Gettysburg Seminar Papers



When two great armies clashed at Gettysburg in July 1863, there were many unsung heroes who fought with valor for the cause they believed was just and right. In the 133 years since the battle, many more unsung heroes have been added to these ranks. Citizens of the town fought early on to set aside acres of the battlefield for the national cemetery and for the beginnings of the national military park. Others gathered important artifacts of the day, or researched the battle action of the hundreds of units who fought here, and more importantly, wrote about their findings, so that generations to come could know the courage and bravery of the many who fought and died here. Today, the millions who visit Gettysburg could not know of the importance of this battle, or experience walking on these fields if not for this work.

As you read these seminar papers on the unsung heroes of Gettysburg, consider these other more recent heroes: park employees both in front of, and behind the scenes; Licensed Battlefield Guides; our volunteers; and countless other educators, historians, and preservationists who work every day to ensure that these fields "can long endure."

This publication was produced through the efforts of many dedicated people. I'd like to thank a few of them, especially Barbara Finfrock, of the Friends of the National Parks at Gettysburg, for editing the papers, and staff members Evangelina Rubalcava, Scott Hartwig, and Tom Desjardin, for their work in producing the seminar and this publication. I would also like to thank Eastern National Park and Monument Association for making the publication of these proceedings possible.

Dr. John A. Latschar
Gettysburg National Military Park

July 1996

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