Transactions & Proceedings Series

Transactions & Proceedings Series

Transactions & Proceedings (Numbered Series)
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Research In The Parks : Transactions of the National Park Centennial Symposium
Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 28 and 29 December 1971. (1976)


Foreword — Robert M. Linn

Another Look at Man, Nature, and National Parks — Raymond F. Dasmann

Research on Ungulates in Northern Yellowstone National Park — Douglas B. Houston

Winter Weather as a Population-Regulating Influence on Free-Ranging Bison in Yellowstone National Park — Mary Meagher

The Status of Research on the Snake River Cutthroat Trout in Grand Teton National Park — Peter S. Hayden

Ecology of the Saguaro: I. The Role of Freezing Weather in a Warm-Desert Plant Population — Warren F. Steenberg and Charles H. Lowe

The Role of Fire in a Giant Sequoia-Mixed Conifer Forest — Bruce M. Kilgore

Crocodilian Ecology in Southern Florida — John C. Ogden

Marine Research and Resource Management in Virgin Islands National Park — Alan H. Robinson

Intragroup Social Structure and Social Solidarity in Park Settings — Neil H. Cheek, Jr

Parks as Aspects of Leisure in the Inner City: An Exploratory Investigation — William L. Yancey and Jane Snell

Interchangeability of Parks With Other Leisure Settings — Donald R. Field

The Worth of Wilderness: With Interpretations From a Study of Wolves and Moose on Isle Royale — Durward L. Allen

Progress in Restoring a Natural Grizzly Bear Population in Yellowstone National Park — Glen F. Cole

Grizzly Bear Population Studies in Glacier National Park, Montana — Clifford J. Martinka

The Future of the Parks: I — Stanley A. Cain

The Future of the Parks: II — Robert Cahn

Barrier Island Ecology of Cape Lookout National Seashore and Vicinity, North Carolina (Abstract) — Paul J. Godfrey and Melinda M. Godfrey


2 Transactions of the North American Osprey Research Conference
College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, 10-12 February 1972
John C. Ogden (ed.) (1977)




A Critical Review of Problems in Calculating Osprey Reproductive Success — Sergej Postupalsky

Eggshell Thickness-Pollutant Relationships Among North American Ospreys — Paul R. Spitzer, Robert W. Risebrough, James W. Grier, and Charles R. Sindelar, Jr.

Migration Patterns and Wintering Localities of American Ospreys — Charles J. Henny and Willet T. Van Velzen

A Method for Increasing Osprey Productivity — Robert S. Kennedy

Sexing the American Osprey Using Secondary Sexual Characteristics — Mark Macnamara

Application of Radio-Telemetric Techniques to Osprey Research — Thomas C. Dunstan

The Status of the American Osprey on National Wildlife Refuges — John C. Oberheu

Assessing the Hawk Counts at Hawk Mountain — Michael Harwood and Alexander C. Nagy

An Osprey Population Aided by Nest Structures — Leon I. Rhodes

Osprey Survey on the Maine Coast, 1971 — James Johnston

Osprey Populations in Labrador and Northeastern Quebec — Stephen P. Wetmore and Douglas I. Gillespie

Some Instant Benefits and Long-Range Hopes from Color-Saturation Banding of Ospreys — Josephine and Gilbert Fernandez

Osprey Population Studies on Gardiner's Island — Dennis Puleston

Comparison of Osprey Nesting Success Between the 1940s and 1970s in Cape May County — Joseph Jacobs

Osprey Feeding Problems on the New Jersey Coast — Herbert Mills

Nesting Success of Ospreys in Central Chesapeake Bay — Jan G. Reese

Reproductive Success of Potomac River Ospreys, 1971 — Stanley N. Wiemeyer

The Status of the Osprey in Tidewater, Virginia, 1970-71 — Robert S. Kennedy

A 1934 vs. 1967 Comparison of the Osprey Nesting Populations — Frederick C. Schmid

Osprey Reproductive Success in Southeastern North Carolina — James F. Parnell and Robert Walton

Preliminary Report on a Study of Florida Bay Ospreys — John C. Ogden

Status of the Osprey in Michigan — Sergej Postupalsky

Reproduction in Wisconsin Ospreys — Charles Sindelar, Jr.

The Status of Ospreys in the Chippewa National Forest — John Mathisen

Reproduction and Toxicants in Lake of the Woods Ospreys — James W. Grier, Charles R. Sindelar, Jr., and David L Evans

Osprey Reproduction in the Lake Nipigon Area — Sergej Postupalsky

Productivity of Northern Idaho Osprey Populations — Gary J. Schroeder and Donald R. Johnson

Food Resources and Fledgling Productivity of California and Montana Ospreys — James R. Koplin, Douglas S. Mac Carter, David P. Garber, and Donald L. MacCarter

Status of the American Osprey in Oregon — Hadley B. Roberts and Gordon S. Lind

Distribution, Abundance, and Breeding Status of Ospreys in Northwestern California — Jon M. French and James R. Koplin

History and Present Status of Ospreys in Northwestern Baja California — Joseph R. Jehl, Jr.

Report on Osprey Sightings and News Locations in Coastal Mexico and British Honduras — Alexander Sprunt, IV


3 Transactions of the Symposium on the Biological Resources of the Chihuahuan Desert Region, United States and Mexico
Sul Ross State University, Alpine, Texas, 17-18 October 1974
Roland H. Wauer, David H. Riskind (eds.) (1977)



Introduction — Roland H. Wauer

Welcome — Hugh Meredith

Introduction: Impressions of the Chihuahuan Desert Plant Life — Barton H. Warnock


Late Quaternary Pollen Records From the Eastcentral Periphery of the Chihuahuan Desert — Vaughn M. Bryant, Jr.

Wisconsin Age Environments in the Northern Chihuahuan Desert: Evidence From the Higher Vertebrates — Arthur H. Harris

Some Quaternary Molluscan Faunas From the Northern Chihuahuan Desert and Their Paleoecological Implications — Artie L. Metcalf

Post-Glacial Origin of the Present Chihuahuan Desert Less Than 11,500 Years Ago — Philip V. Wells

Ghe Herpetofauna of Howell's Ridge Cave and the Paleoecology of the Northwestern Chihuahuan Desert — Thomas R. Van Devender and Richard D. Worthington

Late Pleistocene Biotic Communities From the Guadalupe Mountains, Culberson County, Texas — Thomas R. Van Devender, Paul S. Martin, Arthur M. Phillips III, and W. Geoffrey Spaulding

A Reconnaissance Survey of Pollen Rain in Big Bend National Park, Texas: Modern Control for a Paleoenvironmental Study — Edward R. Meyer


The Status of Mammals in the Northern Region of the Chihuahuan Desert — James S. Findley and William Caire

Mammals of the Southern Chihuahuan Desert: An Inventory — Robert L. Packard

Major Game Mammals and Their Habitats in the Chihuahuan Desert Region — Bernardo Villa Ramirez

Factors Governing the Distribution of Mammals in the Chihuahuan Desert Region — David J. Schmidly

Reproductive Strategies in Desert Rodents — Walt Conley, James D. Nichols, and Alan R. Tipton

Past, Present and Future Status of the Desert Bighorn in the Chihuahuan Desert Region — Tommy L. Hailey

Mammals of the Chihuahuan Desert Region—Future Prospects — Rollin H. Baker


Desert Vegetation in the Guadalupe Mountains Region — Tony L. Burgess and David K. Northington

The Natural Products Chemistry of Larrea tridentata Cav. in the Chihuahuan Desert — Tom J. Mabry, Masayuki Sakakibara, Charles Bohnstedt and Dan Difeo, Jr.

A Physiognomic Analysis of the Types of Transitional Vegetation on the Eastern Parts of the Chihuahuan Desert in Coahuila, Mexico — Jorge S. Marroquin

Aspects of Reproduction in Chihuahuan Desert Nyctaginaceae — Richard Spellenberg and Rebecca K. Delson

Saline Habitats and Halophytic Vegetation of the Chihuahuan Desert Region — James Henrickson

Aspects of the Plant Biology of the Gypsum Outcrops of the Chihuahuan Desert — A. Michael Powell and B. L. Turner

Vegetation and Flora of the Cuatro Cienegas Basin, Coahuila, Mexico — Donald J. Pinkava

Brief Resume of Botanical, Including Vegetational, Features of the Chihuahuan Desert Region With Special Emphasis on Their Uniqueness — Marshall C. Johnston


Introduction — Clark Hubbs

Composition and Derivation of the Native Fish Fauna of the Chihuahuan Desert Region — Robert Rush Miller

Endemic Fishes of the Cuatro Cienegas Basin, Northern Coahuila, Mexico — W. L. Minckley

Speciation Aspects and Man-Made Community Composition Changes in Chihuahuan Desert Fishes — Salvador Contreras-Balderas

Summary and Conclusion — Clark Hubbs


Is There a Chihuahuan Desert? A Quantitative Evaluation Through a Herpetofaunal Perspective — David J. Morafka

Semiaquatic Reptiles and Amphibians of the Chihuahuan Desert and Their Relationships to Drainage Patterns of the Region — Roger Conant

Ancient Playas and Their Influence on the Recent Herpetofauna of the Northern Chihuahuan Desert — Ralph W. Axtell

Some Recent Changes in the Herpetofauna of the Northern Chihuahuan Desert — James F. Scudday

The Black Gap Whiptail Lizards After Twenty Years — William W. Milstead

A Changing Environment: Documentation of Lizards and Plants Over a Decade — William G. Degenhardt


The Avifauna of the Southern Part of the Chihuahuan Desert — J. Dan Webster

Distributional Relations of Breeding Avifauna of Four Southwestern Mountain Ranges — Roland H. Wauer and J. David Ligon

Temporal Changes in Northern Chihuahuan Desert Bird Communities — Ralph J. Raitt and Stuart L. Pimm

Effects of Habitat Attrition on Vireo Distribution and Population Density in the Northern Chihuahuan Desert — Jon C. Barlow

Changes in the Breeding Avifauna Within the Chisos Mountains System — Roland H. Wauer

The Significance of Wilderness Ecosystems in Western Texas and Adjacent Regions in the Ecology of the Peregrine — W. Grainger Hunt

Summary of Avian Resources of the Chihuahuan Desert Region — Allan R. Phillips

Panel Discussion

   Moderator: Myron Sutton

   Participants: Horatio Gallegos, Robert M. Linn, W. Frank Blair, Robert Mcintosh, John Henneberger

First Keynote Address — Bernardo Villa Ramirez

Second Keynote Address — Bob Burleson

4 Biological Investigations in the Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas
Proceedings of a Symposium Held at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, April 4-5, 1975
Hugh H. Genoways and Robert J. Baker (eds.) (1979)

Editor's Note

Welcome — J. Knox Jones, Jr.

Introduction — Roland H. Wauer

Geology of the Guadalupe Mountains National Park — John P. Brand and Alonzo D. Jacka

Late Pleistocene Plant Communities in the Guadalupe Mountains, Culberson County, Texas — Thomas R. Van Devender, W. Geoffrey Spaulding, and Arthur M. Phillips, III

Preliminary Report of the Ecology of Fire Study, Guadalupe Mountains and Carlsbad Caverns National Parks — Gary M. Ahlstrand

The Guadalupe Mountains—A Chink in the Mosaic of the Chihuahuan Desert? — Marshall C. Johnston

Summary of the Vegetative Zones of the Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas — David K. Northington and Tony L. Burgess

Status of Rare and Endangered Plant Species of the Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas — David K. Northington and Tony L. Burgess

Agave—Complex of the Guadalupe Mountains National Park: Putative Hybridization Between Members of Different Subgenera — Tony L. Burgess

The Land and Freshwater Mollusca of the Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas — Richard W. Fullington

Plusiotis woodi and Plusiotis gloriosa (Scarabaeidae): First Report of the Guadalupe Mountains National Park — Richard W. Fullington and Don Harrington

Notes on the Bionomics and Nest Structure of Pogonomyrmex maricopa Hymenoptera: Formicidae) — James V. Moody and David E. Foster

Limnology of Mckittrick Creek, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas — Owen T. Lind

The Quaternary Vertebrate Fauna of Upper Sloth Cave, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas — Lloyd E. Logan and Craig C. Black

Environmental Implications of Herpetofaunal Remains From Archeological Sites West of Carlsbad, New Mexico — John S. Applegarth

The Biogeographical Relationships of the Amphibians and Reptiles of the Guadalupe Mountains — John S. Mecham

Compositional Aspects of Breeding Avifaunas in Selected Woodlands of the Southern Guadalupe Mountains, Texas — George a. Newman

Post-Pleistocene Mammals From Pratt Cave and Their Environmental Significance — Ernest L. Lundelius, Jr.

