As dawn broke, Sigel began positioning his brigade on the extreme
south of the field, He ordered four guns from Backofs Missouri Light
Battery deployed on the 150-foot knoll that shielded him from the
southern camps below and from which he would bombard the camps. He sent
the rest of the infantry and the remaining section of artillery down the
ravine toward the cleared fields, posturing them to block the Wire Road
in the rear of the southern army. At about 5:30 A.M., Sigel first heard
the sound of Lyon's musketry from the north. At this signal, he began
bombarding the southern cavalry camps.
Cavalry units from all three components of the Western Army, totaling
over 1,800 men, were encamped in Joseph Sharp's fields. From the
Confederates, Colonel Elkanah Greer's South Kansas-Texas Cavalry,
approximately 800 men, along with a company of horsemen from Arkansas,
probably numbering less than 100 men, camped with the Texans. Colonel De
Rosey Carroll's First Arkansas Cavalry, belonging to the Arkansas State
Troops, had 350 men, while two units from the Missouri State
Guardnumbering nearly 600 horsemenwere present. Unlike Lyon,
Sigel's surprise was indeed complete, and his cannonade produced
immediate chaos. While some of the cavalry maintained some semblance of
discipline, moving away from the guns, others fled into the woods to the
north and northwest of the fields and took no further part in the
battle. Completing the mayhem was the presence of the almost 2,000
unarmed Stare Guardsmen and untold numbers of camp
followersslaves, women, and perhaps even childrenwho had
accompanied the Western Army despite McCulloch's demand that they remain
well behind. Most of them were apparently camped on the Sharp property,
and they scattered in terror when Sigel's guns opened upon them.
Seeing the mass of confusion below, Sigel ordered the Third and Fifth
Missouri, with cavalry in the lead, to advance, They crossed Wilson
Creek at a ford and climbed up onto a small plateau, followed closely by
the artillery. The land was cleared and fenced in, so the advance was
rapid with little resistance from the few remaining southern troops.
While the four guns from the Missouri Light Battery continued their
barrage, Sigel's horsemen captured more than 100 prisoners as they
pushed forward quickly into the evacuated cavalry camps in the Sharp
fields, where deserted campfires, equipment, wagons, and picketed horses
remained just as they were abandoned. Lulled into complacency, Sigel
ignored the possibility of a counterattack against his exposed column
and ordered his men to rest on the road for nearly an hour. When what
appeared to be a regiment of the enemy rallied, Sigel at last put them
into a line across the stubble field, placed his guns in the center, and
at 7:15 A.M. opened artillery fire again on troops in the woods to the
north. Within half an hour, the southerners had fled again into the
woods lining Wilson Creek, and Sigel halted the cannonade. Now
overconfident, the German put his men back into column and moved past
the Sharp house to the Wire Road, which ran to its immediate front,
deploying a four-gun battery in the farmhouse's front yard. With only a
single battalion of the Third Missouri (some of the least experienced
men in the brigade), perhaps 250 men in all, in line to the right of the
battery, Sigel left the remainder of his force in reserve astride the
Wire Road. They waited to pounce on the main body of the Western Army,
which Sigel believed Lyon would soon be driving his way.

(click on image for a PDF version)
(7:30-8:45 A.M.)
By 8.00, McBride's attack on the Union line is over and his troops have
withdrawn. A brief lull ensues as Price prepares to mount a larger
assault on Bloody Hill. At the other end of the battlefield, Sigel forms
his brigade near the Sharp House to block the Wire Road. General
McCulloch leads the Third Louisiana Regiment to meet Sigel, aided by
Missouri and Arkansas infantrymen, Bledsoe's Missouri Artillery, and
Reid's Fort Smith Battery. The concentrated fire of these southern
troops routs Sigel's men from the field.
By 8:30 A.M., squads of unarmed southern soldiers streamed south on
the Wire Road, surrendering to Sigel's men as soon as they emerged from
the trees in the valley below. Sigel believed that his battle plan was
working to perfection and that he would soon be the hero of this
imminent victory. Bolstering his overconfidence, he also thought he
spied a large number of southerners moving south along the ridges east
of the creek and assumed Lyon was driving McCulloch's army from the
field into what the German considered a well-laid trap. He sent only a
few of skirmishers into the woods in his immediate front, leaving his
column dangerously vulnerable. The mistake would soon prove costly.
The troops that Sigel thought he saw were four hundred men from the
Third Louisiana, rallied near the Ray house after their disorganized
retreat following their pursuit of Plummer. McCulloch was searching for
troops to move against Sigel on the south end of the field, having
learned that the Western Army's right flank was now secure. Seizing the
initiative, McCulloch took command of the nearest two companies and led
them south on the Wire Road and across Wilson Creek. McCulloch sent word
to McIntosh to bring as many of his troops as possible down the Wire
Road with all haste. Within minutes, McIntosh received McCulloch's
missive and took charge of the column of several hundred, hurrying it
southward on the Wire Road, pausing only to fill canteens when the men
crossed Wilson Creek. When McCulloch and the two lead companies reached
Skegg's Branch, they met Sigel's skirmishers, who immediately retired.
