Civil War SeriesThe Campaign for Pea Ridge |

Front cover: On the Battery, by Andy Thomas, Maze Creek
Studio, Carthage, Missouri.
Maps by George Skoch
Special thanks to Douglas Keller at Pea Ridge National Military
Published by Eastern National, copyright 2001. All rights reserved.
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other public trusts.
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Key for photo and illustration identification: |
BL | Battles and Leaders of the Civil War |
FW | Frank and Marie-Therese Wood Print Collection, Alexandria, Washington |
LC | Library of Congress, Washington, DC |
USAMHI | United States Army Military History Institute, Carlisle, PA |

Want to Learn
More? The following books are suggested reading for
additional insights into the Civil War and its key battles:
William L. Shea and Earl J. Hess Pea Ridge: Civil War Campaign in the
West (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1997) and
Earl J. Hess, William L. Shea, William G. Piston, Richard W. Hatcher
Wilson's Creek, Pea Ridge, and Prairie Grove: A Battlefield Guide,
with a Section on Wire Road (This Hallowed Ground: Guides to Civil
War (Lincoln: Bison Books, 2006). |