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An Acadian Afternoon Your hike begins in the cool shade of the spruce-fir forest. Ribbons of sunlight drop through the canopy to needle-carpeted ground. The rat-a-tat of a pileated woodpecker shatters the hush of the woods, and a red squirrel darting along a tree trunk chitters as you pass by. The trail rises; tree roots underfoot give way to lichen-splotched granite. Clumps of sheep laurel and low-bush blueberry grow along the trail. Squat, gnarled pitch pines replace the straight spruce and fir below, and the scent of pine resin baking in the sun fills the air. After a rugged scramble over boulders, you pause in a shady spot to sip from your water bottle, noting the goose-foot-shaped leaves of striped maple glowing emerald in the sun. There are birch here and aspen and oak; this is a much different forest than the one you started in. Could fire have once swept through here, allowing faster-growing, sun-loving plants to dominate in place of shade-loving spruce? Or is some other process at work? What will become of these younger forests as time passes? Stone steps appear ahead, a slope of loose rock scree magically rearranged. The trail, built over a hundred years ago by a summer resident, is but one of many contributions made by those who sought to preserve parts of the Acadian landscape for others to enjoy. On a ranger-led walk earlier in the day, you learned to identify the trill of the white-throated sparrow, and now it pierces the air. Like so many other species, the white-throated sparrow visits only for the summer, spending its winters far beyond park borders in the south. As the trail climbs, the forest shrinks away to stunted, weather-beaten trees and barren granite. You step lightly, and on stone, for life here is already tough for the plants that must survive in the severe climates of mountain tops, without a hiking boot crushing them. Three-toothed cinquefoil clusters behind rocks and sinks its roots into what little soil exists in the joints of granite bedrock. One careless kick of a rock could destroy decades of growth and crucial habitat for summit plants, including some rare subalpine species. A panorama of shore and sea emerges, revealing the landmarks that define Acadia's coastSand Beach, Thunder Hole, and Otter Point. Across the bay, Schoodic Peninsula juts into the ocean. Visitors in the 1800s once looked out upon a similar scene, but instead of hearing the mutter of lobster boats, they saw the sails of hundreds of fishing sloops dotting the bay. To the west more mountains rise up. Their shapes suggest the southward movement of glaciers thousands of years ago pushing into the north ridges of the mountains. Scraping down mountain summits, the glaciers sculpted long, sloping north ridges and created steep cliffs on their southern faces. At the summit you are encircled by the mountainous and oceanic world of Acadia. In only one mile you have hiked from sea level to the solitude of a mountain summit. Now you are faced with decisions: Explore farther on? Return to your starting point? Beguiled by the cool ocean breezes and the sun beating on your shoulders, maybe you simply sit back and contemplate the sky and sea, and the scudding clouds, and the fine afternoon that brought you here. Shaping the Land A variety of geologic processes have shaped Acadia National Park, leaving tangible evidence of the region's ancient past. Ellsworth Schist Cadillac Mountain Granite Glaciers Shoreline Processes People of Mount Desert Island
The earliest indigenous people of Mount Desert Island were hunter-gatherers who plied the sea in dugout canoes in pursuit of sea mammals and fish. Bits of animal bone, pottery shards, and stone tools, discarded in clam shell heaps reveal clues about their daily lives. Some artifacts have been carbon dated to 5,000 years of age. More recently, the Wabanaki lived on the island all year, hunting, gathering, and trading with the European fishermen and explorers. Explorer Samuel Champlain created the first reliable European record of Mount Desert Island in 1604. There were attempts to settle the island after his visit, but 150 years of war between the French and British made