Ground Sloth Dung of the Guadalupe Mountains — W. Geoffrey Spaulding and Paul S. Martin

Mammals of the Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas — Hugh H. Genoways, Robert J. Baker, and John E. Comely

Demographic Patterns of Small Mammals: A Possible Use in Impact Assessment — Peter V. August, John W. Clarke, M. Houston McGaugh, and Robert L. Packard

Population Size of Tadarida Brasiliensis at Carlsbad Caverns in 1973 — J. Scott Altenbach, Kenneth N. Geluso, and Don E. Wilson

Coexistence of Two Species of Kangaroo Rats (Genus Dipodomys) in the Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas — Margaret A. O'Connell

Ecological Distribution of Woodrats (Genus Neotoma) in Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas — John E. Comely

Status of the Guadalupe Mountains Vole, Microtus Mexicanus guadalupensisDallas E. Wilhelm, Jr.

Food Habits of Mule Deer on Foothills of Carlsbad Caverns National Park — Walter H. Kittams, Stanley L. Evans, and Derrick C. Cooke

Blomes of the Guadalupe Escarpment: Vegetation, Lizards, and Human Impact — Frederick R. Gehlbach

Research in National Parks — Robert J. Baker and Hugh H. Genoways

5 Abstracts: First Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks

Proceedings of the First Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks: Volume I
New Orleans, Louisiana, November 9-12, 1976
Robert M. Linn (ed.) (1979)

Opening Remarks — Robert M. Linn

Welcome to the Conference — Richard Trumbull

Introduction of Nathaniel P. Reed — Theodore W. Sudia

Keynote Address — Gary Everhardt

Closing Remarks — Robert M. Linn

Summary of Conference — Stanley A. Cain

TV Editorial


Your Move! The Chance and Choice of Science in the National Parks — Robert C. Euler

The Hole in the System: A Great Plains National Park — Durward L. Allen

Research on Endangered Fishes in the National Parks With Special Emphasis on the Devils Hole Pupfish — James E. Deacon and Maxine S. Deacon

The NPS and Information: A Needed Partnership — Charles Douglas

Ecology of Yellowstone Thermal Effluents: The Blue-Green Algae-Brine Fly Community — Richard G. Wiegert

Energy Analysis of the Everglades National Park — Edward Debellevue, Howard T. Odum, Joan Browder and George Gardner

Marine Biological Research in the Virgin Islands National Park — John E. Randall, Helen a. Randall and Alan H. Robinson

Climatological Studies in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks — Richard A. Dirks

National Park Service Archeological Programs: An Historical Overview — Wilfred D. Logan and F.A. Calabrese

A Resource Basic Inventory to Support Land Use Planning for Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area — J. Robert Stottlemyer

The Saguaro Giant Cactus: An Ecological Perspective — Warren F. Steenbergh and Charles H. Lowe

Predicting Species Changes in Isolated Wildlife Preserves — Ronald I. Miller and Larry D. Harris

Insularity and Mammal Species Number in Two National Parks — A.R. Weisbrod

Application of Island Biogeography Theory to Refuge Design: Making the Right Decision for the Wrong Reasons — L.G. Abele and Edward F. Connor


Prospective Contributions of a Computer-Based Continental Flora to Scientific Information Needs of the National Park Service — Larry E. Morse and Jane I. Lawyer

The Impact of Exotic Plants on the Native Vegetation of Theodore Roosevelt Island — L.K. Thomas, Jr

The Status of Five Exotic Woody Plants in the Tennessee District of Great Smoky Mountains National Park — Jill Baron, Christine Dombrowski and Susan Power Bratton

The Original Survey Notes of the Pictured Rocks and Apostle Islands National Lakeshores and Their Use in Reconstructing Original Forests — D.J. Frederick, L. Rakestraw, C.R. Eder, R.A. Van Dyke, B.J. Griewe and M.A. Anderson

Original Forest Vegetation and Land Use History of the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore — L. Rakestraw, D.J. Frederick, C.R. Eder, R.A. Van Dyke, B.J. Griewe III

Ecology of the Sand Vegetation of the Apostle Islands — Carol A. Jefferson

Plant Distribution in Relation to Geomorphic Processes on Presque Isle Tombolo, Stockton Island, Lake Superior — Barbara Ann Coffin

The Sequoiadendron giganteum Exhibit at the World's Columbian Exhibition in Chicago, 1893 — Donald J. McGraw

Paleoecology of Holocene and Pleistocene Lacustrine Sediments From Zion National Park, Utah — Richard H. Hevly

Palynology of the Gallatin Mountain "Fossil Forests" of Yellowstone National Park, Montana: Preliminary Report — Phillip L. Debord

The Ecology of Sawgrass in the Everglades of Southern Florida — Ronald H. Hofstetter and Frances Parsons

Seasonal Differences in Nitrogen and Phosphorus Concentrations in Sawgrass in Southern Florida — Frances Parsons

The Major Plant Communities of the Fire Island National Seashore — Richard Stalter

Re-Establishment of Prairie Vegetation at Pea Ridge National Military Park, Benton County, Arkansas — Edward E. Dale, Jr. And James W. Gibbons

Air Pollution - Vegetation Effects Studies in Two National Parks — S.V. Krupa, R.J. Kohut and J.A. Laurence

Vegetation in Relation to Environments of Canyonlands National Park — Walter L. Loope and Neil E. West

Distribution and Ecological Relationships of Two Mountain Heaths (Phyllodoce) in Olympic National Park — Ingrid Olmsted

Observations on Snow Algae in California — William H. Thomas

Forest Ecosystems of Mount Rainier National Park — W.H. Moir, F.D. Hobson, M. Hemstrom and J.F. Franklin

Ecology of Alpine Timberline in Olympic National Park — R.W. Fonda

Primary Versus Secondary Succession at Glacier Bay National Monument, Southeastern Alaska — Donald B. Lawrence

Seeds in Soils of Former Everglades Farmlands — John Ewel and Louis Conde

Factors Associated With Tree Failure of Giant Sequoia - Pathological Aspects — Douglas D. Piirto

Factors Associated With Tree Failure of Giant Sequoia - Entomological Aspects — C.T. David, D.A. Tilles and D.L. Wood

Problems of Revegetation of Alpine Tundra — David R. Stevens


Ecology of Shoreline Vegetation, Lake Powell — Loren D. Potter

Natural Resources, White Water Recreation, and River Management Alternatives on the Colorado River, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona — Steven W. Carothers, Stewart W. Aitchison and R. Roy Johnson

Inter-Relationships Among Visitor Usage, Human Impact, and the Biotic Resources of the Riparian Ecosystem in Big Bend National Park — David J. Schmidly, Robert B. Ditton, William J. Boeer and Alan R. Graefe

Ozark River-Use Investigations — Leo F. Marnell

Application of Research Data to Carrying Capacity Determination — Kenneth C. Chilman and John Burde


Environmental Variables and Multi-Annual Cycles in Population Density of the Montane Vole, Microtus Montanvs, in Grand Teton National Park - A Preliminary Report — Aelita J. Pinter

Effects of Prescribed Burning on Small-Mammal Communities in Lava Beds National Monument, California — R.W. Frenzel, E.E. Starkey and H.C. Black

Population Organization and Regulatory Mechanisms of Pine Martens in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming — Tim W. Clark and Tom M. Campbell

Mammals of Guadalupe Mountains National Park — John E. Comely, Hugh H. Genoways and Robert J. Baker

Rhyolite Radionuclide Uptake by Selected Plant Species and Pocket Gophers in Yellowstone National Park — Kenneth L. Diem and Garth S. Kennington

Rabbits and Other Mammals of San Juan Island National Historical Park — A.R. Weisbrod, W.F. Stevens and G.E. Nordquist

Distribution and Richness of Mammal Species in Mount Rainier National Park — A.R. Weisbrod and J.A. Dragavon

Man-Caused Mortalities of Coyotes Radio-Marked in Grand Teton National Park — Walter M. Tzilkowski and Frederick F. Knowlton

Human Disturbance at Wolf Dens - A Management Problem — Richard C. Chapman

The Role of Wolf Predation in a Moose Population Decline — Rolf O. Peterson

Summer Scavenging Activity in Northeastern Alaska — Audrey J. Magoun

Production of Aquatic Macrophytes and Its Utilization by Moose on Isle Royale National Park — Robert W. Aho and Peter A. Jordan

Stream Flow Effects on Beaver Populations in Grand Teton National Park — Thomas C. Collins

Population Studies of Beavers in Isle Royale National Park, Michigan — Philip C. Shelton

Behavior of the European Wild Boar in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park — Mark L. Shaffer

The Feral Pig in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park — James K. Baker

The Behavior, Ecology and Social Organization of the Feral Ponies of Assateague Island — Ronald R. Keiper

Ecological Studies of Feral Burros in Death Valley — Charles L. Douglas and Christopher Norment

Feral Burro Management at Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico — Milford R. Fletcher

Invertebrate Fauna of the Earth Cracks of Wupatki National Monument, Arizona — W. Calvin Welbourn

A Year in the Life of Orthoporus Ornatus, A Desert Millipede — Clifford S. Crawford

Reproductive Characteristics and Management Potential of the Sea Turtle Rookery at Canaveral National Seashore, Florida — L.M. Ehrhart

Herpetological Research in the National Park System — David J. Morafka

Species-Oriented Matrix Studies to Investigate Ecosystems in a Canadian National Park — L.N. Carbyn

Deployment, Dispersal, and Adaptive Strategies of Land Vertebrates on Atlantic and Gulf Barrier Islands — James D. Lazell, Jr

Ecology of Elk on Alpine Tundra in Rocky Mountain National Park — David R. Stevens

A Population Model of the Northern Yellowstone Elk Herd — Charles W. Fowler and William J. Barmore

Desert Bighorn Sheep, Livestock, and Landforms in Canyonlands National Park — Clay Dean

Movements of Desert Bighorn Sheep in the River Mountains of Lake Mead National Recreation Area — M. Leslie, Jr. And Charles L. Douglas

Ewe-Lamb Vocalization and Recognition in Captive Desert Bighorns at Zion National Park, Utah — Henry E. Mccutchen

Dall Sheep in Mount Mckinley National Park: Implications for Conservation — Edward C. Murphy

Ecological Relationships of Mountain Goats(Oreamnos Americanus) in Glacier National Park, Montana — Douglas H. Chadwick

Application of a Ruminant Energetics Model to a Study of Elk Winter Range Carrying Capacity — D.M. Swift, J.E. Ellis and N.T. Hobbs

Junco Habitats in the Western United States — John R. Haldeman

A Limnological Survey of Bass Lake, Point Reyes National Seashore, 1976 — Carl Widmer

Colima Warbler Status at Big Bend National Park, Texas — Roland H. Wauer

Concentrated Avian Utilization of an Early Flowering Century Plant (Agave Havardiana) — Robert L. Neill and Therese M. Allen

