On a blistering hot July day in 1861 in northern Virginia, men who
for generations had been friends, fathers, and sons, brothers even, put
aside their bonds of brotherhood and blood and took up arms, to shed
that blood if they could. America had gone mad and gone to war with
Perhaps it was inevitable. Old animosities and antagonisms had
somewhat divided the interests and sympathies of the northern and
southern colonies even before they won their independence in another,
earlier war. Then, once they became the United States, events showed
just how much there was to separate them. Most especially, the issue of
slavery set them at odds, as the North eventually abolished bonded
servitude, while the states south of Mason and Dixon's line clung to it
not only for its labor system, but also as a symbol of a way of life.
Unfortunately for all, the issue became enmeshed with the struggle for
power in the national government. Seeing more and more "free" states
entering the Union, the "slave" states saw themselves at risk of
becoming a minority in representationand powerin
Washington. When that happened, they feared, the national government
might strike to abolish slavery everywhere. The result could be
economic and social ruin for the South.
The election of 1860 brought Abraham Lincoln to the presidency at the
head of a new Republican Party avowedly opposed to the further spread of
slavery and implicitly in favor of its universal abolition if possible.
Though Lincoln promised before the election that he would not interfere
with slavery where it already existed, the storm of fear that swept the
South after his election left few willing to believe him. The only hope
for the South seemed to lie in secession, withdrawing from the Union to
create its own Southern, slaveholders' nation. In February 1861
representatives from the first six states to secede met and framed the
Confederate States of America, with Jefferson Davis of Mississippi as
its president. Two months later, in an effort to evict United States
soldiers from their post on what was now Confederate soil, Southern guns
around Charleston Harbor in South Carolina opened fire on Fort
Sumter. It was a momentous step, the most fateful taken so far, and
everything that followed for the next four years was a result.
Shock waves swept North and South alike. Surprisingly, Davis and his
government felt that they were fully justified in bombarding Fort
Sumter. After all, they were only trying to take back their own soil now
that South Carolina was part of a new "nation." Many in the South did
not expect the United States to be especially aggrieved over being shot
at. Moreover, Southern leadersbut not Davispersuaded
themselves that the Yankees were too cowardly, too miserly, to expend
any blood or treasure on fighting back. Consequently, they were more
than surprised when a wave of anger and humiliation surged through the
North and when Lincoln on April 17 issued a proclamation calling out up
to 75,000 volunteers to put down the "rebellion." How dare Lincoln fight
back? Indeed, how dare he fight at all, since the South only took back
what belonged to it in the first place, or so Southerners reasoned.
Worse yet, by speaking of putting down a "rebellion," Lincoln declined
to recognize their right to withdraw from the Union, and then he went
even further by authorizing what could be the largest army ever
assembled 75,000 men, obviously intending to have it "invade" Southern
soil. To Confederates and to sympathizers in other Southern states not
yet seceded, the firing on Fort Sumter was an act of self-defense and
nothing more. But Lincoln's act, they now reasoned, constituted an
outright act of war.
As a result, in the weeks following Lincoln's proclamation other
slave states that had been wavering made their decision. Virginia,
Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina joined with the Confederacy. In
each state, as with those that had seceded earlier, among the first
acts after voting for secession was to seize United States armories,
arsenals, forts, and shipyards, and with them their weapons and
machinery. While this was important everywhere, nowhere was it as vital
as in the Old Dominion.
Virginia would be the northeastern border of the new Confederacy.