it disputed territory unsafe for habitation until 1761, when English colonists established the first permanent settlement. Islanders fished, farmed, quarried granite, and engaged in shipping. When the first visitors arrived in the mid-1800s, the tourist trade offered a new income source. Landscape painters of the Hudson River School inspired droves of city dwellers to seek out Mount Desert Island. Huge wooden hotels and extravagant housescalled "cottages"built by wealthy summer residents soon transformed the quiet farming and fishing villages. Amid all the bustle and clamor of socials and lawn parties, there were those who still appreciated the natural beauty of the island. In 1901, Harvard President Charles W. Eliot formed the Hancock County Trustees of Public Reservations to help preserve some of the beautiful spots on Mount Desert Island. The Trustees acquired 5,000 acres in donated land and presented it to the federal Government. In 1916 President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the area Sieur de Monts National Monument. As more land donations expanded the national monument, in 1919 Congress redesignated it as a national parkthe first to be established east of the Mississippi River. A Diversity of Life Sea meets land at Acadia, and life thrives from shore to summit. The arctic black crowberry grows next to the more temperate bunchberry. Songs of wood warblers fill the forest, and a green snake basks in the sun. Mammals, from the little brown bat to white-tailed deer, also add to Acadia's diversity of life. Tidepools Woodlands Lakes Mountains
Visiting Acadia Getting Here By Automobile: Follow Maine 3 to Mount Desert Island. Schoodic Peninsula can be reached by Maine 186. By Air: Airlines serve Hancock County-Bar Harbor Airport, 10 miles from the park, and Bangor International Airport, 45 miles from the park. Seasonal shuttles link airports with Mount Desert Island. By Bus: Concord Trailways and Vermont Transit provide service between Logan Airport (Boston) and Bangor. Seasonal shuttles link bus lines with Mount Desert Island. By Ferry: Bay Ferries offer seasonal car and passenger service between Bar Harbor and Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Isle au Haut can be reached by ferry from Stonington, Maine. Exploring Acadia Island Explorer Shuttles Parking is limited in Acadia National Park. In summer, fare-free Island Explorer shuttles connect lodging and campgrounds with villages, the park, and ferries. Your park entrance fees support the Island Explorer. Park Entrance Passes Your park entrance fees support many park programs also. You can buy passes at the Hulls Cove Visitor Center, park headquarters, park campgrounds, entrance station north of Sand Beach, and Bar Harbor Village Green. Visitor Center Begin your visit at Hulls Cove Visitor Center on Maine 3 for information, a captioned audiovisual program. publications, and activity schedules. In winter, park headquarters, on Maine 233 west of Bar Harbor, provides information. Ranger-led Programs Rangers lead programs along the shore, on mountains, in forests, and on boat cruises, interpreting wildlife, history, plants, and geology. See the park newspaper Beaver Log for schedules. Scenic Driving The 27-mile Park Loop Road connects Acadia's lakes, mountains, and seashore. Cadillac Mountain Road offers panoramic views of the coast and island-studded bays. Federal law requires wearing seat belts. Obey all speed limits. Trails Acadia's many historic trailsfrom lowland paths to mountain routessuit the casual walker or avid hiker. Beware of loose stones and poison ivy, stay on trails, wear hiking shoes, and do not hike alone. Trails are for day hiking only; there is no backcountry camping in Acadia. Carriage Roads Acadia's 45 miles of historic carriage roads are among America's finest remaining examples of broken-stone roads. Bicyclists: remember to yield to all pedestrians and equestrians. Swimming Echo Lake Beach and Sand Beach are lifeguarded in summer. The ocean is cold! Many lakes supply public drinking water and are closed to swimming and wading. Bicycling The park has 45 miles of historic carriage roads and over 27 miles of paved roads. Bicycles are prohibited