Civil War SeriesThe Battle of Wilson's Creek |

Front cover: Don't Yield an Inch, by Andy Thomas, courtesy of
Maze Creek Studio, Carthage, Missouri.
Maps by George Skoch
Thanks to Jeff Patrick and John Sutton at Wilson's Creek National
Published by Eastern National, copyright 2008. All rights reserved.
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Key for photo and illustration identification: |
FW | Frank and Marie-Therese Wood Print Collection, Alexandria, Virginia |
GS | From the collection of Dr. Tom and Karen Sweeney, General Sweeney's Museum Republic, Missouri |
LC | Library of Congress, Washington, DC |
MHS | Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis, Missouri |
NA | National Archives, Washington, DC |
USAMHI | United States Army Military History Institute, Carlisle, PA |

Want to Learn
More? The following books are suggested reading for
additional insights into the Civil War and its key battles:
William Garrett Piston and Richard Hatcher, Wilson's
Creek: The Second Battle of the Civil War and the Men Who
Fought It (Knoxville: The University of North Carolina
Press, 2003), Ed Bearss, The Battle of Wilson's Creek
(Springfield: Wilson's Creek National Battlefield
Foundation, 1992), Holcombe and Adams, An Account of the
Battle of Wilson's Creek or Oak Hills (Springfield: The
Greene County Historical Society, 1985), William Riley
Brooksher, Bloody Hill: The Civil War Battle of Wilson's
Creek (Dulles: Brassey's Inc, 2000), Earl J. Hess,
William L. Shea, William G. Piston, Richard W. Hatcher,
Wilson's Creek, Pea Ridge, and Prairie Grove: A
Battlefield Guide, with a Section on Wire Road (This
Hallowed Ground: Guides to Civil War (Lincoln: Bison
Books, 2006). |