A Glance Back in Time: Midwest Archeological Center (MWAC) History (Tom Thiessen, undated)
A status report to the archeological community (March 1976)
A Survey of State Statutes Protecting Archeological Resources Archeological Assistance Study No. 3 (Carol L. Carnett, August 1995)
An Administrative History of the Midwest Archeological Center, Lincoln, Nebraska (Theodore Catton and Thomas Thiessen, 2019)
Anthropologic Papers Series
1. Introduction To Middle Missouri Archeology (Donald J. Lehmer, 1971)
2. Like-A-Fishhook Village And Fort Berthold Garrison Reservoir North Dakota (Hubert G. Smith, 1972)
Applied Archaeology in Four National Parks Occasional Papers in Applied Archaeology No. 1 (June Evans, James Mueller, Doulas C. Comer, James D. Sorensen, Karen Orrence, Paula A. Zitzler and Louanna Lackey, December 1987)
Archaeology Southwest magazine (1999-2015, ©Archaeology Southwest)
Archeological Assistance Program Technical Briefs
1. Filter Fabric: A Technique for Short-Term Site Stabilization (Robert M. Thorne, 1988)
2. Arizona Archeology Week: Promoting the Past to the Public (Theresa L. Hoffman and Shereen Lerner, 1988)
3. Archeology in the National Historic Landmarks Program (Robert S. Grumet, 1988)
4. Archeology in the Classroom: A Case Study from Arizona (A.E. Rogge and Patti Bell, 1989)
5. Intentional Site Burial: A Technique to Protect Against Natural or Mechanical Loss (Robert M. Thorne, 1989)
6. The Kentucky Archaeological Registry: Landowner Participation in Site Preservation (A. Gwynn Henderson, 1989)
7. Federal Archeological Contracting: Utilizing the Competitive Procurement Process (John H. Jameson, Jr., John E. Ehrenhard, and Wilfred M. Husted, 1990)
8. Revegetation: The Soft Approach to Archeological Site Stabilization (Robert M. Thorne, 1990)
9. Volunteers in Archeology (Hester Davis, 1990)
10. The National Historic Landmarks Program Theme Study as a Preservation Planning Tool (Robert S. Grumet, 1990)
11. Legal Background of Archeological Resources Protection (Carol Carnett, 1991)
12. Site Stabilization Information Sources (Robert M. Thorne, 1991)
13. Managing Archeological Resources from the Museum Perspective (Lynne Sullivan, 1992)
14. The Peer Review of Public Archeology Projects: A Procedure Developed by the Departmental Consulting Archeologist (Bennie C. Keel, 1993)
15. State Archeology Weeks: Interpreting Archeology for the Public (Mara Greengrass, 1993, revised 1999)
16. The Civil Prosecution Process of the Archeological Resources Protection Act (Sherry Hutt, 1994)
17. Developing an Archeological Site Conservation Database (Robert M. Thorne, 1996)
18. Protecting Archeological Sites on Eroding Shorelines: A Hay Bales Approach (Robert M. Thorne, 2004)
19. Archeological Collections and the Public: Using Resources for the Public Benefit (Teresa S. Moyer, 2006)
20. Archeological Resource Damage Assessment: Legal Basis and Methods (Martin E. McAllister, 2007)
21. Peer Review of Federal Archeological Projects and Programs (Bennie Keel, Barbara J. Little, Martha Graham, Mary Carroll, and Francis P. McManamon, 2007)
22. Developing and Implementing Archeological Site Stewardship Programs (Sophia Kelly, 2007)
23. Archeology and Civic Engagement (Barbara J. Little and Nathaniel Amdur-Clark, 2008)
Archaeological Investigations in Skagway, Alaska
1. The White Pass and Yukon Route Broadway Depot and General Office Buildings, Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park (Catherine H. Blee (September 1983)
2. The Moore Cabin and House, Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park (Catherine Holder Blee, 1988)
3. The Mill Creek Dump and the Peniel Mission, Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park (Diane Lee Rhodes, 1988)
4. Father Turnell's Trash Pit, Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, Alaska (Catherine Holder Spude, Douglas D. Scott and Frank Norris, August 1993)
5. Additional Investigations at the Mill Creek Dump and the Peniel Mission, Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, Alaska (Ray Depuydt [and others], 1997)
6. Residential Life on Block 39 (Doreen C. Cooper, 1998)
7. Block 37, Lot 1, Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, Alaska (Carl Späth, Kurt P. Schweigert and Robin O. Mills, 2000)
8. A Century at the Moore/Kirmse House (Doreen C. Cooper, 2001)
9. Excavations at the Pantheon Saloon Complex (Tim. A. Kardatzke, 2002)
10. The Mascot Saloon (Catherine Holder Spude, 2006)
Beneath the Surface: Thirty Years of Historical Archeology in Skagway, Alaska (Becky M. Saleeby, 2011)
Archeological Collections Management Project Series (North Atlantic Regional Office)
1. Archeological Collections Management at Salem Maritime National Historic Site (Alan T. Synenki and Sheila Charles, 1983)
2. Archeological Collections Management at Morristown National Historical Park, New Jersey (Alan T. Synenki and Sheila Charles, 1983)
3. Archeological Collections Management of the Great Island Tavern Site. Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts (Alan Synenki and Sheila Charles, 1984)
4. Archeological Collections Management at Minute Man National Historical Park, Massachusetts Vol. 1 (Linda A. Towle and Darcie A. MacMahon, eds., 1986)
4. Archeological Collections Management at Minute Man National Historical Park, Massachusetts Vol. 2 (Linda A. Towle and Darcie A. MacMahon, eds., 1986)
4. Archeological Collections Management at Minute Man National Historical Park, Massachusetts Vol. 3 (Linda A. Towle and Darcie A. MacMahon, eds., 1986)
4. Archeological Collections Management at Minute Man National Historical Park, Massachusetts Vol. 4 (Linda A. Towle and Darcie A. MacMahon, eds., 1986)
5. Archeological Collections Management at the Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site, Massachusetts (Darcie A. MacMahon, 1988)
6. Archeological Collections Management at The Springfield Armory National Historic Site, Massachusetts (Louise M. DeCesare, 1990)
7. Archeological Collections Management at Sagamore Hill National Historic Site, New York (Louise M. DeCesare, 1990)
8. Archeological Collections Management at Martin Van Buren National Historic Site, New York (Maria Angela Capozzi, 1991)
9. Archeological Collections Management at Adams National Historic Site, Massachusetts (Darcie A. MacMahon, 1991)
Archeological Completion Report Series
1. Fort Snelling (Susan C. Olsen, 1975)
2. Archeological Investigation at Fort McKavett (Susan C. Olsen and Emerson L. Pearson, 1975)
3. Archeological Investigation at Fort Griffin (Catherine Yates and Susan C. Olsen, 1975)
4. Archeological Investigation at Fort Mims (Noel R. Stowe, Marvin Hoyt and Susan C. Olsen, 1975)
5. Mission Conception (Curtis D. Tunnell, 1975)
6. Fort Richardson (Dessamae Lorrain, Melinda Gils and Susan C. Olsen, 1975)
7. Fort Michilimackinac Archeological Investigations 1974 and 1975 (Donald P. Heldman and William L. Minnerly, 1976)
8. Salmon Ruin Archeological Investigations (Cynthia Irwin-Williams, Rex Adams, Paddy C. Johnson, M. Ann Bennett, E. Pierre Morenon and Gordon Alan Davis, 1975)
10. Archeological Investigation at Fort Griffin, Part 2 (Anne Fox and Susan C. Olsen, 1975)
Archeological Research Series
1. Archeology of the Bynum Mounds, Mississippi (John L. Cotter and John M. Corbett, 1951)
2. Archeological Excavations in Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, 1950 (HTML edition) (James A. Lancaster, Jean M. Pinkley, Philip F. Van Cleave, and Don Watson, 1954)
3. Archeology of the Funeral Mound Ocmulgee National Monument, Georgia (Charles H. Fairbanks, 1956)
4. Archeological Excavations at Jamestown Virginia (John L. Cotter, 1958)
5. The Hubbard Site and Other Tri-Wall Structures in New Mexico and Colorado (R. Gordon Vivian, 1959)
6. Search for the Cittie of Ralegh, Archeological Excavations at Fort Raleigh National Historic Site, North Carolina (Jean Carl Harrington, 1962)
7a. Archeological Survey of Wetherill Mesa, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado (Alden C. Hayes, 1964)
7b. Environment of Mesa Verde, Colorado (James A. Erdman, Charles L. Douglas, and John W. Marr, 1969)
7c. Big Juniper House, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado (Jervis D. Swannack, Jr., 1969)
7d. Mug House, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado (Arthur H. Rohn, 1971)
8. Excavations in a 17th-Century Jumano Pueblo, Gran Quivira, New Mexico (Gordon Vivian, 1964)
9. Excavations at Tse-Ta'a, Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Arizona (Charlie R. Steen, 1966)
Archeological Resource Studies Program, NPS Areas (April 20, 1965)
Archaeological Vandalism and An Analysis of Damage Assessments in the Southwest Martin E. McAllister, undated)
Archeology E-Grams (2004-2020)
Archeomagnetism: A Handbook for the Archeologist Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service (Jeffrey L. Eighmy, 1980)
Bureau of American Ethnology
A Survey of Prehistoric Sites in the Region of Flagstaff, Arizona Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 104 (Harold S. Colton, 1932)
Antiquities of the Jemez Plateau, New Mexico Bulletin 32 (Edgar L. Hewett, 1906)
Antiquities of the Mesa Verde National Park: Cliff Palace (HTML edition) Bulletin 51 (Jesse Walter Fewkes, 1911)
Antiquities of the Mesa Verde National Park: Spruce-Tree House (HTML edition) Bulletin 41 (Jesse Walter Fewkes, 1909)
Antiquities of the Upper Verde River and Walnut Creek Valleys, Arizona Twenty-Eighth Annual Report (Jesse Walter Fewkes, 1912)
Archeological Explorations in Northeastern Arizona Bulletin 65 (Alfred Vincent Kidder and Samuel J. Guernsey, 1919)
Casa Grande Ruin Thirteenth Annual Report (Cosmos Mindeleff, 1896)
Casa Grande, Arizona Twenty-Eighth Annual Report (Jesse Walter Fewkes, 1912)
Prehistoric Villages, Castles, and Towers of Southwestern Colorado (HTML edition) Bulletin 70 (J. Walter Fewkes, 1919)
Preliminary Report on a Visit to the Navaho National Monument, Arizona (HTML edition) Bulletin 50 (Jesse Walter Fewkes, 1911)
Shabik'eshchee Village: A Late Basket Maker Site in the Chaco Canyon, New Mexico Bulletin 92 (Frank H. H. Roberts, Jr., 1929)
The Repair of Casa Grande Ruin, Arizona Fifteenth Annual Report (Cosmos Mindeleff, 1897)
Canyonlands Archeological Project
1. Cultural Resource Inventory and Testing in the Salt Creek Pocket and Devils Lane Areas, Needles District, Canyonlands National Park, Utah Selections from the Division of Cultural Resources, Rocky Mountain Region No. 1 (Betsy L. Tipps and Nancy J. Hewitt, 1989)
2. Holocene Archaeology near Squaw Butte, Canyonlands National Park, Utah Selections from the Division of Cultural Resources, Rocky Mountain Region No. 7 (Betsy L. Tipps, 1995)
3. Cultural Resource Inventory in Butler Flat, Needles District, Canyonlands National Park, Utah (Betsy T. Tipps, ed., 1996)
4. Cultural Resource Investigations Near White Crack, Island-in-the Sky District, Canyonlands National Park, UtahCultural Resources Selections, Intermountain Region No. 11 (Betsy L. Tipps, Andre D. La Fond, and Robert I Birnie, 1996)
5. Archaic Foragers and Ancestral Puebloans of Canyonlands National Park Canyonlands Archeological Project Report No. 5 (Alan R. Schroedl and Nancy J. Coulam, P-III Associates, Inc., November 2021)
Contributions of the Bandelier Archeological Survey
1. The Pajarito Plateau: A Bibliography (Frances Joan Mathien, Charlie R. Steen and Craig D. Allen, 1993)
2. Bandelier Archaeological Excavation Project: Research Design and Summer 1988 Sampling Reports of Investigations No. 61 (Timothy A. Kohler, ed., Department of Anthropology, Washington State University, Pullman, 1989)
3. An Analysis of Variability and Condition of Cavate Structures in Bandelier National Monument Intermountain Cultural Resources Center Professional Paper No. 53 (H. Wolcott Toll, 1995)
4. Glimpses into the History of the 1908 Fieldwork at Yapashi, Bandelier National Monument In Puebloan Past and Present: Papers in Honor of Stewart Peckham (Frances Joan Mathien, edited by Meliha S. Duran and David T. Kirkpatrick, pp. 121-132, Papers of the Archeological Society of New Mexico: 17. Albuquerque. 1991)
5. Bandelier Archaeological Excavation Project: Summer 1989 Excavations at Burnt Mesa Pueblo Reports of Investigations No. 62(Timothy A. Kohler, ed., Department of Anthropology, Washington State University, Pullman. 1990)
6. Bandelier Archaeological Excavation Project: Summer 1990 Excavations at Burnt Mesa Pueblo and Casa del Rito Reports of Investigations No. 64 (Timothy A. Kohler and Matthew J. Root, eds., Department of Anthropology, Washington State University, Pullman, 1992)
7. In the Land of the Delight Makers: An Archaeological Survey in the American West (Joseph Courtney White, University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City)
8. Papers on the Early Classic Period Prehistory of the Pajarito Plateau, New Mexico Reports of Investigations No. 65 (Timothy A. Kohler and Angela R. Linse, eds., Department of Anthropology, Washington State University, Pullman, 1993)
9. The Bandelier Archeological Survey, Volume I Intermountain Cultural Resources Management Professional Paper No. 57 (Robert P. Powers and Janet D. Orcutt, eds., 1999)
9. The Bandelier Archeological Survey, Volume II Intermountain Cultural Resources Management Professional Paper No. 57 (Robert P. Powers and Janet D. Orcutt, eds., 1999)
10. The Archaeology of a "Destroyed" Site: Surface Survey and Historical Documents at the Civilian Conservation Corps Camp, Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico (Monica L. Smith, Historical Archaeology 35(2):31-40. 2001)
11. The Historic Period at Bandelier National Monument Intermountain Cultural Resources Management Professional Paper No. 63 (Monica L. Smith, 2002)
12. Village Formation on the Pajarito Plateau, New Mexico: Archaeology of Bandelier National Monument (Timothy A. Kohler, ed. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. 2004)
Bandelier: Excavations in the Flood Pool of Cochiti Lake, New Mexico (Lyndi Hubbell and Diane Traylor, eds., NPS Southwest Cultural Resources Center, 1982)
Cultural Resources Management Studies (North Atlantic Regional Office)
1. Archeological Resource Study, Roger Williams National Monument (Public Archaeology Laboratory, Brown University, 1979)
2. Archeological Overview and Evaluation at Minute Man National Historical Park (Vernon G. Baker, 1980)
3. Historic Resources Study, Jamaica Bay: A History, Gateway National Recreation Area, New York-New Jersey (Frederick R. Black, 1981)
4. Archeological Site Examination: A Case Study in Urban Archeology. Roger Williams National Monument (Patricia E. Rubertone and Joan Gallagher, 1981)
5. Archeological Resource Study, Historical Archeology at Bunker Hill Monument, Boston National Historical Park (Thomas Mahlstedt, 1981)
6. Archeological Investigation at the Narbonne House. Salem Maritime National Historic Site (Geoffrey P. Moran, Edward F. Zimmer, Anne E. Yentsch, 1982)
7. Historic Resource Study, A History of Fort Wadsworth, New York Harbor (Frederick R. Black, 1983)
8. Chapters in the Archeology of Cape Cod, I. Results of the Cape Cod National Seashore Archeological Survey, 1979-1981 Vol. 1 (Francis P. McManamon, ed., 1984)
8. Chapters in the Archeology of Cape Cod, I. Results of the Cape Cod National Seashore Archeological Survey, 1979-1981 Vol. 2 (Francis P. McManamon, ed., 1984)
9. The National Park Service in the Northeast: A Cultural Resource Management Bibliography (Dwight T. Pitcaithley, 1984)
10. Celebrating the Immigrant: An Administrative History of the Statue of Liberty National Monument, 1952-1982 (HTML edition) (Barbara Blumberg, 1985)
11. Hoosac Docks: Foreign Trade Terminal. A Case of the Expanding Transportation System Late in the Nineteenth Century (Paul O. Weinbaum, 1985)
12. The 1983 Excavations at 19BN281: Chapters in the Archeology of Cape Cod, II (Christopher L. Borstel, 1985)
13. Chapters in the Archeology of Cape Cod, III: The Historic Period and Historic Period Archeology (Francis P. McManamon, editor, 1985)