Avifaunal Associates of Agave Havardiana Trel., in Big Bend National Park — Therese M. Allen and Robert L. Neill

Wading Bird Preservation in Everglades National Park — James A. Kushlan

White Pelican Reproductive Failures in the Molly Islands Breeding Colony in Yellowstone National Park — Kenneth L. Diem

The Columbian Sharptailed Grouse: With Special Reference to Their Potential Reintroduction to Lava Beds National Monument — E.E. Starkey and R.A. Schnoes

Historical Survey of Peregrine Falcon Eyries in National Park Service Lands Bordering Lake Superior — Frank B. Isaacs and Norman F. Sloan

Forest Fires and the Tree-Hole Nesting Cycle in Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks — Dale L. Taylor

Comparative Ecology of Two Avian Predator Guilds: A Discussion on the Use of Adaptive Syndromes in Studies of Predation — Robert C. Eckhardt

The Influence of Fox Predation on Ring-Billed and Herring Gull Nesting Success — William E. Southern, Francesca J. Cuthbert and Stephen R. Patton


Association of Phytoplankton Photosynthetic Rates With Vertical Temperature and Light Transmission Gradients in Crater Lake, Oregon — Douglas W. Larson

Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Algae and Selected Water Quality Parameters in the Buffalo River, Arkansas — Richard L. Meyer and Laura L. Rippey

Preliminary Studies Into the Aquatic Resources of Gulpha Gorge Creek, Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas — M.S. Ogra, A.C. Sims and G.S. Rai

Bacteriological Indicators and Evaluation of Bather Contamination in Freshwater Ponds in the Cape Cod National Seashore — Jessie S. Ortiz, Stephen A. Souza and William L. Levine

Warming Processes in the Kaweah River, Sequoia National Park, California — Dana L. Abell

Acid Drainage Toxicity and Assessment of Sodium Hydroxide Neutralization in Streams of the Great Smoky Mountains — R.C. Mathews, J.D. Sinks and E.L. Morgan

The Chemistry of the Colorado River and Its Tributaries in Marble and Grand Canyons — Dennis M. Kubly and Gerald A. Cole

The Limnology of Freshwater Kettle Ponds in the Cape Cod National Seashore — Michael Soukup

The Limnology of Four Small Reservoirs in Mississippi — Luther A. Knight, Jr. And Jack Herring

The Significance of Crater Lake as a Scientific Benchmark for Limnological Research — F.O. Hoffman and J.R. Donaldson

An Analysis of the Distribution and Abundance of Baetiskaweah River Basin, California — Dana L. Abell in the Kaweah River Basin, California Dana L. Abell

Fishes of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park — Royal D. Suttkus and Glenn H. Clemmer

Endangered and Threatened Fish in the Yampa and Green Rivers of Dinosaur National Monument — K.H. Seethaler, C.W. Mcada and R.S. Wydoski

Species Relationships Among Fishes of the Genus Gila in the Upper Colorado River Drainage — Gerald R. Smith, Robert Rush Miller and W. Daniel Sable

Reproductive Ecology of the Quitobaquito Pupfish From Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Arizona — Boyd Kynard and Robert Garrett

A Review of Circumstances Affecting the Abundance of Gambusia gaigei, An Endangered Fish Endemic to Big Bend National Park — Clark Hubbs and John G. Williams

Postglacial Dispersion and Present Distribution of Salmonid Fishes in the Northern Cascades Range — Robert Wasem

Man Induced Acid Drainage Impact on Benthic Macroinvertebrate communi.ties in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park — William F. Trumpf, Eric L. Morgan and Ray Herrmann

Age Structure, as Determined by Vertebral Sectioning, and Sex Ratio of Brook Trout {Salvelinus Fontinalis) From Cosby Creek, Great Smoky Mountains National Park — Michael H. Hoff and Eric L. Morgan

The Environment of South Florida, a Summary Report — B.F. Mcpherson, G.Y. Hendrix, Howard Klein and H.M. Tyus

Estuarine and Coastal Marine Fishery Management in Everglades National Park — Gary E. Davis

Seasonal Biomass Estimates of Marine and Estuarine Fishes Within the Western Florida Bay Portion of Everglades National Park, May 1973 to July 1974 — Thomas W. Schmidt

Distribution and Abundance of Marine Mammals in the Waters of the Everglades National Park — Daniel K. Odell

Environmental Studies of Buck Island Reef National Monument — Elizabeth H. Gladfelter and Rosemary K. Monahan

Proceedings of the First Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks: Volume II
New Orleans, Louisiana, November 9-12, 1976
Robert M. Linn (ed.) (1979)


Atmospheric Measurements at Grand Canyon — R.G. Layton, W.C. Malm, K.D. O'Dell and W.R. Willis

Radon 222 and Air Exchange in the Carlsbad Caverns — Marvin H. Wilkening

Alpha Radiation Monitoring at Carlsbad Caverns — Gary M. Ahlstrand and Patricia L. Fry


The Influence of Prescribed Fires on Water-Repellency of Mixed-Conifer Forest Floor — James K. Agee

Investigation of Radiation Produced by Radon and Thoron in Natural Caves Administered by the National Park Service — Keith A. Yarborough, Milford R. Fletcher, Joseph McGown and Patty Fry

Aluminum Precipitation, Beech Flats and Walker's Prong Creeks, Great Smoky Mountains National Park — R. Herrmann, E.L. Morgan and R.L. Green

Havasu Canyon -a Natural Geochemical Laboratory — Robert Giegengack, Elizabeth K. Ralph and Alan M. Gaines

Stratigraphy and Microfossils of the Precambrian Altyn Formation of Glacier National Park, Montana — Brian White

Paleoecology of the Paleocene Black Peaks Formation, Big Bend National Park, Texas — Judith A. Schiebout

Paleoecology of Petrified Woods From the Amethyst Mountain "Fossil Forest," Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming — William J. Fritz and Lanny H. Fisk

Coastal Parameters Relative to Harbor Design — William F. Rittschof, Albert B. Dickas and John J. Fisher

Case History of a Coastal Investigation at the Cape Cod National Seashore — Maurice L. Schwartz

Spit Dynamics and Management Problems of Sandy Hook, Gateway National Recreation Area — Karl F. Nordstrom, Norbert P. Psuty, James R. Allen, Lynn R. Sherman and Jonathan R. Pawlow

Assateague Island: A Case Study of Barrier Island Dynamics — Stephen P. Leatherman

Interactions of Plant Communities and Oceanic Overwash on the manipulated Barrier Islands of Cape Hatteras National Seashore, North Carolina — Richard W. Travis and Paul J. Godfrey

Barrier Island Studies, Mississippi-Alabama Gulf Coast — Ervin G. Otvos, Jr

Active Geologic Processes, Padre Island National Seashore - Impact on Park Management — Christopher C. Mathewson and Robert M. McHam

Geology, Parks and Oil: Energy With Preservation? — John A. Barnett and Raymond Herrmann

Glacial Geology of Recently Deglaciated Bedrock Areas — B. Hallet

Observations of Glacier Variations in Glacier Bay National Monument — William O. Field

Glacier Fluctuations in Glacier Bay, Alaska, in the Past 11,000 Years — Garry D. Mckenzie

Research by the Institute of Polar Studies in Glacier Bay National Monument, Alaska — Richard P. Goldthwait and Garry D. Mckenzie

Aeolian Theory Reexamined for the White River Group — J.C. Harksen, D.K. Olson and E.A. Gordon

Genesis of the Erosional Forms of Bryce Canyon National Park — Robert C. Lindquist

Holocene and Pleistocene Lakes in Zion National Park, Utah — Wayne L. Hamilton

Changes in the Fluvial Deposits of the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon Caused by Glen Canyon Dam — Alan D. Howard and Robert Dolan


Montane Cochise Culture Sites in Coronado National Memorial — Yvonne G. Stewart

Navajo Archeology in Canyon Del Muerto: The Historic Study of the Modern Inhabitants of Canyon De Chelly National Monument, Arizona — Pamela C. Magers

New Interpretations of Canyon De Chelly Prehistory - Summary of the Antelope House Project — Don P. Morris

Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in Canyon De Chelly National Monument — James A. Mcdonald

Atlatl Cave: Archaic-Basketmaker Ii Investigations in Chaco Canyon National Monument — T.W. Mathews and E.H. Neller

Strange Bedfellows? Tangent Points of In-Park Cultural and Natural Resources Research — Roger E. Kelly

Steps and Trails in the Glen Canyon Area — Natalie B. Pattison

Ocmulgee National Monument: Peripheral Sites Tuft Springs #1 (13Bi25) and #2 (13Bi19) — James W. Stoutamire

Homage to Gustavus Cheney Doane: Science in Our National Parks — Gary A. Wright

How Old Is Capulin Mountain?: Correlation Between Capulin Mountain Volcanic Flows and the Folsom Type Site, Northeastern New Mexico — Adrienne B. Anderson and C. Vance Haynes, Jr

The Development of a Complex Cultural Ecosystem in the Chaco Basin, New Mexico — W. James Judge

Archaeological Research in National Park Service Areas: The University of Colorado Example — David A. Breternitz

Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in the Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area, South Central Montana — Lawrence L. Loendorf

Current Anthropological Research - Grand Canyon National Park — Robert C. Euler

Ethnohistory of the Kaltag Portage, West Central Alaska — Elizabeth Andrews and Kathryn Koutsky

Archaeological Sampling Techniques in Alaska — Harvey M. Shields

What's Cooking in the Caldera: Multiple Use on the Aniakchak Coastline of Alaska — Merry Allyn Tuten

Chemical Methods of Ruins Stabilization — Dennis B. Fenn and Raymond E. Burge

Preservation of Rock Art — Christy G. Turner II, Richard L. Bradshaw and William J. Burke

Magnetic Surveying of Archaeological Sites — John W. Weymouth

The Inundation Study: A Unique Approach to Cultural Resources Management — Toni Carrell

Composite Mapping for Archaeology — John E. Ehrenhard

Implications of Rainfall Records at Mesa Verde National Park — J.E. Ingmanson and M.A. Colyer

The Impact of Man on National Park Service Areas From Prehistory to the Present — John L. Cotter


Dispersed Winter Recreation in the Crater Lake - Diamond Lake Area — Kent Downing and Terry Jo Thompson

Economic Impact of Proposed Klondike Gold Rush National Historic Park on Skagway, Alaska — Ken L. Casavant and James C. Barron

Strategies for the Assessment of Social-Psychological Carrying Capacities of Whitewater Rivers: A Comparative Analysis — Richard M. Schreyer and Joseph W. Roggenbuck

A Population of Local Fishermen and Their Perceptions of Change in a River Environment — Kenneth C. Chilman and Marvin Brown

Assessing User Spatial Density Preference: Toward a Social Carrying Capacity Model — Robert H. Becker

Prevalence of Social Interaction in a National Park Family-Campground — Glenn E. Haas

Multidimensional Beliefs of Youth Toward National Parks — F.P. Noe and Kirk Elifson

Pay as You Play: An Analysis of Attitudes Toward a Fee-for-Use Approach to Outdoor Recreation — Michael D. Grimes, Thomas K. Pinhey and Daniel E. Campos

A Review of Forest Service Recreation Research Results — Elwood L. Shafer

Interpersonal Behavior in Citizen Involvement Workshops — D.Q. Brodie and Susan F. Taylor


Yosemite National Park Planning: Computerized Data Retrieval and Analysis — Gregory Schalliol, Margaret Morgan, John Reynolds, Robert Schiller and Thomas Fake

A Conceptual Backcountry Carrying Capacity Model — Jan W. Van Wagtendonk

Use of a Wilderness Simulator for Management Decisions — Jan W. Van Wagtendonk

Analysis of Rhyolite Canyon Watershed, Chiricahua National Monument: A Prototype Study to Improve the Efficiency of Natural Resource Decision Making — Michael M. Mccarthy, Anne F. Frondorf and Lewis S. Albert

