lee's army. Over 24,000
muskets were collected by the Ordnance Department in the immediate
aftermath of the battle, as well as thousands of bayonets, cartridge
boxes, and other accouterments. [57] Some of these
items would be reissued to the troops, while many were sent back to
Washington Arsenal for repair. Similarly, General Meigs sent Captain
Henry C. Blood of the Quartermaster Department from Washington on July 6
to assist with the collection of government property and oversee the
burial of the dead. The first week he was in Gettysburg his time was
occupied with getting the dead buried. Thousands of horses on both sides
had been killed, and their carcasses also had to be disposed of. After a
quick return to Washington, Blood was back in Gettysburg by July 16 and
spent much of his time supervising the collection of equipment from the
battlefield and the confiscation of U. S. property from the citizens of
Gettysburg who had picked it up on the field. Wounded and worn-out
horses which were wandering aimlessly about the battlefield or had been
taken by civilians also were rounded up. In fact, Meigs received word
from Gettysburg on July 18 that over 350 horses and mules had been
recovered and, with proper care and medication, could be made ready for
service in a very short time. The recovery of equipment at Gettysburg by
the Quartermaster Department would continue through the end of August.
As the Army of the Potomac moved farther away from
the Gettysburg area in its pursuit of General Lee, the supply trains
that had been assembled at Westminster were ordered to rejoin their
respective corps by way of Frederick so they could re-stock from the
forward depot established there. [59] The badly
wounded had no choice but to remain in Gettysburg, and arrangements had
to be made for their care. Colonel Clarke ordered 30,000 rations brought
to Gettysburg on July 4 to be issued specifically to the hospitals, and
he ordered more to be delivered after the army departed. [60] When the Army moved west from Frederick, once again
only ammunition and ambulance trains were allowed to accompany their
commands. Supply and baggage wagons were to remain in the Middletown
Valley on the evening of July 9. The trains were left without guards.
The severe manpower losses sustained by the Army of the Potomac at
Gettysburg required every able-bodied man to be in the ranks. While
Meade's command was taking up positions around Williamsport from 10 - 13
July to attack the Confederate army, the trains remained in Middletown
Valley and supplied the Army from there. [61]
After the Army of Northern Virginia escaped across
the Potomac, General Ingalls ordered his logisticians to replenish the
Army's supplies from depots that had recently been established at Berlin
and Sandy Hook, Maryland, and Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. Three days'
worth of cooked rations were issued to the troops, and those men who
needed replacement articles of uniform were issued them at that time. In
addition, fresh horses and mules were issued to commands that required
them, though probably not in the requisite numbers, as it would take
some time for the horses that Meigs ordered sent to the Army to actually
arrive. Once the Army crossed the Potomac, Ingalls made the necessary
arrangements to resupply the command via the Orange and Alexandria
Railroad. [62] Thus ended the Gettysburg Campaign from
the logistical perspective.
The logisticians of the Army of the Potomac had
accomplished a herculean task, but the soldiers and animals were worn
out. Muddy roads from heavy rains made resupply difficult as the Union
force pursued Meade through Maryland, making tired men and horses even
more exhausted. The campaign had taxed the transportation assets of the
army to its fullest, and food and forage was running low. [63] Ammunition supplies had been replenished, but it is
doubtful that the Army of the Potomac had as much ordnance on had as it
did when the battle began, especially in light of the modest
requisitions made earlier by Flagleralmost 3,000,000 small arms
rounds less than what was expended.
The major logistical lesson that was learned from the
Gettysburg Campaign was that large supply trains degrade the tactical
mobility of an army. In order to reduce the number of wagons
accompanying the Army of the Potomac on campaign, General-in-Chief Henry
Halleck issued a general order on August 21, 1863 that instituted, for
the entire United States Army, the transportation recommendations made
earlier by General Ingalls: no more than twenty wagons would be allowed
per every 1,000 men. [64] (Field commanders, however,
would not always abide by this policy.)