Only the Potomac River separated it from Maryland, Washington, D.C., and
the Union. The shipyard at Norfolk was the finest in the country. More
important still, at Harpers Ferry, fifty miles up the Potomac from
Washington, the United States armory and arsenal were a major source of
rifles and weapons manufacturing equipment. But most important of all
was Virginia's strategic location and geography. Any invasion of the
Confederacy by those 75,000 volunteers of Lincoln's would naturally
come through the state. That meant that Virginia was destined to be the
first battleground, if any battles were to be fought. Moreover, the Blue
Ridge Mountains running roughly northeast to southwest in the middle of
the state neatly separated the eastern half of Virginia from the
Shenandoah Valley to the west. That valley ended at Harpers Ferry, and
an army could move up or down the valley virtually unseen. Yankees,
entering at the north, could suddenly appear somewhere in the heartland
of the state, behind Confederate lines, with potentially disastrous
results. Or Confederates could move north in the Shenandoah and find
themselves on the Potomac, ready to invade the North without having been
All of this and more called for a sudden and dramatic shift of
Confederate attention to Virginia. Even before the state seceded,
Jefferson Davis sent emissaries to the Old Dominion's organized militia.
After secession, he immediately tried to cooperate with Governor John
Letcher in mobilizing that militia even while Davis began the task of
building an army of his own to oppose Lincoln's. While Davis worked,
Letcher's first significant step was to appoint a recently resigned
United States officer to take command of all state forces. He turned to
Robert E. Lee, a Virginian, a soldier of national reputation and a man
intimately acquainted with the ground below the Potomac. Even before the
first Confederate troops started to arrive, Lee, now a general, began
planning the defense of his beloved Virginia.
Lee and those advising him knew at a glance that they could not keep
the Yankees entirely out of Virginia. After all, only the Potomac River
separated the state from Washington, and the Unionists held the bridges
crossing the stream. Lee could try to resist a Federal crossing, but he
knew it would be nothing more than a delaying action. Instead, he looked
to suitable ground a little south of the Potomac, for places where the
geography would favor defending against an invasion. Other
considerations influenced his thinking at the same time. The Orange
& Alexandria Railroad connected Washington with the interior of the
Old Dominion. Invading enemies would naturally try to seize the line,
deny it to the Confederates, and use it themselves as a supply line on
an invasion. Lee must hold as much of that line as possible. Moreover,
at Manassas Junction the line connected with the Manassas Gap Railroad.
It stretched west across the Blue Ridge to the Shenandoah Valley. Lee
had to hold it, too, to preserve the possibility of shifting troops east
or west of the mountains to meet sudden threats.
Thus circumstances demanded that Lee hold Manassas Junction at the
very least. Happily, just a few miles north of the junction ran a stream
called Bull Run. With banks too steep to ford just anywhere, it was
crossable only at a stone bridge on the road to Warrenton and at a
handful of fords. Fortify those crossings, reasoned Lee, and he could
stop an invader.
Almost as soon as Virginia seceded, Letcher sent Brigadier General
Philip St. George Cocke to take charge of starting the defenses. The
outlook did not look promising. He had only 300 men, no cannon, no
staff, and no experienced engineers to plan the defenses. But Cocke did
have imagination, energy, and dedication, and Lee standing behind him.
As soon as he could, Lee began to forward men and artillery to the
Manassas line. Meanwhile, all across the Confederacy men were
volunteering, and as soon as they could be organized Jefferson Davis sent
them to Virginia, often even before they had uniforms and weapons, and
almost always before they knew even the rudiments of training. They
could practice their drill and learn their commands once they arrived.
Meanwhile, out in the Shenandoah, Lee had to look to the defense of
Harpers Ferry, too. With troops being sent to the arsenal village,
someone had to take charge. The man Letcher chose to appoint was an
oddity-religious fanatic, hypochondriac, a stern disciplinarian who
survived ridicule and assassination threats from pupils when he taught
at the Virginia Military Institute-named Colonel Thomas Jonathan
Jackson. At once Jackson set about turning these raw recruits into
soldiers and the soldiers into the nucleus of the infant Army of the
Richmond could assign its own state militia commanders to start all
of this work, but as soon as Virginia became a new state in the
Confederacy and Jefferson Davis took over direction of military defense, it would
be up to him to select and assign overall commanders and to press
forward the work. From faraway Montgomery the president cast about for
the right men and did not have to look far. As soon as Virginia seceded
he inquired about the intentions of Lee and was pleased that he would
accept command of Virginia state forces. While a distinguished soldier,
Lee had little experience of command in combat, and Davis did not yet
look to him as a field commander.
