Park Practice Program
The National Conference on State Parks
in cooperation with
The National Park Service
The Park Practice Program was a cooperative effort
between The National Conference on State Parks, the American Institute
of Park Executives, and the National Park Service. Its aim was "to
provide a means of exchanging views and concepts, structural and other
technical designs, and operational information in concise and lucid form
for the benefit of park and recreation people everywhere."

The Park Practice Program produced a number of
publications in its Library:
DESIGN was produced quarterly and contained
drawings and photographs of park structures and facilities.
GUIDELINE covered a variety of subjects such
as administration, concessions, development, interpretation,
maintenance, policy and planning, and protection.
GRIST was an illustrated bi-monthly
information publication aimed primarily at the field operating level and
offered proven labor and money-saving devices, tricks-of-the-trade, and
other appropriate information.
PLOWBACK was a section of Grist which
contained award-winning suggestions from employees of the National Park
TRENDS (in Parks & Recreation) was
produced quarterly and contained topics of general interest
in park and recreation management and programming.

Periodically Supplements to Guideline and
Grist appeared for several years which featured highlights of
park and recreation products and equipment.
Background information regarding the National
Conference on State Parks can be obtained by reading "The National Conference on State
Parks: Reflections on Organizational Genealogy" by Rebecca Conard
(The George Wright Forum, Vol. 14 No. 4, 1997).
Selected papers from annual meetings from the 1920s
was published in A State Park Anthology (1930), which was edited by
Herbert Evison. A reference book on state parks was published by the
National Conference on State Parks, Inc. in 1928 titled:
State Recreation: Parks, Forests and Game Preserves
(1928), by Beatrice Ward Nelson.
The following is just a selection of the hundreds of
issues of these publications which were produced by the Parks Practice
Apologia - original - date unknown
Apologia - revised - 1967?
Subscriber Letter - May 1967
Subscription Brochure - Date Unknown
Subscription Form - Summer 1974
Suggestion Form - Summer 1975
Index, Subjects Relating to Interpretation in the Library of the Park Practice Program 1957-1966
1st Ten Year Index 1957-1966
Five-Year Index 1969-1973
Park Practice Index 1974
Park Practice Index 1975
Park Practice Index 1976
Park Practice Index 1978
Park Practice Program (Design - Grist - Trends) Index 1979
Five-Year Index 1977-1981
Park Practice Index 1982
Park Practice Index 1983
Park Practice Index 1984
Park Practice Index 1987
Park Practice Index 1990
Park Practice Index 1993
Park Practice Index 1994-1995
Park Practice Index 1998

(Some issues of Design were re-issued with different index numbers and/or
modified descriptors where available, these variations are flagged as "alternate" editions)
Index - January 1961
Index - 1972
Instructions - July 1963
Instructions - January 1964
Instructions - June 1964
Instructions - January 1965
Instructions - December 1965
Instructions - February 1966
Instructions - June 1972
Instructions - December 1972
Instructions - December 1973
Instructions - May 1974
Instructions - July 1974
October/November/December 1974
October/November/December 1974
January/February/March 1975
April/May/June 1975
July/August/September 1975
Spring 1978
Summer 1979
Winter 1979
Fall 1980
Spring 1981
Summer 1981
Fall 1981
Summer 1982
Fall 1982
Spring 1983
Summer 1983
Fall 1983
Winter 1984
Spring 1984
Summer 1984
Fall 1984
Winter 1985
Spring 1985
Summer 1985
Fall 1985
Winter 1986
Spring 1986
Summer 1986
Fall 1986
Winter 1987
Spring 1987
Summer 1987
Fall 1987
Winter 1988
Spring 1988
Summer 1988
Fall 1988
Winter 1989
Spring 1989
Summer 1989
Fall 1989
Summer 1992
Fall 1992
Winter 1993
Spring 1993
Summer 1993
Fall 1993
Winter 1994
Spring 1994
Summer 1994
Fall 1994
Winter 1995
Spring 1995
Summer 1995
Fall 1995
Winter 1996
Spring 1996
Summer 1996
Fall 1996
Winter 1997
Spring 1997
Fall 1997
Winter 1998
Spring 1998
Summer 1998
Fall 1999 (final issue)
ADMINISTRATION (all Designs) |
A-1050 | October 1974 | 999 B | S-13950A | The Handicapped Accommodated | National Park Service, U.S. Dept. of the Interior |
A-1075 | October 1978 |
| N-1594-R | Plan for an Urban Park | Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority |
A-1099 | June 1972 | 821 L | F-1304-A(1) | Multiple Court & Sports Areas | Dept. of the Army, Office, Chief of Engineers |
A-1100 | June 1972 | 822 L | F-1304-A(2) | Multiple Court Areas | Dept. of the Army, Office, Chief of Engineers |
A-1100 | January 1965 | 409 H | N-0602-A | 40 acre Park Site | California, City of Garden Grove |
A-1101 | May 1965 | 460 B | N-1012-A | Development Plan | National Parks of Japan |
A-1101 | June 1972 | 823 L | F-1304-A(3) | Multiple Sports Areas | Dept. of the Army, Office, Chief of Engineers |
A-1102 | December 1965 | 465 B | F-0897-A | Park Plan | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service |
A-1103 | December 1965 | 466 B | F-0898-A | Park Plan | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service |
A-1103/A-1104 | January 1979 |
| N-1582-A | Playground for Special Children | EDAW, Inc., Arvada, Colorado |
A-1104 | December 1965 | 467 B | F-0899-A | Park Plan | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service |
A-1105 | December 1965 | 468 B | F-0901-A | Park Plan | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service |
A-1105/A-1106 | Spring 1980 |
| N-1444-R | Tennis Concession | City of Richardson, Texas |
A-1106 | January 1965 | 409 H | N-0602-A | 40 acre Park Site | California, City of Garden Grove |
A-1195/A-1196/ A-1197/A-1198/ A-1199/A-1200 | October 1980 |
| S-1573-A | Contact for Dock Area | Denver Serv. Center, NPS - USDI |
A-1200 | November 1959 | 137 H | C-0262-A | Entrance Station | California, Dept. of Natural Resources, Div. of Beaches & Parks |
A-1201 | November 1959 | 138 A&G | C-0263-A | Entrance Station & Office | California, Dept. of Natural Resources, Div. of Beaches & Parks |
A-1202 | July 1963 | 318 B | C-0790-A | Camp Control Checking Station | Ohio, East Harbo |
A-1203 | January 1965 | 411 H | S-06780A | Contact and Comfort Station | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
A-1204 | December 1971 | 797 H | C-1253-B | Entrance Building | Michigan, Straits State Park |
A-1205 | May 1965 | 459 B | N-1011-A | Contact Station | National Parks of Japan |
A-1206 | July 1966 | 511 H | C-1031-A | Campground Office | Florida, Pinellas County, Fort DeSoto Park |
A-1207 | June 1967 | 575 H | S-0785-A | Admission Booth | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
A-1208 | January 1968 | 614 H | C-1114-A | Entrance Control Station | Maine, State Park and Recreation Commission |
A-1209 | January 1968 | 625 H | C-1146-A | Entrance Building | Michigan, Porcupine Mountain State Park |
A-1210 | November 1959 | 137 H | C-0262-A | Entrance Station | California, Dept. of Natural Resources, Div. of Beaches & Parks |
A-1211 | November 1961 | 233 H | C-0536-A | Electric Traffic Counter | Michigan, Dept. of Conservation, Parks & Recreation Division |
A-1212 | September 1969 | 661 H | C-1205-A | Control Building | Massachusetts, Dept. of Nat. Resources |
A-1213/A-1214/ A-1215/A-1216 | January 1975 | 1001 B | F-1397-A(1) | Control Station | Lake Shelbyville, U.S. Army Engineer District, St. Louis |
A-1217/A-1218 | October 1975 | 1022 B | S-1461-A | Kiosk | National Park Service, U.S. Dept. of the Interior |
A-1223/A-1224/ A-1225/A-1226 | October 1977 |
| C-1400-R | Canopied Kiosk | National Capital Region, NPS- USDI |
A-1227/A-1228/ A-1229/A-1230 | April 1978 |
| S-1545-A | Triangular Entrance Station | Denver Service Center, NPS, USDI |
A-1231/A-1232/ A-1233/A-1234 | January 1977 |
| S-1580-A | Solar-Paneled Contact Station | Amistad RA, NPS - USDI |
A-1235/A-1236 | January 1979 |
| C-1486-A | Contact Station | Nevada State Park System |
A-1237/A-1238/ A-1239/A-1240 | Spring 1979 |
| C-1591-R | Information Kiosk | Pennsylvania Bu. of State Parks |
A-1241/A-1242 | Spring 1979 |
| S-1574-A | Contact Station | Theodore Roosevelt N Mem P, NPS, USDI |
A-1243/A-1244/ A-1245/A-1246 | October 1979 |
| S-1540-A | Kiosk/Contact Station | Denver Service Center, NPS, USDI |
A-1247/A-1248/ A-1249/A-1250 | January 1980 |
| S-1550-A | Visitor Contact Station | Dick Kusek, NPS - USDI |
A-1250 | January 1957 | 10 | C-0135-A | Park Signs | Maine, State Park Commission, Plan BM 128, Sheet 5 of 11 |
A-1251/A-1252/ A-1253/A-1254 | Spring 1980 |
| S-1569-A | Visitor Contact Station | Dick Kusek, DSC - NPS - USDI |
A-1251 | May 1958 | 60 (rev.) | C-0076-A | Typical Signs | Massachusetts, Department of Conservation |
A-1252 | May 1959 | 97 C | C-0312-A | Entrance Sign | Indiana, Conservation Department |
A-1253 | May 1965 | 451 H | C-1000-A | Entrance Sign | Hawaii, City & County of Honolulu, Dept. of Parks & Recreation |
A-1254 | January 1957 | 10 I | C-0135-A | Park Signs | Maine, State Park Commission |
A-1255 | December 1971 | 815 L | C-1318-A | Entrance Signs | Georgia, Department of State Parks |
A-1256 | December 1971 | 814 F | C-1317-A | Entrance Sign | Georgia, Department of State Parks |
A-1257 | July 1973 | 895 B | F-1381-A1 | Information Signs | U.S. Army Engineers, Lake Shelbyville |
A-1258 | July 1973 | 896 B | F-1381-A2 | Information Signs | U.S. Army Engineers, Lake Shelbyville |
A-1259 | July 1973 | 897 B | S-1381-A3 | Information Signs | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
A-1260 | July 1973 | 989 GC | S-08710A | Deep Snow Stop Sign | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
A-1261/A-1262/ A-1263/A-1264 | October 1979 |
| F-1472-A | Informational Sign with Telephone | Clarence Cannon Reservoir |
A-1273 | December 1973 | 925 B | F-1382-A(1) | Entrance Sign | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
A-1274 | December 1973 | 926 B | F-1382-A(2) | Entrance Sign | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
A-1275 | July 1963 | 320 A | S-0792-A | Sign, Directional | National Park Service |
A-1276 | June 1967 | 596 S | F-1120-A | Sign for Posting Regulations | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
A-1277 | August 1970 | 691 H | C-1240-A | Entrance Sign | New Jersey, Bu. of Forestry, Pks. & Hist. Sites |
A-1278 | August 1970 | 692 H | S-1238-A | Administrative Sign | National Park Service, National Capital Parks |
A-1279 | August 1970 | 693 H | C-1241-A | Entrance Sign | Michigan, Dept. of Conservation |
A-1280 | August 1970 | 694 H | N-1015-A | Entrance Sign | Manitoba, Dept. Mines & Nat. Resources |
A-1281/A-1282 | July 1982 |
| N-1603-A | Entrance Sign with Flagpoles | David O. White, Florida |
A-1300 | May 1960 | 169 H | C-0386-A | Park Office | California, Dept. of Natural Resources, Division of Beaches & Parks |
A-1301 | November 1961 | 230 H | C-0402-A | Administration-Residence Building | Game, Forestation & Parks Comm., Nebraska |
A-1301 | December 1970 | B 728 | S-0487-A | Ranger Station | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
A-1302 | July 1966 | 512 H | C-1032-A | Administration Building | Florida, Pinellas County, Fort DeSoto Park |
A-1303 | February 1967 | 563 B | S-1081-A | Administration Building | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
A-1304 | May 1960 | 169 H | C-0386-A | Park Office | California, Dept. of Natural Resources, Division of Beaches & Parks |
A-1305/A-1306 | October 1982 |
| S-1588-A | Administration Building | Denver Serv. Center, NPS - USDI |
A-1350 | March 1963 | 297 B | N-0632-A | Park Practice Library Cabinet | Lewis P. Griffith, Olympic Valley, California |
A-1351 | November 1963 | 328 H | C-0401-A | Acoustical Booth | Ohio, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks |
A-1352 | June 1967 | 579 B | S-0880-A | Mail Rack | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
A-1353 | January 1968 | 628 B | S-1151-A | Wall Rack | National Park Service, Southeast Region |
A-1354 | March 1963 | 297 B | N-0632-A | Park Practice Library Cabinet | Lewis P. Griffith, Olympic Valley, California |
A-1355/A-1356 | October 1977 |
| N-1477-A | Mimeograph Stencil File | Costa Rica National Parks |
A-1357/A-1358/ A-1359/A-1360 | Summer 1980 |
| S-1616-A | Reference System | Rocky Mountain NP, USDI - NPS |
A-1363/A-1364 | October 1981 |
| S-1440-A | Collection Box | James Goodwin, USDI - NPS |
A-1601 | November 1966 | 562 B | S-1080-A | Staff Quarters Organized Camp | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
A-1602 | February 1967 | 561 B | S-1079-A | Staff Quarters Organized Camp | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
A-1650 | November 1958 | W 82 | C-0187-A | Ranger Residence | Florida, Florida Park Service |
A-1651 | November 1958 | 82 W | C-0187-A | Ranger Residence | Florida, Florida Park Service |
A-1652 | September 1969 | 662 B | S-0483-A | Three Bedroom House PG-3012 | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
A-1740 | November 1959 | 129 A&G | C-0226-A | Lumber Shed | Indiana, Conservation Department, Div. of Engineering |
A-1741 | November 1959 | 129 A&G | C-0226-A | Lumber Shed | Indiana, Conservation Department, Division of Engineering |
A-1742 | September 1969 | 663 B | N-0572-A | Maintenance & Storage Area | Boy Scouts of America |
A-1743/A-1744 | July 1976 | 1036 B | N-0814-A | Storage Building | Boy Scouts of America |
A-1745/A-1746 | October 1980 |
| S-1577-A | Vehicle Repair/Maintenance Building | Denver Serv. Center, NPS - USDI |
A-1780 | January 1960 | 159 B | C-0393-O | Camper Registration Board | Wisconsin, Conservation Department |
A-1781 | June 1964 | 369 H | N-0590-A | Maintenance Shop | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
A-1782 | January 1968 | 602 H | N-0341-A | Umbrella Shed | Washington, D.C., Timber Engineering Co. |
A-1783 | January 1960 | 159 B | C-0393-O | Camper Registration Board | Wisconsin, Conservation Department |
A-1784 | December 1968 | 630 H | C-0708-A | Lot Marker & Car Stop | Ohio, Dept. of Natural Resources, Division of Parks |
A-1785 | September 1971 | 755 H | F-1287-R(1) | Firewood Cache | Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture |
A-1786 | September 1971 | 756 H | F-1287-R(2) | Rack for Firewood | Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture |
A-1797/A-1798 | January 1980 |
| S-1605-A | Four-sided Bulletin Board | Everglades NP, NPS - USDI |
A-1799/A-1800 | April 1978 |
| C-1562-A | Exterior Bulletin Board | Washington County, Dept. of Parks, PA |
A-1800 | December 1962 | 284 B | F-0685-A | Registration Desk | Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior |
A-1801 | December 1970 | 742 B | N-1095-A | Bulletin Board | Jos. B.C. White, West. Penn. Conservancy |
A-1802 | February 1966 | 477 H | C-0286-A | Campsite Register | Canada, Province of British Columbia, Dept. of Rec. & Conserv. |
A-1803 | November 1966 | 533 H | C-1066-A | Bulletin Board | Colorado, Game, Fish & Parks Dept. |
A-1804 | January 1968 | 626 B | S-1152-A | Self-Registration Map Board | National Park Service, Blue Ridge Parkway |
A-1805 | December 1962 | 284 B | F-0685-A | Registration Desk | Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Dept. of the Interior |
A-1806 | December 1968 | 631 H | C-0917-A | Bulletin Board | North Dakota, Highway Department |
A-1900 | July 1962 | 262 H | N-0592-O | Camp Chapel | Boy Scouts of America |
A-1901 | July 1962 | 261 C | N-0554-R | Outdoor Chapel | Boy Scouts of America |
A-1902 | July 1962 | 260 C | N-0553-A | Outdoor Chapel | Boy Scouts of America |
A-1903 | July 1962 | 262 H | N-0592-A | Camp Chapel | Boy Scouts of America |
A-1904 | September 1969 | 664 B | N-0815-B | Camp Chapel | Boys Scouts of America |
A-1905/A-1906 | Summer 1983 |
| F-1644-A | Kiosk | George Stephen, Regional Architect, NPS, NARO |
A-1909/A-1910/ A-1911/A-1912/ A-1913/A-1914/ A-1915/A-1916 | Winter 1984 |
| N-1657-A | Headquarter's Addition | Darrell Winslow, NVRPA |
A-1941/A-1942/ A-1943/A-1944 | Summer 1987 |
| N-1712-A | Ranger Station | U.S. Army Corps of Eng. |
BASIC FACILITIES (all Designs) |
B-3000 | November 1963 | 335 B | S-0827-B | Roads, Typical Sections | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
B-3001 | November 1963 | 336 B | S-0828-B | Roads. Typical Sections | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
B-3002 | November 1963 | 337 B | S-0829-B | Roads, Typical Sections | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
B-3003 | November 1963 | 338 B | S-0830-B | Roads, Typical Sections | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
B-3004 | November 1963 | 335 B | S-0827-B | Roads, Typical Sections | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
B-3005 | July 1973 | 899 H | F-1269-B | Recreation Road Design Criteria | Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture |
B-3006 | July 1973 | 900 H | F-1270-B | Recreation Road Curves | Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture |
B-3020 | July 1966 | 504 H | C-0958-B | Minimum Parking Standards | California, Riverside City Plng. Commis. |
B-3021 | July 1966 | 504 H | C-0958-B | Minimum Parking Standards | California, Riverside City Plng. Commis. |
B-3022 | December 1968 | 632 B | C-0456-B | Beach Parking | Ohio, Dept. of Natural Resources, Division of Parks |
B-3023 | July 1973 | 901 H | F-1276-B | Campground Parking Spurs | Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture |
B-3024 | July 1973 | 902 H | F-1277-B | Campground Parking Spurs | Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture |
B-3025 | July 1973 | 903 H | F-1275-B | Campground Parking | Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture |
B-3026 | July 1973 | 904 H | F-1274-B | Campground Parking | Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture |
B-3040 | January 1964 | 345 H | S-0329-B | Bridge, Foot or Vehicular | National Park Service, Great Smoky Mountains Nat. Park |
B-3080 | March 1963 | 310 B | S-0731-B | Stilling Basin Impact Type | National Park Service, National Capital Region |
B-3081 | March 1963 | 310 B | S-0731-B | Stilling Basin Impact Type | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
B-3082 | December 1962 | 286 H | S-0639-B | Standard Manhole | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
B-3085 | December 1962 | 286 H | S-0639-B | Standard Manhole | National Park Service, National Capital Region |
B-3097 | October 1980 |
| F-1617-B | Step-Grade Trail Steps | Dennis P. Fehler, Forest Service, USDA |
B-3100 | November 1963 | 339 B | S-0831-B | Trail Construction | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
B-3101 | November 1963 | 340 B | S-0832-B | Trail Construction | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
B-3102 | November 1963 | 341 B | S-0833-B | Trail Construction | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
B-3103 | November 1963 | 342 B | S-0834-B | Trail Construction | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
B-3104 | November 1963 | 343 B | S-0835-B | Trail Construction | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
B-3105 | November 1963 | 339 B | S-0831-B | Trail Construction | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
B-3106 | December 1968 | 633 H | C-0959-B | Typical Trail Section | Nevada, State Park System |
B-3107 | December 1973 | 927 GC | C-0837-B(1) | Walks, Trails, Steps & Retaining Walls | Wisconsin, Conservation Department |
B-3108 | December 1973 | 928 GC | N-0837-B(2) | Walks, Trails, Steps & Retaining Walls | Wisconsin, Conservation Department |
B-3109 | December 1973 | 929 GC | N-0837-B(3) | Walks, Trails, Steps & Retaining Walls | Wisconsin, Conservation Department |
B-3110 | December 1973 | 930 GC | N-0837-B(4) | Walks, Trails, Steps & Retaining Walls | Wisconsin, Conservation Department |
B-3111 | December 1973 | 931 GC | N-0837-B(5) | Walks, Trails, Steps & Retaining Walls | Wisconsin, Conservation Department |
B-3112 | December 1973 | 932 GC | N-0837-B(6) | Walks, Trails, Steps & Retaining Walls | Wisconsin, Conservation Department |
B-3113/B-3114/ B-3115/B-3116/ B-3117/B-3118/ B-3119/B-3120 | October 1975 | 1023 B | S-1458-B | Trail Construction | Guy E. Arthur, U.S. Dept. of the Interior |
B-3121/B-3122 | Spring 1979 |
| C-1592-B | Trail Steps | Pennsylvania, Bu. of State Parks |
B-3125 | May 1958 | 59 (rev.) | C-0070-B | Suspension Foot Bridge | Minnesota, Department of Conservation, Plan No. S.P.-2057 (alt) |
B-3126 | November 1959 | 124 B | S-0385-B | Foot Bridge | National Park Service, National Capital Parks, Prince William Forest Park IBL (alt) |
B-3127 | January 1960 | 157 B | S-0381-B | Foot Bridge | National Park Servie, National Capital Parks (alt) |
B-3128 | December 1960 | 190 B | N-0397-B | Foot Bridge | Bernheim Forest, Ky., Frank Bunce (alt) |
B-3129 | March 1962 | 240 B | S-0360-B | Foot Bridge | National Park Service, Vicksburg Nat. Mil. Park |
B-3130 | June 1964 | 387 H | F-0788-B | Footbridge | Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture |
B-3131 | January 1965 | 424 H | C-0974-B | Foot Bridges | Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Comm. (alt) |
B-3132 | May 1965 | 443 H | N-0980-B | Concrete Bridge | Akron, Ohio Metro. Park District, Firestone Park (alt) |
B-3133 | July 1966 | 505 H | C-0960-B | Footbridge | Oregon, State Parks and Rec. Div. (alt) |
B-3134 | June 1967 | 588 H | C-1099-B | Footbridge | Columbus Metropolitan Park District, Ohio (alt) |
B-3135 | January 1964 | 345 H | S-0329-B | Bridge, Foot or Vehicular | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
B-3136 | December 1968 | 634 H | F-1184-B | Ford Bridge | Wally McCray, Stanislaus National Forest, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (alt) |
B-3137 | December 1970 | 730 H | S-0605-B | Trail Bridge | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
B-3138 | December 1970 | 748 B | C-1215-B | Foot Bridge | Jack Hewitt, Md. Nat. Cap. Pk. Pln. Com. |
B-3139 | June 1972 | 824 L | F-1290-B | Footbridge | Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture |
B-3140 | June 1972 | 825 L | F-1292-B | Footbridge | Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture |
B-3141 | June 1972 | 826 L | F-1293-B | Double Footlog | Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture |
B-3142 | June 1972 | 827 L | F-1294-B | Single Footlog | Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture |
B-3143/B-3144 | January 1975 | 1002 B | C-1421-B(1) | Covered Bridge | Ed Rizzotto, Conn., D.E.P., Region II |
B-3145/B-3146 | January 1976 | 1027 B | C-1479-B | Pre-Fab Footbridge | California, Dept. of Pks. & Rec. |
B-3147/B-3148 | January 1976 | 1026 B | S-1465-B | Bridge for Bikers | NPS-NCP, U.S. Dept. of the Interior |
B-3153/B-3154/ B-3155/B-3156 | July 1978 |
| C-1523-B | Pinch Brook Bridge | Borough of Florham Park, NJ |
B-3175 | January 1960 | 143 A&G | C-0274-B | Stairs & Pipe Rail | Oregon, State Highway Commission, State Parks Department (alt) |
B-3176 | January 1968 | 606 H | C-0907-B | Steps and Rail | Wisconsin, Highway Commission (alt) |
B-3279/B-3280/ B-3281/B-3282 | October 1982 |
| C-1484-B | Comfort Station | Nevada State Park System |
B-3283/B-3284 | October 1982 |
| N-1445-B | Restroom with Treatment System | Richard, Texas, Pks. & Rec. Dept. |
B-3285/B-3286 | October 1980 |
| S-1500-B | Restroom and Waiting Shelter | Bob A. Lopenske, DSC - NPS - USDI |
B-3287/B-3288 | January 1980 |
| C-1443-B | Unisex Restroom | Wm. Penn Mott, Jr., California SPs |
B-3289/B-3290/ B-3291/B-3292 | October 1978 |
| N-1595-B | Comfort Station | Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority |
B-3293/B-3294 | January 1976 | 1028 B | S-1466-B | Elliptical Restroom | NPS-NCP, U.S. Dept. of the Interior |
B-3295/B-3296 | January 1976 | 1029 B | S-1468-B | Special Feature Restroom | National Park Service, U.S. Dept. of the Interior |
B-3297/B-3298 | October 1975 | 1024 B | N-1457-B | Energy Conserving Restroom | Colorado, James K. Fletemeyer |
B-3299/B-3300 | October 1975 | 1025 B | N-1459-B | Concrete Restroom | Washington, Peter Dieckerhoff |
B-3300 | December 1957 | 34 | C-0031-B | Comfort Station | Washington, Parks and Recreation Commission, Plan No. G-1-54 |
B-3301 | December 1957 | 35 | C-0036-B | Vault Latrine, Type B | Ohio, Department of Natural Resources |
B-3301 | December 1970 | 743 G | C-1145-B | Toilet | Michigan, Porcupine Mtn., S.P. (alt) |
B-3302 | December 1957 | 36 | C-0051-B | Double Vault Toilet | Iowa, Conservation Commission |
B-3302 | December 1970 | 751 H | C-1233-R | Temporary Dressing Rooms | California, Dept. of Pks. & Rec. (alt) |
B-3303 | April 1958 | 50 | C-0093-b | Vault Latrine, Type E | Ohio, Dept. of Natural Resources (alt) |
B-3304 | February 1959 | H 93 | C-0228-B | Pit Latrine and Enclosure | Indiana, Conservation Department, Plan No. 49-36 (alt) |
B-3305 | February 1959 | H 96 | C-0197-B | Comfort Station | Washington, State Parks and Recreation Commission (alt) (alt) |
B-3306 | May 1959 | 100 B | C-0315-B | Campground Toilet | Central New York, State Parks Commission, Plan No. 4306-1-1 |
B-3306 | December 1970 | 753 H | C-1254-B | Toilet | Michigan, Straits State Park (alt) |
B-3307 | May 1959 | 101 C | C-0268-B | Pit Toilet | Oregon, State Highway Commission, State Parks Department, Plan No. P 25 (alt) |
B-3308 | January 1960 | 151 A&G | S-0331-B | Toilet, Pit Type | National Park Service, Crater Lake NP (alt) |
B-3309 | December 1971 | 793 H | C-1182-B | Comfort Station | Ft. Lauderdale, Florida |
B-3310 | November 1959 | 125 A&G | C-0047-B | Latrine, Septic Type | New Jersey, Dept. of Conservation, Forests & Parks Section |
B-3310 | December 1971 | 796 H | C-1229-B | Comfort Station | Greensboro, North Carolina, Parks Department |
B-3311 | May 1960 | 171 H | C-0388-B | Comfort Station | California, Dept. of Natural Resources, Division of Beaches & Parks (alt) |
B-3312 | November 1961 | 228 H | C-0283-B | Pit Latrine | British Columbia, Dept. of Recreation and Conservation |
B-3312 | December 1971 | 817 L | C-1337-B | Comfort Station | Texas, Goose Island State Park |
B-3313 | November 1961 | 229 H | C-0326-B | Toilet Building | Div. of Forests & Parks, Wisconsin Conservation Dept. (alt) |
B-3314 | July 1962 | 252 H | C-0184-B | Toilet Building, Imhoff | Illinois Division of Parks & Memorials (alt) |
B-3315 | January 1964 | 360 H | C-0303-B | Comfort Station | Colorado, City and County of Denver, Dept. of Parks & Recreation (alt) |
B-3316 | June 1964 | 384 H | S-0766-B | Pit Latrine | Chief of Engineers, Civil Works, U.S. Army (alt) |
B-3317 | June 1964 | 398 H | C-0854-B | Toilet and Shower | Michigan, Van Riper State Park (alt) |
B-3318 | May 1965 | 425 B | N-0991-B | Comfort Facilities | National Parks of Japan (alt) |
B-3319 | December 1971 | 800 MB | F-1267-B | Vault-Type Toilet | Illinois, Forest Preserve District of Du Page County |
B-3321 | December 1970 | 754 H | C-1260-B | Toilet | Michigan, Dept. of Conservation (alt) |
B-3322 | May 1965 | 429 B | N-0993-B | Comfort Facilities | National Parks of Japan (alt) |
B-3323 | December 1972 | 862 GC | C-0695-R1 | Comfort Station | California, Dept. of Natural Resources |
B-3324 | December 1972 | 863 GC | C-0695-R2 | Comfort Station | California, Dept. of Natural Resources |
B-3325 | March 1963 | 311 B | F-0783-B | Convection Stack | Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture |
B-3325 | June 1972 | 828 L | C-1204-B | Park Restroom | Jackson City, Missouri, Park Department |
B-3326 | July 1963 | 316 H | S-0751-B | Overlook Shelter | U.S. Army, Chief of Engineers Civil Works, Washington, D.C. (alt) |
B-3327 | May 1965 | 447 H | N-0983-B | Combination Shelter-Toilet Building | Akron, Ohio, Metropolitan Park District |
B-3328 | May 1965 | 454 H | C-1003-B | Comfort Station | Hawaii, City & County of Honolulu, Dept. of Parks and Recreation |
B-3329 | July 1966 | 491 H | C-0284-B | Metal Urinal | Canada, British Columbia Forest Serv. (alt) |
B-3330 | July 1966 | 509 H | C-1027-B | Comfort Station | Florida, Pinellas County, Fort DeSoto Park |
B-3331 | February 1967 | 554 H | F-0612-B | Toilet and Shelter | U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla, Washington (alt) |
B-3332 | June 1967 | 571 H | C-0399-B | Toilet Buildings | Wisconsin, Conservation Department (alt) |
B-3333 | June 1967 | 590 H | C-1101-B | Park Toilet | Columbus Metropolitan Park District, Ohio (alt) |
B-3334 | December 1957 | 34 | C-0031-B | Comfort Station | Washington Parks & Recreation Commission (alt) |
B-3335 | November 1959 | 134 (rev.) H | S-0253-B | Comfort Station, Mobile | National Park Service, National Capital Parks (alt) |
B-3336 | November 1959 | 135 (rev.) H | S-0253-B | Comfort Station, Mobile | National Park Service, National Capital Parks (alt) |
B-3337 | January 1968 | 612 H | C-1112-B | Pit Latrine | Maine, State Park and Recreation Commission (alt) |
B-3338 | January 1968 | 617 H | C-1124-B | Comfort Station | Connecticut, Park and Forest Commission (alt) |
B-3339 | December 1968 | 635 B | C-1164-B(a) | Toilet-Shower Building | Michigan, Dept. of Conservation |
B-3340 | December 1968 | 636 B | C-1164-B(b) | Urinal | Michigan, Dept. of Conservation |
B-3341 | December 1968 | 637 H | C-1135-B | Three Unit Latrine | Nevada, State Park System (alt) |
B-3342 | December 1968 | 638 H | C-1148-B | Toilet | Michigan, Dept. of Conservation (alt) |
B-3343 | December 1968 | 639 B | C-1153-B | Toilet-Shower Building | Michigan, Dept. of Conservation (alt) |
B-3344 | December 1968 | 640 B | C-0948-B | Toilet, Concrete Block | Wisconsin, Highway Commission (alt) |
B-3345 | November 1966 | 515 H | C-0879-B | Three-Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser | South Carolina, Myrtle Beach State Park |