off-road and on hiking trails. Winter Visits Cross-country skiing and snowshoeing are popular when conditions permit, icy conditions can make winter hiking treacherous. Accommodations There are two park campgrounds: Blackwoods, open all year (reservations suggested May-October; walk-in camping by permit only December-March), and Seawall, open late May-September (first-come, first-served). Do not feed wild animals! Store and dispose of food correctly. Nearby towns offer private campgrounds and lodging. Accessibility Ask at information centers or park campgrounds for a guidebook of accessible services and facilities. Also ask about captioned and audio description programs and schedules of the accessible ranger-led programs and carriage rides. Acadia's Seasons Be prepared for changeable weather. Summer highs average 70-80°F, with fog common. Spring and fall highs are 50-60°F. Winter lasts from November to April, and temperatures range from below 0°F to 30°F. Annual snowfall averages 60 inches. For Your Safety Use caution near cliff edges; dangerous footing can cause serious falls. Trails and rocks may be slippery. Waves can knock you down and sweep you out to sea. Never turn your back on the ocean. Regulations Pets must be attended and leashed at all times. Parking, camping, and fires are permitted only in designated areas. Firearms are prohibited in the park unless cased, broken down, or otherwise packed against use. To protect the park's scenic, natural, and cultural resources, please Leave No Trace (visit www.lnt.org). Removing plants, animals, rocks, or other natural or historic features is prohibited. Observe wildlife at a distance. Feeding wildlife is prohibited. Carry out anything you carried in. Stay on trails; hike and rest on durable surfaces, like rock, when possible. Source: NPS Brochure (2011) Documents A Century of National Park Conflict: Class, Geography, and the Changing Values of Conservation Discourse in Maine (©Adam Auerbach, Thesis Bates College, March 28, 2016) A Guide to the History of Acadia National Park's Hiking Trails (Theresa Michaels, Spring 1987) A Guide's Guide to Acadia National Park (2009) A List of the Birds of Mount Desert Island, Maine (James Bond, undated) A Preliminary List of Birds on Mount Desert and Adjacent Islands (M.J. Pellew, 1927) A Survey of Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Fauna in Maine: East Coastal and Eastern Interior Regions (1999-2000) (Andrew P. Weik, Phillip deMaynadier and Thomas P. Hodgman, May 11, 2011) Acadia National Park Climate Change Scenario Planning Workshop Summary (Jonathan Star, Nicholas Fisichelli, Alexander M. Bryan, Amanda Babson, Rebecca Cole-Will and Abraham Miller-Rushing, October 5-6, 2015) Acadia National Park: How might future warming alter visitation? (June 18, 2015) Acadia National Park in Peril: The Threats of Climate Disruption (Stephen Saunders and Tom Easley, ©The Rocky Mountain Climate Organization and Natural Resources Defense Council, November 2010, all rights reserved) Acadia Nature Notes (1932-1939) Acadia: The Friends of Acadia Journal (2016-2024) Acadia Trails Treatment Plan: Cultural Landscape Report for the Historic Hiking Trail System of Acadia National Park Olmsted Center for Historic Preservation (Christian S. Barter, Margaret Coffin Brown, J. Tracy Stakely and Gary J. Stellpflug, 2006) Accessibility Assessment Summary of Findings and Recommendations, Acadia National Park (National Center on Accessibility Eppley Institute for Parks and Public Lands, December 2021) An Analysis of Lafayette National Park (Robert Sterling Yard, ©National Parks Association, February 1924) An Evaluation of the Technical Report for Management: Water Resource Baseline Data and Assessment of Impacts from Acidic Precipitation, Acadia National Park, Maine (Jeffrey S. Kahl, Janet L. Andersen and Stephen A. Norton, June 1985) An Inventory of Terrestrial Mammals at National Parks in the Northeast Temperate Network and Sagamore Hill National Historic Site U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5245 (Andrew T. Gilbert, Allan F. O'Connell, Jr., Elizabeth M. Annand, Neil W. Talancy, John R. Sauer and James D. Nichols, 2008) Analysis of factors affecting population