14. Inventory of Structures: Morristown National Historical Park (David Arbogast, 1985)
15. The Scene Of The Battle, 1775: Historic Grounds Report: Minute Man National Historical Park (Joyce Lee Malcolm, 1985)
16. Chapters in the Archeology of Cape Cod, IV: Faunal Analysis and Metallurgical Analysis from the Cape Cod National Seashore Archeological Survey (Francis P. McManamon, ed., 2011)
17. Chapters in the Archeology of Cape Cod, V, The Indian Neck Ossuary (Francis P. McManamon, James W. Bradley and Ann L. Magennis, 1986)
18. Interdisciplinary investigations of the Boott Mills, Lowell, Massachusetts. Volume I, Life at the boarding houses: a preliminary report (Mary Carolyn Beaudry and Stephen A Mrozowski, 1987)
19. Interdisciplinary investigations of the Boott Mills, Lowell, Massachusetts. Volume II, The Kirk Street agents' house (Mary Carolyn Beaudry and Stephen A Mrozowski, 1987)
20. Charlestown Navy Yard, 1890-1973 (Frederick R. Black, 1988)
21. Interdisciplinary investigations of the Boott Mills, Lowell, Massachusetts. Volume III, The boarding house system as a way of life (Mary Carolyn Beaudry and Stephen A Mrozowski, 1989)
22. Archeological investigations of Minute Man National Historical Park: Volume I: Farmers and Artisans of the Historical Period (Alan T. Synenki, ed., 1990)
23. Archeological investigations of Minute Man National Historical Park: Volume II: An Estimation Approach to Prehistoric Sites (Duncan Ritchie, Marsha K. King, Christy Vogt and Patricia Fragola, 1990)
24. Archeological investigations of Minute Man National Historical Park (Alan T. Synenki, 1990)
Cultural Resources Selections (Intermountain Region, National Park Service)
8. Cultural Landscape Report: Fruita Rural Historic District, Capitol Reef National Park (HTML edition) (Cathy A. Gilbert and Kathleen L. McKoy, 1997)
9. Ethnographic Overview and Assessment of Devils Tower National Monument (Jeffry R. Hanson and Sally Chirinos, 1997)
10. A Classic Western Quarrel: A History of the Road Controversy at Colorado National Monument (HTML edition) (Lisa Schoch-Roberts, 1997)
11. Cultural Resource Investigations Near White Crack, Island-in-the Sky District, Canyonlands National Park, Utah (Betsy L. Tipps, Andre D. La Fond, and Robert I Birnie, 1996)
12. From Barrier to Crossroads: An Administrative History of Capitol Reef National Park, Volume I (HTML edition) (Bradford Frye, 1998)
12. From Barrier to Crossroads: An Administrative History of Capitol Reef National Park, Volume II (HTML edition) (Bradford Frye, 1998)
13. Archeology at the Fort Laramie Quartermaster Dump Area, 1994-1996 (Danny N. Walker, ed., 1998)
14. Cultural Landscape Report for Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site, Ganado, Arizona (HTML edition) (Peggy Froeschauer-Nelson, 1998)
15. Cultures at a Crossroads: An Administrative History of Pipe Spring National Monument (HTML edition) (Kathleen L. McKoy, 1999)
16. Cultural Landscape Report, Golden Spike National Historic Site, Box Elder County, Utah (HTML edition) (Carla Homstad, Janene Caywood, and Peggy Nelson, 2000)
17. High-altitude Archeological Investigations at Cedar Breaks National Monument, Utah (Timothy W. Canaday, 2001)
18. A Bridge Between Two Cultures: An Administrative History of Rainbow Bridge National Monument (HTML edition) (David Kent Sproul, 2001)
Archeological Sample Survey of the Florida Mountains, Luna County, New Mexico (Charles M. Haecker, 2002)
Industrial Archeology in the National Park Service (undated)
Intermountain Cultural Resources Center Professional Papers
53. An Analysis of Variability and Condition of Cavate Structures in Bandelier National Monument (H. Wolcott Toll, 1995)
54. Comerciantes, Arrieros, Y Peones: The Hispanos and the Santa Fe Trade (Susan Calafate Boyle, 1994)
55. Dunes and dreams a history of White Sands National Monument: Administrative History of White Sands National Monument (HTML edition) (Michael E. Welsh, 1995)
56. Channel Islands National Park and Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Submerged Cultural Resources Assessment (Don P. Morris and James Lima, 1996)
57. The Bandelier Archeological Survey, Volumes I and II (Robert P. Powers and Janet D. Orcutt, eds., 1999)
57. The Bandelier Archeological Survey, Volumes I and II (Robert P. Powers and Janet D. Orcutt, eds., 1999)
58. A Special Place: A Sacred Trust Preserving the Fort Davis Story (HTML edition) (Michael E. Welsh, 1996)
59. Unique in All Respects: The Structural History of the Spanish Colonial Buildings at Pecos National Historical Park, 1617-1915 (James E. Ivey, 1996)
60. "Our Heart's Home": A Historic Resource Study of the Texas White House (Hal K. Rothman, 1996)
61. p-Modified Earthen Mortar: A Program of Investigation and Laboratory Research into Acrylic-Modified Earthen Mortar Used at Three Prehistoric Pueblo Sites (Robert Hartzler, 1996)
62. H.L. Hunley: Site Assessment (Larry E Murphy, ed., 1998)
63. The Historic Period at Bandelier National Monument (Monica L. Smith, 2001)
64. An Archeological Survey of Natural Bridges National Monument, Southeastern Utah (Janet L. McVickar, ed., 2002)
65. Yellowstone National Park Submerged Resources Survey (2003)
66. From Folsom to Fogelson: The Cultural Resources Inventory Survey of Pecos National Historical Park, Volumes 1 and 2 (Genevieve N. Head Janet D. Orcutt, eds., 2002)
67. Capulin Volcano National Monument: An Administrative History (Jon Hunner and Shirley Lael, 003)
68. Amistad National Recreation Area: Archeological Survey and Cultural Resource Inventory (J. Philip Dering, 2002)
69. Bryce Canyon National Park: Archeology of the Paunsaugunt Plateau (Chris T. Wenker, ed., 2004)
70. The El Malpais Archeological Survey, Phase I (Robert P. Powers and Janet D. Orcutt, eds., 2005)
71. Without Parallel Among Relics: An Archeological History of El Morro National Monument, New Mexico (James E Bradford and James W Kendrick, 2007)
72. Faraway Ranch Special History Study: Chiricahua National Monument (Lysa Wegman-French, 2006)
73. Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park Archeological Resources Inventory and Assessment (Arthur K. Ireland and Susan F. Elininger, 2006)
74. Pigeon's Ranch Historic Structures Report: Historical Data Section (Robert L. Spude, 2008)
75. Preservation and Management Guidelines for Vanishing Treasures Resources (John M. Barrow, 2009)
76. Tumacacori National Historical Park, Tumacacori, Calabazas, Guevavi Units, History Data Sections, Historic Structures Report (James K. Ivey, 2010.)
77. Water in the Desert: A History of Arizona's Tavasci Marsh, 1865-2005 (William Stoutamire, 2011)
78. Crossroads of Change: An Environmental History of Pecos National Historical Park (Cori Knudten w/Maren Bzdek, 2011)
79. A Sampling of Archeological Resources in Big Bend National Park, Texas (David W. Keller, William A. Cloud, Samuel S. Cason, Robert W. Gray, Richard W. Walter, Thomas C. Alex, Roger D. Boren, Andrea J. Ohl and Robert J. Malhouf, 2022)
Low Altitude Large Scale Reconnaissance: A Method of Obtaining High Resolution Vertical Photographs for Small Areas (James W. Walker, May 1993)
Medallion Papers (1928-1950)
Midwest Archeological Center (MWAC) Archeological Report Series
1. An Archaeological Overview and Assessment of the CAR2015 Project at Jefferson National Expansion Memorial (Timothy Schilling, 2014)
2. Ground Penetrating Radar Survey of Proposed Elevator Shaft Site Exploration (PEPC 47098) in the Old Courthouse at Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, St. Louis, Missouri (Steven L. De Vore, 2014)
3. Preliminary Report Regarding the Possible Location of the Bad Village and Little Bow Village, Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail, Cedar County, Nebraska: Phase 1 (Albert M LeBeau, III, 2014) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
4. The Beginnings of the Mexican War in 1846: Geophysical Investigations of the Fort Brown Site, Cameron County, Texas (Steven L. De Vore and Rolando L. Garza, 2014) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
5. 2009 Archaeological Investigations at the Walters, Beedle, and Lyon Lots, Lincoln Home NHS (Dawn Bringelson, Gosia Mahoney and Steven L. De Vore, 2015)
6. Archeological Testing for Structural Removals, Buffalo National River, Newton, Marion, and Searcy Counties, Arkansas (Anne M. Wolley Vawser, Melissa Baier and Amanda Davey Renner, 2015) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
7. Archeological Inventory at Multiple Localities, Badlands National Park, South Dakota (Erin C. Dempsey, 2015)
8. Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial, The 1993 Park-wide Archeological Survey of South Bass Island, Ottawa County, Ohio (Rose E. Pennington, 2015)
9. Geophysical Evaluation of Four Areas within the Trade Fair Locality at Pecos National Historical Park, San Miguel County, New Mexico (Steven L. De Vore, 2015)
10. Geophysical Investigations of Three Sites within the Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site, Mercer County, North Dakota (Steven L. De Vore, 2015)
11. Interim Report of the Geophysical Investigations of the River Bank Stabilization Project Area at Hopewell Mound Group, Ross County, Ohio (Steven L. De Vore and Ann C. Bauermeister, 2015) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
12. Geophysical Evaluation of a Two-Acre Plot within the Whitman Mission National Historic Site, Washington (Steven L. De Vore, 2015) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
13. Geophysical Survey Of The Sivu'ovi Site (Az Q:1:114 [Asm]) On The Petrified Forest National Park, Navaho County, Arizona (Steven L. De Vore, 2015) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
14. Archeological Investigations of Overland Trails and Civil War Era Features at Mud Springs Station and The Rush Creek Trail Crossing in Western Nebraska (Peter Bleed, Steven L. De Vore, Douglas Scott, Amanda Renner and Allison Young, 2017) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
15. Archeological Investigations at Little Sand Bay Visitor Center area Apostle Islands National Lakeshore (Dawn Bringelson, 2017)
16. Archeological Investigation of Bluffshelter and Cave Sites, 2011 Field Season, Buffalo National River, Newton County, Arkansas (Jay Sturdevant, 2017) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
17. Data Recovery, Emergency Access Road and Parking Area, Fort Union Trading Post NHS, Williams County, North Dakota (William J. Hunt, Jr., 2017)
18. Archeological Documentation Of Site 25Cd91, Historic Piling Remains On Green Island, Missouri National Recreational River, Nebraska And South Dakota (Laura Bender, 2017) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
19. Archeological Inventory of Proposed Access Road And Parking Lot At The Lost Valley Trailhead Buffalo National River Newton County, Arkansas (Holly Staggs, 2017) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
20. Magnetic Survey of the Leary Site, 25RH1, on Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska Tribal Land in Richardson County, Nebraska (Steven L. De Vore and Holly J. Staggs, 2017)
21. USACE and National Park Service Remote Sensing Investigation, Lake Sakakawea/Garrison Dam, North Dakota (Adam S. Wiewel, 2018)
22. Ground-Penetrating Radar Survey of the Buxton Historic Townsite Cemetery, Monroe County, Iowa (Holly J. Staggs and Steven L. De Vore, 2018)
23. Cold Springs Pony Express and Overland Trail Road Ranch (25LN75) Archeological Investigations (Douglas D. Scott, Peter Bleed and Steven L. De Vore, 2018)
24. A Class III Pedestrian Survey of the Climbers' Ranch Waterline Alignment, Grand Teton National Park, Teton County, Wyoming (Adam S. Wiewel, 2018)
25. A Geophysical Survey of the Sawmill Ponds Site (48TE498), Grand Teton National Park, Teton County, Wyoming (Adam S. Wiewel, 2018)
27. Ground-Penetrating Radar Survey at the Yosemite Cemetery, Yosemite National Park, Mariposa County, California (Steven L. De Vore and Sonny Montague, 2019)
28. Results of Archeological Investigations at the Pipestone Wildlife Management Area, Pipestone County, Minnesota: May 19-22, 2014 (Nick Lashway and Ann Bauermeister, 2019)
29. Shovel Test Inventory near Buildings 3 and 6 at Pipestone National Monument, Minnesota (Rebecca Wiewel, 2020)
Midwest Archeological Center (MWAC) Occasional Studies Series
1. Archeological Assessment Mount Rushmore National Memorial, 1973 (Adrienne B. Anderson, 1974)
2. An Illustrated Osteology of the Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) (Raymond L. Mundell, 1975)
3. A Magnetic Survey of the Walth Bay Site (39WW203) (John W. Weymouth, 1976) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
4. Archeological Assessment, Fossil Butte National Monument (George M. Zeimens, 1976)
5. A Preliminary Assessment of Archeological Resources in the Vicinity of the Proposed White River Development (Carl R. Falk, Steve Holen and Robert Pepper, 1978)
6. Agate Fossil Beds National Monument: Archeological Investigations at Site 25SX163 (Danny E. Olinger, 1980)
7. Archeological Survey of Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Monument. Archeological Inventory and Evaluation of Curecanti National Recreation Area (Mark A. Stiger and Scott L. Carpenter, 1980)
8. The Curecanti Archeological Project: 1980 Investigations in Curecanti National Recreation Area, Colorado (Bruce A. Jones, 1982) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
9. The Curecanti Archeological Project: The Archeology of Marion, an Historic Railroad Camp in Curecanti National Recreation Area, Colorado (Mary P. Rossillon, 1984)
10. Archeological Testing at the Ray House: Wilson's Creek National Monument, Missouri (Susan M. Monk, 1985)
11. Archeological Survey and Testing of the Proposed Tour Road, Wilson's Creek National Monument, Missouri (Susan M. Monk, 1985)
12. Mound City, Ohio, Archeological Investigations (Mark J. Lynott and Susan M. Monk, 1985) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
13. Site 42UN1103: A Rockshelter in Dinosaur National Monument, Utah (Terri L. Liestman, 1985) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
14. The Curecanti Archeological Project: 1981 Investigations in Curecanti National Recreation Area, Colorado (Bruce A. Jones, 1986) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
15. Archeological Survey of Tree Removal Zones at Wilsons Creek National Monument (Jack H. Ray and Susan M. Monk, 1984)
16. Archeological Investigations at Voyageurs National Park: 1979-1980 (Mark J. Lynott, Jeffrey J. Richner and Mona Thompson, 1986) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
17. An Archeological Evaluation of the Trout Point Logging Camp (Jeffrey J. Richner, 1986) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
18. Archeological Investigation at the Vaughn Site (33CU65) Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area (James M. Zalesky, 1986)
19. Archeological Investigations at Zion National Park (Melissa A. Connor and Susan Vetter, 1986) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
20. Impacts of Domestic Livestock Grazing on the Archeological Resources of Capitol Reef National Park, Utah (Alan Osborn, Susan Vetter, Ralph Hartley, Laurie Walsh and Jesslyn Brown, 1987)
21. Archeological Investigations in the Lone Rock and Wahweap Development Areas, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Near Page, Arizona (Betsy L. Tipps, 1987) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
22. Further Archeological Investigations At Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Springfield, Illinois 1987 Restoration Project (Vergil E. Noble, 1988) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
23. An Archeological Evaluation of the Gooseneck and Owls Bend Sites, Ozark National Scenic Riverways, Southeast Missouri (Mark J. Lynott, 1989)
24. The Curecanti Archeological Project: The Late Prehistoric Component at Pioneer Point (Janis L. Dial, 1989) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