B-3346 | September 1969 | 667 H | C-1232-B | Chemical Toilet Enclosure | California, Dept. of Parks & Recreation |
B-3347/B-3348/ B-3349/B-3350 | July 1974 | 985 B/986 B/ 987 B/988 B | N-1402-B1/B2/B3/B4 | Toilet Shelter | Ohio, Medina County Park District |
B-3350 | March 1959 | 102 B | C-0305-B | Drinking Fountain | New York, Finger Lakes State Parks Commission, Plan No. 453-1 |
B-3351 | May 1959 | 103 H | C-0229-B | Drinking Fountain | Iowa, Conservation Commission (alt) |
B-3352 | December 1960 | 196 H | S-0446-B | Drinking Fountain | National Park Service, National Capital Parks (alt) |
B-3353 | September 1961 | 222 H | N-0398-B | Fountain with Shelter | Bernheim Forest, Clarmont, Kentucky |
B-3353 | June 1972 | 829 L | F-1371-B | Forest Fountain | Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture |
B-3354 | January 1964 | 355 H | C-0739-B | Drinking Fountain w/service connector | Ontario, Township of Etobicoke, Parks Department (alt) |
B-3355 | June 1964 | 381 H | C-0745-B | Campground Water Hydrant | Ohio, Hocking State Park |
B-3356 | June 1964 | 382 H | C-0746-B | Campground Water Hydrants | Ohio, Hocking State Park |
B-3357 | June 1964 | 379 H | C-0743-B | Drinking Fountain | Ohio, Hocking State Park (alt) |
B-3358 | May 1965 | 449 H | C-0997-B | Drinking Fountain | Hawaii, City & County of Honolulu, Dept. of Parks & Recreation (alt) |
B-3359 | May 1965 | 453 H | C-1002-B | Outdoor Deep Sink | Hawaii, City & County of Honolulu, Dept. of Parks & Recreation (alt) |
B-3360 | June 1967 | 591 H | C-1102-B | Drinking Fountain with Shelter | Columbus Metropolitan Park District, Ohio (alt) |
B-3361 | June 1967 | 594 B | F-1118-B | Manual Pump Shelter | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (alt) |
B-3362 | June 1967 | 595 B | F-1119-B | Manual Pump Shelter | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (alt) |
B-3363 | May 1959 | 102 B | C-0305-B | Drinking Fountain | New York, Finger Lakes State Pks. Comm. (alt) |
B-3364 | December 1968 | 641 B | C-1164-B(c) | Water Station | Michigan, Dept. of Conservation (alt) |
B-3365 | December 1970 | 750 B | C-1226-B | Water Fountain | Jackson City Pk. Dept., Missouri |
B-3366 | December 1970 | 732 H | S-0623-B | Water Meter | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
B-3367/B-3368 | January 1976 | 1030 B | C-1469-B | Sculptural Fountain | Oregon, State Highway Comm. |
B-3375 | January 1960 | 144 A&G | C-0275-B | Flag Pole | Oregon, State Highway Commission, State Parks Department (alt) |
B-3376 | November 1959 | 126 A&G | C-0214-B | Animal Feeder | Indiana, Conservation Department, Div. of Engineering (alt) |
B-3377 | May 1960 | 163 H | C-0213-B | Bath House Terrace | New York, Central NY State Parks Comm., Verona Beach State Park (alt) |
B-3378 | March 1962 | 247 H | C-0534-B | Flagpole | Indiana, Conservation Department (alt) |
B-3379 | December 1972 | 864 B | C-1361-B(D)1 | Locker Shelter | Michigan, Metamora-Hadley RA |
B-3380 | December 1972 | 865 B | C-1361-B(D)2 | Details of Locker Shelter | Michigan, Metamora-Hadley RA |
B-3400 | July 1958 | 70 | S-0165-B | Aerator, Water System | National Park Service |
B-3401 | January 1960 | 145 A&G | C-0276-B | Pump House | Oregon, State Highway Commission, State Parks Department |
B-3402 | December 1960 | 192 H | S-0407-M | Pump House | National Park Service, Coulee Dam NRA |
B-3403 | March 1963 | 288 B | C-0179-B | Water Filter Plant | Ohio, Dept. of Natural Resources, Division of Parks (alt) |
B-3404 | March 1963 | 289 B | C-0179-B | Reservoir | Ohio, Dept. of Natural Resources, Division of Parks (alt) |
B-3405 | November 1964 | 518 H | C-0928-B | Frame Pump House | Soil Conserv. Serv., U.S. Department of Agriculture (alt) |
B-3406 | February 1967 | 553 H | C-0607-B | Water Tower | Arizona, State Highway Department (alt) |
B-3407 | June 1967 | 597 B | F-1122-B | Hand Pump ad Well | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (alt) |
B-3408 | July 1958 | 70 | S-0165-B | Aerator, Water System | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
B-3409 | August 1970 | 697 H | F-0926-Ba | Concrete Cisterns | Soil Conservation Serv., U.S. Dept. of Agriculture |
B-3410 | August 1970 | 698 H | F-0926-Bb | Concrete Cisterns | Soil Conservation Serv., U.S. Dept. of Agriculture |
B-3411 | December 1971 | 787 B | S-0535-B | Frost-Free Hinged Pumphouse | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
B-3412 | December 1971 | 788 B | S-0535-B | Frost-Free Hinged Pumphouse | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
B-3413/B-3414/ B-3415/B-3416 | January 1978 |
| C-1483-B | Sanitary Disposal Station | Nevada State Park System |
B-3417/B-3418/ B-3419/B-3420/ B-3421/B-3422 | January 1976 | 1031 B | F-1473-B | Fish Cleaning Station | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
B-3423 | December 1972 | 866 B | S-0760-B1 | Septic Tank | U.S. Army Chief of Engineers |
B-3424 | December 1972 | 867 B | S-0760-B2 | Septic Tank | U.S. Army Chief of Engineers |
B-3425 | December 1960 | 186 B | C-0180-B(a) | Sewage Disposal System, Septic Tank | Ohio, Div. of Parks |
B-3426 | December 1960 | 187 B | C-0180-B(b) | Sewage Disposal System, Surface Sand Filter | Ohio, Div. of Parks |
B-3427 | May 1961 | 204 B | S-0383-B | Sewage Diversion Gate | E. J. Axline, CE, National Park Service |
B-3428 | June 1964 | 380 H | C-0744-B | Slop Drain, Sewer Connected | Ohio, Hocking State Park |
B-3429 | June 1964 | 397 H | C-0851-B | Campers Slop Drain | Ohio, Hocking State Park (alt) |
B-3430 | January 1965 | 408 H | c-0538-B | Slop Drain | Ohio, Hocking State Park (alt) |
B-3431 | January 1965 | 419 H | N-0931-B | Trailer Sanitary Station | Mobile Homes Manufacturers Association, Travel Trailer Division (alt) |
B-3432 | January 1965 | 422 H | C-0972-B | Trailer Sanitation Station | Michigan, Parks and Recreation (alt) |
B-3433 | December 1965 | 464 H | C-0884-B | Fish Cleaning Station | Oregon, County Parks Assn., Jackson County (alt) |
B-3434 | July 1966 | 503 H | C-0954-B | Septic Tank | Kentucky, Department of Health (alt) |
B-3435 | June 1967 | 586 S | F-1096-B | Wet Garbage Disposal | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
B-3436 | September 1969 | 668 B | C-0287-B | Garbage Pit Cover | Canada, Province of British Columbia |
B-3437 | December 1970 | 733 H | S-0624-B | Flared-End Section for Culvert Pipe | National Capital Parks, National Park Service, USDI (alt) |
B-3438 | December 1970 | 735 H | S-0707-B | Trailer Waste Drain | Ohio, Division of Parks (alt) |
B-3439 | December 1972 | 933 H | F-1368-B | Fish Cleaning Station | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
B-3440 | December 1973 | 934 GC | F-1259-B | Dishwater Disposal | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
B-3441 | May 1974 | 957 B | C-1394-B1 | Fish Cleaning Counter /c Shelter | Colorado, Div. of Pks. & Outdoor Rec. |
B-3442 | May 1974 | 958 B | C-1394-B2 | Fish Cleaning Counter /c Shelter | Colorado, Div. of Pks. & Outdoor Rec. |
B-3443 | May 1974 | 959 B | C-1394-B3 | Fish Cleaning Counter /c Shelter | Colorado, Div. of Pks. & Outdoor Rec. |
B-3444 | May 1974 | 960 B | C-1394-B4 | Fish Cleaning Counter /c Shelter | Colorado, Div. of Pks. & Outdoor Rec. |
B-3445 | May 1974 | 961 B | C-1394-B5 | Fish Cleaning Counter /c Shelter | Colorado, Div. of Pks. & Outdoor Rec. |
B-3446 | May 1974 | 962 B | C-1394-B6 | Fish Cleaning Counter Shelf & Support Details | Colorado, Div. of Pks. & Outdoor Rec. |
B-3446.1/B-3446.2/ B-3446.3/B-3446.4 | July 1979 |
| C-1601-B | Gray Water Disposal Unit | Dept. of Pks. & Rec., Idaho (J. Eaton) |
B-3447 | June 1972 | 830 H | F-1370-B | Support for Garbage Can | Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture |
B-3448 | June 1972 | 831 H | F-1369-B | Concrete Garbage Can Base | Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture |
B-3449 | June 1972 | 832 H | F-1372-B(1) | Bear-Proof Garbage Can Top | Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture |
B-3450 | July 1957 | 23 | C-0053-B | Mount for Refuse Can | Ohio, Department of Natural Resources |
B-3450 | June 1972 | 833 H | F-1372-B(2) | Bear-Proof Garbage Can Top | Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture |
B-3451 | July 1958 | 68 | S-0148-B | Garbage Can Rack | National Park Service, Plan No. NP-GSM-2574-B (alt) |
B-3452 | May 1961 | 104 B | C-0322-B | Trash Receptacle | Texas, Highway Department (alt) |
B-3453 | June 1964 | 393 H | S-0844-B | Trash Receptacle | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
B-3454 | January 1965 | 420 H | S-0932-B | Jig for Trash Receptacles | National Park Service, National Capital Region |
B-3455 | May 1965 | 435 H | S-0757-B | Refuse Container | U.S. Army, Off., Chief of Engineers, Civil Works, Wash., D.C. |
B-3455 | December 1971 | 789 H | S-0616-B | Refuse Container Unit | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
B-3456 | November 1966 | 519 H | C-0937-B | Refuse Container | Soil Conservation Serv., U.S. Department of Agriculture (alt) |
B-3457 | January 1968 | 622 H | C-1136-B | Garbage Can Holder | Nevada, State Park System (alt) |
B-3458 | January 1968 | 623 H | C-1142-B | Garbage Can Rack | Idaho, State Parks (alt) |
B-3459 | July 1957 | 23 I | C-0053-B | Mount for Refuse Can | Ohio, Dept. of Natural Resources |
B-3460 | December 1968 | 642 H | N-0578-B | Garbage Can Rack | Boy Scouts of America |
B-3461 | September 1969 | 669 B | C-1225-B | Trash Receptacle | Missouri, Jackson Co. Dept. of Parks (alt) |
B-3462 | September 1969 | 670 H | C-0609-B | Trash Barrel | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
B-3463/B-3464 | January 1980 |
| S-1525-B | Trash Can Holder, Types 'A' & 'B' | Denver Serv. Center, NPS - USDI |
B-3465 | March 1962 | 235 B | N-0188-B | Trash Disposal Unit | National Park Service, Natchez Trace Parkway |
B-3466 | March 1963 | 291 B | C-0288-B | Drum Incinerator | Brit. Col., Dept. of Rec. & Conserv., Parks Branch |
B-3467 | March 1963 | 295 H | C-0526-B | Incinerator | New Jersey, Forest and Parks Section |
B-3468 | December 1965 | 461 B | S-0758-B | Incinerator | U.S. Army, Chief of Engineers, Civil Works, Washington, D.C. |
B-3469 | January 1968 | 608 B | F-0936-B | Mortarless Trash Burner | Texas Extension Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture |
B-3470 | December 1968 | 643 B | F-0935-B | Brick Trash Burner | Georgia Extension Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture |
B-3475 | May 1960 | 183 SP | S-0418-B | Trailer Camp Site Utilities | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
B-3476 | January 1968 | 607 B | S-1156-B | All-Season Hookup Box | Ira B. Lykes, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
B-3477/B-3478 | July 1974 | 989 GC/990 GC | N-1315-B1/B2 | Rec. Vee Hookup Water/Electric-Electric Box | Ira B. Lykes & Assoc. |
B-3500 | May 1959 | 105 H | C-0230-B | Parkway Lamp Post | Indiana, Conservation Department |
B-3501 | May 1959 | 106 H | C-0231-B | Power Pole at Camp Site | Michigan, Department of Conservation, Parks and Recreation Division, Plan No. SE 136 |
B-3502 | May 1959 | 107 H | C-0108-B | Power Outlet Box at Camp Site | Michigan, Department of Conservation, Parks and Recreation Division, Plan No. SE 159 |
B-3503 | May 1965 | 445 H | N-0981-B | Sidewalk Light | Akron, Ohio, Metropolitan Park District (alt) |
B-3504 | May 1959 | 105 H | C-0230-B | Parkway Lamp Post | Indiana, Conservation Department (alt) |
B-3600 | November 1958 | C 81 | S-0198-B | Emergency Phone Box | National Park Service, Drawing No. NP YOS/2188 |
B-3601 | November 1958 | 81 C | S-0198-B | Emergency Phone Box | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
B-3602 | September 1969 | 671 B | S-1247-B | Telephone Booth | James A. Burnett, NPS, U.S. Dept. of the Interior |
B-3800 | July 1962 | 255 H | S-0434-B | Riding Stable | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
B-3801 | July 1962 | 256 H | S-0435-B | Riding Stable - Grain Storage Detail | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
B-3802 | July 1962 | 257 H | S-0436-B | Riding Stable Stall Detail | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
B-3803 | June 1964 | 399 H | C-0857-B | Riding Stable | Canada, Alwyn J. Cameron, Odell Park, Fredericton, N.B. (alt) |
B-3804 | July 1962 | 255 H | S-0434-B | Riding Stable | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
B-3805/B-3806 | Spring 1979 |
| F-1289-B | Hitch-Feed Rack | Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture |
B-3807/B-3808/ B-3809/B-3810/ B-3811/B-3812 | October 1981 |
| F-1406-R | Horse Show Rings and Equipment | U.S. Department of Agriculture |
B-3820/B-3821 | Summer 1983 |
| F-1642-B | Ferry Terminal Building | George Stephen, Regional Architect, NPS, NARO |
B-3822/B-3823 | Summer 1983 |
| F-1643-B | Comfort Station | George Stephen, Regional Architect, NPS, NARO |
B-3828/B-3829/ B-3830/B-3831/ B-3832/B-3833 | Winter 1984 |
| N-1658-B | Arboretum | Darrell Winslow, NVRPA |
B-3898/B-3899/ B-3900/B-3901 | Summer 1987 |
| N-1713-B | Vault Toilet | U.S. Army Corps of Eng. |
INTERPRETATION (all Designs) |
I-6000 | December 1957 | 45 | S-0162-I | Information Station, Museum | National Park Service, Plan PKY-NT 2487-C |
I-6001 | July 1962 | 266 H | S-0679-I | Visitor Center | Everglades, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
I-6002 | July 1962 | 258 H | S-0445-I | Visitor Center | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
I-6003 (a) | July 1962 | 264 C | N-0673-I (1) | Visitor Center | Frank Bunce, Bernheim Forest, Kentucky (alt) |
I-6003 (b) | July 1962 | 265 C | N-0673-I (b) | Visitor Center | Frank Bunce, Bernheim Forest, Kentucky |
I-6004 | December 1962 | 276 C | S-0437-I | Visitor Center | National Park Service, Pipestone, NM (alt) (alt) |
I-6005 | December 1962 | 281 C | S-0688-I | Visitor Center | National Park Service, Geo. Wash. Carver, NM (alt) |
I-6006 | June 1964 | 388 H | S-0800-I(a) | Secondary Visitor Center | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
I-6007 | June 1964 | 389 H | S-0800-I(b) | Secondary Visitor Center | National Park Service, (alt) |
I-6008 | May 1965 | 458 H | N-0984-I | Combination Visitor Center & Headquarters | Australia, Kosciusko State Park Trust (alt) |
I-6009 | January 1968 | 629 B | N-1065-I | Arboretum (Visitor Center) | Bernheim Forest, Kentucky (alt) |
I-6010 | December 1957 | 45 | S-0162-I | Information Station, Museum | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
I-6011/I-6012 | January 1975 | 1004 B | C-1391-I(1) | Education Center | Washington State Dept. of Game |
I-6013/I-6014 | July 1976 | 1042 B | S-1464-I | Multi-Use Visitor Center | Minute Man NHP, NPS, USDI |
I-6015/I-6016 | October 1977 |
| C-1435-I | Mobile Interpretative Center | Kickapoo SP, Oakwood, IL |
I-6017/I-6018/ I-6019/I-6020 | Spring 1980 |
| S-1499-I | Interpretative Facility | Bob A. Lopenske, DSC - NPS - USDI |
I-6030 | February 1967 | 565 B | S-1094-I | Nature-Lore House | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
I-6050 | March 1962 | 250 H | S-0619-I | Information Counter | National Park Service, Everglades N. P. |
I-6051 | February 1967 | 555 H | S-0618-I | Information Counter "B" | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
I-6052 | June 1967 | 572 H | S-0617-I | Information Counter | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
I-6350 | November 1961 | 233 | C-0536-I | Electric Traffic Counter | Michigan Dept. of Conservation, Parks & Recreation Div. |
I-6600 | April 1958 | 51 | S-0141-I | Display Case | National Park Service, Plan No. WHI-NM-2016 |
I-6601 | May 1959 | 119 C | S-0199-I | Trailside Exhibit | National Park Service, Ocmulgee Nat. Mon. (Reg. 1) (alt) |
I-6602 | May 1960 | 170 H | C-0387-I | Display Shelter | California, Dept. of Natural Resources, Division of Beaches & Parks (alt) |
I-6603 | May 1960 | 172 B | S-0394-I | Trailside Exhibit Case | National Park Service, Homestead Nat. Mon. |
I-6604 | May 1961 | 217 H | C-0522-I | Outdoor Exhibit Case | Wisconsin, Conservation Department |
I-6605 | March 1962 | 237 H | S-0245-I | Wayside Exhibit | National Park Service, Reg. 3 - Div. of L. A. (alt) |
I-6606 | December 1962 | 280 C | S-0686-I | Exhibit Shelter | National Park Service, Death Valley, NM (alt) |
I-6607 | December 1962 | 279 H | S-0683-I | Wayside Exhibit | National Park Service, Grand Canyon NP. (alt) |
I-6608 | July 1963 | 324 F | S-0796-I | Interpretative Shelter | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
I-6609 | July 1963 | 325 F | S-0797-I | Interpretative Shelters | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
I-6610 | November 1963 | 333 H | S-0799-I | Exhibit Shelter | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
I-6611 | May 1965 | 433 H | S-0752-I | Overlook Shelter | U.S. Army, Office, Chief of Engineers, Civil Works, Washington, D.C. (alt) |
I-6612 | May 1965 | 455 H | S-1008-I | Elevated Exhibit Shelter | National Park Service, Everglades National Park (alt) |
I-6613 | June 1967 | 583 B | C-1064-I | Information Shelter | Bernheim Forest, Clermount, Kentucky (alt) |
I-6614 | June 1967 | 593 B | S-1116-I | Roadside Easel | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
I-6615 | January 1968 | 619 H | C-1131-I | Exhibit Center | Nevada, State Parks System |
I-6616 | April 1958 | 51 | S-0141-I | Display Case | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
I-6617 | August 1970 | 721 H | C-1242-I | Display Shelter | Indiana, Dept. of Conservation |
I-6618 | August 1970 | 722 H | C-1243-I | Display Shelter | Indiana, Dept. of Conservation |
I-6619 | June 1972 | 856 B | N-0885-I | Exhibit Your Weather Station | Bernheim Forest, Frank Bunce |
I-6620 | June 1972 | 857 H | C-1345-I | Display Board | Vermont, Dept. of Forest & Parks |
I-6621 | May 1974 | 975 GC | F-1383-I1 | Display Board with Shelter | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
I-6622 | May 1974 | 976 GC | F-1383-I2 | Display Board with Shelter | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
I-6623 | May 1974 | 977 GC | F-1383-I3 | Display Board with Shelter | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
I-6624 | May 1974 | 978 GC | F-1383-I4 | Display Board with Shelter | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
I-6625 | May 1974 | 979 GC | F-1383-I5 | Display Board with Shelter | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
I-6626 | May 1974 | 980 GC | N-1365-I | Display Board | Australia, National Parks |
I-6700 | April 1958 | 56 | S-0152-I | Trail Label Holder | National Park Service, Plan No. PKY-BR GEN-2452 |
I-6701 | November 1959 | 123 B | S-0383-I | Trail Label Holder | National Park Service, Everglades NP - Ernst Christensen (alt) |
I-6702 | July 1963 | 319 F | S-0791-I | Sign, Interpretative | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
I-6703 | July 1963 | 321 A | S-0973-I | Sign, Trailside | National Park Service |
I-6704 | July 1963 | 322 F | S-0794-I | Sign, Interpretative | National Park Service |
I-6705 | July 1963 | 323 F | S-0795-I | Sign, Interpretative | National Park Service |
I-6706 | January 1968 | 616 B | F-1121-I | Exhibit Shelter | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
I-6707 | April 1958 | 56 I | S-0152-I | Trail Label Holder | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
I-6708 | September 1969 | 679 B | C-0447-I | Historical Marker | Minnesota, Silver Creek Cliff Rock Cut |
I-6751/I-6752 | January 1976 | 1035 B | N-1476-I | Rear Screen Projection Box | Costa Rica, National Park Service |
I-6753/I-6754/ I-6755/I-6756 | October 1977 |
| S-1507-I | Twelve-Sided Display Case | Walnut Canyon NM, NPS - USDI |
I-6757/I-6758 | January 1979 |
| C-1565-I | Partitions for Small Museums | Dave Hefferman, Batavia, Illinois |
I-6850 | November 1959 | 136 B | S-0258-I | Wildlife Blind | National Park Service, Chiricahua Nat. Mon., Forrest M. Benson |
I-6851 | December 1965 | 470 H | C-1018-I | Bird Lookout Tower | Florida, Myakka River State Park (alt) |
I-6852 | November 1959 | 136 B | S-0258-I | Wildlife Blind | Forrest M. Benson, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
I-6853 | December 1971 | 798 F | F-1256-I (A) | Wildlife Observation Blind | Nat. Planning Team, Sport Fisheries & Wildlife |
I-6854 | December 1971 | 799 F | F-1256-I (B) | Wildlife Observation Blind | Nat. Planning Team, Sport Fisheries & Wildlife |
I-6900 | May 1959 | 120 C | C-0211-I | Fish Exhibit Tank | Indiana, Conservation Department, Plan No. 22 |
I-6901 | January 1965 | 412 H | C-0720-I | Bird House | Byron L. Ashbaugh (alt) |
I-6902 | May 1959 | 120 C | C-0211-I | Fish Exhibit Tank | Indiana, Conservation Department (alt) |
I-6919/I-6920/ I-6921/I-6922 | April 1978 |
| C-1566-I | A Garden for the Senses | MNCPPC, Dept. of Pks., MD |
I-6923 | December 1973 | 953 H | N-1363-I(1) | Observation Bee Hive | Michigan, Stony Creek Metro. Pk. |
I-6924 | December 1973 | 954 B | N-1363-I(2) | Observation Bee Hive | Michigan, Stony Creek Metro. Pk. |
I-6925 | November 1959 | 128 A&G | C-0225-I | Snake Exhibit Cases | Indiana, Conservation Department, Division of Engineering(alt) |
I-6926 | May 1961 | 213 H | C-0479-R | Walk-Through Aviary | Florida, Dade County, Public Works Department (alt) |
I-6927 | May 1961 | 214 H | C-0480-R | Primate Cage | Florida, Dade County, Public Works Department |
I-6928 | May 1961 | 215 H | C-0481-R | Children's Zoo Barn | Florida, Dade County, Public Works Department |
I-6929 | May 1961 | 216 H | C-0482-R | Otter Pen | Florida, Dade County, Public Works Department (alt) |
I-6930 | September 1969 | 685 B | F-1251-I | Quail Holding Pen | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Serv., U.S. Department of the Interior |
I-6931/I-6932 | January 1975 | 1005 B | C-1390-I(1) | Bird House | Washington State, Dept. of Game |
I-6933/I-6934/ I-6935/I-6936 | Summer 1983 |
| F-1639-I | Visitor Info. Center | George Stephen, Regional Architect, NPS, NARO |
MAINTENANCE (all Designs) |
M-7000 | February 1966 | 478 H | C-0571-M | Scaffold Horses (A) | California, Dept. of Industrial Relations, Division of Industrial Safety |
M-7001 | February 1966 | 479 H | C-0571-M | Scaffold Horses (B) | California, Dept. of Industrial Relations, Division of Industrial Safety (alt) |
M-7002 | February 1966 | 480 H | C-0571-M | Folding Scaffold Horses (C) | California, Dept. of Industrial Relations, Division of Industrial Safety (alt) |
M-7003 | February 1966 | 481 H | C-0571-M | Pole Scaffold (D) | California, Dept. of Industrial Relations, Division of Industrial Safety (alt) |
M-7004 | February 1966 | 482 H | C-0571-M | Scaffold Ladders (E) | California, Dept. of Industrial Relations, Division of Industrial Safety (alt) |
M-7005 | February 1966 | 478 H | C-0571-M | Scaffold Horses (A) | California, Dept. of Industrial Relations, Division of Industrial Safety |
M-7006 | September 1969 | 686 B | S-1252-M | Saw Horse | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
M-7100 | January 1960 | 158 B | C-0392-M | Paint Drying Rack | Michigan, Department of Conservation, Parks and Recreation Division, Indian Lake SP |
M-7101 | January 1961 | 195 H | C-0422-M | Dip Tank for Trash Baskets | Indiana, Dept. of Conservation |
M-7102 | January 1964 | 361 H | C-0465-M | Paint Drying Rack and Dip Trough | Montana, Highway Commission, State Parks Division |
M-7103 | January 1960 | 158 B | C-0392-M | Paint Drying Rack | Michigan, Dept. of Conservation, Pks & Recrea. Div. |
M-7104 | September 1969 | 680 B | S-0877-M | Paint Drying Rack | Ray Lehto, Fort Wilkins St. Pk. |
M-7110 | January 1961 | 200 B | S-0478-M | Work Bench | National Park Service, Natchez Trace Parkway |
M-7111 | May 1961 | 218 H | C-0525-M | Pile-Driving Rig | Ohio, Indian Lake State Park (alt) |
M-7112 | September 1961 | 226 H | S-0514-M | Portable Tool Box | National Park Service, Grand Teton National Park (alt) |
M-7113 | June 1972 | 858 L | S-0875-M(1) | Equipment Mover | National Park Service, U.S. Dept. of the Interior |
M-7114 | June 1972 | 859 L | S-0875-M(2) | Equipment Mover | National Park Service, U.S. Dept. of the Interior |
M-7125/M-7126/ M-7127/M-7128/ M-7129/M-7130 | October 1979 |
| F-1460-M | Janitor's Cart | Robert D. Espeseth, University of Illinois |
M-7145 | January 1961 | 198 B | C-0461-M | Tape Dispenser for Wallboard | Minnesota, Bob Johnson, O'Brien State Park (alt) |
M-7146 | January 1961 | 200 B | C-0478-M | Work Bench | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
M-7147 | May 1974 | 981 B | S-0671-M | Cabinet/Shelf for Recorder-Totalizer | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
M-7147/M-7148 | January 1975 | 1006 B | S-1429-M(1) | Portable Workbench | Charles T. Mask, NPS, USDI |
M-7148 | May 1974 | 982 H | N-1248-M | Shop Stand | Texas A&M University |
M-7165 | January 1961 | 194 H | S-0423-M | Material Spreader for Road Shoulders | National Park Service, Acadia NP (alt) |
M-7166 | November 1963 | 334 H | N-0826-M | Bitumuls Drag Broom | American Bitumuls and Asphalt Company (alt) |
M-7190 | July 1966 | 494 H | S-0870-M | Stringing Pole | National Park Service |
M-7200 | June 1964 | 385 H | F-0782-M | Pump Handle Guard | Nebraska, Game, Forestation & Parks Commission |
M-7201 | June 1964 | 400 H | C-0858-M | Table Mover | Illinois, Cook County, Forest Preserve District |
M-7202 | June 1964 | 385 H | F-0782-M | Pump Handle Guard | Nebraska, Game, Forestation & Parks Commission |
M-7205/M-7206 | January 1978 |
| C-1563-M | Hydraulic Firewood Splitter | Dept. of Natural Resources, Regional Office, MI |
M-7250 | January 1965 | 416 H | C-0919-M | Tree Wells | Wisconsin, Highway Commission |
M-7365 | May 1961 | 293 B | S-0382-M | Trash Rack for Dump Truck | National Park Service, White Sands National Monument (alt) |
M-7366 | March 1962 | 236 H | C-0227-M | Garbage Container Shed | Indiana, Conservation Department (alt) |
M-7367 | March 1962 | 238 B | C-0342-M | Garbage Can Washer | Indiana, Conservation Department (alt) |
M-7368 | January 1964 | 358 H | S-0691-M | Litter Cart | National Park Service, Lake Mead Nat. Rec. Area (alt) |
M-7397/M-7398 | July 1975 | 1020 B | F-1451-M | Portable Greenhouse | Recreational Buildings and Facilities, USDA, Handbook No. 438 |
M-7399/M-7400 | July 1975 | 1021 B | F-1452-M | Frame Greenhouse | Recreational Buildings and Facilities, USDA, Handbook No. 438 |
M-7401 | July 1966 | 494 H | S-0870-M | Stringing Pole | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
M-7402 | January 1965 | 416 H | C-0919-M | Tree Wells | Wisconsin, Highway Commission |
M-7403 | May 1974 | 983 H | S-0913-M1 | Check Dam | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
M-7404 | May 1974 | 984 GC | S-0913-M2 | Check Dam | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
M-8000 | November 1966 | 515 H | C-0879-M | Three-Roll Toilet Paper Dispenser | South Carolina, Myrtle Beach State Park |
O-5000 | March 1963 | 304 B | C-0725-O | Organized Camp "A" | National Park Service |
O-5001 | March 1963 | 305 B | C-0725-O | Organized Camp "B" | National Park Service |
O-5002 | March 1963 | 306 B | C-0725-O | Organized Camp "C" | National Park Service |
O-5003 | March 1963 | 307 B | C-0725-O | Organized Camp "D" | National Park Service |
O-5004 | March 1963 | 308 B | C-0725-O | Organized Camp "E" | National Park Service |
O-5005 | March 1963 | 309 B | c-0725-O | Organized Camp "F" | National Park Service (alt) |
O-5006 | January 1964 | 349 B | N-0598-O | Tent Camp Layout | Boy Scouts of America (alt) |
O-5007 | June 1964 | 370 B | N-0597-O | Organized Camp | Boy Scouts of America |
O-5008 | June 1964 | 371 B | N-0594-O | Organized Camp | Boy Scouts of America |
O-5009 | June 1964 | 372 B | N-0595-O | Organized Camp | Boy Scouts of America (alt) |
O-5010 | June 1964 | 373 B | N-0596-O | Organized Camp | Boy Scouts of America (alt) |
O-5011 | June 1967 | 580 B | N-1005-O | Campground Layout | Charles C. Scott, Raleigh, North Carolina |
O-5012 | June 1967 | 581 B | N-1006-O | Campground Layout | Charles C. Scott, Raleigh, North Carolina |
O-5013 | June 1967 | 582 B | N-1057-O | Campground Layout | Charles C. Scott, Raleigh, North Carolina |
O-5014 | January 1968 | 627 B | N-1154-O | Family Camping Resort | Bob Sonntag, St. Augustine Beach, Fla. |
O-5025 | July 1957 | 21 | C-0028-O | Cabin, Group Camp | Washington, Parks & Recreation Commission |
O-5026 | April 1958 | 49 | C-0090-O | Cabin, Group Camp | Louisiana, Parks and Recreation Commission |
O-5027 | February 1967 | 564 B | S-1089-O | Sleeping Cabin Organized Camp | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
O-5028 | June 1967 | 584 B | S-1090-O | Cabin for 8 with Counselor | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
O-5029 | June 1967 | 585 B | S-1091-O | Sleeping Cabins Organized Camp | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
O-5030 | December 1968 | 657 H | N-0565-O | Staff Sleeping Cabin Organized Camp | Boy Scouts of America |
O-5031/O-5032/ O-5033/O-5034 | January 1976 | 1034 B | S-1467-O | Camp Dormitory | NPS-NCP, USDI, Catoctin Mtn. Park |
O-5057 | November 1966 | 539 B | S-1072-O | Kitchen and Dining Hall Layout | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
O-5058 | November 1966 | 540 B | S-1073-O | Dining Hall Organized Camp | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
O-5059 | June 1967 | 569 H | C-0350-O | Dining Hall | Minnesota, Department of Conservation |
O-5060 | December 1968 | 658 H | N-0562-O | Dining Hall | Boy Scouts of America |
O-5100 | February 1967 | 567 B | S-1093-O | Craft Shop Organized Camp | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
O-5101 | February 1967 | 565 B | S-1094-O | Nature-Lore House | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
O-5102 | February 1967 | 567 B | S-1093-O | Craft Shop Organized Camp | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
O-5151 | November 1966 | 542 B | S-1075-O | Unit Lodge Organized Camp | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