Another Virginian, however, immediately came to mind. Joseph E.
Johnston had an excellent career in the old United States Army and had
won battlefield promotions in the Mexican War. Moreover, he was a
Virginian and could be expected to know the country. He was a small,
slight man, who looked every inch a soldier. And yet, in Virginia
parlors people told stories about him. He had a fine reputation as an
excellent marksman, yet when he went shooting with friends he seemed
always hesitant to shoot at the quail they hunted.

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By late spring 1861 General P.G.T. Beauregard's Army of the Potomac
takes up positions around Manassas Junction. On July 16, General Irvin
McDowell's Army of Northeastern Virginia moves out from Washington,
D.C., with hopes of capturing the junction. To meet this threat General
Joseph E. Johnston moves his Army of the Shenandoah to Manassas,
Johnston is able to elude a Union force under Genera! Robert Patterson
and uses the Manassas Gap Railroad to transport his force rapidly to
Beauregard's assistance.
The birds were always too high, the sun in his eyes, or the barking
dogs too distracting. While others banged away, often missing but
still bagging some birds. Johnston came back with an empty game sack.
But at least his reputation remained intact. He had not missed a single
shot because he had not taken one. Would he be the same as a
If there were fears that Johnston
might be too reluctant to act in the Shenandoah's defense, others might
also worry that Beauregard would act too quickly or rashly. Only time
would tell.
Davis assigned Johnston command of the growing forces in the
Shenandoah. Meanwhile, to command the army being formed on the Manassas
line, there was almost never a question as to who should lead it.
General P. G. T. Beauregard was the darling of the Confederacy after his
capture of Fort Sumter. The South had fought one "battle" such as it
was. If there was to be another, who should command in it except the victor?
Beauregard came from Louisiana, was short but very fit and military, and
took pains to present as fine an appearance as possible. He was an
excellent engineer and much thought of in the old army, having been
superintendent of the Military Academy at West Point when the secession
crisis came. He was also vain, prickly, and given on occasion to
fantastical thinking. If there were fears that Johnston might be too
reluctant to act in the Shenandoah's defense, others might also worry
that Beauregard would act too quickly or rashly. Only time would
Nor were Johnston and Beauregard the only untried men upon whom the
Confederacy would depend. The soldiers themselves, farm boys from
Georgia, students from South Carolina, clerks and shopkeepers from
Alabama, street toughs from Louisiana, and more, all were unskilled and
inexperienced at war. The generals worked tirelessly to turn them into
soldiers even as they commenced the construction of their defenses to
retard a Yankee advance. Young volunteers who enlisted for a quick
glorious fight in order to return home as heroes quickly chaffed under a
routine that included rising at 5 A.M., drill half an hour later,
breakfast at 6, guard practice at 7, drill at 8, more drill at 10:30
until I P.M., drill again at 3, and dress parade at 6.