viability and reintroduction attempts of native mammals in Acadia National Park NPS Technical Report NPS/NESO-RNR/NRTR/98-06 (MaryEllen Chilelli, James R. Gilbert, Brad Griffith and Allan F. O'Connell, Jr., Draft April 25, 1994) Anticipated effects of development on habitat fragmentation and movement of mammals into and out of the Schoodic District, Acadia National Park, Maine USGS Scientific Investigations Report: 2012-5149 (Jason J. Rohweder, Nathan R. De Jager and Glenn R. Guntenspergen, 2012) Application of a Watershed-Wide Nonpoint Source Pollutant Loading Model at Acadia National Park (Maine) (Igor Runge, Raymond M. Wright, Daniel W. Urish and Gregory S. Fine, April 1992) Archeological Investigations at Fabbri Memorial (Diane Lee Rhodes, 1983) Architectural Survey Report: The Blue Duck, Islesford, Maine (O.W. Carroll, August 1969) Assessment of natural resource conditions in and adjacent to Acadia National Park, Maine NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NRPC/WRD/NRR-2008/069 (Peter D. Vaux, Sarah J. Nelson, Nishi Rajakaruna, Glen Mittelhauser, Kathleen Bell, Blaine Kopp, John Peckenham and Gordon Longsworth, November 2008) Asticou's Island Domain: Wabanaki Peoples at Mount Desert Island 1500-2000: Acadia National Park Ethnographic Overview and Assessment, Vol. 1 (H.E. Prins and B. McBride, 2007) Asticou's Island Domain: Wabanaki Peoples at Mount Desert Island 1500-2000: Acadia National Park Ethnographic Overview and Assessment, Vol. 2 (H.E. Prins and B. McBride, 2007) Biodiversity of the Schoodic Peninsula: Results of the Insect and Arachnid Bioblitzes at the Schoodic District of Acadia National Park, Maine Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station Technical Bulletin 206 (Donald S. Chandler, David Manski, Charlene Donahue and Andrei Alyokhin, September 2012) Centennial Junior Ranger, Acadia National Park (2016; for reference purposes only) Checklist of the Birds of Acadia National Park (Paul G. Favour, Jr., 1969 and William C. Townsend, 1974) Climate Change and Forests of the Acadia National Park Region: Projected Changes in Habitat Suitability for 83 Tree Species NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/ACAD/NRR-2013/733 (Nicholas Fisichelli, Matthew Peters, Louis Iverson, Steve Matthews and Cat Hawkins Hoffman, November 2013) Climate Change in Acadia National Park (Samantha Mary Evans, Victoria Cunningham and Yueqing Wang, June 27, 2019) Coastal Hazards & Climate Change Asset Vulnerability Assessment for Acadia National Park NPS 123/154043 (K. Peek, B. Tormey, H. Thompson, R. Young, S. Norton, J. McNamee and R. Scavo, March 2017) Compliance Documentation for the Historic Motor Roads, Acadia National Park (H. Eliot Foulds, September 1993) Condition Assessment Report: Baker Island Lightkeeper's Quarters, Acadia National Park (Frank Briscoe, 1990) Conserving a Vision: Acadia, Katahdin, and the Pathway from Private Lands to Park Lands (Sean Flaherty and Anthony Moffa, extract from Maine Law Review, Vol. 71 No. 1, 2018) Cultural Landscape Report for the Historic Motor Road System, Acadia National Park (Jeffrey Killion and H. Eliot Foulds, 2006) Cultural Landscape Report for Blackwoods and Seawall Campgrounds, Acadia National Park Olmsted Center for Landscape Preservation Cultural Landscape Publication No. 11 (H. Eliot Foulds, September 1996) Cultural Landscape Report for the Carriage Road System: Acadia National Park, Mount Desert Island, Maine (Rieley & Associates, September 1993) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Baker Island, Acadia National Park (2009) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Bass Harbor Head Light Station, Acadia National Park (2022) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Blackwoods Campground, Acadia National Park (2006; revised 09/2021) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Bubble Pond and Day Mountain Carriage Roads (2013) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Cadillac Mountain Summit (2008, rev. 09/2021) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Eagle Lake and Witch Hole Pond Carriage Roads (2013) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Hadlock and Aunt Betty Pond Carriage Roads (2013) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Historic Carriage Road System (2013) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Historic Motor Road System (1999, rev. 2008) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Isle au Haut Unit, Acadia National Park (2018) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Jordan and Sargent Mountain Carriage Roads (2013) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Jordan Pond House (2009, rev. 09/2021) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Sieur de Monts Spring, Acadia National Park (2009, rev. 09/2021) Cultural Landscapes Inventory: Thunder Hole (2012, rev. 09/2021) Determining Critical Nitrogen Loads to Boreal Lake Ecosystems: The Response of Phytoplankton at Acadia and Isle Royale National Parks NPS Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/ACAD/NRTR—2014/862 (Jasmine E. Saros, April 2014) Dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) of Acadia National Park and vicinity, Maine (Harold B. White III, 1989) Draft Finding Aid: Acadia National Park Resource Management Records (1993-2007) (September 2011) Draft Transportation Plan/Environmental Impact Statement, Acadia National Park (May 2018) Echo Lake Beach Facilities Rehabilitation Environmental Assessment (January 13, 2004) Ecological Integrity of Tree Regeneration in Acadia National Park Spruce-fir Forests NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/ACAD/NRR-2013/660 (Kate M. Miller, Evan K. Heck and Brian R. Mitchell, May 2013) Effects of Climate Change and Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition on Forest Understory Vegetation Communities in Selected U.S. National Parks NPS Science Repport NPS/SR-2024/169 (Todd C. McDonnell, Brian Knees, Michael D. Bell and Emmmi Felker-Quinn, August 2024) Effects of invasive plant species on pollinator service and reproduction in native plants at Acadia National Park NPS Technical Report NPS/NER/NRTR--2007/096 (C. J. Stubbs, F. Drummond and H. Ginsberg, 2007) Estimates of future inundation of salt marshes in response to sea-level rise in and around Acadia National Park, Maine USGS Scientific Investigations Report: 2012-5290 (Martha G. Nielsen and Robert W. Dudley, 2013) Estimating Streamflow for Base Flow Conditions at Partial-Record Streamgaging Stations at Acadia National Park, Maine U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2022-5126 (Pamela J. Lombard, 2023) Exotic Plant Management in Acadia National Park, Maine: 2018 Annual Report ACAD NR Report# 2019-01 (Alexander Fetgatter, Jesse Wheeler and Nicholas Stevenson, April 2019) Final Transportation Plan/Environmental Impact Statement, Acadia National Park (March 2019) Fire Regimes of the Coastal Maine Forests of Acadia National Park (William A. Patterson III, Karen E. Saunders an L.J. Horton, ca. 1983) Forest Vegetation Monitoring in Acadia National Park Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station Technical Bulletin 187 (J.D. Eckhoff, G.B. Wiersma and J.A. Elvir, August 2003) Foundation Document, Acadia National Park, Maine (September 2016) General Management Plan / Environmental Assessment, Acadia National Park (August 1991) General Management Plan, Acadia National Park (October 1992) Geologic Resources Inventory Report, Acadia National Park NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NRPC/GRD/NRR-2010/232 (J. Graham, August 2010) Ground water availability in Acadia National Park and vicinity, Hancock and Knox counties, Maine USGS Open-File Report: 80-1050 (Bruce P. Hansen, 1980) Guidelines on Information Deliverables for Research Projects at Acadia National Park (June 2, 2006) Hiking Trails Management Plan, Acadia National Park, Maine (February 2002) Historic American Buildings Survey Baker Island Light -- Lightkeeper's House HABS No. ME-172 Bass Harbor Head Light Station HABS No. ME-197 Blue Duck Ships Store (Hadlock Store/Islesford Market) HABS No. ME-170 (Gail Gladstone, Hunter Hughes, Brie Abbe and Josh Winer, c2019) Carroll House HABS No. ME-169 Elisha Gilley House HABS No. ME-171 Sieur de Monts Springhouse HABS No. ME-173 Historic American Engineering Record Acadia National Park Roads and Bridges HAER No. ME-12 (Richard H. Quin, 