25. An Isolated Storage Vessel at Site 42SA20779 in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area: Adaptive Storage and Caching Behavior in the Prehistoric Southwest (Anne M. Wolley and Alan J. Osborn, 1991)
26. The Dan Canyon Burial, 42SA21339, A PIII Burial in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (Steve Dominguez, Karl J. Reinhard, Kari L. Sandness, Cherie A. Edwards and Dennis Danielson, 1992)
27. The Phase I Archeological Research Program for the Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site, Part I: Objectives, Methods, and Summaries of Baseline Studies (Thomas D. Thiessen, ed., 1993) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
27. The Phase I Archeological Research Program for the Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site, Part II: Ethnohistorical Studies (Thomas D. Thiessen, ed., 1993) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
27. The Phase I Archeological Research Program for the Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site, Part III: Analysis of the Physical Remains (Thomas D. Thiessen, ed., 1993)
27. The Phase I Archeological Research Program for the Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site, Part IV: Interpretation of the Archeological Record (Thomas D. Thiessen, ed., 1993) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
28. Archeological Investigations at Old Munising (20AR192): A Nineteenth-Century Company Town (Jeffrey J. Richner, 1992)
29. Documenting Rock Art in Dinosaur National Monument (Ralph J. Hartley, Anne Wolley Vawser, Alan R. Smith and Mary A. Johnson, 1993)
30. Archeological Inventory and Evaluative Testing in Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Michigan: 1985-1990 (Bruce A. Jones, 1993) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
31. Archeological Survey of Scotts Bluff National Monument, Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska (Caven P. Clark, 1994) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
32. Archeological Survey and Testing Isle Royale National Park, 1987-1990 Seasons (Caven P. Clark, 1995) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
33. Aboriginal Adaptations on the Colorado Plateau: A View from the Island-In-The-Sky, Canyonlands National Park, Utah (Alan J. Osborn, Jesslyn Brown, Galen Burgett, Linda Scott Cummings, Ralph J. Hartley, Susan Vetter, Jennifer Waters and Tony Zalucha, 1995)
34. An Archeological Inventory And Overview Of Pipestone National Monument, Minnesota (Douglas D. Scott, Thomas D. Thiessen, Jeffrey J. Richner and Scott Stadler, 2006)
35. Sitka National Historical Park: The Archeology Of The Fort Unit, Volume 1: Results Of The 2005-2008 Inventory (William J. Hunt, Jr., 2010)
35. Sitka National Historical Park: The Archeology Of The Fort Unit, Volume 2: Survey, Testing and Analytical Data (William J. Hunt, Jr., 2010) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
Midwest Archeological Center (MWAC) Papers
A Quantitative Investigation of the Cultural Topography of Hunt and Sheep Mountains, Bighorn National Forest, Wyoming (Ralph J. Hartley and Anne M. Wolley Vawser, 2005)
Assessing Contemporary Human Activity at Sites in the Anasazi Archeological District, San Juan National Forest: A Quantitative Approach (Ralph J. Hartley and Anne M. Wolley Vawser, 2004)
The Analysis of a Late Holocene Bison Skull from the Ashley National Forest, Utah (Kenneth P. Cannon, September 2004)
The Analysis of a Late Holocene Bison Skull from Fawn Creek, Lemhi County, Idaho, and Its Implications for Understanding the History and Ecology of Bison in the Intermountain West (Kenneth P. Cannon, July 1997)
Marking Places in the Southern Black Hills: A Preliminary Analysis (Ralph J. Hartley and Anne M. Wolley Vawser, 2002)
Rockshelters, Rockart and Grinding Activity: A Preliminary Assessment of Relationships in Picket Wire Canyonlands, Comanche National Grasslands (Ralph J. Hartley and Anne M. Wolley Vawser, 2003)
Midwest Archeological Center (MWAC) Special Report Series
1. Geophysical Exploration for Archaeology: An Introduction to Geophysical Exploration (Bruce W. Bevan, 1998)
2. Emergency Archeology in the Missouri River Basin: The Role of the Missouri Basin Project and the Midwest Archeological Center in the Interagency Archeological Salvage Program, 1946-1975 (Thomas D. Thiessen, 1999)
3. People of the Thick Fur Woods: Two Hundred Years of Bois Forte Chippewa Occupation of the Voyageurs National Park Area (Jeffrey J. Richner, 2002) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
4. The Archeology of Mummy Cave, Wyoming: An Introduction to Shoshonean Prehistory (Wilfred M. Husted and Robert Edgar, 2002)
5. In the Footprints of Squier and Davis: Archeological Fieldwork in Ross County, Ohio (Mark J. Lynott, 2009)
6. Mound City: The Archaeology of a Renowned Ohio Hopewell Mound Center (James A. Brown, rev. ed. 2017)
Midwest Archeological Center (MWAC) Technical Report Series
1. Aboriginal Hunter-Gatherer Adaptations of Zion National Park, Utah (Galen Royce Burgett, 1990)
2. Round Spring Archeology, Ozark National Scenic Riverways, Southeast Missouri (Mark J. Lynott, 1991)
3. Archeological Investigations Arches National Park, Utah (Karen Kramer, 1991)
4. Archeological Excavations at the Manitou Fish Camp, Apostle Islands National Lakeshore (Jeffrey J. Richner, 1991)
5. Test Excavation at Site 25SF50 Scotts Bluff National Monument, Nebraska (Kristin L. Griffin, 1991) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
6. Excavations Inside Historic Structure 4, The New Commissary, at Fort Larned National Historic Site, Kansas (Kristin L. Griffin, 1991)
7. Jackson Lake Archeological Project: The 1987 and 1988 Field Work, Volumes III (Melissa A. Connor, K. P. Cannon, S. E. Matz, D. C. Carlevato and Winchell, 1991) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
8. The Archeological Investigation of Four Lighthouse Complexes at the Western End of Lake Superior: The 1988 Testing Program Within Apostle Islands National Lakeshore (Vergil E. Noble, 1993)
9. Side-Hollow Archaeology in Ozark National Scenic Riverways, Carter County, Missouri (James E. Price, 1991) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
10. Archeological Excavations at the Platte River Campground Site (20BZ16), Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, 1987 (Jeffrey J. Richner, 1991)
11. Archeological Investigations in Natural Bridges National Monument, Utah (Karen Kramer, Alan Osborn and Winston Hurst, 1991) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
12. Salvage Archeology at the Herbert Hoover National Historic Site: The Mackey House, 1983 (W. E. Sudderth, 1992) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
13. Final Report on a Phased Archeological Survey Along the Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath in Cuyahoga Valley NRA, Summit and Cuyahoga Counties, Ohio (Vergil E. Noble, 1992) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
14. Archeological Excavation at Site 33CU314: A Mid-Nineteenth Century Structure on the Ohio and Erie Canal (Jeffrey J. Richner, 1992)
15. The 1983 Archeological Excavations at the Ray House, Wilson's Creek National Battlefield, Missouri (W. E. Sudderth, 1992)
16. Archeological Investigations of the 1874 Cavalry Barracks, Fort Laramie National Historic Site, Wyoming (Douglas D. Scott, W. E. Sudderth and Christopher Schoen, 1992)
17. Archeological Survey and Site Testing, Proposed East Unit Campground, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Northwest Indiana (Mark J. Lynott, Jeffrey J. Richner and Kristin L. Griffin, 1993) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
18. Archeological Survey of Trail Maintenance, Revegetation, and Prescribed Burn Areas in Bryce Canyon National Monument (Steve Dominguez, Dennis Danielson and Karen Kramer, 1993)
19. What Price Victory: Human Remains Uncovered at Big Hole National Monument, 1991 (Melissa A. Connor, 1992)
20. Archeological Investigations at the Historic Frazee-Hynton House, Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area, Cuyahoga County, Ohio (Vergil E. Noble, 1992)
21. Archeological Shovel Test Survey at the Earthlore Environmental Education Center, Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area, Summit County, Ohio (William J. Hunt, Jr., 1993) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
22. Archeological Survey and Testing at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, Sioux County, Nebraska (Caven P. Clark, 1993) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
23. Archeological Survey and Site Testing at Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Alger County, Michigan, 1991 (Caven P. Clark, 1993) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
24. Post-Fire Inventory and Evaluation in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming: The 1989 Field Season (Kenneth P. Cannon and Patrick Phillips, 1993) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
25. Post-Fire Inventory and Evaluation in Yellowstone National Park: The 1990 Field Season (Kenneth P. Cannon and Patrick Phillips, 1993) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
26. Archeological Inventory and Testing of Selected Areas for Hudat Development Projects, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (Kenneth P. Cannon and Patrick Phillips, 1993) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
27. Mott Sauna Beach Excavation and Site Survey at Isle Royale National Park (Caven P. Clark, 1993)
28. Archeological Investigations at Fort Scott National Historic Site, Burbon County, Kansas: 1992 (Caven P. Clark, 1993)
29. Aboriginal Lithic Raw Material Procurement in Glen Canyon and Canyonlands, Southeastern Utah (Alan Osborn, Susan Vetter, Jennifer Waters and Steve Baumann, 1993) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
30. Locational Reconnaissance at the James A. Garfield National Historic Site Mentor, Lake County, Ohio (Alfred M. Lee, 1994) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
31. Archeological Investigations on Marsland Road, Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, Sioux County, Nebraska (Caven P. Clark, 1994) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
32. Evaluative Investigations at the Au Sable Light Station, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Michigan, 1990 (Bruce A. Jones, 1994) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
33. Archeological Investigations at the Jenny Lake Developed Area, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming (Melissa A. Connor, 1995) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
34. Archeological Inventory and Testing of Selected Areas for Fishing Bridge Campground Relocation, HUDAT and Lake YPSS Service Station Development Projects, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (Kenneth P. Cannon, 1995) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
35. Archeological Investigations at Site 48TE412, Sting Lake, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming (James V. Winfrey, 1994)
36. Archeological Investigations at Site 42SA20286 Canyonlands National Park, Utah (Steve Dominguez, 1994)
37. Investigations at Two Archeological Sites Near Akers Ferry, Ozark National Scenic Riverways, Shannon County, Missouri (James E. Price, 1996)
38. Wahweap-Stateline Development Area Inventory and Evaluation, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Utah (Steve Dominguez and Anne Wolley Vawser, 1996) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
39. Archeological Inventory and Evaluation Along the Loop Road, Badlands National Park, South Dakota 1993 (Bruce A. Jones, 1996) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
40. Archeological Survey of a Controlled Burn at Pipestone National Monument, Pipestone County, Minnesota (Caven P. Clark, 1996) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
41. Base Line Issues at the Sny Magill Mound Group: Mound Disturbance and Historical Cartography (Janis L. Dial, 1996) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
42. Inventory and Evaluation Around Blue Mesa Lake, Curecanti National Recreation Area, Colorado 1991 (Bruce A. Jones, 1996) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
43. Continued Archeological Investigations Around Blue Mesa Lake, Curecanti National Recreation Area, Colorado (Bruce A. Jones, 1996) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
44. Archeological Survey and Testing at Glacier National Park in the North Fork Area, and at Sherburne, St. Mary, and Lower Two Medicine Lakes, 1992 (Melissa A. Connor, 1996) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
45. Formation Processes in Curecanti Archeology: The Elk Creek Site (Janis L. Dial, 1996)
46. Final Report of the Jackson Lake Archeological Project, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming (Melissa Connor, 1998) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
47. The 1992 Archeological Survey of Long Island, Lake Superior, Apostle Islands National Lakeshore (Vergil E. Noble, 1996)
48. Archeological Tests at the Hoover Birthplace Cottage (HS-1) and Shovel-Test Survey Along the Route of a New Waterline to the Hoover Library Addition, Herbert Hoover National Historic Site, West Branch, Iowa (William J. Hunt, Jr., 1996) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
49. A Report on the 1991 Excavations at Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site, St. Louis, Missouri (Vergil E. Noble, 1997)
50. Osteological Analysis of Human Skeletons Excavated from the Custer National Cemetery (P. Willey and Douglas D. Scott, 1997) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
51. Archeology in Herbert Hoover's Neighborhood: 1989 Excavations at the L. Miles and E.S. Hayhurst Houses, West Branch, Iowa (Jeffrey J. Richner, 1997)
52. Investigations in the Mountain-Plains Transition Zone: 1992 Archeological Fieldwork at Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming (Melissa A. Connor, 1997) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
53. Archeological Investigations at Boston Village, Boston Township, Summit County, Ohio, Part I: Inventory and Evaluation at the Boston General Store (2 parts) (Jeffrey J. Richner, 1996)
54. Archeological Investigations at Boston Village, Boston Township, Summit County, Ohio, Part II: Inventory and Evaluation of the Grounds Surrounding the Boston General Store, 1993 (2 parts) (Jeffrey J. Richner, 1997)
55. Archeological Determination of the Configuration and Size of the Arnold Barn and Mitigation of Construction-Related Impacts, Lincoln Home National Historic Site (Forest Frost, 1997) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
56. Archeological Inventory at Two Historic Farms at Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area, Bath and Northhampton Townships, Summit County, Ohio, 1994 (Jeffrey J. Richner, 1997) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
57. Archeological Monitoring, Installation of Fire Suppression System, Fort Scott National Historic Site, Bourbon County, Kansas: 1997 (Scott Stadler, 1998)
58. Archeological Investigations of the Original Charles Corneau House and Barn Location, Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Springfield, Illinois (Forest Frost, 1998) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
59. Archeological Inventory at the Proposed Location of the Lewis and Clark Trail Center Vistor Contact Station Near Nebraska City, Otoe County, Nebraska (Jennifer Galindo, 1998) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
60. Analysis of Archeological Materials from the Needles District Development, Canyonlands National Park (Steve Dominguez, 1999) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
61. Archeological Overview and Assessment for Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Chase County, Kansas (Bruce A. Jones, 1999)
62. Archeological Investigation of the Carriage House, James A. Garfield National Historic Site, Mentor, Ohio (William J. Hunt, Jr., 1999)