Even though Ingalls had done a magnificent job in
resupplying the Army while at the same time keeping the ponderous wagon
trains out of harm's wayand out of the way of the combat elements
of the Armythe logistical umbilical cord had been stretched thin.
The horrific three-day battle was the largest and most intense that had
ever been fought on American soil, and the supply of military
necessities could not keep up with the demand, especially ammunition.
From a purely tactical point of view, Meade should have counterattacked
Lee on the 4th or 5th of July. When the element of logistics is factored
into the equation, Meade probably made the correct decision not to
And what happened to the men who orchestrated the
supply efforts of the Army of the Potomac during the Gettysburg
Campaign? Ruddy Clarke remained the Chief Commissary of Subsistence of
the Army of the Potomac until the spring of 1864. At his own request he
was transferred to a commissary post in New York. Clarke was breveted to
major general on March 13, 1865 for faithful and meritorious service
during the war. When the conflict ended, he stayed in the army and
served in several commissary positions, including Chief Commissary under
General Sheridan in the Division of Missouri. Henry Francis Clarke died
on May 10, 1887. [65]
Daniel Flagler became ill shortly after the battle
and took sick leave from the army. Once he had recovered, he was
reassigned to inspection duty at the West Point Foundry from October
1863 until May 1864, and finished the war as an assistant in the offices
of the Ordnance Bureau in Washington, D. C. He was breveted to
Lieutenant Colonel in March 1865 for distinguished service in the field
and faithful service to the Ordnance Department. After the war, Flagler
had a number of different ordnance assignments, his most notable as
commander of Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois, for 15 years. He was
promoted to brigadier general in the Regular Army and appointed the
Chief of Ordnance in January 1891. He still served in this capacity
during the Spanish American War. General Flagler died on March 29, 1899.
Rufus Ingalls remained the Army of the Potomac's
quartermaster general for the duration of the war. At the end of the
conflict he was breveted to major general for faithful and meritorious
service during the war. Like his two other fellow logisticians, he, too,
stayed in the regular army, and was promoted to increasing positions of
responsibility, becoming Quartermaster General of the United States Army
in February 1882. Ingalls retired on July 1, 1883, twenty years to the
day after the Battle of Gettysburg began. He died ten years later, on
Jan. 15, 1893. [67]
The men who moved, armed, fed, and supplied the Army
of the Potomac are a shining example of American logisticians at their
best. Although no monuments were dedicated at Gettysburg to honor their
memory, it is obvious that their efforts were critical to the success of
the Army of the Potomac during the first week of July 1863. If nothing
else, these men certainly deserve more attention by historians than they
have received in the past.

1. Cited in Martin Van Creveld,
Supplying War: Logistics from Wallenstein to Patton (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1977), p. 1.
2. A discussion of theater-level
logistics can be found in Herman Hattaway and Archer Jones, How the
North Won: A Military History of the Civil War (Urbana: University
of Illinois Press, 1983); Edward Hagerman, The American Civil War and
the Evolution of Modern Warfare (Bloomington: Indiana University
Press, 1988); and several studies on Civil War railroads. (Hagerman
discusses logisticsand the impact on tactical doctrineduring
the Gettysburg Campaign in moderate detail, but mostly from the
perspective of Rufus Ingalls, Quartermaster General of the Army of the
Potomac.) The role of Northern and Southern industry in manufacturing
weapons and supplies, as well as the role of agriculture in feeding the
armies has received scholarly attention, but not nearly the
consideration it deserves. In The Gettysburg Campaign: A Study in
Command, Edwin Coddington devotes a chapter to the discussion of
arms, equipment, and organization of the two armies, but his
concentration was not a detailed analysis of logistical operations. See
the chapter "Arms and Men" in The Gettysburg Campaign: A Study in
Command (New York: Charles Scribners' Sons, 1968), pp. 242-259. The
best overall treatment of military logistics is Martin Van Creveld's
Supplying War but, unfortunately, the author focused on European
wars and failed to even mention the impact of the American Civil War on
the evolution of military logistics. The one study of tactical logistics
during the Civil War is William J. Miller's "'Scarcely any Parallel in
History': Logistics, Friction, and McClellan's Strategy for the
Peninsula Campaign" in William J. Miller, ed., The Peninsula Campaign
of 1862: Yorktown to the Seven Days, vol. 2 (Campbell, CA: Savas
Woodbury Publishers, 1995). A brief, yet well written discussion of
Civil War field logistics can be found in Jay Luvass and Harold Nelson,
editors, The U. S. Army War College Guide to the Battle of Antietam:
The Maryland Campaign of 1862 (Carlisle, PA: South Mountain
Publishers, 1987). See Appendix I, "Field Logistics in the Civil War,"
(pp. 255-284), by Lieutenant Colonel Charles R. Shrader.