1994-97) Amphitheatre Bridge HAER No. ME-41 (Richard H. Quin, 1996) Aunt Betty's Pond Little Bridges HAER No. ME-50 (Richard Quin, 1997) Blackwoods Bridges HAER No. ME-15 (Neil Maher, 1995) Brown Mountain Gate Lodge HAER No. ME-53 Bubble Pond Bridge HAER No. ME-39 (Richard H. Quin, 1994) Cadillac Mountain Road (Acadia National Park Roads & Bridges) HAER No. ME-58 (Richard H. Quin, 1994) Chasm Brook Bridge HAER No. ME-38 (Richard H. Quin, 1994) Cliffside Bridge HAER No. ME-43 (Richard H. Quin, 1994) Cobblestone Bridge HAER No. ME-31 (Richard H. Quin, 1994) Deer Brook Bridge HAER No. ME-36 (Richard H. Quin, 1994) Duck Brook Bridge HAER No. ME-30 (Richard H. Quin, 1994) Duck Brook Bridge HAER No. ME-40 (Richard H. Quin, 1994) Eagle Lake Bridge HAER No. ME-55 (Richard H. Quin, 1996) Eagle Lake Little Bridges HAER No. ME-49 (Richard H. Quin, 1997) Fish House Bridge HAER No. ME-16 (Richard H. Quin, 1996) Frazer Creek Bridge HAER No. ME-23 Hadlock Brook Bridge HAER No. ME-37 (Richard H. Quin, 1994) Hemlock Bridge HAER No. ME-34 (Richard H. Quin, 1994) Jordan Pond Dam Bridge HAER No. ME-33 (Richard H. Quin, 1994) Jordan Pond Gate Lodge HAER No. ME-54 Jordan Pond Road Bridge HAER No. ME-44 (Richard H. Quin, 1994) Kebo Brook Bridge HAER No. ME-20 (Neil Maher, 1995) Little Harbor Brook Bridge HAER No. ME-32 (Richard H. Quin, 1994) Little Hunters Beach Brook Bridge HAER No. ME-21 (Neil Maher, 1995 and Richard Quin, 1996) New Eagle Lake Road Bridge HAER No. ME-18 (Neil Maher, 1995 and Richard Quin, 1996) Otter Creek Cove Bridge and Causeway HAER No. ME-19 (Richard H. Quin and Neil Maher, undated) Paradise Hill Road (Acadia National Park Roads & Bridges) HAER No. ME-56 (Richard H. Quin) Park Loop Road (Acadia National Park Motor Roads) HAER No. ME-11 (Neil Maher) Rockefeller Carriage Roads (Acadia Carriage Roads) HAER No. ME-13 (Richard H. Quin, 1994-97) Route 233 Bridge HAER No. ME-17 (Neil Maher, 1995) Sieur de Monts Spring Bridge HAER No. ME-14 (Richard H. Quin, 1994) Stanley Brook Bridge HAER No. ME-45 (Richard H. Quin, 1994) Triad-Day Mountain Bridge HAER No. ME-46 (Richard H. Quin, 1994) Waterfall Bridge HAER No. ME-35 (Richard H. Quin, 1994) West Branch Jordan Stream Bridge HAER No. ME-42 (Richard H. Quin, 1994) Wildwood Farm Bridge HAER No. ME-47 (Neil Maher, 1995) Historic Furnishings Report: Hadlock Store (the "Blue Duck") (Andrew B. Chamberlain, 2006) Historic Motor Road System, Acadia National Park Olmsted Center for Landscape Preservation Cultural Landscape Publication No. 9 (H. Eliot Foulds, 1993, reprinted 1996) Historic Structure Report: Baker Island Light Station, Acadia National Park, Maine (Barbara A. Yocum, 2013) Historic Structure Report: Bass Harbor Head Light Station, Acadia National Park (Rebecca Cybularz, February 2020) History of Acadia National Park (George B. Dorr, c1939) Hydrogeomorphic Classification of Wetlands on Mt. Desert Island, Maine, Including Hydrologic Susceptibility Factors for Wetlands in Acadia National Park USGS Scientific Investigations Report: 2006-5162 (Martha G. Nielsen, 2006) Hydrologic Data Summary for the Northeast Creek/Fresh Meadow Estuary, Acadia National Park, Maine, 2000-2001 USGS Open-File Report: 2007-1035 (James M. Caldwell and Charles W. Culbertson, 2007) Inventory and protection of salt marshes from risks of sea-level rise at Acadia National Park, Maine USGS Fact Sheet: 2011-3015 (Robert W. Dudley and Martha G. Nielsen, 2011) Landscape of Change Year 1 Final Report (June 30, 2022) Long-term monitoring of vegetation cover changes by remote sensing, Cadillac Mountain summit, Acadia National Park (Min-Kook Kim and John J. Daigle, extract from Parks Stewardship Forum, Vol. 38 No. 1, 2022) Maine's Great Coast Resort, Bar Harbor: The Gateway of the Lafayette National Park (Bar Harbor Publicity Committee, 1919) Management Plans for Invasive Plant Species of Acadia National Park NPS Natural Resources Report NPS/NER/NRR-2008/018 (Jill E. Weber and Sally C. Rooney, December 2007) Map: Sieur de Monts National Monument, Mount Desert Island, Maine (1916) Map: Lafayette National Park (1928) Migration of the Acadian Orogen and foreland basin across the Northern Appalachians of Maine and adjacent areas USGS Professional Paper 1624 (Dwight C. Bradley, Robert D. Tucker, Daniel R. Lux, Anita G. Harris and D. Colin McGregor, 2000) National Register of Historic Places Nomination Forms Baker Island Light Station (Kirk F. Mohney, October 1987) Bear Island Light Station (Kirk F. Mohney, October 1987) Blackwoods Campground (Jennifer Morvan and Virginia H. Adams, April 1999, revised March 2004) The Carriage Paths, Bridges and Gatehouses (Bronwyn Krog, March 7, 1979) Fernald Point Prehistoric Site (David Sanger and Barbara Johnson, January 1977) Islesford Historical Museum and Blue Duck Ships Store (Bronwyn Krog, February 14, 1978) Mount Desert Island Hiking Trail System (Laura J. Kline and Emily Giacomarra, November 2019) Multiple Property Documentation Form for Acadia National Park (Lauren Meier, Margaret Coffin, H. Eliot Foulds, J. Tracy Stakely, Lee Terzis and Paul Weinbaum, March 1999) Schoodic Peninsula Historic District (Lee Terzis and Nancy J. Brown, September 27, 2001, revised July 2005) Seawall Campground (Jennifer Morvan and Virginia H. Adams, April 1999, revised March 2004) Nutrient budgets, marsh inundation under sea-level rise scenarios, and sediment chronologies for the Bass Harbor Marsh estuary at Acadia National Park USGS Open-File Report: 2014-1031 (Thomas G. Huntington, Charles W. Culbertson, Christopher Fuller, Patricia Gilbert and Luke Sturtevant, 2014) Overview of Climate Change Adaptation Needs, Opportunities and Issues: Northeast Region Coastal National Parks NPS Natural Resource Report NPS/NER/NRR-2014/789 (Amanda L. Babson, April 2014) Pathmakers: Cultural Landscape Report for the Historic Hiking Trail System of Mount Desert Island History, Existing Conditions & Analysis (Margaret Coffin Brown, 2006) Park Newspaper (Beaver Log) 2003: June 2004: July-August • September-October • Winter 2005: June • July-August • September-October 2006: June • July-August • September-October 2007: June • July-August • September-October 2008: June • July-August • September-October 2009: June • July-August • September-October 2010: July-October Park Stories (2005-2006) Plant Injury Caused by Ozone at Acadia National Park (Robert T. Eckert, Barrett N. Rock, David Moss, Arnold Theisen, Thomas D. Lee and Robert Kohut, Date Unknown) Population and habitat assessment for spruce grouse in Acadia National Park and on Mount Desert Island, Maine NPS Technical Report NPS/NAROSS/NRTR-94/23 (Scott D. Whitcomb, Frederick A. Servello and Allan F. O'Connell, Jr., August 1994) Preserving Historic Trails: Conference Proceedings, October 17-20, 2000, Acadia National Park Olmsted Center for Historic Preservation (2000) Proceedings of the Acadia National Park Science Symposium. October 20th, 2018, College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor, Maine (Emma Albee and Abraham Miller-Rushing, eds., December 10, 2018) Real and Imagined France in Acadia National Park (Tim Garrity, extract from Chebacco, Vol. XVIII, 2017) Recent Climate Change Exposure of Acadia National Park (July 31, 2014) Resource Brief: Dragonflies & Damselflies, Acadia National Park (July 2009) Scoping Report: Acadia National Park Water Resources Management Plan NPS Technical Report NPS/NRWRD/NRTR-91/04 (September 1991) Sieur de Monts Publications I. Announcement by the Government of the creation of the Sieur de Monts National Monument by proclamation, on July 8, 1916 (No electronic edition available) II. Addresses at Meeting held at Bar Harbor on August 22, 1916, to commemorate the establishment of the Sieur de Monts National Monument (HTML edition) III. The Sieur de Monts National Monument as a Bird Sanctuary (HTML edition) IV. The Coastal Setting, Rocks and Woods of the Sieur de Monts National Monument V. An Acadian Plant Sanctuary (HTML edition) VI. Wild Life and Nature Conservation in the Eastern States VII. Man and Nature. Our Duty to the Future (HTML edition) VIII. The Acadian Forest (HTML edition) IX. The Sieur de Monts National Monument as commemorating Acadia and early French influences of Race and Settlement in the United States (HTML edition) X. Acadia: the Closing Scene (No electronic edition available) XI. Sieur De Monts Commission. De Monts and Acadia: An Appreciation XII. The de Monts Ancestry in France (No