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A mountain of immeasurable inspiration, Mount Rainier is the center of the nation's fifth national park. It is a place of discovery and of personal triumphs, where family traditions endure. At 14,410 feet, the mountain is the tallest volcano in the Cascade Mountain Range and the most glaciated peak in the continental United States. Basalt columns and other remnants of early eruptions and lava flows reveal Mount Rainier's ancient geologic history. Glaciers, massive rivers of ice up to 750 feet deep, flow down the rocky slopes. Yet, on the summit, steam escapes from deep within the mountain's core, a reminder that it is still an active volcano. Above Mount Rainier, millions of stars illuminate the night sky. The park minimizes the use of artificial light. This preserves darkness, through which constellations and planets are remarkably visible. In spring, snow melts first in the foothills. Beneath the old growth forest, flowers bloom and ferns unfurl. Across the subalpine region, summer may only last two months. Adaptations that have taken centuries to develop prove crucial in a race for survival. Profuse wildflower displays and pollinating insects bring life to the meadows. Birds and mammals forage on the abundance before winter quickly returns. Entering the park is a step back in timea portal into Mount Rainier National Historic Landmark District. Roads, buildings, and other structures were designed nearly one hundred years ago. Massive logs and round river boulders characterize early national park rustic architecture, which harmonizes with the park's natural scenery. For thousands of years, Mount Rainier has been an important place for Pacific Northwest Indian people. Nearly two million people from around the world now visit Mount Rainier National Park each year. As global development increases, this mountain remains steadfast, a place where people can reconnect with what is important in their lives. Unforgettable Destinations Longmire Accessible year-round. Snowshoe or cross-country ski during winter. Stroll the edge of a meadow where history meets nature. Day hike to expansive vistas. Step back in time; discover rustic park architecture along the Longmire Historic Walking Tour. Stay a night at the historic National Park Inn. From the porch, admire the sunset's glow on the mountain. Paradise During summer, hike the maintained trails around meadows, streams, and waterfalls. Watch and listen for wildlifebears, grouse, butterflies, marmots, and more. Explore exhibits at the visitor and climbing information centers. Rest a night or have a snack at the historic Paradise Inn. Grab a sled and head for Paradise's winter snowplay area, set up a snow camp, ski, or snowboard. Ohanapecosh Old growth forest is the signature of Ohanapecosh. Ancient trees, wildlife, waterfalls, spring wildflowers, and fall mushrooms abound. The Ohanapecosh Rivertransparent green or blue depending on the light and your perspectivesurrounds the Grove of the Patriarchs. Many day hikes begin at Ohanapecosh. Camp or picnic in the campground. Sunrise Sunrise, the highest point in the park reachable by car, offers a panoramic view of Mount Rainier and surrounding peaks. Day hikes lead to glaciers, lakes, and meadows. Dig into geology at the visitor center. Discover the rustic architecture and history of Sunrise. Enjoy a snack at the day lodge. Camp nearby at White River Campground. Carbon River Meander moist, moss-carpeted paths through temperate rainforest. Discover the dynamic forces of a glacial river. Mountain-bike a historic road. Spend a night in the backcountry. Visit Mowich Lakethe park's largest and deepest lake. Camp near the lake or enjoy its serenity from a canoe. Fish the deep waters. Hike to subalpine meadows. Discoveries Await Explore Wilderness Home to animals seen and unseen. Mount Rainier's wilderness is an evolving landscape of forests, meadows, glaciers, and craters. Wilderness performs functions essential to life on Earth. Melting snow produces fresh water. Plants pump oxygen into the atmosphere. Protecting the mountain's wild places, and the wildlife and the natural processes they support, will become ever more essential in our developing world. Beyond the roads and parking lots is wild land. Over 97 percent of the park is Wilderness legally protected by the 1964 Wilderness Actuntrammeled, free from development; a place to recreate and find solitude. Meet the People People have been coming to Mount Rainier for more than 9,000 years. Archeological findings suggest that Native Americans hunted, gathered, and conducted spiritual and ceremonial activities on the mountain. Their descendants maintain a special connection with the mountain to the present day. In the late 1800s, miners, entrepreneurs, and tourists recognized the mountain's potential to provide wealth and recreation. They came with the hope to prosper, to recreate, and simply to breathe the clear mountain air. Witness Change Though the mountain may convey a sense of permanence. Mount Rainier is anything but permanent. Ice and rock continually break away from the peak. Glaciers and rivers transport debris and water down the mountain, and often wreak havoc with roads and park buildings. Subalpine meadows, buried beneath deep snow most of the year, rapidly bloom once the snow melts. Animals must adapt to this ever-changing environment, migrate, or die. As Earth's temperature rises, it is unclear how such a change will affect the mountain's dynamic forces, its plants, animals, or ourselves.
Visiting the Park Bikes and Motorcycles Roads are narrow and shoulderless. Beware of rough roadways. Bikes and motorcycles are prohibited on park trails. Wear your helmet! Protect Yourself and the Park Follow posted speed limits and use pullouts on the park's winding roads. • Pets must be on leashes no longer than six feet and are not allowed in buildings, on trails, in off-trail or backcountry areas, or on snow. • Do not feed, approach, or disturb wildlife. • Stay on designated trails. • Federal laws protect all natural and cultural features in the park. • You must have a permit to travel above 10,000 ft. and for any overnight wilderness stay. • Fishing does not require a permit or license, but some waters are closed to fishing or are fly-fishing only. Firearms The use of firearms is prohibited within Mount Rainier National Park. People who can legally possess firearms under federal, Washington State, and local laws may possess them in the park. However, federal law prohibits firearms in certain facilities in this park; those places are posted with signs at public entrances. Fees Mount Rainier collects fees from visitors who use the park. Recreation fees enhance visitor experience. Lodging National Park Inn at Longmire is open all year. Paradise Inn is open in summer only. Visit our website for lodging and camping contact information. Accessibility Most visitor centers, restrooms, picnic areas, and designated campsites are accessible or accessible with help for wheelchair users. • Find accessible lodging at Longmire and Paradise. • Paradise Jackson Visitor Center, audiovisual programs, and exhibits are accessible. • Sunrise Visitor Center and exhibit area are accessible with help via the north entrance. • Find fully accessible trails at Kautz and Paradise. • Some trails at Paradise and Longmire are accessible with help. Emergencies call 911 from any phone located in the park. Winter Driving All vehicles must carry tire chains when traveling in the park November 1 to May 1. Source: NPS Brochure (2019)