Then came the matter of their organization and who should command
them. Volunteers formed into companies of about 100 and elected their
own captains and lieutenants. State authorities joined ten companies to
form a regiment and allowed the company officers to elect the regimental
colonel, or else the governors appointed them. Now Johnston and
Beauregard would form brigades composed of three or more regiments, as
much as possible keeping outfits from the same state together. But when
it came to selecting men to command those brigadesthey would be
commissioned colonels or brigadier generalsthe decision lay with
Jefferson Davis. It helped that late in May Davis and the government
shifted from Montgomery to Richmond to be nearer the scene of action,
and now the president could see personally to the organization of his
armies' high command. Eventually Johnston would have five brigades:
Virginians commanded by Jackson, Alabamians and Mississippians under
Colonel Edmund Kirby Smith, Alabamians led by Brigadier General Barnard
E. Bee, Georgians under Colonel Francis Bartow, and a mixed brigade
answering to Colonel Arnold Elzey. By mid-July the Army of the
Shenandoah numbered perhaps 12,000 or thereabouts and represented almost
every state in the Confederacy. Beauregard commanded somewhat more,
around 20,000, divided eventually into seven brigades. Cocke commanded
one. Colonel Theophilus Holmes took another, as did the crusty Richard
S. Ewell of Virginia. and fellow Virginian Colonel Jubal A. Early, with
his quaint lisp. Milledge L. Bonham of South Carolina led fellow
Palmettos, as did Colonel David R. Jones. The hale and hearty James
Longstreet, though he hailed from South Carolina, received command of a
brigade of Virginians. The two armies combined totaled close to 35,000
men, with the Manassas Gap Railroad connecting them. If either was
attacked, the other could use the line to come in aid. If both were
attacked simultaneously, however, the railroad would be of no use to
That was essentially what Washington wanted to do. Winfield Scott sat
heavily in his swivel chair at the War Department, more than seventy
years old, too fat and infirm even to mount a horse. Yet he was still a
magnificent soldier, and Abraham Lincoln looked immediately to him to
cast a plan for taking Virginia and Richmond quickly and putting down
the rebellion. Scott was a Virginian himself, though his loyalty to the
Union never wavered, and he saw at once the same geographical features
that Davis and his generals appreciated. Especially once Richmond
became the Confederate capital, authorities in Washington became fixed
upon the necessity of capturing it. Take Richmond, they felt, and the
rebellion would wither. All that stood between them and that objective
were Beauregard at Bull Run and Johnston in the Shenandoah.
From all across the Union came the regiments filled with fresh-faced
young men anxious to see some adventure and avenge the insult to the
Stars and Stripes. Within weeks of the outbreak of war, Washington
itself became an armed camp, even its public buildings swelling with
uniformed men and the White House grounds themselves hosting soldiers. The
population of the city almost doubled as the streets teemed with the
sounds of fifes drums, and marching feet. Scenes from south of the
Potomac were repeated here and elsewhere as the officers went about the
often grueling work of turning rustics into soldiers overnight.
While his burgeoning army drilled, Scott and his advisers studied
their maps and addressed the challenge before them. They saw the
Manassas Gap Railroad. They saw the potential use of the Shenandoah
Valley as an avenue of invasion and a back door to Richmond. They saw
the defenses going up along Bull Run and in advance of the stream.
Quickly Scott knew that he, too, must form two armies, and that they
must move in unison, with overwhelming strength, to press the Rebels and
not allow hem to use the rails to reinforce one another. Do that, push past
the Bull Run line, move into the Shenandoah and then turn east at one of
the Blue Ridge gaps, and Richmond would be easy prey.
Early in June Scott assigned Brigadier General Robert Patterson to
the task of forming an army in and around Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.
When it was ready, he was to march south across Maryland and push across
the Potomac to take Harpers Ferry and defeat or at least fully occupy
Johnston's Confederates. Meanwhile, a substantially larger army took
shape in Washington. Once more companies became regiments, and regiments
became brigades. Taking organization a step further than the
Confederacy to provide a more efficient chain of command, these Yankees
combined two or more brigades to form army divisions. The first division
went to Brigadier General Daniel Tyler, 62, a longtime veteran. The
second division went to Brigadier General David Hunter, a man of
Southern heritage who stayed loyal to the flag. Samuel P. Heintzelman
received command of the third division, in spite of the bemused or
befuddled expression that seemed always on his face, and because of his
excellent combat record in Mexico. Theodore Runyon led the fourth
division, made up of untrained men who would not be used in the
campaign, and Dixon S. Miles, a notorious inebriate, commanded the fifth
To lead the brigades commanded by these men, Washington commissioned
a mixed bag of characters, some already well known, others destined for
fame: William B. Franklin, Orlando B. Willcox, Ambrose Burnside, William
T. Sherman, Andrew Porter, Erasmus Keyes, and more. But the real
attention went to the selection of a commander for this army as a whole.
Scott himself could not lead it, of course. And the North did not, as
yet, have any established military hero like Beauregard to turn to.
Scott preferred old veteran Joseph K. Mansfield, but once more politics
intervened. An obscure major on staff duty in the adjutant general's
office, a man who had never led so much as a company in action, had
powerful friends.