63. Archeological Inventory of Ghyllbank, and 1890s Copper Mining Settlement, Isle Royale National Park (Scott Stadler, 1999)
64. Intensive Archeological Resource Inventory of Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial, Spencer County, Indiana, 1997-1999: Results and Recommendations (Forest Frost and Scott Stadler, 2000) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
65. Final Report on 1989-1991 Field Investigations for Bryce Canyon Road Widening (Steve Dominguez and Dennis Danielson, 2000) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
66. Archeological Overview and Assessment for Wilson's Creek National Battlefield, Greene and Christian Counties, Missouri (Douglas D. Scott, 2000)
67. Archeological Investigations at Ranger's Ridge, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, San Juan County, Utah (Betsy L. Tipps and Miranda Warburton, 2000) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
68. Archeological Investigations Conducted in Support of the Fort Smith Barracks/Courthouse/Jail Rehabilitation (Douglas D. Scott and William J. Hunt, Jr., 2000)
69. Archeological Investigations of the Ice House and the Summer Kitchen/Stone Building at Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site, St. Louis, Missouri (Douglas D. Scott, 2001)
70. Evaluative Archeological Excavations at 12PR597, an Early Archaic Site, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Porter County, Indiana (Scott Stadler, 2001) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
71. Archeological Investigations Relating to Restoration of the Charles E. Arnold House, Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Sangamon County, Springfield, Illinois (Vergil E. Noble, 2001)
72. Archeological Overview and Assessment of Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Sangamon County, Springfield, Illinois (A. J. Osborn, 2001)
73. Archeological Reconnaissance of Bear Paw Battlefield, Blaine County, Montana (Douglas D. Scott, 2001)
74. 2002 Results of Archeological Testing at the Julia Sprigg House, 1992-1993, Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Sangamon County, Springfield, Illinois (Vergil E. Noble, 2002)
75. Archeological Investigations on the Cedar Pass Slide, Badlands National Park (Bruce A. Jones, 2002)
76. Geophysical Investigations at the Kane Cemetery (48BH3104). Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area, Wyoming (Steven L. DeVore, 2002) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
77. Magnetic Gradient Survey of Seminoe's Fort on the Tom Sun Ranch Along the Oregon and California National Historic Trails, Natrona County, Wyoming (Steven L. DeVore, 2002)
78. Archeological Investigations for the Barn Relocation at Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site, St. Louis, Missouri (Doug D. Scott, 2002)
79. Archeological Test Excavations at the Mustill House and Store, Site 33SU274, at Lock 15 of the Ohio and Erie Canal, Summit County, Ohio, 1998 and 1999 (Jeffrey J. Richner, 2002)
80. The 1996 Archeological Survey of Agate Fossil Beds National Monument (Robert K. Nickel, 2002)
81. 1999 Archeological Geophysical Survey Tests at Monroe School, Brown V. Board of Education National Historic Site, Topeka, Kansas (Robert K. Nickel and William J. Hunt, Jr., 2002)
82. Test Excavation of Several Geophysical Anomalies, Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site (14SH113), Shawnee County, Kansas (Scott Stadler, 2002)
83. An Archeological Overview and Assessment of George Rogers Clark National Historical Park (Robert K. Nickel, 2002)
84. From Things Left Behind: A Study of Selected Fur Trade Sites and Artifacts, Voyageurs National Park and Environs, 2001-2002 (Douglas A. Birk and Jeffrey J. Richner, 2002)
85. Geophysical Surveys of the Perimeter Fortification System at the Site of the Second Fort Smith, Fort Smith National Historic Site, Fort Smith, Arkansas (Robert K. Nickel and William J. Hunt, Jr., 2002)
86. Historical Archeology at the Village on Pawnee Fork, Ness County, Kansas (Bruce A. Jones, 2002)
87. An Archeological Overview and Assessment of Fort Smith National Historic Site (Roger E. Coleman and Douglas D. Scott, 2003) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
88. Preliminary Geoarcheological Reconnaissance in Badlands National Park, South Dakota (David D. Kuehn, 2003)
89. Under White Haven: An Archeological Overview and Assessment of Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site, St. Louis, Missouri (Douglas D. Scott, Karin M. Roberts and Vergil E. Noble, 2004)
90. Geophysical Investigations of Four Suspected Pioneer Grave Locations Along the Oregon and California National Historic Trails, Marshall and Pottawatomie Counties, Kansas (Steven L. DeVore and Robert K. Nickel, 2003)
91. Archeological Monitoring and Limited Testing During 2001-2003 at the Monroe Elementary School and Playground Field, Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site, Shawnee County, Kansas (Jay T. Sturdevant, 2004)
92. Excavations at the Sarah Cook House (11SG267), Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Springfield, Illinois (Vergil E. Noble, 2005)
93. Archeological Investigations at the Harriet Dean House (11SG272), Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Springfield, Illinois (Vergil E. Noble, 2005)
94a. Archeological Investigations at Jewel Cave National Monument Custer County, South Dakota 2000-2003 (Bruce A. Jones, 2006) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
94b. Archeological Mitigation of the Federal Lands Highway Program Plan to Rehabilitate Tour Road, Route 10, Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, Montana (Douglas D. Scott, 2006)
95. Evaluative Testing at the Fountain Cistern, Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Kansas (Bruce A. Jones, 2007)
96. Archeological Construction Monitoring for the Water and Fire Suppression Systems, Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Chase County, Kansas (Bruce A. Jones, 2007) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
97. An Archeological Overview and Assessment of Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Indiana (Dawn Bringelson and Jay T. Sturdevant, 2007)
98. Geophysical Investigations of a Historic Sac and Fox Multiple Family Cemetery (25RH122), Richardson County, Nebraska (Steven L. DeVore and Robert K. Nickel, 2007)
99. Geophysical Investigations of a Historic Iowa Family Cemetery (14BN111), Brown County, Kansas (Steven L. DeVore, 2007)
100. Geophysical Investigations at Two Residences Associated with Ulysses S. Grant in St. Louis County, Missouri (Steven L. DeVore, 2007)
101. Archeological Inventory and Testing at Sites Along the Dunes Creek Corridor 2002-2005, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Porter County, Indiana (Jay T. Sturdevant and Dawn Bringelson, 2007) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
102. More Than Meets The Eye: The Archeology Of Bathhouse Row, Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas (William J. Hunt, Jr., 2008)
103. Monitoring Foundation Construction at The Peaceful Valley Ranch Site (32bi67) and Site Condition Assessments at Theodore Roosevelt National Park (Thro), Billings County, North Dakota (William J. Hunt, Jr., 2008) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
104. Expressions of the Past: Archeological Research at Voyageurs National Park (Jeffrey J. Richner, 2008)
105. Archeological Inventory and Testing of New Pathways, Grand Portage National Monument, Minnesota (Jay T. Sturdevant, 2008)
106. Archeological Inventory of the 2008 Prescribed Burn Units, Buffalo National River, Marion, Newton, and Searcy Counties, Arkansas (Jay T. Sturdevant and Melissa A. Baier, 2008) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
107. Archeological Inventory, Testing, and Data Recovery at the James Staples House (HS 9), Herbert Hoover National Historic Site, West Branch, Iowa (Dawn Bringelson, 2008)
108. Archeological Survey within the Chickasaw National Recreation Area, Murray County, Oklahoma (Alan J. Osborn and Ralph J. Hartley, 2008)
109. "The Fire Upon Us Was Terrific:" Battlefield Archeology of Wilson's Creek National Battlefield, Missouri (Douglas D. Scott, Harold Roeker and Carl G. Carlson-Drexler, 2008)
110. Magnetic Survey of the Southern Portion of the Elbee Site (32ME408), Mercer County, North Dakota (Steven L. DeVore, 2008)
111. Geophysical Investigations at the Ellsworth Rock Garden Site (21SL1006), Voyageurs National Park (Steven L. DeVore, 2008)
112. "The Battle Raged...with Terrible Fury:" Battlefield Archeology of Pea Ridge National Military Park (Carl G. Carlson-Drexle, Douglas D. Scott and Harold Roeker, 2008)
113. An Archeological Inventory and Assessment of 14 Archeological Sites In the Everett Area, Boston Township, Summit County, Ohio (Jeff Richner and Ann Bauermeister, 2011)
114. Geophysical Investigations of Proposed Interpretative Garden at the Second Fort Smith Site, Fort Smith National Historic Site (3Sb79), Sebastian County, Arkansas (Steven L. DeVore, 2008)
115. Archeological Prospection Investigations of the Yarborough Open Site #4 (3NW303) at the Steel Creek Horse Camp in Buffalo National River, Newton County, Arkansas (Steven L. DeVore, and Robert K. Nickel, Caven Clark, Chuck Bitting and Jay Sturdevant, 2008)
116. Geophysical Investigations and Monitoring of Selected Areas Associated with the Dry Prairie Rural Water System Tie-In Construction Project at Fort Union Trading Post (Steven L. DeVore, 2008)
117. Geophysical and Archeological Investigations at Harry S. Truman National Historic Site, Independence, Missouri (Steven L. DeVore and William E. Altizer, 2008)
118. Geophysical Investigations at the Nezekaw Terrace Mound Group (Site 13Am82), Effigy Mounds National Monument, Allamakee County, Iowa (Steven L. DeVore, 2009)
119. Results of the 2006 and 2007 Archeological Investigations at the Akers Ferry Site, 23Sh23, Ozark National Scenic Riverways, Missouri (Kenneth P. Cannon, Cynthia J. Wiley, Katherine A. Lamie, Brennan J. Dolan and Michael Hammons, 2010) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
120. Report on the 1997 Archeological Investigations at Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site, St. Louis, Missouri (Karin M. Roberts and James E. Price, 2009)
121. Geophysical Investigations and Monitoring of the HVAC Replacement Project Area at the Truman Farmhouse (Site 23JA638) within the Harry S Truman National Historic Site in Grandview, Jackson County, Missouri (Steven L. DeVore, 2009)
122. Alpine Rock Cairns on Chichagof and Baranof Islands, Tongass National Forest, Alaska (William J. Hunt, 2010) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
123. Archeological Investigations for the South Unit Access Project and the Little Bear Access Trail, Effigy Mounds National Monument, Allamakee County, Iowa 1999 & 2001 (Sott Stadler and Robert K. Nickel, 2010) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
124. Uncovering History: The Legacy of Archeological Investigations at the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, Montana (Douglas D. Scott, 2010)
125. Archeological Inventory and Evaluation at the Carrigan and Burch Properties, Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Springfield Illinois (Janis L. Dial-Jones, 2010)
126. An Archeological Survey of the Lower District of St. Croix National Scenic Riverway (Caven P. Clark, 2010) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
127. Archeological Investigations at Site 33SU121, Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Summit County, Ohio (Ann C. Bauermeister, 2010)
128. Archeological Investigations at The Savacoal Property In Boston Village, Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Summit County, Ohio (Ann C. Bauermeister, 2011)
129. An Archeological Inventory and Assessment of Eight Archeological Sites in the Boston Area, Boston Township, Summit County, Ohio (Ann C. Bauermeister and Jeffrey J. Richner, 2012)
130. Results of Geophysical Survey and Historic Names Research of the California Trail Segments Located within the Boundaries of the City of Rocks National Reserve, Cassia County, Idaho (Albert M. LeBeau III, Ashley J. Barnett and Curtis H. Sedlacek, 2012)
131. Horse Trail Archeology at Ozark National Scenic Riverways (Erin C. Dempsey, 2012) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
132. Geophysical Prospection and Archeological Investigations of the Proposed Bridge Replacement, Entrance Road Realignment, and New Visitor Parking Lot Project at the Fort Larned National Historic Site, 14PA305, Pawnee County, Kansas (Steven L. De Vore and Albert M. LeBeau III, 2012)
133. The 1993 and 1994 Archeological Investigations at James A. Garfield National Historic Site, Mentor, Lake County, Ohio (Rose E. Pennington, 2013)
134. Exploring the Wildland Fire and Archeology Interface in the Midwest: An Experimental Program to Investigate Impacts from Fire on Archeological Resources (Jay T. Sturdevant Rod Skalsky, Cody L. Wienk, Brennan Dolan, Dustin Gonzales and David Amrine, 2014)
135. Archeological Testing of Two Historic Properties at Lincoln Home National Historic Site: The Henson Robinson and Jesse K. Dubois House Lots (Vergil E. Noble, 2014)
136. Geophysical Investigations and Archeological Monitoring of the Underground Electric Line Installation Project Area at the Fort Larned National Historic Site, 14PA305, Pawnee County, Kansas (Steven L. De Vore and Melissa A. Baier, 2014)
137. Archeological Inventories of Teale Road and Four ROU Tracts, Porter County, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (Jay T. Sturdevant and Curtis Sedlacek, 2014) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
138. An Archeological Overview and Assessment of the Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site, North Dakota and Montana (Fred A. Finney, 2016) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
139. Archeological Excavations at 21KC13 A Multi-Component Site On Rainy Lake, Minnesota (Jeffrey J. Richner, 2017) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
140. Resources Endangered: An Archeological Overview and Assessment, Buffalo National River, Arkansas (Jay T. Sturdevant, Melissa Baier, Dustin Gonzales and, Caven P. Clark, 2017) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
141. Geophysical Inventory and Archeological Investigations at the Nicodemus National Historic Site, Graham County, Kansas (Steven L. De Vore, Albert M. LeBeau III, Amanda D. Renner and Cynthia J. Wiley, 2018) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
142. Archaeological Overview & Assessment, Pullman National Historical Monument, Town of Pullman, Chicago, Illinois (Timothy J. Scarlett and Steven A. Walton, 2017)
143. Archeological Survey and Testing at Miners Beach, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore (Timothy Schilling, Adam Wiewel and Kevin Fenyak, 2018) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
144. Archeological Investigations of the Nazekaw Terrace (Site 13AM82) and the Upper Meadow (Sites 13AM189 and 13AM191) along the Hanging Rock Trail, Effigy Mounds National Monument, Allamakee County, Iowa (Anne M. Wolley Vawser, Steven L. De Vore and Melissa Baier, 2018) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
145. Site 20LU115, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore: Synthesis of Archeological and Environmental Data Recovery (William A. Lovis, G. William Monaghan and Alan F. Arbogast, 2019)
146. Archeological Overview and Assessment of Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park (Timothy Schilling, 2020)
147. 20/20 Hindsight: A Condition Assessment of Silver Mound, a National Historic Landmark in Jackson County, Wisconsin (Robert F. Boszhardt, 2021)
148. Site Testing and Class III Archaeological Inventory of Trails at Lake Pueblo State Park, Pueblo County, Colorado (William J. Hunt, Jr.)