Documents A Burning Issue: American Indian Fire Use on the Mt. Rainier Forest Reserve (Cheryl A. Mack, extract from Fire Management Today, Vol. 53 No. 2, Spring 2003) A Guide to the Trails of Mount Rainier National Park (Robert K. Weldon and Merlin K. Potts, 1960) A History of Native Elk in Mount Rainier National Park (Paul Schullery, 1984) A Map-Diary Survey of Backpacker Itineraries in Mount Rainier National Park (Mark E. Vande Kamp, October 2009) A Mount Rainier Centennial (C. B. Bagley, extract from The Washington Historical Quarterly, Vol. 21 No. 1, January 1930) A Mountain Calling: The Tacoma Eastern RailroadLinking Puget Sound and Mount Rainier National Park (Michael Sullivan, extract from Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History, Vol. 13 No. 4, Winter 1999-2000; ©Washington State Historical Society) A Socioeconomic Atlas for Mount Rainier National Park and its Region (Jean E. McKendry, Adam J. Novak, Kimberly L. Treadway, Gary E. Machlis and Roger B. Schlegel, 2002) A Study of Backcountry User Attitudes and Compliance with Minimum Impact Procedures, Mt. Rainier National Park: Interim Progress Report (Thomas C. Swearingen and Darryll R. Johnson, March 30, 1985) A Study of Backcountry User Attitudes and Compliance with Minimum Impact Procedures, Mt. Rainier National Park: Interim Progress Report (Thomas C. Swearingen, William Salvi and Darryll R. Johnson, July 1985) A Study of Backcountry User Attitudes and Compliance with Minimum Impact Procedures, Mt. Rainier National Park: Interim Progress Report (Thomas C. Swearingen, William C. Salvi and Darryll R. Johnson, October 1, 1985) A Study of Visitor Attitudes Toward Initiation of a Visitor Transportation System at Mount Rainier National Park (Darryll R. Johnson, 1990) A Survey of Forest Carnivores in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington NPS Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/NCCN/NRTR-2010/412 (Mason Reid, Jim Patterson and Jim Schaberl, December 2010) A Survey of Visitors of Mowich Lake in Mount Rainier National Park NPS Technical Report NPS/CCSOUW/NRTR-99-01 (Mark E. Vande Kamp, Darryll R. Johnson, Jarrett M. Paschel and Tanya Pergola, 1999) A Survey of Visitors to the Nisqually River-Stevens Canyon Corridor in Mount Rainier National Park NPS Technical Report NPS/CCSOUW/NRTR-2002-01 (Mark E. Vande Kamp, Jane E. Swanson and Darryll R. Johnson, 2002) A Survey of Visitors Who Planned Their Party's Trip to the White River and Sunrise Areas of Mount Rainier National Park NPS Technical Report NPS/CCSOUW/NRTR-98-05 (Mark E. Vande Kamp and Darryll R. Johnson, 1998) A Survey of Wilderness Trail Users in Mount Rainier National Park NPS Technical Report NPS/CCSOUW/NRTR-2000-01 (Mark E. Vande Kamp, Jane E. Swanson and Darryll R. Johnson, 2000) A Visitor's Guide to Mount Rainier Glaciers (Carolyn L. Driedger, 1986; ©Pacific Northwest National Parks and Forests Association) Acoustical Monitoring Report 2009: Mount Rainier National Park NPS Natural Sounds Program Report NPS/NRSS/NRTR—2011/495 (September 2011) Accessibility and Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington Draft (September 2023) Aggradation of glacially-sourced braided rivers at Mount Rainier National Park, Washington: Summary Report for 1997-2012 NPS Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/MORA/NRTR-2014/910 (Scott R. Beason, Laura C. Walkup and Paul M. Kennard, September 2014) Air Quality Overview: Mount Rainier National Park NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/PWRO/NRR-2014/848 (Tonnie Cummings, August 2014) Altered Visitor Use in the Paradise Area in Response to Construction Activity (Mark E. Vande Kamp, October 2009) Amphibian Inventory 2001-2003: Mount Rainier National Park NPS Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/NCCN/NRTR—2013/696.N (Barbara Samora, Michael Layes and Rebecca Lofgren, February 2013) An Analysis of Dayhiker Acceptance of and Behavior in the Presence of a Uniformed Park Employee in a Frontcountry Area of Mount Rainier National Park Cooperative Park Studies Unit (Thomas C. Swearingen and Darryll R. Johnson, c1988) An Analysis of Off-Trail Hiking in Response to Selected Social Control Techniques at Paradise Meadows, Mount Rainier National Park Cooperative Park Studies Unit (Thomas C. Swearingen and Darryll R. Johnson, February 10, 1988) An Inventory of Fish in Streams at Mount Rainier National Park 2001-2003 NPS Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/NCCN/NRTR—2013/717.N (Barbara A. Samora, Heather Moran and Rebecca Lofgren, April 2013) Analysis of a 24-year photographic record of Nisqually Glacier, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington (PDF) USGS Professional Paper 631 (Fred M. Veatch, 1969) Analysis of Social Trails in Mt. Rainier National Park: Pilot Study (L. Monika Moskal w/Meghan Halabisky, Date Unknown) Anything But Natural: The Rustic Furniture Movement & Mount Rainier National Park (Sarah Allaback, extract from Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History, Vol. 13 No. 3, Fall 1999; ©Washington State Historical Society) Archaeological Test Excavations in Fryingpan Rockshelter, Mount Rainier National Park Washington State University Laboratory of Anthropology Report of Investigations No. 33 (David G. Rice, 1965) Ascent of Mount Rainier (A.V. Kautz, extract from The Overland Monthly, Vol. 14 No. 5, May 1875) Ascent of Mount Tacoma (George Bailey, extract from The Overland Monthly, Vol. VIII (Second Series) No. 45, September 1886) Assessing Elk Trail and Wallow Impacts in Mount Rainier National Park Assessing Elk Trail and Wallow Impacts in Mount Rainier National Park: Quarterly Progress Report for the Period 1 August to 31 October 1985 (William J. Ripple, 1985) Assessing Elk Trail and Wallow Impacts in Mount Rainier National Park: Quarterly Progress Report for Periods October through December 1985 and January through March 1986 (William J. Ripple, Barry J. Schrumpf and Edward E. Starkey, 1986) Assessing Elk Trail and Wallow Impacts in Mount Rainier National Park: Quarterly Progress Report for Period July 1 through September 30, 1986 (William J. Ripple, Barry J. Schrumpf and Edward E. Starkey, October 15, 1986) Assessing Elk Trail and Wallow Impacts in Mount Rainier National Park: Quarterly Progress Report for the periods October 1 through December 31, 1986 and January 1 through March 31, 1987 (William J. Ripple, Barry J. Schrumpf and Edward E. Starkey, April 15, 1987) Assessing Elk Trail and Wallow Impacts in Mount Rainier National Park: First and Second Year Activities (for the period August 1985 through July 1987) (William J. Ripple, Edward E. Starkey and Barry J. Schrumpf, August 1987) Assessing Elk Trail and Wallow Impacts in Mount Rainier National Park: Quarterly Progress Report for the Period July 1 through September 30, 1987 (William J. Ripple, Barry J. Schrumpf and Edward E. Starkey, October 16, 1987) Assessing Elk Trail and Wallow Impacts in Mount Rainier National Park: Final Report (William J. Ripple, Edward E. Starkey and Barry J. Schrumpf, August 1988) Assessing trends and vulnerabilities in the mutualism between whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) and Clark's nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana) in national parks of the Sierra-Cascade region (Chris Ray, Regina M. Rochefort, Jason I. Ransom, Jonathan C.B. Nesmith, Sylvia A. Haultain, Taza D. Schaming, John R. Boetsch, Mandy L. Holmgren, Robert L. Wilkerson and Rodney B. Siegel, extract from PLoS ONE, 15(10), October 14, 2020) Backcountry Toilet Technology Workshop (March 30-31, 1993) Bedrock Geologic Map of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington (March 2024) Before the United States Geographic Board in the Matter of the Proposal to Change the Name of Mount Rainier (May 11, 1917) Behind the Scenery of Mount Rainier National Park (Howard R. Stagner, 1962) Botanical Evidence of the Modern History of Nisqually Glacier Washington (HTML edition) U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 387-A (Robert S. Sigafoos and E.L. Hendricks, 1961) Botanical Surveys in Parks of the North Coast and Cascades Network 2006-2011 (David Giblin and Ben Legler, Date Unknown) Briefing Paper: Centralia Power Plant Collaborative Decision Making Process (CDM) and Mount Rainier National Park (July 15, 1997) Carbon River Corridor Charette, Mount Rainier National Park, February and March 2003 (August 2004) Cascades Fisher Reintroduction Project: Progress Report for December 2015 to March 2017 NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/PWR/NRR-2017/1486 (Jeffrey C. Lewis, Tara Chestnut, Jason I. Ransom and David O. Werntz, July 2017) Cascades Fisher Reintroduction Project: Progress Report for March 2017 to February 2018 NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/PWR/NRR-2018/1667 (Jeffrey C. Lewis, Tara Chestnut, Jason L. Ransom and David O. Werntz, June 2018) Cascades Fisher Reintroduction Project: Progress Report for March 2018 to March 2019 NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/PWR/NRR-2019/1982 (Jeffrey C. Lewis, Jason I. Ransom, Tara Chestnut, David O. Werntz, Sandie Black, Jose Luis Postigo and Axel Moehrenschlager, August 2019) Cascades Fisher Reintroduction Project: Progress Report for April 2019 to June 2020 NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/PWR/NRR-2020/2211 (Jeffrey C. Lewis, Jason L. Ransom, Tara Chestnut, David O. Werntz, Sandie Black, Jose Luis Postigo and Axel Moehrenschlager, December 2020) Change in Glacial Extent at Mount Rainier National Park from 1896 to 2015 NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/MPRA/NRR-2017/1472 (Scott R. Beason, June 2017) Changes in glacier extents and estimated changes in glacial volume at Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, USA from 1896 to 2021 NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/MORA/NRR-2023/2524 (Scott R. Beason, Taylor R. Kenyon, Robert P. Jost and Lauren J. Walker, June 2023) Climbing Rainier with Curtis in 1909 (Asahel Curtis, extract from Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History, Vol. 1 No. 2, Summer 1987; ©Washington State Historical Society) Coming Full Circle: The Development of Mount Rainier's Wonderland Trail, 1907-1939 (Paul Sadin, extract from Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History, Vol. 13 No. 4, Winter 1999-2000; ©Washington State Historical Society) Community Exposure to Lahar Hazards from Mount Rainier, Washington USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5211 (Nathan J. Wood and Christopher E. Soulard, 2009) Community-specific biogeochemical responses to atmospheric nitrogen deposition in subalpine ecosystem of Mount Rainier National Park (Justin Poinsatte and R. Dave Evans, Date Unknown) Correspondence Relative to the Indian Names o the Great Mountain, Conducted by Mr. Benjamin L. Harvey, of Tacoma, in 1908 (Benjamin L. Harvey, extract from Washington State Historical Society Publications: Volume II (1907-1914), 1915) Corvid Distribution, Human Recreation, and Park Management in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington (©Lauren E. Seckel, Masters Thesis University of Washington, 2011) Creative Design for Bulletin Boards (Gary and Sally Machlis, November 1974) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Camp Muir, Mount Rainier National Park (2001) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Christine Falls, Mount Rainier National Park (2004) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Cougar Rock Developed Area, Mount Rainier National Park (2022) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: East Side Highway, Mount Rainier National Park (2005) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Longmire Developed Area, Mount Rainier National Park (2009) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Mowich Lake Entrance Road, Mount Rainier National Park (2004) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Narada Falls, Mount Rainier National Park (2004) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Nisqually Entrance, Mount Rainier National Park (2004) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Paradise Picnic Area, Mount Rainier National Park (2022) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Ricksecker Point, Mount Rainier National Park (2004) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Road to Paradise, Mount Rainier National Park (2004) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Stevens Canyon Highway, Mount Rainier National Park (November 2004) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Sunrise Developed Area, Mount Rainier National Park (2010) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Westside Road, Mount Rainier National Park (2006) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: White River Developed Area, Mount Rainier National Park (2022) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Wonderland Trail, Mount Rainier National Park (2004) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Yakima Park Highway, Mount Rainier National Park (2008) Cultural Resource Reconnaissance and Overview of the Paradise Developed Area, Mount Rainier National Park (Nate J. Cushman, Patrick M. Lubinski and Kathleen Satnik, June 1, 2002) Debris-Flow Hazards Caused by Hydrologic Events at Mount Rainier, Washington USGS Open-File Report 2003-368 (James W. Vallance, Michelle L. Cunico and Steve P. Schilling, 2003) Defining New Fuel Maps for Mount Rainier National Park from a Fusion of Field, LiDAR, and Environmental Data (Van R. Kane, Karen Kopper and Catharine Copass, Date Unknown) Describing and Estimating the System of Visitor Distribution in Mount Rainier National Park NPS Technical Report NPS/CCSOUW/NRTR-97-07 (Mark E. Vande Kamp, Darryll R. Johnson, Ann Kucera and Yih-Jin Young, 1997) Development Concept Plan/Environmental Assessment: Sunrise, Mount Rainier National Park (August 1993) Development Concept Plans for Carbon River, White River, Sunrise, Tipsoo Lakes, Mount Rainier National Park (September 1979) Ecological Evaluation of a Restored Subalpine Grassland, Sunrise, Mount Rainier (©Kimberly A. Frappier, Master's Thesis University of Washington, 2004) Economic Impacts of Visitors to Mount Rainier National Park, 2000 (Ya-Yen Sun, Daniel J. Stynes and Dennis B. Propst, January 2002) Effects of Hikers on Subalpine Meadows, Paradise, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, USA (Susan L. Fritzke, William J. Ripple and Robert E. Frenkel, November 24, 1993) Effects of Hydrology on Zooplankton Communities in High Mountain Ponds, Mount Rainier National Park NPS Technical Report NPS/PNROSU/NRTR-94/05 (Scott F. Girdner, August 1994) Elk: Lewis and Clark, Mount Rainier, Olympic I & M Resource Brief (extract from Vital Signs, 2012) Elk Ecology and Management Perspectives at Mount Rainier National Park (HTML edition) CPSU/UW 81-2 (William P. Bradley and Chas. H. Driver, Winter 1981) Elk Monitoring Program (Mount Rainier National Park and Olympic National Park) Elk Monitoring Protocol for Mount Rainier National Park and Olympic National Park: January 11, 2012 NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NCCN/NRR—2012/485 (Paul C. Griffin, Kurt J. Jenkins, Mason Reid, Barbara J. Moeller, Michelle Tirhi, Jim Schaberl, Patricia Happe, David Vales, Scott McCorquodale, John Boetsch and Katherine Beirne, January 2012) Elk Monitoring Program Annual Report 2010: Mount Rainier National Park and Olympic National Park NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS—2011/289 (Paul Griffin, Patricia Happe, Kurt Jenkins, Mason Reid, David Vales, Barbara J. Moeller, Michelle Tirhi, Scott McCorquodale and Pat Miller, September 2011) Elk Monitoring Program Annual Report 2011: Mount Rainier National Park and Olympic National Park NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS—2013/437 (Patricia J. Happe, Mason Reid, Paul C. Griffin, Kurt J. Jenkins, David J. Vales, Barbara J. Moeller, Michelle Tirhi and Scott McCorquodale, January 2013) Elk Monitoring Program Annual Report 2012: Mount Rainier National Park and Olympic National Park NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS—2013/456 (Patricia J. Happe, Mason Reid, David J. Vales, Barbara J. Moeller, Michelle Tirhi and Scott McCorquodale, March 2013) Elk Monitoring Program Annual Report 2013: Mount Rainier National Park and Olympic National Park NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS—2014/642 (Patricia J. Happe, Mason Reid, David J. Vales, Barbara J. Moeller, Michelle Tirhi and Scott McCorquodale, April 2014) Elk Monitoring in Mount Rainier and Olympic National Parks: 2008–2011 Synthesis Report NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NCCN/NRR—2015/904 (K. J. Jenkins, P. C. Griffin, P. J. Happe, M. Reid, D. J. Vales, B. J. Moeller, M. Tirhi, S. McCorquodale, K. Beirne, J. Boetsch, W. Baccus and B. Lubow, January 2015) Elk Monitoring Program Annual Report 2014: Mount Rainier National Park and Olympic National Park NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS—2015/779 (Patricia J. Happe, David J. Vales, Barbara J. Moeller, Michelle Tirhi, Eric Holman and Katherine Beirne, April 2015) Elk Monitoring Program Annual Report 2015: Mount Rainier National Park and Olympic National Park NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS—2016/1041 (Patricia J. Happe , David J. Vales, Barbara J. Moeller, Michelle Tirhi, Eric Holman, Katherine Beirne, William T. Baccus and Tara Chestnut, August 2016) Elk Monitoring in Mount Rainier and Olympic National Parks: 2008-2017 Synthesis Report NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NCCN/NRR-2021/2284 (K.J. Jenkins, B.C. Lubow, P.J. Happe, K. Braun, J. Boetsch, W. Baccus, T. Chestnut, D.J. Vales, B.J. Moeller, M. Tirhi, E. Holman and P.C. Griffin, July 2021) Environment, Prehistory & Archaeology of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington (HTML edition) (Greg C. Burtchard, February 2003) Ethnographic Guide to the Archaeology of Mt. Rainier National Park (Allan H. Smith, July 1964) Evaluation of Groundwater Resources in the Upper White River Basin within Mount Rainier National Park, Washington State, 2020 USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5015 (Leland T. Fuhrig, Andrew J. Long and Alexander O. Headman, March 2024) Exotic Plant Inventories in Mount Rainier, North Cascades, and Olympic National Parks NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NCCN/NRR-2016/1279 (Regina M. Rochefort, Mignonne M. Bivin, Loveday Conquest, Steven A. Acker and Laurie Kurth, August 2016) Fay Fuller: First Woman to the Top of Mount Rainier (Betsy Potts, extract from Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History, Vol. 10 No. 4, Winter 1996-97; ©Washington State Historical Society) Features of the Flora of Mount Rainier National Park (J.B. Flett, 1922) Field Guide to Hydrothermal