Multispectral Scanner Data: Useful for Planning and Managing the National Park System? — Harvey Fleet, Kenneth Muth and Nancy Fries

Computer-Aided Parkland Research Optimization — R.H. Giles, Jr., A.R. Tipton, T.L. Sharik, G.J. Buhyoff and K.A. Argow

Predicting Impacts of Proposed Facilities in Parks — Robert H. Giles, Jr., A.B. Jones III, A.R. Tipton and T.L. Sharik

The Use of Simulation Models in Projecting Potential Visitation to New National Park Areas in Alaska — R. Gerald Wright

The Use of Spatial Simulation Models in Evaluating Land-Use and Resource Management Strategies in the Proposed Alaskan Parks — R. Gerald Wright


Monitoring Emergence Periods of the Smaller European Elm Bark Beetle Scolytus multistr1atus in the National Capital Region, With Multilure Baited Traps — James L. Sherald

The Impact of Defoliation by Gypsy Moths on the Forest at Morristown National Historic Park, New Jersey — Joan G. Ehrenfeld

Dutch Elm Disease Therapy in the National Capital Parks -a Progress Report — James L. Sherald

Comparative Studies on Growth and Development of St. Augustine Grass Turf as Affected by Commercially Available Retardants — G.A. Rai, J.S. Ogra, L.Y. Yatsu and J.D. Tallant

Root Disease, Hazard, and Forest Protection in Yosemite Valley — J.R. Parmeter, Jr., M. Srago, N.J. MacGregor and F.W. Cobb, Jr

Composting - an Attractive and Economical Way to Recycle urban-produced Organic Materials — J.C. Patterson and J.R. Short

Utilization of Urban-Produced Wastes for Soil Renovation — J.R. Short and J.C. Patterson

Use of Composted Sewage Sludge for the Establishment of Turfgrass Sod — Jay S. Angle, Duane C. Wolf and John R. Hall III

Soil Compaction - Effects on Urban Vegetation — James C. Patterson and John R. Short

Modification of Bulk Density on Sandy Loam and Silty Loam Soils in Washington, D.C. — J.R. Short and J.C. Patterson

Effects of Off-Road Vehicles on the Geomorphology of Dunes in Cape Cod National Seashore — Stephen P. Leatherman

Aspen Utilization by Large Herbivores in Rocky Mountain National Park and Its Implications for Management — Charles E. Olmsted

Land Use Habits and Changes in Vegetation on Eastern Oregon Rangelands: An Historical Perspective — D.A. Shinn

Alpine and Subalpine Vegetation Under the Influence of Non-Native Mountain Goats, Olympic National Park — Ingrid C. Olmsted

Succession Following Goat Removal in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park — Dieter Mueller-Dombois

The Use of Uniform Ecosystem Parameters to Characterize Natural Areas — G. Bradford Shea

The Natural Landmarks Program — Gary S. Waggoner

Natural Area Classification System: A Standardization Scheme, II — Albert E. Radford and J. Dan Pittillo

A Method for Evaluating National Parks and Natural Areas — George A. Petrides

The Haleakala Crater Ecosystem — Clifford W. Smith

Baseline Ecological Studies and Planning in Apostle Islands National Lakeshore — R.T. Brown, R.M. Linn, W.L. Kowalski, W.C. Larsen and R.A. Schulz

Resource Monitoring System, Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona — William H. Moir and William M. Lukens

What Would You Do With, Say, San Miguel Island? — Milton C. Kolipinski

Plant Community Responses to the Use of Prescribed Burning as an Alternative to Mowing in the Management of Big Meadows, Shenandoah National Park — W.D. Cocking, E.E. Baxter and S.L. Lilly

Fire Management of Lava Beds National Monument — Robert E. Martin and Arlen H. Johnson

Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Natural Fuels in Glacier Park — Bruce W. Jeske and Collin D. Bevins

Fire Modeling for Natural Fuel Situations in Glacier National Park — Collin D. Bevins

The Fire Management Plan for Pinnacles National Monument — James K. Agee and Harold H. Biswell

Fire Resilient Forests of Douglas Fir in Olympic National Park: An Hypothesis — R.W. Fonda

Moose-Forest-Fire Ecology in Isle Royale National Park — Robert A. Janke

Fire Management in Everglades National Park — William L. Bancroft

Patterns of Soil Erosion and Vegetation Damage Associated With Trails and Campsites in Great Smoky Mountains National Park — Matthew G. Hickler and Susan Power Bratton

Cultural Influences on Subalpine and Alpine Meadow Vegetation in Yosemite National Park — Daniel O. Holmes

Management Studies of Human Impact at Backcountry Campsites in Olympic National Park, Washington — Bruce B. Moorhead and Edward S. Schreiner

Visitor Impact on Subalpine Meadow Vegetation in Glacier National Park, Montana — Ernest Hartley

Visitor Use Impact in a Subalpine Meadow, Yosemite National Park, California — John Lemons

Geology, Soils, and Recreational Limitations of Bear Island, Wisconsin, Apostle Islands National Lakeshore — William L. Kowalski

Mountain Meadow Management and Research in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks: A Review and Update — Steven H. Debenedetti and David J. Parsons

Wilderness Protection in the High Sierra: Effects of a 15-Year Closure — David J. Parsons and Steven H. Debenedetti

Analysis of Kaiparowits: Power Plant Impacts on National Recreation Resources — Richard V. Giamberdine, Alex R. Carter, Douglas D. Faris, John T. Austin and Joel V. Kussman

Title unknown.
Title unknown.

Abstracts: 2nd Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks


Anthropological Concerns in the National Parks

Applications of Remote Sensing Techniques

Archeological Research at Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site

Environmental and Archeological Studies in the National Parks

Preservation Methods

Recent Interpretations of the Anasazi Culture

Recent Studies in Arctic Anthropology

The Effects of Natural Impacts on Cultural Resources


Aquatic Systems

Fisheries Resources


Urban Environmental Studies


Environmental Education


Resource Analysis and Mapping


Atmospheric Resources

Coastal Systems

Earth Sciences

Hydrological Studies


Application of Social Science to Interpretation

Backcountry and Wilderness

Human Behavior and Planning

Human Definitions of Parks and Recreation Settings

Information Systems and Visitor Monitoring Programs

Interaction Between Man and Animals in Parks

Interpreting Trends for River Recreation Planning

ORV's and Other Motorized Vehicles

Parks as Social Systems

Problems and Opportunities: The Case of the Park Visitor

Putting River Recreation Research to Work

Quality of Experiences in River Recreation

Recreation Carrying Capacity: Management and Research Implications

Social Adjustments to National Park Environments: Implications for Policy

Special Populations in Parks

Visual Perception of National Park Lands


Ecosystem Studies/Interdisciplinary Approach

Endangered and Threatened Species

Energetics Analysis/Systems Modeling

Exotic Species

Fire Ecology

Human Impact on Natural Resources

Human Impact on Natural Resources/ORV's

Origins and Development of the National Park Idea

Resource Management and Planning


Information Technology


Coastal Systems

Plant Ecology


Animal Ecology

Avian Studies

Mammal-Habitat Relationships

Mammal Studies

Conference Program: 2nd Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks

General Information

Film Theatre

Scientific Program

Author Index

Index to Invited Speakers and Session Chairpersons

Floor Plans of Sheraton-Palace Hotel

Proceedings of the Second Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks
San Francisco, California, November 26-30, 1979

v. 1 Special addresses. Anthropology

v. 2. Aquatic Biology

v. 3. Environmental concerns in urban, impacted parks. Environmental education

v. 5 Physical sciences

v. 6. Sociology

v. 8. Endangered and threatened species. Exotic species

v. 11. Terrestrial biology: Botany, coastal biology

v. 12. Terrestrial biology: Zoology

Proceedings of the Second Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks: Volume 4
San Francisco, California, November 26-30, 1979

v. 4. Resource analysis and mapping

The Importance of Vegetation Mapping for Managing Park Service Natural Resources — David A. Mouat and R. Roy Johnson

A Structural Vegetation Classification System for Inventory and Habitat Assessment — Jane Bunin and William Moir

Herbarium Computerization at Great Smoky Mountains National Park — Peter S. White

Vegetation and Environment of Haleakala National Park Crater District — Louis D. Whiteaker

The Indian Peaks Environmental Atlas, Colorado Front Range — J.D. Ives, R. Baumgartner, S. Burns, V. Dow, K. Harsen, A. Ketchin, D. Luff, B. McCord and M. Plam

Vegetation Mapping at Grand Canyon National Park: An Analysis of Techniques — D. A. Mouat, K.L. Reichardt, P.L. Warren, and B.K. Mortensen

Denver Service Center Remote Sensing Program: Experimental and Operational — Maurice O. Nyquist

Use of Digitized Aerial Photography and Merged Landsat Digital Data in Resource Mapping — J. Robert Stottlemyer

Remote Air and Water Quality Monitoring by Satellite Retrieved Data in Great Smoky Mountains National Park — Raymond E. Burge and Raymond C. Mathews, Jr.

Resource Values of the Aquatic and Riparian Vegetation of Roaring Springs, Grand Canyon — Barbara G. Phillips, R. Roy Johnson, Arthur M. Phillips, III, and Jan E. Bowers

Presettlement Vegetation of the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore — John A. Bacone, Ronald K. Campbell and Gerould S. Wilhelm

A Natural Resources Study of Channel Islands National Monument, California: An Overview — Charles D. Woodhouse

Proceedings of the Second Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks: Volume 7
San Francisco, California, November 26-30, 1979

v. 7. Ecosystem studies/Interdisciplinary approach
Resource management and planning
Information technology


Ecosystem Studies in the Hoh River Drainage, Olympic National Park — Jerry F. Franklin

Interactions Among Fluvial Processes, Forest Vegetation, and Aquatic Ecosystems, South Fork Hoh River Olympic National Park, Washington — Frederick J. Swanson and George W. Lienkaemper

Habitat and Food Resources for Invertebrate Communities in South, Fork Hoh River, Olympic National Park, Washington — G. Milton Ward, Kenneth W. Cummins, Stanley V. Gregory, Robert W. Speaker, Thomas L. Dudley, and Amelia K. Ward

Ecology and Habitat Requirements of Fish Populations in South Fork Hoh River, Olympic National Park — J. R. Sedell, P.A. Bisson and J. A. June

Structure, Composition, and Reproductive Behavior of Terrace Forests, South Fork Hoh River, Olympic National Park — Arthur McKee, George LaRoi and Jerry Franklin

The Biomass, Coverage, and Decay Rates of Dead Boles in Terrace Forests, South Fork Hoh River, Olympic National Park — Robin Lee Lambert

Relationships Within the Valley Floor Ecosystems in Western Olympic National Park: A Summary — Jerry F. Franklin, Frederick J. Swanson and James R. Sedell

Home Range and Habitat Use by Non-Migratory Elk (Cervus Elaphus Roosevelti) in Olympic National Park, Washington — Kurt J. Jenkins and Edward Starkey


The Role of the National Park Service Natural Resources Manager — Roland H. Wauer

The Conference Concept in Park Planning — Stephen P. Leatherman, Rolf Diamant and William Gregg

The Importance of Biotic Lists and Population Information to Resource Management — R. Roy Johnson, Lois T. Haight

Multidisciplinary Approach to Resource Management: Planning for Channel Islands National Monument — Nancy L. Fries and Q. Nicholas Whelan

Mission-Oriented Research in Voyageurs National Park — Glen F. Cole

Perspectives on the Development of Alternatives for a Resource Management Plan for Indiana Dunes National Lake Shore — William H. Hendrickson