O-5152 | November 1966 | 541 B | S-1074-O | Unit Lodge Organized Camp | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
O-5153 | January 1968 | 611 B | S-1082-O | Recreation Building Organized Camp | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
O-5154 | December 1968 | 659 S | N-0555-O | Lodge | Boy Scouts of America (alt) |
O-5200 | November 1966 | 543 B | S-1078-O | Infirmary Organized Camp | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
O-5201 | November 1966 | 544 B | S-1077-O | infirmaries Organized Camp | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
O-5202 | November 1966 | 543 B | S-1078-O | Infirmary Organized Camp | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
O-5203 | July 1973 | 921 H | N-0557-O | Health Lodge | Boy Scouts of America |
O-5204 | July 1973 | 922 H | N-0556-O | Health Lodge | Boy Scouts of America |
O-5205/O-5206/ O-5207/O-5208 | January 1978 |
| N-1561-O | Infirmary-Troop House | Bob Espeseth, Univ. of Illinois |
O-5251/O-5252 | July 1976 | 1039 B | N-0568-O | Service Building | Boy Scouts of America |
O-5300 | May 1958 | 61 (rev.) | C-0077-O | Campers' Latrine and Laundry | Minnesota, Department of Conservation, Plan No. S. P.-2080 |
O-5301 | May 1960 | 185 SP | S-0420-O | Trailer Service Building | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
O-5302 | January 1961 | 189 H | C-0391-O | Toilet Building, Campground | California, Div. of Beaches & Parks (alt) |
O-5303 | March 1962 | 248 H | N-0543-O | Washstand, Troop | Boy Scouts of America (alt) |
O-5304 | March 1962 | 249 H | N-0552-O | Central Shower Building | Boy Scouts of America (alt) |
O-5305 | December 1965 | 463 H | C-0850-O | Campground Toilet | Michigan, Dept. of Conservation, Parks & Recreation Division (alt) |
O-5306 | July 1966 | 510 H | C-1029-O | Campground Toilet Building | Florida, Pinellas County, Fort DeSoto Park (alt) |
O-5307 | May 1958 | 61 (rev.) | C-0077-O | Campers Latrine and Laundry | Minnesota, Department of Conservation |
O-5308 | September 1969 | 677 H | N-0550-O | Staff Toilet | Boy Scouts of America |
O-5309 | September 1969 | 687 H | N-0549-O | Washhouse Latrine | Boy Scouts of America |
O-5310 | September 1969 | 688 H | N-0551-O | Central Shower | Boy Scouts of America |
O-5350 | July 1957 | 19 | C-0023-O | Laundry & Toilet Building | Louisiana, Parks & Recreation Commission |
O-5351 | November 1958 | H 79 | C-0181-O | Camp Utility Building | Connecticut, State Park and Forest Commission, Plan No. 19-3A |
O-5352 | January 1961 | 117 C | C-0210-O | Open Wash Shelter | Indiana, Conservation Dept., Plan No. 9 |
O-5353 | January 1960 | 142 A&G | C-0272-O | Utility Building | Oregon, State Highway Commission, State Park Department (alt) |
O-5354 | January 1960 | 141 A&G | C-0271-O | Utility Building, Small | Oregon, State Highway Commission, State Parks Department (alt) |
O-5355 | May 1960 | 167 H | C-0335-O | Wash House & Laundry | North Carolina, Hanging Rock State Park (alt) |
O-5356 | November 1966 | 537 B | S-1070-O | Latrine & Wash House Units | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
O-5357 | November 1966 | 538 B | S-1071-O | Central Wash House Organized Camp | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
O-5358 | June 1967 | 587 B | C-1138-O | Comfort Station, Wash House | Carpenter's Camper's World (alt) |
O-5359 | January 1968 | 624 H | C-1144-O | Toilet and Shower Bldg. | Michigan, Fort Wilkins State Park, Dept. of Conservation (alt) |
O-5360 | July 1957 | 19 | C-0023-O | Laundry & Toilet Building | Louisiana, Parks & Recreation Commission |
O-5360 | December 1972 | 884 B | C-1361-O(A) | Campground-Beach Service Compound | Michigan, Metomora-Hadley RA |
O-5361 | August 1970 | 719 H | C-0733-O | Central Service Building | New Hampshire, Lake Sunapee |
O-5362 | August 1970 | 720 H | N-0547-O | Troop Washstand | Boy Scouts of America |
O-5363 | December 1972 | 885 B | C-1361-O(C)1 | Campground Toilet | Michigan, Metamora-Hadley RA |
O-5364 | December 1972 | 886 B | C-1361-B(C)2 | Campground Toilet | Michigan, Metamora-Hadley RA |
O-5365 | July 1973 | 925 B | N-0581-O | Central Wash House | Boy Scouts of America |
O-5366 | July 1973 | 924 H | C-1339-O | Camp Toilet | Texas, Goose Island S.P. |
O-5367/O-5368 | Spring 1980 |
| S-1503-O | Campers' Service Facility | Denver Service Center, NPS - USDI |
O-5369/O-5370/ O-5371/O-5372 | July 1982 |
| C-1336-O | Restroom with Showers | Goliad SP, TX |
O-5400 | November 1958 | C 85 | C-0194-O | Lodge | Oklahoma, Division of Recreation & State Parks, Planning & Resources Board |
O-5401 | December 1972 | 887 CR | F-1354-O | Campground for the Handicapped | Mammoth Lakes, Inyo Nat. Forest, Calif. |
O-5402 | December 1972 | 888 H | F-1355-O | Single Family Camp | Mammoth Lakes, Inyo Nat. Forest, Calif. |
O-5403 | December 1972 | 889 H | F-1349-O | Double Family Camp | Mammoth Lakes, Inyo Nat. Forest, Calif. |
O-5404 | December 1972 | 890 H | F-1351-O | Picnic Table for the Handicapped | Mammoth Lakes, Inyo Nat. Forest, Calif. |
O-5405 | December 1972 | 891 H | F-1352-O | Modified Stove | Mammoth Lakes, Inyo Nat. Forest, Calif. |
O-5406 | December 1972 | 892 H | F-1353-O | Water Source for the Handicapped | Mammoth Lakes, Inyo Nat. Forest, Calif. |
O-5407 | December 1972 | 893 H | F-1347-O | Toilet for the Handicapped | Mammoth Lakes, Inyo Nat. Forest, Calif. |
O-5408 | December 1972 | 894 H | F-1348-O | Float for the Handicapped | Mammoth Lakes, Inyo Nat. Forest, Calif. |
O-5500 | January 1957 | 2 (rev.) | C-0041-O | Cabin, Six-Person | Georgia, Department of State Parks, Plan 5114 Sheets 1 - 4 |
O-5501 | December 1957 | 37 | C-0056-O | Housekeeping Cabin | Ohio, Department of Resources, Plan No. 2 Operation 1413 |
O-5501 | November 1958 | 85 C | C-0194-O | Lodge | Oklahoma, Div. of Rec. & SP Pln. & Resources Bd. |
O-5502 | December 1957 | 38 | C-0071-O | Vacation Cabin, Duplex | Ohio, Division of Forestry (alt) |
O-5503 | December 1957 | 39 | C-0072-O | Housekeeping Cabin | Ohio, Division of Forestry (alt) |
O-5504 | May 1959 | 118 B | C-0182-O | Overnight Cabin | New Jersey, Dept. of Conservation & Economic Development, Plan No. 9082 (alt) |
O-5505 | January 1960 | 148 H | C-0317-O | Cabin, Tourist | Central New York, State Parks Commission (alt) |
O-5506 | November 1959 | 127 A&G | C-0215-O | Housekeeping Cabin | Indiana, Conservation Department, Div. of Engineerings (alt) |
O-5507 | September 1961 | 220 H | N-0340-O | Housekeeping Tent Unit | Grand Teton Lodge Company, Grand Teton Nat. Park (alt) |
O-5508 | September 1961 | 224 H | S-0462-O | Housekeeping Tent Unit | Grand Teton Lodge Company, Grand Teton Nat. Park (alt) |
O-5509 | June 1964 | 401 H | S-0881-O | Cabins | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
O-5510 | May 1965 | 448 H | N-0996-O | "A" Frame Shelter | Frank L. Singer, Jr., Sprout Lake Park, N.Y. |
O-5511 | February 1966 | 486 H | N-0995-O | Cottage | Australia, Kosciusko State Park Trust (alt) |
O-5512 | January 1957 | 2 (rev.) | C-0041-O | Cabin, Six-Person | Georgia, Department of State Parks (alt) |
O-5513 | December 1971 | 819 L | C-0353-O | 3 Bedroom Cabin | North Carolina, Dept. of Conservation |
O-5514 | December 1971 | 820 F | C-1327-O | Cabin | Georgia, Department of State Parks |
O-5515/O-5516 | July 1975 | 1018 B | F-1450-O | Guest Cabin | Recreational Buildings and Facilities, USDA, Handbook No. 438 |
O-5517/O-5518 | July 1975 | 1019 B | F-1410-O | Log Cabin | Recreational Buildings and Facilities, USDA, Handbook No. 438 |
O-5650 | December 1962 | 277 H | C-0475-O | Adirondack Type Shelter | Vermont, Dept. of Forests & Parks |
O-5651 | March 1963 | 292 H | S-0338-R | Overnight Shelter | National Park Service, Isle Royale, NP (alt) |
O-5652 | January 1964 | 348 H | N-0583-O | Shelter, Overnight | Boy Scouts of America (alt) |
O-5653 | January 1965 | 413 H | N-0842-O | Trailside Shelter | Black River State Forest (alt) |
O-5654 | December 1962 | 277 H | C-0475-O | Adirondack Type Shelter | Vermont, Dept. of Forests and Parks (alt) |
O-5655 | June 1972 | 854 L | C-1335-O(1) | Overnight Shelter | Texas, Goliad State Park |
O-5656 | June 1972 | 855 L | C-1335-D(2) | Overnight Shelter | Texas, Goliad State Park |
O-5680 | November 1959 | 131 A&G | C-0234-O | Tent Platform, Portable | Indiana, Conservation Department, Div. of Engineering |
O-5681 | January 1961 | 199 B | C-0472-O | Tent Platform | Vermont, Dept. of Forests & Parks, Vermont Park Service (alt) |
O-5682 | November 1966 | 514 H | N-0327-O | Tent Platform | Girl Scouts of the United States of America (alt) |
O-5683 | November 1959 | 131 A&G | C-0234-O | Tent Platform | Indiana, Conservation Department, Division of Engineering |
O-5684 | December 1968 | 660 B | N-0802-O | Tent Platform | Boy Scouts of America |
O-5700 | January 1960 | 146 A&G | C-0280-O | Campsite Layout | British Columbia, Dept. of Recreation & Conservation, Parks Branch |
O-5701 | May 1961 | 297 H | S-0428-O | Walk-In Tent Campground | National Park Service |
O-5702 | May 1961 | 208 H | S-0429-O | Walk-In Tent Campground | National Park Service, Plan No. NP-ACA/2666D |
O-5703 | November 1963 | 329 H | C-0706-O | Tent Camping Lots | Ohio, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks (alt) |
O-5704 | June 1964 | 392 H | C-0839-O | Campground Layout | Michigan, Higgins Lake State Park (alt) |
O-5705 | June 1964 | 394 H | C-0845-O | Campground Layout | California, McGrath State Beach (alt) |
O-5706 | May 1965 | 457 H | C-1010-O | Campground Layout | Michigan, Indian Lake State Park (alt) |
O-5707 | January 1968 | 601 B | S-1150-O | Back-In, Daisy Campground | Ira B. Lykes, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
O-5708 | January 1960 | 146 A&G | C-0280-O | Campsite Layout | British Columbia, Dept. of Rec. & Conserv., Parks Branch (alt) |
O-5709 | February 1959 | 95 H | C-0278-O | Camping Area | Oregon, State Parks Department (alt) |
O-5710 | September 1969 | 678 B | C-0933-O | Camp Layout Standards | Washington State Parks (alt) |
O-5750 | February 1959 | N 95 | C-0278-O | Trailer and Tent Camping Area | Oregon, State Parks Department, Plan No. P 1020 |
O-5751 | May 1960 | 174 | S-0409-O | Trailer Camp Layout A & B | National Park Service, from Park & Recreation Structures (alt) |
O-5752 | May 1960 | 175 | S-0410-O | Trailer Camp Layout C & D | National Park Service, from Park & Recreation Structures (alt) |
O-5753 | May 1960 | 176 | S-0411-O | Trailer Camp Layout E & F | National Park Service, from Park & Recreation Structures (alt) |
O-5754 | May 1960 | 177 | S-0412-O | Trailer Camp Layout G & H | National Park Service, from Park & Recreation Structures (alt) |
O-5755 | May 1960 | 178 | S-0413-O | Trailer Camp Layout I & J | National Park Service, from Park & Recreation Structures (alt) |
O-5756 | May 1960 | 179 | S-0414-O | Trailer Camp Layout K | National Park Service, from Park & Recreation Structures (alt) |
O-5757 | May 1960 | 180 SP | S-0415-O | Trailer Camp Layout (Hypothetical) | National Park Service |
O-5758 | January 1960 | 181 J | S-0416-O | Trailer Court I | National Park Service |
O-5759 | January 1960 | 182 J | S-0417-O | Trailer Court II | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
O-5760 | January 1960 | 184 SP | S-0419-O | Trailer Sites (Hypothetical) | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
O-5761 | December 1965 | 475 B | N-1025-O | Trailer Park | Mobile Homes Manufacturers Assn. (alt) |
O-5762 | February 1967 | 545 B | S-1105-O | Shamrock Campground | Ira B. Lykes, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
O-5763 | February 1967 | 546 B | S-1111-O | Shamrock Campground Grouping | Ira B. Lykes, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
O-5764 | February 1967 | 547 B | S-1106-O | Daisy Campground | Ira B. Lykes, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
O-5765 | February 1967 | 548 B | S-1107-O | Daisy Campground, Center Circle Detail | Ira B. Lykes, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
O-5766 | February 1967 | 549 B | S-1108-O | Daisy Campground Group I | Ira B. Lykes, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
O-5767 | February 1967 | 550 B | S-1109-O | Daisy Campground Grouping II | Ira B. Lykes, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
O-5768 | February 1967 | 573 H | C-0700-O | Trailer Camp | Ohio, Division of Parks (alt) |
O-5769 | January 1968 | 599 S | S-1140-O | 20° Angle Campground | Ira B. Lykes, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
O-5770 | January 1968 | 600 B | S-1149-O | Pull-Off, Daisy Campground | Ira B. Lykes, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
O-5771 | January 1968 | 604 H | C-0702-O | Trailer Unit | Ohio, Div. of Parks, Dept. of Natural Resources (alt) |
O-5772 | January 1968 | 615 H | S-1117-O | Pull-Through Trailer Campground | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
O-5773 | December 1971 | 812 L | N-1313-O (A) | Minimum Facility Campground Layout | Ira B. Lykes & Asso., Lake City, Florida |
O-5774 | December 1971 | 813 L | N-1313-O | Condominium Campground | Ira B. Lykes, Lake City, Florida |
O-5775 | July 1976 | 1040 B | N-1312-O | Trailer Campground Layout | Ira B. Lykes, Lake City, Florida |
O-5776 | July 1976 | 1041 B | N-1314-O | Penta-Pinwheel Campground | Ira B. Lykes, Lake City, Florida |
O-5900 | November 1959 | 130 A&G | C-0233-O | Duck Decks for Bunks | Indiana, Conservation Department, Div. of Engineering |
O-5901 | June 1967 | 568 H | N-0809-O | Patrol Food Chest | Boy Scouts of America (alt) |
O-5902 | November 1959 | 130 A&G | C-0233-O | Duck Decks for Bunks | Indiana, Conservation Department (alt) |
PROTECTION (all Designs) |
P-2100 | May 1961 | 296 H | S-0422-P | Observation Tower | Wisconsin, Rib Mountain State Park, XM516 |
P-2250 | January 1960 | 154 A&G | C-0377-P | Fire Hose House | California, Dept. of Natural Resources, Div. of Beaches & Parks, Humboldt Redwoods SP |
P-2251 | November 1959 | 132 H | S-0238-P | Firehose Box | National Park Service Carlsbad Caverns NP (alt) |
P-2252 | December 1960 | 197 B | S-0459-P | Fire Hose Box | National Park Service, Wind Cave NP, Dave Cannavina (alt) |
P-2253 | September 1961 | 223 H | S-0444-P | Fire Hose Storage Facility | National Park Service, Craters of the Moon NM (alt) |
P-2254 | March 1962 | 246 B | S-0507-P | Fire Hydrant House | National Park Service, Roby R. Mabery - Crater Lake N.P. (alt) |
P-2255 | January 1965 | 410 H | S-0672-P | Prefabricated Fire-Hose House | National Park Service, Southwest Region (alt) |
P-2256 | January 1960 | 154 A&G | C-0377-P | Fire Hose House | California, Humboldt Redwoods State Park (alt) |
P-2300 | January 1957 | 12 (rev.) | S-0155-P | Guard Rail | National Park Service, Plan PKY-BR-GEN-2040-C |
P-2301 | December 1957 | 40 | C-0091-P | Fence Post | City of Seattle, Department of Parks, Plan No. 524-2A |
P-2302 | May 1958 | 57 (rev.) | C-0044-P | Property Line Fence | Iowa, Conservation Commission |
P-2303 | May 1958 | 62 (rev.) | C-0088-P | Concrete Curb | Dade County, Fla., Department of Parks |
P-2304 | May 1958 | 64 (rev.) | C-0247-P | Guard Rail | Illinois, Dept. of Public Works and Buildings |
P-2305 | July 1958 | 71 | C-0150-P | Pipe Rail Fence | New York, Department of Conservation |
P-2306 | May 1959 | 98 B | C-0311-P | Beach Wall | Central New York, State Parks Commission, Plan No. 8053-2-2 |
P-2307 | March 1962 | 243 B | C-0204-P | Parking Barriers | Indiana, Conservation Department |
P-2308 | March 1963 | 290 B | C-0207-P | Parking Barrier | Indiana, Conservation Department |
P-2309 | January 1965 | 421 H | C-0970-P | Two-Rail Rustic Fence | Wisconsin, Highway Commission (alt) |
P-2310 | November 1966 | 534 H | C-1067-P | Standards for Fences | Colorado, Game, Fish & Parks Dept. (alt) |
P-2311 | January 1957 | 13 (rev.) I | S-0155-P | Guard Rail | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
P-2312 | September 1969 | 665 B | C-0289-P | Barriers | Canada, Province of British Columbia |
P-2313 | May 1974 | 955 H | S-0631-P | Standard Curb | NCP - NPS, U.S. Department of the Interior |
P-2314 | May 1974 | 936 H | S-0633-P | Integral Slab & Curb Detail | NCP - NPS, U.S. Department of the Interior |
P-2400 | January 1957 | 8 (rev.) | C-0133-P | Entrance Gates | Maine, State Park Commission, Plan BM128 Sheet 4 of 11 |
P-2401 | January 1957 | 11 (rev.) | C-0153-P | Entrance Gate | Cook County, Ill., Forest Preserve District (alt) |
P-2402 | January 1957 | 12 (rev.) | C-0154-P | Hinged Post Barrier | Cook County, Ill., Forest Preserve District (alt) |
P-2403 | November 1958 | H 78 | C-0176-P | Pipe Gate | Ohio, Division of Parks (alt) |
P-2404 | January 1960 | 153 H | S-0351-P | Gate, Entrance | National Park Service, Ft. Frederica NM (alt) |
P-2405 | May 1960 | 173 B | S-0395-P | Entrance Gate | National Park Service, White Sands National Monument (alt) |
P-2406 | May 1961 | 202 H | S-0375-P | Entrance Gate | National Park Service, Plan No. PKY-COL/2170 (alt) |
P-2407 | January 1964 | 352 H | C-0736-P | Pipe Gate, Park Road | Ontario, Township of Etobicoke, Parks Department (alt) |
P-2408 | May 1965 | 438 H | C-0957-P | Stiles and Gates | Pennsylvania State University (alt) |
P-2409 | July 1966 | 495 H | C-0904-A | Park Entrance with Cattle Guard | Texas, Texas State Parks Board (alt) |
P-2410 | July 1966 | 496 H | F-0908-P | Camp Entrance Gate | Soil Conservation Serv., U.S. Department of Agriculture (alt) |
P-2411 | July 1966 | 497 H | F-0909-P | Camp Entrance Gate | Soil Conservation Serv., U.S. Department of Agriculture (alt) |
P-2412 | July 1966 | 498 H | F-0912-P | Camp Entrance Gate | Soil Conservation Serv., U.S. Department of Agriculture (alt) |
P-2413 | July 1966 | 499 H | F-0913-P | Camp Entrance Gate | Soil Conservation Serv., U.S. Department of Agriculture (alt) |
P-2414 | July 1966 | 500 H | F-0915-P | Camp Entrance Gates | Soil Conservation Serv., U.S. Department of Agriculture (alt) |
P-2415 | June 1967 | 592 B | S-1115-P | Gate-Locking Device | James Bowman, National Park Service, USDI (alt) |
P-2416 | January 1957 | 8 (rev.) | C-0133-P | Entrance Gates | Maine, State Park Commission (alt) |
P-2417 | December 1972 | 860 H | C-0808-P | Service Road Barrier | Indiana, Conservation Department |
P-2418 | December 1972 | 861 B | S-0868-P | Road Barrier | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
P-2419/P-2420 | April 1978 |
| C-1564-P | Control Structure for Bicycle Trail | Dept. of Natural Resources, MI |
P-2421/P-2422 | October 1981 |
| C-1442-P | Metal Security Gate | William G. Konczal, Illinois S.P. |
P-2423/P-2424 | October 1981 |
| N-1572-B | Steel Pipe Gate | East Bay Reg. Pk. Dist., Oakland, CA |
P-2425/P-2426 | October 1981 |
| F-1625-M | Gravity Hinge | Dennis Fehler, USDA - USFS |
P-2427/P-2428 | October 1982 |
| S-1441-P | Chain Gate | Howard L. Maiden, NPS - USDI |
P-2450 | July 1957 | 30 | S-0140-P | Cattle Guard | National Park Service, Plan NM-BL-2123 Sheet 3 of 3 |
P-2451 | January 1960 | 139 A&G | C-0266-P | Cattle Guard | Oregon, State Highway Commission, Bridge Division (alt) |
P-2452 | July 1957 | 30 | S-0140-P | Cattle Guard | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
P-2453/P-2454 | October 1982 |
| S-0663-P | Cattle Guard | Harold A. Marsh, NPS - USDI |
P-2500 | July 1957 | 32 | S-0183-P | Safety Devices, Water | National Park Service, Plan NRA-CO-2038 |
P-2501 | May 1959 | 99 H | C-0232-P | Marker Buoy | Michigan, Department of Conservation, Parks and Recreation Division (alt) |
P-2502 | July 1962 | 267 H | F-0684-P | Buoy, Navigational | U.S. Army Engineers, Savannah, Georgia (alt) |
P-2503 | January 1964 | 350 H | F-0657-P | Life Ring Mount | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service (alt) (alt) |
P-2504 | January 1964 | 359 H | C-0699-P | Life Guard Control Tower & Building | California, Division of Beaches & Parks |
P-2504 | December 1970 | 729 B | C-0515-P | Warning Buoy | Minnesota, Sibley State Park (alt) |
P-2505 | January 1965 | 418 H | N-0925-P | Rescue Buoy | American National Red Cross (alt) |
P-2506 | November 1966 | 535 H | C-1068-P | Lake Ice Rescue Sled | Penn., Bu. of St. Pks., Dept. of Forests & Waters (alt) |
P-2507 | June 1967 | 578 B | C-0865-P | Patrol Rescue Boat | A.H. Lloyd, Cowan Lake, Ohio (alt) |
P-2508 | June 1957 | 32 | S-0183-P | Safety Devices, Water | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
P-2509 | August 1970 | 695 B | F-0656-P | Depth Marker | Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (alt) |
P-2510 | August 1970 | 696 H | F-0961-P | Water Safety Ring | Soil Conservation Serv., U.S. Department of Agriculture (alt) |
P-2511 | December 1970 | B 755 | S-1261-P | Emergency Sand Box | Edward Willard, NCP-NPS, USDI (alt) |
P-2512 | December 1970 | 756 B | S-1262-P | Emergency Sand Box | Edward Willard, NCP-NPS, USDI (alt) |
P-2600 | May 1961 | 212 H | S-0453-B | Live Bear Trap-Trailer | National Park Service, Yellowstone |
P-2601 | May 1961 | 212 H | S-0463-P | Bear Trap-Trailer | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
P-2602 | September 1969 | 666 B | S-1246-P | Gator Trap & Transport | Ralph E. Johnson, NPS, U.S. Dept. of the Interior |
R-4000 | May 1965 | 436 B | C-0891-R | Assembly Building | U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service |
R-4001 | November 1966 | 516 H | C-0889-R | Club House | Soil Conser. Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (alt) |
R-4002 | February 1967 | 560 H | C-1057-R | Day Camp Shelter | City of Greensboro, N.C., Parks & Recreation Dept. (alt) |
R-4003 | May 1965 | 436 B | C-0891-R | Assembly Building | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service (alt) |
R-4004 | September 1969 | 672 B | F-0890-R | Clubhouse | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service (alt) |
R-4005/R-4006/ R-4007/R-4008 | July 1982 |
| N-1626-R | Senior Adult Activity Center | Don Lutes, Lutes/Sanetel/Architects pc |
R-4015/R-4016/ R-4017/R-4018 | July 1978 |
| N-1557-R | Beach Access & Shelter | Norfolk, Dept. of Pks. & Rec., VA |
R-4025 | February 1967 | 557 H | F-0916-R | Lookout Platform | Soil Conserv. Serv., U.S. Department of Agriculture (alt) |
R-4026 | May 1961 | 296 H | S-0422-R | Observation Tower | Wisconsin, Rib Mountain State Park (alt) |
R-4050 | November 1961 | 231 H | C-0512-R | Vista House Structure | State Parks & Recreation Commission, Washington |
R-4051 | December 1970 | 740 B | C-1014-R | Beach Pavilion | Canada, Manitoba Mines & Nat. Resour. (alt) |
R-4052 | December 1965 | 472 H | N-1022-R | Dining Pavilion | Callaway Gardens, Pine Mountain, Georgia (alt) |
R-4053 | December 1965 | 469 B | C-1017-R | Beach Pavilion | Florida, City of Venice (alt) |
R-4054 | February 1966 | 485 H | C-0985-R | Pavilion | Hawaii, Kahe Point Beach Park, Honolua (alt) |
R-4055 | November 1961 | 231 H | C-0512-R | Vista House Structure | Washington, State Parks & Recreation Commission (alt) |
R-4056 | September 1969 | 673 B | C-1203-R | Park Shelter | Missouri, Jackson Co. Pk. Dept. (alt) |
R-4057/R-4058 | July 1973 | 905 B | N-1375-R1 | Beach Pavilion | Chatham County, Georgia |
R-4059/R-4060 | July 1973 | 907 B | N-1375-R3 | Beach Pavilion | Chatham County, Georgia |
R-4061 | July 1973 | 909 B | N-1375-R5 | Beach Pavilion | Chatham County, Georgia |
R-4062/R-4063 | July 1973 | 910 B | N-1375-R6 | Beach Pavilion | Chatham County, Georgia |
R-4064 | July 1973 | 912 B | N-1375-R8 | Beach Pavilion | Chatham County, Georgia |
R-4065 | July 1973 | 913 B | N-1375-R9 | Beach Pavilion | Chatham County, Georgia |
R-4066 | July 1973 | 914 B | N-1375-R10 | Beach Pavilion | Chatham County, Georgia |
R-4067 | July 1973 | 915 B | N-1375-R11 | Beach Pavilion | Chatham County, Georgia |
R-4068 | July 1973 | 916 B | N-1375-R12 | Beach Pavilion | Chatham County, Georgia |
R-4069 | July 1973 | 917 B | N-1375-R13 | Beach Pavilion | Chatham County, Georgia |
R-4070 | January 1960 | 147 H | C-0281-R | Picnic Site Layout, Trailside | British Columbia, Dept. of Recreation & Conservation, Parks Branch |
R-4070/R-4071 | July 1973 | 918 B | N-1375-R14 | Beach Pavilion | Chatham County, Georgia |
R-4071 | November 1961 | 227 H | C-0282-R | Picnic Site Layout | British Columbia, Dept. of Recreation and Conservation |
R-4071 | January 1960 | 147 H | C-0281-R | Trailside Picnic Site | British Columbia, Dept. of Recreation & Conservation, Parks Branch |
R-4072 | June 1967 | 576 B | S-0801-R | Roadside Picnic-Rest Stop | Arizona, Highway Department |
R-4072 | July 1973 | 920 B | N-1375-R16 | Beach Pavilion | Chatham County, Georgia |
R-4085/R-4086 | Summer 1980 |
| N-1615-R | Angle-Roofed Picnic Shelter | City of Norfolk, Virginia |
R-4087/R-4088/ R-4089/R-4090 | January 1976 | 1032 B | C-1481-R | Shelter | Nevada, State Planning Board |
R-4091/R-4092/ R-4093/R-4094 | January 1976 | 1033 B | C-1480-R | Shelter with Kitchen | Nevada, State Planning Board |
R-4095 | July 1975 | 1014 B | N-1453-R | Classic Yurt | Shelter Publications, P.O. Box 279, Bolinas, CA 94924 $6 + 36¢ Postage |
R-4096 | July 1975 | 1015 B | N-1454-R | Contemporary Yurt | Wm. S. Coperthwaite, The Yurt Foundation |
R-4097/R-4098 | July 1975 | 1016 B | N-1455-R | Hogan | Shelter Publications, P.O. Box 279, Salinas, CA 94924 $6 + 36¢ Postage |
R-4099 | December 1972 | 868 B | N-0810-R | Activities Shelter | Boy Scouts of America |
R-4100 | January 1957 | 3 (rev.) | C-0080-R | Shelter, Stove | Oregon, State Highway Commission, Department of State Parks |
R-4100 | December 1972 | 869 B | C-1358-R1 | Picnic Shelter | New Mexico, Villanueva State Park |
R-4101 | January 1957 | 5 (rev.) | C-0127-R | Shelter | Massachusetts, Department of Natural Resources, Plan S.D.S. |
R-4101 | December 1972 | 870 B | C-1358-R2 | Picnic Shelter | New Mexico, Villanueva State Park |
R-4102 | July 1957 | 25 | C-0075-R(1) | Picnic Shelter | Indiana, Department of Conservation, Plan E-4 |
R-4102 | December 1972 | 871 B | C-1358-R3 | Picnic Shelter | New Mexico, Villanueva State Park |
R-4103 | July 1957 | 26 | C-0075-R(2) | Picnic Shelter | Indiana, Department of Conservation, Plan E-5 (alt) |
R-4104 | July 1957 | 27 | C-0075-R(3) | Picnic Shelter | Indiana, Department of Conservation, Plan E-7 (alt) |
R-4105 | July 1957 | 28 E | C-0075-R(4) | Fireplace Detail, Picnic Shelter | Indiana, Dept. of Conservation (alt) |
R-4106 | July 1957 | 20 | C-0024-R | Picnic Shelter | Ohio, Department of Natural Resources |
R-4106 | December 1970 | 737 H | F-0783-R | Cooking Shelter | Soil Conservation Serv., U.S. Department of Agriculture (alt) |
R-4107 | July 1957 | 31 | S-0163-R | Picnic Shelter | National Park Service, Plan PKY-NT-3008 |
R-4107 | December 1971 | 818 L | C-1338-R | Picnic Shelter | Texas, Goose Island State Park |
R-4108 | July 1958 | 72 | C-0169-R | Picnic Shelter | City of Louisville, Plan No. 20-07-795 (alt) |
R-4109 | November 1958 | H 76 | C-0171-R | Picnic Shelter | Dade County, Florida, Department of Parks |
R-4110 | November 1958 | W 86 | C-0256-R | Park Shelter | Missouri, State Park Board, Everitt & Keleti, Architects, Job No. 5606 |
R-4111 | November 1958 | C 84 | C-0190-R | Concrete Shelter, Type "G" | Cook County, Illinois, Forest Preserve District, Plan No. 25-6 (alt) |
R-4112 | February 1959 | H 89 | C-0189-R | Concrete Shelter, Type "H" | Cook County, Illinois, Forest Preserve District, Plan No. 25-5 (alt) |
R-4113 | December 1970 | 747 B | C-1214-B | Warming Shelter | Jack Hewitt, Md. Nat. Cap. Pk. & Pln. Com. |
R-4114 | January 1960 | 155 A&G | N-0379-R | Shelter | Topeka, Kansas, (Kleine & Bradley, Architects), Topeka Park Department (alt) |
R-4115 | January 1960 | 149 A&G | C-0318-R | Picnic Shelter | Central New York, State Parks Commission, Verona Beach State Park |
R-4115 | December 1970 | 739 B | C-0946-R | Picnic Shelter | Maine, State Highway Com. (alt) |
R-4116 | May 1960 | 168 H | N-0384-R | Park Shelter | Portland Cement Assn., Sorey, Hill & Sorey, Architects, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (alt) (alt) |
R-4117 | May 1961 | 210 H | N-0450-R | Cook Shelter | Ohio, Cleveland Metropolitan Park District (alt) (alt) |
R-4118 | July 1962 | 254 H | C-0403-R | Shelter, Combination | Wisconsin Conservation Department |
R-4118 | December 1970 | 741 B | C-1016-R | Picnic Shelter | Kansas, Park Authority (alt) |
R-4119 | December 1962 | 278 H | S-0530-R | Picnic Shelter | Bureau of Reclamation, Kansas River Projects (alt) |
R-4120 | December 1962 | 282 H | C-0427-R | Shelter House | Cleveland Metropolitan Park District, Rocky River Reservation (alt) |
R-4121 | December 1962 | 287 H | N-0712-R | Assembly Hall-Picnic Shelter | Hamilton County Council, Tennessee |
R-4122 | March 1963 | 300 B | S-0666-R | Picnic Shelter Lift Type "J" | Illinois, Cook County Forest Preserve District |
R-4123 | July 1963 | 314 H | C-0730-R | Park Shelter | Illinois, Kiwanis Park, Brookfield (alt) |
R-4124 | July 1963 | 317 H | F-0769-R | Picnic Shelter | U.S. Army, Chief of Engineers Civil Works, Washington, D.C. (alt) |
R-4125 | January 1964 | 364 H | F-0770-R | Shelter, Picnic | U.S. Army, Chief of Engineers, Civil Works (alt) |
R-4126 | May 1965 | 437 H | F-0892-R | Shelter Building | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Texas State Parks Board (alt) |
R-4127 | December 1971 | 795 H | C-1211-R | Picnic Shelter | Massachusetts, Dept. of Natural Resources |
R-4128 | January 1964 | 346 H | C-0376-R | Camp Stove | Indiana, Conservation Department, Division of Engineering |
R-4128 | December 1965 | 471 H | C-1019-R | Picnic Shelter | Florida, John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park |
R-4128 | December 1971 | 816 L | C-1326-R | Family & Group Shelter | Georgia, Department of State Parks |
R-4129 | February 1966 | 488 H | C-1004-R | Shelter House | Cleveland Metropolitan Park District, Bradley Woods Reservation |
R-4130 | February 1966 | 489 H | C-1013-R | Picnic Shelter | Canada, Manitoba Department of Mines & Natural Resources |