Alteration in the White River Altered Area and in the Osceola Mudflow, Washington USGS Bulletin 2217 (David A. John, James J. Rytuba, Roger P. Ashley, Richard J. Blakely, James W. Vallance, Grant R. Newport and Gary R. Heinemeyer, 2003) Field Mapping Glacier Extents at Mount Rainier for Hazard Recognition (Steve Wilson and Andrew Fountain, Date Unknown) Final Master Plan, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington (September 1974) Fire and Other Disturbances of the Forests in Mount Rainier National Park (Miles A. Hemstrom and Jerry F. Franklin, extract from Quaternary Research, 18, 1982, ©University of Washington) Fish Management Plan: Environmental Assessment, Mount Rainier National Park (September 2017) Fisher Reintroduction Plan/Environmental Assessment Public Scoping Newsletter (August-September 2013) Flood characteristics for the Nisqually River and susceptibility of Sunshine Point and Longmire facilities to flooding in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 86-4179 (L.M. Nelson, 1987) Flora of Mount Rainier National Park (C. Frank Brockman, 1947, 1956 rev. ed.) Flowers of the Parks: North Cascades National Park/Mount Rainier National Park (Jan Henderson, 1972) Footprints of Days Past (Jeff Antonelis-Lapp, extract from Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History, Vol. 34 No. 1, Spring 2020; ©Washington State Historical Society) Forecasting and Seismic Detection of Proglacial Debris Flows at Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, USA (Scott R. Beason, Nicholas T. Legg, Taylor R. Kenyon and Robert P. Jost, extract from Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, February 2021, ©The Geological Society of America) Forest Ecosystems of Mount Rainier National Park (W.H. Moir, F.D. Hobson, M. Hemstrom and J.F. Franklin, 1976) Forests of Mount Rainier National Park (G.F. Allen, 1916) Forests of Mount Rainier National Park (G.F. Allen, 1922) Foundation Document, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington (April 2015) Foundation Document Overview, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington (January 2015) Fryingpan Creek Bridge Replacement Project Environmental Assessment, Mount Rainier National Park (April 2023) Fuel and Fire Behavior Predictions in Subalpine Forests of Pacific Northwest National Parks CPSU/UW 89-4 (Mark H. Huff, James K. Agee, Michael Gracz and Mark Finney, Summer 1989) Gaseous Air Pollutant Monitoring Network Gaseous Air Pollutant Monitoring Network Annual Data Summary 1996: Mount Rainier National Park (1996) Gaseous Air Pollutant Monitoring Network Annual Data Summary 1997: Mount Rainier National Park (1997) Gaseous Air Pollutant Monitoring Network Annual Data Summary 1998: Mount Rainier National Park (1998) Gaseous Air Pollutant Monitoring Network Annual Data Summary 1999: Mount Rainier National Park (1999) Gaseous Air Pollutant Monitoring Network Annual Data Summary 2000: Mount Rainier National Park (2000) Gaseous Air Pollutant Monitoring Network Annual Data Summary 2001: Mount Rainier National Park (2001) Gaseous Air Pollutant Monitoring Network Annual Data Summary 2002: Mount Rainier National Park (2002) Geologic Field-Trip Guide to Volcanism and its Interaction with Snow and Ice at Mount Rainier, Washington U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2017-5022-A (James W. Vallance and Thomas W. Sisson, 2022) Geologic Hazard and Floodplain Management, Mount Rainier National Park General Management Plan (Jon L. Riedel, August 1997) Geologic Resource Evaluation Report, Mount Rainier National Park NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NRPC/GRD/NRR-2005/007 (September 2005) Geology of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington USGS Professional Paper 444 (Richard S. Fiske, Clifford Andrae Hopson, and Aaron Clement Waters, 1963) Geomorphology of Mount Rainier: Landform Mapping at Mount Rainier National Park, Washington NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/MORA/NRR—2016/1234 (Jon Riedel and Stephen Dorsch, June 2016) Glacier change, kinematic waves, and outburst floods at Nisqually Glacier, Mountain Rainier, Washington: Data Analysis and Review (Jonathan Skloven-Gill and Andrew G. Fountain, Date Unknown) Glacier Mass Balance Monitoring Mount Rainier National Park Glacier Mass Balance Monitoring Annual Report, Water Year 2009 NPS Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/NCCN/NRTR-2011/484 (Jon Riedel and Michael Larrabee, August 2011) Mount Rainier National Park Glacier Mass Balance Monitoring Annual Report, Water Year 2010 NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS-2012/355 (Jon Riedel and Michael Larrabee, September 2012) Mount Rainier National Park Glacier Mass Balance Monitoring Annual Report, Water Year 2011 NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS-2015/752 (Jon Riedel and Michael Larrabee, January 2015) Glacier Retreat, Outburst Floods, and Kinematic Wave: Long-Term Nisqually Glacier Changes Related to Climate Change (Howard Conway, June 10, 2016) Glaciers of Mount Rainier USGS 18th Annual Report, Part 2 (Israel Cook Russell, 1898) Hazard Tree Management Plan, Mount Rainier National Park (Stanley E. Schlegel, October 1978) Historic American Buildings Survey National Park Inn (Longmire Springs Hotel) HABS No. WA-184 (Gretchen A. Luxenberg and Stephanie Toothman, June 1988) Paradise Inn HABS No. WA-223 Rustic Furnishings (Paradise) HABS No. WA-220 (Sara Allaback, September 1996) Sunrise Lodge HABS No. WA-237 Yakima Park Stockade Group HABS No. WA-236 Historic American Engineering Record Box Canyon Tunnel HAER No. WA-70 Carbon River Road HAER No. WA-120 (Richard H. Quin, 1992) Chinook Pass Entrance Arch HAER No. WA-43 Christine Falls Bridge HAER No. WA-48 Deer Creek Bridge (Yakima Park Highway) HAER No. WA-49 Deer Creek Bridge (East Side Highway) HAER No. WA-57 Eastside Highway Tunnel HAER No. WA-75 East Side Road (Washington Highway 123) HAER No. WA-124 (Richard H. Quin, 1992) Edith Creek Bridge HAER No. WA-46 Fryingpan Creek Bridge HAER No. WA-54 Klickitat Creek Bridge HAER No. WA-50 Mather Memorial Parkway (Washington Highway 410) HAER No. WA-125 (Richard H. Quin, 1992) Mount Rainier National Park Roads and Bridges HAER No. WA-35 (Richard H. Quin) Mowich Lake Road HAER No. WA-121 (Richard H. Quin, 1992) Muddy Fork Cowlitz River Bridge HAER No. WA-60 Narada Cut-Off Bridge HAER No. WA-62 Nickel Creek Bridge HAER No. WA-59 Nisqually Road (Government Road) HAER No. WA-119 (Richard H. Quin, 1992) Paradise River Fourth Crossing Bridge HAER No. WA-45 South Puyallup River Bridge HAER No. WA-52 St. Andrews Creek Bridge ≈ Stone Stairs HAER No. WA-51 Stevens Canyon Highway HAER No. WA-123 (Richard H. Quin, 1992) Stevens Canyon Tunnel HAER No. WA-74 Stevens Creek Bridge HAER No. WA-58 Sunbeam Creek Culvert HAER No. WA-76 West Side Road HAER No. WA-122 (Richard H. Quin, 1992) White River Bridge HAER No. WA-53 Yakima Park Highway (White River Road) HAER No. WA-126 (Richard H. Quin, 1992) Historic Resource Study: Mount Rainier National Park (Erwin N. Thompson, October 1981) Historic Structures Maintenance Guide For Mount Rainier National Park (1983) Historic Structures Report: Longmire Cabin, Mount Rainier National Park (Part I) (Benjamin Levy, January 30, 1968) Historic Structures Report: Paradise Inn, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington (David E. Snow, 1979) History of Mount Rainier National Park (Caroline Leona Tolbert, 1933) Human Impact on the Alpine Ecosystem of Mount Rainier (Ola M. Edwards, November 28, 1983) Human Impact on the Alpine Ecosystem of Mount Rainier (Ola M. Edwards, December 12, 1984) Human Wastes Management in Backcountry Areas of Mount Rainier National Park NPS Technical Report NPS/PNROSU/NRTR-95-06 (James D. Jetton, Peter O. Nelson and Peter C. Klingeman, April 1995) Ice Volumes on Cascades Volcanoes: Mount Rainier, Mount Hood, Three Sisters, and Mount Shasta (HTML edition) USGS Professional Paper 1365 (Carolyn L. Driedger and Paul M. Kennard, 1986) Impacts of Visitor Spending on the Local Economy: Mount Rainier National Park, 2012 NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NRSS/EQD/NRR—2013/721 (Philip S. Cook, October 2013) Indian Superstitions (P.F. Hylebos, extract from Washington State Historical Society Publications: Volume II (1907-1914), 1915) Influences of Adjacent Forest Management Activities on Migratory Elk of Mount Rainier National Park (HTML edition) CPSU/OSU 90-3 (K.J. Jenkins and E.E. Starkey, May 1990) Interpretive Activity Inventory Instructional Handbook for Mt. Rainier (Donald R. Field and James H. Gramann, c1978) Land bird Inventory for Mount Rainier National Park (2003-2004): Final Report NPS Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/NCCN/NRTR-2009/164 (Robert L. Wilkerson, Rodney B. Siegel and Jim Schaberl, January 