149. Terrestrial Archeological Resources of Fort Charlotte, Grand Portage National Monument, Minnesota (Jay T.E. Sturdevant, Andrew LaBounty, David J. Cooper and Ashley J. Barnett, 2021)
Museum of Northern Arizona (Glen Canyon Series)
1. An Inventory Of Prehistoric Sites On The Lower San Juan River, Utah (William Y. Adams, Nettie K. Adams, Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin No. 31, 1959) (Note: No digital edition available)
2. Ninety Years of Glen Canyon Archaeology, 1869-1959 (William Y. Adams, Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin No. 33, 1960)
3. Survey and Excavations in Lower Glen Canyon, 1952-1958 (William Y. Adams, A.J. Lindsay, Jr., and Christy G. Turner, II, Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin No. 36, 1961)
4. Petrographs of the Glen Canyon Region: Styles, Chronology, Distribution, and Relationships from Basketmaker to Navajo (Christy G. Turner II, Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin No. 38, 1971)
5. Survey and Excavations on Cummings Mesa, Arizona and Utah, 1960-1961 (J. Richard Ambler, Alexander J. Lindsay, Jr. and Mary Anne Stein, Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin No. 39, 1964) (Note: No digital edition available)
6. Stratigraphic Sections and Records of the Springs in the Glen Canyon Region of Utah (Maurice E. Cooley, Museum of Northern Arizona Technical Series No. 6, 1965) (Note: No digital edition available)
7. Archaeological Excavations in Lower Glen Canyon, 1959-1960 (Paul V. Long, Jr., Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin No. 42, 1966)
8. Survey and Excavations North and East of Navajo Mountain, Utah, 1959-1962 (Alexander J. Lindsay, Jr., J. Richard Ambler, Mary Anne Stein and Philip M. Hobler, Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin No. 45, 1968)
Occasional Report Series of the Regional Archeology Program (National Capital Region)
1. The Hinterland: An Overview of the Prehistory and History of Prince William Forest Park, Virginia (Patricia L. Parker, 1985)
2. Maryland Heights: Archeological and Historical Resources Study (Susan W. Frye and Dennis E. Frye, 1989)
3. Portici: Portrait of a Middling Plantation in Piedmont Virginia (Kathleen A. Parker and Jacqueline L. Hernigle, 1990)
4. Historical and Archeological Study of the George Washington Memorial Parkway, Arlington County, Virginia (Paul B. Cissna, 1990)
5. Archeology at the Petersen House: Unearthing an Alternate History (Matthew R. Virta, 1991)
6. Interdisciplinary Investigations of Domestic Life in Government Block B: Perspectives on Harpers Ferry's Armory and Commercial District (Paul A. Shackel, ed., 1993)
7. Cultural Resource Survey and Inventory of a War-Torn Landscape: The Stuart's Hill Tract, Manassas National Battlefield Park, Virginia (Laura J. Galke, ed., 1992)
8. Loudoun Heights: Archeological and Historical Resources Study (Susan E. Winter and Dennis E. Frye, 1992)
9. Archeology at Harmony Hall: Exploring the Late Seventeenth-Century Frontier of Maryland (Robert Sonderman, Matthew Virta, Marilyn Nickels and Stephen Potter, 1993)
10. Archeological Investigations in the Backyards of Public Buildings 32 to 36, Harpers Ferry National Historical Park: The Package 116 Prehistoric Occupations (Cari C. Young Ravenhorst, ed., 1994)
11. Archeological Views of the Upper Wager Block, A Domestic and Commercial Neighborhood in Harpers Ferry (Jill Y. Halchin, ed., 1994)
12. Domestic Responses to Nineteenth-Century Industrialization: An Archeology of Park Building 48, Harpers Ferry National Historical Park (Paul A. Shackel, ed., 1994)
13. National Capital Area Archeological Overview and Survey Plan (Barbara J. Little, 1995)
14. Views of a Changing Landscape: An Archeological and Historical Investigation of Sudley Post Office (44PW294), Manassas National Battlefield Park, Manassas, Virginia (Matthew B. Reeves, 1998)
15. Dropped and Fired: Archeological Patterns of Militaria from Two Civil War Battles, Manassas National Battlefield Park, Manassas, Virginia (Matthew B. Reeves, 2001)
16. An Archeological and Historical Investigation of Stone House (44PW298), Manassas National Battlefield Park, Manassas, Virginia (Matthew B. Reeves, ed., 2001)
17. Archeological Investigation of the Robinson House Site (44PW288): A Free African-American Domestic Site, Occupied from the 1840s to 1936, Manassas National Battlefield Park (Mia T. Parsons, ed., 2001)
18. Archeological Overview and Assessment and Identification and Evaluation Study of the Best Farm, Monocacy National Battlefield, Frederick, Maryland (Joy Beasley, ed., 2005)
19. Archeological Overview, Assessment, Identification, and Evaluation Study of the Thomas Farm, Monocacy National Battlefield, Frederick, Maryland (Joy Beasley, ed. 2010) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
20. Archeological Investigation of the L'Hermitage Slave Village, Monocacy National Battlefield, Frederick, Maryland (Katherine D. Birmingham and Joy Beasley, 2014)
21. Archeological Investigation of the Armory Street, Lower Armory Grounds, Harpers Ferry Armory (46JF518) (Darlene Hassler and Justin Ebersole, 2016)
Prospectus for Underwater Archeology (George R. Fischer and Marion J. Riggs, March 1969)
Protecting Archeological Sites on Private Lands (Susan L. Henry, 1993)
Publications in Anthropology
1. A Cooperative Archaeological Excavation Project at the John Young Homestead, Pu'ukohola Heiau National Historic Site, Kawaihae 2, South Kohala, Island of Hawaii (Mara Durst, 2001)
Publications in Archeology
7e. Badger House Community, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado (Alden C. Hayes and James A. Lancaster, 1975)
7f. Skeletal Remains from Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado (Kenneth A. Bennett, 1975)
7g. Orthopedic Problems of the Wetherill Mesa Populations, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado (James S. Miles, M.D., 1975)
7h. Long House, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado (George Cattanach, 1980)
10. Ruins Stabilization in the Southwestern United States (Roland Von S. Richert and R. Gordon Vivian, 1974)
11. The Steamboat Bertrand: History, Excavation, and Architecture (Jerome E. Petsche, 1974)
12. The Betrand Bottles: A Study of 19th-Century Glass and Ceramic Containers (Ronald R. Switzer, 1974)
13. Investigations in Russell Cave, Russell Cave National Monument, Alabama (John W. Griffin et al., 1974)
14. Casemates and Cannonballs. Archeological Investigations at Fort Stanwix National Monument (Lee Hanson and Dick Ping Hsu, 1975)
15. Woodland Complexes In Northeastern Iowa (Wilfred D. Logan, 1976)
16. Excavation of Mound 7, Gran Quivira National Monument, New Mexico (Alden C. Hayes et al., 1980)
17. Contributions to Gran Quivira Archeology (Alden C. Hayes et al., 1981)
18a. Archeological Surveys of Chaco Canyon (Alden C. Hayes, David M. Brugge, James W. Judge, 1981)
18b. Great Pueblo Architecture of Chaco Canyon (Stephen H. Lekson, 1984)
18c. Tsegai: An Archeological Ethnohistory of the Chaco Region (David M. Brugge, 1986)
18d. Small Site Architecture of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (Peter J. McKenna and Marcia L. Truell, 1986)
18e. Environment and Subsistence of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (Frances Joan Mathien, ed., 1985)
18f. Investigations at the Pueblo Alto Complex, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (Thomas C. Windes, Volume I. 1986)
18f. Investigations at the Pueblo Alto Complex, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (Thomas C. Windes, Volume II, Part 1. 1986)
18f. Investigations at the Pueblo Alto Complex, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (Thomas C. Windes, Volume II, Part 2. 1986)
18f. Investigations at the Pueblo Alto Complex, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (Thomas C. Windes, Volume III, Part 1. 1986)
18f. Investigations at the Pueblo Alto Complex, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (Thomas C. Windes, Volume III, Part 2. 1986)
18g. Ceramics, Lithics, and Ornaments of Chaco Canyon, Volume I (Ceramics) (Frances Joan Mathien, ed., 1997)
18g. Ceramics, Lithics, and Ornaments of Chaco Canyon, Volume II (Lithics) (Frances Joan Mathien, ed., 1997)
18g. Ceramics, Lithics, and Ornaments of Chaco Canyon, Volume III (Lithics and Ornaments) (Frances Joan Mathien, ed., 1997)
18h. Culture and Ecology of Chaco Canyon and the San Juan Basin (Frances Joan Mathien, 2005)
19. Archeological Investigations at Antelope House (Don P. Morris, 1986)
20. Beach Ridge Archeology of Cape Krusenstern (J. L. Giddings and Douglas D. Anderson, 1986)
The Bering Land Bridge National Preserve: An Archeological Survey, Volume I Research/Resources Management Report AR-14 (Jeanne Schaaf, February 1988)
The Bering Land Bridge National Preserve: An Archeological Survey, Volume II: Site Descriptions. Research/Resources Management Report AR-14 (Jeanne Schaaf, February 1988) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
Regionwide Archeological Survey Plan, Southeast Field Area (Bennie C. Keel, John E. Cornelison, Jr., and David M. Brewer, 1996)
Remote Sensing
Remote Sensing: A Handbook for Archeologists and Cultural Resource Managers (Thomas R. Lyons and Thomas Eugene Avery, 1977)
1. Remote Sensing: Practical Exercises in Remote Sensing in Archeology Supplement No. 1 (Thomas Eugene Avery and Thomas R. Lyons, 1978)
2. Remote Sensing: Instrumentation for Nondestructive Exploration of Cultural Resources Supplement No. 2 (Stanley A. Morain and Thomas K. Budge, 1978)
3. Remote Sensing: A Bibliography of Cultural Resource Studies Supplement No. 3 (Thomas R. Lyons, Robert K. Hitchcock and Wirth H. Wills, 1980)
4. Remote Sensing: Basic Manual Supplement: Oregon Supplement No. 4 (C. Melvin Aikens, William G. Loy, Michael D. Southard and Richard C. Hanes, 1980)
5. Remote Sensing: Multispectral Analyses of Cultural Resources Supplement No. 5 Part 1: An Airborne Spectral Analysis of Settlement Sites in Chaco Canyon, Part 2: Remote Detection of Prehistoric Sites in Bandelier National Monument (Part 1: Stanley A. Morain, Thomas K. Budge and Amelia Komaerik, Part 2: Stanley A. Morain, Charles Nelson, Mike E. White and Amelia M. Komarek, 1981)
6. Remote Sensing: Archeological Applications of Remote Sensing in the North Central Lowlands Supplement No. 6 (Craig Baker and George J. Gumerman, 1981)
7. Remote Sensing: Aerial and Terrestrial Photography for Archeologists Supplement No. 7 (Thomas Eugene Avery and Thomas R. Lyons, 1981)
8. Remote Sensing: Applications to Cultural Resources in Southwestern North America Supplement No. 8 (Eileen L. Camilli and Linda S. Cordell, 1983)
9. Remote Sensing: The American Great Plains Supplement No. 9 (W. Raymond Wood, Robert K. Nickel and David E. Griffin, 1984)
Report: Cultural Resources Inventory, Lowell National Historical Park and Preservation District (Shepley, Bulfinch, Richardson and Abbott, Architects, 1980)
Reports of the Chaco Center
Prospectus: Chaco Canyon Studies (Wilfred Logan and Zorro Bradley (September 1969)
An Administrative History of the Chaco Project (Mary Maruca (1982)
1. Remote Sensing Experiments in Cultural Resource Studies: Non-destructive Methods of Archeological Exploration, Survey, and Analysis (Thomas R. Lyons, ed., 1977)
2. Aerial Remote Sensing Techniques in Archeology (Thomas R. Lyons and Robert K. Hitchcock, eds., 1977)
3. The Outlier Survey: A Regional View of Settlement in the San Juan Basin (Robert P. Powers, William B. Gillespie and Stephen H. Lekson, 1983)
4. A History of the Chaco Navajos (David M. Brugge, 1980)
5. Stone Circles of Chaco Canyon, Northwestern New Mexico (Thomas C. Windes, 1978)
6. The Architecture and Dendrochronology of Chetro Ketl (Stephen H. Lekson, 1983)
7. The Architecture and Material Culture of 29SJ1360 (Peter J. McKenna. 1984)
8. Recent Research on Chaco Prehistory (W. James Judge and John D. Schelberg. eds., 1984)
9. A Biocultural Approach to Human Burials from Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (Nancy J. Akins, 1986)
10. Excavations at 29SJ 633: The Eleventh Hour Site, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (Frances Joan Mathien, ed., 1991)
11. Excavations at 29SJ 627: Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, Volume I. The Architecture and Stratigraphy (Marcia L. Truell, 1992)
11. Excavations at 29SJ 627: Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, Volume II. The Artifact Analyses (Frances Joan Mathien, ed., 1992)
12. The Spadefoot Toad Site: Investigations at 29SJ 627 in Marcia's Rincon and the Fajada Gap Pueblo II Community, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, Volume I (Thomas C. Windes, 1993)
12. The Spadefoot Toad Site: Investigations at 29SJ 627, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico: Artifactual and Biological Analyses, Volume II (Thomas C. Windes, ed., 1993)
13. Early Puebloan Occupations in the Chaco Region, Volume I: Excavations and Survey of Basketmaker III and Pueblo I Sites, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, Part 1 (Thomas C. Windes, 2018)