R-4131 | February 1966 | 490 H | C-1021-R | Picnic Shelter | Florida, Maclay Gardens State Park (alt) |
R-4132 | February 1966 | 483 H | N-0838-R | Shelter Building | Wisconsin, Conservation Department, Division of Forests and Parks (alt) |
R-4133 | July 1966 | 513 H | C-1033-R | Park Shelter | Florida, Pinellas County, For DeSoto Park (alt) |
R-4134 | November 1966 | 536 H | C-1069-R | Standard Shade Shelter | Colorado, Dr. Authur T. Wilcox (alt) |
R-4135 | November 1966 | 531 B | C-1076-R | Kitchen Shelter & Stone Stove | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
R-4136 | February 1967 | 551 H | N-0451-R | Cook House "B" | Cleveland Metropolitan Parks (alt) |
R-4137 | February 1967 | 556 H | C-0896-R | Picnic Table Sun Shelter | Kansas, State Highway Commission (alt) |
R-4138 | June 1967 | 574 B | C-0726-R | Rest Area Shelter | Georgia, Highway Department (alt) |
R-4139 | June 1967 | 589 H | C-1100-R | Picnic Shelter | Columbus Metropolitan Park District, Ohio (alt) |
R-4140 | January 1968 | 620 H | C-1132-R | Picnic Shelter | Nevada, State Park System (alt) |
R-4141 | January 1968 | 621 H | C-1134-R | Picnic Shelter | Nevada, State Park System (alt) |
R-4142 | January 1957 | 3 (rev.) | C-0080-R | Stove Shelter | Oregon, State Highway Commission (alt) |
R-4143 | September 1969 | 683 H | C-0947-R | Picnic Shelter | California, Kern Co. Plng. Comm. (alt) |
R-4144 | September 1969 | 684 H | C-1175-R | Recreation Shelter | Fort Lauderdale, Florida (alt) |
R-4145 | August 1970 | 699 H | C-1228-R | Recreation Shelter | Greensboro Pks. Dept., Greensboro, North Carolina (alt) |
R-4146 | August 1970 | 700 H | C-1230-R | Picnic Shelter | Greensboro Pks. Dept., Greensboro, North Carolina (alt) |
R-4147 | December 1971 | 792 H | C-1168-R | Picnic Shelter | Fort Lauderdale, Florida |
R-4148 | December 1971 | 791 F | C-1167-R | Shelter for Bus Stop | Fort Lauderdale, Florida |
R-4151 | December 1957 | 47 | C-0164-R(2) | Barbecue Pit and Fireplace | Florida, Park Service, Plan No. L-2, Job No. L-30 |
R-4152 | December 1957 | 46 | C-0164-R(1) | Barbecue Shelter | Florida, State Park Service |
R-4153 | December 1973 | 935 B | F-1384-R(1) | Bench Shelter | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
R-4154 | December 1973 | 936 B | F-1384-R(2) | Bench Shelter | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
R-4155 | December 1973 | 937 B | F-1384-R(3) | Bench Shelter | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
R-4156 | December 1973 | 938 B | F-1384-R(4) | Bench Shelter | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
R-4157 | May 1974 | 963 B | F-1378-R1 | Picnic Shelter Type-B1 | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
R-4158 | May 1974 | 964 B | F-1378-R2 | Picnic Shelter Type-B1 | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
R-4159 | May 1974 | 965 B | F-1378-R3 | Picnic Shelter Type-B1 | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
R-4160 | May 1974 | 966 B | F-1378-R4 | Picnic Shelter Type-B1 | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
R-4161 | May 1974 | 967 B | F-1378-R5 | Picnic Shelter Type-B1 | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
R-4162 | May 1974 | 968 B | N-1373-R | Aid Station Shelter | American Wood Preservers Ins. |
R-4163/R-4164/ R-4165/R-4166 | July 1976 | 1037 B | C-1478-R | Picnic Shelter | Florida, Pinellas County, Park Department |
R-4173/R-4174 | October 1978 |
| N-1596-R | Picnic Shelter with Sunscreen | Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority |
R-4175 | March 1963 | 299 B | F-0655-R | Fire Ring | Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture |
R-4175/R-4176/ R-4177/R-4178 | October 1978 |
| N-1597-R | Gazebo on the Water | Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority |
R-4179/R-4180 | July 1979 |
| S-1576-R | Group Picnic Shelter | Ray Leland, Worth Asso., Billings, MT |
R-4181/R-4182 | January 1980 |
| S-1604-R | Four Party Picnic Shelter | B. Newcomb, NPS - USDI |
R-4183/R-4184 | January 1980 |
| S-1534-R | Picnic Shelter for Two Groups | Dick Kusek, NPS - USDI |
R-4191/R-4192 | July 1975 | 1017 B | F-1456-R | Cooking Standard | Recreational Buildings and Facilities, USDA, Handbook No. 438 |
R-4193 | July 1974 | 991 B | F-1411-R1 | Sheltered Barbeque Pits | Agricultural Research Serv., U.S.D.A. |
R-4194 | July 1974 | 992 B | F-1411-R2 | Sheltered Barbeque Pits | Agricultural Research Serv., U.S.D.A. |
R-4195 | December 1973 | 939 GC | S-0675-R | Charcoal Grill | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
R-4196 | December 1973 | 940 H | F-0774-R | Fireplace | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
R-4197 | June 1972 | 834 H | F-0777-R | Fireplace for Groups | Dept. of the Army, Office, Chief of Engineers |
R-4198 | June 1972 | 835 H | F-0775-R | Picnic Stove | Dept. of the Army, Office, Chief of Engineers |
R-4199 | June 1972 | 836 H | F-0776-R(1) | Family Cook Stove | Dept. of the Army, Office, Chief of Engineers |
R-4200 | January 1957 | 1 | C-0029-R | Picnic Stove | Washington, Parks and Recreation Commission |
R-4200 | June 1972 | 837 H | F-0776-R(2) | Family Cook Stove | Dept. of the Army, Office, Chief of Engineers |
R-4201 | January 1957 | 6 (rev.) | C-0130-R | Picnic Stove | Pennsylvania, Department of Forests and Waters, Plan S-4, Sheet 5 (alt) |
R-4202 | April 1958 | 52 | S-0142-R | Picnic Stove | National Park Service, Plan No. NP-RM-5469 (alt) |
R-4203 | July 1957 | 22 | C-0045-R | Picnic Stove Base | Illinois, Department of Conservation, Plan STD (alt) |
R-4204 | April 1958 | 55 | S-0144-R | Picnic Stove | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, Plan No. PKY-BR GEN-2197-A (alt) |
R-4205 | July 1958 | 66 | S-0145-R | Prefabricated Fireplace | National Park Service, U.S Department of the Interior, Plan No. PG-1415-A (alt) |
R-4206 | November 1958 | H 74 | C-0151-B | Picnic Grill & Form | Indiana, Department of Conservation, Plan No. 49-74 (alt) |
R-4207 | November 1958 | H 80 | F-0166-R | Camp Stove | Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Plan 116-A R-6 Recreation HDBK |
R-4208 | February 1959 | H 90 | S-0257-R | Outdoor Fireplace | National Park Service, Drawing No. NRA-LM/2360 |
R-4209 | May 1959 | 109 B | C-0212-R | Picnic Stove | Indiana, Conservation Department, Plan No. 49-56-A (alt) |
R-4210 | May 1959 | 110 B | C-0069-R | Fireplace | New Jersey, Department of Conservation & Economic Development, Plan No. 1-12 2.52.4 (alt) |
R-4211 | May 1959 | 121 B | C-0309-R | Outdoor Fireplace | Central New York, State Parks Commission, Plan No. 7115-1-1A (alt) |
R-4212 | May 1959 | 122 B | C-0206-R | Picnic Stove Base | Indiana, Conservation Department, Plan No. E-16 (alt) |
R-4213 | May 1961 | 209 H | N-0449-R | Park Stove | Ohio, Cleveland Metropolitan Park District |
R-4214 | September 1961 | 221 H | S-0330-R | Metal Fireplace | National Park Service, Plan No. N.R.L.V. 2261 |
R-4215 | March 1962 | 239 H | C-0357-R | Picnic Fireplace w/Stand | Otter Creek Park, City of Louisville (alt) |
R-4216 | March 1963 | 296 B | C-0611-R | Park Stove and Mount | Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority, Detroit, Michigan (alt) |
R-4217 | March 1963 | 298 B | F-0654-R | "Klamath" Stove | Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (alt) |
R-4218 | January 1964 | 346 H | C-0376-R | Camp Stove | Indiana, Conservation Department, Division of Engineering (alt) |
R-4219 | June 1964 | 386 H | F-0787-R | Precast Fireplace | Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (alt) |
R-4220 | December 1970 | 749 H | C-1217-R | Fireplace-Grill | Tennessee, David Crockett S.P. (alt) |
R-4221 | May 1965 | 446 H | N-0982-R | Barbeque Grill | Akron, Ohio, Metropolitan Park District (alt) |
R-4222 | May 1965 | 452 H | C-1001-R | 4-Position Picnic Grill | Hawaii, City & County of Honolulu, Dept. of Parks & Recreation (alt) |
R-4223 | July 1966 | 508 H | C-0976-R | Circular Fireplace | Maryland, Dept. of Forest & Parks, Cunningham Falls Sta. Pk. |
R-4224 | June 1967 | 570 H | C-0371-R | Double Fireplace | New Hampshire, Forestry & Recreation Dept. |
R-4225 | January 1968 | 609 B | C-0940-R | Metal Picnic Grill | Kansas, State Highway Commission (alt) |
R-4226 | January 1968 | 618 B | S-1130-R | Beehive Campstove | National Park Service, SERO, U.S. Dept. of the Interior (alt) |
R-4227 | January 1957 | 1 E | C-0029-R | Picnic Stove | Washington, Parks & Recreation Comm. (alt) |
R-4228 | December 1968 | 644 S | C-0938-R | Picnic Fireplace | Minnesota, Dept. of Highways (alt) |
R-4229 | December 1968 | 645 H | S-1085-R | Camp Stove | National Park Service, U.S. Dept. of the Interior |
R-4230 | December 1968 | 646 S | S-1086-R | Camp Stove | National Park Service, U.S. Dept. of the Interior |
R-4231 | December 1968 | 647 H | S-1087-R | Camp Stove | National Park Service, U.S. Dept. of the Interior |
R-4232 | December 1968 | 648 H | S-1088-R | Camp Stove | National Park Service, U.S. Dept. of the Interior |
R-4233 | September 1969 | 674 H | C-0610-R | Grill Platform | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
R-4234 | September 1969 | 675 H | C-1127-R | Campground Stove | Idaho, Department of Parks (alt) |
R-4235 | December 1970 | 726 H | C-0293-R | Fireplace | Canada, British Columbia |
R-4236 | December 1970 | 745 B | C-1186-R | Campfire Ring | Georgia, High Falls S.P. |
R-4237 | December 1970 | 725 H | C-0292-R | Cast Steel Fireplace | Canada, British Columbia (alt) |
R-4238 | December 1970 | 724 H | S-0257-R | Grill | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
R-4239 | March 1963 | 299 B | F-0655-R | Fire Ring | Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture |
R-4240 | December 1970 | 723 H | S-0239-R | Fireplace | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
R-4241 | December 1972 | 872 B | C-1356-R1 | Log Picnic Table | New Mexico, State Parks & Recreation Comm. |
R-4242 | December 1972 | 873 B | C-1356-R2 | Log Picnic Table | New Mexico, State Parks & Recreation Comm. |
R-4243 | December 1972 | 874 B | C-1301-R | Dressing Room Bench | North Carolina, Cliffs of Neuse S.P. |
R-4244 | December 1972 | 875 B | C-1376-R1 | Log Picnic Table | Central & Southern Florida, Flood Control District |
R-4245 | December 1972 | 876 B | C-1376-R2 | Log Picnic Table | Central & Southern Florida, Flood Control District |
R-4246 | December 1972 | 877 B | C-1376-R3 | Rod Positioning Assembly for R-4244 | Central & Southern Florida, Flood Control District |
R-4247 | December 1972 | 878 H | N-0805-B | Dining Room Table | Boy Scouts of America |
R-4248 | December 1972 | 879 H | N-0804-R | Dining Room Benches | Boys Scouts of America |
R-4249 | June 1972 | 838 H | F-0779-R | Picnic Table | Dept. of the Army, Office, Chief of Engineers |
R-4250 | January 1957 | 15 (rev.) | C-0157-R | Picnic Table | Washington, Parks and Recreation Commission |
R-4250 | June 1972 | 839 H | F-0778-R | Concrete Table | Dept. of the Army, Office, Chief of Engineers |
R-4251 | January 1957 | 16 (rev.) | C-0158-R | Picnic Table | Cook County, Ill., Forest Preserve District (alt) |
R-4252 | July 1957 | 29 | N-0085-R | Picnic Table, Concrete | Bernheim Forest, Kentucky (alt) |
R-4253 | December 1957 | 33 | C-0025-R | Picnic Table | Ohio, Department of Natural Resources, Plan No. 107-X-1.1 |
R-4254 | December 1957 | 41 | C-0112-R | Picnic Table | City of Seattle, Department of Parks, Plan No. S.D.-M-30 |
R-4255 | April 1958 | 53 | S-0143-R (1) | Picnic Tables | National Park Service, Plan No. PKY-BR GEN-2051-F |
R-4256 | April 1958 | 54 | S-0143-R (2) | Picnic Table | National Park Service, Plan No. PKY-BR GEN-2051-F |
R-4257 | May 1958 | 58 (rev.) | C-0046-R | Picnic Table | Iowa, Conservation Commission |
R-4258 | July 1958 | 67 I | S-0146-R | Prefabricated Picnic Table | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
R-4259 | November 1958 | H 73 | S-0149-R | Concrete Table & Bench Combination | National Park Service, Plan No. NPGSM 2484-C |
R-4260 | November 1958 | C 83 | S-0203-R | Picnic Tables | National Park Service, Drawing No. NM/JT-2024 |
R-4261 | February 1959 | H 91 | C-0302-R | Circular Picnic Table | Seguin, Texas (alt) |
R-4262 | February 1959 | H 94 | S-0323-R | Covered Picnic Table | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, Drawing No. N.M./W.S. 2129 |
R-4263 | May 1959 | 111 B | S-0201-R | Picnic Table, Concrete | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, Plan No. P.G. 1427 (Reg. 3) (alt) |
R-4264 | May 1959 | 112 H | C-0119-R | Picnic Table | Michigan, Department of Conservation, Parks and Recreation Division, Plan No. SL-126 |
R-4265 | May 1959 | 113 C | C-0246-R | Picnic Table | Japan, Ministry of Health and Welfare, National Parks Division, Mikuma-Yama, Sumoto City, Setonaikai National Park |
R-4266 | November 1959 | 133 A&G | C-0244-R | Table & Bench Combination | British Columbia, Dept. of Recreation & Conservation, Parks Branch |
R-4267 | September 1961 | 219 H | C-0240-R | Picnic Table | Department of Parks, City of Seattle, Washington |
R-4268 | December 1962 | 285 H | F-0681-R | Picnic Table | Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior |
R-4269 | May 1965 | 450 H | C-0999-R | Tables and Benches | Hawaii, City & County of Honolulu, Dept. of Parks & Recreation (alt) |
R-4270 | February 1966 | 476 H | C-0191-R | Stationary Picnic Tables | Illinois, Cook County, Forest Preserve District (alt) |
R-4271 | July 1966 | 493 H | N-0734-R | Picnic Table | Bill Kelsey, Lake Sunapee Campgrounds (alt) |
R-4272 | June 1967 | 598 B | F-1123-R | Picnic Table | U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers (alt) |
R-4273 | December 1968 | 649 H | C-0945-R | Concrete Picnic Table | Nevada, Dept. of Highways |
R-4274 | December 1968 | 650 B | C-0608-R | Concrete Picnic Table | Arizona, Highway Department |
R-4275 | January 1957 | 4 | C-0107-R | Park Bench | City of Seattle, Department of Parks, Plan S.D. 29, Sheet 1 (alt) |
R-4276 | January 1957 | 7 (rev.) | C-0132-R | Park Bench | Maine, State Park Commission (alt) |
R-4277 | May 1960 | 166 H | C-0316-R | Bench, Precast Concrete | New York, Central NY State Parks Comm. (alt) |
R-4278 | September 1961 | 225 H | N-0476-R | Skater's Bench | City of Hartford, Park Department (alt) |
R-4279 | July 1962 | 259 C | C-0537-R | Bench, Amphitheater | California, Division of Beaches and Parks (alt) |
R-4280 | January 1964 | 353 H | C-0737-R | Bench, Playfield w/storage box | Ontario, Townshipo of Etobicoke, Parks Department (alt) |
R-4281 | June 1964 | 391 H | C-0825-R(b) | Bench | California, Dept. of Parks & Recreation, Div. of Beaches & Parks |
R-4282 | June 1964 | 367 H | C-0362-R | Form for Bench End | Rhode Island, Division of Parks and Beaches (alt) |
R-4283 | January 1965 | 402 H | C-0296-R | Park Bench | Canada, Province of British Columbia, Dept. of Rec. and Conserv. (alt) |
R-4284 | January 1965 | 403 H | C-0297-R | Park Bench | Canada, Province of British Columbia, Dept. of Rec. and Conserv. (alt) |
R-4285 | May 1965 | 432 H | C-0224-R | Trail Bench | Indiana, Conservation Department |
R-4286 | May 1965 | 440 H | C-0977-R | Skating Pond Bench | Akron, Metro. Pk. Dist., Ohio |
R-4287 | July 1966 | 507 H | C-0976-R | Seating for Circular Fireplace | Maryland, Dept. of Forests & Pks. (alt) |
R-4288 | June 1967 | 577 B | N-0846-R | Patio Bench | F. J. Goodrich, Omaha, Nebraska (alt) |
R-4289 | January 1968 | 605 B | F-0894-R | Park Bench | U.S. Forest Service, Department of Agriculture (alt) |
R-4290 | January 1957 | 15 (rev.) | C-0157-R | Picnic Table | Washington, Parks & Recreation Commission (alt) |
R-4291 | December 1968 | 651 B | C-1218-R | Table, Stack Type | Missouri, Jackson County Park Dept. |
R-4292 | December 1968 | 652 B | C-1220-R | Table, Stack Type | Missouri, Jackson County Park Dept. |
R-4293 | December 1968 | 653 B | C-1223-R | Revolving Picnic Site | Missouri, Jackson County Pk. Dept. |
R-4294 | December 1968 | 654 B | C-1224-R | 2 Station Table | Missouri, Jackson County Park Dept. |
R-4295 | September 1969 | 689 H | C-1179-R | Park Bench | Fort Lauderdale, Florida |
R-4296 | September 1969 | 690 B | C-1221-R | Picnic Niche | Missouri, Jackson County Park Dept. |
R-4297 | December 1970 | 744 H | C-1183-B | Log Bench | Karol Klonowski, Allegany St. Pk. Com. (alt) |
R-4298 | December 1970 | 734 H | N-0660-R | Bench | California, Garden Grove (alt) |
R-4299 | December 1970 | 731 H | S-0621-R | Park Bench | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
R-4300 | January 1960 | 150 A&G | S-0320-R | Amphitheater, Stage, Screen & Projection Booth | National Park Service, Yosemite NP |
R-4300 | December 1970 | 738 H | C-0943-R | Picnic Table | Minnesota, Dept. of Highways (alt) |
R-4300.1/R-4300.2 | Spring 1979 |
| C-1593-R | Bench Designs | Pennsylvania, Bu. of State Parks |
R-4301 | May 1961 | 201 H | C-0325-R | Campfire Center | California, Division of Beaches and Parks |
R-4302 | December 1962 | 283 H | S-0511-R | Projection Booth & Amphitheater | National Park Service, Acadia NP |
R-4303 | March 1963 | 294 B | N-0452-R | Amphitheater with Music Tower | Cleveland, Metropolitan Park District (alt) |
R-4304 | November 1963 | 330 B | S-0749-R | Campground Amphitheater | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
R-4305 | June 1964 | 390 H | C-0825-R(a) | Amphitheatre | California, Dept. of Parks & Recreation, Div. of Beaches & Parks (alt) |
R-4306 | January 1965 | 415 H | F-0895-R | Amphitheatre | U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service (alt) |
R-4307 | July 1966 | 502 H | C-0923-R | Assembly Fire Ring | California, Dept. of Rec. & Pks. (alt) |
R-4308 | January 1960 | 150 A&G | S-0320-R | Amphitheater, Stage, Screen, Projection Booth | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
R-4309 | June 1972 | 840 L | S-0869-R | Projection Screen | National Park Service, U.S. Dept. of the Interior |
R-4310 | June 1972 | 841 H | C-1239-R | Amphitheater | California, Div. of Beaches & Parks |
R-4311/R-4312 | January 1975 | 1003 B | C-1323-R(1) | Projection Booth & Stage | Georgia, Dept. of State Parks |
R-4317/R-4318 | October 1977 |
| N-1560-R | Rustic Stage | Bull Run Park, Fairfax County, VA |
R-4319/R-4320/ R-4321/R-4322 | January 1978 |
| N-1497-R | Band Shell | Knights of Columbus, ND |
R-4323.1/R-4323.2/ R-4323.3/R-4323.4 | July 1979 |
| C-1602-R | Low-Cost Amphitheater | Dept. of Pks. & Rec., Idaho (C. Hough) |
R-4325 | January 1960 | 160 D | N-0396-R | Vista Cutting - I | Highway Research Board, Earl A. Disque (alt) |
R-4326 | January 1960 | 161 D | N-0396-M | Vista Cutting - II | Highway Research Board, Earl A. Disque (alt) |
R-4327 | January 1960 | 162 D | N-0396-M | Vista Cutting - III | Highway Research Board, Earl A. Disque (alt) |
R-4328 | July 1963 | 326 B | S-0823-R | Typical Land Use Map | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
R-4329 | July 1963 | 327 B | S-0824-R | Vista Cutting & Mowing | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) (alt) |
R-4331/R-4332 | July 1978 |
| F-1553-M | Use of Vegetation & Natural Forms | USDI's NPS & BuRec., CO, Div. of Pks. & OR and private consultants |
R-4350 | January 1960 | 156 A&G | C-0380-R | Council Ring | Rhode Island, Div. of Parks & Recreation, Beach Pond SP |
R-4351 | February 1967 | 566 B | S-1092-R | Council Circle, Organized Camp | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
R-4352 | January 1960 | 156 A&G | C-0380-R | Council Ring | Rhode Island, Beach Pond State Park (alt) |
R-4400 | July 1957 | 17 | C-0022-R(1) | Boat Concession Building | Ohio, Department of Natural Resources |
R-4401 | July 1957 | 18 | C-0022-R(2) | Details, Boat Concession Building | Ohio, Department of Natural Resources, Sheet 4 of 4 (alt) |
R-4402 | November 1958 | H 75 | C-0168-R | Concession Building | Otter Creek Park, City of Louisville (alt) |
R-4403 | November 1963 | 332 B | C-0789-R | Commissary Building | Ohio, East Harbor State Park (alt) |
R-4404 | November 1966 | 532 H | C-1058-R | Vending Machine Shelter | Greensboro, N.C., Parks & Recreation |
R-4405 | July 1957 | 17 E | C-0022-R(1) | Boat Concession Building | Ohio, Dept. of Natural Resources |
R-4406 | December 1968 | 655 H | C-1139-R | Concession-Bathhouse | Michigan, Dept. of Conservation |
R-4407 | June 1972 | 842 F | C-1227-R(1) | Lakeside Concession Building | Greensboro, Parks Dept., N.C. |
R-4408 | June 1972 | 843 F | C-1227-R(2) | Lakeside Concession Building | Greensboro, Parks Dept., N.C. |
R-4409 | June 1972 | 844 B | C-0431-R(1) | Mountain Concession Building | New Hampshire, Mt. Sunapee State Park |
R-4410 | June 1972 | 845 B | C-0431-R(2) | Mountain Concession Building | New Hampshire, Mt. Sunapee State Park |
R-4411 | June 1972 | 846 F | S-1030-R(1) | Beach Restaurant | Pinellas County Parks, Florida |
R-4412 | June 1972 | 847 F | S-1030-R(2) | Beach Restaurant | Pinellas County Parks, Florida |
R-4413 | July 1974 | 993 H | C-0693-R1 | Concession Building | California, Div. of Beaches & Pks. |
R-4414 | July 1974 | 994 H | C-0693-R2 | Concession Building | California, Div. of Beaches & Parks |
R-4415/R-4116 | April 1975 | 1007 B | C-1448-R1 | Concession Bldg. | Gwathmey-Duke Inc., Springfield, Virginia |
R-4419/R-4420/ R-4421/R-4422 | January 1979 |
| S-1549-R | Concession Building | Mesa Verde NP, NPS - USDI |
R-4423/R-4424 | Spring 1980 |
| N-1444-R | Concession-Restroom-Storage Facility | City of Richardson, Texas |
R-4427/R-4428/ R-4429/R-4430 | July 1982 |
| F-1380-R | Concession Building | U.S. Army Corps, Engineer Dist., St. Louis |
R-4491/R-4492 | October 1982 |
| S-1433-R | Golf Course Half-Way House | Hot Springs Property Owners Asso. |
R-4497 | July 1974 | 995 B | F-1303-R1 | Tennis Court Enclosure | U.S. Army, Office, Chief of Engineers |
R-4498 | July 1974 | 996 B | F-1303-R2 | Tennis Court Enclosure | U.S. Army, Office, Chief of Engineers |
R-4499 | July 1974 | 997 B | F-1303-R3 | Base Ball Backstop | U.S. Army, Office, Chief of Engineers |
R-4500 | November 1961 | 234 H | N-0601-R | Concrete Ping-Pong Table | Dept. of Recreation & Parks, Garden Grove, California |
R-4500 | July 1974 | 998 B | F-1303-R4 | Base Ball Backstop | U.S. Army, Office, Chief of Engineers |
R-4501 | July 1962 | 268 H | N-0689-R | Field & Court Dimensions | Wilson Sporting Goods Co. (alt) |
R-4502 | July 1962 | 269 H | N-0689-R | Field & Court Dimensions | Wilson Sporting Goods Co. (alt) |
R-4503 | July 1962 | 270 H | N-0689-R | Field & Court Dimensions | Wilson Sporting Goods Co. (alt) |
R-4504 | July 1962 | 271 H | N-0689-R | Field & Court Dimensions | Wilson Sporting Goods Co. (alt) |
R-4505 | July 1962 | 272 H | N-0689-R | Field & Court Dimensions | Wilson Sporting Goods Co. (alt) |
R-4506 | July 1962 | 273 H | N-0689-R | Field & Court Dimensions | Wilson Sporting Goods Co. (alt) |
R-4507 | July 1962 | 274 H | N-0689-R | Field & Court Dimensions | Wilson Sporting Goods Co. (alt) |
R-4508 | July 1962 | 275 H | N-0689-R | Field & Court Dimensions | Wilson Sporting Goods Co. (alt) |
R-4509 | March 1963 | 301 H | N-0689-R | Field & Court Dimensions | Wilson Sporting Goods Co. |
R-4510 | March 1963 | 302 H | N-0689-R | Field & Court Dimensions | Wilson Sporting Goods Co. |
R-4511 | March 1963 | 303 H | N-0689-R | Field & Court Dimensions | Wilson Sporting Goods Co. (alt) |
R-4512 | July 1963 | 314 H | N-0689-R | Field & Court Dimensions | Wilson Sporting Goods Co. (alt) |
R-4513 | January 1964 | 356 H | C-0740-R | Multi-Use Paved Sports Area | Ontario, Townshop of Etobicoke, Parks Department (alt) |
R-4514 | January 1964 | 362 H | N-0603-R | Children's Swing | California, City of Garden Grove, Dept. of Recreation & Parks (alt) |
R-4515 | January 1964 | 363 H | N-0661-R | "Space Spin" Rotating Swing | California, City of Garden Grove, Recreation & Parks Dept. (alt) |
R-4516 | January 1964 | 366 H | C-0735-R | Backstop, Athletic Field | Ontario, Township of Etobicoke, Parks Department (alt) |
R-4517 | January 1965 | 404 H | C-0497-R | Covered Wagon for Playground | Detroit, Michigan, Parks amp; Recreation Dept. (alt) |
R-4518 | January 1965 | 405 H | C-0499-R | Lighthouse Slide | Detroit, Michigan, Parks & Recreation Dept. (alt) |
R-4519 | January 1965 | 406 H | C-0503-R | Elephant Slide | Detroit, Michigan, Parks & Recreation Dept. (alt) |
R-4520 | January 1965 | 407 H | C-0502-R | Shoe Slide | Detroit, Michigan, Parks & Recreation Dept. (alt) |
R-4521 | January 1965 | 423 H | C-0973-R | Club House | Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Comm. (alt) |
R-4522 | December 1965 | 473 H | N-1023-R | Golf Shelter | Sea Pines Plantation Company (alt) |
R-4523 | December 1965 | 474 H | N-1024-R | Windbreak Shelter | Wildwood Golf and Country Club, New Jersey (alt) |
R-4524 | November 1966 | 525 H | C-1034-R | Post-Ladder Slide | Canada, Saskatchewan Dept. Nat. Res., Park Planning Branch (alt) |
R-4525 | January 1964 | 351 H | N-0540-R | Firing Range | Boy Scouts of America(alt) |
R-4526 | May 1965 | 439 H | C-0975-R | Golf Club Rack | Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Comm. (alt) |
R-4527 | November 1966 | 526 H | C-1035-R | Sand Pit and Sand Heap | Canada, Saskatchewan Dept. Nat. Res., Park Planning Branch (alt) |
R-4529 | November 1966 | 528 H | C-1037-R | Hill Playground | Canada, Saskatchewan Dept. Nat. Res., Park Planning Branch (alt) |
R-4530 | November 1966 | 529 H | C-1044-R | Boat-Shaped Sandbox | Canada, Saskatchewan Dept. Nat. Res., Park Planning Branch (alt) |
R-4531 | November 1961 | 234 H | N-0601-R | Concrete Ping-Pong Table | California, Dept. of Recreation & Parks |
R-4532 | September 1969 | 676 H | C-1212-R | Tennis Net | Michigan, Flint Recreation & Park Board |
R-4533 | September 1969 | 681 H | C-1174-R | Lighted Handball Courts | Fort Lauderdale, Florida |
R-4534 | September 1969 | 682 H | N-1162-R | Joggling Board | Gardner-Gidley and Associates |
R-4535 | August 1970 | 701 H | N-1166-R | Shuffleboard Courts | Ft. Lauderdale, Florida |
R-4536 | August 1970 | 702 H | C-1180-R | Beach Platform | Ft. Lauderdale, Florida |
R-4537 | August 1970 | 703 H | C-1039-R | Tight Rope | Canada |
R-4538 | August 1970 | 704 H | C-1046-R | Pole Corral | Canada |
R-4539 | August 1970 | 705 H | C-1041-R | Post Run-Alongs | Canada |
R-4540 | August 1970 | 706 H | C-1040-R | Balancing Bars | Canada |
R-4541 | August 1970 | 707 H | C-1049-R | Rope Climbs | Canada |
R-4542 | August 1970 | 708 H | C-1051-R | Log Swing | Canada |
R-4543 | August 1970 | 709 H | C-1053-R | Climbing Bars | Canada |
R-4544 | August 1970 | 710 H | C-1047-R | Maze | Canada |
R-4545 | August 1970 | 711 H | N-1161-R | Animal Play Forms | Gardner-Gidley & Associates |
R-4546 | August 1970 | 712 H | N-1159-R | Animal Play Form | Gardner-Gidley & Associates |
R-4547 | August 1970 | 713 H | N-1160-R | Climbing Logs | Gardner-Gidley & Associates |
R-4548 | August 1970 | 714 H | N-1158-R | Bouncing Logs | Gardner-Gidley & Associates |
R-4549 | September 1971 | 757 F | F-1309-R(1) | Polo Field | Office of Engineers, U.S. Army |
R-4550 | March 1962 | 244 H | C-0430-R | Warming Hut | New Hampshire, Mt. Sunapee State Park |
R-4550 | September 1971 | 758 F | F-1309-R(2) | Goal Post & Guard Board | Office of Engineers, U.S. Army |
R-4551 | March 1962 | 245 H | C-0471-R | Ski Shelter | Vermont, Dept. of Forests & Parks (alt) |
R-4552 | February 1966 | 484 H | C-0888-R | Ski Building | California, Kern County, Public Works Department (alt) |
R-4553 | January 1968 | 603 H | S-0620-R | Basketball Standard | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
R-4554 | March 1962 | 244 H | C-0430-R | Warming Hut | New Hampshire, Mt. Sunapee State Park |
R-4555 | September 1971 | 759 B | F-1308-R(1) | Skeet Field | Office of Engineers, U.S. Army |
R-4556 | September 1971 | 760 F | F-1308-R(2) | Skeet Field (High House) | Office of Engineers, U.S. Army |
R-4557 | September 1971 | 761 F | F-1308-R(3) | Skeet Field (High House) | Office of Engineers, U.S. Army |
R-4558 | September 1971 | 762 F | F-1308-R(4) | Skeet Field (High, Low House) | Office of Engineers, U.S. Army |
R-4559 | September 1971 | 763 F | F-1308-R(5) | Skeet Field (High, Low House) | Office of Engineers, U.S. Army |
R-4560 | September 1971 | 764 F | F-1308-R(6) | Skeet Field (Low House) | Office of Engineers, U.S. Army |
R-4561 | September 1971 | 765 F | F-1308-R(7) | Skeet Field (Target Openings, Guard) | Office of Engineers, U.S. Army |
R-4562 | September 1971 | 766 F | F-1305-R | Archery Range, Target | Office of Engineers, U.S. Army |
R-4563 | September 1971 | 767 B | C-1333-R(1) | Miniature Golf Course (Layout) | Georgia, Dept. of State Parks |
R-4564 | September 1971 | 768 B | C-1333-R(2) | Miniature Golf Course (Standard Details) | Georgia, Dept. of State Parks |
R-4565 | September 1971 | 769 B | C-1333-R(3) | Miniature Golf Course (Hole No. 1) | Georgia, Dept. of State Parks |
R-4566 | September 1971 | 770 B | C-1333-R(4) | Miniature Golf Course (Hole No. 2) | Georgia, Dept. of State Parks |
R-4567 | September 1971 | 771 B | C-1333-R(5) | Miniature Golf Course (Hole No. 3) | Georgia, Dept. of State Parks |
R-4568 | September 1971 | 772 B | C-1333-R(6) | Miniature Golf Course (Hole No. 4) | Georgia, Dept. of State Parks |
R-4569 | September 1971 | 773 B | C-1333-R(7) | Miniature Golf Course (Hole No. 5) | Georgia, Dept. of State Parks |
R-4570 | September 1971 | 774 B | C-1333-R(8) | Miniature Golf Course (Hole No. 6) | Georgia, Dept. of State Parks |
R-4571 | September 1971 | 775 B | C-1333-R(9) | Miniature Golf Course (Hole No. 7) | Georgia, Dept. of State Parks |
R-4572 | September 1971 | 776 B | C-1333-R(10) | Miniature Golf Course (Hole No. 8) | Georgia, Dept. of State Parks |
R-4573 | September 1971 | 777 B | C-1333-R(11) | Miniature Golf Course (Hole No. 9) | Georgia, Dept. of State Parks |
R-4574 | September 1971 | 778 B | C-1333-R(12) | Miniature Golf Course (Hole No. 10) | Georgia, Dept. of State Parks |
R-4575 | September 1971 | 779 B | C-1333-R(13) | Miniature Golf Course (Hole No. 11) | Georgia, Dept. of State Parks |