A Conceptual Ecological Model of Glacier Bay, Alaska and Its Implications for Resource Management — R. Gerald Wright and Lynne Zeitlin-Hale

Recreational and Commercial Fisheries in Everglades National Park: An Ecosystem Approach to Resource Management — Gary E. Davis

Applications of a Large Mammal System Study for Natural Resource Management in Riding Mountain National Park, Canada — B. W. Briscoe, L. N. Carbyn and G. C. Trottier

Isle Royale Wolves and National Park Management — Rolf O. Peterson and John M. Morehead

Research and Management of Bighorn Sheep in Joshua Tree National Monument — Charles L. Douglas and Leslie D. White

Biological Impacts of Political Mismanagement of White-Tailed Deer in Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore — William L. Robinson, Lloyd W. Fanter, Albert G. Spalding and Steve L. Jones

Aversive Conditioning of Campground Coyotes in Joshua Tree National Monument — John E. Cornely

Aversive Conditioning of Black Bears in the Backcountry of Yosemite National Park — Bruce C. Hastings and Barrie K. Gilbert


SARRMC:A Model for Intraregional Cooperation — John D. McCrone

Technology Transfer Assistance — Timothy G. OKeefe

Winter Research Opportunities in Glacier Bay — D.D. Chase, G.S. Streveler, G.D. McKenzie and R.G. Goodwin

The Relationship of Natural Areas on National Park Service Lands to Other Natural Areas — P.M. Bergthold and R. Roy Johnson

Nure and the National Park Service — Thomas a. Weaver

Ground-Based Vegetation Monitoring in the National Parks — William H. Moir

Ecological Land Classification: An Integrated Approach to Land Inventory for Possible National Park Management of the Indian Peaks Wilderness Area — David Luff

Basic Ecosystem Studies of the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore — Mark Reshkin, Herman Feldman, Wayne E. Kiefer, Carl H. Krekeler, and Neil v. Weber

Environmental Evaluation of the Buffalo National River Using the Graber Method — Rose S. Lockerd, M. Joseph Lockerd, Shonah Hunter, Linda Allred, Larry B. Barber, II, Elizabeth G.H. Clark, Graham G. Hawks, Jr., Timothy a. Nigh, and Mark a. Paulissen

An Inventory and Classification of Surface Water Resources in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona — B.T. Brown, K.A. Butterfield, R.R. Johnson, and M.S. Moran

Using Field Surveys and Computer Techniques: P. Visual Resource Inventory for Shenandoah National, Parx — Suzanne M. Stutzman

Data-Base Building: Prospects, Problems, and Promise of Digital Cartography — Harvey Fleet

Intormation and Education Programs on the Appalachian National Scenic Trail — Edward L. Spencer

Information Gathering for Vegetation Preservation Management: A Case Study, Muir Woods National Monument — Joe R. McBride and Diana F. Jacobs

Proceedings of the Second Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks: Volume 9
San Francisco, California, November 26-30, 1979

v. 9 Human impact on natural resources
Human impact on natural resources/ORV's


Soil Sensitivity and Resource Management of the Alpine Tundra, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado — Rebecca M. Summer

Coefficient of Community and Carrying Capacity for a Subalpine Meadow — John Lemons

Measuring Impacts of Visitor Use on Backcountry Camp Areas — Susan A. MacLeod David J. Parsons

Vegetative Structure, Physical Environment and Disturbance in White Sands National Monument, New Mexico — William H. Reid

A Comparison of Surface Impact by Hiking and Horseback Riding on Four Trail Surfaces in Great Smoky Mountains National Park — Paul Whittaker and Susan Bratton

Vegetative and Soil Responses on the Appalachian National Scevic Trail — Edward L. Spencer, Roger J. Stern, and Peter J. Marchand

Problem Assess!Ient and Vegetative Rehabilitation of View Points at Bryce Canyon National Park — J.R. Barker,C.A. Call, and C.M. McKell

Human Traffic and Response of Beach Vegetation at Apostle Islands National Lakeshore — Beth Middleton

A Case Evaluation of Excessive Bivouac Use, Rocky Mountain National Park — William M. Tipton

Influence of Modern Man on the Stream System of Yosemite Valley — Jamse F. Milestone

Firewood Gathering Impacts in Backcountry Campsites in Great Smoky Mountains National Park — Susan P. Bratton and Linda L. Stromberg

An Ecological Assessment of Biscayne National Monument's Coral Reefs in Relation to Recreational Use — James T. Tilmant, George P. Schmahl, and Douglas Morrison


A Status Report of Off-Road Vehicle Usage in Coastal National Parks — James F. Palmer

Effects of Off-Road Vehicles on Barrier Beach Processes: Nauset Spit, Cape Cod National Seashore — Robert E. Zaremba, Stephen P. Leatherman, and Paul J. Godfrey

The Preparation of an Off-Road Recreational Vehicle Trail Map of the Province Lands Area of Cape Cod National Seashore — Mark A. Benedict and Paul J. Godfrey

Recreational Impacts on Foredunes: Assateague Island National Seashore — Stephen P. Leatherman and Alan J. Steiner

Off-Road Vehicles and Their Impacts on National Seashores: A Planning Issue With Research Needs — Janet Bergquist Dixon and Jeffrey Heywood

Of Hurricanes and Off-Road Vehicles — Stephen Shabica, Raymond Burge, Amelie Blyth, Wayne Valentine, and Mike Farley

Studies of the Relation Between Vehicle Traffic and Biotic and Sedimentary Processes at Padre Island National Seashore — John T. Baccus and Jack K. Horton

Off-Road Vehicle Impacts in the Big Cypress National Preserve — John E. Carlson, Michael J. Duever, and Lawrence A. Riopelle

Proceedings of the Second Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks: Volume 10
San Francisco, California, November 26-30, 1979

v. 10 Fire ecology


Interpreting the Natural Role of Fire: Implications for Fire Management Policy — Denison. M. Rauw

Fire and Resource Management in Mesa Verde National Park — Philip N. Omi

Natural Fire Management in Rocky Mountain National Park: A Case Study of the Ouzel Fire — Richard D. Laven

The Yosemite and Sequoia-Kings Canyon Prescribed Natural Fire Programs 1968-1978 — Stephen J. Botti and Tom Nichols

Research/Management Prescribed Burning at Lava Beds National Monument — Robert E. Martin, Craig M. Olson, and James Sleznick, Jr.

Reconstructing Presettlement Forests in National Parks: A New Approach — Thomas M. Bonnicksen and Edward C. Stone

Fire History in the Foothill Zone of Sequoia National Park — David J. Parsons and Richard P. Hedlund

Fire in the Forests of Mount Rainier National Park — Miles A. Hemstrom

Fire and Logging History of Voyageurs National Park — L. Rakestraw, M. Coffman, and J. Ferris

Fire Disturbance and Vegetation Recovery in the Low Elevation Forests of Western Great Smoky Mountains National Park — Mark E. Harmon

Fire History of a Relict Mixed Conifer Forest — Gary M. Ahlstrand

Two Centuries of Fire in the High Chisos, Big Bend National Park, Texas — William H. Moir

The Role of Fire in Northern Coast Redwood Forest Dynamics — Stephen D. Veirs, Jr.

Occurrence of Wildlife Pires in Zion National Park in Relation to Ecosystem and Record-Taking Variables — Neil E. West and Walter L. Loope

Climatic Factors Influencing Large Lightining Fires in Olympic National Park — Mark H. Huff

The Relationship Between Phenology and Plant Water Stress of Chaparral Shrubs — G.A. Baker, P.W. Rundel, and D.J. Parsons

The Role of Shrub Structure and Chemistry in the Flamability of Chaparral Shrubs — P.W. Rundel, D.J. Parsons, and G.A. Baker

The Distribution and Dynamics of Forest Fuels in Western Great Smoky Mountains National Park — Mark E. Harmon

Forest Dynamics and Fuelwood Supply of the Stehekin Valley, Washington — Bruce C. Larson and Chadwick Dearing Oliver

Natural Fire in the Sierra Nevada, California — Jason M. Greenlee, James Villeponteaux, and Elizabeth A. Sheekey

Impact of Fire in a Hawaiian Submontane Seasonal Forest — C.W. Smith, T. Parman, and K. Wampler

Establishment of Vegetation Following Fire in a Subalpine Meadow of the Southern Sierra Nevada: One Year Post-Burn — Stephen H. De Benedetti

Fuel Dynamics in Two Natural Fires in Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Parks — Philip N. Omi

The Effects of Prescribed Burning on Mule Deer in Lava Beds National Monument — Alice Purcell, Roger Schones, and Robert E. Martin

Effects of Prescribed Fires on Vegetation in Lava Beds National Monument — Craig M. Olson, Arlen H. Johnson, and Robert E. Martin

Vegetation Dynamics and Prescribed Fire Effects, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon — R.J. Mastrogiuseppe

Fire Ecology at Bandelier National Monument — Teralene S. Foxx and Loren D. Potter

Ecological Research in the National Parks of the Pacific Northwest
Compiled from Proceedings of the Second Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks
San Francisco, California, November 26-30, 1979
(September 1982)

Ecosystem Studies in the Hoh River Drainage, Olympic National Park — Jerry F. Franklin

Habitat and Food Resources for Invertebrate Communities in South Fork Hoh River, Olympic National Park — G. Milton Ward, Kenneth W. Cummins, Robert W. Speaker, Amelia K. Ward, Stanley V. Gregory, and Thomas L. Dudley

The Biomass, Coverage, and Decay Rates of Dead Boles in Terrace Forests, South Fork Hoh River, Olympic National Park — Robin Lee Lambert Graham

Structure, Composition, and Reproductive Behavior of Terrace Forests, South Fork Hoh River, Olympic National Park — Arthur McKee, George LaRoi, and Jerry F. Franklin

Interactions Among Fluvial Processes, Forest Vegetation, and Aquatic Ecosystems, South Fork Hoh River, Olympic National Park — Frederick J. Swanson and George W. Lienkaemper

Ecology and Habitat Requirements of Fish Populations in South Fork Hoh River, Olympic National Park — J. R. Sedell, P. A. Bisson, J. A. June, and R. W. Speaker

Relationships Within the Valley Floor Ecosystems in Western Olympic National Park: A Summary — Jerry F. Franklin, Frederick J. Swanson, and J. R. Sedell

Introduction and Dispersal of Mountain Goats in Olympic National Park — Bruce B. Moorhead and Victoria Stevens

Factors Reflecting Mountain Goat Condition and Habitat Quality: A Comparison of Sub-populations in Olympic National Park — Victoria Stevens

Mother-Infant Interactions Among Free-Ranging, Non-Native Mountain Goats (Oreamnos americanus) in Olympic National Park — Michael Hutchins and Craig Hansen

Home Range and Habitat Use by Non-Migratory Elk (Cervus elaphus roosevelti) in Olympic National Park — Kurt J. Jenkins and Edward E. Starkey

Pollutant Monitoring in the Olympic National Park Biosphere Reserve — Kenneth W. Brown and G. Bruce Wiersma

Research/Managment Prescribed Burning at Lava Beds National Monument — Robert E. Martin, Craig M. Olson, and James Sleznick, Jr.