They informed Sigel that Lyon's men were coming up the road, mistaking
McCulloch's column in the smoky haze of the trees. Sigel's surgeon, Dr.
Samuel Melcher, suggested that Sigel display the national flag
conspicuously, to avoid friendly fire. Sigel cautioned his artillerymen
not to engage the troops that would soon appear in their front as one of
the Union color-bearers advanced and waved the flag. Finally, Sigel
dispatched a soldier to walk down the Wire Road and challenge any
approaching troops.
McCulloch used the opportunity to deploy his two companies, as well
as those under McIntosh, who had caught up to the lead column, into line
of battle, with the foliage, smoke, and the slope shielding the entire
movement. Joined on the right by a force of State Guard, McCulloch
stopped the lone federal scout as he approached his line of battle. When
the soldier raised his musket after identifying himself, one of
McCulloch's men killed him, preventing him from spreading the alarm to
Sigel's waiting troops. The Texan then ordered his men to advance.
As many as a third of these federals, most of whom were poorly
trained recruits, fell immediately, while many others including Sigel
hesitated to return fire, believing they were victims of mistaken
When the southern line reached the edge of the plateau, forty yards
from the federal line, Sigel's color-bearer was waving the United States
flag. Artillery fire erupted almost simultaneously from two southern
batteries, and two of the guns from Backofs battery replied at once.
Shielded by the lip of the plateau, the Louisianans quickly stepped
forward to the edge of the plateau and delivered a direct volley into
Sigel's men at almost point-blank range. The tables had now turned on
Sigel, whose men were completely surprised. As many as a third of these
federals, most of whom were poorly trained recruits, fell immediately,
while many othersincluding Sigelhesitated to return fire,
believing they were victims of mistaken identity. Because neither army
wore standard colors or style of uniform and because Sigel's men
anticipated the arrival of Lyon's forces, many assumed the gray-clad
Louisianans were members of the First Iowa, which possessed several
companies wearing gray. The mistake was catastrophic.
By the time Sigel understood the gravity of the situation, it was too
late. Some federal soldiers returned fire, but others refused, unwilling
to believe they faced enemies. Because the bulk of Sigel's command was
not in line, no effective demonstration was possible, despite a
three-to-one superiority in manpower. While Sigel finally attempted to
rally the men and return fire, his brigade disintegrated, with men
fleeing and abandoning the four guns and one of the caissons. The entire
flanking force dissolved into a rout. The Louisianans quickly captured
the four artillery pieces astride the Wire Road. At the same time, the
left flank of the southern line reached the northern edge of Sharp's
fields and began firing at the fleeing enemy.
Southern cavalry units soon took up the chase, but the effort was
never coordinated. Because the federals scattered in two directions (one
to the south, as they had approached; the other southwestward along the
Wire Road), they proved difficult to capture. Sigel led about 250 men
back toward Springfield, along with one cannon, and they were attacked
by several battalions of southern horsemen at the ford of the James
River, scattering to the woods and fighting back desperately. Sigel
himself narrowly escaped capture by hiding in a cornfield with one of
his men; he arrived back in Springfield at 4:30 P.M. By the time the
running fight was over, more than 64 federals were killed and another
147 were captured, along with another brass six-pounder, two caissons,
and the colors of the Third Missouri. Southern losses were negligible.
The threat to the rear of Price's troops ended with the inglorious rout
of Sigel's column. Now the Western Army could turn its full attention to
Lyon on Bloody Hill.
Just before the break of dawn on August 10, the Battle of Wilson's
Creek commenced. Before noon there would be 1,818 wounded and 535 dead.
The physicians of both armies began the urgent process to gather, treat,
and evacuate the wounded. Many of the wounded had to find their way to
wherever the surgeons had established their medical facilities. In some
areas there were aid or dressing stations where the wounded were given a
cursory examination and stabilized. Blood flow was stanched, broken
bones immobilized, and stimulants given to counteract shock. They were
brought from these stations or went directly to field hospitals where
further treatment was given.
The federals established their field hospital in a ravine just north
of Bloody Hill, out of the danger of musket and artillery fire. There
were no amputations or other more extensive surgery performed at this
field hospital; this was to be left to the general hospitals in
Springfield. Assistant Federal Surgeon Davis wrote, "The wounded could
not be evacuated to Springfield during the battle because of the
severity of the engagement and the constant changing of position of the
troops. The fluidity of the battle kept the ambulances and wagons parked
in the rear, guarded by cavalry, while the wounded lay suffering only
400 yards away."
