
Section 1. The problem. By F. A. Silcox

Section 2. What the study discloses (a summary of findings and recommendations). By Raphael Zon

The region—Amelioration of conditions a pressing need—Feasibility of planting demonstrated—Effects of shelterbelts—Establishment of shelterbelts—Land ownership—Recommendations.

Section 3. The shelterbelt zone: A brief geographic description. By F. A. Hayes

Position and dimensions—Climate—Topography—Forest and grassland.

Section 4. The proposed tree plantations, their establishment and management. By D. S. Olson and J. H. Stoeckeler

Size and extent of individual shelterbelts—Supplementary planting by private effort and by States—Location of shelterbelts with relation to fields, roads, and buildings—Preparation of ground—Species to be planted—Collection of seed—Growing nursery stock—Size of trees to be planted—Time required to establish shelterbelts—Spacing of trees—Care of shelterbelts—Special protective measures—Costs of establishing shelterbelts.

Section 5. Land acquisition. By L. F. Kneipp and A. A. Simpson

Establishment of tenure—Valuation.

Section 6. Prospective effects of the tree-planting program. By Raphael Zon

Emergency employment—Effect on field crops—Gardens and orchards—Protection of farmsteads—Protection of livestock—Checking soil-blowing—Block planting on sand hills—Planting on breaks and gullies—Wood products—Disadvantages cited.

Section 7. A survey of past plantings

General description of plantings—Planted area in States and counties; average heights and percentage of survival—Northern Great Plains Field Station—Analysis of present situation—Conclusion.

Section 8. A review of early tree-planting activities in the Plains region. By John H. Hatton

Federal efforts to encourage tree planting—Arbor Day—State efforts.

Section 9. Shelterbelt experience in other lands. By Paul O. Rudolf and S. R. Gevorkiantz


Section 10. Economic and social aspects of agriculture in the Plains region. By M. L. Wilson

Plains settlement—Population—Importance of agriculture in the Plains—Characteristics of farming in the area—Social services and community life—Highways—Physical handicaps of the region—Land use.

Section 11. Climatic characteristics of the Plains region. By C. G. Bates

Wind directions and velocities—Precipitation—Relative humidity and evaporation—Effective precipitation as limited by evaporation trends—Temperatures and their significance.

Section 12. Soil and forest relationships of the shelterbelt zone. By F. A. Hayes and J. H. Stoeckeler.

General description of the soils—Soil and tree relationships—Description of major soil groups—Acknowledgments—Bibliography.

Section 13. Native vegetation of the region. By J. M. Aikman

The grassland—Native tree and shrub communities of the shelterbelt zone.

Section 14. Ground-water conditions of the shelterbelt zone. By G. E. Condra

Ground-water relations—Water-bearing horizons—Ground-water regions—North Dakota—South Dakota—Nebraska—Kansas—Oklahoma—Texas—Bibliography.


Common and scientific names of species referred to in the text.

FRONTISPIECE.—Shelterbelts for farmsteads and field protection—a view in formerly treeless country in South Dakota.

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Last Updated: 08-Jul-2011