2009) Landsat-based Monitoring of Landscape Dynamics in Mount Rainier National Park: 1985-2009 NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS-2014/637 (Natalya Antonova, Catharine Copass and Shelby Clary, April 2014) Laws and Regulations Relating to the Mount Rainier National Park, Washington (1908) Limnology of Subalpine and High Mountain Forest Lakes, Mount Rainier National Park NPS Technical Report NPS/PNR CPSU OSU/NRTR-92/01 CPSU/OSU 92-1 (Gary L. Larson, Andy Wones, C. David McIntire and Barbara Samora, February 1992) Long-Range Interpretive Plan, Mount Rainier National Park (2000) Long Term Monitoring of Glaciers at Mount Rainier National Park Narrative and Standard Operating Procedures Version 1.0 NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NCCN/NRR-2010/175 (Jon L. Riedel, Jeanna M. Wenger and Nicole D. Bowerman, January 2010) Long Term Monitoring of Glaciers at Mount Rainier National Park Appendices Version 1.0 NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NCCN/NRR-2010/175 (Jon L. Riedel, Jeanna M. Wenger and Nicole D. Bowerman, January 2010) Mammals and Birds of Mount Rainier National Park (Walter P. Taylor and William T. Shaw, 1927) Managing a Rustic Legacy: Historic Landscape Study and Management Plan for Longmire Springs Historic District, Mount Rainier National Park (Lora J. Schiltgen, June 1986) Mapping the Fuel Characteristics of Mount Rainier National Park: A Fusion of Field, Environmental and LiDAR Data (Van Kane, Karen Kopper and Catharine Copass, Date Unknown) Master Plan, Mount Rainier National Park (September 1974) Mather Memorial Parkway Cultural Landscape Inventory: Mather Memorial Parkway, Mount Rainier National Park (2007) Development Guidelines: Mather Memorial Parkway (August 1991) Mining Glacier Basin: History of the Glacier Basin Mining District, Mount Rainier National Park (Greg C. Burtchard, Jacqueline Y. Cheung and Robert McIntyre, Jr., 2017) Minor Rule Violators: A Profile of Off-Trail Hikers, Paradise Meadows, Mount Rainier National Park Cooperative Park Studies Unit (Darryll R. Johnson and Thomas C. Swearingen, February 1988) Mission 66 for Mount Rainier National Park (1965) Modeling Day-Hiking in the Sensitive Resource Zone of Mount Rainier National Park: A Basis for Recommending Indicators and Standards NPS Technical Report NPS/PWR/UW/NRTR-2009-02 (Mark E. Vande Kamp, October 2009) Modeling Day-Hiking in the Transition Trail Zone of Mount Rainier National Park NPS Technical Report NPS/PWR/UW/NRTR-2009-01 (Mark E. Vande Kamp, October 2009) Morphology and Hydrology of a Glacial Stream White River, Mount Rainier, Washington U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 422-A (Robert K. Fahnestock, 1963) Mount Rainier: A Record of Exploration (Edmond S. Meany, 1916) Mount Rainier and Its Glaciers (Francois Matthes, 1928) Mount Rainier and PNQ: A National Park Centennial Album (extract from Pacific Northwest Quarterly, Vol. 90 No. 1, Winter 1998/99; all rights reserved) Mount Rainier: Its Human History Associations (HTML edition) (H.E. Rensch, 1935) Mount RainierLiving Safely With a Volcano in Your Backyard USGS Fact Sheet 2008-3062 (Carolyn L. Driedger and William E. Scott, 2008) Mount Rainier National Park (United States Railroad Administration, 1919) Mount Rainier National Park (John Barnett, c1979) Mount Rainier National ParkOne Family's Journey (Theodore Catton, extract from Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History, Vol. 18 No. 2, Summer 2004; ©Washington State Historical Society) Mount Rainier National Park Resource Database: Its Structure, Contents, and Methods Used to Construct It University of Idaho Cooperative Park Studies Unit B-89-1 (John Parker, Judith Allen and R. Gerald Wright, January 1989) Mount Rainier National Park: Wilderness as a Resource (Sara Almasy Porterfield, extract from Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History, Vol. 224 No. 4, Winter 2010-11; ©Washington State Historical Society) Mount Rainier or Mount Tacoma? (A.D. Martinson, extract from Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History, Vol. 3 No. 2, Summer 1989; ©Washington State Historical Society) Mount Rainier National Park: Preliminary Master Plan (HTML edition) (1973) Mount Rainier Trails Management Handbook (Barbara Samora, Mike Carney, Randy Brooks, Bob Elmore, Seymour Parkes and Bob Dunnagan, May 1989) "Mount Tacoma" vs. "Mount Rainier": The Fight to Rename the Mountain (Genevieve McCoy, extract from Pacific Northwest Quarterly, Vol. 77 No. 4, October 1986; all rights reserved) Museum Management Plan, Mount Rainier National Park (Robert Applegate, Kent Bush, Nancy Hori, Gay Hunter and Deborah Osterberg, September 2003) Mycorrhizal fungi in disturbed sites at Mt. Rainier National Park (Efren Cazares and Laurie Kurth, Date Unknown) National Register of Historic Places Nomination Forms Longmire Administration Building, Community Building and Service Station (Laura Soullière Harrison, 1986) Mount Rainier National Park (Stephanie Toothman, Susan Begley and Ethan Carr, September 14 1996) Paradise Inn (Laura Soullière Harrison, 1985) Yakima Park Stockade Group (Laura Soullière Harrison, 1985) Natural History Check List and Information, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington (1964) Natural Resource Condition Assessment, Mount Rainier National Park NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/MORA/NRR-2014/894 (Robert L. Hoffman, Andrea Woodward, Patricia Haggarty, Kurt Jenkins, Paul Griffin, Michael J. Adams, Joan Hagar, Tonnie Cummings, Dan Duriscoe, Karen Kopper, Jon Riedel, Barbara Samora, Lelaina Marin, Guillaume S. Mauger, Karen Bumbaco and Jeremy S. Littell, December 2014) Nature Notes: Mount Rainier National Park (1923-1939, 1984-1989) Nisqually Glacier and Emmons Glacier, Washington: Progress report 1957 (Gordon C. Giles, March 1958) North Cascadia Adaptation Partnership: Mount Rainier National Park Climate Change Workshop Pack Forest (Scott Hall) March 2, 2011 Weather, Climate, and Future Climate Projections (Nate Mantua) Glaciers (Jon Riedel) Goats to Geoducks Climate Change and Geo‐hazards from the Summit of Mount Rainier to Puget Sound (Part 1) (Paul Kennard, Scott Beason and Stefan Lofgren) Goats to Geoducks Climate Change and Geo‐hazards from the Summit of Mount Rainier to Puget Sound (Part 2) (Paul Kennard, Scott Beason and Stefan Lofgren) Goats to Geoducks Climate Change and Geo‐hazards from the Summit of Mount Rainier to Puget Sound (Part 3) (Paul Kennard, Scott Beason and Stefan Lofgren) Goats to Geoducks Climate Change and Geo‐hazards from the Summit of Mount Rainier to Puget Sound (Part 4) (Paul Kennard, Scott Beason and Stefan Lofgren) Climate Change Effects on Hydrology (Alan Hamlet) Climate Change Effects on Aquatic Habitats (Nate Mantua) Climate Change and Amphibians (Bob Hoffman) Climate Change Effects on Vegetation Patterns, Fire, and Forest Pests (Crystal Raymond) Whitebark Pine Monitoring (Lou Whiteaker) Climate Change Effects on Wildlife Habitat and Populations (Josh Lawler) Climate Change and Archeological Resources (Part 1) (Greg Burtchard) Climate Change and Archeological Resources (Part 2) (Greg Burtchard) Climate Change and Archeological Resources (Part 3) (Greg Burtchard) Climate Change Response and Cultural Landscape Preservation (Susan Dolan) National Park Service Climate Change Overview (Regina Rochefort) North Cascadia Adaptation Partnership Progress Report (August 2011) North Coast and Cascades Network Climate Monitoring Reports North Coast and Cascades Network Climate Monitoring Report: Mount Rainier National Park Water Year 2010 NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS-2012/318 (Rebecca Lofgren, Mark Huff, William Baccus and Mike Larrabee, May 2012) North Coast and Cascades Network Climate Monitoring Report: Mount Rainier National Park Water Year 2011 NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS-2013/462 (Rebecca Lofgren, Mark Huff, William Baccus and Mike Larrabee, March 2013) North Coast and Cascades Network Climate Monitoring Report: Mount Rainier National Park Water Year 2012 NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS-2014/705 (Rebecca Lofgren, William Baccus and Mike Larrabee, September 2014) North Coast and Cascades Network Climate Monitoring Report: Mount Rainier National Park Water Year 2016 NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS-2017/1125 (Ben L. Wright and Rebecca A. Lofgren, November 2017) North Coast and Cascades Network Climate Monitoring Report: Mount Rainier National Park Water Year 2017 NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS-2018/1175 (Ben Wright and Rebecca Lofgren, June 2018) North Coast and Cascades Network Landbird Monitoring Reports North Coast and Cascades Network Landbird Monitoring: Report for the 2013 field season NPS Natural Resource Data