Effects of Prescribed Fires on Vegetation in Lava Beds National Monument — Craig M. Olson, Arlen H. Johnson, and Robert E. Martin

Single-Year Response of Breeding Bird Populations to Fire in a Curlleaf Mountainmahogany-Big Sagebrush Community — Tamara E. Tiagwad, Craig M. Olson, and Robert E. Martin

Effects of Prescribed Burning On Mule Deer in Lava Beds National Monument — Alice Purcell, Roger Schnoes, and Edward E. Starkey

Fire in the Forests of Mount Rainier National Park — Miles A. Hemstrom

Forest Dynamics and Fuelwood Supply of the Stehekin Valley, Washington — Bruce C. Larson and Chadwick Dearing Oliver

Optical Properties of Crater Lake, Oregon: Variation in Secchi Disk Transparency, 1937-79 — Douglas W. Larson and Mark E. Forbes

Species Composition and Vertical Distribution of Pelagic Zone Phytoplankton in Crater Lake, Oregon: 1940-79 — Douglas W. Larson and N. Stan Geiger

8 Examples of Resource Inventory and Monitoring in National Parks of California: Proceedings of the Third Biennial Conference on Research in California's National Parks
September 13-15, 1988, University of California, Davis, California
Charles Van Riper III, Thomas J. Stohlgren, Stephen D. Veirs, Jr. and Silvia Castillo Hillyer (eds.) (1990)


Foreword — F. Eugene Hester


Section I: Fauna

Introduction — Charles van Riper III

Design Considerations for National Park Inventory Databases — James F. Quinn and Charles van Riper III

Comparative Analyses of Bird Inventory Databases from California National Parks — Raymond M. Sauvajot, James F. Quinn, Charles van Riper III and Chris Farmer

Monitoring of Golden Eagle Nests at Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area — Robert F Plantrich

Breeding Distribution of the Marbled Murrelet in Redwood National Park and Vicinity During 1988 — C. John Ralph, Peter W. C. Paton, Aivars Zakis and Gary Strachan

A Comparative Analysis of Mammal Inventory Data for California's National Parks — Rosamonde R. Cook, James F. Quinn and Charles van Riper III

Monitoring the Population Dynamics of a Reintroduced Mountain Sheep Herd in the Sierra Nevada, California — Leslie S. Chow, Jeffrey A. Keay and Peggy E. Moore

Food Habits of Fishes in the Redwood Creek Estuary — Timothy J. Salamunovich and Richard L. Ridenhour III

Visitor Crowding and Conflict at Whiskeytown: A Social Carrying Capacity Approach — Martha E. Lee, Donald R. Field and Kristen S. Martinson

Section II: Flora

Introduction — Thomas J. Stohlgren

Assembly of a Standardized Database for Vascular Plants in California's National Park Service Lands — George R. Robinson, James F. Quinn and Charles van Riper III

Toward an Inventory of Lichens of Pinnacles National Monument — Clifford W. Smith

Alien Plant Inventory of Golden Gate National Recreation Area — Terri Thomas

Establishment and Control of Bull Thistle (Cirsium vulgare) in Yosemite Valley — John M. Randall

Post-grazing Grassland Succession in Golden Gate National Recreation Area — Terri Thomas

Section III: Physical Processes

Introduction — Stephen D. Veirs, Jr.

Conifer Litter and Organic Matter Accumulation at Timberline, Lassen Peak — Francisco L. Perez

Collecting and Using Soil Survey Information in Park Management: Examples from Redwood National Park — James H. Popenoe

Monitoring Prescribed Fire Effects on Chamise Chaparral — Thomas J. Stohlgren

Fire Management Policy and Boundary Effects on Parks: Lassen Volcanic National Park—A Case Study — Ronda L. Little and Christine Schonewald-Cox

The Giant Sequoia Fire Controversy: The Role of Science in Natural Ecosystem Management — David J. Parsons

9 Protecting Biological Diversity in the National Parks: Workshop Recommendations
May 3-5, 1988, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Gatlinburg, Tennessee
F. Dominic Dottavio, Peter F. Brussard, John D. McCrone (eds.) (1990)






Welcome Address — Robert M. Baker

Keynote Address: Research — Dan Goodman

Keynote Address: Management — Boyd Evison

Section I. Management Policies and Issues

Section II. Inventory and Monitoring

Section III. Viable Populations

Section IV. Human Disturbance

Section V. Dynamic Processes

Section VI. Integrating Parks into Larger Units

Summary of Recommendations

10 Proceedings of the First Biennial Conference on Research in Colorado Plateau National Parks
Peter G. Rowlands, Charles van Riper III, Mark K. Sogge (eds.) (1993)


Foreword — Dennis B. Fenn

Preface — Peter G. Rowlands, Charles van Riper III, and Mark K. Sogge

Section I. Biological Resources

Ichthyofauna of the Colorado and Green Rivers in Canyonlands National Park, Utah — Richard A. Valdez and Robert D. Williams

Field Methods for Studying the Colorado River Fishes in Grand Canyon National Park — Richard A. Valdez, William J. Masslich, Larry Crist, and William C. Leibfried

Regulated Flows, Trout Spawning, and Abundance of Bald Eagles on the Colorado River, Grand Canyon National Park — William C. Leibfried and W. Linn Montgomery

Peregrine Falcon Recovery in the Southwest: The Administrative Necessity for a Survey Protocol and the Ecological Importance of the Grand Canyon — Richard L. Glinski

Tree Selection by Tassel-eared Squirrels of the Ponderosa Pine Forests of the Colorado Plateau — William S. Gaud, W. Sylvester Allred, and Jack S. States

Management Model for Predicting Fall Lamb:Ewe Ratios in Desert Bighorn Sheep, Canyonlands National Park, Utah — Charles L. Douglas

Possible Effects of the Realignment of U.S. Highway 93 on Movements of Desert Bighorns in the Black Canyon Area — Stanley C. Cunningham, Layne Hanna, and Joseph Sacco

Integrated Conservation Strategies for Recovery of Sentry Milkvetch at the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park — Joyce Maschinski

Late-Wisconsin and Holocene Vegetation in Arches National Park, Utah — Saxon E. Sharpe

Effects of Long-term Livestock Exclusion in a Semiarid Grassland — Carl E. Bock and Jane H. Bock

Section II. Cultural Resources

Adverse Effects of Domestic Livestock Grazing on the Archaeological Resources of Capitol Reef National Park, Utah — Alan J. Osborn and Ralph J. Hartley

New Evidence for the Antiquity of Fremont Occupation in Glen Canyon, South-central Utah — Phil R. Geib

Sources of Igneous Temper for Fremont Ceramics of South-central Utah — Phil R. Geib and Margaret M. Lyneis

Section III. Physical Resources

Long-term Effects of Humans on Beaches at Selected Colorado River Campsites in Grand Canyon National Park — Stanley S. Beus and Frank B. Lojko

Montezuma Well: A Dynamic Hydrologic System — Charles C. Avery and Martin Helmke

Aircraft Monitoring Methods at Grand Canyon National Park: An Evaluation — Linda C. Mazzu

Air Quality on the Colorado Plateau: Panel Discussion Synopsis — Roger Clark

Section IV. Geographic Information Systems and Information Management

Comparison of Interpolation Algorithms for Digital Elevation Model Generation and Subsequent Viewshed Analysis — Gary L Christopherson, D. Phillip Guertin, Michael R. Kunzmann, Kenneth L. Kvamme, and Thomas Potter

Evaluating Baseline Biological Data Bases in National Park Units in Arizona — Elena T. Deshler, Thomas J. Stohlgren, and Mark K. Sogge

Special Report: National Park Service 75th-anniversary Symposium

Protecting Our National Parks: Challenges and Strategies for the 21st Century — Robert C. Cunningham

11 Proceedings of the Second Biennial Conference on Research in Colorado Plateau National Parks
Charles van Riper III (ed.) (1995)

List of Contributors

Preface — H. Ronald Pulliam

Introduction — Charles van Riper III

Section I. Physical Resources

Geomorphology of the Hanging Gardens of the Colorado Plateau — Cathleen L. May, James F. Fowler, Nancy L. Stanton

Giant Sandstone Weathering Pits Near Cookie Jar Butte, Southeastern Utah — Dennis I. Netoff, Brian J. Cooper, Ralph R. Shroba

Large-scale Geologic Mapping in Great Basin National Park, Nevada — Janet L. Brown, Vidal Davila, Jr.

Using Land-based Photogrammetry to Monitor Sandbar Stability in Grand Canyon on a Daily Time Scale — Leland R. Dexter, Brian L. Cluer, Mark Manone

Section II. Cultural Resources

Radiocarbon Record for Archaic Occupation of the Central Colorado Plateau — Phil R. Geib

Compositional Analysis of Temper in E1nery Gray Ceramics From Central Utah — Kimberly Spurr

A Model to Study Fire Effects on Cultural Resource Studies of Mesa Verde — Lisa Floyd-Hanna, William H. Romme, Allan Loy, David D. Hanna

Public Support for Protecting Grand Canyon Resources — Frederic I. Solop, Elaine Rodriquez

Section III. Natural Resources

A Preliminary Vegetation Classification for the Colorado Plateau — John R. Spence, William H. Rom1ne, Lisa Floyd-Hanna, Peter G. Rowlands

Level of Endemism in Hanging Gardens of the Colorado Plateau — James F. Fowler, Nancy L. Stanton, Ronald L. Hartman, Cathleen L. May

Tissue Culture of Mature Ponderosa Pine: Callus Induction and Differentiation — Yiqun Lin, Michael R. Wagner

Preliminary Survey of Leopard Frogs in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area — Charles A. Drost, Mark K. Sogge

Temperature Patterns of Rattlesnakes at National Bridges National Monument, Utah — Tim B. Graham, Trevor Persons, William Schaedla, Donald Moore

Cowbird Concentrations at Livestock Corrals in Grand Canyon National Park — Matthew J. Johnson, Mark K. Sogge

Observations of a Great Blue Heron Colony From 1987 to 1993 — Tim B. Graham, Ron W. Meyer

Abert's Squirrels of the Colorado Plateau: Their Reproductive Cycle — Gilbert C. Pogany, W. Sylvester Allred

12 Proceedings of the Third Biennial Conference of Research on the Colorado Plateau
Charles van Riper, III, and E. T. Deshler (eds). (1997)

List of Contributors

Preface — Dennis B. Fenn

Introduction — Charles van Riper III

Section I. Biological Resources

Life History and Ecology of the Humpback Chub in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. Arizona — Richard A. Valdez and Ronald J. Ryel

Desert Rodent Communities of the Canyon Country Province, Colorado Plateau — Steven S. Rosenstock

Home Ranges and Movements of Pronghorn in Northern Arizona — Richard A. Ockenfels, William K. Carrel, and Charles van Riper III

Inventory of Bats in High Plateau Forests of Central and Southern Utah — Dan A. Foster, Laura Grignon, Evan Hammer, and Brian Warren

Comparison of Techniques for Monitoring Riparian Birds in Grand Canyon National Park — David L. Felley and A1ark K. Sogge

Characteristics of Mcrriam's Turkey Loafing Habitat Reused following Silvicultural Treatment — Brian F. Wakeling, Chris J. Mehling, and Cheryl M. Mollohan

Winter Movement Patterns of Mcrriam's Turkeys in North-central Arizona — Brian F. Wakeling

Assessment of the Canopy Closure Projections by the PROGNOSIS Model — Dennis D. Haywood, Brian F. Wakeling, and C. Richard Miller

Dendrochronological Analysis of Goodding Willows in Grand Canyon National Park — Joy Nystrom Mast and Gwendolyn Waring

After 100 Years of Forest Management: "The North Kaibab" — L. D. Garrett, M. II. Soulen, and J. R. Fllenwood

Changes from 1876 to 1994 in a Forest Ecosystem near Walnut Canyon, Northern Arizona — Jody P. Menzel and W. Wallace Covington

The Knowles Cañon Hanging Garden, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Five Years after Burning: Vegetation and Soil Biota Patterns — Tim B. Graham

Section II. Physical Resources

Integration of Grand Canyon Physical and Biological Information: A Progress Report — Vicky J. Meretsky and Theodore S. Melis

Evidence for Deep Water Deposition of the Tapeats Sandstone. Grand Canyon, Arizona — Elaine G. Kennedy, Ray Kahlanow, and Arthur V. Chadwick