13. Early Puebloan Occupations in the Chaco Region, Volume I: Excavations and Survey of Basketmaker III and Pueblo I Sites, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, Part 2 (Thomas C. Windes, 2018)
14. The Chaco Additions Survey: An Archaeological Survey of the Additions to Chaco Culture National Historical Park (Robert P. Powers and Ruth M. Van Dyke, eds., 2015)
Science, Politics, and the "Big Dig": A History of the Southeast Archeological Center (Cameron Binkley, January 2007)
Selections from the Division of Cultural Resources (Rocky Mountain Region, National Park Service)
1. Cultural Resource Inventory and Testing in the Salt Creek Pocket and Devils Lane Areas, Needles District, Canyonlands National Park, Utah (Betsy L. Tipps and Nancy J. Hewitt, 1989)
2. Gateways to Commerce: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' 9-Foot Channel Project on the Upper Mississippi River (William Patrick O'Brien, Mary Yeater Rathbun and Patrick O'Bannon, 1992)
3. The Archeology of Beaver Creek Shelter (39CU779): A Preliminary Statement (Lynn Marie Alex, June 1991)
4. Archaeological Investigations at Two Sites in Dinosaur National Monument: 42UN1724 and 5MF2645 (James A. Truesdale, 1993)
5. The History of the Construction of the Road System in Yellowstone National Park, 1972-1966. Historic Resource Study Volume I (Mary Shivers Culpin, 1994)
6. The Obsidian Cliff Plateau Prehistoric Lithic Source, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (Leslie B. Davis, Stephen A. Aaberg and James G. Schmitt, 1995)
7. Holocene Archaeology near Squaw Butte, Canyonlands National Park, Utah (Betsy L. Tipps, 1995)
Watering the Land: The Turbulent History of the Carlsbad Irrigation District (Mark Hufstetler & Long Johnson, 1993)
Southeast Archeological Center (SEAC) Archeological Investigation Reports
A Comprehensive Subsurface Investigation at Magnolia Plantation, Cane River Creole National Historic Park, Louisiana (Bennie C. Keel, 1999)
A Comprehensive Subsurface Investigation at Oakland Plantation, Cane River Creale National Historic Park, Louisiana (Christina E. Miller and Susan E. Wood, 2000)
A Geophysical Investigation at Fort Jefferson, Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida (Charles F. Lawson, 2007)
Archeological Investigations at Dungeness Historic District, Cumberland Island National Seashore, Georgia (Robert Hellmann, 2007)
Archeological Investigations at Salt River Bay National Historical Park and Ecological Preserve, St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands (Meredith D. Hardy, 2007)
Archeological Investigations of the San Pablo and Sand Pedro Bastions at Castillo de San Marcos National Monument, St. Augustine, Florida (Charles F. Lawson and John E. Cornelison, Jr., 2002)
Ground Penetrating Radar Survey of Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia (James E. Pomfret, October 2005)
The Ravensford Tract Archeological Project, North Carolina (Bennie C. Keel, 2007)
Southeast Archeological Center (SEAC) Readings in Archeological Resource Protection Series
1. Coping With Site Looting: Southeastern Perspective (John E. Ehrenhard, ed., 1990)
2. Site Destruction in Georgia and the Carolinas (David G. Anderson and Virginia Horak, eds., November 1993)
3. Archaeological Site File Management: A Southeastern Perspective (David G. Anderson and Virginia Horak, eds., 1995)
5. The Past in Peril (Mike Toner, 2002)
Southeast Archeological Center (SEAC) / Interagency Archeological Services Division (IASD) Technical Report Series
1. Archeological Survey Along the Upper Savannah River: Including Underwater Investigations at the Rembert Mound Group (David G. Anderson, Christopher Amer and Rita Folse Elliott, 1994)
2. Test Excavations at Civil War Period Battery Halleck: Fort Pulaski National Monument, Chatham County, Georgia (David G. Anderson, 1995)
3. Archeological Investigations at Mill Branch Sites 9WR4 and 9WR11, Warren County, Georgia (R. Jerald Ledbetter, 1995)
4. Archeological Survey on the Chickasaw National Wildlife Refuge, Lauderdale County, Tennessee (David G. Anderson, 1995)
5. Ancient Earthworks of the Ouachita Valley in Louisiana (Jon L. Gibson, 1996)
6. An Archeological and Electromagnetic Survey of Moores Creek National Battlefield (31PD273), Pender County, North Carolina (John E. Cornelison, Jr., 1997)
7. Archaeological survey on the Pee Dee National Wildlife Refuge (David G. Anderson and Michael R. Bryant, 2000)
8. Archeological Investigation of De Soto National Memorial (Margo Schwardron, 2002)
9. The Archeology of Mummy Cave, Wyoming: An Introduction to Shoshonean Prehistory (Wilfred M. Husted and Robert Edgar, 2002)
10. Archaeological Investigations at the Aklis Site, Sandy Point National Wildlife Refuge, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands (Michele H. Hayward Merkling, Michael A. Cinquano Argana and Yvonne M. Narganes Storde, 2002)
The Civil War battle at Monroe's Crossroads, Fort Bragg, North Carolina: A Historical Archeological Perspective (Douglas D. Scott, William J. Hunt, Jr. and John H. Jameson, Jr., 1998)
Southwest Cultural Resources Center (SCRC) Professional Papers
1. Submerged Cultural Resources Survey: Portions of Point Reyes National Seashore and Point Reyes-Farallon Islands National Marine Sanctuary (Larry E. Murphy, ed., 1984)
2. Submerged Cultural Resources Inventory: Portions of Point Reyes National Seashore and Point Reyes-Farallon Islands National Marine Sanctuary (Toni Carrell, 1984)
3. Historic Resource Study: Lyndon B. Johnson and the Hill Country, 1937-1963 (Edwin C. Bearss, 1984)
4. Historic Structures Report: Texas White House (Edwin C. Bearss, 1986)
5. Historic Resource Study of the Barataria Unit of Jean Lafitte National Historical Park (Barbara Holmes, 1986)
6. Southwest Region Headquarters Building, Santa Fe. New Mexico: A Historic Structure Report (Steven M. Burke and Marlys Bush Thurber, 1985)
7. Submerged Cultural Resources Site Report: NOQUEBAY, Apostle Islands National Lakeshore (Toni Carrell, 1985)
8. Submerged Cultural Resources Study: Isle Royale National Park (Daniel J. Lenihan, ed., 1987)
9. Archeological Assessment: Navajo National Monument (J. Richard Ambler, 1985)
10. Archeological Assessment: Barataria Unit, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park (John S. Speaker, Joanna Chase, Carol Poplin, Herschel Franks and R. Christopher Goodwin, 1986)
11. Of Various Magnificence: The Architectural History of the San Antonio Missions in the Colonial Period and the Nineteenth Century Draft (James E. Ivey, Marlys Bush Thurber and Santiago Escobedo, 1990)
11. Of Various Magnificence: The Architectural History of the San Antonio Missions in the Colonial Period and the Nineteenth Century (James E. Ivey, Center for Cultural Sustainability, University of Texas at San Antonio, undated)
12. The Arkansas Post Story ( HTML edition) (Roger E. Coleman, 1987)
13. Submerged Cultural Resources Site Report: Charles H. Spencer Mining Operation and Paddle Wheel Steamboat, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (Toni Carrell, ed. 1987)
14. The Bandelier National Monument: An Administrative History (HTML edition) (Hal K. Rothman, 1988)
15. In the Midst of a Loneliness: The Architectural History of the Salinas Missions, Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument Historic Structure Report (HTML edition) (James E. Ivey, 1988)
16. An Interview with Robert M. Utley on The History of Historic Preservation in the National Park Service1947-1980 (HTML edition) (Richard W. Sellars and Melody Web, 1988)
17. Historic Structures Report: Chinle Trading Post, Thunderbird Ranch and Custodian's Residence, Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Arizona (Laura S. Harrison and Beverly Spears, 1988)
18. Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary and Point Reyes National Seashore (James P. Delgado and Stephen A. Haller, 1989)
19. Guadalupe Mountains National Park: An Administrative History (HTML edition) (Judith K. Fabry, 1988)
20. Archeological Investigations at Thunderbird Lodge (Peter J. McKenna and Scott E. Travis, 1989)
21. The T. J. Ruin, Gila Cliff Dwellings (Peter J. McKenna and James E. Bradford, 1989)
22. Submerged Cultural Resources Study: Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore (C. Patrick Labadie, 1989)
23. USS Arizona Memorial and Pearl Harbor National Historic Landmark (Daniel J. Lenihan, ed., 1989)
24. Aztec Ruins National Monument: Administrative History of An Archeological Preserve (HTML edition) (Robert H. and Florence P. Lister, 1990)
25. Archeological Investigations of Six Spanish Colonial Period Sites: Barataria Unit, Jean Lafttte National Historical Park and Preserve (Jill-Karen Yakubik, 1989)
26. Archaeological Survey on 65 Acres of Land Adjacent to Bayou des Familles: Barataria Unit, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve (Herschel A. Franks and Jill-Karen Yakubik, 1989)
27. Quarai Parking Lot Rehabilitation: Archeological Testing Program, Salinas National Monument (Walter K. Wait and Peter J. Mckenna, 1990)
28. The 1977 La Mesa Fire Study: An Investigation of Fire and Fire Suppression Impact on Cultural Resources in Bandelier National Monument (Diane Traylor, Lyndi Hubbell, Nancy Wood and Barbara Fiedler, 1990)
29. The 1939-1940 Excavation Project at Quarai Pueblo and Mission Buildings, Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument (Wesley R. Hurt, 1990)
30. Archeological Investigation for Construction of a Pedestrian Trail and Identification of Laundress Row (Roger E. Coleman, 1990)
31. Presidios of the Big Bend Area (Bilingual publication, English and Spanish) (James E. Ivey, 1990)
32. In the Land of Frozen Fires: A History of Occupation in El Malpais Country (HTML edition) (Neil C. Mangum, 1990)
33. Archeological Investigations Along the Proposed Alibates Tour Road Improvement Construction Route Alibates Flint Quarries National Monument, Potter County, Texas (Jack B. Bertram, 1990)
34. History of Fort Davis, Texas (HTML edition) (Robert Wooster, 1990)
35. The Wupatki Archeological Inventory Survey Project: Final Report (Bruce A. Anderson, 1990)
36. Submerged Cultural Resources Assessment of Micronesia (Toni Carrell, ed., 1990)
37. The Archeology of the Beach Bomb: A Submerged Cultural Resources Assessment of the Sunken Fleet of Operation Crossroads at Bikini and Kwajalein Atoll Lagoons, Republic of the Marshall Islands (HTML edition) (James P. Delgado, Daniel J. Lenihan and Larry Murphy, 1990)
38. Archeological Investigations at 3MR80-Area D in the Rush Development Area, Buffalo National River, Arkansas, Vol. I (George Sabo III, Randall L. Guendling, W. Fredrick Limp, Margaret J. Guccione, Susan L. Scott, Gayle J. Fritz and Pamela A. Smith, 1990)
39. 8SL17: Natural Site-Formation Processes of a Multiple-Component Underwater Site in Florida (Larry E. Murphy, 1990)
40. Navajo National Monument: A Place and Its People (HTML edition) (Hal K. Rothman, 1991)
41. Fort Union and the Frontier Army in the Southwest (HTML edition) (Leo E. Oliva, 1993)
42. Fort Union National Monument: An Administrative History (HTML edition) (Liping Zhu, 1992)
43. Of A Temporary Character: An Historic Structure Report and Historical Base Map of First Fort, Second Fort, and Arsenal, Fort Union, New Mexico (HTML edition) (Laura S. Harrison and James E. Ivey, 1992)
44. A History of Archeological Investigations at Fort Union National Monument (Frances Levine, William Westbury and Lisa Nordstrum, 1992)
45. Dry Tortugas National Park, Submerged Cultural Resources Assessment (Larry Murphy, ed., 1993)
46. Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site: An Administrative History (HTML edition) (Albert Manchester and Ann Manchester, 1992)
47. Archeological Survey, Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument (James E. Bradford, 1992)
48. Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument: An Administrative History (HTML edition) (Peter Russell, 1992)
49. The Pajarito Plateau: A Bibliography (Frances J. Mathien, Charlie R. Steen and Craig D. Allen, 1993)
50. Archeological Investigations at 3MR80-Area D in the Rush Development Area, Buffalo National River, Arkansas, Vol. II (Randall L. Guendling, George Sabo III, Margaret J. Guccione, Sandra L. Dunavan and Susan L. Scott, 1992)
51. Wide Reed Ruin: Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site (James E. Mount, Stanley J. Olsen, John W. Olsen, George A. Teague and B. Dean Treadwell, 1993)
52. A Thunder of Cannon: Archeology of the Mexican-American War Battle of Palo Alto (HTML edition) (Charles M. Haecker, 1994)
Studies in Archeology & Ethnology
1. Costs of Curating Archeological Collections: A study of repository fees in 2002 and 1997/98 (S. Terry Childs and Karolyn Kinsey, 2003)
2. Implementing the Antiquities Act: A survey of archeological permits 1906-1935 (Kathleen Browning, 2003)
3. Permitting Archeology: An overview of the national archeological database, permits module (S. Terry Childs, Jennifer Hembree and Rachel Berry, 2003)
4. A Brief Ethnography of Magnolia Plantation: Planning for Cane River Creole National Historic Park (Muriel (Miki) Crespi, 2004)
5. A Survey of SHPO Archeological Report Bibliographic Systems, 2002 (S. Terry Childs and karolyn Kinsey, 2004)