3. Erna Risch, Quartermaster
Support of the Army: A History of the Corps, 1775-1939 (Washington:
Center of Military History, U. S. Army, 1989 [2nd edition]), pp. 136,
4. Ibid., pp. 202, 382-83.
5. Carl L. Davis, Arming the
Union: Small Arms in the Civil War (Port Washington, NY: National
University Publications, 1973), p. 14.
6. Risch, Quartermaster
Support, p. 397.
7. Stephen W. Sears, To the Gates
of Richmond: The Peninsula Campaign (New York: Ticknor & Fields,
1992), p. 263.
8. Hagerman, The American Civil
War and the Origins of Modern Warfare, p. 51.
9. Meigs' life is chronicled in
Russell B. Weigley's Quartermaster General of the Union Army: A
Biography of Montgomery C Meigs (New York: Columbia University
Press, 1959).
10. Ibid., pp. 382-385. For a
discussion of European methods of subsisting the troops during the
period from the early Napoleonic campaigns through 1866, see Van
Creveld, Supplying War, pp. 40-82.
11. Davis, Arming the Union,
pp. 12-14, 76. Davis provides a revisionist interpretation of the role
of the Ordnance Department. He convincingly argues that the officers of
the Ordnance Department were extraordinary in their untiring efforts to
place first-rate rifled arms in the hands of the troops.
12. For a listing of small-arms
calibers and types, by unit, see Dean Thomas, Ready, Aim, Fire: Small
Arms Ammunition in the Battle of Gettysburg (Gettysburg Thomas
Publications, 1991), 52-59. The three types of cannon predominantly
employed by the Army of the Potomac at Gettysburg were the Model 1857
12-lb. bronze smoothbore gun howitzers, known as "Napoleons"; the 3-inch
ordnance rifles; and the 10-lb. Parrott rifles. According to the Brig
Gen. Henry Hunt, Chief of Artillery, Army of the Potomac, of the 320
artillery pieces employed by the Union army at Gettysburg, "142 were
light 12-pounders, 106 3-inch guns, 6 20-pounders, 60 10-pounder Parrott
guns, and a battery of 4 James rifles and 2 12-pounder howitzers...."
Hunt also mentioned that his report excluded the 44 3-inch guns employed
by the Cavalry Corps' horse artillery. "Report of Brig. Gen. Henry Hunt,
U. S. Army, Chief of Artillery, Army of the Potomac, September 27,
1863." OR 27 (part 1), p. 241.
13. Patricia L. Faust, editor,
Historical Times Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Civil War (New
York: Harper & Row, 1986), p. 383.
14. Miller, ed., Peninsula
Campaign, p. 184.
15. Ibid., p. 180.
16. Dabney H. Maury,
Recollections of a Virginian in the Mexican, Indian, and Civil
Wars. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1894), pp. 53-54.
17. Miller, ed., Peninsula
Campaign, pp. 184-85.