R-4576 | September 1971 | 780 B | C-1333-R(14) | Miniature Golf Course (Hole No. 12) | Georgia, Dept. of State Parks |
R-4577 | September 1971 | 781 B | C-1333-R(15) | Miniature Golf Course (Hole No. 13) | Georgia, Dept. of State Parks |
R-4578 | September 1971 | 782 B | C-1333-R(16) | Miniature Golf Course (Hole No. 14) | Georgia, Dept. of State Parks |
R-4579 | September 1971 | 783 B | C-1333-R(17) | Miniature Golf Course (Hole No. 15) | Georgia, Dept. of State Parks |
R-4580 | September 1971 | 784 B | C-1333-R(18) | Miniature Golf Course (Hole No. 16) | Georgia, Dept. of State Parks |
R-4581 | September 1971 | 785 B | C-1333-R(19) | Miniature Golf Course (Hole No. 17) | Georgia, Dept. of State Parks |
R-4582 | September 1971 | 786 B | C-1333-R(20) | Miniature Golf Course (Hole No. 18) | Georgia, Dept. of State Parks |
R-4583 | December 1971 | 810 F | F-1310-R(A) | Clock Golf | U.S. Army, Chief of Engineers |
R-4584 | December 1971 | 811 F | F-1310-R | Golf Driving Range | U.S. Army, Chief of Engineers |
R-4585 | December 1971 | 808 B | F-1307-R | Tennis Nets & Posts | U.S. Army, Chief of Engineers |
R-4586 | December 1971 | 809 B | F-1307-R(B) | Tennis Nets & Posts | U.S. Army, Chief of Engineers |
R-4587 | December 1971 | 807 B | F-1306-R | Volley Ball Nets & Posts | U.S. Army, Chief of Engineers |
R-4588 | December 1971 | 790 H | S-0625-R | Horseshoe Courts | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior |
R-4589 | December 1971 | 801 B | F-1302-R(A) | Quarter Mile Running Track | U.S. Army, Chief of Engineers |
R-4590 | December 1971 | 802 B | F-1302-R(B) | Track Drainage | U.S. Army, Chief of Engineers |
R-4591 | December 1971 | 803 B | F-1302-R(C) | Pole Vault | U.S. Army, Chief of Engineers |
R-4592 | December 1971 | 804 B | F-1302-R(D) | Javelin Throw | U.S. Army, Chief of Engineers |
R-4593 | December 1971 | 805 B | F-1302-R(E) | Shot Put, Discus & Hammer Throw | U.S. Army, Chief of Engineers |
R-4594 | December 1971 | 806 B | F-1302-R(F) | Running High & Broad Jump | U.S. Army, Chief of Engineers |
R-4595 | June 1972 | 848 L | C-1257-R(1) | Backstop | Anaheim, Pk. & Rec. Dept., Calif. |
R-4596 | June 1972 | 849 L | C-1257-R(2) | Backstop | Anaheim, Pk. & Rec. Dept., Calif. |
R-4597 | December 1973 | 941 H | C-1045-R(1) | Old Rowboat Play Form | Canada, Dept. of Natural Resources |
R-4598 | December 1973 | 942 H | C-1045-R(2) | Abandon Truck Play Form | Canada, Dept. of Natural Resources |
R-4599 | December 1973 | 943 H | C-1048-R | Tree Rope | Canada, Dept. of Natural Resources |
R-4600 | December 1973 | 944 H | C-1043-R | Play Sculptures | Canada, Dept. of Natural Resources |
R-4601/R-4602 | October 1978 |
| N-1462-R | Speed Circle for U-Control Planes | Longview, Texas, Parks & Recreation Dept. |
R-4603/R-4604/ R-4605/R-4606/ R-4607/R-4608/ R-4609/R-4610 | Summer 1980 |
| N-1599-R | Children's Play Fort | Darrell G. Winslow, Upton Hill Regional Park |
R-4630a | May 1959 | 114a B | C-0243-R | Swimming Pool Filter | Louisiana, State Parks & Recreation Commission, Plan No. L.E. 9069-(4-4)4 |
R-4630b | May 1959 | 114b B | C-0243-R | Swimming Pool Filter | Louisiana, State Parks & Recreation Commission, Plan No. L.E. 9069-(4-4)4 |
R-4631 | January 1964 | 354 H | C-0738-R | Spray Pool for children | Ontario, Township of Etobicoke, Parks Department (alt) |
R-4632 | June 1964 | 368 H | N-0541-R | Swimming Pools | Boy Scouts of America (alt) |
R-4633 | December 1957 | 42 (rev.) I | C-0159-R | Concrete Beach | West Virginia, Conservation Commission |
R-4634 | February 1966 | 487 H | C-0998-R | Outdoor Shower | Hawaii, City & County of Honolulu, Dept. of Parks & Recreation |
R-4635 | June 1972 | 850 L | C-1299-R(1) | Outdoor Shower Pad | California, Div. of Beaches & Parks |
R-4636 | June 1972 | 851 L | C-1299-R(2) | Outdoor Shower Pad | California, Div. of Beaches & Parks |
R-4637 | May 1974 | 969 H | F-1389-R | Outdoor Shower | U.S. Army, Chief of Engineers |
R-4638 | May 1974 | 970 GC | C-1250-R | Sunning Board | Illinois, Elmhurst Park District |
R-4670 | December 1957 | 42 (rev.) | C-0159-R | Concrete Beach | West Virginia, Conservation Commission |
R-4700 | January 1957 | 9 (rev.) | C-0134-R | Bath House | Maine, State Park Commission, Plan SG-107 Sheet 2 of 15 |
R-4701 | July 1958 | 65 | C-0078-R | Bathhouse and Concession | New Jersey, Department of Conservation and Economic Development |
R-4701 | June 1972 | 852 L | C-1367-R(1) | Prefab Dressing Enclosure | Michigan, Dept. of Conservation |
R-4702 | November 1958 | W 88 | S-0185-R | Bathhouse & Comfort Station | National Park Service, Plan No. N.R.A./CD-2033A |
R-4702 | June 1972 | 853 L | C-1367-R(2) | Prefab Dressing Enclosure | Michigan, Dept. of Conservation |
R-4703 | February 1959 | H 92 | C-0264-R | Facility Building | Oregon, State Highway Department, Drawing No. 13943 (alt) |
R-4704 | May 1960 | 164 H | C-0310-R | Bath House | New York, Verona Beach State Park, Central NY State Parks Comm. (alt) |
R-4705 | December 1960 | 188 H | C-0390-B | Bathhouse-Toilet, Combination Building | California, Div. of Beaches & Parks (alt) |
R-4706 | November 1961 | 232 H | C-0527-R | Bath House | Department of Public Works, Ohio (alt) |
R-4707 | November 1963 | 331 H | F-0781-R | Change Shelter | U.S. Army, The Chief of Engineers, Civil Works, Washington, D.C. (alt) |
R-4708 | January 1964 | 357 H | F-0780-R | Change Shelter | Office of Chief Engineers, Civil Works, U.S. Army (alt) |
R-4709 | June 1964 | 395 H | C-0848-R | Dressing Stockade and Concessions | Ohio, Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District (alt) |
R-4710 | June 1964 | 396 H | C-0849-R | Dressing Stockade and Concessions | Ohio, Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District (alt) |
R-4711 | December 1965 | 462 H | C-0304-R | Bathhouse & Toilet | Washington, Moses Lake State Park (alt) |
R-4712 | November 1966 | 517 H | C-0920-R | Bathhouse | Soil Conservation Serv., U.S. Department of Agriculture |
R-4713 | November 1966 | 530 H | C-1056-R | Bathhouse | City of Burlington, Vt., Park Department (alt) |
R-4714 | January 1968 | 610 B | C-1028-R | Bathhouse and Concession Bldg. | Florida, Pinellas County Parks, Fort DeSoto Park (alt) |
R-4715 | January 1968 | 613 H | C-1113-R | Bathhouse | Maine, State Parks and Recreation Commission |
R-4716 | January 1957 | 9 (rev.) | C-0134-R | Bath House | Maine, State Park Commission |
R-4717 | December 1972 | 880 B | C-1361-R(B)1 | Concession Building | Michigan, Metamora-Hadley RA |
R-4718 | December 1972 | 881 B | C-1361-R(B)2 | Concession Building | Michigan, Metamora-Hadley RA |
R-4719 | December 1972 | 882 GC | C-0716-R1 | Change Shelter | Wisconsin, Conservation Department |
R-4720 | December 1972 | 883 GC | C-0716-R2 | Details of Change Shelter | Wisconsin, Conservation Department |
R-4721/R-4722 | April 1975 | 1008 B | C-1423-R1 | Bathhouse | Northern Virginia, Pohick Bay Regional Park |
R-4723/R-4724 | April 1975 | 1009 B | C-1209-R1 | Bathhouse | Massachusetts, Paradise Pond SP |
R-4725/R-4726/ R-4727/R-4728 | April 1975 | 1010 B | C-1264-R1 | Bathhouse/Concession | Michigan, Warren Dunes SP |
R-4733/R-4734 | July 1979 |
| S-1578-R | Swimmers' Change House | Ray Leland, Worth Asso., Billings, MT |
R-4735 | February 1966 | 487 H | C-0998-R | Outdoor Shower | Hawaii, City & County of Honolulu, Dept. of Parks & Recreation |
R-4750 | July 1962 | 253 H | C-0354-R | Boat House (Boating Development) | Morrow Mountain State Park, North Carolina |
R-4751 | January 1964 | 347 H | N-0441-R | Floating Boathouse | Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan (alt) |
R-4752 | January 1965 | 417 H | N-0924-R | Canoe Storage Racks | American National Red Cross (alt) |
R-4753 | February 1967 | 552 H | S-0458-R | Covered Boat Shed | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
R-4754 | February 1967 | 558 H | F-0921-R | Boat House | Soil Conservation Serv., U.S. Department of Agriculture (alt) |
R-4755 | July 1962 | 253 H | C-0354-R | Boat House | North Carolina, Morrow Mtn. St. Pk. |
R-4756 | December 1970 | 752 H | F-1236-R | Boat Mooring | Palisades Interstate Pk. Com. |
R-4775/R-4776 | July 1976 | 1038 B | S-1434-R | Concession Bait House | Terry R. Edwards, Hot Springs Villige, Hot Springs NP |
R-4800 | December 1957 | 48 | N-0196-R | Marina Railway | Government Services, Inc., Plan No. M-1 Project No. 721-C |
R-4801 | November 1958 | H 77 | C-0174-R | Marina | Ohio, Department of Natural Resources, Plan No. 9HW-J-25-1.5 |
R-4802 | December 1957 | 48 | N-0196-R | Marina Railway | Government Serv., Inc., Plan M-1 Project 721-C |
R-4803 | December 1973 | 945 B | N-0440-R(1) | Floating Marina | Dow Chemical Co. |
R-4804 | December 1973 | 946 B | N-0440-R(2) | Floating Marina | Dow Chemical Co. |
R-4805 | December 1973 | 947 B | N-0440-R(3) | Floating Marina | Dow Chemical Co. |
R-4806 | December 1973 | 948 B | N-0440-R(4) | Floating Marina | Dow Chemical Co. |
R-4807 | December 1973 | 949 B | N-0440-R(5) | Floating Marina Gangway & Walkway | Dow Chemical Co. |
R-4808 | December 1973 | 950 B | N-0440-R(6) | Floating Marina | Dow Chemical Co. |
R-4847 | May 1974 | 971 B | N-1412-R1 | 12-Sided Dinghy Float | Canada, British Columbia |
R-4848 | May 1974 | 972 B | N-1412-R2 | 12-Sided Dinghy Float | Canada, British Columbia |
R-4849 | May 1974 | 973 B | N-1412-R3 | 12-Sided Dinghy Float | Canada, British Columbia |
R-4850 | May 1974 | 974 B | N-1412-R4 | 12-Sided Dinghy Float | Canada, British Columbia |
R-4850 | May 1958 | 63 (rev.) | C-0195-R | Boat Docks | Ohio, Department of Natural Resources, Plan No. 124-X-1.1 |
R-4851 | May 1960 | 115 C | C-0221-R | Floating Dock | Indiana, Conservation Department, Plan No. 90 |
R-4852 | January 1960 | 152 A&G | S-0337-R | Dock, Cantilevered | National Park Service, Isle Royale NP |
R-4853 | May 1960 | 165 H | C-0313-R | Boat Dock | New York, Green Lakes State Park, Central NY State Parks Comm. (alt) |
R-4854 | May 1961 | 211 H | C-0454-R | Boat Dock | Ohio, Indian Lake State Park (alt) |
R-4855 | March 1962 | 241 H | C-0368-R | Boat Landing Dock | State of New Hampshire (alt) |
R-4856 | July 1963 | 312 H | N-0439-R | Floating Wharf | The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Michigan (alt) |
R-4857 | January 1964 | 344 H | C-0216-R | Dock & Berth for Small Boats | Indiana, Conservation Department, Division of Engineering (alt) |
R-4858 | January 1964 | 365 H | C-0216-R | Oar Storage House | Indiana, Conservation Department, Division of Engineering (alt) |
R-4859 | June 1964 | 374 H | S-0637-R | Swimming Docks | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
R-4860 | July 1966 | 492 H | C-0285-R | Mooring Buoy | Canada, B.C. Dept. of Rec. & Conserv. (alt) |
R-4861 | July 1966 | 501 H | C-0922-R | Boat Landing Dock | Minnesota, Division of State Parks (alt) |
R-4862 | November 1966 | 521 H | N-0967-R | Waterfront Layout 1 | Boy Scouts of America (alt) |
R-4863 | November 1966 | 522 H | N-0967-R | Waterfront Layout 2 | Boy Scouts of America (alt) |
R-4864 | November 1966 | 523 H | N-0967-R | Waterfront Layout 3 | Boy Scouts of America (alt) |
R-4865 | November 1966 | 524 H | N-0967-R | Waterfront Layout 4 | Boy Scouts of America (alt) |
R-4866 | May 1958 | 63 (rev.) | C-0195-R | Boat Docks | Ohio, Department of Natural Resources (alt) |
R-4867/R-4868 | April 1975 | 1012 B | C-1449-R1 | Dock Hinges | Illinois, Dept. of Conservation |
R-4869/R-4870 | April 1975 | 1013 B | F-1447-R1 | Dock Hinges | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
R-4875 | November 1958 | W 87 | C-0241-R | Prefabricated Boat Ramp | Washington, State Parks and Recreation Commission (alt) |
R-4876 | December 1960 | 191 H | C-0406-R | Boat Emptying Rig, Powered | Hamilton County Park Dist., Ohio (alt) |
R-4877 | January 1961 | 193 H | C-0408-R | Boat Emptying Rig, Manual | South Carolina, Commission of Forestry (alt) |
R-4878 | May 1961 | 205 H | C-0405-R | Launching Ramp | Wisconsin, Lucius Woods State Park (alt) |
R-4879 | June 1964 | 375 H | C-0724-R(a) | Boat Launching Area | Wisconsin, Construction Department, Engineering Division (alt) |
R-4880 | June 1964 | 376 H | C-0724-R(b) | Boat Launching Area | Wisconsin, Construction Department, Engineering Division (alt) |
R-4881 | June 1964 | 377 H | C-0724-R(c) | Boat Launching Area | Wisconsin, Construction Department, Engineering Division (alt) |
R-4882 | December 1970 | 736 B | S-0754-R | Concrete Plank Ramp | Wash., D.C. Civil Works, Office of Chief of Engineers (alt) |
R-4883 | June 1964 | 383 H | S-0756-R | Concrete Plank Ramp | U.S. Army, Office of Chief of Engineers, Civil Works (alt) |
R-4884 | November 1966 | 520 H | C-0966-R | Boat Access Plans | Wisconsin Conserv. Dept., U.S. Department of Agriculture (alt) |
R-4885 | August 1970 | 715 H | C-0724-R | Boat Launching Area | Wisconsin, Construction Department, Engineering Division |
R-4886 | August 1970 | 716 H | C-0724-R | Boat Launching Area | Wisconsin, Construction Department, Engineering Division |
R-4887 | August 1970 | 717 H | C-1173-R | Duplex Boat Ramp | Fort Lauderdale, Florida (alt) |
R-4888 | August 1970 | 718 B | C-0965-R | Concrete Log Launching Ramps | U.S. Bu. S. F. & W., Ala. Dept. Conserv.; Fla. Game & Fresh Fish Water Fish Comm. (alt) |
R-4889 | December 1973 | 951 L | F-1297-R | Boat Ramp | Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture |
R-4890 | December 1973 | 952 H | C-1324-R | Standard Boat Dock | Georgia, Dept. of State Parks |
R-4900 | July 1957 | 24 | S-0055-R | Diving Float | National Park Service, Plan NRA-CD-2040 |
R-4901 | July 1958 | 69 | C-0087-R | Concrete Float | Washington, Parks and Recreation Commission (alt) |
R-4902 | March 1962 | 242 H | C-0369-R | Float, Dock | State of New Hampshire (alt) |
R-4903 | July 1962 | 263 C | S-0636-R | Floating Crib for Non-Swimmers | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
R-4904 | March 1963 | 293 H | N-0438-R | Styrofoam Diving Raft | The Dow Chemical Co. (alt) |
R-4905 | July 1963 | 315 H | S-0750-R | Floating Sign | U.S. Army, Chief of Engineers Civil Works, Washington, D.C. (alt) |
R-4906 | July 1966 | 506 H | C-0963-R | Diving Platform | Minnesota, Division of State Parks (alt) |
R-4907 | December 1968 | 656 S | C-1163-R | Floating Boat Dock | Colorado, Fish, Game & Parks Dept. (alt) |
R-4908 | July 1957 | 24 | S-0055-R | Diving Float | National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior (alt) |
R-4909/R-4910 | July 1978 |
| N-1506-R | Pedestal Lifeguard Chair | John F. Guinan, Binghamton, NY |
R-4929 | July 1978 |
| N-1558-R | Oar Rack | Boy Scouts of America |
R-4930 | December 1957 | 43 (rev.) | C-0160-R | Kayak | Dade County, Fla., Department of Parks |
R-4930 | July 1978 |
| N-1559-R | Paddle Rack | Boy Scouts of America |
R-4931 | December 1957 | 44 (rev.) | C-0161-R | Plywood Rowboat | Illinois, Cook Co. Forest Preserve District |
R-4932 | May 1959 | 116 H | C-0110-R | Dinghy | Michigan, Department of Conservation, Parks and Recreation Division (alt) |
R-4933 | December 1957 | 43 (rev.) | C-0160-R | Kayak | Florida, Dade Co. Dept. of Parks |
R-4934 | January 1957 | 14 (rev.) | C-0156-R | Boat Carrier | Michigan, Dept. of Conservation |
R-4935 | April 1978 |
| N-1568-R | Car Rack to Hold Canoes | Boy Scouts of America, Engineering Service |
R-4936 | April 1979 |
| N-1567-R | Boat Storage Hangers | Boy Scouts of America, Engineering Service |
R-4939/R-4940 | Summer 1983 |
| F-1640-R | Concession | George Stephen, Regional Architect, NPS, NARO |
R-4950/R-4951 | Summer 1983 |
| F-1641-R | Overlook Shelter | George Stephen, Regional Architect, NPS, NARO |
R-4980 | January 1957 | 14 (rev.) | C-0156-R | Boat Carrier | Michigan, Department of Conservation |
R-5024/R-5025 | Summer 1987 |
| N-1711-R | Lighthouse | U.S. Army Corps of Eng. |
R-5026/R-5027/ R-5028/R-5029 | Summer 1987 |
| N-1714-R | Picnic Shelter | U.S. Army Corps of Eng. |

Vol 1 No 1 - January/February 1957
Vol 1 No 2 - March/April 1957
March/April Supplement - 1957
Vol 1 No 3 - May/June 1957
May/June Supplement - 1957
Vol 1 No 4 - July/August 1957
July/August Supplement - 1957
Vol 1 No 5 - September/October 1957
September/October Supplement - 1957
Vol 1 No 6 - November/December 1957
Vol 1 Index - 1957
Vol 2 No 1 - January/February 1958
Vol 2 No 2 - March/April 1958
Vol 2 No 3 - May/June 1958
May/June Supplement - 1958
Vol 2 No 4 - July/August 1958
July/August Supplement - 1958
Vol 2 No 5 - September/October 1958
September/October Supplement - 1958
Vol 2 No 6 - November/December 1958
November/December Supplement - 1958
Vol 2 Index - 1958
Vol 3 No 1 - January/February 1959
Vol 3 No 2 - March/April 1959
March/April Supplement - 1959
Vol 3 No 3 - May/June 1959
May/June Supplement - 1959
Vol 3 No 4 - July/August 1959
July/August Supplement - 1959
Vol 3 No 5 - September/October 1959
September/October Supplement - 1959
Vol 3 No 6 - November/December 1959
November/December Supplement - 1959
Vol 3 Index - 1959
Vol 4 No 1 - January/February 1960
Vol 4 No 2 - March/April 1960
March/April Supplement - 1960
Vol 4 No 3 - May/June 1960
Vol 4 No 4 - July/August 1960
July/August Supplement - 1960
Vol 4 No 5 - September/October 1960
Vol 4 No 6 - November/December 1960
Vol 4 Index - 1960
Vol 5 No 1 - January/February 1961
Vol 5 No 2 - March/April 1961
Vol 5 No 3 - May/June 1961
Vol 5 No 4 - July/August 1961
Vol 5 No 5 - September/October 1961
Vol 5 No 6 - November/December 1961
Vol 6 No 1 - January/February 1962
January/February Supplement - 1962
Vol 6 No 2 - March/April 1962
March/April Supplement - 1962
Vol 6 No 3 - May/June 1962
Vol 6 No 4 - July/August 1962
Vol 6 No 5 - September/October 1962
Vol 6 No 6 - November/December 1962
Vol 7 No 1 - January/February 1963
Vol 7 No 2 - March/April 1963
March/April Supplement - 1963
Vol 7 No 3 - May/June 1963
Vol 7 No 4 - July/August 1963
Vol 7 No 5 - September/October 1963
Vol 7 No 6 - November/December 1963
Vol 7 Index - 1963
Vol 8 No 1 - January/February 1964
Vol 8 No 2 - March/April 1964
Vol 8 No 3 - May/June 1964
Vol 8 No 4 - July/August 1964
Vol 8 No 5 - September/October 1964
Vol 8 No 6 - November/December 1964
Vol 8 Index - 1964
Vol 9 No 1 - January/February 1965
January/February Supplement - 1965
Vol 9 No 2 - March/April 1965
Vol 9 No 3 - May/June 1965
May/June Supplement - 1965
Vol 9 No 4 - July/August 1965
July/August Supplement - 1965
Vol 9 No 5 - September/October 1965
September/October Insert - 1965
Vol 9 No 6 - November/December 1965
Vol 9 Index - 1965
Vol 10 No 1 - January/February 1966
Vol 10 No 2 - March/April 1966
Vol 10 No 3 - May/June 1966
Vol 10 No 4 - July/August 1966
Vol 10 No 5 - September/October 1966
Vol 10 No 6 - November/December 1966
Vol 10 Index - 1966
Vol 11 No 1 - January/February 1967
Vol 11 No 2 - March/April 1967
Vol 11 No 3 - May/June 1967
Vol 11 No 4 - July/August 1967
Vol 11 No 5 - September/October 1967
Vol 11 No 6 - November/December 1967
Vol 11 Index - 1967
Vol 12 No 1 - January/February 1968
Vol 12 No 2 - March/April 1968
Vol 12 No 3 - May/June 1968
Vol 12 No 4 - July/August 1968
Vol 12 No 5 - September/October 1968
Vol 12 No 6 - November/December 1968
Vol 12 Index - 1968
Vol 13 No 1 - January/February 1969
Vol 13 No 2 - March/April 1969
Vol 13 No 3 - May/June 1969
Vol 13 No 4 - July/August 1969
Vol 13 No 5 - September/October 1969
Vol 13 No 6 - November/December 1969
Vol 13 Index - 1969
Vol 14 No 1 - January/February 1970
Vol 14 No 2 - March/April 1970
Vol 14 No 3 - May/June 1970
Vol 14 No 4 - July/August 196
Vol 14 No 5 - September/October 1970
Vol 14 No 6 - November/December 1970
Vol 14 Index - 1970
Vol 15 No 1 - January/February 1971
Vol 15 No 2 - March/April 1971
Vol 15 No 3 - May/June 1971
Vol 15 No 4 - July/August 1971
Vol 15 No 5 - September/October 1971
Vol 15 No 6 - November/December 1971
Vol 15 Index - 1971
Vol 16 No 1 - January/February 1972
Vol 16 No 2 - March/April 1972
Vol 16 No 3 - May/June 1972
Vol 16 No 4 - July/August 1972
Vol 16 No 5 - September/October 1972
Vol 16 No 6 - November/December 1972
Vol 16 No 7 - December 1972
Vol 16 Index - 1972
Vol 17 No 1 - January/February 1973
Vol 17 No 3 (2) - March/April 1973
Vol 17 No 4 (3) - May/June 1973
Vol 17 No 4 - July/August 1973
Vol 17 No 5 - September/October 1973
Vol 17 No 6 - November/December 1973
Vol 17 Index - 1973
Vol 18 No 1 - January/February 1974
Vol 18 No 2 - March/April 1974
Vol 18 No 3 - May/June 1974
Vol 18 No 4 - July/August 1974
Vol 18 No 5 - September/October 1974
Vol 18 No 6 - November/December 1974
Vol 19 No 1 - January/February 1975
Vol 19 No 2 - March/April 1975
Vol 19 No 3 - May/June 1975
Vol 19 No 4 - July/August 1975
Vol 19 No 5 - September/October 1975
Vol 19 No 6 - November/December 1975
Vol 20 No 1 - January/February 1976
Vol 20 No 2 - March/April 1976
Vol 20 No 3 - May/June 1976
Vol 20 No 4 - July/August 1976
Vol 20 No 5 - September/October 1976
Vol 20 No 6 - November/December 1976
Vol 21 No 1 - January/February 1977
Vol 21 No 2 - March/April 1977
Vol 21 No 3 - May/June 1977
Vol 21 No 4 - July/August 1977
Vol 21 No 5 - September/October 1977
Vol 21 No 6 - November/December 1977
Vol 22 No 1 - January/February 1978
Vol 22 No 2 - March/April 1978
Vol 22 No 3 - May/June 1978
Vol 22 No 4 - July/August 1978
Vol 22 No 5 - September/October 1978
Vol 22 No 6 - November/December 1978
Vol 23 No 1 - January/February 1979
Vol 23 No 2 - March/April 1979
Vol 23 No 3 - May/June 1979
Vol 23 No 4 - July/August 1979
Vol 23 No 5 - September/October 1979
Vol 23 No 6 - November/December 1979
Vol 24 No 1 - January/February 1980
Vol 24 No 2 - March/April 1980
Vol 24 No 3 - May/June 1980
Vol 24 No 4 - July/August 1980
Vol 24 No 5 - September/October 1980
Vol 24 No 6 - November/December 1980
Vol 25 No 1 - January/February 1981
Vol 25 No 2 - March/April 1981
Vol 25 No 3 - May/June 1981
Vol 25 No 4 - July/August 1981
Vol 25 No 5 - September/October 1981
Vol 25 No 6 - November/December 1981
Vol 26 No 1 - January/February 1982
Vol 26 No 2 - March/April 1982
Vol 26 No 3 - May/June 1982
Vol 26 No 4 - July/August 1982
Vol 26 No 5 - September/October 1982
Vol 26 No 6 - November/December 1982
Vol 27 No 1 - January/February 1983
Vol 27 No 2 - Spring 1983
Vol 27 No 3 - Summer 1983
Vol 27 No 4 - Fall 1983
Vol 28 No 1 - Winter 1984
Vol 28 No 2 - Spring 1984
Vol 28 No 3 - Summer 1984
Vol 28 No 4 - Fall 1984
Vol 29 No 1 - Winter 1985
Vol 29 No 2 - Spring 1985
Vol 29 No 3 - Summer 1985
Vol 29 No 4 - Fall 1985
Vol 30 No 1 - Winter 1986
Vol 30 No 2 - Spring 1986
Vol 30 No 3 - Summer 1986
Vol 30 No 4 - Fall 1986
Vol 31 No 1 - Winter 1987
Vol 31 No 2 - Spring 1987
Vol 31 No 3 - Summer 1987
Vol 31 No 4 - Fall 1987
Vol 32 No 1 - Winter 1988
Vol 32 No 2 - Spring 1988
Vol 32 No 3 - Summer 1988
Vol 32 No 4 - Fall 1988
Vol 33 No 1 - Winter 1989
Vol 33 No 2 - Spring 1989
Vol 33 No 3 - Summer 1989
Vol 33 No 4 - Fall 1989
Vol 34 No 1 - Winter 1990
Vol 34 No 2 - Spring 1990
Vol 34 No 3 - Summer 1990
Vol 34 No 4 - Fall 1990
Vol 35 No 1 - Winter 1991
Vol 35 No 2 - Spring 1991
Vol 35 No 3 - Summer 1991
Vol 35 No 4 - Fall 1991
Vol 36 No 1 - Winter 1992
Vol 36 No 2 - Spring 1992
Vol 36 No 3 - Summer 1992
Vol 36 No 4 - Fall 1992
Vol 37 No 1 - Winter 1993
Vol 37 No 2 - Spring 1993
Vol 37 No 3 - Summer 1993
Vol 37 No 4 - Fall 1993
Vol 38 No 1 - Winter 1994
Vol 38 No 2 - Spring 1994
Vol 38 No 3 - Summer 1994
Vol 38 No 4 - Fall 1994
Vol 39 No 1 - Winter 1995
Vol 39 No 2 - Spring 1995
Vol 39 No 3 - Summer 1995
Vol 39 No 4 - Fall 1995
Vol 40 No 1 - Winter 1996
Vol 40 No 2 - Spring 1996
Vol 40 No 3 - Summer 1996
Vol 40 No 4 - Fall 1996
Vol 41 No 1 - Winter 1997
Vol 41 No 2 - Spring 1997
Vol 41 No 3 - Summer 1997
Vol 41 No 4 - Fall 1997
Vol 42 No 1 - Winter 1998
Vol 42 No 2 - Spring 1998

Instructions - July 1963
Instructions - 1970
Notice - July/August 1974
7/63 Article 35
Correspondence in a Friendly Manner
7/63 Article 36
Here's Proof That Open Space Can Hold Down Taxes
12/70 Article 44
Some Managers' Viewpoints on Campers and Campground Operation
12/70 Article 45
Our VisitorsA Clue to Successful Operations
7/63 Article 8
Creative Park Architecture
7/63 Article 9
National Parkway Concepts and Principles
7/63 Article 10
Public Golf Development in the 1960's
7/63 Article 14
Selecting Exhibit Themes for Park Museums
Policy & Planning
8/57 Article 1
Suggested Policy Statement Relating to Development, Use and Operation of State Parks
8/57 Article 2
Suggested Criteria for Evaluating Areas Proposed for Inclusion in State Park Systems
8/57 Article 3
Criteria for Reservoir Recreation Projects in California State Park System
8/57 Article 4
The Importance of Land
5/58 Article 6
Michigan State Park Policy
5/58 Article 7
State Park Criteria
5/58 Article 8
Principles Governing the Establishment, Extension and Development of the State Park System, State of North Carolina
5/58 Article 9
Principles Governing the Establishment and Development of Additional State Parks and Extension and Development of Existing State Parks
5/58 Article 10
State Park Philosophy
12/58 Article 11
Basic Purposes of State Parks
12/58 Article 14
National Park Service Restoration Policy Statement
7/59 Article 16
Land Policies
7/59 Article 18
Standards for Park Site Location
7/59 Article 19
Adverse Recommendation on Mining Proposal in Porcupine Mountains State Park, Michigan
5/60 Article 20
Concepts of Recreation
5/60 Article 21
Suggested Wildlife Policy for State Parks
5/60 Article 22
Suggested Policy on Vegetation Management
5/60 Article 23
Suggested Park Management Standards and Practices, Historical and Archaeological Areas
5/61 Article 24
A Policy of Park and Recreation Facilities, City of Greensboro, North Carolina
5/61 Article 25
Policy Statement for the Administration of State Parks and Recreation Areas (Idaho)
11/61 Article 27
Do We Need a Common Camping Ethic?
11/61 Article 28
"Development of State Parks"
9/62 Article 29
Wildlife Policy, State of California
9/62 Article 30
Policy Statement, Riverside County, California Parks and Recreation Areas
9/62 Article 31
Principles Governing the Establishment of State Parks in the State of New York
3/63 Article 32
Policy Governing Oil and Gas Operations in Park and Recreation Areas in Michigan
7/63 Article 33
Parkland Prospecting
7/63 Article 34
The Recreation Policy of the State of California
11/63 Article 35
A National Program for the Preservation of Historic Sites and Buildings
1/64 Article 36
"Integrity of State Park System Lands"
6/64 Article 37
The Need for Historical Research in the National Park Service
1/65 Article 38
No, Let's Keep Camp Land Inviolate as a Natural Preserve
5/65 Article 39
Guidelines for Planning a Golf Course
5/65 Article 40
Criteria for Locating and Selecting Resident Group Camp Sites
5/65 Article 41
A National Park Facility in Japan
1/66 Article 42
Fundamental Concepts of Park Planning
5/66 Article 43
Basis for Planning
10/68 Article 47
Policy StatementObjectives and Goals
4/69 Article 48
California State Board of Public Health Policy on Environmental Quality
4/69 Article 49
California State Board of Public Health Policy on Water Quality of Mountain Streams, Lakes, and Reservoirs
9/69 Article 50
Administrative Policies for the Historical Areas of the National Park Service
Part I The National Historic Preservation Program
Part II Resource Management Policy
Part III Resource and Visitor Use Policy
Part IV Physical Development Policy
12/70 Article 51
Recreation Program in a Private Family Campground
7/63 Article 5
Officer-Violator Contacts in Traffic Enforcement Actions
12/70 Article 15
Records Use: A Necessity for Administration of Protected Beach Operations
12/70 Article 16
Wildlife: The Environmental Barometer
12/70 Article 17
Shotcreting Presents Health Hazard
12/70 Article 18
Temporary and Portable Construction Space Heating Devices and Equipment
12/70 Article 19
Safe Movement of Construction Equipment
12/70 Article 20
Wire Rope Safety
12/70 Article 21
On-The-Job Inspection of Chain Hoists
12/70 Article 22
Power Saws
12/70 Article 23
Emergency Care and Health Services for the Construction Industry
12/70 Article 24
The True Meaning of Safety Rules
12/70 Article 25
Significance of an Accident
12/70 Article 26
Safety Meeting Gimmick
12/70 Article 27
Construction Housekeeping Standards
12/70 Article 28
Emergency First-Aid Kits for Construction Crews
12/70 Article 29
Maintain Safety Equipment
12/70 Article 30
Prompt and Proper First Aid Reduces Lost Time
12/70 Article 31
Safe vs Unsafe Footwear
12/70 Article 32
Construction, Use & Maintenance of Refueling Equipment
12/70 Article 33
Crane Boom Accidents
12/70 Article 34
Crane Boom Loading
12/70 Article 35
Danger Under Booms and Buckets
12/70 Article 36
Hard Hat Inspection
12/70 Article 37
Needles That Fly
12/70 Article 38
Don't Turn a Cylinder Into a Rocket
Vol 1 No 1? - 1971?
Principles of Multiple Projection
How To Choose Only Successful Camp Counselors
A Procedure For Evaluating Environmental Impact
Demand Methodology
Vol 1 No 2? - 1971?
Environmental Management
Freeing Streams From Mud & Flood
Recent Federal Relocation Legislation
Vol 2 No 1 - Jan./Feb. 1972
Preservation For A Purpose
Write On, Jean Worth Matthews
A Word About Need As Process
Vol 2 No 2 - Mar./Apr. 1972
Footpaths & Bike Routes
Bikes In The Boondocks
Vol 2 No 3 - May/June 1972
New Techniques For Revenue Producing Recreation Facilities
A Report On The State Of California Ranger Trainee Program
Vol 2 No 3 Supplement - May 1972
IPA: Intergovernmental Personnel Act
Vol 2 No 4 - July/Aug. 1972
Historic Preservation - A Cooperative Effort
National Historic Landmarks
Historic American Buildings Survey
Historic American Engineering Record
Archeological Program
The National Register Of Historic Places
Vol 2 No 4 Supplement - July 1972
Environmental Education at Resident and Day-Use Camps
Vol 2 No 5 - Sept./Oct. 1972
Growing Plants on View Landscapes and Recreation Areas
Interpretive Trails
Federal Assistance For Bike Trails
Vol 2 No 6 - Nov./Dec. 1972
Recreation Demand Surveys?