6. A Decade of Study into Repository Fees for Archeological Curation (S. Terry Childs and Seth Kagan, 2008)
7. Principles of Successful Civic Engagement in the National Park Service (Molly Russell, 2011)
Submerged Resources Center (see Maritime Heritage Program below)
Systemwide Archeological Inventory Program (Michael C. Aubry, Dana C. Linck, Mark J. Lynott, Robert R. Mierendorf and Kenneth M. Schoenberg, October 1992)
Systemwide Archeological Inventory Program: Rocky Mountain Cluster Plan Yellowstone Center for Resources YCR-CR-98-1 (James A. Truesdale, Adrienne Anderson and Ann Johnson, 1998)
The Archeological Survey: Methods and Uses Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service (Thomas F. King, 1978)
Treatment of Archeological Properties: A Handbook (November 1980)
Underwater Archeology in the National Park Service: A Model for the Management of Submerged Cultural Resources (Daniel J. Lenihan, ed., July 1974)
University of Colorado Studies Series in Anthropology
2. The Archaeology of Castle Park, Dinosaur National Monument University of Colorado Studies Series in Anthropology No. 2 (Robert F. Burgh and Charles R. Scoggin, October 1948)
3. Excavations at Hells Midden, Dinosaur National Monument University of Colorado Studies Series in Anthropology No. 3 (Robert H. Lister, September 1951)
9. Contributions to Mesa Verde Archaeology: I Site 499, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado University of Colorado Studies Series in Anthropology No. 9 (Robert H. Lister and Florence C. Lister, September 1964)
11. Contributions to Mesa Verde Archaeology: II Site 875, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado University of Colorado Studies Series in Anthropology No. 11 (Robert H. Lister, November 1965)
12. Contributions to Mesa Verde Archaeology: III Site 866, and the Cultural Sequence at Four Villages in the Far View Group, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado University of Colorado Studies Series in Anthropology No. 12 (Robert H. Lister, December 1966)
13. Contributions to Mesa Verde Archaeology: IV Site 1086, An Isolated, Above Ground Kiva in Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado University of Colorado Studies Series in Anthropology No. 13 (Robert H. Lister, February 1967)
15. Contributions to Mesa Verde Archaeology: V Emergency Archaeology in Mesa Verde National Park Colorad, 1948-1966 University of Colorado Studies Series in Anthropology No. 15 (Robert H. Lister, ed., August 1968)
17. Archaeological Excavations in Dinosaur National Monument, Colorado-Utah, 1964-1965 University of Colorado Studies Series in Anthropology No. 17 (David A. Breternitz, ed., August 1970)
University of Utah (Glen Canyon Series)
1. The Glen Canyon Survey in 1957 (Robert H. Lister, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 30, March 1958)
2. Preliminary Report on Biological Resources of the Glen Canyon Reservoir (Angus M. Woodbury, et al., University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 31, April 1958)
3. Mormon Towns in the Region of the Colorado (Leland H. Creer, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 32, May 1958)
4. The Activities of Jacob Hamblin in the Region of the Colorado (Leland H. Creer, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 33, May 1958)
5. Survey of Vegetation in Glen Canyon Reservoir Basin (Angus M. Woodbury, Stephen D. Durrant and Seville Flowers, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 35, January 1959)
6. The Glen Canyon Archeological Survey: Part I (Don D. Fowler, et al., University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 39, May 1959)
6. The Glen Canyon Archeological Survey: Part II (Don D. Fowler, et al., University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 39, May 1959; Note: Digital edition is incomplete)
6. The Glen Canyon Archeological Survey: Part III (Don D. Fowler, et al., University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 39, December 1959)
7. Ecological Studies of Flora and Fauna in Glen Canyon (by Angus M. Woodbury, et al., University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 40, June 1959)
8. The Coombs Site (Robert H. Lister and Florence C. Lister, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 41, July 1959)
8. The Coombs Site: Part II (Robert H. Lister and Florence C. Lister, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 41, 1960)
8. The Coombs Site: Part III, Summary and Conclusions (Robert H. Lister and Florence C. Lister, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 41, 1961) (Note: No digital edition available)
9. Outline History of the Glen Canyon Region 1776-1922 (C. Gregory Crampton, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 42, September 1959)
10. 1957 Excavations, Glen Canyon Area (James H. Gunnerson, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 43, 1959)
11. 1958 Excavations, Glen Canyon Area (William D. Lipe, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 44, 1960)
12. Historical Sites in Glen Canyon, Mouth of San Juan River to Lees Ferry (C. Gregory Crampton, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 46, 1960)
13. 1959 Excavations, Glen Canyon Area (William D. Lipe, Floyd W. Sharrock, David S. Dibble, Keith M. Anderson, Christy G. Turner II and Dee Ann Suhm, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 49, December 1960)
14. 1960 Excavations, Glen Canyon Area (Floyd W. Sharrock, Keith M. Anderson, Don D. Fowler, David S. Dibble, Christy G. Turner II and David M. Pendergast, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 52, May 1961)
15. The Hoskaninni Papers, Mining in Glen Canyon, 1897-1902 (Robert B. Stanton; C. Gregory Crampton and Dwight L. Smith, eds., University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 54, 1961)
16. Carnegie Museum Collection From Southeast Utah (Floyd W. Sharrock and Edward G. Keane, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 57, 1962)
17. Historical Sites in Glen Canyon, Mouth of Hansen Creek to Mouth of San Juan River (C. Gregory Crampton, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 61, 1962)
18. 1961 Excavations, Glen Canyon Area (Floyd W. Sharrock, Kent C. Day, David S. Dibble, Erik K. Reed and John F. Lance, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 63, May 1963)
19. 1961 Excavations, Harris Wash, Utah (Don D. Fowler, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 64, 1963) (Note: No digital edition available)
20. 1961 Excavations, Kaiparowits Plateau, Utah (Don D. Fowler and C. Melvin Aikens, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 66, 1963) (Note: No digital edition available)
21. Southern Paiute Ethnology (Isabel T. Kelly, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 69, 1964) (Note: No digital edition available)
22. The San Juan Canyon Historical Sites (C. Gregory Crampton, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 70, 1964)
23. Kaiparowits Plateau and Glen Canyon Prehistory: An Interpretation Based on Ceramics (Florence C. Lister, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 71, July 1964)
24. Historical Sites in Cataract and Narrow Canyons, and in Glen Canyon to California Bar (C. Gregory Crampton, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 72, August 1964)
25. 1962 Excavations, Glen Canyon Area (Floyd W. Sharrock, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 73, 1964)
26. Notes on the Human Ecology of Glen Canyon (Angus M. Woodbury, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 74, May 1965)
27. Excavations in Southwest Utah (C. Melvin Aikens, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 76, 1965)
28. Southern Paiute Ethnohistory (Robert C. Euler, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 76, 1965)
29. Virgin-Kayenta Cultural Relationships (C. Melvin Aikens, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 78, April 1966)
30. Corn, Cucurbits and Cotton from Glen Canyon w/ A Tabular Summary of Plant and Animal Resources of the Glen Canyon Area (Hugh C. Cutler and Susan R. Clark, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 80, 1966)
31. Glen Canyon: A Summary (Jesse D. Jennings, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 81, June 1966)
University of Utah (Upper Colorado Series)
1. An Outline of the History of the Flaming Gorge Area (William M. Purdy, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 37, 1959)
2. A Survey of Vegetation in the Flaming Gorge Reservoir Basin (Angus M. Woodbury, Stephen D. Durrant and Seville Flowers, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 45, 1960)
3. Ecological Studies of the Flora and Fauna of Flaming Gorge Reservoir Basin, Utah and Wyoming (Seville Flowers, Heber H. Hall, Gerald T. Groves, Don M. Rees, Beng C. Ho, George F. Edmunds, Guy G. Musser, Jean Musser, Joann Sessions, Arden R. Gaufin, Gerald R. Smith, Phil Dotson, John M. Legler, Clayton M. White, William H. Behle, Stephen D. Durrant and Nowlan K. Dean, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 48, 1960)
4. Survey of Vegetation in the Navajo Reservoir Basin (Angus M. Woodbury, Stephen D. Durrant and Seville Flowers, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 51, 1961)
5. Ecological Studies of the Flora and Fauna of Navajo Reservoir Basin, Colorado and New Mexico (Angus M. Woodbury, Seville Flowers, Heber H. Hall, Loren D. Jensen, Arden R. Gaufin, A. Dean Stock, William S. Peters, George Edmunds, Nowlan K. Dean, Clayton M. White, William H. Behle and Stephen D. Durrant, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 55, 1961)
6. A Survey of Vegetation in the Curecanti Reservoir Basins (Angus M. Woodbury, Stephen D Durrant and Seville Flowers, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 56, June 1962)
7. A Preliminary Survey of the Fontenelle Reservoir, Wyoming (David S. Dibble and Kent C. Day, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 58, 1962)
8. Ecological Studies of the Flora and Fauna of the Curecanti Reservoir Basins, Wester Colorado (Angus M. Woodbury, Seville Flowers, Heber H. Hall, Robert N. Reynolds, R. Bruce Walker, Calvin R. Lamborn, Allen W. Knight, Delbert W. Argyle, J.W. Richardson, Jr., A. Dean Stock, George F. Edmunds, Ronald W. Olson, Stephen Durrant and Elroy B. Robinson, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 59, November 1962)
Western Archeological and Conservation Center (WACC) Publications in Anthropology
1. Saguaro National Monument: An Archeological Overview (V. K. Pheriba Stacy and Julian Hayden, 1975)
2. Fifty Years of Archeology in the California Desert: An Archeological Overview of Joshua Tree National Monument (Thomas F. King, 1975)
3. Lake Mead National Recreation Area: An Ethnographic Overview (David E. Ruppert, 1976)
4. Walnut Canyon National Monument: An Archeological Overview (Patricia A. Gilman, 1976)
5. An Archeological Assessment of Canyon de Chelly National Monument (James A. McDonald, 1976)
6. Excavations at Harmony Borax Works: Historical Archeology at Death Valley National Monument (George A. Teague and Lynette O. Shenk, 1977)
7. Country Nodes: An Anthropological Evaluation of William Keys' Desert Queen Ranch, Joshua Tree National Monument, California (HTML edition) (Patricia Parker Hickman, 1977)
8. An Archeological Overview of Redwood National Park (Michael J. Moratto, 1980)
9. The Archeology of Lake Mead National Recreation Area: An Assessment (Carole McClellan, David A. Phillips, Jr., and Mike Belshaw, 1980)
10. An Archeological Overview of Petrified Forest National Park (Yvonne G. Stewart, 1980)
11. Reward Mine and Associated Sites: Historical Archeology on the Papago Reservation (George A. Teague, 1980)
12. Excavations at Gu Achi: A Reappraisal of Hohokam Settlement and Subsistence in the Arizona Papagueria (W. Bruce Masse, 1980)
13. One Hundred Years in the California Desert: An Overview of Historic Archeological Resources at Joshua Tree National Monument (Patricia Parker, 1980)
14. The Lewis-Weber Site: A Tucson Homestead (Nancy T. Curriden, 1981)
15. The Canyon del Muerto Survey Project: Anasazi and Navajo Archeology in Northeastern Arizona (Patricia L. Fall, James A. McDonald, and Pamela C. Magers, 1981)
16. Tumacacori Plaza Excavation 1979: Historical Archeology at Tumacacori National Monument, Arizona (Lee Fratt, 1981)
17. Excavations at Tumacacori 1979/1980: Historic Archeology at Tumacacori National Monument, Arizona (C. Michael Barton, Kay C. Simpson, and Lee Fratt, 1981)
18. Archeology in Yosemite National Park: The Wawona Testing Project (John C. Whittaker, 1981)
19. An Archeological Research Design for Yosemite National Park (Michael J. Moratto, 1981)
20. Archeological Investigations in the Central Sierra Nevada: The 1981 El Portal Project (Mark F. Baumler and Scott L. Carpenter, 1982)
21. Excavations at the Oasis of Mara, Archeological Investigations at Joshua Tree National Monument (Martyn D. Tagg, 1983) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
22. Archeological Survey in the Eastern Tucson Basin, Saguaro National Monument: Volume I (Kay C. Simpson and Susan J. Wells, 4 vols., 1983)
23. Archeological Survey in Northeastern Death Valley National Monument (C Michael Barton, 1983)
