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Crater Lake Nature Notes
Nature Notes from Crater Lake

Introduction | 1920s | 1930s | 1940s | 1950s | 1990s | 2000s

issue cover
Vol. 23

Nature Notes from Crater Lake

Introduction (Kent J. Taylor)

Crater Lake National Park as a Field for Scientific Research (Lincoln Constance)

A Century of Measuring Lake Levels (Tom McDonough)

Clouds, Precipitation, and Snow (Gregg Fauth)

A "New" Date for Mount Mazama's Climactic Eruption (Ron Mastrogiuseppe and Steve Mark)

Earthquakes in the Crater Lake Area (Steve Mark and Ron Mastrogiuseppe2)

Biodiversity in Red Blanket Canyon (Steve Mark3-15)

Saving Bull Trout in Sun Creek (Mark Buktenica5-16)

Mammals of the Pumice Desert (Ruth Monical and Stephen P. Cross7-18)

Heresies of an Interpreter (Ted Haeger9-2)

issue cover
Vol. 24

Nature Notes from Crater Lake

Introduction (Kent J. Taylor)

Spotted Owl Survey (Lori Stonum)

Native Species Protection and Exotic Species Control:
A Bull Trout Restoration Project in Sun Creek
(Mark Buktenica)

Peregrine Falcons Soar Over Crater Lake (Scott Stonum)

Air Quality at Crater Lake (Heidi Lyn Ross and David Lee Fuller)

Where Have the Whitebark Pines Gone? (Steve Mark and Ron Mastrogiuseppe)

Drought and the 1992 Pond Survey (Roger Brandt2)

Lake Level Bottoms Out (Thomas McDonough4-15)

Annie Spring Responds to Long-term Drought and Municipal Water Use (Mark Buktenica6-17)

Ground Squirrel Activity at Rim Village (Roger Brandt8-21)

Mustelids in Crater Lake? (Michele Cardinaux2-23)

The Mysterious Clams of Crater Lake National Park (Roger Brandt4-26)

Crater Lake...Unique? (Ted Haeger7-28)

issue cover
Vol. 25

Nature Notes from Crater Lake

Introduction (Stephen R. Mark)

Christened Mount Mazama (Fay Fuller)

Reminders of Uncertainty (Steve Mark and Ron Mastrogiuseppe-1)

Remote But Not Forgotten (Terry Dorer1)

In Rare Abundance...
A Story of Serendipity and Biogeography
(Ron Mastrogiuseppe2-14)

Hiking in a Montane Mire (Jean Danielson and Steve Mark5-17)

Taking Inventory at Oregon Caves (John Roth8)

An Overlooked Legacy at Oregon Caves (Steve Mark9-21)

On the Trail of Winter Animals (Polly Dubbel and Anton Briefer2-25)

A Fish Tale You Can Believe (Dave Fuller6-28)

issue cover
Vol. 26

Nature Notes from Crater Lake

Introduction (Stephen R. Mark)

A Naturalist's View of Crater Lake Lodge (Erik Hendrickson and Steve Mark-7)

The Fretful Porcupine (Marianne Mills)

Mimicry Among the Pines? (Ron and Joy Mastrogiuseppe)

Pronghorn: Return of the Native (Steve Mark3-15)

Fire as an Agent of Change (Doug Lowthian6-18)

Ancient Remnants in Snow Crater (Steve Mark and Ron Mastrogiuseppe9-22)

Moonmilk and Cave-dwelling Microbes (John Roth3-24)

Whitehorse Ponds: A Special Aquatic Study (John Salinas5-27)

A New Pacific Crest Trail at Crater Lake (Brenda Bridges8-31)

issue cover
Vol. 27

Nature Notes from Crater Lake

Introduction (Stephen R. Mark)

Adventure & Discovery931: A Personal Account (W. Drew Chick, Jr.)

Why enter a sleeping volcano in a submarine? (Mark Buktenica2-18)

Diving in Crater Lake (John Broward9-2)

The Old Man of the Lake (John Salinas1-22)

Llao Speaks (Tom McDonough3-24)

Wandering Through Wildflowers (Peter Zika5)

A Pause in the Panhandle (Steve Mark and Ron Mastrogiuseppe6-28)

Fossil Finds and the Age of Oregon Caves (John Roth9-31)

issue cover
Vol. 28

Nature Notes from Crater Lake

Introduction (Stephen R. Mark)

Crater Lake in Indian Tradition: Sacred Landscapes and Cultural Survival (Robert H. Winthrop)

Visited in Midwinter: A Trip to Crater Lake in 1897 (M. A. Loosley3-15)

On an Old Road to Crater Lake (Steve Mark6-19)

Repeat Photography and Landscape Change (Ron Mastrogiuseppe and John Salinas0-24)

History of the Crater Lake Wilderness Ski Race (John W. Lund5-28)

The Long Forgotten Klamath Camp (Kenneth Åström9-33)

A National Historic Landmark (Steve Mark4-36)

An Offering in the Forest (Steve Mark7-4)

issue cover
Vol. 29

Nature Notes from Crater Lake

Introduction (Stephen R. Mark)

Understanding the Bimodal Eruptions of Mount Mazama (Brandon L. Browne)

Victor Rock and Victor View (Steve Mark3-15)

Pumice Fields and a Sense of Landscape Wonder (Ron Mastrogiuseppe6-18)

The True Firs of Crater Lake National Park: A Closer Look (Eugene L. Parker9-23)

Clearing the Way (Steve Mark4-26)

A Furry Encounter of the Close Kind (Larry B. Smith7-28)

Huckleberries (Steve Mark9-3)

A Natural History of My Refugium: Seven Summers in Crater Lake National Park (John K. Simmons1-35)

issue cover
Vol. 30

Nature Notes from Crater Lake

Introduction (Stephen R. Mark)

Answers from the Deep (Tim McDonough)

The Filling of Crater Lake (F. Owen Hoffman)

Sedges Have Edges (Joy Mastrogiuseppe4-16)

The Rare Treasure of Mount Mazama Collomia (Casey Baldwin7-19)

The Microclimates of Crater Lake National Park (Gregg A. Pohll0-22)

Memory and Symbiosis on the Rim (Ron Mastrogiuseppe3-25)

Bears During the War (Joseph S. Dixon6-3)

The Portals of Whitehorse Creek (Steve Mark1-33)

Nature Notes is sponsored by the Crater Lake Natural History Association in cooperation with the National Park Service. ©1928-2002.

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Introduction | 1920s | 1930s | 1940s | 1950s | 1990s | 2000s

Date: 09-Dec-2024