The Land We Cared For...
A History of the Forest Service's Eastern Region



Cover: U.S. Forest Service

Note to Readers

Preface 1985

Preface 1997


I The Region

II The Beginnings of Federal Forest Work

III The Eastern Forests

IV Region Seven

V The Lake States Region, the First Region Nine

VI The Great Depression and New Directions

VII Regions 7 and 9 in the Great Depression

VIII The Civilian Conservation Corps in Regions 9 and 7

IX The War Years

X Postwar and the Fifties

XI Emphasis on Outdoor Recreation

XII The 1960's and 1970's

XIII The New Eastern Region

XIV Management of Resources

XV The Monongahela Controversy

XVI Wilderness in the Eastern Region

XVII The Forest Plans

XVIII Profiles of Eastern Region People

XIX Conclusion


Index (omitted from the online edition)


Edwin A. Tucker began his 32 years with the Forest Service as a forest technician on the Gila National Forest in 1934. Within two years he became District Forest Ranger at Beaverhead, one of the most isolated stations in the southwest. He became Ranger at Grants, New Mexico in 1939 and returned to the Gila as Forest Supervisor in 1950. In 1954 he joined the Regional Office staff in Albuquerque, working first in range management, then as management analyst and Regional historian until his retirement in 1965.

George Fitzpatrick is best known as editor of the New Mexico Magazine for 34 years, from 1935 to 1969. This followed nine years with the Albuquerque Tribune. An easterner by birth, Fitzpatrick has made telling the story of the scenic enchantment and historic fascination of the Southwest his life work. Hundreds of feature articles, several books, and co-authorship with historian Calvin Horn have extended his influence and fame far beyond New Mexico Magazine. Mr. Fitzpatrick has brought his talent and his love and knowledge of the outdoors to focus in this story of the Forest Service in the Southwest.

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Last Updated: 28-Jan-2008