The Demand Survey Dilemma: Assessing the Credibility of State Outdoor Recreation Plans
Vol 3 No 1 - Jan./Feb. 1973
Social Interface at River's Edge
Vol 3 No 2 - Mar./Apr. 1973
Counties... In Parks & Recreation
Vol 3 No 3 - May/June 1973
Recreational Carrying Capacity of the National Parks
Wildlife Management for the Historical Area
Vol 3 No 4 - July/Aug. 1973
Building in Wood in the Eastern United States
Vol 3 No 5 - Sept./Oct. 1973
Concession Operations
Program Standards
Guidelines for Bikeways
Vol 3 No 6 - Nov./Dec. 1973
Water Resources Planning . . . The Next Fifty Years
A New Approach to Conservation in Maine
Vol 4 No 1 - Jan./Feb. 1974
Water Resources Planning . . . The Next Fifty Years (continued)
Lake Management . . . Science or dream?
Vol 4 No 2 - Mar./Apr. 1974
Visitor Groups And Interpretation in Parks and Other Outdoor Leisure Settings
Environmental Concerns of the Park Manager
Vol 4 No 3 - May/June 1974
Toward a National Land Use Plan
Who Are These People
How To Preserve Small Natural Areas
Vol 4 No 4 - July/August 1974
Woodshop For The Blind
Working With The Elderly In Park And Recreation Settings

No 1 - January 1962
No 2 - July 1962
No 3 - November 1962
No 1 - May 1963
No 2 - September 1963
No 1 - January 1964
No 2 - May 1964
No 3 - September 1964
No 1 - January 1965
No 2 - May 1965
No 3 - September 1965
No 1 - January 1966
No 2 - May 1966
No 3 - September 1966
No 3 (4) - November 1966
No 4 (1) - January 1967
No 2 - March 1967
No 3 - September 1967
No 1 - January 1968
No 2 - May 1968
No 3 - September 1968
No 1 - January 1969
No 2 - May 1969
No 3 - September 1969
No 1 - January 1970
No 2 - May 1970

TRENDS in Parks & Recreation
Vol 1 No 1 - July 1964
Parks: The Challenge of Excellence Stewart L. Udall
Outdoor Recreation Research in the U.S. Forest Service Walter S. Hopkins, Jr.
The Future of Historical Research in the National Park Service Joseph P. Cullen
The Non-Simple Future Rendel B. Alldredge
A-V Materials in Interpretive Programs Donald J. Erskine
National Aquatic Parks Russell K. Grater
National Parks as Natural Science Research Areas George Sprugel
Do Campers Fit Our Campgrounds? Richard L. Bury
Vol 1 No 2 - October 1964
The Great University of the Outdoors Orville L. Freeman
The Natural Registry of Natural History Landmarks C. Kenny Dale
At Long Last Recognition for County Parks Donald B. Alexander
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Bureau of Outdoor Recreation and the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act Edward C. Crafts
Management of the National Park System
What's Happening in Golf Course Development
Vol 2 No 1 - January 1965
The Expanding Horizons of Defense Norman S. Paul
The Search for Utopia Sigurd F. Olson
Camping Equipment Trends in the National Parks of Canada A Study Gordon D. Taylor
The New Horizons for Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Lawrence S. Rockefeller
Program for the Handicapped Conley L. Moffett
Tourism on Indian Reservation Virginia S. Hart and Leonard Ware
Management and Long Range Objectives of the National Park Service George B. Hartzog, Jr.
The Visitor's Eye View of Inter-Government Relations Raymond L. Freeman
NPS-BOR Memorandum of Understanding
"In the Public Interest" Michael Frome
Watershed Thinking for Topographic Renewal Grady Clay
The Role of Western National Park Waters in Future Trout Fishing Orthello L. Wallis
--- And Now, The Nationwide Plan Donald B. Alexander
Planning Our Open Space Land Resources for the Future Aurthur A. Davis
Vol 2 No 2 - April 1965
Open Space and the Urban Environment Robert C. Weaver
Not By Truth Alone Freeman Tilden
The White House Message on Natural Beauty Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson
Wilderness and the Recreation-Seeker Kittridge A. Wing
Preserving America's Wildlife HeritageWhose Responsibility? Thomas L. Kimball
Factors in Park Building Design William J. Hart
Scenic and Conservation Easements in Wisconsin Robert D. Espeseth
Why County Parks? Paul Emler, Jr.
Vol 2 No 3 - July 1965
The Role of Highways in a More Beautiful America John T. Connor
Conflict of Policy Donald B. Alexander
Research in Non-Urban Recreation Gordon D. Taylor
Interpretation in Action
Open Space: A Metropolitan Resource Program Andrew J. W. Scheffey
The Change Seekers Semon E. Knudsen
On Nostalgia as a Planning Concept in Historical Parks F. R. Holland, Jr.
Scenic Easements in the National Park Service's Program Donald E. Lee
Basic Park Philosophy Dr. Arthur T. Wilcox
The Constructive Aspect of Inaction Freeman Tilden
Vol 2 No 4 - October 1965
The Challenge of Recreation for the Great Society Wilbur J. Cohen
Outdoor Recreation Action William W. Wells
Wave of the Future Dr. Stanley A. Cain
Uniting for Conservation George B. Hartzog, Jr.
Parks and Leisure: Toward a Higher Amusement Daniel McKinley
We Must Save Our Natural Resources Donald E. Johnson
Outdoor Recreation John A. Baker
Reaping Harvests From Ancient Roots Gary C. Grassl
Camping A Better Way of Life Earl P. Hanson
Vol 3 No 1 - January 1966
Water: The Riddle and the Answer Aubrey J. Wagner
Let's Think It Through Ira B. Lykes
What Price Natural Beauty? Dr. Stanley A. Cain
The Case of the Historical Park Ezra C. Stiles
The Community's Stake in Outdoor Recreation Planning J. W. Scheffey
Selection of Park Designers and Outdoor Recreation Planners Mrs. Joe Grout Wood
Myths and Facts About Forest Recreation, a Review of Forest Recreation Research in the Forest Service Walter S. Hopkins
Vegetation in Wilderness Areas Miron L. Heinselman
Partners in ProgressAdequate Research Programs Dr. Leslie M. Reid
Vol 3 No 2 - April 1966
What Have We Done With Arbor Day? John Edgar Hoover
The Center City: Is It Fulfilling Its Open Space Obligations? John P. Hewitt
The Message to Congress on Pollution Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson
Metropolitan Cleveland's "Emerald Necklace" Harold W. Groth
Skyrocketing Recreational Vehicle Sales Spur Need for Parking Areas Merrill D. Ormes
Ski Touring Trails Robert D. Larson
Conservation and Man's Environment Ian McTaggart Cowan
National Policy for County Parks & Recreation
Vol 3 No 3 - July 1966
Five Decades Past--and the Future George B. Hartzog, Jr.
The Stewardship of Parks Ira B. Lykes
Purposes and Goals of Family Camping Donald H. Shedd
Quality in Outdoor Recreation J. Alan Wagar
"America the Beautiful" Honorable Russell E. Train
The Choice We Face Ralph A. MacMullan
Conservation and the City Donald L. Goldman
The Playground Revisited...A New Evaluation Asher B. Etkes
Vol 3 No 4 - October 1966
Public Land Recreation at the Crossroads Hon. Wayne N. Aspinall
It's Time for Better Management of Resource Information Joseph Prendergast
What Makes Conservation Tick? Howard J. Grossman
... On Beautification Richard A. Moore
Natural Resource Librarianship in a New Era Dr. Thomas F. Bates
National Park Wilderness Planning Procedures George B. Hartzog, Jr.
Suburban Recreation Ernest M. Swanton
Vol 4 No 1 - January 1967
TVA's Land Between the Lakes Already Drawing Thousands Robert M. Howes
Speak Up, Conservationists Gilbert Gude
The Issues Underlying Recreation Policy Phillip O. Foss
KeynoteCongress for Parks and Recreation Laurance S. Rockefeller
The Recreation Story of Muskingum Harvey S. Crass
Partnership Planning for Water Recreation Brigadier Gen. Walter P. Leiber, U.S. Army
"--For a More Beautiful America" Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson
Vol 4 No 2 - April 1967
Natural BeautyThe New Focus on Quality Edward C. Crafts
Natural Beauty and the Beat Ira B. Lykes
Beautification Nash Castro
To Keep America BeautifulStart the Habit Early Allen H. Seed, Jr.
Community CleanupA National Need Richard H. Hackendahl
"Natural Beauty" Lon Garrison
Emergence of Professional Landscape Architecture in America Hubert B. Owens
Cities in Parks William Penn Mott, Jr.
Recreation Information Management Gordon A. Hammon and John K. McDonald
Vol 4 No 3 - July 1967
The New U.S.D.A. Recreation Policy Orville L. Freeman
Balance and Variety in Park Systems Ben H. Thompson
Interior's Goal in the Federal Assistance Program Dr. Stanley A. Cain
Meeting Park and Recreation Needs Through Intergovernmental Cooperation William G. Colman
No Recreation Space Available Ernest M. Swanton
Providing Outdoor Recreation Jack L. Knetsch
CP+D=P William F. May
Lake City Junior College Forest Ranger School Announces Park Management Program C. R. Vinten
Nature and Wildlife Preserves in the Soviet Union S. Pereshkolnik
Vol 4 No 4 - October 1967
The Future of State Parks Hon. George F. Jackson
CampgroundsTomorrow is Already Here Ira B. Lykes
Camp-OmaniaFerment and Fuss! Ginny Ade
Underground TransmissionAn Old Idea with Growing New Appeal Kenneth Holum
Preservation of Nature Dr. Stanley A. Cain
Building Beauty into Recreation Master Plans Garret Eckbo
Wilderness Problems of the U.S. Forest Service Richard L. Bury
National Parks of Japan Tetsumaro Senge
Vol 5 No 1 - January 1968
Outdoor Education at Sandy Hook Richard C. Cole
A Guest Editorial Dr. Sal J. Prezioso
Trends in Nature Conservation in South Africa: Tourism Joe Möller
Trends in Nature Conservation in South Africa: Research Joe Möller
Hello Neighbor, Glad to be in your neighborhood... ... John Cooper
Landmark Legislation: Act No. 176 (State of Indiana)
Concerning Dangers in National Parks Gale Koschmann Zimmer
Park Standards Open Space and Quality William L. Landahl
Vol 5 No 2 - April 1968
The Braille Trail Janice Collins
Guest Editorial: The Act Richard J. Costley
The Noah's Ark Children's Farm John P. Hewitt
Scientific Research in National Parks Kai Curry-Lindahl
Nurserymen and the Highways F. Raymond Brush
How Can Best Balance be Achieved in Park and Recreation Area Development? W. Mark Gosdin
University Training for Park Management Arthur T. Wilcox
The University's Commitment to the Profession of Parks & Recreation Louis F. Twardzik
Preparation for Resource Administration Dr. Leslie M. Reid
Roadside Beautification, Planning, Planting and Management Wilbur J. Garmhausen
Vol 5 No 3 - July 1968
Farm Life from the Past...Can Enlighten the Future Ernst T. Christensen
Plant Materials Adaptable to Roadside Development and Their Management Robert B. Thornton
InterpretationThe Missing Ingredient? Ben D. Mahaffey
Conservation Message from the President Printed in the Congressional Record Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson
Toward the Ideal Self-guiding Nature Trail Robert J. Badaracco
The Challenge of Leisure Dr. Arthur T. Wilcox
National Parks and Equivalent Reserves Jean-Paul Harroy
Summer in the Parks Yvonne Lanier
Research Studies on the Giant Sequoia Trees James W. Howell
Vol 5 No 4 - October 1968
Petersburg "Living History" Martin R. Conway
Cape Perpetua on the Oregon Coast Mrs. Elizabeth L. Horn
Parks or Parking John P. Hewitt
Philmont Scout Ranch Marion Clawson
State Park Statistics - 1967 Ben H. Thompson
Park Road Standards
The Purpose of Park Roads George B. Hartzog, Jr.
Russian National Parks Novosti Press Agency (APN)
Vol 6 No 1 - January 1969
Where are we going...? George B. Hartzog, Jr.
Guest Editorial: Hide Not Your Light Under a Bushel William B. P???
Joint House-Senate Colloquium on Environmental Policy July 17, 1968 Laurance S. Rockefeller
Future University-Trained Park Administrators Dr. George L. B. Pratt
University Training for Park Administration Leslie M. Reid
Our Role in Training for Park Administration Dr. Garrett G. Eppley
InterpretationThe Essential Commitment Robert J. Badaracco
The Case Against Hard Pesticides Ralph A. MacMullan
What Can Pesticides Do?
Lake Michigan Compact Approved
On Planning an Underwater Park Charles Mehlert
AIMS II Environmental Taskforce Paul B. Dowling
Vol 6 No 2 - April 1969
Summer in the Parks - 1968 Russel Wright
A Fourth Dimension of History Edward P. Alexander
"Nature Interpretation" Dennis R. Baker
State Park Planning as Related to Urbanization George L. B. Pratt
Interpreting the Countryside Elisabeth Beazley
Thoughts on Nature Interpretation Conley L. Moffett
Nature in the City Paul B. Dowling
AIMS 6: Trees to Make the Cities Green Paul B. Dowling
Vol 6 No 3 - July 1969
The Old Men in Plaza Park Robert Sommer & Frank Becker
Swedish Nature Conservation and Forestry Lars-Erik Esping
Parks and Inner-city People Richard Kraus
Suggestions for Litter Removal and Sanitation in Remote Recreation Areas Dean W. Buchanan
Freedom from "Sound"
Daniel Boone is Dead David Lowenthal
Cooperation Between Government and Private Campground Owners Curtis G. Fuller
Vol 6 No 4 - October 1969
Snowmobiles Today Dr. Leslie L. Glasgow
The Role of Ecology in the National Parks Ian McTaggart Cowan
The Response of Parks & Recreation in Accepting the Challenge in Outdoor Recreation & Education James J. Truncer
Social Aspects of Outdoor RecreationThe Developed Campground John C. Hendee and Frederick L. Campbell
Tourism Marketing vs. Park Management John D. Hunt
The Management of Concessions and Other Services in National Parks in the United States Thomas F. Flynn, Jr.
ConcentrationThe Key to Quality in Outdoor Recreation Dr. Robert R. O'Brien
Demand for RecreationAn Essential Tool for Resource Planning Gordon D. Taylor
Vol 7 No 1 - January 1970
"We Must Always Return to This Earth." Sen. Edmund S. Muskie
Government and the Campground Entrepreneur Ray Agnew
Campground & Camper Market Research Wilbur F. LaPage
The Crisis in Environment: An Opportunity for Reconciliation Carl E. Bagge
Above Lake Needwood Robert L. Young
Ecology: Its Place in Water Management Dr. Stanley A. Cain
Problems in National Parks Management in East Africa Antoon de Vos
AIMS 9: Site Planning to Save Nature Paul B. Dowling
AIMS 10: An Ecological Viewpoint on Natural Beauty Paul B. Dowling
(Starting with the following issue,
the name was shortened to just Trends. There was an error in the
volume number of the next issueit was listed as 6 and not 7.)
Vol 6 (7) No 2 - April 1970
"Ecology and Politics in America's Environmental Crisis" Sec. Walter J. Hickel
Multiple Use of Rights of Way: a Challenge to the Past Carl E. Bagge
Should All of Our Environmental Waste be Economic Waste? Dr. Aaron J. Teller
The Snowmobile & Environmental Quality Malcolm F. Baldwin
People Problem, People Solution Howard Ennes
Carrying Capacity of National Parks in Japan Michio Oi
Environmental Analysis in Local Development Planning Hugh B. Montgomery
Vol 7 No 3 - July 1970
The Tökai Nature Trail Michio Oi
Conservation LawSeeking a Breakthrough in the Courts Luther J. Carter
Environmental Architecture: A concern for the public view of the forest landscape Edward P. Cliff
"Our Environment" George B. Hartzog, Jr.
Conservation, Politics, and Democracy John C. Hendee, Richard P. Gale, and Joseph Harry
The Future of County & Metropolitan Parks Robert D. Espeseth
The Future of Multiple Use James S. Bethel
Parks & Urban Mental Health Maury Lieberman
Vol 7 No 4 - October 1970
Oil Pollution Ira N. Gabrielson
Motivations of Wilderness Users William R. Catton, Jr.
Land for Posterity: Natur Conservancy Uses Loan Programs to Save Forests, Islands, Marshes Dennis Farney
Vol 8 No 1 - January 1971
Notes on the Conservation Revolution Paul Brooks
A Question is Asked: A Start for the Next 50 Years Louis F. Twardzik
What Today's College-age Youth Wants From State Parks Wayne C. Edwards
That Nebulous Word, "Conservation" Richard L. Bury
Values and Perspectives for the World of Tomorrow Jean Chrétien
A Psychologist Views Parks...Our Islands of Renewal Edwin B. Wenzel
The Human Cost of Ecological Imbalance Charles C. Johnson, Jr.
Campground Planning for the 1970's Malcolm I. Bevins
Vol 8 No 2 - April 1971
Now or Never Raymond L. Freeman
Creating Environmental Awareness B. Ray Horn
Interpreting the American LandscapeValues, Challenges and Opportunities Robert Badaracco
The American Public Executive: New Functions, New Style, New Purpose Harlan Cleveland
Vol 8 No 3 - July 1971
Black Ecology Nathan Hare
Living Historical Farms Ernst Christensen
Quantity or Quality? A Necessary Choice for Environmental Management Gerado Budowski
Does Recreational Development Pay Off? John C. Hendee
Parks and Process Jean Worth Matthews
Vol 8 No 4 - October 1971
A Parks and Recreation Essay Willard W. Brown
Will 10,000,000 People Ruin All This Elliot McCleary
The Disney Imperative Wesley Marx
Placing a Dollar Sign on Urban Parks Donald G. Brauer
Outdoor Recreation UseA U.S. Forest Service Report Elwood L. Shafer, Jr. and Rita M. Rammrath
Toward an Environmental Ethic Rogers C.B. Morton
Vol 9 No 1 - Jan/Feb/Mar 1972
Wilderness Preserved Roderick Nash
The Universe of Wilderness is Vanishing Robert Marshall
The Wilderness: Just How Wild Should It Be? Eric Julber
Is the Wilderness Act Working? Michael McCloskey
Public Hearings: "Show and Tell Time" for Wilderness Robert B. Kasparek
Are Americans Receiving Full Benefits from Wilderness? James R. Turnbull
Myths in Wilderness Decision Making George H. Stankey
Preservation of Desert Wilderness Walter P. Taylor
Wilderness and Its Values William O. Douglas
Vol 9 No 2 - April/May/June 1972
Townscape & Landscape: The Coming Battleground Grady Clay
New Strategies from Open Space Philip R. Pryde
Tomorrow is Now for the Parks and Recreation Professional Kenneth J. Smithee
National Parks for the Future John M. Kauffmann
National Park Perspectives Anthony Wayne Smith
Park Space for Urban America John P. Keith and John P. Milsap
Land Use Reform and the Environmental Challenge Lance Marston
Trails: Who Needs Them? Dorothy Boyle Huyck
Vol 9 No 3 - July/Aug/Sept 1972
Snowmobiles: Love 'Em or Hate 'Em James D. Perry and Les Line
The Off-Road Experience Frederick M. King
The Invasion of the Awful ORVs Jack Hope
A Statutory GuideSnowmobiles and Other Off-Road Vehicles
ORRV Facilities and Legislation at the State Level
Vol 9 No 4 - Oct/Nov/Dec 1972
Urban Role of Cemeteries
People, Parks, Plans, Programs & People Robert E. Everly
Power Issue: To Strip the Land or Not Richard Corrigan
Geothermal Energy
Significance of Strip-Mined Coal
Vol 10 No 1 - Jan/Feb/Mar 1973
Projected the Future in the Worldwide National Park Movement Kai Curry-Lindahl
The Master Plan for National Parks and Their Regional Setting Sylvia Crowe
Help for National Parks The International Union for the Conservation of Nature
Development and Training of Personnel Kenton R. Miller
Management of Flora and Fauna in National Parks Hugh F. Lamprey
Upgrading Park Interpretation and Communication with the Public Don Aldridge
An Ecosystem Approach to Marine Parks and Reserves G. Carleton May
How Well Has the U.S. Managed Its National Park System Nathaniel P. Reed
Second World Conference on National Parks: Recommendations Delegates to the 2nd World Conference
IUCN Resolution 1, A National Park Definition
(Starting with the following issue,
the volume/number was dropped from the issues. The following
volumes/numbers reflect what would have been designated for each
Vol 10 No 2 - April/May/June 1973
Introduction: Campground Reservations
Campground Reservation Systems: A Study James T. Burnett, III
Should Function or Policy Dictate Planning Clare A. Gunn
Vol 10 No 3 - July/Aug/Sept 1973
Introduction: Culture Comes of Age in America Berenice Reed
I. Old Places Into New Programs
II. Programs Without Facilities
III. Special Spots
IV. New Directions
Vol 10 No 4 - Oct/Nov/Dec 1973
Vest-Pocket Parks are Alive and Well in Missouri Dorothy Bajak
Solid Waste DisposalSomeone Else's Business Don Frifield
The Harlem River Bronx State ParksAn Experiment in Urban Recreation Dorothy Bajak
Some Capacity Theory for Park and Recreation Areas Rendel Alldredge
Vol 11 No 1 - Jan/Feb/Mar 1974
Intergovernmental Participation
Accommodating the HandicappedAn Introduction Richard L. Austin
Efforts to Adapt National Forest Recreation Area for Use by the Handicapped Arthur J. Carroll
Considerations in Accommodating the Handicapped Dave Park
Intergovernmental Participation in Land Use PlanningFrom Rhetoric to Reality Warren T. Zitzmann
A-95Ha it made a contribution to urban planning? David Myhra
The Adirondack Park Agency Rendel B. Alldredge
Vol 11 No 2 - April/May/June 1974
Principles of Interpretation Freeman Tilden
Living with the land William C. Beckner
The Challenge of Professional Interpretation Nelson T. Bernard, Jr.
Interpretation for Recreation Rex E. Derr
Interpreting Parks for KidsMaking it Real Gary Machlis and Donald R. Field
The Interpretive Encounter: Breaking the Barriers Steve Van Matre
Vol 11 No 3 - July/August/September 1974
Trends for the Handicapped
Making Parks and Recreation Areas Accessible
Who Are the Handicapped?
The Handicapped Speak About Their Recreation Needs
Planning for Everyone
Uncle Wheelchair Visits Park and Recreation Areas
Budget Ways to Make Your Facilities Accessible
Public Facilities: Legal Obligations
Ideas for Accommodating the Handicapped
Reaching Out
Who Can You Turn To?
Nature Trail for the Senses
A Recreation Area for the Handicapped
(Starting with the following issue,
the publication Guideline was incorporated within each issue of
Vol 11 No 4 - October/November/December 1974
Understanding Our Heritage
Understanding Our Heritage: an introduction
A New Age of Railroading in the 70's
National Register of Historic Places
National Historic Landmarks Program
Historic American Buildings Survey
Historic American Engineering Record
The Government As a Landlord for Historic Properties
Living History: An Active Interpretation of The Past Steve Lewis
Guidelines for Historic Preservation and Building Codes Giorgio Cavaglieri
Financing Historic Preservation Efforts Richard Mehring
Preservation of the Restored Structure Henry A. Judd
State Historic Preservation Plan Duncan Muckelroy
Black Historic Landmarks
Industrial Archeology: A New Dimension to Historic Preservation
Landscape Restoration in Yonkers, N.Y.
Who Can You Turn To?
A Basic Bibliography for Preservation Philip D. Spiess II
Vol 12 No 1 - January/February/March 1975
Trends in Communication
Good Communications for Park and Recreation Managers Ed Winge
A Statewide Communication Effort
Getting the Word Out
How to Write a News Release Tom Wilson
Preparing Effective Public Service Announcements Jean Henderer
Getting Your Story on the Air Jerry W. Gause
Illustrating an Oral Presentation Effectively John S. Blair
Signs for Parklands Vincent Gleason
The Government for Graphic Design Jerome Perlmutter
What's In a Newsletter? Donna Logan
Before You Prepare a Publication
The Blue Pencil
Accurate Specifications Make Accurate Estimates
From Copy to Galley to You
Mapping Richard Saul Wurman, Howard Brunner, and Nancy Donovan
Staging a Public Event
Setting Up a News Conference
Emergency Media Relations
Film: A Management Odyssey Grant Ross
Designing Effective Displays Eugene Behlin
Advertising Council
Vol 12 No 2 - April/May/June 1975
Trends in Environmental Education
Environmental EducationA Cornerstone of Park Interpretation Bill Dunmire
A Roundtable Discussion on Environmental Education
Environmental Dimensions Doug Evans
The Four "R's" of Education Steve Van Matre
The Strands Concepts Glenn Hinsdale
A Process Approach to Education Audrey Dixon
The Scope of Environmental Education Bruce McHenry
Cape Cod
John Muir Elementary School
Ragged Ridge Center
Delaware Water Gap
Lightship Chesapeake
Linking Living History and Environmental Education
Residential Approaches to Environmental Education
Attacking the Problems of the Environment through Education Lou Ritrovato
Natural Resource Management and Environmental Education Rodger Giddings
Energy Accounting Systems Jean Matthews
What Is the Federal Government Doing In Environmental Education Don Cook
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 12 No 3 - July/August/September 1975
Marine Biology, Parks and Recreation around the World
Looking at the International Side of Things Robert Milne
Sharing Ideas Across International Boundaries
Marine Parks: Planning for Recreation, Interpretation and Environmental Education Alan H. Robinson
Who Can You Turn To?
Learning By Sharing
Man and the Biosphere
The Nature Conservancy
ZZChange for the Future William Penn Mott, Jr.
A Financial Management Study for Pennsylvania Parks Charles H. Strauss
Vol 12 No 4 - October/November/December 1975
Park and Recreation Programs
The Importance of Recreation Programming Adah Parker Strobell
Recreation Programming
Using Volunteers for Park Recreation Programs
Interagency Action Saves and Serves Youth Sondra Kirsh
Bicentennial Recreation Program Ideas Bette Weseman
High Risk Programming
Who Can You Turn To?
Bicentennial Program Ideas: Bibliography
Vol 13 No 1 - January/February/March 1976
Introduction Gerald A. Rowe
Maintenance As A Career Gary Everhardt
Energy Conservation in the Park Eugene P. Krug
Planning for Maintenance Management Robert D. Espeseth
Preventive Maintenance
The Maintenance Service Center James W. Taylor
A Maintenance Management System for Highways Alfred L. Miller
Performance Standards for Maintenance
Pollution Abatement Oni Houston
Occupational Safety and Health Fred D. Tidwell
Maintenance of Historic Areas Dale Sipes
Cost Analysis, Budgeting and Maintenance Financial Records Theodore H. Schaefer, Jr.
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 13 No 2 - April/May/June 1976
CampingThe American Trend Ira B. Lykes
Attitudes and Spending Patterns in Michigan Private Campgrounds Eugene F. Dice
Campsite Reservation Systems Arthur W. Magill
Setting Realistic Rates Rollin B. Cooper
Making Room for Interpretation in Campgrounds Norman A. Bishop
Guidelines for Managing Backcountry Travel and Usage Victor B. Godin and Raymond E. Leonard
Adventure EducationOne Antidote for 'future shock' Dan Meyer
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 13 No 3 - July/August/September 1976
Scientific Research Emphasis
Rustic Architecture: The National Park Style Merrill Ann Wilson
Preserving the Congaree Swamp Robert L. Janiskee
Managing Coastal and Lake Systems Robert Dolan, Bruce Hayden, John Fisher and Paul Godfrey
Protecting Waterbirds Paul F. Buckley and Francine Buckley
A Look At A Retreating Shoreline Paul Godfrey
The River and the City Theodore Sudia
Vol 13 No 4 - October/November/December 1976
Innovative Financing
Zero Base Budgeting
Ways and Means to Stretch Tax Dollars Richard C. Trudeau
Getting a Grant
Fee or For Free Andy Leon Harney
Making Self-Operating Facilities Self-Sufficient Alfred Bennett Rosin
Historical Properties: A Case for Leasing William Forrey
Revolving Loan Funds and the Tax Reform Act of 1976 F. Aldrich Edwards
Investments and Trusts G. Randolph Worls
Gift and Take
In Support of Self-Operated Facilities Darrell Winslow
Financing Historic Preservation
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 14 No 1 - January/February/March 1977
Historic Preservation
Federal Legislation for Historic Preservation
Legislative Incentives for Historic Preservation
Guidelines for Rehabilitating Old Buildings
Field Procedures for Examining Humidity in Masonry Buildings W. Brown Morton III
Danger: Restoration May Be Hazardous to Your Health
New Tools for Preserving Old Buildings
Bringing the Building to the Lab: A story of the Park Service's new Preservation Laboratory
Refining a Refinery into a Park Andy Leon Harney
Underwater Archeology
Up from the Deep: What Happens to Objects Recovered from Underwater Sites Curtiss Peterson
Interpreting History Marcella Sherfy
The National Register of Historic Places
Recording Historic Buildings: Documenting Our Heritage
Emergency Recording: One Step Ahead of the Wrecker's Ball Eric Delony
The Grants-in-Aid Program
The Interagency Archeological Program
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 14 No 2 - April/May/June 1977
Natural Resource Management
Introduction Neal Guse
Planning for Natural Resources David Butts
Land Use Planning for Parks: What It's All About L. Lee Purkerson
Issues in Managing Shoreline and Underwater Park Resources L. Lee Purkerson
The Special Challenge of Endangered Species and Natural Resource Management John G. Dennis
Urban Wastes for Soil Rejuvination James C. Patterson
Pests: Controlling a Potential Enemy of Natural Resources George Mahaffey
Natural Fire in Yellowstone National Park Don G. Despain and Robert E. Sellers
An Interagency Fire Center at Boise
Natural and Cultural Resources Management: Elements of Compatibility Robert Stottlemyer
National Park Estuarine and Coastal Marine Fisheries Management Gary E. Davis
A Computerized Accounting System for Backcountry Use Donald R. Field, Marisue Wells and Robert Flewlling
The Effects of a Drought on Natural Resources
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 14 No 3 - July/August/September 1977
Public Involvement Emphasis
Navajo Initiative In Land Use Planning Pat Conner
Youth Conservation Corps Grover Barham
Guidelines for Planning Youth Programs David J. Cullen and Marshall Gingery
A Catalog of Energy Saving Ideas
Project W.E.Y. Andy Leon Harney
C.A.P.R.E.Capital Area Park and Recreation Executives F. Frank Rubini
Public Involvement In Planning for Yosemite National Park John J. Reynolds
Evaluating NPS Visitor Centers E.H. Zube, J.F. Palmer and J.H. Crystal
On the Road With Trailside Country School Andy Leon Harney
Commercial Horseback Riding in Rocky Mountain National Park Richard G. Trahan
Vol 14 No 4 - October/November/December 1977
Arts in the Parks
Introduction Jean C. Henderer
Artists for Environment Joel Corcos Levy
Summerthing Barbara Rae Volgeman
Nature Motivates Creativity and Learning Gretchen Fosse
Traditional Folk Arts and Parks Joe Wilson
Glen Echo Park Beverly Chapman
Music in the Meadow Darrell G. Winslow
Celebrating the Environment Through Dance Audrey J. Karr
Firehouse Art Station Callie Whitney
Recycling Found Places for the Arts
Make Your Own Music Audrey J. Karr
Financial Support for Community Arts
The Role of Community Parks and Recreation Departments in Promoting the Arts Raymond T. Forsberg
Who Can You Turn To?
(Starting with the following issue,
the volume/number was resumed for each issue.)
Vol 15 No 1 - Winter 1978
Park Management
Park Forecasting William C. Everhart
Issues and Challenges: Management Perspectives Charles H. Odegaard, George Hamilton, Philip Huey, Bonne Moon and James Truncer
Energy Conservation Oni P. Houston
Generating Park Revenue Charles R. Spears
Pursuing Gifts of Land and Money Wayne C. Kennedy
Education for Park Management Careers Leslie M. Reid
Park Law Enforcement Philip K. McKnelly
Thinking About Vandalism Robert Fichter and Alvin B. Scott
Resource Protection Andrew E. Hutchison
Workload/Cost Tracking Chrystos Siderelis
CETA and the Harpers Ferry Job Corps Center David J. Cullen and Marshall A. Gingery
Restoring Franklin Park Jonathan C. Dopkeen and Mark P. Cullinan
Montgomery County, Maryland's Creative Master Plan
Retreating for Interpretation Robert Weldon Baird
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 15 No 2 - Spring 1978
Serving Special Populations
Affirmative Action for Special Populations in the National Park Service William J. Whalen
The Common-Sense Solution Frank G. Bowe and Laurence D. Wiseman
Let's-Play-To-Grow Eunice Kennedy Shriver
Children's Experimental Workshops Wendy Ross
A Challenge for Park and Recreation Managers Russell Cahill
Before We Can Understand Recreation for Handicapped People... Paul Hippolitus and Dr. John Nesbitt
NPS Guidelines for Serving Special Populations
Design Standards for Providing Accessibility
Recreation for Deaf People Barbara Pomeroy and Kathleen Zaccagnini
Special-Use Trail Walter Jones
Interpretation for Retired National Parkgoers Gordon Bultena, Donald Field and Renee Renninger
Gateway Reaches Out J. Daniel Houtman
Therapeutic Recreation Center David D. Henderson
Research Findings on Specialized Interpretation Maureen McDonough, Donald Field and James Gramann
Project Touch Gary M. Robb and Jeffrey P. Witman
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 15 No 3 - Summer 1978
Medley of Summer Concerns/Opportunities
Arizona's Unique State Park Michael Ramnes
A Capital Idea for Summer Fun Vicki J. Glenn
How to Plan a Golf Course Harry C. Eckhoff
Ranger's Four-Pawed Partner Sandy Bryson
Point Mallard Aquatic Center Julian Walker
Resolving Conflicting Use on Michigan's Inland Lakes Keith Wilson
New Approaches to Safety Problems Duane K. Enger
Handling Mountaineering Emergencies
Safe Boating Tips
Banking On the Wind
Camping: What You Can Expect in 1985 Malcolm I. Bevins
The RV Industry and Campgrounds Bill Spanke
Water-Based Parks: A County Approach James B. Work
Bikeway Planning Daniel Smith, Jr.