18. George W. Cullum,
Biographical Register of Officers and Graduates of the United States
Military Academy at West Point, New York, from its Establishment in 1802
to 1890 (3rd ed., revised and extended; Boston, Houghton, Mifflin,
1891) volume 2, p. 814. "General Orders No. 185, Headquarters Army of
the Potomac, Nov. 21, 1862." U.S. War Department, War of the
Rebellion: The Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies,
128 vols. (Washington, D.C., 1880-1901). series I, vol. 21, p. 785.
Hereinafter cited as OR. All references are to series I unless otherwise
19. Shrader, "Field Logistics," in
Luvass and Nelson, eds., Guide to the Battle of Antietam, pp.
260-61. The personnel authorizations apply to volunteer units.
Generally, fewer logistical personnel were authorized for Regular Army
20. Thomas Weber, The Northern
Railroads in the Civil War, 1861-1865 (reprint; Westport CT:
Greenwood, 1970), p. 162.
21. Risch, Quartermaster
Support, p. 439.
22. Ingalls to Meigs, Sept. 29,
1863. OR 27 (part 1), p. 221
23. Weber, Northern
Railroads, p. 138-141.
24. S.O. No. 286, HQ of the Army.
Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., June 27, 1863. OR 27 (part
3), pp. 367-68.
25. "Estimated Numbers of Wagons and
Horses, Gettysburg Battlefield Vicinity, June - July 1863." USNPS Report
(July 1993), GNMP files.
26. Cited in Hagerman, Origins of
Modern Warfare, p. 73. The figure of 93,500 is used as the strength
of the Army of the Potomac for the Battle of Gettysburg (Coddington,
Gettysburg Campaign, p. 249). 93,500 divided by 3652 (number of
wagons) equals 25.6. 1000 divided by 25.6 equals 39.06. These figures do
not include ambulances.
27. Blake A. Magner, Traveller
and Company: The Horses of Gettysburg (Gettysburg Farnsworth House
Military Impressions, 1995), p. 47.
28. Ingalls to Pleasonton, June 26,
1863. OR 27 (part 3), p. 338.
29. Ibid.
30. Brig. Gen. John Buford,
commander of the the 1st Division, Cavalry Corps, reported on June 30:
"My men and horses are fagged out. I have not been able to get any grain
yet." Buford to Maj. Gen. Alfred Pleasanton, OR 27 (part 1), p. 923.
31. Meigs to Ingalls, June 28, 1863.
OR 27 (part 3), p. 378.
32. Ingalls to Meigs, June 28, 1863.
Ibid., p. 379.
33. Sawtelle to Meigs, June 28,
1863. Ibid.
34. Ingalls to Meigs, June 28, 1863.
35. Meigs to Ingalls, June 28, 1863.
Ibid., p. 380.
36. Ingalls to Meigs, August 28,
1864. OR 27 (part 1), p. 222.
37. Ibid., pp. 221-222.
38. Clarke to Taylor, June 30, 1863.
Records of the Commissary General of Subsistence, General
Correspondence, Letters received, 1828 - 1886. (Box 145.) National
Archives, Washington D.C. Buford's message is in OR 27 (part 1), pp.
39. Clarke to Taylor, July 1, 1863.
Records of the Commissary General of Subsistence (Box 146.) Marching
rations consisted of hard bread, salt pork and coffee.
40. Cited in Thomas, Ready, Aim,
Fire, p. 60.
41. Flagler to Brig. Gen. James W.
Ripley, July 11863. Record Group 156, Records of the Office of the Chief
of Ordnance, General Records, Letters Received, 1812 - 1894 (box
42. Weber, Northern
Railroads, pp. 164-65.
43. Ingalls to Meigs, August 28,
1864. OR 27 (part 1), p. 222.
44. Ingalls to Meigs, July 3, 1863.
OR 27 (part 3), pp. 502-503.