electronic edition available) XIII. The District of Maine and the Character of the People of Boston at the end of the 18th century (No electronic edition available) XIV. Two National Monuments: the Desert and the Ocean Front XV. Natural Bird Gardens on Mount Desert Island XVI. The Blueberry and other characteristic plants of the Acadian Region (No electronic edition available) XVII. The Sieur de Monts National Monument and its Historical Associations. Garden Approaches to the National Monument. The White Mountain National Forest. Crawford Notch in 1797 (HTML edition) XVIII. An Old Account of Mt. Washington. A Word upon its Insect Life. A Word on Mt. Katahdin (HTML edition) XIX. National Parks and Monuments (HTML edition) XX. Early Cod and Haddock Fishery in Acadian Waters (No electronic edition available) XXI. The Birds of Oldfarm: an intimate study of an Acadian Bird Sanctuary (No electronic edition available) XXII. The Sieur de Monts National Monument and The Wild Gardens of Acadia (HTML edition) XXIII. The Sieur de Monts National Monument as a Huguenot Memorial Supplement To The Revised Land Protection Plan, Acadia National Park (June 30, 2004) Survey of flying squirrels and their association with vegetation communities on Mount Desert Island (Acadia National Park), Maine NPS Technical Report NPS/NESO-RNR/NRTR/98-08 (Jennifer Higgins, Allan F. O'Connell, Jr. and Frederick A. Servello, August 1998) Survey of Freshwater Aquatic Vegetation of Acadia National Park NPS Technical Report NPS/BSO-RNR/NRTR-00-3 (Craig W. Greene, C. Barre Hellquist and Linda Gregory, October 1999) The Civilian Conservation Corps at Acadia National Park Final Draft (James Moreira, Pamela Dean, Anu Dudley and Kevin Champney, May 12, 2009) The Coastal Setting, Rocks, and Woods of the Sieur de Monts National Monument (1917) The Geology of Mount Desert Island: A Visitor's Guide to the Geology of Acadia National Park (Richard A. Gilman, Carleton A. Chapman, Thomas V. Lowell and Harold W. Borns, Jr., 1988, ©Maine Geological Survey) The Jones Cove Shell-Heap at West Gouldsboro, Maine Lafayette National Park Museum Bulletin 1 (Walter B. Smith, 1929) The National Park on Mount Desert Island (Beatrix Farrand, extract from Scribner's Magazine, Vol. LXI No. 4, April 1917) The relative importance of oceanic nutrient inputs for Bass Harbor Marsh Estuary at Acadia National Park, Maine USGS Scientific Investigations Report: 2014-5123 (Thomas G. Huntington, Charles W. Culbertson, Christopher Fuller, Patricia Gilbert and Luke Sturtevant, 2014) The Wetlands of Acadia National Park and Vicinity (Aram J.K. Calhoun, Janet E. Cormier, Ray B. Owen Jr., Allan F. O'Connell Jr., Charles T. Roman and Ralph W. Tiner Jr., 1994) Traditional Use of Fish Houses in Otter Cove (Charles W. Smythe, November 2008) Trip Planner: 2005-2006 • 2007-2008 U.S. Naval Radio Station Apartment Building (Bldg 1), Historic Structure Report, Acadia National Park (James J. Lee III, 2009) Vista Assessment Report: Carriage Roads Rehabilitation Project, Acadia National Park (Pressley Associates, Inc., January 1995) Vista Management Plan for the Historic Carriage Road System, Acadia National Park Volume I: Vista Management Overview and Treatment Framework (Jeffrey Killion, Eliot Foulds, Brendan Bowman, Rebekah Everett, Logan McSherry and Jennifer Piper, 2023) Vista Management Plan for the Historic Carriage Road System, Acadia National Park Volume II: Vista Site Plans and Recommendations, 1-143 (Jeffrey Killion, Eliot Foulds, Brendan Bowman, Rebekah Everett, Logan McSherry and Jennifer Piper, 2023) Vista Management Plan for the Historic Carriage Road System, Acadia National Park Volume III: Vista Site Plans and Recommendations, 144A-271B (Jeffrey Killion, Eliot Foulds, Brendan Bowman, Rebekah Everett, Logan McSherry and Jennifer Piper, 2023) Vista Management Plan for the Historic Motor Road System, Acadia National Park (Eliot Foulds and Jeff Killion, 2015) Water Quality and Habitat Evaluation of Bass Harbor Marsh, Acadia National Park, Maine (Peter H. Doering, Lynn L. Beatty, Aimee A. Keller, Candace A. Oviatt and Charles T. Roman, August 1995) What is Adaptive Management? (Date Unknown) | |||||
acad/index.htm Last Updated: 05-Feb-2025 |