24. The Archeology of Faraway Ranch, Arizona: Prehistoric, Historic and 20th Century (Mark F. Baumler, 1984)
25. Patterns of Lithic Use at AZ Q:1:42, Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona: Data Recovery Along the Mainline Road (A. Trinkle Jones, 1983)
26. Test Excavations in the Wawona Valley. Report of the 1983 and 1984 Wawona Archeological Projects, Yosemite National Park, California (Richard G. Ervin, 1984)
27. The Timba-Sha Survey and Boundary Fencing Project: Archeological Investigations at Death Valley National Monument (Martyn D. Tagg, 1984)
28. A Cross Section of Grand Canyon Archeology: Excavations at Five Sites Along the Colorado River (A. Trinkle Jones, 1986)
29. None
30. Kalaupapa, More than a Leprosy Settlement: Archeology in Kalaupapa National Monument (Gary F. Somers, 1985)
31. Tonto National Monument: An Archeological Survey (Martyn D. Tagg, 1985)
32. Survey And Excavations in Joshua Tree National Monument (Richard G. Ervin, 1985)
33. Hale-o-Keawe Archeological Report: Archeology at Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park (Edmund J. Ladd, 1985)
34. Test Excavations at Sites B-105, B-107, and B-108: Archeology at Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park (Edmund J. Ladd, 1986)
35. Ki'ilae Village Test Excavations: Archeology at Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park (Edmund J Ladd, 1986)
36. The Archeology of Gila Cliff Dwellings (Keith M. Anderson, Gloria J. Fenner, Don P. Morris, George A. Teague and Charmion McKusick, 1986)
37. Miscellaneous Historic Period Archeological Projects in the Western Region (Martyn D. Tagg, 1986)
38. Pueblo Period Archeology at Four Sites, Petrified Forest National Park (A. Trinkle Jones, 1986)
39. Walnut Canyon National Monument: An Archeological Survey (Anne R. Baldwin and J. Michael Bremer, 1986)
40. The Tuzigoot Survey and Three Small Verde Valley Projects (Martyn D. Tagg, 1986)
41. Lake Mead: Developed Area Surveys (Richard G. Ervin, 1986)
42. The Camp at Bonita Cañon: A Buffalo Soldier Camp in Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona (Martyn D. Tagg, 1987)
43. Excavations at Site A-27, Archeology at Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park (Edmund J. Ladd, 1987)
44. A Settlement Pattern Analysis of a Portion of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (Thegn Ladefoged, Gary F. Somers, and M. Melia Lane-Hamasaki, 1987)
45. Contributions to the Archeology of Petrified Forest National Park, 1985-1986 (A. Trinkle Jones, 1987)
46. Archeological Survey of Lower Vine Ranch, Death Valley National Monument (Krista Deal and Lynne M. D'Ascenzo, 1987)
47. Excavations at John Young's Homestead, Kawaihae, Hawaii: Archeology at Pu'ukohola Heiau National Historic Site (Paul H. Rosendahl and Laura A. Carter, 1988)
48. Archeological Survey and Testing at Petrified Forest National Park, 1987 (Susan J. Wells, 1988)
49. An Archeological Overview of Great Basin National Park (Krista Deal, 1988)
50. Archeological Survey and Architectural Study of Montezuma Castle National Monument, 1988 (Susan J. Wells and Keith M. Anderson, 1988)
51. Petrified Forest National Park Boundary Survey, 1988: The Final Season (Susan J. Wells, 1989)
52. None
53. Archeological Survey and Site Assessment at Great Basin National Park (Susan J. Wells, 1990)
54. Archeological Investigations at Puerco Ruin, Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona (Jeffery F. Burton, 1990)
55. The Archeology of Sivu'ovi: The Archaic to Basketmaker Transition at Petrified Forest National Park (Jeffery F. Burton, 1991)
56. The Shivwits Plateau Survey: Archeology at Lake Mead National Recreation Area (Susan J. Wells, 1991)
57. San Miguel de Guevavi: The Archeology of an Eighteenth Century Jesuit Mission on the Rim of Christendom (Jeffery F. Burton, 1992)
58. An Ahupua'a Study, the 1971 Archeological Work at Kaloko Ahupua'a, North Kona, Hawai'i: Archeology at Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park (Ross Cordy, Joseph Tainter, Robert Renger, and Robert Hitchcock, 1991)
59. Remnants of Adobe and Stone: The Surface Archeology of the Guevavi and Calabazas Units, Tumacacori National Historical Park, Arizona (Jeffery F. Burton, 1992)
60. Tuzigoot Burials (Keith M. Anderson, 1992)
61. Archeological Survey at Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Southwestern Arizona: 1989-1991 (Adrianne G. Rankin, 1995)
62. Days in the Painted Desert and Petrified Forests of Northern Arizona: Contributions to the Archeology of Petrified Forest National Park, 1988-1992 (Jeffery F. Burton, 1993)
63. When is a Great Kiva? Excavations at McCreery Pueblo, Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona (Jeffery F. Burton, 1993)
64. Archeological Investigations at Great Basin National Park: Testing and Site Recording in Support of the General Management Plan (Susan J. Wells, 1993)
65. Archeological Survey of Saguaro National Monument, 1994: The Saguaro Land Acquisition and Trails Inventory (Kevin D. Wellman, 1994)
66. An Archeological Survey Plan for the Western Region of the National Park Service (Susan J. Wells, 1994)
67. Three Farewells to Manzanar: The Archeology of Manzanar National Historic Site, California, Part 1 (Jeffery F. Burton, 1996)
67. Three Farewells to Manzanar: The Archeology of Manzanar National Historic Site, California, Part 2 (Jeffery F. Burton, 1996)
67. Three Farewells to Manzanar: The Archeology of Manzanar National Historic Site, California, Part 3 (Jeffery F. Burton, 1996)
68. Archeological Survey of Grizzly Ridge 1995: A Section 110 Planning Survey, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Monument (Gregory L. Fox, 1995)
69. Cultural Resources of the Tucson Mountain District, Saguaro National Park (Susan J. Wells and Stacie A. Keutter, 1997)
70. Archeological Investigations at the Upper Ruin, Tonto National Monument Part 1 Salvage Excavations at the Upper Ruin, AZ U:8:48 (ASM) - 1995; Part 2 Archeology and Stabilization: Tonto National Monument, Upper Ruin (Gregory L. Fox and Elaine A. Guthrie, 1996)
71. A Research Design for the Upper and Lower Ruins, Tonto National Monument (Mark D. Elson, 1997)
72. The Archeology of Somewhere: Archeological Testing Along U.S. Highway 395, Manzanar National Historic Site, California (Jeffery F. Burton, 1998)
73. Archeological Investigations at Tonto National Monument: Excavation of Rooms 15 and 16 at the Upper Cliff Dwelling (AZ U:8:48 [ASM]), Tonto National Monument (Gregory L. Fox, 2000)
74. Confinement and Ethnicity: An Overview of World War II Japanese American Relocation Sites (Jeffery F. Burton, Mary M. Farrell, Florence B. Lord, and Richard W. Lord, 2000)
Confinement and Ethnicity: An Overview of World War II Japanese American Relocation Sites (Jeffery F. Burton, Mary M. Farrell, Florence B. Lord, and Richard W. Lord, University of Washington Press edition [minus Foreword], revised 2002)
75. Archeological Survey of Newly Acquired Lands in Saguaro National Park: 1996, 1997, and 1998 (Loy C. Neff, Stacie A. Reutter, and Dawn A. Frost, 2001)
76. An Archeological Survey Plan for the Pacific Islands Cluster, Pacific West Region, National Park Service: NPS Systemwide Archeological Inventory Program (Susan J. Wells and Robert J. Hommon, 2000)
77. Archeological Investigations at Kauhako Crater, Kalaupapa National Historical Park (KALA) Makanalua Ahupua'a, Island of Moloka'i (Robert B. Rechtman and Jack David Henry, 2001)
78. Stoneworking in Eureka Valley: Archeological Investigations at the Eureka Dunes Site (CA-INY-2489), Death Valley National Park, California (Jeffery P. Burton, William W. Bloomer, and Lynn Johnson, 2000)
79. I Rei To: Archeological Investigations at the Manzanar Relocation Center Cemetery, Manzanar National Historic Site, California (Jeffery F. Burton, Jeremy D. Haines, and Mary M. Farrell, 2001)
80. This is Minidoka: An Archeological Survey of Minidoka Internment National Monument, Idaho (Jeffery F. Burton and Mary M. Farrell, 2001)
81. Archeological Investigations at Ferry Swale Bench: Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Arizona (Loy C. Neff and Meredith Wilson, 2002)
82. Archeological Survey and Soil Testing at Washita Battlefield National Historic Site, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma (Loy C. Neff, 2002)
83. Archeological Inventory and Testing at Indian Camp and Tie Canyon: Death Valley National Park, Inyo County, California (Nancy E. Pearson, Melissa B. Markel, Shirley L. Shirley, and Trisha J. Rude, 2003)
84. Archeological Investigations at Joshua Tree National Park, California (Loy C. Neff and Meredith Wilson, 2004)
85. Archeological Survey and Site Testing for the Joshua Tree Roads Project, Package 291, Joshua Tree National Park, California (Loy C. Neff and Christopher C. Corey, 2004)
86. Archeological Investigations at 3-Mile Bar: Testing at Sites AZ C:02:84 and C:02:40 (GC) Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Arizona (Loy C. Neff and Christopher C. Corey, 2004)
87. Rock Walls and Wooden Fence Posts: Archeological Inventory and Ethnohistorical Research in Johnson Canyon, Death Valley National Park, Inyo County, California (Nancy E. Pearson, 2005)
88. Mine Documentation in the Standard Mining District, Mojave National Preserve, California (Sara Cowie, Patrick Baird, and Arthur C. MacWilliams, 2006)
89. Guidelines for Archeological Recording and Evaluation of Abandoned Mining Properties (Sarah Cowie, Laura S. Bergstresser, Nancy E. Pearson, and Susan J. Wells, 2005)
90. The Fate of Things: Archeological Investigations at the Minidoka Relocation Center Dump, Jerome County, Idaho (Jeffery F. Burton, 2005)
91. Archeological Survey for the Shivwits Plateau Multiyear Prescribed Burn Project, Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument (Joseph Svinarich, 2006)
92. Archeological Survey at Great Basin National Park: 1998 and 1999 (Laura S. Bergstresser and JoAnn Blalack, 2006)
93. Shivwits Plateau Survey 2001: Archeological Inventory Survey in Parashant National Monument (Arthur C. MacWilliams, Laura S. Bergstresser, and John S. Langan, 2006)
94. Archeological Survey of Proposed Prescribed Burn Units and Trail Rehabilitation on the Shivwits Plateau of Parashant National Monument, Arizona (Mary Robertson and Art MacWilliams, 2006)
95. An Archeological Survey of the John Herrmann "Farm-In-A-Day" Property, Jerome County, Idaho (Jeffery F. Burton and Mary M. Farrell, 2006)
96. Piute Creek Archeological Survey and Site Documentation, Mojave National Preserve, California (Meredith A. Wilson, 2007)
97. Puerco Ruin 2005 Stabilization Project, Petrified Forest National Park (Ronald J. Beckwith, 2007)
98. Archeological Investigations along Cactus Forest Drive, Saguaro National Park, Arizona (Loy C. Neff, Nancy E. Pearson, and Nicole M. Arendt, 2007)
99. An Overview and Assessment of Middle Verde Valley Archeology (Robert P. Powers and Nancy E. Pearson, 2008)
100. It's Not Rocket Science Contributions to the Archeology of Petrified Forest National Park in Honor of Bob Cooper (Jeffery F. Burton, Robert M. Cooper, Lynne D. D'Ascenzo, and Elaine A. Guthrie, 2007)
101. Archeological Inventory and National Register Evaluation for the Baca Land Exchange La Jara Reservoir Parcels Conejos County, Colorado (Susan J. Wells, et al, 2008)
102. Data Recovery at Site 26WP2016, Great Basin National Park, White Pine County Nevada (Loy C. Neff, 2008)
103. Archeological Data Recovery at the Rim of the Grand Canyon, Shoshone Point Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona (Nancy E. Pearson, 2008)
104. Data Recovery for Five Archeological Sites Desert View Road Realignment Grand Canyon National Park (Andrea C. Vermeer, 2008)
105. Spirit of the Wilderness Survey: Archeological Inventory at Petrified Forest National Park (Christopher Corey, 2008)
106. Rum, Rubble, and Rubbish: Data Recovery at the Historic Sites in the Light-Rail Corridor Project, Grand Canyon National Park, Coconino County, Arizona (Loy C. Neff, 2008)
The Quitobaquito Cemetery and Its History (Fillman Bell, Keith M. Anderson, and Yvonne G. Stewart, 1980)
An Archeological Survey of the Ajo Crest, Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Southwestern Arizona (Michael G. Mallouf, 1980)
Newberry Mountains Archeological Inventory 1993-1994: A Section 110 Planning Survey and Site Assessment, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Clark County, Nevada (Gregory L. Fox, 1994)
The Pipe Spring Archeological Survey: A Section 110 Planning Project, Pipe Spring National Monument, Mohave County, Arizona (Gregory L. Fox, 1994) (Note: Restricted access, not for public viewing)
Vanishing Treasures: A Legacy in Ruins
Annual Reports: 1998 • 1999 • 2001 • 2002 • 2003 • 2004 • 2005 • 2006 • 2007 • 2008 • 2009 • 2010
Long Range Plan, Vanishing Treasures: A Legacy in Ruins Ruins Preservation in the American Southwest (January 1998, rev. March 1998)
Preservation and Management Guidelines for Vanishing Treasures Resources (John M. Barrow, 2009)
Ruins Preservation Guidelines Draft (November 1997)
Ruins Stabilization: A Handbook Ruins Stabilization Report Technical Series No. 53 (Todd R. Metzger, 1988)