Bicycle Safety Tips
Bikeway Funding Sources
Vol 15 No 4 - Fall 1978
Urban Park and Recreation Opportunities
Urban Parks: A Professional Perspective William J. Whalen
Historic Preservationists and Conservationists: Partners for Urban Livability James Biddle
Conservation, Parks, and Urban Revitalization Dwight F. Rettie
NPS and Urban Parks: Past Record, Future Promise Theodore R. McCann and Nancy J. Schmitz
Boston's Urban Wilds Ralph Memolo
Improving Access to the Parks Harrison A. Williams, Jr.
Seattle Park Bridges a Freeway Lou Anne Kirby
Preserving Special Landscapes Donald W. Humphrey
The City Park August Heckscher
National Urban Recreation Study Findings
Meeting Milwaukee's Urban Recreation Challenges Larry L. Lennox and staff
A Park Comes to Charlestown D. Thomas Ross
Federal Support for Local Park and Recreation Systems Judith S. Benedict
Conclusion Ira J. Hutchison
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 16 No 1 - Winter 1979
Energy Conservation and Environmental Education
Introduction Robert L. Herbst
Roundtable Discussion: Energy/Environmental Education in Our National Parks
Is Environmental Education for People...Or for the Birds? Rudy Schafer
A New Partnership: Environmental Education and Recreation Barbara B. Clark
Environmental Education and Energy Management at Mesa Verde National Park Ronald R. Switzer
A National Center for Environmental Education Alexander J. Barton, Walter E. Jeske, and George L.B. Pratt
Appreciating Our Built Environment Pamela Caldwell
Extending Networks from Park to City Sam Holmes
Teaching the Land Ethic Tamra Peters
Bare Bones to Nicely Muscled Environmental Education Audrey Dixon and Stan Lock
A New Frontier for TVA John R. Paulk
Energy As a Baseline for Environmental Education Jean Matthews
It's Not Easy...But It Sure Is Important!
On the Nature of Things And What It May Teach Us Thomas A. Robertson and Sandra M. Lauffer
Values and Environmental Education Audrey Dixon
Who You Can Turn To
Vol 16 No 2 - Spring 1979
Rivers and Trails
Introduction William J. Whalen
An Analysis of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System and Alternative Means of River Preservation Robert Eastman and Howard Brown
The Appalachian Trail Dave Richie
The National Trails System
A Triumph of Volunteerism Henry W. Lautz
Minnesota's Wild and Scenic Rivers Program Michael Priesnitz
Urban Waterscapes Tedd McCann
Less-Than-Fee Acquisition of River and Trail Corridors Howard Brown
Managing Visitor Use On Whitewater Rivers David W. Lime
A Partnership Approach to Protecting and Managing A River Gerald L. Stokes
Linear Park Management Challenges: Three Perspectives Kenneth J. Smithee, Joe Brown, and William C. Birdsell
Carrying Capacity David W. Lime
Instream Flows and Recreation Ronald Hyra
Acquisition and Development of an Urban Regional Trail System Hulet C. Hornbeck
Owl Trail Robert B. Kauffman
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 16 No 3 - Summer 1979
State Parks
Introduction Ney C. Landrum
Message from National Park Service Director William J. Whalen
Annual Information Exchange
Parks & Programs of Note
Natural Resource Management
Restoration & Living History
Energy Conservation
Cooperative Ventures
Serving Special Populations
Creative Management & Public Relations
Structures, Signs & Parking Tips
Who Can You Turn To?
Letter from the Editor
Vol 16 No 4 - Fall 1979
Law Enforcement and the Park Mission
Introduction Boyd Evison
Message from National Park Service Director William J. Whalen
Ranger Image John M. Morehead
Constitutional Law George F. Knight
Law Enforcement in the Wilderness J.W. Wade
State Approach to Park Law Enforcement: Illinois Charles L. Tamminga
State Approach: Arkansas Richard W. Davies and Tyler Hardeman
State Approach: New York Charles F. Hurley
U.S. Park Police Meet Urban Challenges Captain Robert E. Langston
Background of the U.S. Park Police Major Jack M. Sands
Civil Liability Rick Gale
Are Park Managers Part of the Problem? John Harris, Ph.D.
Behavior Modification James F. Burke, Richard Schreyer, Ph.D. and John D. Hunt, Ph.D.
Cleveland's Ranger Training Academy Louis Tsipis
Developing a Resource and Visitor Protection Management Program James Brady
A "Delicatessen" with Rangers Denni Piper
Vol 17 No 1 - Winter 1980
Safety and Occupational Health
Introduction Nancy Blauvelt
NPS Approach Leroy Spivey
Planning and Design for Safety and Emergency Provisions Monty L. Christiansen
Risk Recreation: Philosophical Issues Joel F. Meier
Towards a System for Evaluating Visitor Safety/Accident Control Programs in Parks and Recreation William W. Davis
Occupational Hazards and Industrial Hygiene Connie Villar
Accident AnalysisA Statistical Survey of Park and Recreation Accidents Kay Doerr
Risk Management in The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission Richard C. Stevenson
Safety as a Collateral DutySeashore State Park Thomas L. Gregory
Road and Highway SafetyTort Liability David C. Oliver
Providing Safe and Healthful Concession Facilities and Services L.E. "Buddy" Surles
Bridge Safety Donald Miller
Safety for Special Populations Mary C. Rubin
Conclusion: Importance of Effective Communications in Your Safety Management Program John Hast
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 17 No 2 - Spring 1980
Partnerships for Survival
Introduction Chris Therrai Delaporte, Director, HCRS
NRPA: Meeting New Challenges Through Partnerships John H. Davis
Business/Government Partnerships Boost Public Leisure Opportunities Tish Hunter
Contractual Services: A Catalyst for Partnership Clare Beckhardt
From the Ground Up Mayor Jim McConn
Why Volunteer? Kerry Kenn Allen
Volunteer Partnerships at Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Peggy O'Dell
Legal and Logistical Aspects of a Volunteer Program Betty Murphy
Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area Robert S. Chandler
The Pinelands National Reserve Sean Reilly and Chick Fagan
PEPCO: In Partnership with the Community James H. Parsons, Stephen M. Genua, and D. Scott Gravatt
The W&OD Railroad Regional Park Darrell G. Winslow
Partnership Dynamics Howard Levitt and Ray Murray
HCRS: A Partner and a Partnership Broker Meg Maguire
Who Can You Turn To?
Letter from Your Managing Editor
Vol 17 No 3 - Summer 1980
The Park and Recreation Employee
Introduction Maureen Palmedo
Confessions of a Country Mouse Ellen Ruth Reiss
Gateway Boosts Urban Career Opportunities Herbert S. Cables, Jr.
Urban Interpretive Services: An Investment in the Future Steven Kahn
Upward Mobility Dorothy Benton
Theme Park Employment Connie Desaulniers
Goodyear's Approach Bernard A. Watts
The Industrial Recreation Boom: An interview with Patrick Stinson, Executive Director of the National Industrial Recreation Association
Meet Your Colleagues
Robert Conner, Therapeutic Recreation Specialist, Washington, DC Department of Recreation
Bill Matheson, Maintenance Supervisor, Fort Worden State Park, WA
Roy W. Feuchter, Director of Recreation Management, USDA Forest Service
Mary Alice Bivens, Director, Arizona Outdoor Recreation Coordinating Commission
Jon J. Gruver, Recreation Specialist, US Navy, Special Services
Marty Silver, Seasonal Interpreter and Park Naturalist, Warriors' Path State Park, TN
Preparing Park and Recreation Professionals Today Richard Kraus and Delores Williams
Time for Change Karen Drucker
Reaching Out to High-Risk Youth Robert Peterson
Guide to the Governmental Job Market Kevin Coyle and Carl Friedrich
NRPA Employment Services Donald Henckel
Vol 17 No 4 - Fall 1980
Vegetation Management
Introduction Mai Liis Bartling
Choosing Appropriate Vegetation Charles M. Sacamano
Managing Urban Forests for Recreation John F. Dwyer
Breeding Better Trees for People Frank S. Santamour, Jr.
Plan Before You Plant Monty L. Christiansen
Integrated Pest Management William and Helga Olkowski
IPM in Modesto: A case study
Recreation Opportunity Spectrum: A New Management Concept Thomas A. Hoots and Leon J. Buist
How to Start a Street Tree Program Richard D. Marling
Managing Recreational Fields of Turfgrass John R. Street
Evolution of a Policy for Vegetation Management John Nicoles
Vegetation Fire Control at East Bay
Vol 18 No 1 - 1981
Water-based Recreation
Introduction Maureen Palmedo
New Jersey's Urban Waterfronts Elizabeth Chase
Safety and Law Enforcement on Chesapeake Bay Captain James M. Hurley
Managing Idaho's Water-Based Recreation Robert L. Meinen
Water and Power Boosts Recreation Opportunities Kathy Brocato, Ph.D.
Recycling Detroit's Riverfront Harriet Sapperstein
Producing Better Sport Fish James E. Weaver, Ph.D.
Portland Returns to Its Waterfront Douglas W. Bridges
Outlook for Recreational Boating Michael G. Sciulla
Management Strategies at Fire Island National Seashore staff
Pacific Power and Light Company: A Corporate Good Neighbor Lee Carothers
TVA Lends Recreation a Hand George M. Humphrey, Robert A. Marker, and Richard D. Austin
Recreational Offerings of Pennsylvania Power and Light Richard E. Cary
Delaware's Water-Recreation Tourism Susan M. Laporte
Riding the Crest of the Water Slide Boom Robyn Bebbington
Vol 18 No 2 - 1981
Coping with Cutbacks
Introduction George Turnbull
Minnesota Saves Through Careful Planning Linda Pierce, Laurie Young, and Mike Miller
Quality Interpretation through Citizen Involvement William H. Sontag
Energy Saving in Ohio State Parks Don Olson
Creative Financing in a Cutback Era Richard C. Trudeau
Senior Citizen Park Maintenance Corps Bob Feeney
How a Regional Park District Cuts Costs Darrell G. Winslow
Strategies for Managing Fuel Cutbacks William Murphy and Eddie Hueston
Seattle's Advisory Councils C. M. "Bud" Girtch
Productivity through Worker Incentive and Satisfaction Daniel G. Hobbs
Vol 18 No 3 - 1981
Equipment and Facilities Design
Introduction Frank C. Goodell
Innovative Park Design for the 1980's John W. Bright
Energy-Efficient Sportsmen's Park R.O. Forson
Facility Design: Style or Stereotype? Bill Sontag
Fremont's (NB) Vandal-Resistant Restrooms Joe Collins
Equipment for Battling Forest Fires Steve Such
Rediscovering Geothermal Energy Ray Lowery, Jr.
How the Forest Service Tests Equipment Eunice Waldmann
Alternate, Energy-Saving Vehicle Technology John Hoke
Electric Vehicles in the Park John Hoke
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 18 No 4 - 1981
Urban Forestry
Introduction Kathleen A. Pleasant
Research Programs in Urban Forestry George H. Moeller
Resource Management in Visitor Use Areas Jonathan B. Jarvis
Wildlife in City Parks Thomas M. Franklin
Forestry in Planning and Development Gary A. Moll
Recycling Trees: Upgrading an Urban Forestry Program Roger Moellendorf
Forests in the City Charmaine Ng
Interpretation of Urban Natural Areas Lurrie V. Pope
Urban ForestryForestry of the Future Frederick J. Deneke and Larry E. Biles
Urban ForestryTyler Arboretum Style David B. Williams
Cost Effectiveness in Managing Urban Forests E.R.F.W. (Ted) Crossman, Philip A. Barker and J. Alan Wagar
National Urban Forestry Conference Richard Pardo
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 19 No 1 - 1982
Trends in Natural Resources Management
Message from NPS Director Russell E. Dickenson
Introduction: The Greening of Natural Resources Management Roland H. Wauer
Integrated Pest Management George M. Gardner
Fire Management Update David B. Butts
On the Biology and Management of Species Threatened with Extinction A.R. Weisbrod
Wildlife Population Management Christine Schonewald-Cox
Minerals Management Charles W. Wood and Daniel M. Hamson
Resources Management PlansA Strategy for the Future Milford R. Fletcher and William R. Supernaugh
Natural Resources Management Training in the NPS Douglas Morris
Natural Resources Management Development (Trainee) Program
Natural Resources Management in the ParksAn Explosion of Complexities Gary L. Gregory
Role of New Resource Managers in the NPS Bryan Harry
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 19 No 2 - 1982
Trends in Maintenance Management
The Importance of Maintenance Russell E. Dickenson
Introduction George Gowans
A Project Evaluation Program Stanley Albright
Maintenance StandardsA Report from the National Society for Park Resources and the American Park and Recreation Society Arthur T. Wilcox
ConflictSecurity vs. Life Safety Quinton Y. Lawson
Adaptive Use of Cultural Resources Hugh C. Miller
Procedures and Requirements for a Facility Inspection and Inventory Program Donald Herring
Risk Management Robert D. Espeseth
A Fire Safety Equivalency System for Overnight Accommodations Harold E. Nelson
Some Reflections on Contracting James Wolfe
Hazardous Waste Management Frank J. Ruswick, Jr.
NRPA Maintenance Management Resources Kent J. Blumenthal
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 19 No 3 - 1982
Trends in Energy Management
Message from NPS Director Russell E. Dickenson
Introduction John Duran
Energy: Wild Card of the 80's Susan V. Allen
An Energy Management Plan that Really Works Susan V. Allen and Frank Pezzorello
Using the Energy Planning and Management System Bill Graham
Passive Solar Design Claude Thompson, Jr.
Alternative Energy Resources:
I. Two Approaches for Small Scale Solar Systems Richard Simmons and Richard D. Davis
II. Solar Electric Projects Addison Hulse
III. Wind Power Development Richard D. Davis
IV. Micro-Hydro Power John Teichert
V. Geothermal Potential D.M. Aughenbaugh
Micro-computers for Energy Data Processing Ted R. Dinkel
Retrofitting Historic Structures Peter W. Woodbury
The Insulation of Wood Frame Buildings Murray J. Cowan
Safety in Wood Heating Linda E. Newman
The Energy FutureThrough Rose-Colored GlassesDarkly James W. Sterwart
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 19 No 4 - 1982
Trends in Research and Applied Technology
Point of View... Frank Goodell
Introduction Jean Matthews with message from Bill Forrey
NPS, MAB and Natural Resources Christine Schonewald-Cox
Parks, Science and VolunteersA Winning Mix Mark C. Jorgensen
An Answer to "When Are You Going to Quit?" Rolf O. Peterson
Shoreline Stabilization through Marsh Restoration Bonnie Lou Gay and John T. Tanacredi
The Peregrine Falcon Story Jean Matthews
Catalytic Burn Theodore W. Sudia
Can Signs Help Visitors Control Their Own Behavior? Richard K. Ormrod and Richard G. Trahan
Monitoring Visitor Use for Interpretation at Urban Recreation Sites Donald R. Field, Darryll R. Johnson and James Gramann
Fire Control:
Designing Fire Programs for Parks James K. Agee
Fires on Florida's Merritt Island Bring Interagency Response Jack de Golia and Craig L. Rieben
Constitution Gardens LakeThe Ecological Connection John Hoke
Cooperative Park Study Units: A Study in Synergy James K. Agee, Donald R. Field and Edward E. Starkey
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 20 No 1 - 1983
Trends in Computers in Parks and Recreation
Introduction Richard J. Schroth, Re.D.
Maintenance Scheduling and Management System Chrystos D. Siderelis
Scheduling of Outdoor Athletic Facilities Dan Dahlquist and Ron Bullock
Labor Cost-Tracking System Richard J. Schroth, Re.D.
Computer Assisted Reservations Richard H. Keifer
Sesame Place Sandra G. Hanna
Plant Management System Carl R. Hahn
An Approach to In-House Computer Training Deborah Arfman White
The Paperless Office Karen Michaels
A Computerized Maintenance Analysis Control Procedure Chrystos D. Siderelis
Who Can You Turn To? Bibliography Robert T. Watts, Ph.D.
Vol 20 No 2 - 1983
Trends in Cultural Resources Management
Introduction F. Ross Holland, Jr.
Planning for Cultural Properties in the National Park System Louis E. Reid and Donald W. Humphrey
Identifying Significant Historical Resources: Some Principles from the National Historic Landmarks Program Benjamin Levy
Collection Management Planning in Parks Ann Hitchcock
Maritime Preservation in America Coming of Age J. Revell Carr
Interpretation of Indian Subject Matter David M. Brugge
Cultural Landscapes: An Emerging Concern for Resource Management Robert Z. Melnick
Administrative History as a Management Tool Barry Mackintosh
Managing Shipwrecks in Parks and Preserves Daniel J. Lenihan
Acid Rain: The Unknown Ingredient Mary V. Maruca
The PMI An Alternative to Crisis Maintenance James Skelton
Climatic Controls for Furnished Historic Buildings Lawrence Klock
Preservation Beyond Park Boundaries Jerry L. Rogers
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 20 No 3 - 1983
Academe: A Park and Recreation Resource
Professional Development Herbert Brantley, Ph.D.
Will Recreational Activity Lead to Better Health for the Elderly? Carol Cutler Riddick
Native American Interpretation/Environmental Education David Jackson
Cooperative Interpretive Training Program Donald S. Warder, Ph.D.
Changing Degree Programs to Enhance Student Skills Louis F. Twardzik
Carrying Capacity: Evolution of Management Concepts for the National Parks Patricia E. Aspland and Katharine A. Pawelko
Solving Park Problems: Developing a Social Science Research Plan Gary E. Machlis, Ph.D. and Edwin E. Krumpe, Ph.D.
Training Resource Managers: An International Program John Titre, Leslie M. Reid, Philip McKnelly, Allan S. Mills and J. Martin Goebel
Are Your Data Providing Information? Linda Caldwell and Chrytos Siderelis, Ph.D.
Computers in Academe Patricia Farrell, Ph.D.
Assessing Outdoor Recreation in the U.S. Lawrence Hartman
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 20 No 4 - 1983
Volunteers in the Park and Recreation Community
Message from the NPS Director Russell E. Dickenson
VolunteerismWhat It Is and How to Utilize It Roy Graybill
National Volunteer Project Cheryl Rawls
Discovering the Volunteer Spirit Where You Are Jill Welch
Are Volunteers the Answer? Sam Migliazzo
Youth Volunteers in National Parks Jean C. Henderer
Restoring the Historic Mojave Road Kevin Freeman
C.A.M.P.E.R. W.L. "Mike" Brittain
For the Birds: Volunteers in Research at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Irene E. Magyar
Volunteer Programs in the East Bay Regional Park District Richard C. Trudeau
Volunteers at New York State Historic Sites Maurice H. O'Brien
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 21 No 1 - 1984
Vandalism Control Management Offers Effective Cost Savings for Tight Park Budgets Monty L. Christiansen
Vandalism and Its Relationship to Design Brian J. Mihalik, Ed.D.
Vandalism: Law, Violations, and Intervention in Recreation Settings Harriet H. Christensen, Ph.D. and Nanette J. Davis, Ph.D.
Vandalism: Taking the Offense Richard Kauffman
Central Park Graffiti Removal Program Robert M. Powers and David A. Rosen
A User-Orientation to Managing Vandalism John L. Heywood, Gary W. Mullins and Sally Blower
Park Watch in San Jose Jay Castellano
Effectiveness Evaluation of Management Alternatives for Dealing with Park Safety and Security Problems James E. Fletcher
Vandalism-The Continuing Menace Carl E. Schoening
Sensitizing Youth to the Effects of Vandalism CM. "Bud" Girtch
Vandalism: A Research Priority Laura B. Szwak
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 21 No 2 - 1984
Resource-Based Management
Resource-Based Planning and Management Charles V. Bohart and Ralph C. Wilson
Soil Survey as an Aid to Recreation Resource Management George D. Bailey
Plants Materials for Conservation Robert S. MacLauchlan
New Parks from Old Cemeteries Robert A. Abernathy
Maximizing Land Resources William L. Hughes
Recreation Resource Management: Science, Art, or Guessing Game? (A Paradox in Land Stewardship) John T. Hultsman and Richard L. Cottrell)
Mining to Motorcycling Steven M. Eklund
Reservoir Timber Clearing and Fish Attractors Al Payne and Jim Robbins
An Expanded Resource Base With Master Volunteers Stu Sutherland
The Association Role in Resource-Based Management Walter N. Peechatka
Living With The Gypsy Moth Thomas H. Hofacker and Susan M. Tucker
Bringing Resource Utilization Down to Earth James F. Fisher and Vicki Sudmeier
Who Can You Turn to?
Upcoming TRENDS Issues
Vol 21 No 3 - 1984
Law-Related Issues for Park and Recreation Managers
Introduction Lowell V. Sturgill
Standards, Liabilities and the Park and Recreation Manager Richard L. Wilburn
Landfeatures, Locality, and Liability in Park Injury Cases Janna S. Rankin, J.D.
The Validity of Inspection Reports: An Interview with Frank E. Bird, Jr.
Discretionary Acts of Managers' Policy Decision-making Betty van der Smissen, J.D.
Landowner Liability Jeanne L. Langdon
Recreation and Parks Law Reporter James C. Kozlowski, J.D.
Take Your Lawyer to Lunch David A. Watts, Esq.
Waivers and Releases Betty van der Smissen, J.D.
Federal Tort Liability: Reform in the Wind John Lodge Euler and John J. Farley, III
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 21 No 4 - 1984
User Fees and Charges
Introduction Ray Murray
Visitor Fees in the National Park System: A Look Back Barry Mackintosh
Recreation User Fees - A Much Maligned Subject Jim Bossi
How To Establish a Price for Park and Recreation Services John Crompton
Revenue Management in the National Park Service Lynne Nakata
Fees May Have Adverse Impact on Recreational Use Immunity James C. Kozlowki
Recreational Use Fees on Public Lands Administered by the Bureau of Land Management Bruce R. Brown
Minimizing the Impact of Fees on Low Income Users Heather Fargo and Lynne Nakata
Recreation Fees on National Wildlife Refuges Nell Prior Baldacchino
Nationwide Study Documents: State of the Art in the Park and Recreation Finance Sarah M. Jones
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 22 No 1 - 1985
Safety Management Considerations for Motor Vehicles Richard L. Wilburn
Providing Accessible Transportation Systems for Disabled Visitors David C. Park and W. Kay Ellis
Outdoor Testing of Reflective Sign Materials Tom Nettleton and Dale Mrkich
AutoWorld R.J. Haller
Transportation Management at your Fingertips Wendy Zales
Disney's Efficient Transit Systems Walt Disney World Co.
Getting a Head Start on Transportation Access Dennis Cannon and Ruth Hall Phillips
Public Transportation Systems in National Parks and Monuments: The Case of Rocky Mountain National Park Richard G. Trahan
Lake Ouachita's Geo-Float Trail Julie B. Marcy
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 22 No 2 - 1985
Introduction Michael P. Rogers
From Coal Bunker to Recreation Asset Douglas R. Sachtleben
The Portland Experience Wendy Myers Brand and Fontaine Hagedorn
Pathfinders in Programming Ann M. Toole and Melvin Jay Sussman
East St. Louis Makes a Comeback Stanford Scott and Artis Talley
Citizen Roles in Delivery of Park and Recreation Experiences James A. Dievler
Marketing Fitness - Bolstering Recreation Melvin Jay Sussman
A Case Study in Maintenance Management Anne E. McDonald
A Computer-Based Maintenance Management System Christopher M. Burkhardt
Micro-Computers in Recreation Agencies Peter E. Sorant and Ann U. Gibbs
Adapted Boating for People with Disabilities Glo Webel and John Balicki
Pascagoula's Path to Better Health Linda Rosa
Vol 22 No 3 - 1985
Risk Recreation
Introduction Alan Ewert, Ph.D.
Risk Recreation: Trends and Issues Alan Ewert, Ph.D.
High Adventure Recreation in Organized Camping Rita Yerkes, Ph.D.
On The Razor's Edge: The Management of Risk Michael Mobley
Effects of Outdoor Leadership Certification on Safety, Impacts and Program Standardization David Cockrell and David Detzel
Outward Bound and Adventure-Based Education Ian Wade
Regulating Risks in the Nation's Parks Leo H. McAvoy, Ph.D. and Daniel L. Dustin, Ph.D.
The Challenge in Managing High Risk Visitor Activities Richard L. Wilburn
The Power and Impact of Risk Recreation for Special Populations Michael Mobley, Judy Deinema, Kelly Rowell and Gini Bradley
Perceptions and Choices of Risk Taking H. Peter Wingle
Risk Recreation in Higher Education Charles L. Mand
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 22 No 4 - 1985
Introduction: The Role and Responsibility of Interpretation as A Function in a Total Park Operation Vernon D. Dame
In-Service Training for Interpretative Excellence Loren W. Lusting
The Visitor Services Project: Visitor Data for Park Management Gary E. Machlis
Environmental Education and Interpretation Megatrends for The Future Louis Ritrovano
Docent Interpretive Program at Año Nuevo State Reserve Nina Gordon
Interpretation Research in the Corps of Engineers Janet Akers Fritschen
Understanding the Everglades David Price
Multi-Faceted Interpretation Julie B. Marcy
Visitor Safety Interpretive Survey Richard L. Cunningham
Interpretation in the Forest Service's Alaska Region Neil R. Hagadorn
Journal of Museum Education Looks at Historic Sites and Built Environments Ken Yellis
Interactive Use of Videodiscs in Interpretation Tom Kleiman
As Legend Has It The Use of Folklore in Environmental Interpretation Lyn Robinson
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 23 No 1 - 1986
Managing Environmental Health Problems in Park and Recreation Areas
Introduction: Environmental Hazards in Park and Recreation Systems Connie Kurtz
Managing Environmental Health Hazards Thomas F. Dalton
The Rational Use of Pesticides in Park and Recreation Areas Michael A. Ruggiero
Regulating Hazardous Substances Edward A. Klein
Special Food Operations Public Health Considerations Joseph P. Schock and Allen Kingsbury
Acid Rain's Multiple Impacts: Reason and Concern Rosemary Furfey
Noise Edward J. DiPolvere
Water Protection in Today's Age of Enlightenment F.L. Doyle and Gorden Leisch
Backcountry Sanitation Allen Kingsbury and Joseph P. Schock
Avoiding Legal Risks: Toxic Materials and Civil Liability Daniel P. Selmi
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 23 No 2 - 1986
Mission-Oriented Training Richard E. Powers
NPS Interpretive Skills Training Program Michael D. Watson
Video! Video! Susan Fischer Toole
A Manager Looks at Training Steven Lewis
Seasonal Law Enforcement Training Andy E. Hutchison
Evaluation of Training Anne Castellina-Dudley
Training as a Function of NPS Change David O. Karraker
The Individual's Role: Personal Growth and Development Lucia Bragan
The Non-computechnologists' Guide to Alternative Training Bruce Craig
The Natural Resource Specialist Trainee Program William H. Walker Jr.
Training for Organizational Excellence "How the Best Ones Do It" Staff of Zenger-Miller, Inc.
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 23 No 3 - 1986
Introduction Richard l. Wilburn
Emergency Medical Services Developing a Workable Program John L. Chew, Jr.
Mountain Medicine James N. Wurgler, M.D.
Prevent Emergencies with Protective Equipment Allen Hager
All-Risk Emergency Management Bill Pierce
Poisonous Plants Charles E. (Chuck) Martin, Sr.
Are You Liable? A Case Study James C. Kozlowski, J.D.
Survival Themes for Park Management Guy D. Whitmer
ADP Technology Helps Prevent Emergencies Richard L. Wilburn
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 23 No 4 - 1986
The Challenge of Managing Park and Recreation Areas William W. Davis, Ph.D.
For Managers Only - ADP: Partner or Parasite? Susan Smith
Managers Under Stress - A Look at Two Alternatives Laura G. Greene
Concessions Management for Visitor Service and Convenience Sherrill Joyner
Managing in Austere Times John F. Byrne
Bringing Management Vulnerability into Proper Perspective Richard L. Wilburn
Public Participation Bud Getty
Coaching Your Way to Effectiveness Lucia Bragan
Suggestions on Improving Your Writing Skills Ernest J. Berger
The Discretionary Function Exception as a Government Defense Against Claims - A Layman's Perspective Richard L. Wilburn
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 24 No 1 - 1987
Edmonton Parks and Recreation
Introduction: An Overview of Edmonton Parks and Recreation Barbara Drechsler
Strategies to Meet an Economic Downturn Don Ausman
Joint Golf Venture Wanda Wetterberg
Marketing Graham Deacon
Edmonton's Capital City Recreation Park J. Cam Finlay
Volunteers Help Provide Recreation and Cultural Services B.C. Anderson and P.B. Fearon
Mosquito Control Keith Evans
Facing the Challenge of Change in Facilities Edward Newhook
Parks Maintenance Management System Bill Follett
Ice ArenasPrivate or Public Sector Responsibility? Wanda Wetterberg
Cutting Energy Costs in Arenas Gordineer Warner
Computerizing The Program Planning Process Jill Bradford Green and Tim Moorhouse
Energy Management Gordineer Warner
Community Involvement in the Neighborhood Park Development Program Debi Anderson
Vol 24 No 2 - 1987
Federal Land Resource Planning
Introduction: Federal Land Resource PlanningInteragency Comparisons Robert L. Vertrees
Forest Service Planning for the National Forests Dennis L. Schweitzer
National Park Service Planning Cynthia deFranceaux
Planning in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Edwin A. Verburg and Richard A. Coon
Planning Approaches in the Bureau of Land Management David C. Williams
Comparison of Approaches to Public Lands Planning: U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Bureau of Land Management John Randolph
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 24 No 3 - 1987
Commercialized Outdoor Recreation
Introduction Alan Ewert
Towards a Theoretical Understanding of Commercialized Outdoor Recreation Alan Ewert
REI: The Cooperative Approach to Commercialized Outdoor Recreation Craig Rademacher and Bev Rademacher
Commercial Opportunities and Relationships with Wildland Recreation H. Ken Cordell
The President's Commission on Americans Outdoors Looks at Public-Private Partnerships Michael P. Rogers
Starting a Commercial Outdoor Recreation Enterprise: A Personal Experience Doug Greenaway
A University's Outdoor Program Ken Gilbertson
Educating for Entrepreneurship in Outdoor Recreation Mary Faeth Chenery and Christopher R. Edginton
Today's Outdoor Retailing Opportunities Glenn A. Bischoff
The Dollars and Cents of Outdoor Recreation on the National Forest Marc Petty and Elizabeth Norton
Beware of the Merchant Mentality Daniel L. Dustin, Leo H. McAvoy and John H. Schultz
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 24 No 4 - 1987
Model Programs for Managers
LeadershipManagement's Better Half John H. Zenger
Coping with Madness: Crisis Management in Yosemite Vicki Jo Lawson
Living History and Costumed Interpretation at George Washington Birthplace National Monument Paul Carson
Conservation of Ethnographic ResourcesA New and Developing Program in the National Park System Douglas H. Scovill
A Public Education Program to Reduce Head and Spinal Cord InjuriesA Resource for the National Parks Kathleen Cain
Washington, D.C.'s Hidden Treasure Walter McDowney and Carol Borneman
Office Productivity: A Function of Design and Human Needs Richard L. Wilburn
Interpreting Minorities and Women in the National Park System Barry Mackintosh
Operations Evaluation C.W. (Jack) Ogle
Riverside Park Gains Second Life Dolores M. Mescher
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 25 No 1 - 1988
Recognizing Women and Minorities in Park and Recreation Areas
Introduction Edwin C. Bearss
Commemorating Women's History: Civil Rights Sharon A. Brown
Native American Interpretation and Cultural Resource Management Linda Moon Stumpff
Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. Cathy Jones
Spanish Colonial Law and Women's Rights: New Mexico 1697-1763, A Historical Model Rosalind Z. Rock
My National Park Service Experience Jerry Shimoda
Helen Duprey Bullock: White-Collar Historian and Black Pot Cook Jannelle Warren-Findley
Zuni Traditional History in a Modern World Barbara Holmes
Women's History Landmarks Page Putnam Miller
The Spanish Black Legend: Origins of Anti-Hispanic Joseph P. Sanchez
Puukohola Heiau National Historic Site, Hawaii Rose M. Fujimori
Angels or Agitators? Avoiding Stereotypes in the Interpretation of Women Sandy Weber
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 25 No 2 - 1988
Introduction John Crompton
If At First You Don't SucceedLessons in Effective Implementation of Marketing Plans Nick Duray and Kevin Asher
Hennepin Parks: A Marketing Plan in Action John W. Christian and David P. Kostik
The Marketing Approach to Soliciting Corporate Sponsorships Jeff Kolin
CAUSE-RELATED MARKETING©: Doing Well By Doing Good John Compton
RestroomsA Marketing Approach Diana Kyle
Marketing The Mountains: Strategies and Tactics In Air Force Outdoor Recreation Philip Heeg
Marketing in a Special DistrictThe Foothills Experience John Bradley
Marketing Indoor Aquatic Facilities Joseph P. Downs and Brett Wright
Determining Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Park and Recreation Services Dennis R. Howard and Steve Cable
Using Characters in Promotion: The Gus and Goldie Example John Crompton
The Use of Video in Marketing Leon E. Younger and Jill M. Decker
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 25 No 3 - 1988
Urban Parks and Recreation
Introduction Thomas A. More
Levels and Patterns of Urban Park Use John F. Dwyer
Urban Parks as Social Settings: Visitors' Perceptions of Anti-Social Behavior and Crowding Theresa N. Westover, Ph.D.
The Positive Values of Urban Parks Thomas A. More
Perceived Quality of Urban Parks and Forests Herbert W. Schroeder
Urban Bicycle Trails: Use Patterns and User Preferences Paul H. Gobster
Older People in Urban Parks: How to Serve Them Better Geoffrey Godbey
The Economic Benefits and Costs of Urban Parks: An Overview Thomas Stevens and Thomas A. More
Implementing Equity in the Urban Recreation and Park Context Bruce E. Wicks and John L. Crompton
The Public's Awareness of Urban Parks Daniel Stynes
Neighborhood Stands: An Analogy for Urban Environmental Management James F. Palmer
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 25 No 4 - 1988
Demands for Outdoor Recreation
Introduction Gail A. Vander Stoep, Ph.D. and Lawrence A. Hartmann, Ph.D.
Trends in Leisure and Recreation: How We Got to Where We Are Gina McLellan, Ph.D. and George H. Siehl
Social Psychological Aspects of Outdoor Recreation Richard Schreyer, Ph.D.
Participation Shifts in Outdoor Recreation Activities Joseph T. O'Leary, Ph.D., F. Dominic Dottavio, Ph.D. and Francis A. McGuire, Ph.D.
The Changing Future of Outdoor Recreation Lawrence A. Hartmann, Ph.D., H. Ken Cordell, Ph.D. and Helen R. Freilich
Non-Recreational Wilderness Use Comes of AgeAgain Patrick C. Reed, Ph.D.
Rumblings of Resurgence: Expanding Roles of and Techniques in Interpretation Gail A. Vander Stoep, Ph.D.