45. A file on Butterfield in the
Robert L. Brake Collection, USAMHI, has a note that states that a tag
was attached to a relic shell fragment. The tag reads: "While Generals
Meade, Ingalls, and Butterfield were conversing at the battle of
Gettysburg, July 3, 1863, this piece of shell from a Confederate gun
knocked down and severely wounded Major General Butterfield, Chief of
Staff of the Army of the Potomac."
46. "Report of Lieut. Cornelius
Gillett, First Connecticut Heavy Artillery, Ordnance Officer, Artillery
Reserve, Camp near Warrenton Junction, Va., August 23, 1863." Gillett
also reported that he issued 19,189 rounds from his train during the
battle. OR 27 (part 1), pp. 878-79.
47. 7th Wisconsin Infantry File,
GNMP Library.
48. Lieutenant Colonel George Woods
to Maj. Gen. David Birney, July 3, 1863. George H. Woods Papers,
49. Sergeant Austin C. Stearns,
Three Years with Company K, Arthur A. Kent, ed. (Rutherford, NJ:
Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. Press, 1976), pp. 203-204. Stearns was in the
13th Massachusetts Infantry.
50. Russell F. Weigley,
Quartermaster General of the Union Army: A Biography of M. C.
Meigs (New York: Columbia University Press, 1959), pp. 280-282.
51. Thomas, Ready, Aim, Fire,
p. 12.
52. Flagler to Ripley, July 11,
1863. OCO, Letters Received, 1812-1894 (Box 276).
53. Hunt's Report, OR 27 (part 1),
p. 241.
54. OR 27 (part 3), p. 542.
55. Flagler to Ripley, July 6, 1863.
OCO, Letters Received, 1812-1894 (Box 276).
56. Ibid., July 11, 1863.
57. "Report of John R. Edie, Acting
Chief Ordnance Officer of the Army of the Potomac." OR 27 (part 1), pp.
58. Gregory A. Coco, A Strange
and Blighted Land: Gettysburg: The Aftermath of a Battle (Gettysburg
Thomas Publications, 1995), pp. 318-325.
59. Ingalls to Meigs, August 28,
1864. OR 27 (part 1), p. 222.
60. Report of Surgeon Jonathan
Letterman, U. S. Army Medical Director, Army of the Potomac. OR 27 (part
1), p. 197.
61. Ingalls to Meigs, August 28,
1864. OR 27 (part 1), p. 222.
62. Ibid., p. 223-224.
63. Hagerman, Origins of Modern
Warfare, p. 76. By the end of July, some two weeks after the
campaign had ended, the supply system seemed to be back on track. In one
command, however, a few officers went to bed hungry, necessitating the
following circular order: "Many officers have complained of their
inability to procure proper food for their own use, when the troops of
their commands have been fully supplied owing to the neglect of the
Brigade Commissaries in furnishing supplies for their use at the same
time they issued rations to the men. Officers are human as well as
enlisted men and have natural wants and the duty of Brigade
Commissaries attends to supplying officers as well as men." Circular of
the 2nd Division, III Corps, dated July 29, 1863. George H. Woods
Papers, USAMHI. (Emphasis added.)
64. Hagerman, Origins of Modern
Warfare, p. 77. The breakdown was as follows: 6 wagons for baggage,
7 wagons for subsistence and quartermaster supplies, 5 wagons for
ordnance, and 2 wagons for medical supplies.
65. Miller, "Federal Logistics," in
Miller, ed., The Peninsula Campaign, p. 185; Francis B. Heitman,
Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army, from
its Organization, September 29, 1789, to March 2, 1903 (reprint;
Univ. of Illinois Press, 1965) vol. 1, p. 307.
66. Heitman, Historical
Register, p. 424; Ordnance Hall of Fame file, U. S. Army Ordnance
Museum, U. S. Army Ordnance Center & School, Aberdeen Proving
Ground, MD; Cullum, Register of Graduates, vol. 2, p. 814.
67. Heitman, Historical
Register, p. 562; Miller, "Federal Logistics," in Miller, ed.,
The Peninsula Campaign, p. 180.