Section III. Cultural Resources

Preliminary Results of Noise Monitoring in 1995 in Bryce Canyon National Park — Dan A. Foster and Richard M. Bryant

Prehistoric Agriculture at High Altitude on the Northern Colorado Plateau — William B. Fawcett and Jason R. Bright

Conference Proceedings (Unnumbered and Cooperating Agencies)

Proceedings of the Fourth Biennial Conference of Research on the Colorado Plateau. Charles van Riper, III. and M. A. Stuart. USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center CPFS Rep. Ser., 99/16, Flagstaff, AZ. (Published by USDA Forest Service) (1999)

Proceedings of the Fifth Biennial Conference of Research on the Colorado Plateau. Charles van Riper, III, K.A. Thomas, and M. A. Stuart. U.S. Geological Survey/FRESC Report Series USGSFRESC/COPL/2001/24 (2001)

The Colorado Plateau: Cultural, Biological, and Physical Research Charles van Riper, III and Kenneth L. Cole, eds., University of Arizona Press (2004)

The Colorado Plateau II: Biophysical, Socioeconomic, and Cultural Research Charles van Riper III and David J. Mattson, eds., University of Arizona Press (2005)

The Colorado Plateau III: Integrating Research and Resources Management for Effective Conservation Charles van Riper III and Mark K. Sogge, eds., University of Arizona Press (2008)

The Colorado Plateau IV: Shaping Conservation Through Science and Management Charles van Riper III, Brian F. Wakeling and Thomas D. Sisk, eds., University of Arizona Press (2010)

The Colorado Plateau V: Research, Environmental Planning, and Management for Collaborative Conservation Charles van Riper III, Miguel L. Villarreal, Carena J. van Riper and Matthew J. Johnson, eds., University of Arizona Press (2012)

The Colorado Plateau VI: Science and Management at the Landscape Scale Laura Foster Huenneke, Charles van Rip III and Kelley Ann Hays-Gilpin, eds., University of Arizona Press (2015)

Proceedings of the 12th Biennial Conference of Research on the Colorado Plateau. Barbara E. Ralston, ed. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2015-5180 (2015)

A Quarter Century of Research on the Colorado Plateau: A Compilation of the Colorado Plateau Biennial Conference Proceedings for 1993-2015. Charles van Ripper, III, Charles A. Drost and S. Shane Selleck, eds. U.S. Geological Survey USGS Open-File Report 2015-1115 (2015)

Proceedings of the First Biennial Conference of Research in California's National Parks. Charles van Riper, C., III, L. D. Whittig, and M. L. Murphy (eds.). Cooperative Parks Studies Unit, University of California, Davis, September 9-10, 1982. (1983)

Proceedings of the 2nd Biennial Conference of Research in California's National Parks. Charles van Riper, C., III, and L. D. Whittig (eds.). Cooperative Parks Studies Unit, University of California, Davis. (1985)

Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Research in California's National Parks -- Stephen D. Viers, Jr., Thomas J. Stohlgren, and Christine Schonewald-Cox (eds.) (1991)

Proceedings of the (First) National Park Conference held at Yellowstone National Park September 11 and 12, 1911
(HTML edition)

Proceedings of the (Second) National Park Conference held at Yosemite National Park October 14, 15 and 16, 1912
(HTML edition)

Proceedings of the (Third) National Park Conference held at Berkeley, California, March 11-13, 1915

Proceedings Of The (Fourth) National Parks Conference Held In the Auditorium Of The New National Museum, Washington, D.C., January 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, 1917

Proceedings Of The First Park Naturalists' Training Conference Held at Educational Headquarters, Berkeley, California — November 1 to 30, 1929

Proceedings Of The Second Park Naturalists Conference Held at Grand Canyon National Park — November 13-17, 1940

Chief Park Rangers and Interpreters' Conference (1959)

First World Conference on National Parks (1962)

Second World Conference on National Parks (1972)

Proceedings of the International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology and its Extraterrestrial Applications, A Special Session of the 29th. Annual Convention of the National Speleological Society, White Salmon, Washington, 16 August 1972, ©William R. Halliday, ed., (1976)

New Parks for the Nation: White House Conference on Conservation (1962)

First Annual National Park Service Historic Preservation Conference, Boston, Massachusettes, April 21-23, 1975

Yosemite Centennial Symposium Proceedings: Natural Areas and Yosemite: Prospects for the Future (1990)

Death Valley to Deadwood: Kennecott to Cripple Creek (Proceedings of the 1989 Historic Mining Conference) (1990)

Partnerships in Parks & Preservation, Proceedings and Bibliography (1991)

First Conference on Research and Resource Management in Southern Arizona National Park Areas (1996)

The Guadalupe Mountains Symposium: Proceedings of the 25th anniversary conference on research and resource management in Guadalupe Mountains National Park (1996)

Proceedings: Speakers Series Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo (1998)

Along the Shores of Time: Submerged Historic and Indigenous Resources in the Pacific Rim Region - Proceedings from an International and Interdisciplinary Conference. March 31 - April. 3, 1999 (2001)

Proceedings of Barrier Island Forum and Workshop, Provincetown, Massachusetts- May 28 - 30, 1980 (2002)

Washita Symposium: Past, Present, and Future. November 12-14, 1998

Colorado River: Origin and Evolution; Proceedings of a Symposium Held at Grand Canyon National Park in June, 2000 Edited by Richard A. Young and Earle E. Spamer. (2004)

International Perspectives on Cultural Parks: Proceedings of the First World Conference, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, 1984. (1989)

Conference Proceedings, Recreational Impact on Wildlands, Seattle, Washington, October 27-29, 1978

Proceedings of the Anasazi Symposium, 1981. Jack E. Smith (ed.) (Published by the Mesa Verde Museum Association) (1983)

Proceedings of the Anasazi Symposium, 1991. (Published by the Mesa Verde Museum Association) (1993)

The Guadalupian Symposium, 2000. (Published by the Smithsonian Institution Press)

Proceedings of the First Glacier Bay Science Symposium, Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, September 23-26, 1983 (1984)

Proceedings of the 3rd Resources Management Conference, Souhtwest Region Superintendent's Conference, April 29-30, 1976, Fort Worth, Texas. -- Roland H. Wauer, Coordinator. (1976)

Crossing Boundaries in a Changing Environment — Proceedings of the Central Alaska Park Science Symposium, Sept. 12-14 2006, Denali Park Alaska. Alaska Park Science Vol. 6 No. 2 (December 2007)

Preserving Historic Trails: Conference Proceedings, October 17-20, 2000, Acadia National Park (2000)

Proceedings of the Symposium on Exotic Pest Plants November 2-4, 1988, University of Miami. Technical Report NPS/NREVER/NRTR-91/06 (September 1991)

Conference Session Handbook for A Renaissance in Wilderness Stewardship Westward Look Resort, Tuscon, Arizona, May 17-21, 1993 (1993)

Proceedings of the Workshop on Biosphere Reserves and Other Protected Areas for Sustainable Development of Small Caribbean Islands May 10-12, 1983, Caneel Bay, St. John, Virgin Islands (1984)

Proceedings of a Workshop on Unobtrusive Techniques to Study Social Behavior in Parks, May 20-21, 1983 Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Gatlinburg, Tennessee (John D. Peine, ed. (October 1984)

The Changing Face of the East Mojave Desert: Abstracts from the 2001 Desert Symposium. (April 2001)

Proceedings: New River Symposium, April 12-14, 1984, Boone North Carolina

Proceedings of the Acadia National Park Science Symposium. October 20th, 2018, College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor, Maine. Emma Albee and Abraham Miller-Rushing, eds. (December 10, 2018)

Rally on the High Ground: The National Park Service Symposium on the Civil War. (2011)

Proceedings of the Second Annual Mission Research Conference, San Antonio Missions National Historical Park, Gilberto R. Cruz, ed. (1984)

Proceedings of the 1984 and 1985 San Antonio Missions Research Conferences, San Antonio Missions National Historical Park, Gilbert R. Cruz, ed. (1986)

Selected Essays from the 1986 and 1987 San Antonio Missions Research Conferences, San Antonio Missions National Historical Park, Arthur R. Gómez, ed. (1989)

A Century of Design: Preserving the Built Environment in National and State Parks, Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 21-23, 2016.

Conference on Fossil Resources

Dinosaur National Monument, Vernal, Utah, 1986 (no proceedings published)

Petrified Forest National Park, Holbrook, Arizona, 1989 (no proceedings published)

Proceedings of the Third Conference on Fossil Resources in the National Park Service. Fossil Butte National Monument, Kemmerer, Wyoming, September 14-17, 1992. NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NRFOBU/NRR-94/14, Rachel Benton and Ann Elder, eds., October 1994

Partners in Paleontology: Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Fossil Resources. Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, Colorado Springs, Colorado, October 31 - November 4, 1994. NPS Natural Resources Report NPS/NRFLFO/NRR-97/01, Margaret Johnson and James McChristal, eds., March 1997.

Partners Preserving Out Past, Planning Our Future: Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Fossil Resources. Badlands National Park and South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, South Dakota, 1998, Dakoterra Volume 5, James E. Martin, John W. Hogenson and Rachel C. Benton, eds., October 1998.

Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Fossil Resources. Colorado Bureau of Land Management, Gunnison National Forest, Colorado National Monument, Grand Junction, Colorado, 2001, NPS Geologic Resources Division Technical Report NPS/NRGRD/GRDDTR-01/01, Vincent L. Santucci and Lindsay McClelland, eds., September 2001.

America's Antiquities: 100 Years of Managing Fossils on Federal Lands (7th Conference). New Mexico Museum of Natural History and the New Mexico Bureau of Land Management, Albuquerque, New Mexico, May 22-23, 2006, New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science Bulletin 34, Spencer G. Lucas, Justin A. Spielmann, Patricia M. Hester, Jason P. Kenworthy and Vincent L. Santucci, eds., 2006.

Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Fossil Resources. Utah Friends of Paleontology, Utah Bureau of Land Management, and the Utah Geological Survey, St. George, Utah, May 19-21, 2009, Scott E. Foss, Jennifer L. Cavin, Tina Brown, James I. Kirkland and Vincent L. Santucci, eds., May 2009.

Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Fossil Resources. Fossil Butte National Monument, Kemmerer, Wyoming, April 26-28, 2011, Brigham Young University Geology Studies Volume 49(A), Tyra Olstad and Arvid K. Aase, eds., 2011.

Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Fossil Resources. South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, South Dakota, May 13-15, 2014, Dakoterra Vol. 6, Vincent L. Santucci, Gregory A. Liggett, Barbara A. Beasley, H. Gregory McDonald and Justin Tweet, eds., 2014.

Paleontology on Public Lands: Proceedings of the 25th Annual Tate Conference and 11th Conference on Fossil Resources. Casper College, Casper, Wyoming, May 30-June 2, 2019, ©Tate Geological Museum. 2019.