The Discretionary Function Immunity Trend in Federal Recreation Liability James C. Kozlowski, J.D., Ph.D.
The Future Supply and Demand for Outdoor Recreation in America John C. Bergstrom, Ph.D. and H. Ken Cordell, Ph.D.
A Recreation Renaissance is Coming! Elwood L. Shafer, Ph.D., George Moeller and H. Ken Cordell, Ph.D.
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 26 No 1 - 1989
International Cultural Resources Cooperation
Cultural Resources, the National Park Service and the International Scene Jerry L. Rogers
The World Heritage Convention Ernest Allen Connally, Ph.D.
The World Heritage List (as of November 1989)
Selecting America's World-Class Treasures: The Indicative List of Potential World Heritage Nominations James H. Charleton
Spanish Heritage Cultural Resources Inventory Richard R. Henderson
International Training in Cultural Resource Preservation Terry B. Morton
Photogrammetry and Related Documentary Techniques for the National Park Service Perry E. Borchers
The Arneri Palace: An American/Yugoslavian Preservation Project Russell V. Keune
Diagnostic Methods for Evaluating Conditions and Managing Change in Historic Structures Hugh C. Miller
The National Park Service's List of Classified Structures and Cultural Resources Management Bibliography Alicia Weber
Heritage Conservation and National Symbols Richard J. Cook
Commemorating the Christopher Columbus Quincentenary: Designated National Park Service Units
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 26 No 2 - 1989
Outdoor Recreation Supply
Introduction Donald B.K. English
The Measurement of Recreation Scarcity Winston Harrington
The Costs of Producing Recreation on National Forests Steven E. Daniels and H. Kenneth Cordell
The Supply of Recreational Lands and Landowner Liability: Recreational Use Statues Revisited James C. Kozlowski and Brett A. Wright
Public Recreational Access to Private Lands: An Update on Trends and the Foreseeable Future H. Kenneth Cordell and Brett Wright
The Issue of Physical Access: Rights, Trails and Services Donald B.K. English
Local Trails: A Nationwide Opportunity for Natural Resource Enjoyment and Conservation Barbara L. McDonald
Trends in Private and Public Campgrounds 1978-1987 Douglas McEwen and Linda Profaizer
Natural Area PreservationA Growing Movement Walter L. Cook, Jr.
The Non-Profit Sector as Recreation Suppliers Laura B. Szwak
The Effectiveness of Recreation Supply in These United States H. Kenneth Cordell and Donald B.K. English
Preparing for the 21st Century John F. Bryne
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 26 No 3 - 1989
Wildland Recreation and Contemporary Society
Change and Diversity in Wildland Recreation: An Introduction Alan Ewert
Wildland Recreation Use Trends H. Ken Cordell and George Siehl
Experiences in the Wilderness: Opportunities for Health Camille J. Bunting
Wildland Recreation: Bone Games of the Past or Salvation of the Future? Alan Ewert
Preparing and Planning for the 1990s John S. Scull
The Evolving Relationship Between Wilderness and the American People Alan E. Watson
Certified Wildland Recreationists? Steven Hollenhorst
The Outdoor Program Opportunity Matrix: Toward A Taxonomy of Outdoor Programs Anderson B. Young
Resurrecting the Frontier Leo H. McAvoy and Daniel L. Dustin
Resources for Wildland Recreation Areas Ken Gilbertson
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 26 No 4 - 1989
Risk and Liability in Park and Recreation Management
Introduction Connie Kurtz
Policy Compliance An Examination of Some Side Issues Richard L. Wilburn
The "L" Word Marty Sterkel
Fall InNo Come Back: Liability from a Backcountry Perspective Stephen Girswold
Speaking of Risk Mary E. Bean
Trends in Liability for Visitor Injuries in Public Parks Janna S. Rankin
Outdoor Recreation for People with Disabilities: A Risk or a Right? David C. Park
Making the Wildland Firefighter's Job Safer Art Jukkala, Bob Hensler and Ted Putnam
Hazardous Waste Management Cathy Davidson
Is Your Park a Dump? Connie Kurtz
A Basic Risk Management Library Seymour M. Gold
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 27 No 1 - 1990
Wellness and Fitness
Introduction John P. Bradley, Jr.
The Wellness Revolution: Implications for Parks and Recreation David A. Emmerling
The Wellness Revolution: Implications for Parks and Recreation: Part II Dennis E. Elsenrath
Wellness Through Leisure/Fitness Through Recreation Kathy J. Bartlett
The National Park Service and Wellness C.R. "Butch" Farabee
Recreation's Contribution to "Wellness in Defense" Thomas G. Jelcick
WellnessA Statewide Perspective Jim Liston
WellnessA Special District Robert Bonacci
Hospital Health Promotion: Growing Into the '90s Mary E. Longe
Wellness In Higher Education Neil Schmottlach
Sentry Wellness: A Tradition Since 1904 Ronald J. Cook
Enhancing Wellness in Rural Settings: A Colorado Case Study Sarah L. Richardson and Patrick T. Long
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 27 No 2 - 1990
Armed Forces Recreation
Introduction Rick Harwell
Military Recreation: A Historical Perspective Charles E. Hartsoe
Military Recreation in Colleges and Universities Dan Sharpless and Asuncion Hooks
Training Costs Too Much! Mike Judd
Beyond Bivouac: Outdoor Recreation Programming for the Military Market Phil Heeg
Fleet Recreation Today Leah Dempsey
Marine Corps MWR The Future is Now Greg Gordon
Recent Leisure Trends Among Navy Personnel Dennis K. Orthner and Laura I. Zimmerman
Research: A Need and Opportunity Peter Cunningham
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 27 No 3 - 1990
Trends in Travel and Tourism
Introduction Harold J. Nolan, Jr., Ph.D.
Must Tourism Threaten Parks? Clare A. Gunn
Trends in Tourism Market Research James A. Carr
Current Trends in Manpower Needs for the Tourism Industry Abraham Pizam, Ph.D. and Any Milman, Ph.D.
The Visitor and the Resource: Prospects for Protecting Resources and Enhancing the Visitor Experience Robert D. Barbee
Economic Trends in Tourism Evaluation Harold J. Nolan, Jr., Ph.D.
Servicing Visitors in the National Parks Brian J. Hill
Trends in International Tourism Through the Year 2000 David L. Edgell, Ph.D.
Marketing Tourism Into the '90s: Ideas for Facing a More Competitive Market Jack B. Samuels, Ph.D.
international Travel and National Parks: A Japanese Example Joseph T. O'Leary, Ph.D. and Francis A. McGuire, Ph.D.
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 27 No 4 - 1990
Preserving Natural Resources
Introduction F. Eugene Hester, Ph.D.
Conserving Biological Diversity John Dennis, Ph.D. and Michael Ruggiero, Ph.D.
Preserving Rare Species Napier Shelton, Ph.D.
Managing Alien Plants Ronald Hiebert, Ph.D.
Managing Wildlife in National Parks Gerald Wright, Ph.D.
Air...A Natural Resource David Joseph
Managing Water Resources Bill Jackson, Dan Kimball, Barbara West, Owen Williams and Stan Ponce, Ph.D.
Monitoring Natural Resources Gary E. Davis
Using Geographic Information Systems to Manage Natural Resources Phil Wondra, Ph.D.
Beyond Turf: Regional Approaches to Conservation Laurie A. Wayburn
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 28 No 1 - 1991
Model Programs for Managers II
Perceived Risks As a Marketing Factor in Recreation and Tourism Services Harold J. Nolan, Jr.
Developing a Solid Waste Management Plan for State Parks James P. Barr and Christi Gierloff
SCORP's After 25 Years, A New Beginning Marie Bostic and John Bradley, Jr.
Trail Safety: The Standard of Care Seymour M. Gold
Using Computer Technology to Support Program and Facility Evaluation: The Navy Model Peter H. Cunningham
Impact of State Parks on Pennsylvania's Economy Tim Coleman, Craig Davis and Erma Easy
NRPA Moves Into the Information Age Becky Charboneau, Kent Blumenthal and Rick Harwell
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 28 No 2 - 1991
Parks and Recreation Practitioners Prepare for the Year 2000
Introduction Guenther Vogt and Jennifer Jones
Who's In? Future Target Markets for Parks and Recreation Ellen O'Sullivan, Ph.D.
Managing the Whirlwind: Opportunities for Park and Recreation Services Michael H. Annison
Socio-Economic Outlook: Outdoor Recreation 2000 Kenneth E. Hornback
Older AdultsThe Current and Future Challenge LuAnne M. Mickelson
Trends in Youth Soccer S. Robert Contiguglia, M.D.
Trends in Urban Park PlanningA Southwestern Perspective James D. Coffman
Ducks Don't Vote: The Dilemma of Wildland Wildlife Managers Leslie Kerr, ASLA
The Central Park Controversy Marianne Cramer
Emerging Trends at the State Level Richard D. Westfall
Partners in Increasing Physical Activity and Promoting Cardiovascular Health: The Colorado Approach Linda Dusenbury and Tim Engels
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 28 No 3 - 1991
Land Ethics
Land Ethics: Promise or Paradox Alan Ewert
Trends in the Teaching of a Land Ethic in Environmental Education/WVU Gene Bammel, Lei Lane Burrus-Bammel and Steve Hollenhorst
Environmental Education: Teaching Land Ethics That Value Diversity Deborah J. Chavez
A Native American Concept of Land Ethics Robert Laidlaw
Land Ethics: Philosophical Background and Cultural Variations David Simcox
Urban National Forests: Land Ethics, Ethnicity and the Evolution of a "Land Ethic" Robert E. Pfister
Land Ethics in a Culturally Diverse Society Daniel Dustin, leo McAvoy and Janna S. Rankin
Recreation, Personal Experience and Environmental Ethics: The Role of Land Management Agencies Daniel S. Smith
Promoting Land Ethics: A Challenge for Interpretation Roberta M. Burzynski
Land Ethics: A Regional Perspective David Collins
Land Ethics in Outdoor Education: An Overview Chad Henderson and Abby Caul Scott
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 28 No 4 - 1991
Recreational Trails and Greenways
Introduction: Trends in a National System of Trails D. Thomas Ross
Trails A Nationwide System, A National Priority Bruce F. Vento
Washington: State of Trails Jim Eychaner
Metropolitan Greenways: Green Connections for Urban Areas Elizabeth Porter and Wink Hastings
Putting Down RoutesAnd Roots David Burwell and Peter Harnik
The National Trails System: What Should Uncle Sam's Role Be? Steven Elkinton
Trail Partnerships: The Key to the State's Role in Providing Minnesota Greenways Grant Scholen
REI: A Corporate Commitment to Trails Kathleen Beamer
Trails in Alaska's Matanuska-Susitna Charles F. Kaucic
A National System of Trails Scott Hall and Chris Soller
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 29 No 1 - 1992
Introduction Willam A. Smith
Environmental Impacts and Aquatics Roger Warren
Open-Water Beaches and Waterfronts Robert D. Espeseth
Five C's of Successful Programming Christine Crutcher and Brenda McVitty
Marina Development in the Public Sector William A. Jansen
Agency Policy Creates Duty to Warn/Prohibit Diving in De Facto Swimming Area James C. Kozlowski
Lifeguarding Just Isn't Enough! Today's Perspective on Aquatic Risk Management Jeffrey L. Ellis and Carol Lee Fick
Pool Designs: Select the Safe Shape Arthur H. Mittelstaedt, Jr.
Marketing Leisure Facilities and Programs Robert "Bob" Bradley
The Drowning Trap Robert B. Kauffman
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 29 No 2 - 1992
Partnerships in Parks and Preservation
Partnerships in Parks and Preservation William C. Walters
Introductory Remarks to Partnerships in Parks and Preservation Conference Attendees James M. Ridenour
Rochester and Its River: A Unifying Gift of Nature Christopher Lindley
The Rivers and Trails Program of the National Park Service: Assessing Resources for Corridor Projects Martha Crusius and Drew Parkin
The Bay Area Ridge Trail Council: A Model in Community Participation Barbara Rice and Marcia J. McNally
The Delaware and Lehigh Canal National Heritage Corridor: Community-Based Partnerships and Their Impacts Deirdre Gibson, Willis M. Rivinus, C. Allen Sachse and Isidore C. Mineo
The America's Industrial Heritage Project John Bennett, Brenda Barrett, Randall Cooley and Keith Dunbar
Chickasaw Cultural Preservation Policy and Projects Charles W. Blackwell and Gary D. Childers
Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve: Non-Traditional Management of a Nationally Significant Resource Cynthia Orlando and Gretchen Luxenberg
Reconciling Development and Park Protection: The Rincon Institute at Saguaro National Monument Luther Propst and Bill Paleck
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 29 No 3 - 1992
Computers in Parks and Recreation
Introduction Taylor Ellis
Using Personal Computers for Teaching and Research in Recreation and Leisure Studies Gary D. Ellis and Edward J. Ruddell
Local Computer Networks: Benefits and Risks from the Unit-Level Manager's Point of View William E. Leigh
Safeguarding Your PC Behshid Farsad
Implementing a Computerized System: Starting from Scratch William O. Dwyer
Computers at Naval Station Charleston Tim Campbell
Computer Applications to Parks and Recreation Past Efforts and Future Perspectives Michael G. Huffman and James E. Fickle
Arizona's L&WCF Registry: A Practical Map Database That's Valuable for Managers and Citizens Michael P. Rogers
Computers: Making Commercial Recreation Businesses Run Smoother! Taylor Ellis
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 29 No 4 - 1992
Celebrating Recreation
Introduction Douglas C. Speeckaert
Outdoor Recreation for Persons with Disabilities David W. Hewitt and Larry N. Crump
Balancing Outdoor Recreation in the Real Florida John C. Waldron
Seize the Day: Adventure Activities for Senior Adults Cindy Blanding
Living, Working and Playing at Fort Monroe, Virginia: It Doesn't Get Much Better Than This Paige D. Rockett
Hispanic Recreationists in the Wildland Urban Interface Deborah J. Chavez
Ohio's Corridors of Opportunity Charles E. Dressler
For Fiscal and Physical Fitness, Fairfax County Park Authority Makes the Corporate Connection Daphne Hutchinson
Community Programs Links Recreation to Wider Needs Michael P. Rogers
Recreation and Responsibility, Professional and Social John L. Hemingway
Resolving Conflicts of Recreation Users Seymour M. Bold
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 30 No 1 - 1993
Consortial Education in Action
Introduction to the Components of the Consortium Process Dan McDonald
Chautauqua Yesterday Consortium Today William A. Smith
Program Development and the Planning Process for Land Between the Lakes Consortia Homer Gray, Larry Contri and James Carpenter
An Outdoor Recreation Consortium Experiential Learning Program Marshall Masek
Exploring the Hidden and Co-Curricular Components of the Consortium Experience Christine Cashel
Cognitive Objectives of Consortia Curricula Stephen Holland
Designing Experiences for Affective Development in the Outdoor Recreation Consortium Curriculum Barbara Wilhite
Psychomotor Skill Development in the Consortium Curriculum Judy Brookhiser
Youth Agency Administration Requires Co-Curriculum Consortium Phil Jachowicz
A Rationale for Utilizing Limited Traditional Academic Resources for Support of Consortial Programs Larry M. Landis
A Student's Perspective of the Consortial Process Edward Caldwell
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 30 No 2 - 1993
Coastal Resource Management
Coastal Resource Management Stephen Holland, Ph.D.
Towards a Marine Conservation Ethic: Our Marine-Protected Areas Can Lead the Way Mark Orams
Park Planning in the Marine Recreational Environment: The Need for Comprehensiveness and Consistency William R. Gordon, Jr., Ph.D.
HurricanesProtection and Restoration of Park Facilities Ronald A. Cook, Ph.D., P.E.
CommUNITY Partnerships: A Creative Approach to Coastal Resource Development Ken Pagans
Interagency Interpretive Programs for Coastal Areas Jan Auyong, Ph.D. and Mike Rivers
Marine Recreation and Tourism: Dimensions and Opportunities Robert D. Espeseth
Coastal and Marine Ecotourism: A Formula for Sustainable Development? Marc L. Miller and Berit C. Kaae
The Use of Angler Ethics Education to Support Marine Fisheries Management Ronald L. Schmied
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 30 No 3 - 1993
Certification and Accreditation
Introduction Pat Farrell, Ph.D.
Continuing Education in Parks and Recreation: Trends, Issues and Potential Solutions - Michael G. Huffman, Ph.D.. and Mel A. Humphreys, Ph.D.
Quality Control in Maintaining Certification: The CEU Game - Stephen M. Holland, Ph.D. and M. Linda Thornton, Ph.D.
Responsibility Privileging in the Leisure Service Profession - Jeffrey P. Witman and Sharon J. Washington, Ph.D.
Professional Certification: Its Benefits and Problems - Nancy J. Gladwell and Cheryl S. Beeler
Accreditation Becomes of Age - Tony A. Mobley, Ph.D.
A Proposed Program for the Accreditation of Local Park and Recreation Agencies - Louis F. Twardzik
Certification, Accreditation and Professional Maturity - E. William Niepoth, Ph.D.
Are We Accrediting Small College Park and Recreation Programs Out of Business? - Robert Kauffman, Ph.D. and Annette Logan, Ph.D.
Accreditation: Bean Counting or Substantive Analysis - Pat Farrell, Ph.D.
COPA Reorganizes - Michelle Park and Samuel Hope
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 30 No 4 - 1993
Justifying Recreation and Park Services to Decision Makers
Repositioning Recreation and Park Services: An Overview - John L. Crompton, Ph.D.
Justification For Our Services: Have We Lost Our Way? - H. Douglas Sessoms, Ph.D.
Economic Impact Analysis: Myths and Misapplications - John L. Crompton, Ph.D.
A Profile of Companies That Considered Recreation and Park Amenities to be Important in Their (Re)location Decisions - Lisa L. Love and John L. Crompton, Ph.D.
The Role of Parks and Recreation Services in Retiree Relocation Decisions - Sheila J. Backman, Ph.D. and Kenneth F. Backman, Ph.D.
Rescuing Young Offenders with Recreation Programs - John L. Crompton, Ph.D.
Research Findings Related to the Potential of Recreation in Delinquency Intervention - Stacey McKay
Unemployment, Health and Leisure: The Role of Park and Recreation Services - Mark E. Havitz, Ph.D. and Clarence Spigner, DrPH
The Contributions of Recreation and Parks to Reducing Health Care Costs: From Theory to Practice - Geoffrey Godbey, Ph.D.
Negative Ions in Natural Areas Provide Health Benefits - Alen Nitzky and B.L. Driver
The Economic Contribution of Trees to Urban Communities - John F. Dwyer
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 31 No 1 - 1994
Sustainable Rural Tourism Development
Trends and Issues in Sustainable Rural Tourism Development: An Introduction John C. Crotts
Sustainable Rural Toursim: Principles and Practices Guy S. Swinnerton and Thomas D. Hinch
A Hidden Value of Sustainable Rural Tourism Development Steven W. Burr and Jeffrey A. Walsh
The USDA Forest Service and Rural Toursim Development: An Expanding Role Steve Selin and Franklin Lewis
Tourism Development Strategies in Smaller Communities of the Southwest Alan A. Lew
The Lessons of Deadwood, South Dakota: Gambling in a Historic Western Town Lowell Caneday and Jeffrey B. Zeiger
A Large Special Event as the Basis for Sustainable Rural Toursim Lowell Caneday and Jeffrey B. Zeiger
Social and Economic Issues in Marine Fisheries Allocations: A Florida Perspective Eric M. Thunberg, Suzanna D. Smith and Michael Jepson
The Impacts of Recessionary Cycles on Rural Tourism Employment Timothy J. Tyrrell
To Sustain is to Nurture, to Nourish, to Tolerate and to Carry on: Can Tourism? Jim Macbeth
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 31 No 2 - 1994
Taking the Hype Out of Ecotourism
Introduction John C. Crotts
Ecotourism: Old Wine in New Bottles? Geoffrey Wall
Estimating Demand for Ecotourism Sites in Developing Nations Kreg Lindberg and Rebecca L. Johnson
Ecotourism in Florida: A Local Look at a Global Approach Margaret Hammond Carr and Karen Herrington Wilson
Marketing Protected Areas for Ecotourism: An Oxymoron? Steve Selin
Ecotourism: A Short Descriptive Exploration Kenneth F. Backman, Brett A. Wright and Sheila J. Backman
A New Tourist, A New Environment: Can Ecotourism eliver? Nora Haenn
Developing Ecotourism Destinations: Conservation From the Beginning David L. Anderson
Ecotourism: Reworking the Concepts of Supply and Demand Andrew Seidl
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 31 No 3 - 1994
Backcountry Recreation Management
Introduction: Bob Marshall, Backcountry Recreation and the Island Effect James M. Glover
Wilderness Management at Yosemite National Park Laurel Munson Boyers
Wilderness Management: Some Lessons from Afar John Burde
Backcountry Impact Management: Lessons from Research David N. Cole
Wilderness Leadership Training Programs: A Help or Hindrance to Resource Managers? Jack Drury and Kim Massari
Day Users of the Backcountry: The Neglected National Park Visitor Joseph W. Roggenbuck, Jeffrey L. Marion and Robert E. Manning
Planning with Vision: Recognizing the Importance of Backcountry Susan Marsh
Cultural Diversity and Backcountry Recreation Management Denise P. Meridith
No Island is an Island: Coastal Island Wilderness Susan M. Saul
Rockclimbing and Wilderness: A Study of Climbers' Attitudes Toward Wilderness, Climbing Impacts and Regulation Richard Waldrup and Douglas McEwen
How Previous Experience Relates to Visitors' Perceptions of Wilderness Coalition Alan E. Watson and Richard Cronn
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 31 No 4 - 1994
Grassroots River Conservation
Why Conserve Rivers? An Introduction John J. Reynolds
The State Route to National Wild and Scenic Designation Christopher Curtis
A New Model for Congressional Wild and Scenic Designation Phil Huffman
Rail Trails and Heritage on a National Wild and Scenic River David Wood and Lionel Lemery
North American Water Trails: A Beginning Lelia R. Mellen, Franz K. Gimmler and Russell A. Cohen
Grassroots Watershed Activism Peter Lavigne
Volunteer River Monitors Michael Linde
The Tennessee Rivers Information System David Duhl, Elizabeth Bunting, Gina Murphy and Larry Whitson
A Renaissance for Kentucky's Rivers: Outcomes from Statewide Assessment Scott Hankla and Wink Hastings
New Directions after the Great Flood of 1993 Scott Faber
Recreational Instream Flow William L. Jackson
A Brighter Future for Harnessed Rivers Kevin Mendik and Angie Tornes
River Conservation The Hard Way Ron Hyra
Reconnecting a City to Its River Jamie Fosburgh
Urban Waterway Restoration: A New Direction for River Conservation Andrew O. Moore
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 32 No 1 - 1995
Wilderness Research
Trends and Issues in Wilderness Research: An Introduction Alan W. Ewert
Wilderness Management Principles: Science, Logical Thinking or Personal Opinion? David N. Cole
The Role of Ecological Monitoring in Managing Wilderness Peter B. Landres
Priorities for Human Experience Research in Wilderness Alan E. Watson and Daniel R. Williams
State Agency Involvement Wilderness Research and Management Jim Posewitz
Universities Must Play a Larger Role in Wilderness Research John C. Hendee
Wilderness Designation A Global Trend Vance G. Martin
Wilderness and Persons with Disabilities: A Review of Research and Policy Directions Leo McAvoy, Greg Lais, Lynn Anderson and Stuart J. Schleien
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 32 No 2 - 1995
Festivals in Park and Recreation Areas
Introduction A.H. Walle
The Festival of American Folklife: America on the National Mall Richard Kurin
Folklife Festivals and Park Programming: Opportunities for Education and Cultural Conservation C. Kurt Dewhurst and Marsha MacDowell
RiverFest: Unusual Partnerships for the Rivers Susan Moore
Folk and Traditional Artists and the National Park Service: Programs, Policies and Parks Barry Bergey
Chamizal's Border Folk Festival Blanca Stransky
A City, A National Park, A FestivalThe Lowell Folk Festival George Price
The Cuyahoga Valley Heritage Festival: Partnerships in Transition John Reynolds
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 32 No 3 - 1995
Leadership in the Outdoors
Leadership in the OutdoorsAn Introduction Christine Cashel
Trickle Down Theory: Training Outdoor Users Christine Cashel
The Impact of Artificial Adventure Environments on Outdoor Recreation Mark Wagstaff
Volunteers, Interpretation and Management Leadership in the 21st Century Susie E. Ruby
Leadership: A Task Without a Final Destination Rebecca Droege
Ethical Leadership in Outdoor Recreation Karen M. Fox and Leo H. McAvoy
Teaching and Learning About Ethical Outdoor Leadership Karen M. Fox, Glen Parsons, Ian Barnett and Mark Reed
The Critical Skills Approach: Linking Wilderness with the Classroom Bruce F. Bonney, Jack K. Drury, Eric R. Holmlund and Kim I. Massari
To Certify or Not to Certify: How Judgment Works in Certification Decisions Cheryl Teeters
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 32 No 4 - 1995
The Role of Recreation Education in Forestry and Agriculture
Defining the Role of the Recreation Dimension in Forestry and Agriculture: An Introduction Lynn M. Jamieson
Managing Social Conflict in Outdoor Recreation Settings: Implications for Curriculum Development in the Human Dimensions of Leisure Robert M. Muth and Kenyon Fairey
Linking a Recreation Curriculum to Agriculture and Natural Resources William W. Hendricks
Expanding Roles of Recreation Resource Communications: Moving Beyond Traditional Campfire Programs Gail A. Vander Stoep
Shifts in Public Land Management: Implications for Education in Wildland Recreation Wayne A. Freimund and Perry J. Brown
Professional Recreation and Park Preparation through Natural Resources and Agriculture Philip S. Rea
Masters Education and the Art of Recreation Management J. Douglas Wellman
Agriculture and Recreation: A Partnership for Progress Carolyn Shank
Enhancing Quality of Life Through Design and Management Bruce Hronek, Herbert Brantley and Michael Brown
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 33 No 1 - 1996
Accessibility and Outdoor Recreation
Outdoor Recreation and Access for People with Disabilties: Issues and Trends David Park and Gary M. Robb
Accessibility: A Personal Perspective Don Rogers
Universal Design and the Recreation Environment John P.S. Salmen
Satatus of Design Standards for Accessible Recreation Facilities and Outdoor Developed Recreation Areas John N. McGovern
Golfers with Disabilities: Access and Obstacles Gary M. Robb
Universal Interpretation Edward J. Hamilton and Raymond W. Bloomer
Trends in Accessibility at Historic Sites Sharon C. Park
Disability and Wilderness: Future Trends Gregory J. Lais
The Americans With Disabilities Act and Public Recreation: Fact, Fiction and Common Sense Julee Quarve-Peterson
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 33 No 2 - 1996
NSPR 75th Anniversary: Trails, Greenways and Pedestrian Corridors
Introduction William C. Forrey
The National Society for Park Resources, What's in a Name? 75 Years Toward a National Cause Maxwell D. Ramsey
Greenscapes and GreenwaysMaryland's Green Infrastructure Teresa Moore
From Waterbars to Polygons: The Evolution of a State Trails Program Beth Timson
ISTEA and Trails: New Opportunities to Fund Trail Development Bill Wilkinson
Beyond Recreation: Trails for Transportation and Livable Communities Andy Clarke
Turning Trash Into TrailsThe Story of the Swift Creek Recycled Greenway Charles A. Flink
Dealing With Trail NIMBY's Jennifer Toole
Urban Pedestrian Facilities for the 1996 Olympics John D. Edwards
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 33 No 3 - 1996
Changing Faces of Tourism
Is It a Weed or a Crop? Paradigms of Change in Tourism Dan McDonald
Great Places, Great Faces: Seeing Different User Groups Jeffrey B. Zeiger and Fred Heidrich
Iowa? Isn't That the Place Where They Grow Potatoes? Mary Elizabeth Frye and Tom Gallaher
The Technology of Tourism: Everything Old is New Again Lowell Caneday
It's Legal and GrowingThe Gaming Industry, that is... Ronald G. Valentine
Exercise and Exhilaration: A Growing Toursim Attraction Mac McCrory
Celebrating Festivals of the Future Bruce E. Wicks
Heads in Beds Wendy Kerr-Price and Andy Holdnak
Environmental Groups Can Assist in Changing Toursim James M. Reidy
Selling Sunrises and SunsetsChanges in Rural Tourism Development Gale R. Trussell
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 33 No 4 - 1996
Alternative Worldviews and Natural Resource Management
Alternative Worldviews and Natural Resource Management: Introduction and Overview Robert E. Pfister, Ph.D. and Alan W. Ewert, Ph.D.
Aboriginal Involvement in Park Management in Australia James Absher and Lynn Brake
Land From Any Other Perspective? Indigenous Perspectives of Land and Resource Management Annie L. Booth
New Views on Resource Development in Southeastern Siberia Gail A. Fondahl, Ph.D.
Native Peoples and Resource Management in the Arctic Thomas J. Gallagher, Ph.D.
Cultural Perspectives: An Alternative View of Land Management Patricia M. Jostad
In Countless Ways for Thousands of Years: Native American Relationships to Wildlands and Other Protected Places Daniel McDonal and Leo H. McAvoy, Ph.D.
British Columbia Parks' Partnerships With Aboriginal People Mike Murtha
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 34 No 1 - 1997
State Park Friends Groups
Introduction Ney C. Landrum
The California State Parks Foundation: Over 25 Years of Helping State Parks in California Ted C. Hilliard
Florida's Philosophy in Establishing Friends Groups Philip Werndli
Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks"That's What Friends Are For" Kathy Pritchett
The New Hampshire Parks AmeriCorps Program: A Working Partnership Christine Wolff and Allison McLean
New Jersey's Friends Groups:
New Jersey's Swartswood Lakes and Watershed Association Stephen R. Ellis
New Jersey's Rockingham State Historic Site Margaret Carlsen
New Jersey's Skylands Association Betty Wiest
North Dakota's Icelandic State Park and the Pioneer Heritage Center Scott R. Kudelka
Pennsylvania's Friends of the Delaware CanalA Public-Private Partnership Betty Orlemann
Tennessee State ParksFoundation and Friends Gerald McKinney
Texas's Friends of Manahans Sandhills State Park Kevin Good
Washington State Parks Friends Groups Kathryn Stoker
Wisconsin State Park System Friends Groups David P. Hammer
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 34 No 2 - 1997
Urban Parks & Recreation
Introduction: Urban Parks and Recreation: An Idea Whose Time Has Come Manny Strumpf
Urban Parks: A Logical Evolution of Our National Park Concept
Cities and the Wilderness: Derelicts of Development Michael Zuckerman
Children's Festivals: Where They Come From and How to Grow One of Your Own Ernie Fladell
Ambassadors, Educators, Enforcers: New York City's Urban Park Rangers Henry J. Stern and Stacy Dinstell
Leisure and Sustainable Cities Seymour M. Gold
Parks and ClassroomsModel Programs Reaching New Audiences Patricia Reilly
Urban Parks at Crossroads Charles Jordan
Ethnography: A Tool for Park Planning and Management William Kornblum
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 34 No 3 - 1997
Mountain Bike Management & Research
Mountain Bike Management and Research: An Introduction William W. Hendricks
Mountain Biking and the Marin Municipal Water District Watershed Cathy Osborn Edger
Principles for Minimizing Trail Conflicts: Applications to Mountain Biking Roger L. Moore and Kelly Barthlow
Mountain Biking Can Foster Progressive Management Gary Sprung
The Benefits of Staging a Mountain Bike Race Tom Bradley
Management Through Education: A Mountain Biking Curriculum Mark A. Widmer
Conflict Resolution: Opportunities and Challenges in Recreation Management Ingrid E. Schneider
The Contribution of Research to Managing Conflict Among National Forest Users Alan Watson, Charles Asp, James Walsh and Andy Kulla
Mountain Bike Management: Resource Protection and Social Conflicts Deborah J. Chavez
Martial Arts, Confucius, and Managing Mountain Bikes: The Role of Etiquette in Conflict Management Edward J. Ruddell and William W. Hendricks
The Changing Face of Mountain Bikes Roy Ramthun
Profiling Members of the International Mountain Bicycling Association Michael A. Schuett, Steve Hollenhorst and Deborah J. Chavez
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 34 No 4 - 1997
Interpretation As Communication
Introduction: Interpretation As Communication James D. Absher
Environmental Education as Strategic Communication: A Paradigm for the 21st Century Sam H. Ham
Interpretation as a Management Tool John A. Veverka
Relevance, Access, Involvement and Social Support: Keys to Effective Environmental Communication in Urban Areas Gail A. Vander Stoep
Back to the Basics: Interpreting to the Lowest Common Denominator Doug Knapp
Demarketing as a New Communication Tool for Managing Public Land Use John Sem and Christine A. Vogt
Application of Mass Communication Research to Natural Resource Management T. Mike Maher
Delivering Environmental Education and Interpretive Messages in Urban Proximate Field Settings: "Lessons" from Southern California James D. Absher, Patricia Winter and Katherine James
Preparing the Next Generation of Public Land Stewards Bob Loudon
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 35 No 1 - 1998
Experience Quality Considerations in Managing for Risk Recreation Access Christopher D. Jones, Steven J. Hollenhorst and Michael A. Schuett
The Promise and Pitfalls of Collaborating Steve Selin
The National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council, Inc.An Overview of the Organization and OHV Issues Michael A. Schuett
Industrial Tourism: Leisure Beyond Just Parks and Beaches? An International Perspective Lucien Peters
South Carolina State Parks' New Vision for the 21st Century Dawn M. Dawson-House
Partnering For Sustainability Linda M. Kiisk, Dana J. Leavitt and Brian H. Dunbar
Fairmount ParkBeyond the Liberty Bell Nancy Goldenberg
Minting History Eric Olsen
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 35 No 2 - 1998
Patterns of Change: The CCC of the 1930s and the ADA of the 1990s Pat Crawford and Jim Crabtree
Campgrounds, Community Centers, College Classes and Cyberspace: An Electronic Conversation About Computers in Recreation and Parks Bill Niepoth
Architectural Design and Park Structures George Stephen
Speaking the Language of the "Other": Environmentalists and the "Dismal" Science Roger Green and Daniel Dustin
User Fees and Public Objectives in Recreation Management Thomas A. More
The Widening Circule: The Role of Democratic Deliberation in Outdoor Recreation Conflict Management Daniel L. Dustin and Ingrid E. Schneider
Personal Watercraft: Unique Boats, Unique Conflicts, Unique Solutions James Vogel and Jon Titre
Who Can You Turn To?
Vol 35 No 3 - 1998
Vol 35 No 4 - 1998
Vol 36 No 1 - 1999
(Trends ceased publishing in 1999)