Union general Lyon was faulted for not having a medical director to
oversee the federal surgeons on the field. One of the surgeons wrote,
"The regiments had no community of action or feeling." In other words,
they did not act as a team. A medical director would have removed the
wounded from the field in a more efficient manner. When heavily engaged,
the regimental surgeons were too busy with men falling around them to
worry about what was going on with the regiments on the rest of the
battlefield. The southern surgeons were no better. There is no record of
a southern medical director being present.
The surgeons of the southern forces established their own field
hospitals located at various sites about the battlefield. Here major
surgery was performed while the battle raged around them. These included
a site of previous church revivals west of Bloody Hill, another near the
junction of Wilson's Creek and Skegg's Branch, and at the Edwards Cabin,
General Price's headquarters. With the fighting in Ray's cornfield
reaching its climax, Confederate medical officers commandeered the
nearby Ray house for the care and treatment of the wounded. Tents in the
southern camps were also used.
Dr. W. A. Cantrell of Churchill's First Arkansas Mounted Rifles
wrote, "In the beginning of the battle, I was amidst the hottest of the
time, and thought at one time I could not escape death. Balls from two
thousand guns and one battery of cannon were flying thickly around
mehere and there a man or horse would fall, some wounded others
dead. . . . The battle raged four or five hourshard fighting all
the time. My work began soon after the first round or two of musketry.
The wounded were then brought to me, and from that moment to the present
time, I have seen or heard nothing but gun shot wounds and the groans of
the dying and the distressed."
The walking wounded or the wounded carried by comrades on makeshift
stretchers made of blankets could, with difficulty, reach the field
hospital. The seriously wounded lying on the battlefield away from the
aid station or field hospital had to endure the danger of another wound
if they lay in the line of fire coupled with the humidity and the
terribly hot August sun.
Dr. Caleb Winfrey with the Missouri State Guard had his horse and
buggy on the field. He was one of the few surgeons giving aid to the
wounded on the battlefield while the battle raged on around him. After
the battle he operated at the Ray house until well into the next day and
left with them for Springfield.
Shortly after 11 A.M. Major Samuel Sturgis, who had assumed command
of the federal forces after General Lyon's death, gave the order for the
wounded to be taken to the hospital ravine in preparation for retreat
back to Springfield. The small number of ambulances and wagons were
quickly filled. Out of necessity the wounded were loaded onto artillery
caissons for the painfully jarring ride in 100 to 108 degree
For days hundreds of the federal wounded were left behind on the
battlefield. Fearing that more transportation would be needed for all of
the wounded, federal officers ordered every usable vehicle commandeered
and sent back to Wilson's Creek. Soon farm wagons, buggies, carriages,
even butcher's wagons were sent hurrying down the Telegraph Road.
Meanwhile the southern forces were doing their best to treat their
own wounded. Parties of men were organized to bring in the casualties.
The heat was unbearable to these men. One Missourian reported, "The
thirst that the wounded suffered that day was fearful." Dr. John Wyatt
of the Missouri State Guard and federal surgeon Dr. Samuel H. Melcher
were horrified by the condition of some of the patients. Wyatt wrote: "I
saw blow flies swarm over the living and dead alike. I saw men not yet
dead their eyes nose and mouth full of maggots."
Slowly the stream of wounded federals found its way back to
Springfield. Surgeons began the monumental task of repairing the damage
done by weapons of war. After the wound was inspected and the nature of
the operation determined, the patient was rendered unconscious by the
administration of a general anesthetic. Ether and chloroform, the latter
drug the newer of the two agents, had been introduced during the
previous decade. Chloroform was the anesthesia of choice of field
surgeons since it acted quicker and required smaller amounts than that
ether. It was also safer to use around an open flame.
The ideal time to amputate was in the first twenty-four hours after
receiving the wound. After 24 hours the mortality and morbidity rate
would quickly rise. The mortality rate from infection was high since
nothing was known about the cause of infection until after the
publication of Lister's work in 1867.
Fearing that the victorious southern army was at that moment
advancing on Springfield, the federals began the retreat to Rolla,
Missouri. By dawn of the eleventh, the only federals left were several
surgeons and the wounded who could not travel and those left behind
because of the scarcity of wagons.
Despite conflicts over scarce resources, southern surgeons assisted
their Union counterparts in treating the federal wounded. One southerner
noted, "The Federal wounded are taken as good care as our own, though
that is not the best, medicine being scarce." Local ladies also visited
the hospitals, assisting in any way they could. "The fair sex, God bless
them," wrote Missouri State Guard surgeon Wyatt, "[They] are doing all
they can in the ways of cooking, serving, mending, and nursing the sick
and wounded."
The casualties from the Battle of Wilson's Creek would remain in
Springfield recuperating from their wounds for several more months.
by Kip Lindberg and Thomas P. Sweeney M.D.