George Rogers Clark Trans-Appalachian Frontier History Conference

Selected Papers From the 1983 And 1984 George Rogers Clark Trans-Appalachian Frontier History Conference. (HTML edition) Robert J. Holden (ed.) (1985)

Selected Papers From the 1985 And 1986 George Rogers Clark Trans-Appalachian Frontier History Conferences. (HTML edition) Robert J. Holden (ed.) (1988)

Selected Papers From the 1987 And 1988 George Rogers Clark Trans-Appalachian Frontier History Conferences. (HTML edition) Robert J. Holden (ed.) (1990)

Selected Papers From the 1989 And 1990 George Rogers Clark Trans-Appalachian Frontier History Conferences. (HTML edition) Robert J. Holden (ed.) (1991)

Selected Papers From the 1991 And 1992 George Rogers Clark Trans-Appalachian Frontier History Conferences. (HTML edition) Robert J. Holden (ed.) (1994)

Gettysburg Seminars

1. The Changing Interpretations of Gettysburg. The First Annual Gettysburg Seminar. March 6-7, 1992. Gettysburg, PA: Gettysburg National Military Park.
Publication Date: No papers published

2. Battlefields as Sacred Ground. The Second Annual Gettysburg Seminar. March 5-6, 1993. Gettysburg, PA: Gettysburg National Military Park.
Publication Date: No papers published

3. The Public and Private Dwight D. Eisenhower. The Third Annual Gettysburg Seminar. March 5, 1994. Gettysburg, PA: Gettysburg National Military Park.
Publication Date: No papers published

4. Gettysburg 1895-1995: The Shaping of an American Shrine. The Fourth Annual Gettysburg Seminar. March 4, 1995. Gettysburg, PA: Gettysburg National Military Park.
Publication Date: 1995

5. Unsung Heroes of Gettysburg. Programs of the Fifth Annual Gettysburg Seminar. March 23, 1996. Gettysburg, PA: Gettysburg National Military Park.
Publication Date: 1996

6. Mr. Lincoln's Army: The Army of the Potomac in the Gettysburg Campaign. Programs of the Sixth Annual Gettysburg Seminar. 1997. Gettysburg, PA: Gettysburg National Military Park.
Publication Date: 1998

7. The High Water Mark of an Army: The Army of Northern Virginia in the Gettysburg Campaign. Programs of the Seventh Annual Gettysburg Seminar. 1998. Gettysburg, PA: Gettysburg National Military Park.
Publication Date: 1999

8. The American Civil War in 1863. Programs of the Eighth Annual Gettysburg National Military Park Seminar. 2000. Gettysburg, PA: Gettysburg National Military Park.
Publication Date: 2001

9. "I ordered no man to go where I would not go myself": Leadership in the Campaign and Battle of Gettysburg. Papers of the Ninth Annual Gettysburg National Military Park Seminar. April 6-7, 2002. Gettysburg, PA: Gettysburg National Military Park.
Publication Date: 2002

10. "This has been a terrible ordeal": The Gettysburg Campaign and First Day of Battle. Papers of the Tenth Gettysburg National Military Park Seminar. April 3-4, 2004. Gettysburg, PA: Gettysburg National Military Park.
Publication Date: 2005

11. "The Most Shocking Battle I Have Ever Witnessed": The Second Day at Gettysburg. Papers of the 2006 (11th) Gettysburg National Military Park Seminar. April 8-9, 2006. Gettysburg, PA: Gettysburg National Military Park.
Publication Date: 2008

12. The Fate Of A Nation: The Third Day at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Papers of the 2008 (12th) Gettysburg Seminar. April 12-13, 2008. Gettysburg, PA: Gettysburg National Military Park.
Publication Date: 2010

13. Gettysburg: The End of the Campaign and Battle's Aftermath. Papers of the 2010 (13th) Gettysburg Seminar. April 10-11, 2010. Gettysburg, PA: Gettysburg National Military Park.
Publication Date: 2012

14. Gettysburg In History and Memory. Papers of the 2012 (14th) Gettysburg Seminar. April 13-15, 2012. Gettysburg, PA: Gettysburg National Military Park.
Publication Date: No papers published

15. The Unfinished Work: Abraham Lincoln, David Wills and the Soldiers' National Cemetery. Papers of the Fifteenth Semi-Annual Gettysburg National Military Park Seminar, 2014. September 12-14, 2014 Gettysburg, PA: Gettysburg National Military Park.
Publication Date: 2015

16. A Contrast in Commanders: Meade, Lee, and Their Commands at Gettysburg. Papers of the Semi-Annual Gettysburg National Military Park Seminar, 2017. May 12-14, 2017 Gettysburg, PA: Gettysburg National Military Park.
Publication Date: May 2018.
Biennial Scientific Conference on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

1. Plants and Their Environments

2. The Ecological Implications of Fire in Greater Yellowstone

©International Association of Wildland Fire

3. Greater Yellowstone Predators: Ecology and Conservation in a Changing Landscape

4. People and Place: The Human Experience in Greater Yellowstone

5. Exotic Organisms in Greater Yellowstone: Native Biodiversity Under Siege

©Brigham Young University

6. Yellowstone Lake: Hotbed of Chaos or Reservoir of Resilience?

7. Beyond the Arch: Community and Conservation in Greater Yellowstone and East Africa

8. Greater Yellowstone Public Lands: A Century of Discovery, Hard Lessons, and Bright Prospects

9. The '88 Fires: Yellowstone and Beyond

10. Questioning Greater Yellowstone's Future: Climate, Land Use, and Invasive Species

11. Greater Yellowstone in Transition: Linking Science and Decision Making

12. Crossing Boundaries: Science, Management & Conservation in the Greater Yellowstone
Program and Abstracts

13. Building on the Past, Leading into the Future: Sustaining the GYE in the Coming Century
Program and Abstracts

14. Tracking the Human Footprint
Program and Abstracts

15. Expanding the Scope of Science Together: The Next 150 Years
Program and Abstracts
Proceedings of the George Wright Society Conferences on Parks, Protected Areas & Cultural Sites
©George Wright Society

The 1982 GWS Conference • Washington, D.C.
Strategy Conference: Protection of Cultural and Natural Resources—A Research and Education Agenda (no proceedings published)

The 1986 GWS Conference • Fort Collins, CO
Conference on Science in the National Parks
Vol. 1. The Plenary Sessions
, Raymond Herrmann & Terri Bostedt-Craig, eds. (1987)

The 1986 GWS Conference • Fort Collins, CO
Conference on Science in the National Parks
Vol. 2. Wildlife Management and Habitats
, Francis J. Singer, ed. (1987)

The 1986 GWS Conference • Fort Collins, CO
Conference on Science in the National Parks
Vol. 3. Physical Processes and Water Resources
, Marshall Flug, ed. (1987)

The 1986 GWS Conference • Fort Collins, CO
Conference on Science in the National Parks
Vol. 4. Vegetation Change & Historic Landscape Management
, Susan Bratton, ed. (1988)

The 1986 GWS Conference • Fort Collins, CO
Conference on Science in the National Parks
Vol. 5. Management of Exotic Species in Natural Communities
, L. K. Thomas, Jr., ed. (1988)

The 1986 GWS Conference • Fort Collins, CO
Conference on Science in the National Parks
Vol. 6. Fisheries and Coastal Wetlands Research
, Gary Larson & Michael Soukup, eds. (1990)

The 1986 GWS Conference • Fort Collins, CO
Conference on Science in the National Parks
Vol. 7. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Freshwater Wetlands Research
, Douglas A. Wilcox, ed. (1988)

The 1986 GWS Conference • Fort Collins, CO
Conference on Science in the National Parks
Vol. 8. Geographic Information Systems
, Jan W. van Wagtendonk, ed. (1990)

The 1988 GWS Conference • Tucson, AZ
Parks and Neighbors: Maintaining Diversity Across Political Boundaries (no proceedings published)

The 1990 GWS Conference • El Paso, TX
A Society Platform for the Next Decade (no proceedings published)
conference paper cover
The 1992 GWS Conference • Jacksonville, FL
Partners in Stewardship
William E. Brown and Stephen D. Veirs, Jr., eds. (1993)
conference paper cover
The 1995 GWS Conference • Portland, OR
Sustainable Society and Protected Areas
Robert M. Linn, ed. (1995)
conference paper cover
The 1997 GWS Conference • Albuquerque, NM
Making Protection Work
David Harmon, ed. (1997)
conference paper cover
The 1999 GWS Conference • Asheville, NC
On the Frontiers of Conservation
David Harmon, ed. (1999)
conference paper cover
The 2001 GWS Conference • Denver, CO
Crossing Boundaries in Park Management
David Harmon, ed. (2001)
conference paper cover
The 2003 GWS Conference • San Diego, CA
Protecting Our Diverse Heritage: The Role of Parks, Protected Areas, and Cultural Sites
David Harmon, Bruce M. Kilgore, and Gay E. Vietzke, eds. (2004)
conference paper cover
The 2005 GWS Conference • Philadelphia, PA
People, Places, and Parks
David Harmon, ed. (2006)
Program & AbstractsLate Changes, Additional Abstracts & Errata
conference paper cover
The 2007 GWS Conference • St. Paul, MN
Rethinking Protected Areas in a Changing World: Proceedings of the 2007 George Wright Society Biennial Conference on Parks, Protected Areas, and Cultural Sites
Samantha Weber and David Harmon, eds.
conference paper cover
The 2009 GWS Conference • Portland, OR
Rethinking Protected Areas in a Changing World: Proceedings of the 2009 George Wright Society Biennial Conference on Parks, Protected Areas, and Cultural Sites
Samantha Weber, ed.
conference paper cover
The 2011 GWS Conference • New Orleans, LA
Rethinking Protected Areas in a Changing World: Proceedings of the 2011 George Wright Society Biennial Conference on Parks, Protected Areas, and Cultural Sites
Samantha Weber, ed. (2012)
conference paper cover
The 2013 GWS Conference • Denver, CO
Protected Areas in a Changing World: Proceedings of the 2013 George Wright Society Biennial Conference on Parks, Protected Areas, and Cultural Sites
Samantha Weber, ed. (2014)
conference paper cover
The 2015 GWS Conference • Oakland, CA
Engagement, Education, and Expectations: The Future of Parks and Protected Areas—Proceedings of the 2015 George Wright Society Biennial Conference on Parks, Protected Areas, and Cultural Sites
Samantha Weber, ed. (2016)
conference paper cover
The 2017 GWS Conference • Norfolk, VA
Connections Across People, Place, and Time: Proceedings of the 2017 George Wright Society Conference on Parks, Protected Areas, and Cultural Sites
Samantha Weber, ed. (2017)
Death Valley Conference on History and Prehistory

Proceedings: First Death Valley Conference on History & Prehistory, February 8-11, 1987. (2nd Edition) Richard Lingenfelter & James Pisarowicz (eds.) (Published by Death Valley Natural History Association) (1991)

Proceedings: Second Death Valley Conference on History & Prehistory, January 21-25, 1988. (2nd Edition) Jean Johnson & James Pisarowicz (eds.) (Published by Death Valley Natural History Association) (1991)

Proceedings: Third Death Valley Conference on History & Prehistory, January 30 - February 2, 1992. James Pisarowicz (ed.) (Published by Death Valley Natural History Association) (1992)

Proceedings: Fourth Death Valley Conference on History and Prehistory, February 2-5, 1995. Jean Johnson (ed.) (Published by Death Valley Natural History Association) (1996)

Proceedings: Fifth Death Valley Conference on History and Prehistory, March 4-7, 1999. Jean Johnson (ed.) (Published by Community Printing and Publishing) (1999)

Proceedings: Sixth Death Valley Conference on History and Prehistory, February 7-10, 2002. Jean Johnson (ed.) (Published by Community Printing and Publishing) (2002)

Proceedings: Seventh Death Valley Conference on History and Prehistory, February 3-6, 2005. Jean Johnson (ed.) (Published by Community Printing and Publishing) (2005)

Proceedings: Eighth Death Valley Conference on History and Prehistory, January 31 - February 1-3, 2008. Kenneth E. Lengner (ed.) (Published by Death Valley Natural History Association and Death Valley '49ers Publications Committee 2008) (2008)

Proceedings: Ninth Death Valley Conference on History and Prehistory, November 4-6, 2011. (Published by Death Valley Natural History Association) (2013)

Proceedings: Tenth Death Valley Conference on History and Prehistory, November 6-8, 2015. (Published by Death Valley Natural History Association) (2018)

Proceedings: 1st Death Valley Natural History Conference, November 15-17, 2013. (Published by Death Valley Natural History Association) (2016)

Date: 18-Mar-2025