Series. NPS/NCCN/NRDS-2014/691 (Amanda L. Holmgren, Robert L. Wilkerson, Rodney B. Siegel and Patricia J. Happe, August 2014) North Coast and Cascades Network Landbird Monitoring: Report for the 2015 field season NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NCCN/NRR-2016/1128 (Amanda L. Holmgren, Robert L. Wilkerson, Rodney B. Siegel and Jason I. Ransom, June 2016) North Coast and Cascades Network Landbird Monitoring: Report for the 2019 field season NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NCCN/NRR-2020/1284 (Amanda L. Holmgren, Robert L. Wilkerson, Rodney B. Siegel and Jason I. Ransom, July 2020) North Coast and Cascades Network Landbird Monitoring: Report for the 2020 field season NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NCCN/NRR-2021/1337 (Amanda L. Holmgren, Robert L. Wilkerson, Rodney B. Siegel and Jason I. Ransom, November 2021) North Coast and Cascades Network Landbird Monitoring: Report for the 2021 field season NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NCCN/NRR-2022/1371 (Amanda L. Holmgren, Robert L. Wilkerson, Rodney B. Siegel and Jason I. Ransom, October 2022) North Coast and Cascades Network Landbird Monitoring: Report for the 2022 field season NPS Natural Resource Data Series NPS/NCCN/NRDS-2023/1401 (Amanda L. Holmgren, Robert L. Wilkerson, Rodney B. Siegel and Jason I. Ransom, December 2023) North Coast and Cascades Network Landbird Monitoring: Report for the 2023 field season NPS Science Report NPS/SR-2024/206 (Amanda L. Holmgren, Robert L. Wilkerson, Rodney B. Siegel and Jason I. Ransom, October 2024) NPScape Landscape Analysis for Mount Rainier National Park: Housing, Population, and Roads Metrics NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NCCN/NRR—2015/1079 (Lise Grace, Mark H. Huff and Catharine Copass, November 2015) Observed Behavior and Visitor Counts at Four Lakes in Mount Rainier National Park (Mark E. Vande Kamp, October 2009) Ohanapecosh Campground Rehabilitation Study (Janis M. Moehring and Jerry F. Franklin, September 1977) Our Greatest Mountain: A Handbook for Mount Rainier National Park (F.W. Schmoe, 1925) Our Greatest Mountain and Alpine Regions of Wonder National Park Art Series (No. 1) (A.H. Barnes, 1911) Our Greatest Mountain and Alpine Wonders National Park Art Series (No. 2) (A.H. Barnes, 1918) PNRO Inventory Gobbler' Knob Fire Lookout (David Harvey, September 30, 1982) Huckleberry Creek Patrol Cabin (Gray Fitzsimons and David Harvey, September 20, 1983) Indian Bar Trail Shelter (David Harvey, September 30, 1982) Ipsut Creek Ranger Cabin (David Harvey, September 30, 1982) Lake George Patrol Cabin (David Harvey, September 30, 1982) Mowich Lake Patrol Cabin (David Harvey, September 30, 1982) Mt. Fremont Fire Lookout (GGF, August 18, 1982) North Mowich Trail Shelter (David Harvey, September 1, 1982) Shriner Peak Fire Lookout (Gray Fitzsimons and David Harvey, September 10, 1982) St. Andrews Patrol Cabin (David Harvey, September 29, 1982) Summerland Trail Shelter (David Harvey, September 7, 1982) Sunset Park Patrol Cabin (David Harvey, September 21, 1982) Sunset Park Trail Shelter (David Harvey, September 21, 1982) Three Lakes Patrol Cabin (David Harvey, September 28, 1982) Tolmie Peak Fire Lookout (David Harvey, September 30, 1982) White River Campground Patrol Cabin (David Harvey, September 12, 1982) Paradise: A Preservation and Design Study, Mount Rainier National Park (University of Oregon, Fall 1985) Paradise Camp: Archaeology in the Paradise Developed Area, Mount Rainier National Park (Greg Burtchard, Benjamin Diaz and Kendra Carlisle, February 2008) Paradise Glacier Ice Caves Lost (Mauri S. Pelto, April 29, 2010) Park Newspaper (Paradise Visitors Guide): 2006 • 2007 • 2008 Park Newspaper (The Tahoma News) 1981: Summer 1986: July 1 - September 1 1987: July 1 - September 7 1988: July 1 - September 5 1990: May 1 - June 30 1992: April 6 - June 30 1993: July 1 - September 11 • September 12 - November 1994: April 11 - June 30 • July 1 - September 10 • September 12 - December 17 • December 1 - April 9, 1995 1995: April 10 - June 30 • July 1 - September 10 • September 11 - November 30 • December 1 - April 14, 1996 1996: April 8 - June 30 • July 1 - September 7 • September 8 - December 20 • Winter 1996-1997 1997: May - June • September 8 - December • December - April 1998 1998: May - June • September 8 - December 1999: July 1 - September 6 • September 7 - December 2000: January - April • May - June • July 1 - September 4 2001: July 1 - September 3 2002: May - June • July 1 - September 2 • September 3 - December 31 2003: January 1 - April • May - June • July 1 - September 1 • September 2 - December 31 2004: January 1 - April • May - June • July 1 - September 6 • September 7 - December 31 2005: January 1 - April • May - June • July 1 - September 5 • September 6 - December 31 2006: January 1 - April • September 5 - December 31 2007: May - June • July 1 - September 3 • September 4 - December 31 2008: January 1 - April • May - June • July 1 - September 1 • September 2 - December 31 2009: January 1 - April • May - June • July 1 - September 7 • September 8 - December 31 2010: January 1 - April • May - June • July 1 - September 6 • September 7 - December 31 2011: July 1 - September 5 2012: July 1 - September 3 • September 4 - December 31 2013: May - June • July 1 - September 2 • September 3 - October 31 2014: May - June • July 1 - September 1 • September 2 - December 31 2015: January 1 - April 30 • May - June • July 1 - September 7 • September 8 - December 31 2016: January 1 - April 30 • May - June • July 1 - September 5 • September 6 - December 31 2017: January 1 - April 30 • May - June • July 1 - September 4 • September 5 - December 31 2018: January 1 - April 30 • May - June • July 1 - September 3 • September 4 - December 31 2019: January 1 - April 30 • May - June • July 1 - September 2 • September 3 - December 31 2020: January 1 - April 30 • Summer • Fall/Winter 2021: January 1 - April 30 • Spring • Summer/Fall 2022: Winter • Spring • Summer/Fall 2023: Summer/Fall 2024: Summer Plant Response to Elk Grazing in Subalpine Dry Meadow Communities of Mt. Rainier National Park CPSU/OSU 89-5 (S.H. Sharrow and D.E. Kuntz, July 1989) Plants, Tribal Traditions, and the Mountain: Practices and Effects of Nisqually Tribal Plant Gathering at Mount Rainier National Park (Greg Burtchard, David Hooper and Arnie Peterson, 2024) Postglacial Lahars From Mount Rainier Volcano, Washington U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 677 (Dwight R. Crandell, 1971) Potential effects of future volcanic eruptions in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington (Dwight R. Crandell, 1967) Precipitation Chemistry at Mount Rainier (Paradise Ranger Station) Collection Site (James Agren, Naomi Beebe and Anne M. johansen, c2012) Predicting Impacts of Climate Change on Water Supply: Mount Rainier National Park NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/MORA/NRR-2022/2400 (Rachel M. Fricke and Rebecca A. Lofgren, June 2022) Proceedings of the Tacoma Academy of Science: Is it Mount Tacoma, or Rainier? (James Wickersham, 1893) Projected Consumption of Outdoor Recreation Activities Within Mt. Rainier National Park and Surrounding Region (Denver Hospodarsky, Darryll Johnson and Perry J. Brown, June 1993) Pumice and Other Pyroclastic Deposits in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington USGS Bulletin 1326 (Donal Ray Mullineaux, 1974) Quaternary Stratigraphy and Extent of Glaciation in the Mount Rainier Region, Washington U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 847 (Dwight R. Crandell and Robert D. Miller, 1974) Recent Activity of Glaciers of Mount Rainier, Washington (HTML edition) USGS Professional Paper 387-B (Robert S. Sigafoos and E.L. Hendricks, 1972) Reconnaissance Investigation of Petroleum Products in Soil and Ground Water at Longmire, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, 1990 U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 94-4030 (S.S. Sumioka, 1995) Report to the Secretary of the Interior by the Supervisor of the Mount Rainier National Park: 1915 (HTML edition) (D.L. Reaburn, 1915) Research Catalog: A comprehensive manual of natural and cultural study opportunities within Mount Rainier, North Cascades, and Olympic National Parks (September 2000) Revised Vegetation Classification for Mount Rainier, North Cascades, and Olympic National Parks Project Summary Report NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NCCN/NRR-2021/2225 (Tynan Ramm-Granberg, F. Joseph Rocchio, Catharine Copass, Rachel Brunner and Eric Nielson, February 2021) Rivers Gone Wild: Extreme landscape response to climate-induced flooding and debris flows, and implications to long-term management at Mount Rainier National Park Field Trip Guide #410, 2017 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA (Scott R. Beason, Paul M. Kennard, Christopher S. Magirl, Joseph L. George, Robert P. Jost and Taylor R. Kenyon, October 21, 2017) Rivers of Ice: The Glaciers of Mount RainierCold, Cruel, Magnificent (Ruth Kirk, extract from Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History, Vol. 13 No. 2, Summer 1999; ©Washington State Historical Society) Roadside Geology of Mount Rainier National Park and Vicinity Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Information Circular 107 (Patrick T. Pringle, June 2008, ©Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources) Rockfalls and Avalanches from Little Tahoma Peak on Mount Rainier, Washington (HTML edition) USGS Bulletin 1221-A (Dwight R. Crandell and Robert K. Fahnestock, 1965) Rocks of Mount Rainier USGS 18th Annual Report, Part 2 >(George Otis Smith, 1898) Seasonal Distribution and Aerial Surveys of Mountain Goats in Mount Rainier, North Cascades, and Olympic National Parks, Washington USGS Open-File Report 2011-1107 (Kurt Jenkins, Katherine Beirne, Patricia Happe, Roger Hoffman, Cliff Rice and Jim Schaberl, 2011) Sedimentology, Behavior, and Hazards of Debris Flows at Mount Rainier Washington (HTML edition) USGS Professional Paper 1547 (K.M. Scott, J.W. Vallance and P.T. Pringle, 1995) Seismic Monitoring in Mount Rainier National Park: Assessing the Potential for Geologic and Volcanic Events Environmental Assessment Public Review Draft (May 28, 1998) Serious Accident Investigation: Factual Report Falling Fatality of NPS Rescue Climber On Emmons-Winthrop Glacier Within Mount Rainier National Park, June 21, 2012 Redacted Public Release (c2012) Short History of Mount Rainier National Park (Robert N. McIntyre, 1953) Sluskin: Yakima Guide to Mount Rainier (Michel F. Turek and Robert H. Keller, Jr., extract from Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History, Vol. 5 No. 1, Spring 1991; ©Washington State Historical Society) Spatial Analysis of Recreational Impacts in Mount Rainier National Park (Meghan Halabisky, Date Unknown) Spray Park Visitor Survey: 1993, Mount Rainier National Park NPS Technical Report NPS/CCSOUW/NRTR-98-04 (Mark E. Vande Kamp, Darryll R. Johnson and Jane E. Swanson, 1998) Streamflow Permanence in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington USGS Fact Sheet 2023-3051 (Kristin Jaeger, January 2024) Studies of Forest Ecosystems at Mount Rainier National Park: First Year Report to National Park Service (William Moir and Jerry F. Franklin, April 1, 1976) Studies of Forest Ecosystems at Mount Rainier National Park: Second Annual Report to National Park Service (Jerry F. Franklin, William H. Moir, Sarah Lewis and Miles Hemstrom, June 1, 1977) Surficial Geology of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington (HTML edition) USGS Bulletin 1288 (Dwight R. Crandell, 1969) Surficial Geologic Map of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington (March 2024) Survey of Rare Alpine Lichens & General Inventory for Camp Muir (Katherine A. Glew, June 30, 2002) Tahoma Creek Bridge Focused Condition Assessment Science Report NPS/SR-2024/103 (Robert P. Jost, Taylor R. Kenyon and Scott R. Beason, April 2024) Temporal Variations of Water Quality and the Taxonomic Structures of Phytoplankton and Zooplankton Assemblages in High-Mountain Lakes, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, USA NPS Technical Report NPS/CCSOSU/NRTR-98/06 (Gary Larson, Ruth W. Jacobs, C. David McIntire and Robert Truitt, April 1998) The 1985 Indian Henry's Meadow Visitor Survey (William Salvi and Darryll R. Johnson, 1991) The 2004 Mount Rainier Climber Study: Selecting Indicators of Climber Experience Quality for the High Use and Moderate Use Climbing Zones (©Mark Husbands, Master's Thesis University of Washington, 2006) The Ascent of Mount Rainier (S.F. Emmons, extract from Nation, November 23, 1876) The Campaign to Establish Mount Rainier National Park, 1893-1899 (Theodore Catton, extract from Pacific Northwest Quarterly, Vol. 88 No. 2, Spring 1997) The Ascent of Takhoma (Hazard Stevens, extract from Washington State Historical Society Publications: Volume II (1907-1914), 1915) The Ascent of Takhoma (Hazard Stevens, extract from The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. XXXVIII No. CCXXIX, November 1876) The Cascades Butterfly Project: A Protocol for Monitoring Subalpine Butterflies and Plant Phenology in the Cascade Mountains of Washington NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NOCA/NRR-2017/1440 (Regina M. Rochefort and John F. McLaughlin, May 2017) The Cascades Butterfly Project: Survey Routes, Standard Operating Procedures, and Field Forms Version 2.0 (Regina M. Rochefort, January 2024) The Environmental Implications of Aggradation in Major Braided Rivers at Mount Rainier National Park, Washington (Scot Robert Beason, May 2007) The Expedition of 1905: Two hundred climbers tackle Mt. Rainier (Lisa Mighetto, extract from Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History, Vol. 4 No. 3, Fall 1990; ©Washington State Historical Society) The Flood of 2006 Report: 2007 & 2008 Updates, Mount Rainier National Park (Alison B. Bullock, March 2009) The Flowering Plants and Ferns of Mount Rainier University of Washington Publications in Biology Volume 7 (George Neville Jones, December 1938) The Forest Communities of Mount Rainier National Park (HTML edition) Scientific Monograph Series No. 19 (Jerry F. Franklin, William H. Moir, Miles A. Hemstrom, Sarah E. Greene and Bradley G. Smith, 1988) The Geologic Story of Mount Rainier National Park USGS Bulletin 1292 (Dwight R. Crandell, 1969 rev. 1983) The Geologic Story of Mount Rainier National Park (HTML edition) (Dwight R. Crandell, rev. ed. 1983, ©Pacific Northwest National Parks & Forests Association) The Geology of Mount Rainier National Park (HTML edition) University of Washington Publications in Geology Vol. 3 No. 2 (Howard A. Coombs, July 1936) The Great Myth - "Mount Tacoma": Mount Rainier and the Facts of History (Olympia Chamber of Commerce, January 1924) The Interaction of Changing Patterns of Land Use, Sub-Alpine Forest Composition and fire Regime at Buck Lake, Mount Rainier National Park, USA (Michael A. Tweiten, January 2007) The Mountain That Was "God" (John H. Williams, 2nd ed., 1911) The Mountaineer (©The Mountaineers) A Knapsack Trip Into Spray Park (Wayne Sensenig, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. 2, November 1909) A New Route Up Mt. Rainier (Dora Keen, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. Five, 1912) A Pre-War Summer at Rainier (Dee Molenaar, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. XXXVII No. 1, December 1944) A Summary of Ascents of Mount Rainier (Dee Molenaar, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. 50 No. 1, December 28, 1956) America's National Parks (Stephen T. Mather, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. XVII No. 1, December 15, 1924) Around Mount Rainier with the Mountaineers, 1915 (Philip F. Rogers, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. Eight, December 1915) Ascents of Mount Rainier by the Ingraham Glacier (Allison L. Brown, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. 13 No. 1, November 1920) Camp Fire Reflections (Ruth Hanna, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. Eight, December 1915) Carbon Glacier (Edmond S. Meany, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. 2, November 1909) Change in Willis Wall (J.B. Flett, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. Five, 1912) Early Ascents of Mount Rainier (E.S. Ingraham, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. 2, November 1909) Eastern Impressions of the Mountaineers (Katherine Reed, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. 2, November 1909) Encircling Mount Rainier (Richard W. Montague, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. XVII No. 1, December 15, 1924) Flowers of the Mountain (Winona Bailey, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. 2, November 1909) Forest Types in the Mount Rainier National Park (G.F. Allen, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. Eight, December 1915) Grand Park (Edmond S. Meany, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. Five, 1912) Greetings (Stephen Mather, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. Twelve, December 1919) Guiding the Tenderfoot in Paradise Valley (Fairman B. Lee, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. Twelve, December 1919) In the Shadow of the Mountain (Elizabeth Wright Conway, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. XXIII No. 1, December 15, 1930) Indian Legends of Mt. Rainier (W.D. Lyman, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. 2, November 1909) Little Tahoma (Edmond S. Meany, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. Five, 1912) Living in Paradise (Gertrude Shorrock, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. XXXVI No. 1, December 1943) Mapping Mount Rainier National Park (F.E. Matthes, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. 3, November 1910) Messages of Appreciation (Edmond S. Meany, Hazard Stevens, P.B. Van Trump, Bailey Willis, Ben Longmire, E.S. Ingraham, H.M. Sarvant, J.B. Flett and C.V. Piper, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. Eight, December 1915) Mount Rainier in Indian Legendry (Ella E. Clark, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. 48 No. 13, December 28, 1955) Mount Rainier in Indian Legends (Edmond S. Meany, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. XXIII No. 1, December 15, 1930) Mount Rainier on Skis (Sigurd Hall, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. Thirty-Two No. 1, December 15 1939) Mountaineers' Outing to Mount Rainier (Asahel Curtis, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. 2, November 1909) On Columbia's Crest (E.S. Ingraham, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. 2, November 1909) On the Ascents of Mount Rainier (Harry McL. Myers, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. 13 No. 1, November 1920) On the Ascents of Mount Rainier (Harry M. Myers, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. XXVIII No. 1, December 1935) Origin of Two Names on Mount Rainier (E.S. Ingraham and W.M. Bosworth , extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. Fifteen No. 1, December 15, 1922) Our National Park (Rober W. Toll, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. Twelve, December 1919) Outing Preliminaries in Scouting and Trail Work (J.H. Weer, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. Eight, December 1915) Paradise Glacier Vanishes (Walter Rue, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. 47 No. 13, December 15, 1954) Rocks of the Hills (Edmond S. Meany, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. Eight, December 1915) Some Birds and Mammals of Mount Rainier (Walter P. Taylor, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. XIV No. 1, November 1921) Success Cleaver Route to Rainier's Summit (J.H. Weer, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. 11, December 1918) The Ascent of Mt. Rainier (E.M. Hack, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. Five, 1912) The Dog-Tooth Violet (Edmond S. Meany, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. 2, November 1909) The Final Conquest (Wolf Bauer, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. XXVIII No. 1, December 1935) The Future of the Rainier National Park (Asahel Curtis, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. 4, 1911) The Geological Story of Mount Rainier (Edwin J. Saunders, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. Eight, December 1915) The Glaciers of Mount Rainier (Israel C. Russell, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. 2, November 1909) The Glaciers of Mount Rainier (R.H. McKee, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. Eight, December 1915) The Mountain Encircled (Edmond S. Meany, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. Eight, December 1915) The Mountaineers' Outing on the North Side of Mt. Rainier (Mary Paschall, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. Five, 1912) The North Face of Mount Rainier (Wolf Bauer, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. Twenty-Seven No. 1, December 1934) The Summer Outing of 1919: "A Hundred and Twenty Miles Around Rainier" (E.L. Bickford, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. Twelve, December 1919) The Survey of Mount Rainier (F.E. Matthes, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. Eight, December 1915) The Thermal Caves (J.B. Flett, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. Five, 1912) The Undescribed Glaciers of Mount Rainier (F.E. Matthes, extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. Five, 1912) Via Libery Ridge (Will H. Borrow, Jr., extract from The Mountaineer, Vol. XXVIII No. 1, December 1935) VIP's View of the New Management Plan At Mount Rainier (Gerald J. Sabel, extract from The Mountaineer, 1973) Wilderness for Olympic and Mt. Rainier National Parks (Polly Dyer, extract from The Mountaineer, 1973) The Mountaineers: Pioneers of Recreational Skiing in the Pacific Northwest (Stella Degenhardt, extract from Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History, Vol. 9 No. 4, Winter 1995/96; ©Washington State Historical Society) The Mountains of Oregon (©W.G. Steel, 1890) The Name of Mount Tacoma (A.H. Denman, April 1924) The Northwest Memoirs of Floyd Schmoe (Peter Donahue, extract from Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History, Vol. 23 No. 2, Summer 2009; ©Washington State Historical Society) The Recession of Glaciers in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington (C. Frank Brockman, extract from The Journal of Geology, Vol. 46 No. 5, 1938) The Road Inventory of Mount Rainier National Park (December 1998) The Short, Spectacular Life of Paradise Golf Course, Mount Rainier, Washington (Martin Pool, November 2016, rev. July 2023) The Story of Mount Rainier National Park (©C. Frank Brockman, 1940, revised 1946) Topographic and Hydrologic Insight for the Westside Road Problem, Mount Rainier National Park NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/MORA/NRR-2015/1057 (Matthew A. Thomas and Paul Kennard, October 2015) Topographic Map: Mount Rainier National Park, WA Scale: 1:50,000 (USGS, 1971) Topographic Map: Nisqually Glacier, Mount Rainier National Park, WA Scale: 1:10,000 (USGS, 1978) Trail Maintenance Manual (June 1969) Trail Maintenance Standards, Mount Rainier National Park (John Dalle-Molle, 1978) Trees of Mount Rainier National Park (C. Frank Brockman, 1949; ©The President and Regents of the University of Washington) Vascular Plant Inventory of Mount Rainier National Park NPS Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/NCCN/NRTR—2010/347 (Regina M. Rochefort, June 2010) Vegetation Classification and Mapping Project Report: Mount Rainier National Park NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NCCN/NRR—2021/2253 (Eric M. Nielsen, Catharine Copass, Rachel L. Brunner and Lindsey K. Wise, May 2021) Vegetation Classification of Mount Rainier, North Cascades, and Olympic National Parks: Plant Association Descriptions and Identification Keys NPS Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/NCCN/NRTR—2009/211 (Rex C. Crawford, Christopher B. Chappell, Catharine C. Thompson and F. Joseph Rocchio, April 2009) Vegetation Mapping in Mount Rainier National Park (Eric Nielsen and Jimmy Kagan, Date Unknown) View and Vista Management Plan, Mount Rainier National Park Draft (Miranda Hawkes, Amber Piona and Jennifer Stromberg, September 2015) Visitor Carrying Capacity Analysis: Final Report, Mt. Rainier National Park, Washington (July 1999) Visitor Density in Facilities: Mount Rainier National Park Facility Survey NPS Technical Report NPS/CCSOUW/NRTR-98-11 (Mark E. Vande Kamp and Darryll R. Johnson, 1998) Visitor Experience Indicators and Standards for the Wilderness Management Zones in Mount Rainier National Park: Recommendations for Final Selection NPS Technical Report NPS/PWR/UW/NRTR-2009-03 (Mark E. Vande Kamp, October 2009) Visitor Study: Summer 2012, Mount Rainier National Park NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NRSS/EQD/NRR—2013/736 (M.F. Manni, Yen Le and Steven J. Hollenhorst, November 2013) Visitor Survey: 1990, Mount Rainier National Park (Darryll R. Johnson, Karen P. Foster and Katherine L. Kerr, 1990) Visitor Use in the Management Zones of Mount Rainier National Park NPS Technical Report NPS/PWR/UW/NRTR-2009-04 (Mark E. Vande Kamp, October 2009) Volcanic Hazards of Mount Rainier, Washington (HTML edition) USGS Bulletin 1238 (Dwight R. Crandell and Donal R. Mullineaux, 1967) Volcanic Hazards of Mount Rainier, Washington USGS Open-File Report 98-428 (R.P. Hoblitt, J.S. Walder, C.L. Driedger, K.M. Scotf, P.T. Pringle and J.W. Vallance, 1998) Water quality of selected lakes in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington with respect to lake acidification USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 85-4254 (G.L. Turney, N.P. Dion, and S.S. Sumioka, 1986) White Pass Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan (2013) Wilderness Management Plan, Mount Rainier National Park (Barbara A. Samora, 1989) Windthrow Problem Areas in Peripheral Forests of Mount Rainier National Park (Jerry F. Franklin, August 31, 1977) Wonderland: An Administrative History of Mount Rainier National Park (HTML edition) (Theodore Catton, May 1996) Yakima Park 50th Anniversary: 1931-1981 (1981) Videos
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